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Chapter one
home work 1.
0'.1Wrifethescientific expression "term" questions:
I)A pure silllple substance that cannot he changed to simpler forms by the traditionalchemical
2) . A very fine 'negative particle, move in straight lines, and have a thermal effect:
3) Atomic model, which considered the atom as a sphere of uniform positive electricity inside it
equal number of negative electrons.
4) 'Chemicalsu~staricethat lays glowing of alpha particles on collision it.
5) A negative subatomic particle.
6) A positive subatomic particle.
7)A'neutral subatomic particle ..
8) Theato~ resembles the solar system'
02 Choose the correct answer:
1. ..... ...............believedthat all matters are composed of four-components.

a) Boyle b) Aristotle c) Dalton cl) Thomson

2; ; saidthat matter is composed of solid individual atoms.
a) Boyle b) Aristotle c) Dalton djThomson
3 Said that.theatom is a sphere of uniform positive electricity with equal number of
electron in it.
a) Boyle b) Rutherford c) Dalton d) Thomson .'
4. On changing the material of cathode in the discharge tube, :
a) the rays will changed b) the rays not changed
c) Some of the rays will changed d) Most of the rays will changed.
. .

5. In the Rutherford experiment of most alpha particles pass through gold foil without-any Change. .
due to ..
a) Most of the atom is empty
, .
space .. '
b) The nucleus is so small
.c) greater mass of electrons d) a and b are correct.

Questions ... Chapter One
6- According to Maxwell's theory, when electron revolves around the
Nucleus.................... (2 session 2003)

(a) Its atomic radius increases gradually.

(b) It does not lose energy.
(c) Its atomic radius decreases gradually.
(d) Its atomic radius remains constant.
7-Electrons do not fall inside the nucleus due to the .
(a) Weak attraction force between electron and nucleus.
(b) Presence of centrifugal force.
(c) Decreasing in electron velocity around the nucleus.
(d) Attraction force of nucleus equals centrifugal force.
8-Emanation which deflected towards the negative electrode in an electric
Field is .
a- beta particles b - alpha particles c- x- rays d- gamma rays
9-Geiger and performed Rutherford's experiment.
(a) Marsden (b) Maxwell (c) Rutherford (d) Thomson

03/ Give reasons for each of the following statements:

1- It was believed that cheap metals can be changed into precious ones.
2- Electric discharge experiments through gases can not be carried out
Under normal conditions.
3- Cathode rays are deflected towards the positive electrode in an electric
4- As a result of cathode rays experiments, it was proved that the electron is
A fundamental constituent of any matter.
5- Thomsen's atom is electrically neutral.
6- In Rutherford's experiment, the metal sheet is covered from inside with a
Layer of zinc sulphide.
7- In Rutherford's experiment, most of alpha particles passed through the
gold foil without any deflection.
8- In Rutherford's experiment, a very small percentage of alpha particles did
Not penetrate the gold foil and reflected back.
9- In Rutherford's experiment, some of alpha particles penetrated the gold
Foil but were deflected.
10- In Rutherford's experiment, the nuclei of different elements deflect the
Alpha particles by different angle.
11- Rutherford's atom resembles in its structure the solar system.
Rutherford's atom is electrically neutral.
12-Most of the mass of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus.
13-The electron does not fall inside the nucleus of the atom.

Questions ... Chapter One
Q41 Explain the observations upon which Rutherford reached
The following conclusions:
(a) 1\10stof the atom is an empty space and it is not a solid sphere.
(b) There is a very dense tiny particle in the atom, later on named the
(c) The charge of the dense part of the atom in which most of its mass is
Concentrated should have a positive charge similar to alpha particles.

QSI Mention the name of the scientist who:

(1) Believed that all substances are composed of water, air, dust and fires.
(2) Confirmed that substance can't be divided into a simple one.
(3) Assumed that the element is composed of similar tiny dense atoms.
(4) Considered the atom as a sphere of uniform positive electricity.
(5) Proved that most of the atom is empty and electrons orbit around the
Nucleus as planets revolve around the sun.
(6) Used the laws of Newtonian mechanics in studying the rotation of the
Electron around the nucleus.

Q61 Complete the figure using the following terms:

High voltage - anode - cathode - cathode rays
- Gas under low pressure- vacuum pump

Then answer the following: 3 cb

1. What is the value of the potential difference used to generate the
cathode rays?
2. What is the value of the pressure of the gas required to generate the
cathode rays?
3. What is the function of (2)?
4. What is the subatomic particle which was discovered as a result of
these experiments?

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Questions ... Chapter One

a71/Choose the correct answer:

1- is considered the key which solved the puzzle of the atomic structure.
a- Wave mechanics orbital b- Atomic spectra
c- Schrbdinger's wave equation d- Dual nature of the electron
2- The study of the line spectra of the sunlight indicated that are the main
Components of the sun.
a- oxygen and hydrogen. b- Hydrogen and nitrogen.
c- Hydrogen and helium. d- Helium and neon.
3- In the ground state of an atom, electrons
a- emit energy. b- Absorb energy.
c- Do not absorb or emit energy. d- Radiate light.
4- The energy of an electron in the second energy level (L) is the
Energy of another electron in the fourth energy level (N).
a- more than b- less than c- equal to d- not equal to
5-When the excited electron returns back to its original level it
a- loses energy. b- Gains energy.
c- Loses quantum of energy. d- Gains quantum of energy.
6-The atomic spectral lines of hydrogen originate due to the transfer of the
Electron from .
a- its ground energy level to other higher energy levels.
b- Its excited energy levels to its ground energy level.
c- Both (a) and (b) are correct.
d- Both (a) and (b) are incorrect.
7- Bohr's calculations revealed that, the difference in energy between the
Energy levels
a- decreases further from the nucleus.
b- Increases further from the nucleus.
c- is equal. d- None is correct.
8- Bohr's atomic model was applied mainly on .
a- mono electron atom. b- dielectronic atom.
c- trielectron atom. d- polyelectron atom.
9- The essential modifications of the modern atomic theory on Bohr's model
Is (are) .
a- the dual nature of the electron.
b- The Heisenberg uncertainty "probability" principle.
c- The Schrbdinger's wave equation.
d- All the previous.


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