Telesforo S. Singson National High School: Foreword

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This School Handbook is intended to be your guide during your stay

here in Telesforo S. Singson National High School. The rules and
regulation contained here are the norms of conduct and good order
in the school, conditions which are necessary to the promotion of
Megkawayan, Calinan Davao City
You are hereby encouraged to observe these rules and regulations
and be guided accordingly. Students are required to have adequate
knowledge of all the guidelines contained herein.

Telesforo S. Singson National High School, will serve its best to

STUDENT- PARENT HANDBOOK facilitate your genuine formation as a person and citizen of the
Philippines. This task could not be realized without your active
cooperation and that of your parents.


Yr. & Section:____________________________________________


TABLE OF CONTENTS Historical Background

Telesforo S. Singson National High School is one of the farthest high schools of
Davaoa City Division. It is located in Barangay Megkawayan which is seventeen (17)
Foreword-----------------------------------------------------------------P. 1 kilometers northwest of Calinan, Five (5) kilometers of Malabog, and forty-seven
(47)kilometers from the city proper. It was founded on June 22,1992 through the
I- Historical Background-----------------------------------------------P. effort of the community and the pressure from the city Mayor’s office to the
Division Office to open the school. The School occupied the donated let of the late
II- TELESFORO S. SINGSON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Telesforo S. Singson where its name came from because of his desire of providing
education to the people of Barangay Megkawayan. At present, the school can be
Mission statement & Goals-----------------------------------------P.3 reached through “habal-habal” as a means of transportation.

 Mission The first year of its operation catered ninety (90) first year students with two
 Vision teachers: Wrlite I. Rosal, who is new secondary school principal, and Gloria
 Goals Albacite. The enrollment increased in 1993, thus, the Schools Division
Superintendent assigned two additional teachers, namely: Julia Leopoldo who is
III- ORGANIZTAIONAL SET-UP serving the school up to the present and Jessie Javier: It was in 1994 that the school
was a complete high school.
 School Head------------------------------------------------P.4
Telesforo S. Singson National High School acquired its name through legislation on
 Acting Administrator Officer---------------------------P.4
May 25,1995 under RA 8015. The SEEF building was constructed In the same B.
 Guidance Councilor---------------------------------------P.5
Lopez was constructed 1996
 Perfect Discipline-----------------------------------------P.5
 Librarian----------------------------------------------------P.6 The school has a functional Parents-Teachers Association who supported all school
 Homeroom Adviser---------------------------------------P.6 programs and projects. Barangay Council also contributed their resources to help
 Subject Teacher-------------------------------------------P.7 the school. They donated two units of computers for the students use.
 Supply Officer And Property Custodian--------------P.7
The distance from the city is not a hindrance for student’s development. The
 Athletic In-charge-----------------------------------------P.8
students were able to participate in the completions initiated by the Division Office
 Canteen In-charge----------------------------------------P.8 and Local Officials
 Club Moderator-------------------------------------------P.8
At present, Telesforo S. Singson National High School has only nine(9) teachers. We
IV- SCHOOL POLICIES GOVERNING STUDENTS are hoping that there will be additional teachers to be assigned in this school
because teachers are overloaded with three to four reaching preparations.



We welcome you to TELESFORO S. SINGSON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. Your TELESFORO S. SINGSON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL is an institution that will produce quality
enrollment can be both challenging and fulfilling, that requires your most diligence and productive graduates that respond that needs of community with competent and
as a student with commitments in the secondary school, a requirement to a higher committed teachers conforming effective curriculum with adequate and functional facilities in
a friendly learning environment.
This school rules and regulations, will serve as your guidelines in order to help you
make your dream comes true, that is in accordance with the policies, as being Our mission is to educate the students and serve the parents in the community with
mandated by the implementing agency, the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (DEPED) committed and competent teachers through effective curriculum with adequate and
down to its auxiliaries. functional facilities in a friendly relationship

However, there are some of the directives that had been modified accepted to fit GOALS
the convenience of students, parents and teachers as focused to the real situations
and locally-based level, to put into the effectiveness of limitations regarding the Curriculum:
duties and responsibilities of the parties above-mentioned, and even to the higher
To implement strategies consistent with BEC competencies will improve
officials of the agency, in achieving high ethical standards for quality education.
performance level of students.

The publication of this School Rules and Regulation, has been made possible by the Learning Environment:
Administration of Telesforo S. Singson National High School, in coordination with its
functional (Guidance, Perfect of Discipline and School Head) offices, that had took To develop/modify school rules and regulations with the stakeholders that helps
effect last school year 2006-2007 improve student’s behavior and stimulate harmonious relationship .

Resource Management:

Together, let us go straight for the best!. To maintain and keep physical resources intact and properly utilized.

STAFF Management and Development:

JUDIVEN T, ABADIA To ensure teacher effectiveness through a supportive performance management.

School Head Resource Management:

To maintain and keep physical resources intact and properly utilized.

Community link:

April 13, 2007 To ensure an environment among staff, students, parents, and other stake holders
that enhances teamwork and maintain harmonious relationship.
BEHAVIOR AND DISCIPLINE IN THE CLASSROOM AND CAMPUS 15. Students are bound to conduct themselves with dignity and department
within and outside the campus especially when they use the name of the
school or when wear their I.D.
16. Students are not allowed to organize or join any organization not
1. In the morning the bell rings at 7:15 students should proceed to their
recognized by the school.
lines immediately
17. Money and other valuable should not be left in the classroom, library or
2. Students should stand at attention every time the National Anthem is
elsewhere. The school is nor responsible for lost articles. “Lost and
Found” articles should be submitted to the office of the school Head for
3. Students must prompt.
proper disposition.
4. A students is considered late in the morning when he/she arrives 7:35
18. The faculty room is solely for the use of the teachers. Students who
a.m. if he/she is not in the classroom after the bell has rung. Students
would like to talk to the teachers may request for him/her and would
should present tardy slip to the subject teacher before entering the room
wait outside the faculty room.
5. All students are expected to show respect in their dealing with their co-
19. Parents/guardians and visitors who want to see any student should in.
students, administrators. Teachers, office personnel, maintenance
and approach any vacant teacher for assistance.
member and watchman.
20. All students are advised to cooperative in keeping the school
6. Daily attendance is checked by the subject teacher. Any student who is
academically and gradually cooperative
absent from class should present an excuse letter written by his/her
parent/guardians stating the reasons for his/her absences in the day
he/she comes to school. This letter is noted by the homeroom adviser.
7. Students should secure permission from the prefect of Discipline/
Teacher concerned during class hours if they want to leave the campus.
8. Students should take good care of any part of the school building or any
school properties and facilities.
9. Students should be present when attendance is required at meetings
school activities and other activities initiated by the school
10. Students are not allowed to erase or deface what is written or posted on
the bulletin boards.
11. Students are not allowed to play basketball during class hours unless
sanctioned by the school.
12. Class mayor should inform/notify the Homeroom Adviser, School Head in
case the subject teacher is not in the class after 15 minutes of the
scheduled time supervised by the subject teacher.
13. Students are expected/ encouraged to speak/use English and Filipino that
is morally above reproach.
14. Hair cut inspection will be conducted every grading period. Prescribed
haircut should be “2x3”. Obvious coloring of the hair of students is
SCHOOL AND REGULATIONS 4-5 times a week - (recommendation for transfer)

To all Students of TELESFORO S. SINGSON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 8. Proper Haircut - 2x3 standard measure

I- To insure the maintenance of the school discipline throughout the b. Students are required to ware the prescribed uniform with I.D. card properly
school year and for safety and security measures, the following pinned on the designated school days (None-observance, reprimand/guidance)
Rules and Regulations are hereby imposed upon all students:
C. Students are prohibited from doing the following acts during school days or
a. Students are required to be clean; hours
1. Orderly( not quarrelsome ,troublesome)
1. Cutting classes( For personal matters, convenience, without asking
2. Proper Grooming(no wearing of turned pants, shorts and
permission from the teacher or Class Adviser)
wearing of earrings for boys)
2. Loitering or staying in the nearby canteen during class periods.
3. Prompt(in attending classes)
3. Not attending Flag Ceremonies.
4. Obedient
4. Loitering nearby classrooms without valid reasons.
5. Respectful(always asks permission in going out during class
5. Playing ball games during class periods without supervision of a teacher.
sessions from the teacher/adviser)
6. Skipping classes(On and Off attendance during school hours)
7. Drinking liquors( Caught in the Act)
6.Regular in attendance; 8. Drugs using and punishing(Caught in the Actor through Buy-Bust
(Frequent absences without valid reasons) 9. Smoking inside school campus or within the 30meter radius from school
campus(Caught in the Act)
2 consecutive days - (Reprimand) 10. Gambling
11. Extorting classmates and co-students/ Assaulting Students
Requirement (Excuse letter)
12. Vandalizing(classrooms, chairs, tables, books, building walls, comfort
rooms and personal wearing-shirts, and pants)
3 consecutive days - (suspension for 3 days)
13. Carrying deadly weapons(knife, guns, ice pick and etc.) without valid
w/o Excuse Letter reasons.
14. Speaking of indecent language and possessing pornographic pictures and
4-5 Consecutive days w/o - (Recommendation for Transfer) literature.
15. Bringing friends and outsiders inside the offices, school campuses and
Excuse Letter classrooms without permission from the teachers and without valid
7.(Frequent tardiness) -Habitual

2.times a week -(Reprimand)

3 times a week -(Suspension for 3 days)

DUTIES OF PARENTS in the ”spirit” that “Parents” are the best teachers of their own children,
the vital agents for change of the changing society.
P.D. 603 Art. 46


in addition to the school Rules and regulation every student shal:
Parents shall have the following general duties toward their children:
1. Exercise his rights/duties and responsibilities , with the knowledge that he is
1. To give him affection, companionship and understanding. answerable for any infringement or violation of the public welfare, provided,
2. To extend to him the benefits of moral guidance, self-discipline and that it will not endanger the rights of others.
religious instruction 2. Promote and maintain the peace and tranquility of the school by observing
3. To supervise his activities, including reactions: rules and regulation of discipline and by exerting efforts that are non-violent,
4. To inculcate in him the value of industry, thrift and self-reliance. to attained harmonious relationship with co-students, Classmates, friends
5. To stimulate his interest in civic affairs, teach him the duties of citizenship teachers and other school personnel, as a manifestation for having good
and develop his commitment to his country manners and right conduct.
6. To advise him properly on any matter affecting his development and well- 3. Exert his outmost to develop his potentials for service particularly by become
being. an asset to his family and society.
7. To always set a good example; in the community where they belong. 4. Uphold academic integrity of the school, endeavor to achieve academic
(Must also follow the School Rules and Regulations). excellence and abide rules and regulations, governing his academic duties and
8. To provide him with adequate support, food, shelter, clothing, medical responsibilities to recognize his moral integrity
attendance and education.
9. Parents shall provide Reading Habit, to be cultivated in the home. SPECIAL RIGHTS OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR
10. Parents shall take special care to prevent the child from becoming
addicted to intoxicating drinks. Narcotic drugs, smoking, gambling and School Administrators, shall in accordance with the existing laws. Rules.
other vices or harmful practices. Regulations and policies of the Department of Education, be accorded sufficient
administrative discretion necessary for the efficient and effective performance of
Specific: this functions.

1. Parents, individually or collectively through the school system, shall carry School Administrative, shall be deemed “Persons in Authority” while in
our with the educational objectives in accordance with the government the discharge of lawful duties and responsibilities, and shall therefore, be accorded
thrusts in order to achieve quality education for their children. due respect and recognition as being the center of a Vulnerable Criticisms.
2. Parents shall be obliged to enable their children to obtain of at least
elementary education, a pre-requisite to secondary higher education, a s a
good manifestation of individual’s achievement in development growth.
3. Parents are obliged to cooperate with the school, in the implementation of
policies, rules and regulations to both academics non-academic programs
TEACHER’S OBLIGATION Aral. Panlipunan SSG Election

Every Teacher shall: T.L.E Nutrition Month

1. Perform his duties to the school by discharging his duties and responsibilities Mapeh/CAT Intramurals Meet
in accordance with the philosophy, goals and objectives of the school
2. BE ACCOUNTABLE for the efficient and effective attainment of specified Civil Meet
learning objectives in pursuance of national development goals within the
Unit Meet
learning objectives in pursuance of national development goals within the
limits of available school resources.
3. Participate as agent of change, in economic, social, moral, intellectual, cultural
aspects of an individual. DVRAA
4. Assumes that duty and responsibility of the parents, while their students are
in the school in response to the principle of “LOCO PARENTIS.” PALARONG PAMBANSA
5. Obliged the parents to make a follow-up of their children, while in school as
one of the primary duties and responsibilities of the former. Pagpahalaga COMMUNITY SERVICE
6. Render reports on the students performance regularly on or before the due
Outreach Program
7. Obliged themselves to compute student’s grade for accurate grading system Edukasyong
as prescribed by law.
8. Update to scholastic performance of the student without deductions due to Pagpapahalaga RECOLLECTION/ PEER GUIDANCE&
manifestations of per teacher-student relationships. COUNCELING


(School & Interschool-based activities)


English Speech fest

Science& Math Math & Science Fair

Filipino Linggo ng Wika/ Speech fest


 The librarian assists the readers in selecting books and guides them in the
use of library materials and acts as reference consultant. He/she makes
I- School Head library and audio-visual resources and services known and accessible to the
The school head is the administrative officer responsible for the instructional users. He/she orients the student in the use card catalog, facilities and
program and related activities. He/she provides a conducive atmosphere for the services offered.
general discipline of the school.
6 Homeroom adviser
2. Acting administrative officer
 The homeroom Adviser is in-charge of the class assigned to him/her. He/she
Assist the school Head in the administration and supervision of the school, is responsible for the studies and discipline of the class, establishes routine
plan, manage, supervise activities and programs. for class activities and participation, conducts homeroom session and
implements directive from the office.
3 Guidance Councilor
The guidance councilor takes charge of the guidance program of the school 7 Subject Teacher
a) Student Government- this high school students organization provides a  The subject teacher who teaches one more subjects in the school
venue for the exercise of students political rights, duties & responsibilities.
Students are trained to take active part in community involvement 8 Supply Officer And Property Custodian
b) Recognize School Clubs- Dance Troupe, Subject Clubs, etc.
 The supply officer takes charge of the general maintenance of the
 Guidance
physical plant and facilities. He is also responsible for the physical control
a) Counseling- Students are assisted in leaving to solve their problems.
of the inventory, supplies, property and equipment of the institution.
b) Testing- Test of varied types are given to help assess individual/group needs
towards growth & development
9 Athletic Coordinator
c) Private Interview- thru w/c the counselor becomes acquainted with the
student w/behavioral problem & assets in working personal & social  The athletic coordinator is responsible. In promoting the physical
adjustment. development of all the members of the community through sports.
 He/she works closely with the teacher in understanding students. He/she
also arranges case conference with the parent on matters concerning 10 Canteen In-Charge
problems of their children. He/she keeps the records of the students.
 The canteen in-charge is responsible for all the operation of the canteen.
She supervises the cleaning and the maintenance of the canteen,
4 Perfect of Discipline
11 Club moderator
 The prefect of discipline takes charge of the discipline in the school. He/she
puts into effect the implementation of rules and regulation  The club moderator is in-charge of the operation of the club. He/she
performs the following:
a. Organize the club; 3 Students who fail the same academic year for the second time will undergo
b. Plans w/the members of the club, supervises, follow up its interview with parents;
implementations & evaluates the activities to the office;
c. Review & revises club objectives; 4 Listed undesirable students will be re-admitted only after an interview with the
d. Motivates & encourages students participation & leadership & strives to parents and guidance councilor
make club activities functional.
5 Enrollment Procedures

a. New Student/Transferee
 Accomplish the registration form and have it signed by the registration in-
charge and follow the procedure
V- SCHOOL POLICIES GOVERNING STUDENTS b. Pay the PTA membership fee and other legal fees.
c. Submit registration form to the enrolling committee for according.
a) Accommodation 3 Policy on AUTHORIZED FEES AND OTHER FEES

the Telesforo S. Singson National High School will accommodate new, 1. Authorize and other fees are also charged on a yearly basis, playable upon
transferring and returning students who disere to entoll in this institution enrollment. If a student is not able to pay in full/partial, arrangement may be
previded that they meet the following requirements: made the office of the pata.
2. Attendance
A. New Students/transferees  Official Time 7:30-11:45 A.M
12:45-4:30 P.M
1 Form 138- A or Report Card of the Grade/ year last attended:
3. A student who in cures 10 days consecutive absences without informing the
homeroom Adviser is Automatically dropped from the class.
2 Certified of good moral character from the school Head last attended:
3 come for interviews with parents/guardian: in the secondary level, the averaging grading system shall be used. The
promotion of the student shall be by curriculum year. To pass any subject, a
4 To test reading proficiency of students. Students must pass the student should receive final rating of 75% or its equivalent.
entrance test
A. Student who fails 3 or more subjects or 3 units in retained in the same
B. Old Students curriculum year.
1 Form 138-a or report card;
1. Academic Honors- to be included in the honor roll in any grading period, the
2 Student with failing grades/marks on three academic subjects following should be met:
regardless of passing average will be –readmitted only at the same year a. Candidates for honors, at any year level, shall be drawn from the top ten(10)
level; students of the school. They must not have a final grade lower than 80% in
any subject.
b. To determined the top ten(10), students shall be ranked using the 7-3 point TELESFORO S. SINGSON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL
scheme(7 points for academic performance and 3 points for curricular PARENTS TEACHERS ASSOCIATION
c. Students grades in the previous curriculum level shall not be considered in the The TSNHS- PTA is a civic non- secretarial & non-political organization
ranking of honor for graduating students designed to joster cooperation among the parents, legal guardians & teachers of
d. Only the grades in the current curriculum year shall be considered in the the school. It is an Association calculated to pursue the accepted standard of self-
ranking honor students. Transferees shall be considered in the ranking provide help in order to improve the moral of the students, parents, guardians, teachers,
they are enrolled not later than the second week of classes of the current community & school.
School year
e. The final rating shall be computed to the 3 decimal places. In case of tie, All parents, legal guardian & teachers of Telesforo S. Singson National
candidates shall both be declared in the same honor ranking(both as High School ,Megkawayan Calinan, Davao City shall automatically become benefice
valedictorians, salutatorians and so on) members of the Association. Membership to the Association shall be year to year.
f. All candidates for honor must be good moral character and have not been Commencing w/ the opening of the school year until the opening of the following
subjected to any disciplinary actions within the current School Year. year.
g. Achievements of Students in specific academic disciplines(such as
Mathematics, Science and English) and special curriculum areas(such as The office of the Association shall be at the Telesforo S. Singson National
athletics, performing arts and campus journalism)shall be given recognition. High School, Megkawayan, Calinan, Davao City.

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