(9-1) GCSE Exam Questions - Fractions PDF

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Fractions (9-1) Exam Questions.

1. One day at St. Georges Comprehensive,

of the pupils walked to school,

of the pupils came to school by bus,

the remaining 68 pupils came by car.

1 2
(a) Work out .
2 5




(b) What fraction of the pupils came by car?




2. (a) Work out 4 , giving your answer as a fraction.
5 4



Answer ................................................

3. Work out
1 3
6 5



Answer ..........................................................................

MJH Fractions Friday, 20 October 2017

1 2
4. (a) Work out 4 1
3 5





Answer ......................................................................

2 3
5. Find the value of 4 2
3 4




Answer ..........................................................................
(Total 3 marks)

6. (a) Work out 3 1 1 4

2 7




Answer ............................................

7. Work out

2 1
5 4


Answer .........................................................................
( (1)

2 3
(b) 4 1
3 5




Answer .........................................................................

MJH Fractions Friday, 20 October 2017

1 3
8. (a) Write down a fraction that is between and
2 4


Answer .......................................................

1 2
(b) Work out 3 1
4 5




Answer .................................................

9. (a) Write 2 1 as a decimal.



Answer ................................................

(b) Place the following numbers in order of size, starting with the smallest.

21 1.532 2.21 2.035 4.78







Answer ................................................


MJH Fractions Friday, 20 October 2017

10. Which of these fractions is closest to ?

1 3 4 7
4 8 9 24

You must show all your working.





Answer ........................................

11. For many years, people have tried to find an estimate for the value for .

Here are some of the estimates used.

Greek 22 Hindu 10 Egyptian 256 Roman 3 1

7 81 8

(a) Put these estimates in order of size, starting with the smallest.
You must show all your working.





Answer ..............................................................................................................

(b) The value of on a calculator is 3.141592654

Which of the above estimates is closest to this value?


Answer ..............................................
(Total 3 marks)

MJH Fractions Friday, 20 October 2017

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MJH Fractions Friday, 20 October 2017

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