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Unit 5 Employing ROM (Goniometer)

ROM (Range of Motion) = an instrument for the precise measurement of angles, especially one used
to measure the angles between the faces of crystals.

Ligament = ikatan

Wrist = pergelangan tangan

Motion = gerakan

Task 4

1. I would like to check your range of your motion first.

2. Rudi could move his wrist before he got the accident.
3. Would you like to sit here?
4. Could you please sit straight?
5. Would you mind lending me your goniometer?
6. Would you like me to hold this instrument?
7. Would you please hang your arm for a while?
8. Would you mind keeping your arm straight?

Task 5

Task 6

1. How many kinds of ROM based on the text?

Two primary types
2. Is there any help from physiotherapist to the patient in Active ROM?
3. In what case a physiotherapist can use passive ROM?
On a client/ patient who is paralyzed or unable to mobilize a specific joint
4. What instrument can be used in doing ROM assessment?
5. In your opinion, what is the most effective assessment? Active rom or passive rom?


Joint: persendian prevent: mencegah waist: pinggang

Inactive = tidak aktif stiffness: kaku

Paralyzed = lumpuh stretching: peregangan

Mobilize: menggerakkan tissues: jaringan

Solely: hanya cue: isyarat

Measure: menghitung/mengukur spine: tulang belakang

Task 7

1. True
2. False
3. True/ false
4. True
5. True
6. False
7. True
8. True

Task 8

1. Client
2. movement
3. Exercise
4. Exercise
5. Stiffness
6. Client
7. Paralyzed

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