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Backward Design The Best Season

Year Level: 2 Teacher: Miss Versace Focus Curriculum Area (s)

Mathematics, Health and English Duration: Four weeks

STAGE 1: Curriculum Links

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Creative Thinking
General Capabilities
(GP) Personal and
Ethical Behaviour Intercultural Understanding

Cross-curriculum Asia and

Priorities (CCP) Aboriginal and TSI Australias
Histories and Culture Engagement with

Year Level Achievement Standard Use a calendar to identify the

Content Mathematics Name and order months and
Mathematics Measurement and date and the months included
Descriptors seasons (ACMMG040)
Geometry in seasons
Use a calendar to identify the date and determine Students order shapes and objects using List appropriate strategies
the number of days in each month (ACMMG041) informal units. They tell time to the quarter and behaviours, and outline

hour and use a calendar to identify the date how they promote health,
(SCSA, n.d.a)
and the months included in seasons. safety and wellbeing related

Students recognise the features of three- to personal health practices

Health Actions that keep people safe and dimensional objects. They draw two- Create texts, drawing on their

healthy in and outside the classroom, such as: dimensional shapes. Students interpret own experiences, their
simple maps of familiar locations. They imagination and information
staying hydrated, being sun smart and following explain the effects of one-step
school rules (ACPPS022) transformations.

(SCSA, n.d.b) Health Health Education

At Standard, students list appropriate
English Create short imaginative, informative
strategies and behaviours, and outline how
and persuasive texts using growing knowledge
they promote health, safety
of text structures and language features for
and wellbeing related to personal health
familiar and some less familiar audiences,
practices, such as drinking enough water
selecting print and multimodal elements
and getting sufficient sleep each night.
appropriate to the audience and
purpose (ACELY1671) English - Writing and Creating
Students create texts, drawing on their own
(Retrieved from SCSA, n.d.)
experiences, their imagination and
information they have learnt.
They create texts that show how images
support the meaning of the text. Students
accurately spell words with regular spelling
patterns and spell words with less common
long vowel patterns. They use punctuation

(Retrieved from SCSA, n.d.)

Knowledge Throughout this unit, students are expected to learn: Skills By the end of this unit, students are expected to be able to:

The names and order of the days of the week Identify the relationship between days and months

The names and order the months of the year Use and read a calendar

The names of the seasons and which months they are in Write a persuasive text

Identifies ways of staying healthy in each season Debate ideas from a chosen view point

Explain facts about at least one season

Reflect on knowledge and skills

LEARNING OUTCOMES: What relevant goals will this unit of work address?

Identify and order the days of the week

Identify and order months of the year
Identify what a calendar is, its use and properties, and how to use
Identify seasons in Australia and the months they are in
Apply understanding of days, months and seasons to different questions
Identify ways of staying healthy in different seasons
Identify facts and opinions to express in debate
Decide and give reason for choices
Identify components of a persuasive text through completing examples
Write a persuasive text using knowledge of seasons and persuasive texts
Self-reflect on learning and identify areas of improvement


Task description:

Summative assessment task catering for students with a range of writing and graphic skills and abilities. Students are expected to produce a multi-modal
persuasive text. Students will individually produce their persuasive text about which season is the best season. The aim of the persuasive text is to
persuade and convince Miss Versace about which season she should like best. This will come from their own opinion and point of view, and learning from
the content covered over the unit in the lead up to the summative assessment. Students will write their text, check it against a checklist, have their work
peer-marked, and then use ICT to add images to emphasise the persuasion. This assessment will be due at the end of the unit of work once students have
been given adequate amount of prior knowledge of the topic and how to write in a persuasive writing style. Each learning experience prior to the summative
assessment will scaffold students knowledge and learning that is required to complete the summative assessment.

Assessment Criteria: Derived from Achievement Standard or Content Descriptions and Skills or Scope and Sequence

Students will be assessed using the following criteria, which will form the basis of the checklist and marked against with a mark (see appendix 1)

Clearly identifies opinion on best season

Identifies months that the season is in
Identifies health benefits of the chosen season
Includes individual opinions to persuade
Includes all components of a persuasive text
Text is organised and targeted to audience (Miss Versace)
Images and visuals are related to text and chosen season

Assessment recording template: (what will be recorded and in what format?)

Marking will be based around a checklist (as shown in appendix 1), and students will be provided a basic checklist (see appendix 2) to ensure they are
including all components needed for the summative assessment. The checklist will be explained and provided to students prior to completing the summative
assessment. Students will also have access to the checklist whilst completing their summative assessment, to self-assess. The teacher will mark students
assessments against the checklist and provide both written and verbal feedback. Once the marking has been completed, the marks will be recorded in the
teachers assessment file with a list of student names.

Feedback: (What sort of feedback will students receive?)

Over the unit, learning experiences scaffold students with the knowledge they require to complete the summative task. Throughout these learning
experiences, ongoing feedback and guidance will be provided to allow students to achieve the learning objectives for the unit. For the summative
assessment, students will be peer-reviewed and given feedback from one another based off the summative assessment checklist (appendix 2). Once
students have completed the summative assessment, the teacher will use the summative assessment checklist (appendix 1) to assess student work. They
will be given a mark and provided both written and verbal feedback. Written feedback will be provided with the summative assessment checklist, whilst
verbal feedback will be given to individual students in the self-reflection assessment when students are given their marks/written feedback.

Self-assessment: (How will students reect upon and self-assess their learning?)
Students will be provided the assessment checklist that identifies the criteria required in their writing. Students will be encouraged to self-assess their writing
against the checklist before they hand their copy in. Here they will be able to identify areas they have included in their writing, and those that they need to
include. They will use the self-assessment checklist to add to and edit their writing. Once the teacher has marked and provided feedback to students, a
whole lesson will be provided to students to be able to self-reflect on their writing, feedback and ways to improve and further their learning. During this
lesson, students will reflect on feedback, edit and change their work accordingly, and then self-assess their learning.

Week Learning Experiences Assessment Resources

Week 1 Maths Days of the week Diagnostic Assessment for Laminated days of the
learning Questioning What do week card (appendix)
Laminated cards with days of the week on them students
students know about days of the Interactive whiteboard
place them on the board in order
week? (IWB)
Go through the order together and say the days of the week
Distinguish between weekday and weekend Formative Assessment

Discuss what students do on specific days of the week Questioning Do students know the
Choose students at random to identify days of the week in order of the days of the week?
order starting at different days to consolidate learning and
Maths Months of the year Diagnostic Assessment for Laminated cards
learning Questioning What do months of the year
Laminated cards with months of the year on them, volunteers
students know about months of the Whiteboard
to place their given month in order on the whiteboard
year? Mini whiteboards and
Go through the order and say the months together
Formative Assessment pens
Count how many months there are
Discuss relationship to days - months are made up of days Observation, questioning and choral
how many days in each month? responses Do students know the
Have students order themselves Jan-Dec according to birthday months of the year in order? Are they
Students collect mini whiteboards and teacher to ask the class writing the correct answer on their
different questions, and students individually write answers on whiteboards?
whiteboard, hold up to teacher when done to consolidate
learning and understanding Which month comes after?
Before? Three months later? Which is first?
Teacher to ask individuals to identify or explain their answers
Maths Calendar Diagnostic Assessment for IWB
learning Questioning What do Video
Brainstorm What is a calendar?
students know about using a
Watch video on IWB (see resources)
calendar, their use and components? a/The_Calendar.html
Recap and add to the brainstorm what a calendar is
Activity for IWB
Students to collect iPads and log into Study Ladder (see Formative Assessment
resources) and complete activity to consolidate learning Check study ladder to assess student
students have prior knowledge of study ladder, and is used for learning, to see where they need to y/reading-calendars-
checking progress improve. Students assigned activity-1-21343
Discuss the learning activities as a class once completed homework to gain a stronger
what did you learn? What do you think you can work on? understanding of the topics.

Here the teacher can report to parents

through informal note in diary to make
aware of intended learning outcomes
of assigned homework
Week 2 Maths Seasons of the year Diagnostic Questioning What do Seasons video -
students know about seasons in
Students to complete the KW of a KWL about Seasons and
Aus.? m/watch?v=dqdoad__
months (see appendix)
Discussion of the KWL what do students know about seasons
Indigenous seasons
in Australia?
Ongoing formative collect the KWL videos -
Name the seasons as a class
to see if content of the W has been
Students to think, pair and share about which months are covered and check student learning /iwk/index.shtml
hot/cold and when each season is
Watch video about seasons (See resources)
Distinguish how they relate to the months of the year
As a class, identify the months of each season and write in L of
Explore website and discuss Indigenous seasons and how they
are different to Australian seasons (see resources)
Fill in the L of the KWL

Maths Bringing content together Formative assessment the quiz Topic quiz (see
used as a formative assessment for appendix)
Discussion of what we have learnt in maths over the four
teacher to see where students are at
and if they need more work on the
Students to complete a topic quiz (see appendix) on different topics. This builds students
questions about seasons and months knowledge to use in summative
Once individuals finished, swap with a partner to compare assessment.
answers and provide each other feedback through discussion
of answers
As a class, go through the answers, explain them and highlight
importance in relation to summative assessment learning
outcomes need to be able to identify the months seasons are
in and write about the best one
Week 3 Health Healthy lifestyles in each season Formative assessment IWB
A3 paper and
Revise the seasons and which months they are in Observe concept map to see if
TPS What do you usually do in these seasons? At home? At students are demonstrating their
school? understanding of topics. This will
Brainstorm positives and negative of each season assist students with knowledge
Ways to keep healthy in each season E.g. sun smart, warm required for summative assessment.
clothes Feedback given verbally at throughout

Students to complete a concept map in pairs. Concept map lesson, and worked on in consecutive

should include one season, and information they have learnt lessons if required.

about that season aligned to learning outcomes (identify

months, positives and negatives)
Discussion on what is on the concept map to give feedback,
clear any misconceptions and identify areas of improvement
English Class debate about the best season Formative Assessment Observe
discussion taking place in groups and
Revision of seasons and months what do students
on brainstorm can students identify
remember about the seasons? Reminder of learning
positives, negatives and months, as
per learning outcomes?
Split class into four groups (one per season) and do a TPS
- Through sharing phase, students brainstorm their group
ideas on why their season is the best
Teacher can report to parents using
At sharing phase, guide students to share one idea on the
class dojo, which students and
brainstorm, and other groups take turns to debate against
parents are familiar with. Post about
that point with a point from their brainstorm.
what students are learning with
At conclusion, have students write a reflection on how they information and photo of the debate
debated and if they chose a winning group, who would it be. taking place and ask for discussion at
home about point of view on best
season with reasons.

English Persuasive discussion This may go over two Formative Assessment Value line Books
lessons and persuasive discussion allows - Dont let the
observation of students being able to Pigeon Drive the
Read Dont let the Pigeon drive the bus
make decision and reason their Bus by Mo
Discuss the book and brainstorm as a class what pigeon trying
choices. If students cannot do this, Willems
to do
Think, pair and share ways you convince someone to let you teacher use this information to spend - Eat your Peas by
do something more time working on it. Kes Grey
Read Eat your peas
Discuss the book and what the mother is trying to do
Discussion of language used brainstorm descriptive language
Do a value line one end of classroom is agree, opposite end
is disagree, then the middle is unsure/I have reasons for both
Pose scenarios to students they must think about and stand on
the line where their belief is represented e.g. you should have
homework every night, apples are the best fruit, we should be
allowed to bring pets to school, students should have to wear
school uniforms
Choose students to give reasoning and explain why they stood
where they did
For the topic that has even spread of students on the line,
assign groups where one person from agree side is partnered
with person from disagree side, and they have to
convince/persuade someone from in the middle of the line
Demonstrate an example to students
Students to have individual think time for ideas using
descriptive language, then take turns to persuade the middle
The middle student to decide on who persuaded better, and
once all groups complete, they share with the class who they
chose and why

Week 4 English Persuasive writing This may go over two lessons Formative Assessment Persuasive writing
template (see
Recap and brainstorm idea of persuading and descriptive Use of self-reflection and checklists
language to ensure all students on the same page for students to assess where they are
Persuasive writing
Display and discuss persuasive writing template (see at, and for teacher to identify where
checklist (appendix 2)
resources) and persuasive writing checklist (see appendix 2) students need more work
with students on IWB
Complete template as a class discussing ideas on topic from
the persuasive discussions from previous week lesson
As a class demonstrate how to use checklist for reflection on
work have all elements been included? Where? How?
Pose another topic to students The best sport is
Brainstorm sports, and revisit the checklist to see what we
Have students fill out their own persuasive writing template on
the best sport
As students completing, teacher walk around classroom to
check for understanding and have volunteers read out what
they have written
Students to reflect on work by going through the checklist and
identifying where/how they have met the criteria.

English Persuasive writing This may go over two lessons Summative Assessment This is IWB
the end summative assessment to Notes on seasons,
Revisit idea of seasons, months and days with students
check students understanding of the months and days
Go through template and checklist as a class
content of the topic, and how to write Persuasive writing
Individually, students write persuasive text on their favourite
a persuasive text. Students are template
season, template will be displayed on board, but students to
provided the template and checklist. Persuasive writing
write in workbooks without a copy of the template
They will self-check, and be peer checklist
Students to individually check their writing against the checklist
marked before handing in for teacher
and make changes if necessary
to mark using the checklist and give
Once students have checked their writing, hand to a partner to
detailed and relevant written
complete checklist and peer-review and give feedback
After all these steps are completed, students to use the
computers/iPads to make their text multi-modal with images
that are suited to the season and reasons they have written
Once completed, students to hand in work for teacher to mark
and provide feedback

English Self-reflection on feedback Summative assessment reflection Marked writing with

students reflect on feedback given feedback and checklist
Hand writing back to students to read through feedback and
Hand students another persuasive writing template, and allow and make relevant changes that Persuasive writing
them to edit or change their work according to the areas of contribute to learning template (appendix)
feedback Persuasive writing
Have students re-check against the checklist, and have peer to checklist (appendix 2)
look over whilst comparing to feedback from teacher Teacher to report student work to

Whilst students work on this, have individuals at a time at parents through sending home a copy

teacher desk discussing areas of improvement and additional of work, student self-checklist, and

feedback teacher marked checklist with

feedback. Parents to comment on it,
discuss with students and bring back
to teacher. Parents can make
appointment to further discuss
learning via email, phone call, dojo, or
face-to-face discussion before/after

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