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Addressing Modes

1. What do you mean by addressing mode?

Some of the commonly used addressing modes are

modes to access an operand or instruction in memory.

2. Why there exist so many addressing modes?

The reasons of existence of so many addressing modes are

3. Describe different addressing modes.
IAS computer

1. Describe IAS computer.

2. Describe Fetch and execute cycle with proper diagram.

The time required to fetch an instruction from memory and execute the instruction depending on op-code
is known as instruction cycle.
3. What do you mean by Von Neumann Architecture?

Conventional digital computers have a common form that is attributed to Von Neumann, although
historians agree that the entire team was responsible for the design. The von Neumann model consists of
five major components as illustrated in Figure 1-2. The Input Unit provides instructions and data to the
system, which are subsequently stored in the Memory Unit. The instructions and data are processed by
the Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) under the direction of the Control Unit. The results are sent to the
Output Unit. The ALU and control unit are frequently referred to collectively as the central processing
unit (CPU). Most commercial computers can be decomposed into these five basic units.
The stored program is the most important aspect of the von Neumann model. A program is
stored in the computers memory along with the data to be processed. Although we now take this for
granted, prior to the development of the stored program computer programs were stored on external
media, such as plugboards or punched cards or tape. In the stored program computer the program can be
manipulated as if it is data. This gave rise to compilers and operating systems, and makes possible the
great versatility of the modern computer.

4. What do you mean by instruction format?

5. What is instruction set completeness?

6. Describe 0, 1, 2 and 3 address instruction with their advantages and disadvantages for evaluating an

If an instruction has m explicit addresses then the instruction is called m-address instruction. If m is the
maximum number of explicit addresses allowed in any processor instruction, the processor is called m-
address machine.
In accumulator based CPU all operations are performed with an implied accumu-

The instruction format in general register organization needs three registers

Computer with
The advantage of two address instructions is the length of instruction is less than 3 address instruction but
length of the program to evaluate instruction get increased. Thus more memory space is required to store
the program.

The advantage of 1-address instruction is that the length of instruction is less than two and three address
instruction but length of the program is increased. As well as the number of memory references is
increased, which in turn increase the time of evaluation.
7. Describe function of Status register or flag register.

8. What is the importance of Program Status Word?

The collection of all status bit conditions in the CPU is sometimes called a program status word or
PSW. The PSW is stored in a separate hardware register and contains the status information that
characterizes the state of the CPU. Typically, it includes the status bits from the last ALU operation and
specifies the interrupts that are allowed to occur and whether the CPU is operating in a supervisor or user
mode. The mode that the CPU is operating at any given time is determined from special status bits in
the PSW.

9. Explain the function of Program Counter and Stack Pointer.

PROGRAM COUNTER (PC): The program counter (pc) has the same no. of bits with the memory
address register (AR) and it holds the address of the next instruction to be read from memory after
the current instruction to be executed. The PC goes through the counting sequence and causes the
computer to read sequential instructions previously stored in memory. Instruction words are read
and executed in sequence unless a branch instruction is encountered. A branch instruction calls for a
transfer to a non consecutive instruction in the program. The address part of a branch instruction is
transferred to PC to become the address of the next instruction. To read an instruction, the content
of PC is taken as the address for memory and a memory read cycle is initiated. PC is then incremented
by one, so it holds the address of the next instruction in sequence.

STACK POINTER (SP): The stack in digital computers is essentially a memory unit with an address
register. The register that holds the address for the stack is called a stack pointer (SP) because its values
always points at the top item in the stack. The two operations of a stack are the insertion and the
deletion of the items. The operation of insertion is called push (or push-down) because it can be thought
of as the result of pushing a new item on the top. The operation of deletion is called pop (or pop-up)
because it can be thought of as the result of removing one item so that the stack pops up. However,
nothing is pushed or popped in a computer stack. These operations are simulated by incrementing or
decrementing the stack pointer register.

10. Describe RISC and CICS.

Major characteristic of CISC includes

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