Film Sequence Analysis

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In the breakfast scene in Citizen Kane film form reveals the deterioration of the relationship

between the two characters. The relationship is shown to gradually deteriorate throughout
the sequence. This relationship is not only told with conventional narrative methods but
also from a visual point of view with clever use of montage and mise en scene. This adds to
the narrative and ultimately a deeper meaning of the sequence as a whole.

The relationship of the characters is conveyed through the use of montage. In the opening
shot the wife is placed in the center of focus. She is the only character in frame. Being the
only element in frame signifies that she is the only importance in Kanes life. The camera
slowly dollies towards the table until both characters are in close proximity of each other
and covering equal space on the left and right hand sides of the frame. In this marriage they
are equals. They rely on one another for the relationship to succeed. This in contrast to the
last shot reveals a completely different dynamic of the relationship. It opens with Kane
reading his newspaper at the center then dollies outwards until the wife is eventually shown
in the frame and also covering equal space in the frame. Kane has shifted his focus from his
wife to his work but not completely. He has become his own center of attention. The two
characters are also much further apart than in the opening shot. The characters are
separated in their relationship shown through the extra space between the characters.
However he still requires his wife to maintain a balance in his own life. Kane has become
distant from his wife and self-absorbed in his work. The contrast in the first and last shot
reveal the true extent of how the relationship has deteriorated.

Furthermore a chronological progression of time is shown through the montage of

breakfast. Each section is separated by a flourish of newspapers going through a printing
press. This allows for a clear understanding that time has passed. Cuts move between
medium shots of Kane and his wife and maintain an identical angle in these sections. This
consistency allows us to see that the relationship is altered through time. It tells us that
each section is essentially identical except for the interaction between the characters.
Throughout each section the wifes clothing becomes darker and the lighting is also
gradually becoming darker. In the first section she is shown in a white dress and a brightly
light surrounding. Then she is in a grey dress and the light is crossed almost like a prison cell.
Finally she wears an almost black dress and a shadow covers the space around her face like
a wall. The colour of her dress and the lighting makes her difficult to see in the frame as she
blends into the dark background. This change in clothing and lighting demonstrates that the
wife is progressively being removed from Kanes life in the narrative and in the frame itself.

Music and timing is used to create a sense of tension between the characters. The tempo of
the music increases throughout the scene. The music also becomes more intense and
deeper in pitch. The faster tempo creates urgency as it implies that the scene will hit a peak
and then resolve. During the build up to the peak the sense of tension is created as it is
unknown how it will resolve. The deepening in pitch adds to this effect as it becomes
overwhelming and takes over the scene. In addition to the music the length of the shots
become shorter and the cuts become more frequent. This works in the same way as the
music. The faster cuts create the feeling of movement which draws in attention. It suggests
a sense of urgency and tension. The rapid succession of cuts also makes it feel like an
argument and that there is a dispute between the characters. They are shown as opposition
with the quick cuts as the scene constantly goes back and forth. The amount of time with
the wife in the frame diminishes through the scene. She begins with more time in the frame
at the start and near the end she is barley shown. This adds to the removal of the wife from
Kanes life and the distance that is between them.

With the use of montage and mise en scene, the sequence is able to convey its meaning
through the visual. The deterioration of the characters can be seen through conventional
narrative methods and also from the visual. The narrative is strengthened and meaning is
easily shown in the sequence through the use of montage and mise en scene.

Citizen Kane (1941).

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