HardMoves Social

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Interaction with Nobility

1.You are fined a steep fee for your breach of etiquette.

2.Your words are taken as a flirtatious advance toward an unintended


3.You are seen as little more than an uncouth lout.

4.An infuriated noble hires an assassin to kill the person that insulted
him in public.

5.You are required to kneel and keep your head bowed in order to

6.You make a complete fool of yourself and word spreads like


7.Making a beloved noble look bad results in the common folk making
your life difficult (inflated prices, information not available, etc.).

8.Not only do you fail to gain the boon you requested, the noble will
begin actively moving against your interests.

9.A massive amount of bureaucratic red-tape delays you and

interferes with your progress.

10.The nobles bodyguards attempt to beat you for your insolence;

fighting them might make things worse
Interaction with Criminals

1.As you speak a stealthy assassin moves into place.

2.A pick-pocket with fast hands deftly steals some valuables while
youre distracted.

3.Those you are speaking with tell you what you want to hear but
have already sold you out.

4.You are given false information, dangerously false information.

5.After you leave a hit is placed on you by the organization.

6.They will only continue to talk to you if you survive The Trial

7.A criminal observing your interaction gains insight youd rather they
not have.

8.You are maneuvered into a position to do the criminals dirty work

and take the fall for it.

9.Your drink is laced with a drug preventing you from lying.

10.Its a trap! The criminal is actually the law in disguise.

Interaction with The Law

1.Nothing youve said is considered to be even remotely believable.

2.Youre recognized as having a high bounty on your head.

3.Youre mistaken for someone with a high bounty.

4.Questioning by the guards severely delays you.

5.You are subjected to an extremely invasive, unclothed search.

6.You accidentally implicate yourself in an extremely high-profile


7.During a quick search of your person or gear a guard disastrously

activates an item.

8.In order to proceed you need to pay out a hefty bribe.

9.You are barred access to a specific location (could be a building or

even an entire city).

10.They know youre a trouble-maker and the law goes out of its way
to harass you.
Interaction with Clergy

1.Your presence is an affront to the divine, they want to sacrifice you

to their deity.

2.The clergy believes you to be an agent of a rival deity.

3.You will only be listened to if you assume a position of supplication.

4.You are forced into a position where you must agree to assist the
organization with a dangerous task.

5.Your offenses result in the faith declaring you an apostate and

enemy of the faith.

6.Some observing your interaction believe you to be the prophesied

chosen one of the faith.

7.To prove your sincerity you are asked to partake in a ceremony that
will allow high-ranking clergy to detect your whereabouts.

8.Followers of the faith are ordered by church edict to have no

interactions with you.

9.A huge charitable donation is expected in order to proceed.

10.Something about you (tattoo, piece of jewelry, a scar) marks you

as an agent of evil and enemy of their god.
Interaction with a Group

1.The crowd begins a death-chant focused on you and drawing

unwanted attention.

2.Several members of the group become infatuated fans making life

complicated as they try to gain your affections.

3.Your words incite a full-on riot to break out in the streets!

4.The crowd surges forward overwhelming you, knocking you prone

and trampling you.

5.The crowd engulfs you and moves on. Youre uninjured but missing
important items.

6.You over-motivate the group and they wont leave you alone,
following you around and singing your praises.

7.Your words motivate the group into action, unfortunately their

actions are the opposite of your intentions.

8.You insult and outrage the group turning them into a mob looking
for your head!

9.The group wants nothing to do with you and begins telling others to
avoid you as well.

10.The group becomes united in purpose, but not the purpose you

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