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We All Need Each Other

The eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee 1
Corinthians 12:21
God has placed each believer in the body of Christ. We are all
members of that one body. Therefore we all need each other and
no one member is more important than another member. The
following story illustrates this truth:
A sea captain and his chief engineer were arguing over whose job
was most important. To prove their point, they agreed to swap
places. The chief engineer ascended to the bridge, and the captain
went to the engine room.
Several hours later, the captain suddenly appeared on the bridge
covered with oil and grease. "Chief!" he yelled, waving aloft a
monkey wrench. "You have to come down to the engine room. I can't
make the engines go!"
"Of course you can't," replied the chief. "I've run the ship
We all have a function in the church. Lets all do the job God has
assigned us to.

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