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Vinita Daily Journal

Oct b
Calendar of Events th
2FWREHU)DOO)HVWDW:KLWH2DN%DS for more informa- o
2017 tist Church, 4 to 6 p.m. Face painting, pop- tion about this organization. th
ping corn, making ice cream cones, guessing  2FWREHU    SP /XNH  6XSSHU DW se
Page J
games, playing a game of miniature golf, First Church of God. Everyone welcome. No
A003 o
bowling, horseshoes, pony rides, hay ride and charge. Donations accepted. BBQ night. For
lots of prizes. Dutch oven cookers will pre- pickup orders, deliveries to shut-ins or for a fr
61% pare a meal, which will be served at 6 p.m. (no ride call (918) 244-9176 o
charge). There will also be Indian fry bread. 2FWREHU7KH)ULHQGVRI/DQJOH\3XE
The band Oklahoma Glory Bound will per- lic Library are hosting the Annual Fall Bunco
form also. The Faith Riders will be sponsor- Bash, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at St. Fran-
ing a motorcylce show, beginning with a toy ces of Rome Catholic Church Gavin Hall
run at 2 p.m. The run will began at Atwoods Langley. This will be their 10th annual event,
 2FWREHU   'HPRFUDWLF *XEHUQDWRUL lunch. The Friends of Langley Public Library
al Debate and Indian Taco Dinner featuring are the hosts of the event with the proceeds
candidates Drew Edmondson, Connie John- going to Library programs such as Summer M
son and Scott Inman, 5:30 p.m. at the Craig Reading Program and 1000 Books Before S
County Community Center, Craig County Kindergarten and their new Learning Express
Fairgrounds, Vinita. Meal: Indian Tacos, sal- Library. Tickets for the event are $10 and are
ad, and homemade desserts. Tickets are $10/ available at the library or from any Friends
adult, children under 10 free. Sponsors: Dem- Member. For tickets or more information
ocratic Party Committees of Craig, Delaware, contact the Library at 918-782-4461.
Mayes and Ottawa Counties. Debate: 90 min-  2FWREHU    SP /XNH  6XSSHU DW
utes total; Jason Nichols, Moderator. First Church of God. Everyone welcome. No
2FWREHU5LYHU5LGJH%OXHJUDVV$VVR charge. Donations accepted. Chili night. For
ciation Bluegrass music show, located at Ber- pickup orders, deliveries to shut-ins or for a
nice Baptist Church Community Building 120 ride call (918) 244-9176. 6 p.m. Fall Fest, fun,
Hickory Street Highway 85A. Doors open at games and prizes. Everyone welcome.
5 p.m. The Foust family plays at 6 p.m. Lone-  2FWREHU   )UHH +DOOHOXMDK &DUQLYDO DW
some Road plays at 7 p.m. $5 admission dona- Isaiah 58 Ministries, 6 to 9 p.m. More than 20
tion. Concessions are available also. free game booths and THE JONAH ADVEN-
 2FWREHU   *UDQG /DNH$XGXERQ 6RFL TURE, a black-light walk through experience
Village Museum for the annual Owl Watch. 1RYHPEHU&UDLJ&RXQW\&RPPXQLW\
Those attending will carpool from the Wal- Christmas Angel Tree. Sign ups will be held
Mart parking lot behind Rib Crib at 5:15 p.m. at Isaiah 58 Ministries (2 miles north of Vinita
Bring a covered dish to share. Hot dogs will on 4420 Road) from 1 to 5 p.m. Information
be provided. For more information contact needed: proof of residency in Craig County
Frank Houck at 918 787-6532. This event is XWLOLW\ELOO VKRWUHFRUGRUELUWKFHUWLFDWHRI
free and open to the public. Visit www.grand- children being signed up.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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