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Present simple affirmative

1 Put the words in the right order and write sentences in the present simple.

my brother / TV / watch / a lot of

My brother watches a lot of TV.
1 to the cinema / go / you

2 listen / music / he / to

3 we / friends / meet / at the weekend

4 a lot of / Sarah / play / computer games

5 they / on the internet / chat / every day

2 Complete the text with the correct form of the words in the box.

do play be meet live go listen chat

Lara lives in London. She (1) _______ a student. In the evenings she (2) ________ hockey,
(3) _______ swimming and (4) _______ martial arts. In her free time she (5) ________ to music and (6) _________
books. She (7) ________ on the internet to friends sometimes or (8) ________ friends in the city centre. She loves her

3 Complete the text.

Helena is thirteen years old and she lives in London. In the week, she (1) __________ to school every day, so she
doesnt have a lot of
(2) ________ time. She (3) _________ homework in the evenings. But she also uses the computer for fun. She plays
games, chats to her friends on the (4) _________, and looks at her favourite websites.
At weekends, shes always very busy. On Saturdays, she often (5) ________ shopping with her friends. And on
Sundays, she goes
(6) ________ at the pool with her dad. Her favourite thing is music. Helenas in a band with her friends Maddy, Jake
and Sam. Helena sings and
(7) _______ the guitar too. She loves music and she (8) ________ to it all the time!

Present simple negative and interrogative

1 Complete the sentences. Use negative past simple verbs.
They dont start classes at nine oclock.
1 We dinner at eight oclock.
2 My sister ___________________________ the guitar.
3 Tom TV in the evening.
4 You to bed at ten oclock.
5 Carl his homework after dinner.

2 Look at the answers and write the questions.

Do you speak French?
Yes, I speak French.
No, they dont use a computer.
Yes, I live in Madrid.
No, Laura doesnt like swimming.
Yes, Tanya plays tennis.
Yes, we study music.
No, Carl doesnt do martial arts.

Question words
5 Complete the questions with a question word or expression from the box.

What Why Where Where

Who When How often

Where does your friend live? In Valencia.
1 __________ do you have lunch? At one oclock.
2 __________ do you study music? Because I
like it.
3 __________ do you play football? Twice a week.
4 __________ subjects do you like? History and
5 __________ do you swim? At the swimming pool.
6 _________ is your best friend? My best friend is Ella.

6 Look at the answers and write the questions. Use question words from exercise 5.
Where do you go for your holidays?
We go to Portugal for our holidays.
I play football because it is fun.
We see our cousins once a month.
He does his homework before dinner.
My favourite sports are tennis and swimming.
My aunt is Rosa.

Present continuous
5 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
We arent buying (not buy) clothes.
1 I __________________ (watch) TV.
2 He __________________ (make) dinner.
3 They __________________ (walk) in the rain.
4 It __________________ (not snow) snowing.
5 You __________________ (not listen).

6 Complete the questions. Use Am, Are or Is.

Is she watching TV?
1 ________ it raining?
2 ________ you sleeping?
3 ________ he playing football?
4 ________ they having dinner?
5 ________ she wearing a scarf?

7. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present continuous.
1. Mary ______________ (teach) right now.
2. Mary and John ___________________________ (not/run) in the park now.
3. Look! The children _________________ (dance)!
4. The cat ___________________ (not / sleep) now.
5. You ________________ (not / help) me!

Present simple and present continuous

1 Choose the correct words.
Diana is visiting / visits her aunt every week.
1 Look! It rains / s raining.
2 It usually rains / s raining in July.
3 I play / m playing football every week.
4 Holly isnt here. She swims / s swimming.
5 Ian sometimes watches / s watching TV.

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
ride wait listen eat not do

1. I cake at the weekend.

2. Kate her bike to school every day?

3. We for the bus right now.

4. you to my CD at the moment?

5. Jim his homework in the afternoons.

some and any

1 Rearrange the words and use some or any to make sentences.
there / milk / is / ? Is there any milk?
1 apples / are / there / .

2 there / apples / are / ?

3 arent / apples / there / .

4 is / cheese / there / ?

5 is / cheese / there / .

6 there / cheese / isnt / .

2 Write sentences with There is or There are.

ball / garden There is a ball in the garden.
1 cat / cellar

2 books / dining room

3 bread / kitchen

4 money / bag

5 bicycles / garage

6 bookcase / living room

7 milk / fridge

3 Write sentences with the negative form of There is or There are.

cat / garage There isnt a cat in the garage.
1 bicycles / living room

2 bookcase / garden

3 ball / kitchen

4 money / cellar

5 bread / bag

6 books / fridge

be: past simple

1 Complete the text with the affirmative past simple form of be.

I was at a great party on Saturday. The music (1)_________ fantastic. My friends, Emma and Joe (2)_________
there, too. The food (3)__________ delicious, which (4)__________ good because we (5)__________ hungry. On
Sunday, I (6)__________ at home all day. It (7)__________ very cold and I was bored but my parents
(8)__________ happy!

2 Complete the text with the negative past simple form of be.

I was at a birthday party last week. It wasnt fun. The food was disgusting, it (1)______ nice. The people (2) ______
interesting. The music was terrible, it (3) _______ good. The room was cold, it (4) ________ warm. The birthday
cake (5) _______ delicious, it was horrible. The drinks were warm, they (6) ________ cold.
3 Write questions about the email in exercise 2.
(party) Was the party fun?
1 (food) ______________________________________
2 (people) ____________________________________
3 (music) _____________________________________
4 (room) _____________________________________
5 (cake)
6 (cold)

Past simple affirmative (regular verbs)

1 Complete the text with verbs in the simple past. Use the verbs in the box.

save be live study marry dance die live clap

Martha and Leo studied at the

same school and both became dancers. When they were twenty-two, they (1) ___________, because they loved each
They (2) ____________ in front of audiences all over the world. The audiences (3) ____________ them, because they
were so good. Audiences always (4) ____________ and cheered for a long time after each show. Martha and Leo
(5) _________________ their money carefully. When they (6) ______________ sixty years old, they stopped working.
They (7) ________________ for thirty-five more years together. They both
(8) ________________ on the same day, when they were ninety-five years old.

Past simple affirmative (irregular verbs)

1 Write the sentences in the correct order with the verbs in the past simple.
a beautiful cake / make / they / me
They made me a beautiful cake.
1 hear / a strange noise / we / last night /

2 story / read / an interesting / I / in the newspaper

3 buy / yesterday / new coat / he

4 books / J.K. Rowling / the Harry Potter / write

5 10,000 / win / Maddie / in the lottery

6 James Bond film / we / see / last night / the

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