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ID : in-7-Triangle-and-its-properties [1]

Class 7
Triangle and its properties
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Answer the questions

(1) In a triangle, the second angle is three times the first angle, and the first angle is half of the third
angle. What is the value of the first angle?
(2) Find missing angle

(3) Which is the largest angle of this triangle?

(4) Which is the smallest angle of this triangle?

(5) If angles in a triangle are q - 40, q - 20 and q + 60, what is the value of q?

Choose correct answer(s) from given choice

(6) Which of following is false for a triangle?

a. Two angles are acute angles b. Two angles are obtuse angles

c. One angle is obtuse angle d. Each angle is equal to 60

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ID : in-7-Triangle-and-its-properties [2]
(7) Surjeet drew 3 dots on the grid line, what type of triangle will he get after connecting the dots ?

a. Isosceles triangle b. Right angle triangle

c. Equilateral triangle d. None of these

(8) An iron pipe is kept against wall as shown in picture. The length of pipe is 13 feet. Find the distance
of bottom end of pipe from the wall.

a. 1 feet b. 5 feet
c. 4 feet d. 7 feet

(9) Find sum of following angles,


a. 900 b. 990
c. 810 d. 1080

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ID : in-7-Triangle-and-its-properties [3]

Fill in the blanks

(10) The hypotenuse of a right angle triangle is 125 m long. If one of the remaining side is 100 m long,

the length of another side is m.

In a triangle, one angle is a complement of the other. The value of the third angle is

It is possible for an angle and its supplementary angle to be part of a triangle - (T/F)

(13) If distance between A and C is 55 meters, the distance

between B and D is meters.

Check True/False

(14) In triangle ABC and PQR, If B = R , A = Q , AC = QP ,

Triangles are congruent.
True False
(15) Side lengths of 5 m, 12 m and 13 m make a right angle triangle.
True False

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ID : in-7-Triangle-and-its-properties [4]

(1) 30

Step 1
It is given that the second angle is three times the first angle. Therefore,
the sum of the second and the first angle will be four times the first angle .... (Statement 1)
Step 2
It is also given that the first angle is half of the third angle. In other words,
the third angle is double of the first angle .... (Statement 2)
Step 3

By combining the statements 1 and 2, we can say that:

Sum of all three angles is six times the first angle.
Step 4
We also know that the sum of all angles of a triangle is 180.
Step 5
Since six times the first angle is 180, the first angle should be 30.
(In higher grades you will learn Algebra, using which such questions can be solved very easily.
For more details read this article.
Algebra A fascinating subject)

(2) 55

Step 1

If you look at the given triangle carefully, you will notice that the two angles of the triangle are
given. Lets assume the third angle of the triangle is x.
Step 2
The sum of all three angles of a triangle is equal to 180.
In given triangle 45 + 80 + x = 180
125 + x = 180
x = 180 - 125
x = 55
Step 3
Now the missing angle = angle x [Opposite angles]
and hence the value of missing angle is 55 .

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ID : in-7-Triangle-and-its-properties [5]
(3) C

Step 1
The largest side of a triangle is always opposite to the largest interior angle or you can say
that the largest angle is always opposite to the largest side of a triangle.
Step 2

If you look at the triangle carefully, you will notice that angle C is opposite to the largest side
of the triangle.
Step 3

Now you can say that the largest angle of this triangle is C.

(4) C

Step 1
The shortest side of a triangle is always opposite to the smallest interior angle or you can say
that the smallest angle is always opposite to the shortest side of a triangle.
Step 2

If you look at the triangle carefully, you will notice that angle C is opposite to the smallest side
of the triangle.
Step 3
Now you can say that the smallest angle of this triangle is C.

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ID : in-7-Triangle-and-its-properties [6]
(5) 60

Step 1
According to question the angles in a triangle are q - 40, q - 20 and q + 60.
Step 2
The sum of all three angles of a triangle must be 180.
Therefore (q - 40) + (q - 20) + (q + 60) = 180
q - 40 + q - 20 + q + 60 = 180
3q + 0 = 180
3q = 180 - 0
q = 60
Step 3

Now the value of q is 60.

(6) b. Two angles are obtuse angles

Step 1
The sum of all three angles of a triangle must be 180.
Step 2
Now if you look at the all of the options carefully, you will notice that the statement "Two
angles are obtuse angles", can't satisfy the condition of a triangle and hence the statement
"Two angles are obtuse angles" is false.

(7) b. Right angle triangle

Step 1
On connecting dots, it will look as following

Step 2

We know that in a right angle triangle, one angle should be right angle (90)
Step 3
We can see that this triangle has one right angle (90), therefore this is a right angle triangle.

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ID : in-7-Triangle-and-its-properties [7]
(8) b. 5 feet

Step 1
Lets assume the distance of bottom end of pipe from the wall is x feet. If you look at the figure
carefully, you will notice that it is a right triangle,
therefore we can write as:
132 = x2 + 122
By solving it, x = 5.
Step 2
Now the distance of bottom end of pipe from the wall is 5 feet.

(9) a. 900

Step 1
If you look at the figure carefully, you will notice that it is a combination of 5 triangles and the
sum of angles ABC + BCD + CDE + DEF + EFG + FGA+ GAB is equal to the sum of
the angles of all 5 triangles.
Step 2
The sum of all three angles of a triangle is 180, therefore the sum of all the angles of 5
triangles is = 5 180 = 900 ,
and hence the sum of the angles ABC + BCD + CDE + DEF + EFG + FGA+ GAB is
900 .

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ID : in-7-Triangle-and-its-properties [8]

Step 1
Lets assume the length of another side of a right angle triangle is x m long.
Step 2
According to question the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle is 125 m long and one of the
remaining side is 100 m long as shown in the following right angle triangle.

Step 3

Since ABC is a right angle triangle,

therefore in ABC
AB2 + BC2 = AC2
x2 + 1002 = 1252
x2 + 10000 = 15625
x2 = 15625 - 10000
x2 = 5625
x2 = 752
x = 75
Step 4
Now the length of another side is 75 m.

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ID : in-7-Triangle-and-its-properties [9]

Step 1
Let us recall the fact that in a triangle, the sum of all internal angles is 180.
Step 2
Let us look at the definition of complementary angles: two angles are complimentary to each
other if their total is 90.
Step 3
In the given triangle, two angles are complimentary two each other. This means, the sum of
two angles is 90. Let us assume the third unknown angle is y. This means:
y + 90 = 180
or, y = 180 - 90
or, y = 90
Step 4
Therefore, the third angle is 90


Step 1
Let us first recall the fact that the sum of all three angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.
Step 2
Let us now look at the definition of supplementary angles: two angles are called
supplementary if the sum of their measures is 180 degrees.
Step 3
We need to find if we can have a triangle which has a pair of supplementary angles. For a
moment, let us assume that such a triangle could exist. In such a triangle, the sum of two
angles (supplimentary ones) will be 180 degrees. This means that the third angles will need to
be zero degrees.
Step 4
We know that we can not create a triangle with one of the angles being zero degrees.
Step 5
This means, it is not possible for an angle and its supplementary angle to be part of a triangle.

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ID : in-7-Triangle-and-its-properties [10]

Step 1
According to question the distance between A and C is 55 meters and you have to find out the
distance between B and D.
Lets assume the distance between B and D is x meters.
Step 2
Lets connect the point B to point D as shown in the following figure.

If you look at the figure carefully, you will notice that BED is a right angle triangle and the
distance between A and C is equal to the distance between D and E,
BE = AB - CD = 74 - 26 = 48 meters
BD2 = DE2 + BE2
x2 = 552 + 482
By solving it, x = 73.
Step 3
Now the distance between B and D is 73 meters.

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ID : in-7-Triangle-and-its-properties [11]
(14) False

Step 1
Two triangles are congruent if their corresponding sides or angles are equal, as shown below.

Step 2
According to question in triangle ABC and PQR, B = R , A = Q , AC = QP
Step 3
Now the corresponding sides or angles of the triangle ABC and PQR are not equal, ABC
is not congruent to PQR and hence the correct answer is False.

(15) True

Step 1
The square of the largest side of a right angle triangle is equal to the sum of square of the
other two sides.
Step 2
The square of the largest side from side lengths 5 m, 12 m and 13 m can be written as:
132 = 52 + 122
169 = 25 + 144
169 = 169
Step 3
Now you will notice that the square of the largest side is equal to the sum of square of the
other two sides and hence the statement "Side lengths of 5 m, 12 m and 13 m make a right
angle triangle" is True.

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