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The history and affect that woman have had on the Olympics 1

Carlos Leon

RWS 1302

The University of Texas at El Paso

Professor Nugent
Affect woman have had on the Olympics 2


The topic the genres will be covering is a very important and historical change of the

Olympics. This is referring to woman being allowed to compete and represent their country in

the Olympics and how they have affected the Olympics. The two-genre pieces that will be

discussed are The History of Women in The Olympics is Inspiring. A typography genre written

by Caitlan Flynn. As well as iconography/typography piece that states Social Media Points Out

Sexism in Olympics Coverage written by Marissa Melton. The History of Women in The

Olympics is Inspiring, gives the history of how women came into the Olympics and how

woman athletes evolved throughout the years, as well as the struggles that they went through to

be looked at as equal but also how they have affected and influenced the future generation of

women to compete for their country. Whereas Social Media Points Out Sexism in Olympics

Coverage shows the affect that women have had on the coverage of the Olympics and how

although they are elite athletes representing their country they are still stereotyped.

Structure and delivery

The first piece is a typography structured genre, a typography genre is usually the written

words that appeal and relate to those reading books, magazines, newspapers, websites, and any

primary source. The way that the first piece The History of Women in The Olympics is

Inspiring is structured, its chronologically told and contains focused points through each era as

well as main events. Whereas the second piece is an iconography/typography genre. an

Affect woman have had on the Olympics 3

iconography genre is related in webcast, videos/music, posters, comics, cartoons, and any visual

or audible way of communication. Social Media Points Out Sexism in Olympics Coverage is

structured with purpose and contains a specific tone to establish the power that can come with

voice through social media. Although they are two different types of genres, both types of genres

contain similarities in conveying their message, but each one does it differently as in with the

style of delivery. The History of Women in The Olympics is Inspiring delivers its message with

statistics, facts, and quotes/primary sources. Whereas Social Media Points Out Sexism in

Olympics Coverage delivers its message by showing different social media quotes from those

applaud and shook by the things said by sports commentators/media outlets about women

athletes. As well as including what was said by said sports commentators/media outlets.

Audience and purpose

Genre number one The History of Women in The Olympics is Inspiring purpose is to

inform the reader of the evolution and history of women through the centuries and the struggles

they went through. It also included the exact number of women participants and in which events.

The Intended audience for genre number one would presumably be whoever is reading the article

at the time. Genre number two Social Media Points Out Sexism in Olympics Coverage purpose

is to inform/expose the comments made by those commentators and show the reaction through

social media feeds. While the audience could be whomever is reading the article as well as

whoever saw the situation and response through social media feed, including Twitter, Facebook,

Instagram, etcetera.
Affect woman have had on the Olympics 4

Rhetorical issues: Ethos, Pathos, Logos


The ethos that applies to genre number one The History of Women in The Olympics is

Inspiring the writers credibility is reasonably credible based on the fact that as a writer Mrs.

Flynn has been writing about women issues for the last 6 years so when she writes an article

dealing with women issues and the history behind it. She is a reliable source to go to. While

genre twos ethos applies through its quotes of what was said or written about these female

Olympians and also the quotes that were said by those on social media.


Genre number one applies to pathos by giving you information of the struggle that

women had to go through just to compete in the Olympics to represent their country so by doing

this, it applies to pathos because it will create the emotion of sadness or even at anger because

there should not have been a reason for it being so difficult for women to compete/participate in

the Olympics games. Whereas genre twos pathos appeal mainly creates the emotion of anger

due to what was said about these female athletes and how they were addressed in a very sex

oriented way and not in a respectful way, but it also creates the emotion of hope because there

are people everywhere that will not stand for this and will speak on it and defend these female

athletes. Although it is through social media they still are standing up for these female



As we look into the logos of each genre youll notice that in genre one, logos dominantly

applies because throughout the entire article its showing specific statistics of the female athletes
Affect woman have had on the Olympics 5

that competed in that year and the results of those female competitors. As in genre two, logos

somewhat lacks due to the type genre it is. If you were to consider the number of shares or

retweets of tweets and post that were defending the sexist remarks towards the female Olympians

than you could consider those statistics. Than genre two would apply to logos.


In conclusion both genres show the affect that women had on the Olympics, whether it be

the way the Olympics and women are covered in the media or the passing of a law that allowed

woman to compete in any and every event as long as they are qualified. While at the same time

bringing awareness to the way things can change if women band together to make something

happen. As women changed the Olympics and didnt let anyone tell them they couldnt compete,

because in the 2016 Olympics the womans Olympic team had more medals than the mens



The History of Women in The Olympics is Inspiring

Social Media Points Out Sexism in Olympics Coverage


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