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SESSION: 2015 2016 (Autumn)
M.Tech 1st Semester

Subject code: BM 631 Subject Name: Computational Methods in Dept. Code: BM

Biomedical Engineering
No. of pages: 2 Full Marks: 30 Duration: 2 Hours

Figures at the right hand margin indicate marks.

All parts of a question should be answered at one place.

Q.No. Particulars Marks

1. Determine the linear trend line for the following data set using normal 4
x = 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0
y = 1.6, 4.2, 6.6, 8.7, 11.5, 13.7

2. Dizziness is a side-effect of a common type II diabetic drug 5

experienced by 1.7 people in a sample of 100 on average. Using a
Poisson model for the probability distribution, determine the
probability that

(a) no person out of 100 patients treated with this drug will
experience dizziness; (b) exactly one person out of 100 patients
treated with this drug will experience dizziness; (c) exactly two people
out of 100 patients treated with this drug will experience dizziness;
(d) at least two people out of 100 patients treated with this drug will
experience dizziness.

3. 5
Derive: C = (ATA)-1 ATY


Y = 0 + 1f1(x) + 2f2(x) + + nfn(x) and

1 f1 (x1 ) fn (x1 ) 0 Y1
1 f1 (x2 ) fn (x2 ) Y2
A=[ ], C =[ 1 ], Y=[ ]

1 f1 (xm ) fn (xm ) n Y3

4. For the second-order irreversible reaction 4

the decrease in reactant concentration CA as a function of time t can

be expressed as
where CA0 is the initial concentration of A. Rewrite the above
equation so that it is linear in the two modeling parameters CA0 and

A sample of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells are run through a 4

5. Coulter Z2 Cell Counter to determine the distribution of cell sizes.
This instrument determines the volume of each cell in the sample
quite accurately, and reports a mean cell volume of 623.6289.1
(SD) m3. Recognizing that the spherical cell diameter (d) is simply
related to the volume (V) by the relation

use the error propagation formulas to calculate the mean cell

diameter and standard deviation in diameter for this sample of AML

6. What are the different category of hypothesis testing and what are 4
the criteria for choosing a hypothesis test?

7. A vaccine is produced with a mean viral concentration of 6000 4

plaque-forming units (PFU) per dose and a standard deviation of
2000 PFU per dose. A new batch of vaccine has a mean viral
concentration of 4500 PFU per dose based on a sample size of 15.
The efficacy of a vaccine decreases with a decrease in viral count. Is
the mean viral concentration of the new batch of vaccines
significantly different from the desired amount? Use the z-test to
determine significance level (normcdf(2.905,0,1)= 0.99815).

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