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What is announcement? The definition of announcement relating to learning English

functional text is an official notification about something. So publicly people know what,
when, and where it is about.
The purpose, function, and goal of announcement is giving certain people some information
of what has happened or what will happen. The generic structure of announcement in English
text can be seen below
1. Stating Purpose : The text that contains what event will be held
2. Stating Day and Date and time : Day and Date realization. The text that contains when the
event will be held
3. Stating Place : The text that contains where the event will be held
4. Informing Sender : The text that contains name of the person who will be contacted

Definition of Invitation
Invitation is a document written or printed, or spoken words, conveying the message by
which one is invited.
Purpose: the purpose of invitation is to invite someone to come to some event.
Generic Structure of Invitation
Purpose : Is a Purpose the invitationis made.
Day and Date : Day / date of the realization
Time : Time of the realization
Place : Place of the realization
Sender : Name of invitations maker.
Specific Text of Invitation
Using Simple Present Tense and Simple Future Tense
Directed for one people
Available the sender and receiver

Advertisement is a public announcement in a newspaper, television, or internet advertising
something such as a product for sale, services offered or an event.
According to many experts, advertisement text is a public announcement commonly found in
a newspaper, television, or internet advertising. Sometimes it is about a product, services, or
an event for sale. How an advertisement text is arranged by the writer, below is the generic
1. Purpose: What is the purpose of the writer to compose the advertisement text?
2. Name of product: This is about name and brand. What product, service or events to sell?
3. User: Who need the product? What ares the product and service for?
SHORT MESSAGE DEFINITION : Short Message is a brief to convey something to others
that the person is doing or not doing something. Short message is written piece information
that you send/leave to another person.
FUNCTION : To send an important message to other people, friend, or family.
1. Adresses
2. Contain
3. Sender

Notice is a sign in a public place giving information or instructions and also a written or
printed announcement or statement of information, often displayed on a board or wall, or
published in a newspaper

Caution is a commemoration that enable somebody to avoid the risks involved in a task or

Warning is a message informing about something dangerous or serious so that people can
avoid it
The function of the Notice, Caution, and Warning is to provide information, advice or
warning to the public.

Definition of Greeting Card

Greeting card is usually used to congratulate someones achievement.
Generic Structure of Greeting Card :
1. Congratulation Expression
2. Quotes ( What we saying or wish)
3. Picture

- Letter is a text to send to someone and tell about something from writer. It can be formal
or informal.
- Generic Structure
1. Place and date (address of the sender): Place and date
production of the letter.
2. Opening greeting: Greeting opening of the letter.
3. Opening: Opening of the letter.
4. Contain: Content of the letter.
5. Closing: Closing of the letter.
6. Closing greeting: Greeting closing of the letter.
7. Sign: Signature of the sender.
8. Name of sender: Name who writes the letter.
Definition of Procedure

Procedure is kind of text which shows on how to make something completely. Procedure
text is dominantly structured with imperative sentence since it actually an instruction.
Procedure text usually explain the ingredient or material which is need, though sometime it is
omitted, after that procedure text will explain step by step how to make the thing.

Purpose of a Procedure Text :

To describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of action or steps. The

communicative purpose is to tell the steps of making or doing something.

Generic Structure of Procedure

1. 1. Goal: showing the purpose

2. Material: Telling the needed materials. (It can be optional)
3. Step 1 up to finish. Describing the steps to achieve the purpose

how to make jelly


85g pkt strawberry jelly crystals

425g can fruit salad, well drained
9 Unibic sponge fingers biscuits (savoiardi), chopped
600ml carton custard
Strawberries, to serve

1. Step 1
Make up the jelly according to packet instructions. Set aside to cool slightly. Divide
the fruit among 6 small glasses. Pour the jelly evenly over the fruit. Refrigerate for 3-
4 hours or until set.
2. Step 2
Sprinkle the biscuits evenly over the jelly. Pour over the custard. Refrigerate for 2-3
hours to allow the biscuits to soften.
3. Step 3
Top with the strawberries, to serve.


A plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times

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