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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 135 Issue 31 Friday, October 20, 2017 90 cents plus tax

INSIDE MCI Girls Win Soccer Provincials

this week

No Injuries
In Rollover


16 SUBMITTED Athletic Association Pro-

vincial Rural Soccer Cham-
Bachewich (grade 12) who
crossed the ball in to Katie
the Rams to keep a clean
slate. Bachewich added
Photo submitted

keeper. Lorette battled

back, but were no match

T he Minnedosa Colle-
giate Chancellors girls
Ranked third overall
Brown (grade 11). Brown
connected with a left foot
the final goal to win 4-0.
The Chancellors faced
for centre back, Victo-
ria Olson (grade 12). The
If your label reads soccer team had a suc- coming into provincials, volley to put it past the the number one ranked second goal of the game

17 /10 /31
cessful 2017 season. The the Chancellors opened Stonewall keeper for the Lorette Scorpions in the came off the head of Katie
Chancellors finished first the tournament against the Chancellors second goal semi-final. The Chancel- Brown. In the second half,
in Zone 7 with a regular sixth place Stonewall Rams of the game. Before the half lors came out flying; Cam- Lorette came out strong
Its time to renew season record of 2-2-0. In on Friday, October 13th. was complete, Cameron eron Parrott leading the and scored one goal. The
the Zone 7 finals, led by Midfielder Ashley Robin- Parrott (grade 12) added a charge and rocketing a Chancellors answered
your subscription! co-captain Hannah Yuen son (grade 12), opened the third goal for the Chancel- shot off the cross-bar just back with a goal from mid-
(grade 12), the Chancellors scoring at the 15 minute lors. In the second half, seconds into the game. fielder, Alex Skelton (grade
204-867-3816 beat the Neepawa Tigers
7-0, earning a spot in the
mark. This was quickly fol-
lowed up with an attack-
the Chancellors defence,
led by co-captain April Bil-
They kept the pressure on
and moments later Par-
Manitoba High Schools ing run made by Tonielle cowski (grade 12), held off rott sailed one passed the on Page 2

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