Newsletter 10-20-17

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The Popadince Press

Mrs. Popadince
Stop, Drop and Roll!
Dear Parents, go outside and take a tour of a model of a tower made
This week was great! a real fire truck! They from blocks. Today they Volume 1, Issue 7
We learned about the up- learned all about the truck tested out their models by
percase and lowercase let- and what each tool is used having a friend build the
for during a fire. We will Friday,
ter R. We practiced the tower using their pictures October 20, 2017
letter R sound and brain- continue to learn more about as a reference.
stormed lots of words that fire safety for the remain-
We started an Early
begin with R. Our popcorn der of the month.
word this week was go. So In Writers Workshop we
Finishers Tub this week.
The students are really en-
Upcoming Events
far your child should recog- have been talking a lot about joying it. If they are fin-
nize the popcorn words A, labeling. We are labeling ished with their work early, *October 31 Halloween
I, is, my, the and go. different items in our pic- they can grab an activity to Parade/Party at 1:45
Please make sure to review tures, as well as peoples work on. There are things
these words at home. It is names. The students labeled *November 7 No School
such as letter matching,
very important for begin- the parts of a fire truck this math games, rhyming cards, *November 22-24 No
ning readers to recognize week. writing popcorn words on School-Thanksgiving
basic sight words. Our learning stations magna doodles, etc. Its
In math we have been were all fire related this been a big hit and keeps
learning about five groups. week. The students really them learning at all times!
The students are beginning enjoyed them! We still need Our class Halloween
to recognize the numbers 6, more parent volunteers for party will be held on Tues-
7, 8, 9, and 10 as a group of learning stations. If you day, October 31st. We will
five and additional ones. would like to sign up, please have a school wide parade at
For example 6= 5 +1. They follow the link on my website. 1:45. Please follow the sign
are catching on quickly! Grandparents are welcome to up genius link that I sent
October is Fire Safety sign up too! out previously to help out at
month. We had two fire- In science, we learned our Halloween Party, which
fighters visit us today to about creating a model and will immediately follow the
teach us about fire safety. planning out an experiment. parade.
The students were able to Yesterday the students drew Have a great weekend!

How to Contact Me
School Phone: (248) 684-8130

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