Ocobter 20, 2017

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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 135 Issue 31 Friday, October 20, 2017 www.minnedosatribune.com 90 cents plus tax

INSIDE MCI Girls Win Soccer Provincials

this week

No Injuries
In Rollover


16 SUBMITTED Athletic Association Pro-

vincial Rural Soccer Cham-
Bachewich (grade 12) who
crossed the ball in to Katie
the Rams to keep a clean
slate. Bachewich added
Photo submitted

keeper. Lorette battled

back, but were no match

T he Minnedosa Colle-
giate Chancellors girls
Ranked third overall
Brown (grade 11). Brown
connected with a left foot
the final goal to win 4-0.
The Chancellors faced
for centre back, Victo-
ria Olson (grade 12). The
If your label reads soccer team had a suc- coming into provincials, volley to put it past the the number one ranked second goal of the game

17 /10 /31
cessful 2017 season. The the Chancellors opened Stonewall keeper for the Lorette Scorpions in the came off the head of Katie
Chancellors finished first the tournament against the Chancellors second goal semi-final. The Chancel- Brown. In the second half,
in Zone 7 with a regular sixth place Stonewall Rams of the game. Before the half lors came out flying; Cam- Lorette came out strong
Its time to renew season record of 2-2-0. In on Friday, October 13th. was complete, Cameron eron Parrott leading the and scored one goal. The
the Zone 7 finals, led by Midfielder Ashley Robin- Parrott (grade 12) added a charge and rocketing a Chancellors answered
your subscription! co-captain Hannah Yuen son (grade 12), opened the third goal for the Chancel- shot off the cross-bar just back with a goal from mid-
(grade 12), the Chancellors scoring at the 15 minute lors. In the second half, seconds into the game. fielder, Alex Skelton (grade
204-867-3816 beat the Neepawa Tigers
7-0, earning a spot in the
mark. This was quickly fol-
lowed up with an attack-
the Chancellors defence,
led by co-captain April Bil-
They kept the pressure on
and moments later Par-
Manitoba High Schools ing run made by Tonielle cowski (grade 12), held off rott sailed one passed the on Page 2

1,864 1,864 copies of The Minnedosa Tribune are SOLD each week.
Many FREE distribution newspapers are tossed aside and never leave the Post Oce.
Consider this when spending your HARD-EARNED advertising dollars. Source: Canadian Media
Circulation Audit
2 Friday, October 20, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

Chase The Ace Students Clean Up The Town


O n Monday, October
16th, students from
Tanners Crossing School
ventured out into the com-
munity to work along side
Minnedosa Communities
in Bloom (CIB)volunteers
to get Minnedosa looking
its best for fall and winter.
The students met in
the TCS Pit shortly before
1 p.m., to listen to Linda
Bertram and her CIB com-
rades talk about all of the
wonderful things they do
in the community. Ber-
tram said they wanted to
have this chat before going
out to ensure that the stu-
Photo by Darryl Holyk
dents knew that CIB was
not just about flowers, but planters, the Bison Park, time that they were out in to get them put away for
that they do so much more Heritage Village, Armitage the community. safe keeping until next
in the community. They Park, and the Legion. After the students spring when they will be
touched on each of the According to Bertram, had finished their jobs, replanted with brand new
things that CIB does, in or- the students did a great the Town of Minnedosa plants for the 2018 season.
der to give the students an job, it went very well, we crew wasted no time in Minnedosa is ready for
overview of their tasks. got it all done. Once the getting out to remove the winter!
Following this, stu- work was done, the or- large planters in order

Soccer Champs
dents went to their as- ganic material that was
signed locations with an left was transported to the
Photo submitted adult supervisor, and were compost site west of the
tasked with pulling plants Industrial Park at the old
Darcy Bialas, of Minnedosa, out of pots, cleaning gar- landfill site.
was the lucky winner of the Chase the Ace bage, and just making the The students complet- Continued from Page One
jackpot at the Hugh Dyer Legion Branch #138 town look cleaner. ed their fall work out in the
on Friday, October 13th. Darcy received The students assisted fresh air for about an hour The play continued back and forth, but with strong
a hefty jackpot totalling $6,374! CIB volunteers with fall before returning to TCS. defending from Chelsea Hodgson (grade 12), Lorette
cleanup work at numerous Bertram noted that she was unable to even the score. In the final minutes of the
locations, some of which was impressed with how game, Parrott scored the fourth and final goal to send the
included the Main Street much the students accom- Chancellors to the gold medal game.
fountain, Main Street plished in the short span of Going for gold, the Chancellors faced the number two
The Minnedosa Performing Arts
ranked Morden Thunder. The Chancellors maintained
Expressions Concert Series Presents possession and pressure for majority of the first half. With
five minutes left in the half, Ashley Robinson scored what
Lets go to

JP Hoe
would be the game winner. Chancellors keeper, Telecia
Casinos of Winnipeg Dowsett (grade 12), finished the tournament strong with
a shutout, making the Minnedosa Chancellors back-to-
with Lady Luck Tours (Destinations Plus) back gold medal Champions.
The Minnedosa Performing Arts Expressions Concert Series Christmas Lights & Four of the Chancellors players were selected to the
Wednesday, October 25th, 2017
Presents All-Star Team including Tonielle Bachewich (striker),
Celebrations Dinner Theatre
Quinton Blair
at 7:30 p.m. Alex Skelton and Cameron Parrot (centre midfields), and
Victoria Olson (centre defence). Ashley Robinson (centre
Tanners Crossing School Pit December 7th - 8th midfield) was the tournament MVP. The coaching staff of
Friday, October
Tickets 7th,at
available 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
the Door. Book & Pay Before November 7th Brandi Thompson, Meagan Ferguson, Ryan Skelton and
Minnedosa Community Conference Centre
Adults $20
Doors open at 7:00 p.m.
WPG Casinos & Lights $70.00 manager Sue Ross were extremely proud of the whole
Students (13-18) $10 teams accomplishments.
Advance tickets available at the Library. Celebrations Theatre $139.00
if accompanied by an adult
$20 (Students accompanied or $10
by an adult free)
1 night stay at Club Regent Casino and

Students (13-18) $10
Web site: http://www.expressionsconcerts.ca transportation by motorcoach
Optional Shopping
Wine and beer available Christmas lights

Rubber or
for purchase Celebrations Dinner Theatre - Bewitching Elvis
(must be 18 years or older).
Please drink All proceeds to go to
responsibly. Minnedosa Performing
Arts Committee
Call Wendy, Sharon or Jacki
for more information

204-867-5777 or The Minnedosa

1-800-431-4442 Since 1883

Box 1500 Minnedosa, MB

With much appreciation to our sponsors: R0J 1E0
(34-2) (31-2) 204-867-3816
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, October 20, 2017 3

Celebrating Manitobas Rural Women

By Hillary Miller coach and a succession which was served by the
planning speaker. She Cadurcis Community

T he Minnedosa Com-
munity Conference
Centre was abuzz with the
spoke about living an in-
tentional life. Her premise
was on people doing what
Club, Keith McPherson, a
Canadian singer, musician
and songwriter, spoke on
sounds of empowerment they want to be doing, be- mindfulness, and the exer-
on Saturday, October 14th ing in control of their days, cises that a person can do
as the Womens Institute and not complaining of in order to be more mind-
of Manitoba hosted its being too busy, since they ful, and he empowered
second annual Manitoba make their own decisions. the women to decide what
Rural Womens Day. Her empowering speech they want, and to take ac-
It was a conference in- gave the group the power tion on it.
tended to connect and em- to take control of their Lastly, the group had
power women who reside lives, and live the way they a fireside chat with three
in rural areas of Manitoba. want to live. participants and a facilita-
We started it as a way to Following Froese was tor, which was Olatundun.
give rural women the op- Vicki Olatundun, Execu- Various displays with
portunity to get together tive Director at the Stein- information about the
with other women, and bach Family Resource Womens Institute, well-
to learn and network, and Centre. Her powerful talk ness, and the Clinic Com-
share on topics that are of had the group laughing, munity Health, among
Photo by Hillary Miller
concern to rural women, but also looking inwardly others filled the room.
said Debbie Melosky, at the excuses they make Melosky was pleased
President of the Manitoba in their lives, for the things with the turnout with ap- through on the evalua- ging from their 20s to their seemed to greatly enjoy
Womens Institute board. that are not positive influ- proximately 150 women in tion forms have been quite 80s, and each age group the day.
The day began with ences, and how it affects attendance. It went quite positive, she said. The
speaker Elaine Froese, who their own happiness. well, and pretty much all of day was a great success,
works as a Farm Family Following lunch, the comments weve gone and had attendees ran-

Single Vehicle Rollover

October 15, 2017 to April 14, 2018
Wednesday: 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - Noon
and 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
and rCMP were
called to a single
vehicle rollover on the
afternoon of Thursday, Dust off your brooms!
October 12th. The
incident occurred
Curling is starting on Oct 23rd
around 2:30 p.m. on
Pr#262 approximately Men - Dan Mendrikis 867-7067
two miles south of
Uncle Toms Ladies - Carole Dalrymple 867-3645
Fortunately, the Day League - Doug Thiessen 867-2324
driver was not
injured in the Mixed Friday - Amanda Winder 573-4511
Mark your calendar for the
Photo by Darryl Holyk Curling Fall Supper October 29th

Getvaccinated. Dont spread the flu!


Appointments preferred 1-877-646-3888 Walk-ins may be accepted.
Erickson Mon. November 6 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Erickson Legion Hall
Minnedosa Thurs. November 2 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Minnedosa Conference Centre
Minnedosa Tues. November 14 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Minnedosa Conference Centre
Rapid City Mon. November 20 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Rapid City Valleyview Senior Centre
Sandy Lake Fri. October 27 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sandy Lake Drop-In Centre
Shoal Lake Wed. November 15 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Shoal Lake Community Hall
Strathclair Tues. November 21 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Strathclair Municipal Hall
4 Friday, October 20, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

Darryl a.Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

Around Standing Up For Farmers and Small Businesses

take risks and support local projects and initiatives.
These tax reforms were clearly conceived by peo-
Under The Dome ple who have no understanding of small businesses
By and the sacrifices made by those who operate them.
Our business community is the foundation of
By Darryl Holyk GREG NESBITT Manitoba, and our government understands and ap-
Riding Mountain MLA preciates the risks taken by small businesses and the
investments they make in our economy. Premier Bri-
Main Street Improvements. an Pallister and our Manitoba government have been
There have been a few beautification improvements swift to support and defend small businesses in our
along our old Main Street recently. The first is a hand-
some exterior facelift to enJoy Salon and Spa just south of O ur provincial government is standing up for Man-
itobas small businesses and expressing serious
concerns about the impact of the federal governments
Our government has had to make many impor-
tant decisions as we fix our provincial finances, repair
the Main Street bridge. The second notable improvement
is underway in front of the new Heritage Co-op Admin- proposals to change the taxation of private corpora- our services and rebuild the economy. We are making
istration Building. A great deal of landscaping has been tions. progress in improving the business outlook and opti-
done and should be extremely eye pleasing next summer. The tax changes proposed by Prime Minister Jus- mism in our province. What we dont need is the fed-
Another handsome attraction is the two sign posts at the tin Trudeau and federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau eral government in Ottawa hurting the progress we are
southwest corner of the building created using some of strike at the very heart of the economy, and amount to making in Manitoba.
the salvaged stones from the Pearson Block/Bruce Build- a complex and poorly conceived overhaul of Canadas As Premier Pallister has said, the federal govern-
ing which previous occupied the corner lot. All of these tax system. The changes would dramatically increase ment needs to pull back on the misguided proposition
little touches add a great deal to the welcoming appear- taxes paid by smaller corporations, tax their savings that we should have class warfare in Canada between
ance of Minnedosas Main Street. and penalize families that pass a business from one small, family-run businesses and everyone else.
generation to another. Tackling tough issues at home and defending
The federal proposals would have a negative im- Manitobas interests abroad are what a strong leader
Celebrating Co-operatives pact on the thousands of small and medium-sized and a strong government do. Our Manitoba govern-
While on the topic of Co-op, October 15th to 21st is businesses in Manitoba, and the tens of thousands ment is calling on the federal government to withdraw
Co-op Week celebrating co-operatives and Credit Unions. of people who work for them. Agriculture producers, these proposals.
Across Canada, these community-based businesses and professionals, manufacturers, small businesses of all
organizations support more than 600,000 jobs and con- kinds and ultimately consumers would be affected. MLA Greg Nesbitt can be reached at 204-759-3313,
tribute over $50 billion to the economy, according to the The proposed changes also insult the very people who toll free 1-844-877-7767 or by email at gregnesbittmla@
Measuring the Co-operative Difference Research Net- create jobs, make goods, develop Manitobas wealth, mymts.net

Sports Dinner
Hats off the organizers of the Minnedosa Sports Din-
ner being held tomorrow night, October 21st. This annual
Correction Clarification
event is looked forward to by many and gives back to the
community through sports grants and volunteer recogni-
tion awards. Currently in its 20th year, the Sports Dinner
T he Tribune wishes to correct and clarify some in-
formation from last weeks article on the regional
Bantam girls hockey team. The team should have been
girls on the team this year. Dan Johnson, Director for
the Yellowhead Minor Hockey Association indicated
that the Bantam Girls category is a small age bracket
will hopefully continue as a community event for many identified as the Yellowhead Chiefs Female Bantam this year. This is also the first year that the regional as-
years to come! AAA not the Neepawa Chiefs as reported last week. sociation moved to a single roster rather than a double
Secondly, at the end of the month, it will be a home roster which has been in place for a number of years.
tournament that is hosted at Waywayseecappo not an This single roster pilot project will be re-evaluated at
Walk To School. exhibition game. the end of the season.
This week as been dubbed Walk To School Week at While Callie Maguire is the only Minnedosa resi- The Tribune apologizes for any problems or nega-
TCS. Throughout the week, elementary school students dent on the team, it should be noted that Yellowhead tive feelings last weeks article may have caused within
have been encouraged to walk to and from school each Chiefs Female Bantam AAA players Josie Nichols, the hockey family. The article was published with good
day as a way to reduce emissions for the environment Dusty Kawchuk and Brooklyn Hedley are all products intentions of shining a positive light on the young fe-
and also as a way to get some healthy fresh air and physi- of the Minnedosa Minor Hockey program. male hockey players in our region. Congratulations
cal activity. We also wish to clarify the reason there are only 19 girls and good luck in your hockey season!

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and

published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883. We acknowledge the financial support of the
Published Friday of each week from the premises of publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
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The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. (CPF) for our publishing activities.
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Fax: (204) 867-5171 All contents copyright 2017
Cell: (204) 867 - 7000
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, October 20, 2017 5

Town Council Notes

By DARRYL HOLYK railway station at the Herit-
age Village. The two boards
through the campground
was 20 km/hr and as a re-
retirement of Bob Gra-
ham has the Towns rep-
Ye O l d
M innedosa Town met earlier this year and sult of safety concerns for resentative on the Little

Council met for its agreed to move forward campers, pedestrians and Saskatchewan River Con-
regular October meeting with relocation the La children, the speed limit servation District, Council
on the evening of Tuesday, Riviere CPR Station to will be reduced to 10 km/ appointed Blaine Instance
October 10th in Coun- the Heritage Village. This hr. as the new Town rep for a
cil Chambers. Mayor Orr building was chosen as it Members of Council term of two years effective
presided with Council- is a provincially designat- also agreed to extend the the third week of Novem-
lors Luker, Wedgewood, ed Heritage Building, and Campground manage- ber, 2017.
MacDowall and Saler in the only one of its design ment contract with Rick Council tabled a pro-
attendance. Councillors left standing in Manitoba. and Penny Chorneyko for posal to subdivide applica-
1887 Arrangements have been made for the Domin-
Skatch and Taylor were ab- The two groups presented the 2018 camping season tion until a future meeting
ion Lands office to be removed at once from its present
sent. their plan to Town Coun- at an increase of approxi- of council.
quarters in the old bank building on the corner of Main
The meeting opened cil as Council has the final mately five percent. In Council reports,
Street and Minnedosa Avenue.
with delegation including decision on approving the Council authorized Councillor Luker reported
Brian and Dave Pollon of addition of the building to the sale of one lot to Blaine that the Tanners Cross-
Minnedosa Heritage Inc. Heritage Village as the mu- Instance for $500. This lot ing Planning District has 1897 Monday was a busy day in town with farmers
(Save Our Station com- seum grounds are owned is located directly behind issued 49 building and bringing in large loads of cattle and hogs for Messrs. Tay-
mittee) and Darryl Holyk by the Town of Minnedosa. Mr. Instances current development permits this lor Bros., Travis and Beddome and Sewell and Burgess.
of the Minnedosa District Council will discuss this property . summer. He also indicated $14,000 was paid out to them, one farmer alone taking
Museum and Heritage Vil- proposal further at its up- Councillor Len Luker that the R.M. of Harrison- close to $1,000.
lage Corp. As a way to use coming Committee of the was authorized to attend Park has been paying to
the money received for the Whole meeting. the Spruce Plains Justice have Planning Officer 1907 Prairie fires are quite prevalent with the grass
local station project, the Council approved a Committee tour of the Skatch assist them one day being so dry. A big one ran over the hills northwest of
two groups have been dis- speed reduction for the Stony Mountain Peniten- a week. Minnedosa on Monday.
cussing for some time, the Minnedosa Campground. tiary on October 19th.
possibility of establishing a Previously, the speed limit Following the recent 1917 Yesterday morning, the ground was white with
the first real snow storm of the season. The snow dis-

Senior Bombers Back On The Ice

appeared during the day.

1937 Bearing almost 100 signatures from three wards

in the municipality of Odanah, a petition asking for a by-
law appointing a municipal doctor has been presented to
By HILLARY MILLER of the Tiger Hills Hockey Erickson, Derek Cameron, It would be nice to win
the Odanah Council.
League which also in- Wyatt Rapsky, Tyler Jury, our division, and it would

T he Minnedosa Senior
Bombers are gearing
up for another successful
cludes teams from Bois-
sevain, Cartwright, Delor-
aine, Gladstone, Hartney,
Aidan Arvisais, James Mc-
Carville, Brad Wilson,
Cody Pollon, Matt Saler,
be nice to be on home ice
for the playoffs. He also
hopes that the team will
1957 Fire broke out at The Minnedosa Tribune at 1:05
p.m. on October 18th causing considerable damage to
season. They will be led Killarney, MacGregor, Nee- Shane Jury and Brady In- improve with every game the building and machinery. The volunteer fire depart-
by General Manager Bruce pawa, Melita, Pilot Mound, genmey. they play, bringing their ment fought the blaze through the back windows and
McNabb, and coaches Souris and Wawanesa. According to Matt playoff dreams even closer. brought it under control by 1:45 p.m.
Craig Cameron, Doug The Bombers ros- Saler, one of the teams This season, there will
Gainsforth and Marty Mc- ter will remain much the players, their goal this year be eighteen games, nine of 1967 The Minnedosa Bombers will pay $200 for the
Nabb. same as last year, with a is to make playoffs once which will be on home ice. season and 25 percent of the gate at play-off games to the
So far the team has few new players. Recent again. Go Bombers Go! Minnedosa Minor Athletic Association for the use of the
had some exhibition addition to the local senior arena this winter.
games, but the regular sea- hockey team include Brent
son will begin on Friday, Cardy, Clay Bergeson, Josh 1977 The eight candidates seeking six seats on Town

October 27th, which will McInnes, Nick Cameron, Council include Mac Davidson, Harry Dowsett, Bill
be an away game in Mac- Jon Kowal and Chayce Hancock, Ken Harris, Metro Slashinsky, Mel Taylor, Bob
Gregor, to be followed by Hanson. Werry and John Wityshyn. Mayor Jim Burgess was un-

Mens Shed
their home opener on Sat- Returning Bombers opposed and will return for another three years.
urday, October 28th at the include Bryce Stephenson,
Minnedosa Arena, against Michael Birch, Brad Lewis, 1987 Gwen Wilkinson, Diane Wright and Lorie Creas-
Cartwright. Cory Hodgson, Wes Lewis, er, recent graduates from the home case attendant course
The Bombers are part Shane Cameron, Travis offered by Red River Community College, were honoured
as part of National Homemaker-Home Support Week.

1997 Its been 20 years and half a million miles for the
1969 GMC truck owned by Kirk Woodcock of Kirks Ser-
Letters to the Editor vice. The Green Machine recently rolled over 500,000
miles and keeps rolling due to regular maintenance
The Minnedosa Tribune welcomes Letters to the checks.
Editor. All letters must include the writers full name,
address, and telephone number. Only the writers
name will be published; address and phone number
are required for confirmation. Anonymous letters will
not be published. Letters that are deemed libelous, Meet Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m.
in bad taste, or describe an incident involving other
people, will not be published. 287 4th Street S.W.
The Minnedosa Tribune reserves the right to Minnedosa, MB CERTIFIED CLOSED CELL ROOFING FOAM AND COATINGS
edit letters based on taste, legality, clarity, and Mens Shed are welcoming supportive, safe places for camaraderie and BLOWN IN ATTIC INSULATION
socialization where there is equality and inclusion for all members. Activities may POLYUREA FAST SET
length. Letters to the Editor can be submitted in COATINGS AND LININGS VACUUM INSULATION REMOVAL
include wood carving, playing cards, conversation and coffee, woodworking and more.
person, sent by mail to Box 930, Minnedosa, MB Community volunteering...Members decide.
R0J 1E0, by fax (204) 867-5171, or by email to For Information call:
For more information call:
editor@minnedosatribune.com Warren - 204-868-0703 Roland - 204-867-7102 Ken - 204-867-3532 204-867-7264 or 204-212-0232
We accept donations of gently used tools, wood, stained glass equipment & Supplies etc.
Email: mcrealfoam@live.ca (4-ALT-TFN)
6 Friday, October 20, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

Newdale News
By Ravens Glen WI the day included a mental many years and their fam- nell area and three young friend Jim headed back myCommunity
Neighbours Indeed
health coach, a mindful- ily of Bruce, Calvin, Diane soldiers from McConnell home on Wednesday after Be a Neighbour...

E ight ladies from New-

dale attended the Rural
Womens Day in Minnedo-
ness yoga instructor, and
a panel of three women
Roberta Graham (nursing
and Brenda all attended
school here. They all re-
side in Calgary, AB now
were all killed there on
landing. They visited most
of the war memorials and
a very successful bird hunt.
As we all know, the geese
are plentiful but so were
And announce
these special events
to your community
Birth of Child
sa October 14th hosted by professor), Deborah Tacan except Brenda who spends cemeteries finding famil- the ducks. Rodney headed Wedding
Manitoba Womens Insti- (who was one of the Sixties part time here. iar names of families still home to Medicine Hat, AB Wedding Anniversaries
25th, 40th, 50th, 60th
tute. 135 women from the Scoop adoptees) and Nora Irene Thomas present- living in our areas. They the same day in time to New home residency
surrounding area enjoyed Chant (who suffers bi-po- ed a slide show at Church toured where many of the help wife Barb celebrate You may qualify for a
personalized keepsake
speakers on the theme this lar symptoms). Sunday on her families trenches were still visible joining that brown enve- gift offer compliments
year A Healthy Mind is a Many door prizes were summer trip to Europe to and many areas are still lope club birthday October of local business and
professional sponsors
Treasure to Find. Keynote awarded, the food was de- celebrate the anniversary known to have buried ex- 20th.
Minnedosa Pharmacy
speaker was Elaine Froese licious and the day fulfill- of landing on the Dieppe plosives and are unsafe to Many combines are Glenndosa Glass 1990 Ltd.
relating her story of farm ing. beaches. They began their enter, sheep keep the grass being put away and we see Minnedosa insurance Services
KimsQuality Foods
stress, post partum depres- Wed like to send tour in England and com- trimmed. The names of fertilizer rigs busy now. Integra Tire
sion, her husbands seri- our sympathy to Brenda pleted it in France and Bel- all the soldiers who were The leaves are dropping Heritage Co-op
Minnedosa Tribune
ous accident just recently (Dymtar) Passegger, on the gium touring blue beach never found for burial are after one of the most glori- Gateway Motel
and juggling her many passing of her father Dave where her father landed inscribed on war monu- ous fall displays of colour Be part of your Community!
speaking engagements. Dymtar. The Dymtars and was wounded. Irenes ments. weve seen in years! Still
Contact Tillie Johnson
Other speakers during farmed north of town for family was from McCon- Dwight Pederson and lots of geese left around! 204-867-3414

*We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases

Sale Dates: *We sell lottery tickets
*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
($2 charge - $10 minimum order)
OCTOBER 20TH - OCTOBER 26TH * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens!
* We sell fruit, veggie & meat trays and fruit baskets
*Seniors Discount every Friday (65 & up) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - ENDS THURSDAY 9:00 P.M.) (24 hours notice is appreciated)
*We sell R.O. water

Campbell RTE soup assd ..................................................... 540ml ..........2/$4.00
Hungry Man dinners asstd ..............360-455g ...... $3.00
Kellogg Corn Flakes, Corn Pops, Froot Loops ............... 320-645g ............. $3.49 McCain cake/pies asstd .................................................. 400-510g ............. $4.00
Nutella spread ..........................................................................375g ............. $3.49 PC orange juice frozen ..................................................... 295ml ............. $1.79
Purex liquid detergent asstd ................... 2.03lt ...... $3.49 PC icecream shop asstd ................................................... 946ml ............. $2.99
Quaker dipps/chewy assstd ....................................................156g ..........2/$4.00 Eggo waffles orignal ................................................................280g ............. $2.49
CL Leaf tuna LT water chunk/flake ........................................170g ..........2/$3.00 Pilsbury toaster strudel strawberry ........................................326g ............. $2.49

Maple Leaf flaked meat asstd ...................156g .. 3/$5.00
Habitant soup french pea/pea smoked ham...................... 796ml ..........2/$4.00
Sapporo noodle flats orignal...................................................100g ..........4/$3.00
Hellmans Real Mayo/Big Squeeze regular ..................750-890ml ............. $4.49
PC mustard asstd .............................................................. 325ml ..........2/$4.00
Christie premium plus crackers asstd....................................450g ............. $3.49 PC BM shepherds pie ..........................................................900g ........... $10.99
Motts Fruitsations asstd ...................................................... 6x111g ............. $2.00 PC chicken nuggets, strip breaded .....................................800g ............. $5.99
Nestle pure black cherry water .................................................. 1lt ............. $0.99 Fresh whole chicken................................................................................. $2.68/lb
Vim oxygel floor ocean pure ...................................................... 1lt ............. $3.00 Outside round beef roast ......................................................................... $3.99/lb
Vim liquid cleaner ................................................................ 500ml ............. $3.00 Pork side spare ribs ........................................... $2.49/lb
Vim bathroom spray ............................................................. 950ml ............. $3.99 Ziggys black forest ham or honey ham ..............................................$1.39/100g
Pedigree dog biscuit marrowbone .........................................737g ............. $4.00

Classico pasta sauce asstd ............................................410-650ml ............. $3.00
PC Mac N Cheese white cheddar ......................................200g ............. $1.00
Christie Crispers, Bugles asstd ....................................... 175-213g ............. $2.00
Smartfood white cheddar popcorn, Sunchips .............. 200-240g ............. $3.00
Kool Aid, Mio liquid asstd ...................................................... 48ml ............. $3.49 Green peppers .......................................................................................... $1.79/lb
Old Dutch Restaurante chips asstd ................................ 348-372g ............. $3.00 Pumpkins ................................................................................................... $3.99ea
PC BM beans red kidney .................................................. 540ml ............. $0.99 Celery stalks ............................................................................................... $1.49ea
PC salad dressing asstd .................................................... 475ml ............. $1.99 Mandarins ...............................................................................................$5.99/box
PC milk sweetened condensed ....................................... 300ml ..........2/$5.00 Apple Ambrosia, McIntosh ....................................................... 5lb ............. $4.99
PC burito kit .........................................................................427g ............. $3.29 Romaine hearts..........................................................................3pk ............. $2.99
PC Blue Menu beans/peas/lentils asstd ............................900g ............. $1.99
PC oatmeal/gingersnap cookies ........................................350g ............. $2.99
PC digestive biscuits .............................300g .. 2/$5.00
Kellogg Special K/Vector cereal...................................... 400-435g ............. $4.29
Quaker oatmeal asstd ...................................................... 288-425g ............. $2.99
Aunt Jemima pancake mix asstd ............................................905g ............. $2.99
Aunt Jemima syrup asstd ..................................................... 750ml ............. $2.99

Folgers instant coffee ..............................................................200g ............. $4.99
Tetley tea orange pekoe/green tea lemon ....................... 75/48ea ............. $4.99
NN facial tissue ..................................................................126sh ............. $1.00

DItaliano bread/buns asstd .............420-675g ...... $2.49
OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK 70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821
Deli World rye bread light .......................................................900g ............. $2.99 *PRICES AVAILABLE AT THE LUCKY DOLLAR IN MINNEDOSA ONLY
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, October 20, 2017 7

Highland Dance North American Conference

SUBMITTED 10 to 13, and 34 seniors, iety, Ballet for Highland, by Sabra MacGillvray, one
age 14 to 17; separated by Medals Tests explained of Atlantic Canadas lead-

T hree dancers from the

local dance troupe,
Expressive Dance with
which level of theory exam
completed in February or
November of 2016. The
from dance stars to
teachers exams, Fitness
and Cross training, Self
ing ambassadors of High-
land and Cape Breton step
dance, then entertained
Crystal, were nominated to dancers competed in four Massage and Highland us. The evening concluded
attend the Scottish Dance areas: a master class that Technique through games with busting out some
Teachers Alliance North consisted of dancing well and stations. We took an moves on the dance floor
American Conference. executed highland tech- in depth look at how steps to a DJ.
They received top honors nique while letting your are coming back to the old Sunday was another
for their theory exams dur- personality shine through. ways and keeping with busy day of workshops
ing November 2016 High- One hour to complete the traditional methods of for the parents, dancers
land Medals Tests held at a written theory exam, Highland dance. and teachers. Then off for
Crystals Dance Studio in dance a Nationals dance Saturday nights Ban- home.
Minnedosa. Two of the Tribute to James L McK- quet was a great time to Vickys impression of
dancers; Lara Denbow enzie and a self-Choreog- enjoy camaraderie with the weekend; It was an
from Neepawa and April raphy. Results were tabu- new dance friends and a amazing experience! I had
Bilcowski from Minnedo- lated and winners would delicious buffet style sup- to work hard and push my-
sa, were unfortunately be announced at the Sat- per. Then it was award self a bit out of my com-
unable to attend due to urday evening banquet. time. Each dancer was fort zone but I learned so
other commitments. Vicky The rest of the week- presented with a certificate much, made new friends
Elgert from Neepawa was end was blocked in to of nomination and par- and had so much fun. Im
the lucky candidate able workshops: parent, dancer ticipation. The top six were so happy that I had the op-
to attend. Her exceptional and teachers workshops, announced and presented portunity to participate in
work during dance exam Championship steps for with a medal in each of such a wonderful event.
time proved worthwhile as 2018 Highland Dances, the four categories: mas- Crystal Scott, Vickys
it took Vicky, her mother Premiership Nationals ter class, theory exam, the dance instructor, was ex-
Judy and instructor Crystal dances, Irish Jig, Sailors Tribute dance and the self- tremely excited for her and
Scott, to the Pinnacle Har- Hornpipe, Hebridean Choreography. And finally looked forward to sharing
bourfront Hotel in Van- Dances, Cape Breton Step the top three overall danc- this experience. On the
couver, BC on October 5th Dancing, Pilates and Ceil- ers were chosen from the Sunday evening, Crystal
to October 8th. idh Dancing. Also lectures junior and senior catego- was able to enjoy a visit
Thursday was spent were held on Raising the ries. The Junior and Senior with long time dance part-
travelling and getting set- Barre developmental Choreography winners ner and friend Gaylene Photo submitted
tled in. Friday was an all guidance through ages performing their solos, the (Burton) Elliot and her
day scholarship compe- and stages, How to help Tribute to J.L. winners and family at their lovely home Crystal Scott and Vicky Algert.
tition for 74 juniors, age your dancer deal with anx- a Cape Breton step dance in Port Moody, BC.

Club 55 Golden Agers Cadurcis News Bridge Club

Running on
Bowling Results By DorEEn TroTT
Results Print jobs may take up to
2-3 weeks to complete.
October 12th
Fill up before youre out!
O ur sympathy is extended to Margaret and Clayton
Wareham and family on the passing of father, grand-
Minnedosa Tribune
1st - Doug Thiessen/
ctober 16th Bowlers of the week are Gladys Murray father and great grandfather Alex Abel. All of Alexs fam- Boyd Grant
179, 204, 210 (+107T) and Ray Criddle 158, 214, 231 ily from all over the nation were able to attend his funeral
(+108T). 2nd - June Clark/
on October 17th. Cliff Lenz
Other good games: Bud Amy 178, Marjorie McNabb The Cadurcis ladies catered to a Womens Day Con-
156, Wayne Brown 208, 206, Rosemary Hamilton 197, 3rd - Jim/Lynn Burgess
ference in Minnedosa on Saturday 4th - John Cullen/
Donna MacDonald 110, Vivian Cullen 184, Dan Motuz Recent visitors with Jim and Nancy Greer were cous-
203, Shirley Mickoski 187, 184, Jim Clark 156, Debbie Albert Parsons
ins Aaron, Julie, Lily and Alice Phillips of Pickering, ON 5th - Wilma Jones/
Tarn 181, Florence Brown 194, Hazel Stonehouse 155, and brother and sister in-law Ken and Irene Phillips of
Bev Chapski 205, 197, Alan Tarn 228 (with bowling stick), Gwen Hoffman
Fred Stonehouse 142, Robert Hendry 187, Doug Petti- Week day visitors with Muriel McManus were Gary
grew 213, Chrystal Stoller 142, 163, Reinhard Penner 199. and Beatrice Small of Portage.

8 Friday, October 20, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, October 20, 2017 9

10 Friday, October 20, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

Expressions Concert Series Rolls Out New Season

By Hillary Miller rison, one of the Expres- ruary 15th. They are re- in Manitoba, and she will pressions concerts. Chil- need not be used by the
sions committee mem- ally vibrant. A really enter- be bringing an accordion dren under the age of 18 person who originally pur-

A nother season of the

Expressions Concert
Series is upon us and if
The second Expres-
sions show, on Novem-
taining kind of Celtic rock
bank, said Harrison. Dur-
ing this show, the Expres-
playing companion to play
alongside her.
The acts that are cho-
will be admitted free when
accompanied by an adult.
We are really struggling to
chased them, so it is pos-
sible to share between in-
terested parties.
you havent already done ber 30th, will be the Royal sions group intents to hold sen for the concert series get people out to concerts, Harrison believes
so, make sure to get your Manitoba Theatre Centre a pub night, where they are often chosen from said Harrison, People that the Expressions Con-
season tickets soon! The production of A Christmas will sell beer and wine, and the Manitoba Showcase, arent as anxious to see live cert Series brings many
first concert will take place Carol. This will be a one- have snacks for attend- which will take place in music anymore, but we benefits to the commu-
at the TCS Pit on the eve- man show featuring Rod ees. We will hopefully get Russell this year. Other would really like to keep nity, seeing somebody do
ning of Wednesday, Octo- Beatty, who did the ever- people out for something a acts are chosen simply by our series going. something live is so dif-
ber 25th, featuring JP Hoe, familiar Walt Wingfield se- little bit different. word of mouth by mem- Season tickets are ferent from seeing it on a
a singer-songwriter from ries in years past. Their final show for bers of the Expressions available at the Minnedosa video or on TV. The inter-
Winnipeg. The local concert se- the 2017-2018 season will group, or members of the Regional Library, but can action of people in the au-
Any of the people ries will then take a short be on March 4th, a Sunday audience. also be purchased at the dience with whoever is en-
from our group who have break until the new year, afternoon, and will fea- Organizers encour- door on the night of the tertaining is a real benefit.
seen him said he is really, when the Derina Harvey ture Patti Kosturok. She age families to bring their performance. Harrison Hurry and get your tickets
really good, said Lori Har- band will perform on Feb- is a well-known fiddler children with them to Ex- noted that season tickets soon!

Fundraising For Upkeep At Justice Hall

By Hillary Miller be re-shingled. However, to say that they had all the many years, but is looking
the new shingles did not work done by local people, to relinquish her duties

T he former Justice
School, which now
serves as a community
stay in place, and needed
to be replaced every time a
large wind came through,
or people with local con-
nections. It is all people
who have a local interest in
as Treasurer soon. Other
board executive members
include Angie Bracken-
hall, is hosting a Hallow- costing the community trying to do their part, she reed as President, Brook
een social on Saturday, board more money. This said. Bayes as Vice President
October 28th. The social happened about three The hall is a popular and Kristen Brown as Sec-
is being held as a fund- times, which caused leaks place and is currently used retary. We want to keep
raiser for the community damaging both the ceiling for socials and commun- that (the hall) alive, when
hall. The funds raised will and floor. ity gatherings. A volleyball the community holds a
be used to purchase some Volunteers retrieved court was built a few years function, you charge for
new appliances and help some of the funds needed ago, making it a fun place your tickets and the pro-
pay for recent building re- for the repairs through to gather in the summer. ceeds come back into the
pairs. The hall currently insurance, but it did not Whenever there is an event community, said Leanne.
needs two fridges and a cover the total cost of the held at the community With other nearby com- Photo by Hillary Miller
small freezer. Hardwood repairs and ongoing up- centre, Brackenreed noted munity halls closing their area. It was built at a cost room schoolhouse became
floor was installed over the keep. Now, the floor and that there is never a short- doors, it would be a shame of $6,000 in the summer a three-room schoolhouse.
summer. ceiling have both been age of community mem- to see the same happen to of 1912, and classes began The school remained open
The repairs to the his- redone, and the hall has bers willing and ready to the former Justice School. the following January. It until 1967, when students
toric brick building began been painted. help out. The Justice School has had two classrooms, with transferred to Forrest to re-
about three years ago, Leanne Brackenreed, Brackenreed has been a rich history, and many two teachers, a basement ceive their education.
when the roof needed to board treasurer, was proud a loyal board member for of its pupils still live in the with a coal and wood fur- Brackenreed is opti-
nace, and outdoor plumb- mistic that the building still
ing. Then, horse-drawn has a future, since she is
vans were used to ferry seeing many young adults
the children to school in moving to the rural com-
the winter, until the roads munities, building homes,
17103SM16 were ready for cars in the and starting families.
summer. In 1959, the two-

17103gm7 Saturday, October 21st

Friday, November 3rd
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, October 20, 2017 11


BY PHONE Call 204-867-3816
Hours to place, correct or cancel ads: Parts and full trailer Whooos That? Costume Frontier Trading Co. An- GET UP TO $50,000 from
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. repair, trailer safeties and rentals October hours Thurs- nual General Meeting to be the Government of Canada.
Autopac Trailer Repair. Sales, day and Friday from 4:00 held at the 50+ Senior Centre Do you or someone you know
Leasing and Financing of flat- 7:00 p.m. and Saturday from in Minnedosa on Wednesday, Have any of these Condi-
The Minnedosa Tribune, P.O. Box 930, tions? ADHD, Anxiety, Arth-
deck, dumpbox, cargo, goose- 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Find us on October 25th, 2017 at 6:30
Minnedosa, Manitoba R0J 1E0 ritis, Asthma, Cancer, COPD,
neck and utility trailers and Facebook or call 204-842-3616 p.m. (29-3) x
BY FAX 204-867-5171 truck beds. Kaldeck Truck Birtle, MB. (31-2) x Depression, Diabetes, Diffi-
and Trailer, Hwy #1 Mac- Global Vision Confer- culty Walking, Fibromyalgia,
BY E-MAIL class@minnedosatribune.com Gregor, MB. 1-888-685-3127. BIRTH ence at the Minnedosa Evan- Irritable Bowels, Overweight,
ANNOUNCEMENT gelical Covenant Church, Oc- Trouble Dressing... and Hun-
dreds more. ALL Ages and
Have something to sell? tober 21st and 22nd. Saturday
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. reserves the right to Medical Conditions Qualify.
Let The Tribunes readers at 5:30 p.m. a potluck interna-
delete any words or phrases deemed by The Minnedosa CALL MANITOBA BENEFITS
know. Ads starting at $9.00 tional dinner and a program
Tribune Ltd. to be objectionable, or to refuse to publish any 1-(800)-211-3550.
plus tax. Call 204-867-3816 or with Kernels of Hope. Bring
advertisement. The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. shall not be
email class@minnedosatri- an ethnic dish to share. Sun-
responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third Have an upcoming
bune.com. day morning Sunday School
party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear event? Wanting good atten-
at 9:30 and Worship service at
in The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. or from any error or omission in Beautyrest Queen Pock- dance? Let the faithful read-
10:30 with World Relief Cana-
any advertisement which is published. et Coil Mattress Sets starting da. Everyone welcome. (30-2) ers of The Minnedosa Tribune
at $599 per set (starting at know by placing a simple
RATES $799 for King sets). Doubles,
Coming Event ad starting
$9.00 for first 40 words, additional words .10 each. queens and king sets in stock. A Singing to End Hun- at $9.00 plus tax for up to 40
Limited selection of tent sale ger fundraising concert in words. Call 204-867-3816
Repeat ads - Half Price. furniture at 30-80% savings support of The Canadian or email your ad to class@
Classified Display - $9.00/col. inch each insert. (Incl. logo, box & still available. 8 piece solid Food Grains Bank will be held minnedosatribune.com.
bolding, and centering). wood cherry finish queen Nikita and Devin would like on Saturday, October 28th at
bedroom suite, $2,799 (KDL to welcome baby 7:00 p.m. in Minnedosa Unit- Vegas Night at Bethany
Happy Snaps: (Birthday, Engagement, Wedding, Birth, &
retail value $3,899). 5 piece CADEN WAYNE ed Church. No admission fee Community Centre. Satur-
Graduation) - $16.00 for the first 20 words and the picture.
counter height table set 54x54 DERENIWSKI. but donation envelopes Will day, November 4th at 8:00
Obituaries: - $6.50 per col. inch. inches (reduces to 36x54) Born on October 4th, 2017, at be provided. All monies col- p.m. Tickets are $15.00 (in-
Reach the entire province (50 weekly newspapers) $189.00 inches table and four stools 8:37 a.m. and weighing 6lbs lected are matched 4 to 1 by cludes $15,000 play money)
Westman and Eastman: $119.00 for $799, (KDL retail value 12oz. Proud grandparents are the Federal Government. This Admission by Advanced Tick-
$1,399). Solid oak 42 inch Cindy and Earl Shaurette is an ecumenical event be- ets. Call Karly Boyd at 204-
All Ads plus 5% G.S.T. and Tracey and 865-2478 or Lynne Betteridge
round pedestal table set with ing sponsored by Minnedosa
Wayne Dereniwski; at 204-865-2244. Please Drink
Deadlines four high back chairs (opens
to 42x60 inches) for $1,499, great-grandmothers are
United Church Senior Choir.
Hope to see you there! (30-3) x Responsibly. (31-3) x
Classified advertisements must be submitted no later 3 sets only! (KDL retail value B.J Schmidtke and
than noon Tuesday for insertion in the following Fridays $2,399). Single over single Dot Wareham. Childrens Harvest Fest. Music by John Cullen
edition. All classified advertisements must be prepaid BEFORE solid wood bunk set $699 A baby shower will be held Friday, October 27th from 7:00 and Friends at the 50+ Cen-
insertion. (espresso or natural colour) at the Onanole Recreation 8:15 p.m. at the Minnedosa tre on Monday, October 30th
(KDL retail value $999), mat- Centre on October 29th from Community Conference Cen- at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is wel-
The Minnedosa Tribune is not responsible for 4-6 p.m. Please bring a new tre. FREE games and treats, come! (31-2) x
tresses extra. Watch for de-
typographical errors published AFTER the first insertion, nor or used book instead of a coffee for the adults and priz-
tails on our 15th Anniversary
does it assume responsibility for errors published as a result of card to help us start a learn- es for costumes. Bring your Halloween Dance fea-
Sale. See staff or contact KDL
an advertisement placed, changed, or cancelled, by telephone. ing library for Caden. own bag for treats. Everyone turing the Prairie Outlaws at
for more information. Mon-
To ensure your advertisement appears correctly please submit (31-2) Welcome! (30-2) x Polonia Community Hall on
Fri 9-8, Sat 9-6 and Sun 11-5.
it in person, by fax, mail, or email. October 28th, 2017 from 8:00
Call KDL Furniture at 204-
p.m. 1:00 a.m. Adults $12.00,
571-1971. 660 Highland Ave., COMING EVENTS Second Minnedosa
Home Routes Concert this 6 to 12 $6.00, Preschoolers
South side of #1 Hwy., Bran-
AUCTIONS FOR SALE don. season Sunday, October free. Prizes for costumes.
Rapid City UCW Fall Sup- 20th. New England Appa- Lunch Served. (31-2) x
per. Held in the Legion Hall lachian Folk Roots Harmo-
McSherry Auction BATTERIES FOR EVERY- FOR RENT on Sunday, October 22nd, ny/Multi-Instramentalists Blood Pressure Clinic
#12 Patterson Drive THING. Automotive, farm, (EMS) at 50+ Centre 9:30 -
2017. Sittings at 4:45 and 6:00 - Mark Mandevile and Rai-
Stonewall, MB construction, ATV, marine, 10:30 on Wednesday Novem-
2 bedrrom condo in p.m. Adults $15.00. Children anne Russell. Doors open at
motorcycle, golf carts, phones, ber 1, 2017. Coffee and snack
Gun Auction Winnipeg available for Janu- 6 10 $7.00, Preschool Free. 6:30 p.m. $20 - all for the art-
tools, radios, computers etc. available. (Minnedosa & Dis-
Sat Oct 21 @ 9:30 AM ary, February and March. Advance tickets are available ists. Refreshments included.
Reconditioned, obsolete and trict Services to Seniors) (31-
from Bernice Finlay at 204- Contact Nancy for directions
Vintage Service Station hard-to-find batteries. SOLAR Everything is included, close 2) x
826-2226. (29-3) x and to reserve.. 204-210-
& Coca Cola Sale equipment. The Battery Man. to hospital in the West end
Sat Oct 28 @ 10:00 AM of the city. Reliable Tenants 0754 or nellymills@hotmail.
Winnipeg. 1.877.775.8271 Minnedosa Curling Club
only. References required. Minnedosa United com.(30-2)
Consign Now! www.batteryman.ca. Fall Supper. Sunday, October
Call 204-800-0530 or email Church Turkey Fowl Supper.
Stuart McSherry 29th, 2017 at the Minnedosa
dannym1014@gmail.com. Friday, October 20th in the
(204) 467-1858 or PROVINCE-WIDE CLAS- Curling Club from 4:40 -6:30
(29-3) x church hall from 5:00 7:00
(204) 886-7027 SIFIEDS. Reach over 400,000 p.m. Adults $15.00, Children
p.m. Adults $15.00, Youth
www.mcsherryauction.com readers weekly. Call this 6 12 $7.00, 5 and under free.
$7.00, Preschool Free. (29-3) x
newspaper NOW or email (31-2) x
classified@mcna.com for de-
12 Friday, October 20, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

urday Evening Bingos are re- FEDERATION is seeking Dis- May 25th, 1923 September 19th, 2017
suming for another season trict Sales Managers in your
on Saturday, November 4th area. Earn a good living while Anthony (Tony) Stanley Yaworski of Nanaimo, B.C., passed
at 7:00. Come on down with fighting for lower taxes, less away at the age of 94 years, after a brief illness.
a friend and join us for an en- waste, accountable govern- Tony was born in the village of Elphinstone, MB to John
joyable hour and half of Bingo ment. Resumes to: rcunning- HAY/PASTURE LAND FOR SALE and Annie (Dziver) Yaworski. He was the second of four chil-
Banter & Special Prizes. Five ham@taxpayer.com. More dren raised on the family farm in the Crawford Park district of
dollars gets you three cards info CALL 1-800-667-7933 or Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) has the following Manitoba.
which are good for each of the visit www.taxpayer.com. Tony remained on the farm until November 1942 when
land listed for sale in the RM of Minto-Odanah:
ten games that we play each he volunteered to serve overseas in the Second Wold War. He
evening. (License #1269) (31- MEDICAL TRANSCRIP- NW 17-14-18 WPM 160 acres was assigned to the 10th Field Company of the Royal Canadian
3) x TION! In-demand career! Engineers. His company was part of the D-Day invasion of Nor-
Employers have work-at- There are approximately 76 acres in tame mandy and was involved in the liberation of Holland. After the
Christmas Tea and Bake home positions available. war, he returned home to work as a caterpillar operator doing
hay/pasture sown this year (grass and alfalfa mix);
Sale on Saturday, November Get online training you need land clearing and road construction. Shortly after that he pur-
18th from 2:00 4:00 p.m. from an employer-trusted 80.5 acres slough/grass and restored wetlands and chased an automotive service station in Sandy Lake, MB.
at the Minnedosa Covenant program. Visit: CareerStep. a 3.5 acre yard site with older buildings. In October of 1952, Tony married Sophie Michalchuk,
Church. Every one Welcome. x ca/MT or 1-855-768-3362 to daughter of Jacob and Annie Michalchuk, and they settled into
start training for your work- Property is being sold subject to the registration of their home in Sandy Lake. Children Carol and Raymond helped
WE Scare Hunger: MCIs at-home career today! a No Break No Drain Conservation Easement to start their family. A fire in 1957 destroyed the service station
C.H.A.N.G.E Committee will prompting a career change to running a bulldozer for rail con-
Agreement. Tame hay/pasture may be rejuvenated
be going around town collect- struction in northern Manitoba and eventually working as a
ing non-perishable food items PAINTER every 10 years.
welder in Brandon, MB where the family now resettled. Daugh-
to donate to the Minnedosa ter Janice and son Tim were born in Brandon and completed
Food Bank, from 6-8pm on the family. In 1959, Tony made one last career change when
Call Terry for Paint and
Tuesday, October 31st. They
repairs to painted surfaces.
Listing Agent: he trained to be a carpenter, his profession until retirement.
will be wearing name tags, so
Washing exterior siding. Still Grant Tweed For the majority of his career he was an active member of the
get those non-perishable food 204-761-6884 United Brotherhood of Carpenters Union. In his lifetime Tony
time to book! 204-868-8088
items ready, and give them to built or renovated nearly all of the family homes.
or them@live.ca. Plan ahead
a good cause! (31-2) x From Brandon, the family moved to Erickson, MB and
for interior work! (24-13) x
then built a new home in Minnedosa, MB in 1964. In the sum-
Reformation celebration
CARD OF THANKS STEEL BUILDINGS mer of 1969 the family moved west to Maple Ridge, BC in the
events: Tuesday, October 31st MOBILE HOMES Fraser Valley region east of Vancouver. Tony and Sophie pur-
- Hymn sing at Zion in Plumas chased a lot that had a small home and the remnants of an old
at 8 p.m., Friday, November On the night of Sep- STEEL BUILDING SALE lumber yard on a one acre gravel lot on the north edge of town.
3rd German style potluck LAST CHANCE, 1 ONLY ...BLOWOUT SALE! 20x23 Three years and long hours of construction and landscaping by
tember 28th, 2017 I was in-
followed by presentation on 16 x 80, 3 Bed, 2 Bath. Start- $5,998. 25x27 $6,839. 30x33 the couple transformed it into a modern split level home with
volved in a accident just
history of Martin Luther and ing at $92,000. Altona Mo- $8,984. One End Wall In- beautiful flower beds and gardens, which was dear to their
outside Minnedosa. I would
early Reformers at Zion in bile Homes, 1-800-582-4036, cluded. Bonus Drill/Impact hearts long after they left it. In 1979 Tony and Sophie moved
like to take the time to say
Plumas at 6:30 p.m., Saturday, 1-204-324-6776 Email amhl@ Driver Combo Kit Included. to Summerland, BC, and the following year Tony retired. They
thank you to the bystanders
November 4th showing of mymts.net. Check Out www.pioneer- thrived in their new environment and took pride in the variety
who stopped to help me and
Martin Luther: The Idea That called 911, the Minnedosa steel.ca for more prices. Pion- of fruits and vegetables they were able to grow and harvest.
Changed the World at 3 p.m.
Free will donation at door.
IN MEMORIAM paramedics, firefighters and eer Steel 1-855-212-7036. Tony was also very involved with the Seniors Drop In Centre
police, the doctor, X-ray tech and served for many years on the Executive Board. In the spring
(31-2) x and nurses at the Minnedosa DRIVERS of 2007, Tony and Sophie moved to Saskatoon, SK, where Tims
In Loving Memory of Health Center (hospital), WANTED family was living, but moved back to the Okanagan a year later
SHERRY DIANE Minnedosa Auto Wreckers to a home in Penticton, BC. In March of 2015, Tony and Sophie
August 8th, 1968
employees, my family and ROADEX SERVICES re- moved to Nanaimo, BC, into a condominium at Origin at Long-
friends and everyone who is quires O/O 1 tons and 3 tons wood, near their daughter Janice.
October 17th, 2014 in my life. I Truly appreciated Throughout his life, Tony celebrated his Catholic faith in
Jarvis Trucking is seek- for our RV division to haul
everything that everyone did RVs throughout North Amer- many parishes including St. Anthony, Jackfish Lake, MB; St.
ing class 1 drivers to haul The memory is so precious that night.Stephanie Hertle- ica and semi O/O to haul RVs Hedwig, Brandon, MB; St. Alphonsus, Minnedosa, MB; St. Pat-
gravel & asphalt for highway that it is hard to believe in. Langenburg, SK and general freight. Border rick, Maple Ridge, BC; Holy Child, Summerland, BC; St. Francis
construction. Experience that you are gone
crossing required with valid Xavier, Saskatoon, SK; and St. John Vianney, Penticton; BC. He
with triple end dumps neces- four years already. In loving memory of K. passport and clean criminal was also a member of the Knights of Columbus.
sary. We offer competitive Silent thoughts and secret Joan Betteridge. We know her record. 1-800-867-6233; www. Tony was predeceased by his parents John and Annie, his
wages. For more information tears keeps memory ever wishes would be to thank ev- roadexservices.com. infant brother Kasmir, his daughter Carol (in 2005), as well as
please call Jarod at 204-856- so dear and near. eryone for their kind words Sophies parents, Jacob and Annie Michalchuk and her siblings
3221. (29-4) x God Bless You. and generous donations to Steve, Nick, John, Bill and Mary.
BUSINESS Lovingly remembered by all
Palliative Care in her memo- DEATH NOTICE Tony is survived by his loving wife of nearly 65 years, So-
ry. Thank you for the beauti- phie (Michalchuk); by three children, Raymond (Suzan Neal)
OPPORTUNITY your family, ful arrangements provided of Red Deer, AB, Janice (Ron Jourdain) of Nanaimo, BC and
Mom, Dad, Shirley, Kevin, by Flowers on Main. Thank Alexander Brigham Timothy (Kiply Lukan) of Saskatoon, SK.; by seven grandchil-
CASH O MATIC Profit Keith and Margie and Myles you to Dr. Gavin Roche, Dr. Abel of Minnedosa, MB; en- dren, Lewis (Emma), Kaitlyn, Stewart, Nathan (Jessica), Rachel,
Centers - 10 Times Better Kristalovich. Dhalla. Dr. Daenick and Dr. tered into rest on October Jacob and Anna; and one great-grandchild Eleanor. Tony is
Than Vending. Perfect All x Khandelwal for the care they 12th, 2017 at the age of 93 also survived by his sister Lena (Rick) Richard, brother Frank
Cash Business for the Whole
provided. Also to the staff years. A Funeral service took Yaworski (all of Crawford Park, MB) and numerous nieces and
Family Plus Raises Money for In Loving Memory of at Minnedosa Hospital you place on Tuesday, October nephews.
Breast Cancer Research. Full GERALD A. ERICKSON truly care with all your hearts. 17th, 2017 in the Minnedosa A memorial will be held at a later date.
Details CALL NOW 1-866-

October 23rd, 2013 Thank You. Thank you to Elgin United Church, Minnedosa,
668-6629 Website www.swe-
Hall for the lovely service, you MB with interment following
etsforacause.com Another year truly knew her. Thank you to in the Minnedosa Cemetery
another tear Nathan White for your sup- Legion Section. Donations
Your smile, your laugh port and kindness. Thank you may be made to the Minne-
THINK your quiet love for all. to the Ladies Legion auxiliary dosa United Church or the Advertising deadline is
You were so very special for the wonderful lunch. To Dr. Khandelwal Primary
ADVERTISING you really were the best. family and friends who pro- Care Centre. Longer obitu- TUESDAYS AT 12 NOON
IS EXPENSIVE? vided us with baking, meals ary to follow. Messages of
Always loved and cards of condolences, condolence may be placed
A simple Classied Always remembered, Thank you from the bottom on line at www.minnedosafs. Call
ad starts at Karen, Lois and families. of our hearts. George, Kathy, caMinnedosa Funeral Ser-
ONLY $9.00
x Richard and family. x vice, Minnedosa, MB in care 204-867-3816
of arrangements. 1-204-867-
TRY ONE TODAY! 3868 or email ads to
204-867-3816 adsales@
class@minnedosatribune.com minnedosatribune.com
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, October 20, 2017 13


Rotary And Polio

May 19th, 1928 -
September 29th, 2017

Roy passed away in his

sleep, after an 8 month struggle
with increasing dementia at the SUBMITTED about 1,000 cases per day. lated by conflict, geog-
age of 89. PolioPlus raphy, or poverty. Rotary

He is survived by his wife
ctober 24th marks the In 1985, Rotary Challenges members also recruit
of 66 years, Veronica: his daugh-
ter Rochelle (Irvin); grandchil-
fifth annual World launched its PolioPlus The polio cases repre- fellow volunteers, assist
dren: Julie, Mitchell (Shivonne) Polio Day hosted by the program, the first initia- sented by the remaining with transporting the vac-
and Chelsea (Dakota); great Bill and Melinda Gates tive to tackle global polio one percent are the most cine, and provide other
grandchildren: Samantha, Katrina, Foundation. Many of to- eradication through the difficult to prevent, due logistical support.
Trinity and Blythe. days seniors, including the mass vaccination of chil- to factors including geo-
He was the middle child of a sibling increasing baby boomer dren. Rotary has contrib- graphical isolation, poor This Close Campaign
group of eleven. All but his two younger broth- generation in North Amer- uted more than $1.7 billion public infrastructure, Rotary has a growing
ers, Earl (Eleanor) and Albert (Joan) have predeceased him. ica, have unforgettable and countless volunteer armed conflict and cul- roster of public figures and
Left behind are many nieces, nephews and cousins who reside
memories of seemingly hours to immunize more tural barriers. Until polio celebrities participating
all over Canada.
Roy had a varied working career. He was a career soldier,
healthy family members, than 2.5 billion children in is eradicated, all countries in its This Close public
mainly being transferred between Alberta and Manitoba. He friends and neighbors who 122 countries. In addition, remain at risk of outbreaks. awareness campaign, in-
started in the artillery and moved to being a paratrooper end- fell ill to the polio virus Rotarys advocacy efforts cluding Bill Gates, co-chair
ing his 25 year stint as a Safety System Technician. Returning to that spread throughout in have played a role in de- Ensuring Success of the Bill & Melinda Gates
civilian life working as a greens keeper. Ice maker and mainten- the forties and fifties. Little cisions by donor govern- Rotary will raise $50 Foundation; actresses
ance engineer in Abbotsfords recreational arenas mainly MRC. did people know that the ments to contribute more million per year over the Kristen Bell and Archie
He loved his family first and foremost needing little else. He dreaded virus would rob so than $7.2 billion to the ef- next three years, with Panjabi; WWE superstar
enjoyed playing cards, curling, golfing - often playing even in many folks of their mobil- fort. every dollar to be matched John Cena; supermodel
snow. Roy had a great sense of humour enjoying the antics
ity as well as seriously im- Global Polio Eradication with two additional dollars Isabeli Fontana; Nobel
of others while he stayed in the background. You never knew
what would tickle him.
pact their personal health Initiative from the Bill & Melinda Peace Prize laureate Arch-
Roy was interned at MussleWhite Cemetery following a until their passing. Thirty The Global Polio Gates Foundation. These bishop Emeritus Desmond
small intimate service, October 11th, 2017. one thousand survivors Eradication Initiative, funds help to provide Tutu; action movie star
The family would especially like to thank the staff at Menno in Canada continue to formed in 1988, is a pub- much-needed operational Jackie Chan; boxing great
Hospital 2 West for their kindness and care they took with Roy. deal on a daily basis with lic-private partnership support, medical person- Manny Pacquiao; pop star
They enjoyed his humour while it was still there and were al- the unwanted effects of that includes Rotary, the nel, laboratory equipment, Psy; golf legend Jack Nick-
ways respectful and caring when talking with him. We would polio syndrome. While the World Health Organiza- and educational materi- laus; conservationist Jane
also like to thank the Pastor of Menno and his volunteers for March of Dimes campaign tion, the U.S. Centers for als for health workers and Goodall; premier violinist
stopping in and spending time with Roy especially during his
operates in Canada, Rotary Disease Control and Pre- parents. Governments, Itzhak Perlman; Grammy
end of days.
In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to a charity of
International (including vention, UNICEF, the Bill corporations and private Award winners A.R. Rah-
your choice. if you have none, any society that is working to regional and local Rotary and Melinda Gates Foun- individuals all play a cru- man; Angelique Kidjo and
fight this debilitating disease of Alzheimer / dementia in Roys service clubs) continue to dation, and governments cial role in funding. Ziggy Marley; and peace
name would be greatly appreciated. raise public awareness for of the world. Rotarys focus advocate Queen Noor
Please join us in remembering Roy by visiting our Memor- polio eradicaton, world- is advocacy, fundraising, Rotary in Action of Jordan. These ambas-
ial at www.hendersonsabbotsfordfunerals.com. wide. volunteer recruitment and More than one mil- sadors help educate the
Through this site, we invite you to share your thoughts and Poliomyelitis (polio) awareness-building. lion Rotary members have public about polio through
fond memories with our family. is a paralyzing and pot- donated their time and public service announce-
entially fatal disease that Polio Today personal resources to end ments, social media and
July 17th, 1928 October 14th, 2017
still threatens children in Today, there are only polio. Every year, hundreds public appearances.
some parts of the world. three countries that have of Rotary members work
The family of David Lloyd Dmytar announce his sudden The poliovirus invades the never stopped transmis- side-by-side with health Minnedosa Rotary
passing in Deloraine, Manitoba hospital. Dave (nicknamed nervous system and can sion of the wild poliovirus: workers to vaccinate chil- Club meets weekly at 5
Chili) completed his lifes journey at the age of 89. cause total paralysis in Afghanistan, Nigeria and dren in polio-affected p.m., the first three Thurs-
Dave was born July 17th, 1928. He is predeceased by his a matter of hours. It can Pakistan. Just 37 polio countries. Rotary Mem- days of the month. Want to
parents Clarence and Anna (nee Novalkowski) and by his sib- strike at any age but main- cases were confirmed bers work with UNICEF know more about the fun
lings Mary (husband William Everitt), John (wife Helen Klym), ly affects children under worldwide in 2016, which and other partners to pre- and fellowship that mem-
and by his uncle Jack Dmyterko. Dave is survived by his sister
five. Polio is incurable, but is a reduction of more pare and distribute mass bers and volunteers enjoy?
Leona (first husband Fred Sokal).
His family resided and farmed in the Newdale and Sandy
completely vaccine-pre- than 99.9 percent since the communication tools to Call 867 2113 for more
Lake area. Dave was married to Elizabeth (nee Dmyterko) from ventable. 1980s, when the world saw reach people in areas iso- info.

November 13th, 1951 to 1978. He is survived by his five chil-
dren, Bruce (Dusty Dancer), Calvin, Diane, David and Brenda.

Planning your n e P r i n t i n
Tribuying * Flyers * Posters
He was an uncle to; Barry, Iris, Judy, Terry, Tommy, Jo-Ann,
Barbara (late) and Kenneth. At the time of Daves passing, he

had ten grandchildren (Matthew, Amy, Levi, Dustin, Nadine,
Danielle, Tori, Sarah, Andrew and Laura) and five great grand-
children (Phillip, Yulia, Rocco, Jack and Lahna).
Photocop R e ceipt Books
a t in g *
* Lamin
Dave resided mainly in Manitoba during his life, but did
manage a farm in southern Alberta in the late fifties and early
ic k e t s * R afe Ticket
* Social T es
sixties. He owned and operated a mixed farm three miles north
of Newdale. Dave was a skilled carpenter, operated a bulldozer
s in e s s C a r ds * Invoic
* Bu ch
nalized Mat
clearing land in the winter, worked as a mechanic e.g. for Day-
e s * P e r s o
* Envelop
tons Garage, was awarded demolition contracts (Strathclair
Drug Store, Minnedosa Hotel and School), was a councillor in
o o k s * B ro chures * Se
Make your day a truely special one, B
ber Stamps
the R.M. of Harrison and worked as a bartender at the Leisure
Inn. In his pastime, he enjoyed hunting and fishing. He had a
in g o r R u b
zest for life right to the end. He enjoyed motoring around in his with a custom designed wedding Ink * Invitation
* B a n n e r s
invitation suite to suit your style! * Posters ersonalized
red outdoor scooter, taking in local baseball games, and watch-
ing local demolition and construction projects.
u N o t e s * P
Please come and join the family members gathering We also print Personalized * Thank Yo d More!
together in Manitoba at the following locations to honour and Match Books and Napkins! Napkins an
celebrate Dave. Saturday, October 21st, 2017 at 10:00 a.m., in

8 6 7 - 3 8 1 6
Deloraine, Manitoba, at the Roman Catholic Church for me-
morial readings and Monday, October 23rd, 2017 at 3:00 p.m.,
in Newdale, Manitoba, at the Harrison House for a casual me- 204-867-3816
morial. adsales@minnedosatribune.com adsa
14 Friday, October 20, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune


Living in your
Proud Supporter
Rick Taylor 867-7551
Catharine Warrener
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Email: Catharine@mts.net 204-210-1274 installation & repair
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- 1,330 sq. ft. 1 storey Minnedosa
- Extensive renovations - Only 1 mile off pavement
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- Many updates in past 3-6 Septic Systems Weeping tiles
- Appliances included - Septic tank and eld and
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Commercial property on 5.24
acres. Included is a 14x22 work OTTER LAKE MINNEDOSA Extensively renovated 2 bdm 1 1/2
bath home features all new kitchen
shed with in floor heat and a Lake front 3 bedroom bungalow Open concept 2 bedroom cabinets, countertops, backsplash,
100x40 heavy steel building - east offered turn key. Moveable island, bungalow with 4 piece bath, partly island, LED lighting, sky light in
side has 3 air conditioned offices, teak dining room table, wood finished insulated basement, 5 master bath, new HE gas furnace,
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side is 38x78 divided by fire wall master bedroom leads to deck 09, custom built kitchen cabinets with attached single car garage with
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quality concrete 3 phase power & 11, flower beds, personal dock and Situated on a large lot, storage shed insulation, shingles, roof vents,
much much more.... Would make much more... & 2 car parking pad. House has 2 windows, landscaped front yard, Roofing Decks
excellent bin site, chem storage, styro under vinyl siding, newer drainage & much more. Call listing
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Cheri McTavish Broker Refridgeration
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and Advisors Myrna Alexander
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George Allard, FCGA* Cell: 868-5503
Cell: 868-5503
Gateway Street Farm, Business & Individual
30 Years
Onanole, MB Open Professional Services:
Book Ex perience!!
204-848-7413 ~ Tax
8:30 -6:00 This
Howard Wirch, C.G.A* ~ Accounting Bus : 867-3950
9-515 4th Ave. 116 Main Street
110A ~ Farm Programs Spot Fa x: 867-2340
Shoal Lake, MB
Sarah Campbell, CGA Book this spot
204-759-2680 Minnedosa for
Dauphin Office -
39 Main Street South $5.52/week only
15 1st Ave. S.W.
204 867-5550 Minnedosa 867-2957
Call 204-867 3816
Phone: 204-638-3005 $11.07
Fax: 204-638-5817
*Denotes Professional Corporation
week! Call Gregg
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, October 20, 2017 15



Septic Service
L a w O ffi c e
5 AND 6 continuous TV AND APPLIANCE
Norman H. Sims, Q.C. SALES AND SERVICE Potable water Lawn Mowing & Trimming
7 6 Ma i n S t r e e t S o u t h Your Shaw Direct, Dandelion Spraying -
Siding Roofing MINNEDOSA 867-2717 LG, Samsung, Bell delivery. Licensed Pesticide Applicator
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Glen Burgess Blow in Attic & Wall Fibre Insulation
Computer Sales and Service
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Erle Jury & Family
Licensed Arborist Service
Hedge Trimming
Fire Retardent Coating Accessories
204-867-3738 PLUMBING Minnedosa, MB 867-2416
Yard Clean Up

204-868-5211 Email: mcreal@live.ca

Phone 867-3164
Cell: 867-7558
Cory Johnston Minnedosa

WAHOSKI E-mail: darm112@mts.net (204) 476-4705

Sewage Service Prairie Mountain HVAC/R


Anxiety Disorders
Air Conditioning

867-0145 867-5551
or of Manitoba Cell: 476-6591 Kitchen Equipment
Commercial Gas Fitter
Support Group Dennis: 476-2766
Gently Used Furniture 204-476-5185 Commercial & Residential
service specialist
FINANCE Clothing & Misc. Items Meetings are held at 23 Hour Service
Donations Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of Kent Brown
Estate Sales HILLSIDE the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 1-204-867-7346
Minnedosa Pick-up & Deliveries Plumbing & Heating
For more info call:
Credit Union
Debbie Fisch
(204) 725-8550 LEONAS
Ty Burton St. Alphonsus Studio Of Image
Main line 204-868-5358 Catholic Church Eminence Facials
204-867-6350 ANONYMOUS 142
142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW.
Brad Ross Custom If you like to drink and can Minnedosa,MB
Minnedosa, MB 867-3831
& Product
Pedicures & LCN Nails
Carol Taylor
Fertilizer That's your business
If you want to stop and can't Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m. Spray Tanning
204-867-6368 Floating That's our business. Piercing
Eyelash Extensions
Terry McLenehan Call today to book your
Plumbing & Heating P.O. Box 36
Susan Glasgow
spring oating needs!
Construction or 867-3966 204-867-2287
Alanon - 210-0433 67 Main St.
204-867-6353 Darvin - 204-868-5869 MAIN OFFICE Alateen - 867-5121
Debbie Strelczik
Robert - 204-867-7113 204-867-5458
867-3401 Minnedosa
Mtg. Times: 8:00 pm Tuesdays People Helping People TAC
Dan Quesnel PLUMBING & HEATING - Committed to Caring - Ventures Inc.
Sylvia Firby
Russ Huyghe
204-868-6376 Drug Problem? Phone (204) 857-6100 Waste
204-867-6361 CONSTRUCTION Narcotics Fax (204) 857-8389 Management &
Candice Brown
Cody Huyghe
204-210-0502 Anonymous can help cpcancerservices@shaw.ca
www.centralplainscancer Contracting
Alayna McTavish
(48-4) OFFICE MANAGER Meetings every services.com (204)476-0002
Matt Saler
Kim Robinson 204-868-6886 Tuesday & Waterpals
Garbage Removal
Bin Rentals
204-867-6352 LEGAL Saturday at 7 p.m. Potable Water Delivery
Construction Demolition
Joanne Clarke
G ORD K E L LY at Calvary Temple, Minnedosa and area
Household clean up
Estate clean ups
Gaylene Johnson Alexander Plumbing & Heating 221 Hamilton Street, No Job is too small!!!
Jackson Gas Fitting Neepawa, MB Transformative
ph: 867-2084 204-868-5674 (8-4)
204-867-6391 Law Office cell: 867-0346 Permanant Hair Removal
B-116 MainSt.St
110B Main S. S 142 Main Street North

GRAIN Minnedosa, MB REAL ESTATE MLA Minnedosa, MB

HAULING 867-3981

Lake Audy Meats


Brian Horner
Burgess Law Farm Raised Animals
Grain & Fertilizer Lorne or Ian Arnold
Hauling 204.759.3313 204-848-2205
51 Main Street S Toll Free 844.877.7767 Cells: 204-867-7380
Minnedosa gregnesbittmla@mymts.net or 204-848-0660
PETER HARRISON #7 515 4th Avenue Josh McKay - Sales Rep
Phone/Text 867-5444 Burlington Place, Shoal Lake, MB 204-210-0740
204-867-7182 www.suttonharrison.com
16 Friday, October 20, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

International Safety Poster Winner

By Hillary Miller and teacher. The contest forwarded to the inter- to choose from when cre-
is a great opportunity for national level, to be judged ating their safety contest

T he talented Maegan
Waldner has won the
UCT Safety Poster Contest
students. It is a chance
for them to display their
artistic abilities, and at
in Columbus. The poster
had the slogan A damaged
wire could start a fire, and
poster. It can be fire and
electrical safety, water and
storm safety, the dangers
at the international level. the colony they do such touched on the dangers of of texting and driving or
Maegans poster competed beautiful work and put a electrical safety. farm safety, mentioned
at the Upper Level in the lot of effort into it, stated At the local level, Wal- Shorrock as she listed a few
contest and earned first Minnedosa UCT member dner won $25 and a cer- of the possibilities.
place at the international Donna Shorrock. It is out- tificate for her first-place The posters are always
poster judging at the UCT standing work and makes standing, and another $25 judged by professionals,
headquarters in Colum- it very difficult to choose a for her win at the regional in order to ensure that
bus, Ohio. winner. level. At the international the posters receive fair
Waldner is a student Waldners poster was level, she was awarded evaluations. She and the
at the Odanah Colony a first-place winner in with $100 and a blue rib- other UCT members from
School, south of Minne- both the local contest in bon for her first-place sub- Minnedosa are very proud
dosa. The award was pre- Minnedosa and regional mission. to have a local student win
sented to her recently, in contest in Brandon back There are many dif- at the international level.
front of her classmates in spring 2017. It was then ferent options for students

Sandy Lake News

By Diane Bachewich McLaughlin spent a few for the Strathclair Bend the south also have made
days in Calgary, AB and Theatre enjoyed this years the trek from Maryland,

S ympathy is extended
to Jenny Coulson and
family on the passing of
while there the experi-
enced the first winter snow
storm of the season, that
first production on Satur-
day night which was The
Western Manitoba Youth
Tennessee, North Caroli-
na, Alabama, Illinois, Wis-
consin and Minnesota to
Photo submitted
her brother in-law Steve blew in on the days they Choir 2017 in concert. This enjoy the great hunting in
Meagan Walder, a student at Odanah Colony Chimik (sister Roses hus- were there. years choir comprised of Friendly Manitoba.
School, recently won first place in the band) of Vancouver, BC. Nice to see Mel Rys- 48 members representing Neil and Debra Noon-
international UCT Safety Poster Contest. Gordon and Paula tephanuk, Eileen Burba 13 Westman communities. an have returned home
and Helen Derhak home They put on a super con- from Calgary where they
from their stay at the cert. spent some time with
Minnedosa Hospital. Sympathy goes out to Neils mom and Dad.
Congratulations to Da- the family of Ron Powluk Congratulations to

your first ChoiCe vid and Darcy Rystepha-

nuk on their 25th wedding
who passed away recently
at the age of 58 in Winni-
Tonielle Bachewich and
her teammates who won

for farm or forest anniversary which they

observed last week.
peg. Grave side service and
burial were held at the St.
the MHSAA Provincial
girls soccer championship
Mark and Jane An- Nickolas Orthodox Church 2017-2018 which was held
dreychuk of Calgary vis- (North) on Saturday. Ron over the weekend at Niver-
240 Chainsaw ited over the weekend with was the oldest son of the ville, MB.
15% more power than the leading competitor mom Ida Andreychuk and late Mike and Emily Pow- George Rush left on
in its class. ideal for clean-up and pruning
brother Larry and Iris An- luk. Tuesday for his home in
tasks around the home.
dreychuk and family. In the past few weeks Vancouver, while here he
Air injection | X-torq | Low vib | 2 hp
Best wishes for a there have been many enjoyed a visit with his
$279.99 MsrP speedy recovery to Ollie duck hunters around the cousin who hailed here
Lewandoski who is in the area, along with Manitoba from Wisconsin to do
Minnedosa Hospital. enthusiasts there have some duck hunting.
440 Chainsaw Those from here that been hunters from Alberta
Be more productive with this powerful, fuel are season ticket holders and BC. Our neighbours to
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X-torq | tool-less Chain Adjust optional | 2.4 hp

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Air injection | X-torq | smart start | 3.2 hp Head Coverings
$514.99 MsrP Central Plains Cancer Services serves over 70 communities in Manitoba: (Free of Charge)
Alonsa, Altamont, Amaranth, Arden, Arizona, Austin, Bagot, Bethany, Birnie, Bruxelles, Clanwilliam, Hearts & Hope Pragram
Culross, Cypress River, Delta Beach, Eden, Edrans, Edwin, Elie, Elm Creek, Fannystelle, Firdale, Fortier, Resource Library
find your HusqvArnA At Franklin, Gladstone, Glenella, Glenora, Haywood, High Bluff, Holland, Katrime, Kelwood, Kinosota, Support Groups
Lakeland, Langruth, Lavenham, Macdonald, MacGregor, Mariapolis, Marius, McCreary, Minnedosa,
FOUR SEASONS REPAIR Mountain Road, Neepawa, Newton, Norgate, Notre Dame de Lourdes, Oakland, Oakville, Ogilvie,
21 ARMITAGE AVE. MINNEDOSA, MB 867-2737 phone 867-3140 fax fsrepair@mts.net Plumas, Polonia, Poplar Point, Portage la Prairie, Pratt, Rathwell, Riding Mountain, Rossendale,
Sidney, Silver Ridge, Somerset, Southport, Springstein, St. Alphonse, St. Ambroise, St. Claude, St. 318 Saskatchewan Ave. E
We service what we sell! Eustache, St. Leon, Starbuck, Swan Lake, Tenby, Treherne, Waldersee. Portage la Prairie, MB
R1N 0K8
Central Plains Cancer Services in a non-profit grassroots organization. Executive Director:
2017 Husqvarna AB. All rights reserved.
All funds are derived through donations, memorials, planned giving and Sharilyn Knox
funraising initiatives. With your generous support these programs
would not be possible.
(1m x 12)

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