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OTC 18895

Internal Flow Induced Pulsation of Flexible Risers

R. Swindell, Bureau Veritas, and S. Belfroid, TNO TPD

Copyright 2007, Offshore Technology Conference

to small-bore connections on both topside and subsea piping.
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2007 Offshore Technology Conference held in The problem has been seen to occur for gas flow velocities as
Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 30 April 3 May 2007.
low as 1.5 m/s, which is potentially a severe limiting factor to
This paper was selected for presentation by an OTC Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
an installations production capabilities.
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A Joint Industry Project, involving a number of operating

companies and allied organisations (including ExxonMobil,
BP, Statoil, the UK Health & Safety Executive, TNO and
Bureau Veritas), is currently addressing the technical issues
associated with high amplitude pressure pulsations generated
by gas flow through flexible risers. Combining actual offshore Fig 1 Typical flexible riser showing corrugated carcass
measurement data; part and full scale test results at low,
medium and high pressures; and both theoretical acoustic and As an example, one installation experienced severe noise and
flow simulations, a good understanding of the phenomenon high frequency pipework vibration on the topsides gas export
has been achieved. Guidelines for existing and planned system once gas export commenced. A comprehensive
developments have been developed, based on precautionary measurement programme was undertaken which identified the
measures, i.e. how to minimise the risk of this phenomenon cause as vortex shedding from the internal corrugated carcass
occurring at the design stage, and practical assessment and of the riser locking on to discrete acoustic resonances of the
mitigation measures for existing assets. This paper will gas within the export system pipework. The noise, vibration
describe the history of the concern and actual offshore and dynamic pressure within the gas displayed clear tonal
experiences, review the work undertaken by the JIP and characteristics with the fundamental frequency varying with
provide initial guidelines to address the issue. gas velocity (figure 2). The fundamental frequency varied
from 84Hz to 208Hz over the range of gas velocities
encountered; harmonics of the fundamental frequency were
Introduction also seen.

In the last 5 years, a number of offshore installations that

utilise flexible risers for single phase gas service have
experienced high levels of piping noise and vibration. This
has resulted in at least two piping failures. The immediate
means of minimising the risk of additional failures was to
significantly reduce the gas export rate. The problem has been
attributed to flow induced pressure pulsations from the
flexible risers.

The pressure pulsations are generated due to vortex shedding

on corrugations of the innermost layer of the flexible riser
carcass. These pressure pulsations can be sufficiently extreme Fig 2 Step change in pressure pulsation frequency with flow
to cause vibration induced piping fatigue failures, for example velocity increase
2 OTC 18895

Dynamic pressures measured in the topsides piping system

were of the order of 1 bar (0-pk), and dynamic stresses were
also unacceptable particularly in small bore piping
attachments when judged against a class F2 weld as per
BS7608 (1). Structural modifications were designed and
installed to reduce the dynamic stress levels on the topsides
pipework, and restrictions were also imposed on gas export
flowrate to reduce the level of excitation.

To date, at least seven assets worldwide, including gas export, Fig 4 Typical sidebranches which act as acoustic resonators
gas injection, gas lift transfer and low pressure gas flare have
all experienced this phenomenon and it is considered likely Joint Industry Project
that as the demand for gas export from deepwater fields
increases, this number will increase. Although the full mechanism is not yet fully understood,
considerable progress has been made through an ongoing Joint
The Flexible Riser as a Source of Excitation Industry Project (JIP) co-sponsored by BP, ExxonMobil,
Statoil and the Health and Safety Executive to determine the
As dry gas passes through a flexible riser, an unstable shear Strouhal number and gain an understanding of the positive
layer is generated off each of the internal corrugations which feedback mechanism which results in the high dynamic
make up the internal carcass see schematic illustration in pressure pulsations experienced.
figure 3 below.
As part of the JIP, a significant amount of scale and actual
carcass testing has taken place over a range of gas pressures
and flow rates, and with different gases, with the objective of
identifying the key parameters that govern:

the Strouhal number and the characteristic dimension;

the gas velocity at which onset occur;
the maximum pulsation amplitude and frequency.

Test work has been undertaken at both the National

Engineering Laboratory (NEL) in the UK (figure 5), and at
Fig 3 Vortex shedding from carcass corrugations (velocity (top) TNO in Holland (figure 6). A large number of different
and vorticity distribution (bottom)). The flow is from left to right.
(fabricated) geometries have been tested, alongside three
sections of 6 actual carcasses provided by three riser
Following established vortex shedding theory, the
manufacturers. In addition, considerable detailed analysis has
perturbations have a characteristic frequency (f), given by
been undertaken of actual offshore data from two installations
f=SrV/d., with Sr the Strouhal number which is corrugation
where the flexible risers are known to exhibit the problem.
geometry dependent [-], V the gas velocity [m/s] and d a
characteristic length scale [m].

Lock-on can occur when the shedding frequency is close to an

acoustic natural frequency of the gas system; the most
common acoustic resonators have been found to be the axial
modes in the riser but also dead leg branches off the main
pipework at the top and the bottom of the flexible riser. With
increasing flowrates the pulsation frequency increases often in
steps (see figure 2) as the excitation frequency locks in with
the system resonance frequencies.
Typical examples of such dead-leg branches are shown in
figure 4. In addition to giving rise to high external noise levels
the pulsations generate significant shaking forces which lead
to piping vibration and potential fatigue damage, particularly
in welded connections to the main pipework. As the generated Fig 5 High pressure test rig at NEL (UK)
pulsations travel both upstream and downstream, piping
systems at both ends of the flexible are prone to these
vibrations (see Every et al (2)).
OTC 18895 3

Fig 8 Demonstration of vortex shedding frequency with flow rate

for 10m test section of an actual 6 riser carcass

Due to the large number of corrugations in a typical riser, the

perturbations generated by subsequent corrugations can
interact and build up to generate significant pressure pulsation
levels at the characteristic forcing frequency. Test work
undertaken as part of the JIP shows that these pressure
Fig 6 Experimental setup and schematic of TNO test rig
pulsations then interact with the pipework at either end of the
Typical results are shown in figures 7 and 8, which have then carcass, to a degree determined by the acoustic characteristics
been used to determine a possible range of Strouhal numbers (principally the reflection coefficient) of the subsea and
and the most appropriate characteristic dimension. topsides pipework. Under appropriate acoustic conditions, this
results in a resonant condition, i.e.:

(i) the pressure pulsations generated along the riser

lock on to a single forcing frequency, which in turn

(ii) leads to a further increase in the dynamic pressure

pulsation levels.

This feedback mechanism is considered sufficient to generate

the levels of measured pressure pulsation. It should be noted
that excitation of an acoustic resonance (e.g. in a dead leg side
branch) can lead to very high, localised pressure pulsation
The feedback mechanism is a predominantly internal flow
mechanism. From comparison of the ring modes (natural
frequencies) of the carcass and the offshore measured data, it
is concluded that although there may be a degree of interaction
between the pulsations and the carcass vibration, resonant
carcass vibration is not the primary excitation mechanism. It
is proposed, however, that for some flowrates, it may play a
part in determining which acoustic modes are excited to give
the high amplitude pressure pulsations, (generally only a
proportion of the total acoustic modes available are actually
excited, i.e. mode selection takes place).
Fig 7 Demonstration of vortex shedding frequency for various
fabricated geometries
In order for a system to be subject to flow induced pulsations,
it must meet the following criteria:

it uses a flexible riser with a corrugated internal carcass.

the riser has single phase gas flow, (it is proposed that a
high moisture content will tend to damp down the vortex
shedding within the riser the exact level of moisture is
currently unknown).
4 OTC 18895

The potential for a system to experience the flow induced Producing Source strength and Pressure Drop models, to
pulsation problem is increased if the system has any of the then enable a executable Evaluation tool to be developed
following attributes: for submission to the JIP participants, i.e. which with
carcass geometry and process conditions as input data, it
piping arrangements both upstream and downstream of
will predict the static pressure drop, the onset velocity,
the riser which generate a significant degree of acoustic
and the frequency and maximum amplitude of the
reflection this includes piping manifolds, tie-ins, dead-
pressured pulsations
leg sidebranches etc;
the riser gas velocity is greater than 1.5 m/s. Guidelines for Flow Induced Pulsations in Flexible
From analysis of both offshore and laboratory test data, it is
clear that a minimum flow velocity is required to excite the The following sections give advice in terms of hazard
problem, and that this velocity is dependent on both the riser identification, associated risks and immediate mitigation
characteristics (profile, dimensions etc), and the process measures. Current members of the existing JIP have access to
conditions (mainly pressure). Once this velocity is exceeded, more detailed technical information to allow a more
the system will start to operate in the flow induced pulsation quantitative assessment to be undertaken. It is hoped that key
regime, while in contrast, at lower flowrates there are unlikely elements will subsequently be put into the public domain once
to be any signs of the problem. The onset velocity depends on the information is confirmed to be robust.
a number of parameters, although the reflection coefficients at
the end of the riser appear to have an important influence as Hazard Identification
shown in figure 9.
It is possible to identify a system exhibiting flow induced
pulsations by the following characteristics:

Excessive tonal pipework noise and/or vibration.

Experience has shown that an initial fundamental
pulsation frequency as low as 80 Hz may be generated,
with a significant contribution from the first two or three
harmonics. Figure 10 shows a typical dynamic pressure
pulsation spectrum, which clearly demonstrates the tonal /
harmonic nature of the noise.
Stepped changes in audible frequency with changes in
flow velocity.
Increased flow velocity generates higher pitched tones.
An audible hunting/beating effect as the system moves
from one frequency range to another.
There is a minimum flow rate required to generate the
Fig 9 Change in onset velocity for a given carcass geometry due pipework noise/vibration; below this no noise is apparent.
to variation in reflection coefficients at the ends of the carcass

Examining this effect of the boundary conditions on the onset
of the whistling behaviour will be one of the objectives in the 90

currently underway Phase 3 of the JIP. The main objectives of 967.5Hz

the phase are: 80

SPL, dB(lin) re 20Pa

Completing High Pressure (60 bar) testing of actual 6
carcass sections and evaluating the effect of the 60

introduction of liquids into a singing riser;

Extending the High Pressure testing to include 50

representative prefabricated test sections that have been 40

previously tested at low and medium pressures; 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000

Frequency, Hz

At low and medium pressures, obtaining quantitative test

Fig 10 Typical pulsation spectrum
data for the assessment of the influence of the boundary
reflection coefficients.
Should a system exhibit one or more of the characteristics
Extending the Low and Medium pressure tests to include
outlined above, there is a high chance that flow induced
larger diameter corrugated pipe to examine the effect tube
pulsation is occurring.
diameter, and longer pipe lengths;
OTC 18895 5

Associated Risks Analysis of all remaining essential intrusive fittings to

determine failure potential.
A system that is subject to flow induced pulsation is at Analysis / measurement (via ROV deployed transducers)
significant risk from the following: of subsea pipework to determine failure potential.
Brace all subsea small bore connections deemed to be at
Significant main line vibration levels. risk of fatigue failure.
Failure of small bore connections on topside pipework.
Failure of intrusive fittings e.g. thermowells, gas sample Conclusions
probes etc.
Failure of small bore connections on subsea pipework. Flexibles can generate high frequency high amplitude
pulsations. These pulsations are generated due to vortex
Experience to date suggests that the failure times of small bore shedding and shear layer instabilities on the internal
connections subjected to this problem on topside pipework can corrugations.
be as low as a few hours, as the vibration and dynamic stress The pressure fluctuations can induce high stress levels
is high frequency. and fatigue failure in associated pipe-work. Therefore
measures to mitigate potential fatigue failures are
Mitigation Measures recommended especially for small bore side branches or
instrument lines.
If flow induced pulsation is suspected then flow velocities The highest stresses are most likely to be generated when
through the system should first be reduced to a level at which there is a coincidence of the vortex shedding frequency,
the tonal noise and pipework vibration can no longer be an acoustic frequency of the pipework and a structural
discerned. natural frequency.
The susceptibility of a flexible tube to start singing in
Specialist advice should then be sought and a vibration and an installation can be evaluated before operations start.
dynamic strain survey undertaken to determine the potential The dependence of the frequency and amplitude of the
for both topsides and subsea pipework failures to occur. For generated pulsations on the details of the carcass
reference, small bore connection vibration measurement dimensions and the way the carcass is installed are
procedures and assessment criteria are given in Appendix D of currently being examined in the existing JIP.
the MTD Guidelines (3). Depending on the results of such a
survey, it is likely that the following actions would be required Acknowledgements
as a minimum:
The work described was funded by BP, ExxonMobil, Statoil,
Brace all small bore connections topside: since the the Health & Safety Executive and Bureau Veritas.
vibration is relatively high frequency (greater than 80
Hz), the usual welded two plane braces are deemed
insufficient. Instead more substantial welded gusset Nomenclature
plates of the form shown in figure 11 below should be
installed. d= Characteristic dimension (in this case related to
Remove all non-essential intrusive fittings, e.g. corrugation profile), [m]
thermowells and replace with surface mounted sensors f = Riser internal vortex shedding frequency, [Hz]
where appropriate. S= Strouhal number [-]
V= Flow velocity, [m/s]


1 Code of Practice for Fatigue Design and Assessment of Steel

BS7608, 1993

2 Every M, Goyder G, Jee T, Swindell R and Billingham L.

Full-Scale Testing of Flexible Riser System Subjected to
Internal Flow-Induced Vibration
OTC Paper OTC17787PP 2006

3 Guidelines for the Avoidance of Vibration Induced Fatigue in

Process Pipework
MTD Publication 99/100, ISBN 1 870553 37 3.
Fig 11 Typical bracing detail

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