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A project Feasibility Study On The
Basis of Consultancy Firm

Prepared for:

Dr. A.K.M Saiful Majid

Faculty of Business Administration

Prepared by:

Imran Hossain

ID: 062200043

+88 01674 892 776

Eastern University
House#15/2, Road# 3
Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka 1205
Ph: 9676031-5

Date of submission: 28/01/2010
December 28, 2010

Dr. A.K.M Saiful Majid

Faculty of Business Administration
Eastern university.

Dear Sir,
Here is a feasibility study report on “ABC consultancy firm”. The report is
done as a part of our project management course. This were you assigned us
on your regular class.

We thank you for giving us the opportunity to work on this report. We truly
appreciate this task. We have gained much valuable experience while
working on this report, and sincerely hope that it will be up to your

Kindly accept the report and oblige thereby. Thanking you again.

Yours’ sincerely,


Imran Hossain
ID: 062200043


We are grateful to our course instructor Dr. A.K.M Saiful Majid for

his coordination. Without his assistance we will not be able to finish

this feasibility study. His teaching in the class make us understands

about project feasibility study and its applications which help us to

write this report. The study is very useful and practical base. Again we

would like to thank our sir.

Executive summary
The proposed name of the consulting firm will be “ABC consultancy firm”.

The proposed company will be a private limited company. This company

follows the company act. 1994 (Origin- 1938 British act). The memorandum

of the article and memorandum of the association has been already prepared

and it will be submitted to the financial department. We divide our full

project into five aspects. The marketing feasibility study suggests that the

project will be a success f……e been identified and project differentiation

has been achieved. We find all the tool s which has been very important for

operating a consultancy firm project. For the financial aspect we go for the

cash flow, balance sheet, NPV and etc. The proposed project authorized

capital TK. 15, 00, and 00,000. There are five promoters of ABC consulting

firm and there liabilities will be limited by the registered deed. All the

promoters are highly qualified and experienced. According to the report the

taxation authority of the income tax department of NBR confirmed that

there were no dues to the promoters. The proposed consulting firm will

follow service mixed organizational structure. The salary of the key

resource persons start from 25000/- up to 35000/-. Necessary financial

calculation and estimation already done. ABC consulting firm will offer unique

and latest consulting services toward the customer. The target customer

segmentation will be done on the basis of demography. According to segment

service and price will offer. Different types of promotional tools and

technique will maintain to attract customer. The proposed slogan “Solved

Unsolved problems innovatively”

Feasibility study on
Consultancy Firm

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Origin
As part of our academic course curriculum, Dr. A. K. M. Saiful Majid sir of

Eastern University, course instructor of project Management, assigned us to

make a feasibility report on “A Consultancy Firm”.

1.2 Objective of the study

Our main objective is to satisfy the requirements of our course. Besides we

try to get in depth knowledge of how to conduct a feasibility study. To test

the project from investment point of views that whether the project is

investment worthy or not. Today’s life is growing fast. It is full of demand

and expectation. For that reason, there are so many opportunities to satisfy

the peoples’ demand. This is an overwhelming opportunity for me to work at a

part of a professional business field. In this regard, I feel honor to prepare

a formal Business Plan. In addition to serve this purpose it tries to find out-

 To determine how to make a proper Feasibility study,

 To determine whether the project is feasible or not

1.3 Scope of the Study
Throughout the study we mainly try to cover all the possible aspects of a

consultancy firm. The basic concept of the study is making any investment

toward a consultancy firm financially viable and investment worth or not

based on management, marketing, financial, technique, social and economic

point of view. I have tried my level best to gathering the information

regarding this type of business.

1.4 Limitation
It is difficult to include all the information for feasibility study in this short

time. Be side I don’t get any expertise opinion from this particular area

which is another limitation.

1.5 Methodology
• Most of the relevant data and information has taken from market

survey of customer interest & expectations.

• We mainly take help from different web pages of different

consultancy firm.

• We also go through a proposed management structures, marketing

aspect and strategies, socio-economic impact, technical aspect of the

proposed project.

• Finally, analyzing the cost and revenue perspective we try to figure

out the financial viability of the proposed project.

2.0 Management aspect
2.1 Legal form of business
The proposed name of the consultancy firm will be ABC consultancy firm.

The proposed company will be a private limited company. This company

follows the company act. 1994 (Origin- 1938 British act). The memorandum

of the article and memorandum of the association has been already prepared

and it will be submitted to the financial department.

Issues Descriptions
Head Office - House-60 A. Road 7A,
Dhanmondi R/A
Tel - 8117462, Fax: 8652036

Email –

Website –
Form Partnership Business
Mission "To solve unsolved problems

Tentative Date of Registration December, 2009.
Tentative Date of Project activity January, 2010

Tentative Date of Project activity February, 2010


Tentative Date of Start Operation. April, 2010

2.2 Promoters
The ABC consultancy firm has a 5 partner. The governing body personals are

skilled in their profession and capable to manage the company’s operations

smoothly as all of them have long term and deep experience in this kind of

business operations. Promoters of ABC consultancy firm are highly skilled ,

experienced , dynamic & democratic personality with great leadership

skills . The name of sponsors , address , age , education , experience ,

designation etc. Are given below:

There are five promoters of ABC consultant firm promoters name and other

details are given bellow:

Name & address Ag Education &experience

Imran Hossain 38 BBA & MBA from Oxford University.

69, kalabagan, He has worked for different National and

Dhanmondi Multinational company as a consultant.

He has sound knowledge about the present

business situation of Bangladesh.

Abdul Jolil 35 BBA& MBA from IBA.

60, Mirpur, She has very good marketing knowledge and

Dhaka working experience of different multinational

Lutfozzam Babor 37 Masters in Finance and Accounting from Dhaka

Sec 7,Uttara, university.

Dhaka. He worked in a reputed consultancy firm.
Tarek zia 33 Masters in social science from Dhaka

57 Gulshan, university.

Dhaka He has been worked for several NGOs

Arafat Rahman Coco 35 MBA from North south university.

12/2 Mirpur He has practical knowledge of working and

Dhaka maintaining the consulting firm

There liabilities will be limited by the registered deed. By the following

there investment details & position are given:

Name Proposed Position

share holding status

Imran Hossain 35% Chairman

Abdul Jolil 20% Vice chairman

Lutfozzam Babor 20% Managing director

Tarek zia 15% Director

Arafat Rahman Coco 10% Marketing Advisor

2.3 Company’s Share Structures

Name of Entrepreneur Capital contribution in


1. Md. S. Islam Sarkar Tk. 5,25,00,000
2. Md. G. Mohiuddin Tk. 3,00,00,000
3. Shafiul Azam Tk. 3,00,00,000
4. MD. A Zaman Sikder Tk. 2,25,00,000
Tk. 1,50,00,000
Total Tk. 15,00,00,000

The authorized capital of the company is Tk. 15, 00, 00,000

2.4 The Organizational Structure

The proposed ABC consultancy firm will follow the functional organization

structure. Formal and informal, both communication system followed by the

organization and the employees must report to the individual department

head. The organization chart of the proposed ABC Consultancy firm is given



Head of Finance & Head of

Head of HR Head of Marketing
Account Consultant

Asst. Consultant Others Stuff

2.5 Key recourse persons

The Managing directors and other head of the department of this

organization will select the key personnel for the proposed consultancy firm.

The key personnel proposed salary, responsibility, qualification are given

below in a table:-

Proposed Proposed salary Key responsibility Key

Designation qualification
BBA and MBA.

Managing 30,000/- to Strategic corporate Highly skilled

director 35,000/- planning, implementing, and

others 5000 and leading the team professional

every year salary effectively and experience

will increase efficiently. required.

Head of 25,000/- MBA/Masters
Develop and deliver
Financial to30,000/- in finance
accurate sales
others 3000 And related
forecast in line with
every year salary experience is
business objectives.
will increase by required.
Control costs to
ensure that

expenditure is being

managed in line with


Head of 25000/- to Manage and coordinate MBA major in

Marketing 30000/- all marketing, advertising marketing and

others 3000 and promotional professional

every year salary activities experience is

will increase by Analysis current market required.

1200 conditions and

competitors information

Head of 25000/- to Implementing the BBA/MBA & at

consultant 30000/- corporate planning and least 10 years

other 3000 giving proper experience in

instructions to any consultancy

every year salary subordinate. Observing firm.

will increase by client progress and

1200 subordinates

performance. Reporting

to the higher authority.

Head of HR 25000/- to To Staffing, BBA, MBA

30000/- implementing, Major in HR.

other 3000 recriminating, managing At least 5 yrs

the employee etc. experience is

every year salary required

will increase by


2.6 The lawyer, Banker and Auditors

The promoters have chosen banker, lawyer and auditors of the consultancy

firm. The name and position of the lawyer, bankers and the auditors are

given below for the proposed consultancy firm:-

Types Name
Legal Advisor Barrister Fazle Nur Tapos

M.S.L & L.L.B

Bangladesh supreme court.

Bankers Abdul jolil , DMD of Mercantile Bank
Lotus Ferdous, MD of AB Bank
Auditors Saimon Hoque

Chartered Accountant

3.0 Marketing Aspects

3.1 The Marketing Mix and the Four P’s application

The “Four P’s” include product, promotion, place and price. Product/ Service

is what are you going to produce to satisfy a consumer’s wants and needs.

Promotion is how you are going to advertise and promote your product. Place

is where are you going to sell your product/service and how are you going to

distribute your product. Price/Service Charge is what price you are going to

set for your product/services.

1) The core services –what is the customers really subscribing? The core

service refers to the use, benefit, or problem solving service that the

consumer is really looking when subscribes the service.

2) The actual service is the tangible product or intangible service that

serves as the medium for receiving core product benefits: quality of service


3) The augmented service consists of the measures taken to help the

consumer put the actual services to sustained use and after-sale service.

Service strategy:
ABC consultancy firm is service based company and our specialty is that ABC

consultancy firm’s service is unique in the field. We promise people that our

service will be more reliable than the other service providers. If there is

any problems occur in our service we assure that that won’t let that for long.

Promotion may be defined as any two-way communication for the purpose of

making sales and building customer relationships. Obviously, this form of

communication is "personal." It provides a forum for immediate exchange of

needs, goals, ideas, and feedback. This is marketing in the pure sense of the

term. How are you going to sell your product and whom are you going to sell

it to? Promotion should not be considered the last step in the marketing

process. In fact it should be one of the first steps (if not the first step)

even preceding the first production of your product or service.

A successful promotional campaign or activity will increase consumer

perception of value thereby increasing consumer satisfaction on service

providers. For promoting our business we’ll apply the following promotional


Differentiating Your Product

Practicing Relationship Marketing

Using the Internet as a Promotional Tool

Other Promotional/Marketing Techniques

 Focus Group Discussion

 Sometime discount offers. Etc

Promotional Strategy:
To grave more customers the firm will uses different promotional strategy:

According to the law of branding advertising should be an effective

defensive technique and the budget should be like a defense budget from

the competition. Advertising will help ABC to keep remind of its customers

mind. ABC will go with different print media advertising such as daily

newspapers, magazines, bill boards, leaflets etc.

 Contact Campaigns: This initiative will take in various methods of

reaching potential customers to generate interest, followed by direct

mail to the potential customer.

 Print Advertising: Ads will be developed and placed in several industry

publications & different magazine as well as in daily newspapers.

 Telemarketing Campaign: Telemarketing activities geared to identify

qualified leads, follow-up on sales progress to the qualified leads, and

assurance that new potential contact lists are current and accurate.

 Promotional Giveaways: This is a traditional way of advertising a

company's name by giving something away. This will be used in conjunction

with community service organization fund-raising efforts and traditional


Public relation
A better brand can not be established without effective public relation.

B&S will arrange several campaigns such award giving. Through this sort of

activities we will try to make aware and give message about the importance

of consultancy. We emphasize on viral marketing to develop our brand.

“Solve unsolved problems innovatively”

This is the third step of marketing mix. This stage determine about the

place from where/how the service will provide to the customers.

In case of service the price depends on the quality of service & the service

availability rate. Pricing can be several types some of those are bellow:

 Pricing that is too cost oriented;

 Prices that are not revised often enough to reflect changes

 Prices that do not take the entire marketing mix into account

As mentioned above, some prices do not take the entire marketing mix into

account, with some service providers pricing their service based on their

serving costs plus a profit.

Pricing Factors
While it is important to consider serving costs to determine if the price is in

the right estimated, you should take other factors into account as you

determine the price of your product.

 Quality of Services

 Product/ Service Differentiation

 Firm’s Image and Strengths

 Competitors' Prices

 Customer Service Quality

 Costs

 Gross Margin, Gross Profit and Mark-Up

By following the above factor related with pricing we have set the price for

our services.

Pricing Strategy
Pricing/Service charge strategy we will follow that is services provide cost

+ markup. ABC consultancy firm’s point of view it is the most accepted and

easiest way to calculate the price. Moreover, ABC consultancy firm’s mark up

will be at the time of beginning 20 to 25 %.

3.2 Market strategy

Market growth and firm’s position

Internal factors

Factors Weight Rating Score

Market share .30 2 .6
Marketing .15 4 .6

Financial .2 5 1

Instruments .15 4 .6
Management .2 3 .6

Customer service .05 4 .2
Total 1 3.6

External factors

Factors Weight Rating Score
Market size .3 5 1.5
Market .1 4 .4

Political issues .1 4 .4
Government .1 4 .4
Manpower .1 3 .3

Customer loyalty .2 3 .6
Technology .1 4 .4
Social & cultural .1 3 .3

Total 1 4. 3

From the above internal and external factors score help to identify the

firm’s position in the market. GE matrix show the firm position below:

GE matrix of ABC consultancy Firm

Internal Factors

5 1
Investmen Selective

t AB
Growth Growth Selectivity
From this matrix we
Selective Harvest
can easilyFactors
Growth Or
our own position in
Selectivity Divest
the market. We are
Harvest Harvest
in selective growth
Or Or
quadrant means the
Selectivity Divest Divest
Firm condition and
potentiality is very good but ABC consultancy firm’s own position is not good.

We are new in the market so we need to take more strategy and investment.

Then we would become a good and profitable consultancy firm.

3.3 Target Customers

For determining the target market & the market size we have define our

target customers in major 2 parts.

 Individual Customer

 Corporate customer

3.4 Competitive Environments
This industry is now growing stage in our country so there is a huge

opportunity for us to become a market leader. ABC consultancy firm planning

to do business with a reliable touch in the service that should be different

from others. ABC consultancy firm plans to advertise through newspaper and

lift let. Later on we use radio media. ABC has numerous creative ideas that

will make ABC best in corporate world. It may happen within two or three

years we will have some more competitors in market but we will be

distinctive in satisfying our customer & market leader. Rest of the

consultancy firm are not maintaining service standard. So they can not

satisfy the customers. ABC consultancy firm is full of latest and modern

service with highly trained and professional consultancy at an affordable

charge. So we can easily attract the customer.

PEST analysis

Politics Economical

 Political environment is too  Unemployment rate is high

much unrest  Inflation rate is high

 Government decisions are  Low disposable income

influenced by politicization

 Government decision

procedures are complex

 Too much internal corruption

of government
Social Technological

 More social unrest  Lack of modern technique in

 More social barriers corporate level.

 Modern technique is too costly

 Lack of expert consultant

SWOT analysis

Strength Weakness

 Qualified and experienced  New in market

governing body  Lack of relative experience

 Latest and modern technique of management

 Highly qualified consultant  Delay on decision making due

 Better environment to lack of market knowledge

 Affordable cost

Opportunity Threats

 Market is in growing stage  Available strong competitor

 Attractive market condition  Number of competitors are

 Few number of competitors increasing

 Inflation rate high

 Instable political and social


4.0 Technical aspects

Land & Location:

The Proposed firm will start its business operation in Dhaka initially but with

the success of this area the business will expand all over country.

Location of the Land

The proposed head office will be at House#42, Road #4/A, Dhanmondi

R/A.Dhaka-1205. Another Operational office (Gulshan) will be at House#

155/A, Gulshan Avenue. Gulshan Dhaka.

Present Owner of lands

The present owner of the land of Gulshan office is Abdul Jolil who is one of

the promoters of the business. The head office will be leased for 15 year

contract from the owner of the house.

Land Area & Building Size

The total land area of two offices Dhanmondi & Gulshan is respectively

14400 Sq/ft & 7200 Sq/ft. there is 4 storied building in Dhanmondi & 3

Storied Building in Gulshan.

Availability of infrastructural Facility & other Advantages

This is a service oriented business for these business lots of equipments are

not required. Massive setups of equipments are obvious for this business

operation. Both the buildings have some facility for our business those are:

 Already building is constructed.

 There are six rooms in each floor (Gulshan), 10 rooms


 Well communication system

Required Equipments & Machineries

This is a service oriented business for the instance the company will need

some equipment & machines for its operation. Those lists are given bellow:

Name of Equipments Quantity Purchase Place

Computers 15 Local Market
Laptop 10 Local Market
Fax Machine 5 Local Market
Tables 40 Local market
AC 20 Local market
Phone 10 Local Market
car 2 Local Market
IPS/ UPS 75 Local Market
Power Generator 2 Local Market
Printer 10 Local market
Scanner 4 Local Market
Photo copy Machine 2 Local Market
Refrigerator 4 Local Market
Accessories As per Needed Local Market

Installation of instruments
It is a service firm. There are no complex equipments. So no need to worry

about high installation cost. On the other hand for our light machinery like

computer, air conditioner we have the contract with the distributor to

install this machinery after our purchase at a free of cost

Utilities Require & Availability

 Water

 Power

 Gas

 Telephone Connection

For maintaining any office the above utilities are require. The places we have

chosen for our office all the places are occupied of these utilities.

Furniture & fixture

We need some furniture and fixture to our sound operation purpose. Details

are given

Name of furniture Quantity Supplier Price

Sofa set 5 Otobi farniture 50000/-ps
Conference table 2 Otobi farniture 35000/-ps

Chairs 25 Otobi farniture 1500/-ps

Computer table 15 Otobi farniture 2000/-ps

Energy saving light 50 BRB electronics 150/-ps

Land phone set 10 BRB electronics 2000/-ps

Repair & maintenance

The entire ABC firm infrastructure will be maintenance and repair by the

supplier at a free of cost for two years. On these issues we have a written

contract with supplier. On the other hand computer and other accessories

like printer, scanner etc has respectively three and one years warranty. So

no need to be worried about these issues.

Safety & Hygienic Provisions

As the operating building will be full of equipments & electrical parts there

is huge chance of fire of other accident for that the promoters will take the

necessary actions. There will be 15 first Aid boxes in two office 4 Fire

exiguities in each floor.

There are five toilets in each floor of the buildings. There are separate

toilets for gents & ladies.

5.0 Financial aspects

Total cost of the Project

The project cost includes the total fixed cost & net working capital

requirements of the existing & future operation of the Project. The

projected cost of the business is

TK.20,00,00,000. the promoters of the company will pay up Tk.15, 00,

00,000 as their investment Rest of the amount (5,00, 00,000) will take as

loan. The loan amount will be pay able in 20 years at annual interest rate of


Promoters’ Investment Distribution

Name % of share Capital contribution in

Imran Hossain 35% 6,25,00,000
Abdul Jolil 20% 4,00,00,000
Lutfozzam Babor 20% 4,00,00,000
Tarek zia 15% 3,25,00,000
Arafat Rahman Coco 10% 2,50,00,000

Total 20,00,00,000

Promoters’ Source of Investment

Name Source of Amount that Self Investment

Finance will be

1. Imran Hossain Self+ Tk.1,00,00,000 Tk. 5,25,00,000

Bank loan
2. Abdul Jolil Self+ Tk.1,00,00,000 Tk. 3,00,00,000

Bank loan

3. Lutfozzam Babor Self+ Tk.1,00,00,000 Tk. 3,00,00,000

Bank loan
4. Tarek zia Self+ Tk.1,00,00,000 Tk. 2,25,00,000

Bank loan
5. Arafat Rahman Coco Self+ Tk.1,00,00,000 Tk. 1,50,00,000

Bank loan

Financial Plan
 The funds required for the project consists of 75% equity which

comes to TK. 15,00,00,000 and 25% of loans which equals to Tk.


 The ratio of Debt-to- equity is 25:75

 The repayment period of the long term loan is 20 years at 12.50%.

The source of such loans will be commercial banks. The tax rate is


Projected Profit and Loss

ABC’s is in the early stage of development, thus initial projections have only

been made on accounts that are believed to most drive the income

statement. The following table provides ABC's projected income statements

for 2006-2008.

PERIOD ENDING 31-Dec-08 31-Dec-07 31-Dec-06

Total Revenue 1,293,145 1,001,270 707,933
Cost of Revenue 705,611 548,407 389,032
Gross Profit 587,534 452,863 318,901

Operating Expenses
Research Development - - -
Selling General and
330,052 255,238 178,572
Non Recurring - - 22,972
Others 18,824 10,615 11,175

Total Operating Expenses - - -

Operating Income or Loss 238,658 187,010 106,182

Income from Continuing Operations

Total Other Income/Expenses
8,024 7,171 2,388
Earnings Before Interest And
246,682 194,181 108,570
Interest Expense 41,051 44,391 29,405
Income Before Tax 205,631 149,790 79,165
Income Tax Expense 80,196 57,669 37,141
Minority Interest - - -

Net Income From Continuing

125,435 92,121 42,024

Non-recurring Events
Discontinued Operations - - -
Extraordinary Items - - -
Effect Of Accounting Changes - - -
Other Items - - -

Net Income 125,435 92,121 42,024

Balance Sheets - Projected

The following table outlines ABC's projected balance sheets for fiscal years


PERIOD ENDING 31-Dec-08 31-Dec-07 31-Dec-06

Current Assets
Cash And Cash Equivalents 191,842 360,463 91,923
Short Term Investments - - -
Net Receivables 332,888 282,373 186,767
Inventory - - -
Other Current Assets 27,724 18,691 16,259
Total Current Assets 552,454 661,527 294,949
Long Term Investments 56,500 70,800 47,673
Property Plant and Equipment 78,575 67,843 51,326
Goodwill 1,151,388 940,878 885,711
Intangible Assets 189,304 84,673 77,711
Accumulated Amortization - - -
Other Assets 59,948 32,903 33,786
Deferred Long Term Asset Charges - - -
Total Assets 2,088,169 1,858,624 1,391,156

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 273,011 217,425 171,542

Short/Current Long Term Debt 150,898 157,772 6,917
Other Current Liabilities - 5,865 -
Total Current Liabilities 423,909 381,062 178,459
Long Term Debt 418,592 415,653 565,332
Other Liabilities 45,037 9,956 7,052
Deferred Long Term Liability Charges 76,804 79,703 75,213
Minority Interest - - -
Negative Goodwill - - -
Total Liabilities 964,342 886,374 826,056
Stockholders' Equity
Miss Stocks Options Warrants - - -
Redeemable Preferred Stock - - -
Preferred Stock - - -
Common Stock 509 490 419
Retained Earnings 486,493 361,058 268,937
Treasury Stock - - -
Capital Surplus 717,158 601,637 294,350
Other Stockholder Equity (80,333) 9,065 1,394
Total Stockholder Equity 1,123,827 972,250 565,100
Projected Cash Flow

This table show our cash flow and cash balance projections.

PERIOD ENDING 31-Dec-08 31-Dec-07 31-Dec-06

Net Income 125,435 92,121 42,024

Operating Activities, Cash Flows Provided By or Used In

Depreciation 44,861 29,966 24,372
Adjustments To Net Income 42,374 19,990 26,124
Changes In Accounts Receivables (58,628) (107,602) (56,005)
Changes In Liabilities 41,716 45,249 19,655
Changes In Inventories - - -

Changes In Other Operating Activities 4,094 (1,771) 7,796
Total Cash Flow From Operating
199,852 77,953 63,966
Investing Activities, Cash Flows Provided By or Used In
Capital Expenditures (35,674) (36,422) (30,359)
Investments - - -
Other Cash flows from Investing
(340,838) (31,761) (267,026)
Total Cash Flows From Investing
(376,512) (68,183) (297,385)
Financing Activities, Cash Flows Provided By or Used In
Dividends Paid - - -
Sale Purchase of Stock 20,562 250,395 (13,159)
Net Borrowings (11,019) (7,945) 180,805
Other Cash Flows from Financing
10,708 17,986 2,118
Total Cash Flows From Financing
20,251 260,436 169,764
Effect Of Exchange Rate Changes (12,212) (1,666) 2,195
Change In Cash and Cash Equivalents ($168,621) $268,540 ($61,460)

Risk Potential Problem

Risk is the part of business. ABC consulting firm thinks every business is

risky. ABC consulting firm has a plan against risk. ABC consulting firm will

save risk purpose 15% from sales revenue. ABC Consulting firm thinks it will

get much benefit from the risk fund.

Obstacles and Risks

ABC consulting firm thinks it can face some problem. There is a chance to

copy the strategy in the market. On the other hand, every business has some

risk. To start it needs huge amount of money. To collect the money and

interest rate is risky for ABC consulting firm. Every business has a

probability to get loss.

Plans against the Risk and Obstacles

Contingency Plan

ABC consulting firm will prepare trademark and logo. The service will be

different and creative. ABC consulting firm will take every types of

authority from the relevant sector. Tax identification number and it will be

organized with trade license by the power of Business sector of Dhaka City

Corporation. So, ABC consulting firm will get the legal authority from the

city corporation and other business area.

Insurance Plan

ABC consulting firm will be organized by Insurance Plan to reduce the risk.

ABC consulting firm will open an insurance file for Business Purpose in

ALICO. Firstly, insurance file will be open for ten years.

6.0 Socioeconomic Aspect
Employment generation impact
In ABC consulting firm, we will create working scope for the people. That

means it will reduce some unemployment.

Contribution to GDP
The project if feasible and implement would definitely contribute to GDP by

creating employment, generating profit and reinvesting the profit in future

for further expansion.

Contribution to national exchequer

Our project will also contribute in the national exchequer. Because after

working in here workers will find salary and give tax, vat etc. So that nation

will be get benefited.

Back ward & forward economic linkage effect

For developing a new consulting firm it will also create some backward &

forward linkage.

Foreign exchange earnings

This Firm is not only for the local customer. Our Firm can serve to foreign

people which are really interested to take service from here. That is the

way we can earn some foreign money for our country.

Benefit of the society
The society will be benefited by the project because this project is about

service. It will create also some job opportunity for some people, which can

be a very good sign for our society. It will also take part and contribution

into our national GDP.

7.0 Conclusion
It is a profitable business project for our country. This project will also

create some job opportunities for jobless people. It will take part to our

national GDP. Every kind of consulting related services are providing from

this consultancy firm. We divide our full project into five aspects. The

marketing feasibility study suggests that the project will be a success from

marketing aspect. From the industry, SWOT, PEST and competitor analysis,

the service offerings have been worked out. The target customers have

been identified and project differentiation has been achieved. We find all

the tool s which has been very important for operating a consultancy firm

project. For the financial aspect we go for the cash flow, balance sheet, NPV

and etc. All the technical tools are involved in here.We can say that, as a

consultancy firm business is so much profitable. Now a day the people in our

country are very interested about the service. So they want to get such

type of service from any company. From this report we can see that the all

aspects are positive for the business. So we can say that our project is a

profitable project.

8.0 Bibliography


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