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By: Annie Karina Condori Snchez

Thirteen colonies
How many Colonies were founded in North America?

Thirteen colonies were founded in North America.

Thirteen colonies founded in North America.

1. Virginia

2. Massachusetts

3. New York

4. Maryland

5. Connecticut

6. Rhode Island

7. Delaware

8. New Hamspire

9. North Carolina

10. South Carolina

11. New Jersey

12. Pennsilvania

13. Georgia

Write the names and the foundations date.

1. Virginia:

Foundations: 1607

Founded by: John Smith and the

London Company

Purpose: To expand English trade

Named for: In honor of the Virgin

Queen, Elizabeth I
By: Annie Karina Condori Snchez

Main settlement: Jamestown and Williamsburg

2. Massachusetts

Foundation: 1620 (Plymouth) and 1630

(Massachusetts Bay)

Founded by: John Carver and William

Bradford (Plymouth) and John Winthrop


Purpose: Religious freedom

Named for: Tribe massachusecs (place of the great hill)

Main settlement: Plymouth and Boston

3. New York

Founded: 1624

Founded by: Peter Minuit and a group of


Purpose: To expand Dutch trade

Named for: Duke of York

Main settlement: New York (New Amsterdam) and Albany

4. Maryland

Founded: 1634

Founded by: Cecil Calvert (Lord


Purpose: from the sale of land and

religious freedom

Named for: Honor to Queen Henrietta Mary of England

Main settlement: Balhmore and Annapolis

5. Connecticut:

Foundation: 1635

Founded by: Thomas Hooker

By: Annie Karina Condori Snchez

Purpose: Profits from the sale of land and

religious freedom

Named for: from the word algonquina

"quinnehtukqut" (great turbulent river)

Main settlement: Harkord and New Haven

6. Rhode Island

Founded: 1636

Founded by: Roger Williams

Purpose: Religious Freedom

Named for: "Isla roja" in Dutch

Main settlement: Providence

7. Delaware

Founded: 1638

Founded by: Peter Minuit and

Swedish settlers

Purpose: Expand trade

Named for: Tribe Delaware

Main settlement: Wilmington

8. New Hampshire

Founded: 1623

Founded by: Ferdinando Gorges & John Mason

Purpose: Profits from trade and fishing

Named for: Hampshire County in England

Main settlement: Concord, Exeter and Hampton

9. North Carolina

Founded: 1653

Founded by: Group of eight

English aristocrats
By: Annie Karina Condori Snchez

Purpose: Profits from the sale and sale of lands

Named for: "Carolus", Latin word for Charles, King Charles I of


Main settlement: Raleigh

10. South Carolina

Founded: 1653

Founded by: Group of eight English aristocrats

Division: 1712

Purpose: Profits from the sale and sale of


Named for: "Carolus", Latin word for

Charles, King Charles I of England

Main settlement: Charlestown

11. New Jersey

Founded: 1618

Founded by: John Berkeley, George Carteret

Purpose: Profits from the sale of land

Named for: Jersey Island on the English duct,


Main settlement: Trenton and Princeton

12. Pennsilvania

Founded: 1682

Founded by: William Penn

Purpose: Profits from the fur trade,

agriculture; Religious and political

By: Annie Karina Condori Snchez

Named for: From the name of the founder and "sylvannia", Latin word

for forest

Main settlement: Philadelphia, Lancaster and York

13. Georgia

Founded: 1733

Founded by: James Oglethorpe

Purpose: Religious freedom, protection

against Spanish Florida, safe place for


Named for: In honor of King George II

Main settlement: Savannah

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