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Administrative Law

1st Exam Cases Reviewer

Balbas 2016
1.) Cebu United Enterprises v. Gallofin Held: The creation of additional positions is
Issue: Whether or not the duly executed acts of the authorized by Sec 493 of the LGC which in fact
governmental agency can have valid effects even requires the board of directors to create such
beyond the life span of said agency. positions as it may deem necessary for the
management of the chapter. The creation of these
Held: Yes. It is to be conceded that the agencys duly positions was actually made pursuant to the laws of
executed acts can have valid effects even beyond the the Liga ng mga Barangay.
lifespan of said government agency. The agency (ICC)
who issued the license was abolished, yet, the There is no undue delegation of power by Congress
license was still in effect or extended. Therefore, its in this case. SC decisions have upheld the validity of
acts has valid effects notwithstanding the cessation the reorganization statutes authorizing the President
of its existence. of the Philippines to create, abolish, or merge offices
in the Executive Department.

2.) Crisostomo v. CA
Crisostomo was apointed President of PCC but was 4.) Larin v. Executive Secretary
preventively suspended due to administrative Issue: Does the President have the power to dismiss
charges. Mateo was designated as OIC in his place. Larin?
PD 1341 was issued converting Philippine College of As Presidential Appointee, Larin comes under the
Commerce (PCC) into PUP, and Mateo continued as direct disciplining authority of the President for the
head. Crisostomos administrative charges were power to remove is inherent in the power to
dismissed, thus he ordered his reinstatement appoint. However, Larin enjoys security of tenure.
pursuant to the dismissal of the charges. The fact that Larin is a Presidential Appointee does
not give the appointing authority the license to
Petitioner argues that PD 1341 which converted PCC remove him at will for Larin is likewise a career
into PUP did not abolish the PCC. Hence, he may still service officer.
be reinstated.
Therefore, as a recipient of tenurial protection, he
Held: PD 1341 did not abolish but only changed the can only be removed only for any of the causes
former PCC into PUP. What took place was a change enumerated in the Civil Service Decree in
in academic status, not in its corporate life, that is, accordance with procedural due process.
change in its name, structure and organization.
Issue: Was the removal for a legal cause under a
(CA said that PCC and PUP are 2 different entities valid proceeding?
and Crisostomos term was coterminous with the The removal complied with the requirements for
legal existence of PCC. Therefore, his term expired procedural due process but was not for a valid cause.
upon the abolition of the PCC.)
The basis used in Larins removal is the criminal
Contentions of CA are hardly indicia of an intent to conviction against him, but this conviction was later
abolish an existing institution. Nor will the changes set aside by the SC. The acquittal of Larin in the
in its existing structure and organization will bring criminal case necessarily entails the dismissal of the
about its abolition and the creation of a new one. administrative action against him, because in such
case, there is no basis nor justifiable reason to
When the purpose is to abolish a department or maintain the administrative suit.
office, only an express declaration to that effect by
the lawmaking authority will do so. Issue: Does the President have the power to
reorganize the BIR?
Yes, the power of the President to reorganize cannot
3.) Viola v. Alunan III be denied. Well-settled is the rule that
Viola challenged the validity of the IRR of the reorganization is regarded as valid provided it is
General Elections of the Liga ng mga Barangay pursued in good faith.
Officers insofar as they provide for the election of
additional officers. Reorganization is carried out in good faith if it is for
the purpose of simplicity, economy and efficiency. If
it is done for political reasons or to defeat the
security of tenure, or otherwise not in good faith, no

Administrative Law
1st Exam Cases Reviewer
Balbas 2016
valid abolition takes place and whatever abolition
done is void ab initio. Held: No. Reorganization of DOH under EO 102 is not
a usurpation of legislative power. EO 292
What are the marks of bad faith in removal as a (Administrative Code of 1987), gives continuing
result of reorganization? authority to the President to reorganize the
Sec. 2, RA 6656 enumerates the circumstances administrative structure of the Office of the
evidencing bad faith in the removal of employees as President.
a result of reorganization:
(1) Where there is a significant increase in the The validity of a statute or ordinance is to be
number of positions in the new staffing pattern of determined from its general purpose and its
the department or agency concerned; efficiency to accomplish the end desired, not from
(2) Where an office is abolished and another its effects in a particular case.
performing substantially the same functions is
created; Section 17, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution,
(3) Where incumbents are replaced by those less clearly states: The president shall have control of all
qualified in terms of status of appointment, executive departments, bureaus and offices. It is an
performance and merit; exercise of the Presidents constitutional power of
(4) Where there is a reclassification of offices in the control over the executive department, supported by
department or agency concerned and the the provisions of the Administrative Code,
reclassified offices perform substantially the same recognized by other statutes, and consistently
functions as the original offices; affirmed by this Court.
(5) Where the removal violates the order of
separation provided in sec. 3 hereof.
7.) Banda v. Ermita
President Arroyo issued the herein assailed EO 378,
5.) Dario v. Mison amending Section 6 of EO 285 by removing the
Issue: WON Section 16 of Article XVIII of the 1987 exclusive jurisdiction of the NPO over the printing
Constitution is a grant of a license upon the services requirements of government agencies.
Government to remove career public officials it
could have validly done under an "automatic"- Held: Yes, reorganization was valid. In the present
vacancy-authority and to remove them without case, involving neither an abolition nor transfer of
rhyme or reason. offices, the assailed action is a mere reorganization
under the general provisions of the law consisting
Held: Reorganizations must be carried out in good mainly of streamlining the NTA in the interest of
faith. In this case, Mison failed to prove that the simplicity, economy and efficiency.
reorganization was indeed made in good faith
because he hired more people to replace those that This Court has already ruled in a number of cases
he fired and no legitimate structural changes have that the President may, by executive or
been made. administrative order, direct the reorganization of
government entities under the Executive
To sum up, the President could have validly removed Department. This is also sanctioned under the
officials before the effectivity of the 1987 Constitution, as well as other statutes.
Constitution even without cause because it was a
revolutionary government. However, from the Section 17, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution,
effectivity of the 1987 Constitution, the State did not clearly states: "[T]he president shall have control of
lose its right to reorganize resulting to removals but all executive departments, bureaus and offices."
such reorganization must be made in good faith. Section 31, Book III, Chapter 10 of Executive Order
No. 292, also known as the Administrative Code of
1987 reads:
6.) Tondo Medical Center Employees vs. CA SEC. 31. Continuing Authority of the President to
President Estrada issued EO 102, which provided for Reorganize his Office - The President, subject to the
the changes in the roles, functions, and policy in the Executive Office and in order to achieve
organizational processes of the DOH. simplicity, economy and efficiency, shall have
continuing authority to reorganize the administrative
Issue: Whether or not the EO NO. 102 violates the structure of the Office of the President.

Administrative Law
1st Exam Cases Reviewer
Balbas 2016
The Administrative Code provides that the Office of force of law and are entitled to respect. Such rules
the President consists of the Office of the President and regulations partake of the nature of a statute
Proper and the agencies under it. The agencies and are just as binding as if they have been written
under the Office of the President are identified in in the statute itself. As such, they have the force and
Section 23, Chapter 8, Title II of the Administrative effect of law and enjoy the presumption of
Code: constitutionality and legality until they are set aside
Sec. 23. The Agencies under the Office of the with finality in an appropriate case by a competent
President. The agencies under the Office of the court.
President refer to those offices placed under the
chairmanship of the President, those under the To overcome this strong presumption of validity of
supervision and control of the President, those the questioned issuances, it became incumbent
under the administrative supervision of the Office of upon petitioners to prove their unconstitutionality
the President, those attached to it for policy and and invalidity, either by showing that the
program coordination, and those that are not placed Administrative Code of 1987 did not authorize the
by law or order creating them under any specific Secretary of Justice to issue DO No. 182, or by
department. demonstrating that DO No. 182 exceeded the
bounds of the Administrative Code of 1987 and
Clearly, Executive Order No. 102 is well within the other pertinent laws. They did not do so.
constitutional power of the President to issue. The
President did not usurp any legislative prerogative in They must further show that the performance of the
issuing EO 102. It is an exercise of the Presidents DOJs functions under the Administrative Code of
constitutional power of control over the executive 1987 and other pertinent laws did not call for the
department, supported by the provisions of the impositions laid down by the assailed issuances. That
Administrative Code, recognized by other statutes, was not true here, for DO No 182 did not deprive
and consistently affirmed by this Court. petitioners in any degree of their right to seek
redress for the alleged wrong done against them by
the Legacy Group. Instead, the issuances were
8.) Dacudao v. Gonzales designed to assist petitioners and others like them to
The petitioners filed a case of syndicated estafa expedite the prosecution. Thereby, the Secretary of
against Celso Delos Angeles and his associates after Justice did not act arbitrarily or oppressively against
the petitioners were defrauded in a business petitioners.

Thereafter, the DOJ Secretary issued Department 9.) Balanguan v. CA

Order 182 which directs all prosecutors in the Held: No grave abuse of discretion on the part of CA
country to forward all cases already filed against in setting aside the resolutions of DOJ.
Celso Delos Angeles, Jr. and his associates to the
secretariat of DOJ in Manila for appropriate action. (DOJ is not a quasi judicial body) HSBC maintains
that it is incorrect to argue that it was not necessary
The petitioners opined that orders were for the Secretary of Justice to have his resolution
unconstitutional or exempting from coverage cases recite the facts and the law on which it was based,
already filed and pending at the Prosecutors Office because courts and quasi-judicial bodies should
of Cagayan De Oro City. They maintained that DO faithfully comply with Section 14, Article VIII of the
182 was issued in violation of the prohibition against Constitution requiring that decisions rendered by
passing laws with retroactive effect. them should state clearly and distinctly the facts of
the case and the law on which the decision is based.
Held: No grave abuse of discretion and DO No. 182
enjoyed a strong presumption of its validity. It must be remembered that a preliminary
investigation is not a quasi-judicial proceeding, and
In ABAKADA Guro Party List v. Purisima, the Court that the DOJ is not a quasi-judicial agency exercising
has extended the presumption of validity to a quasi-judicial function when it reviews the findings
legislative issuances as well as to rules and of a public prosecutor regarding the presence of
regulations issued by administrative agencies, probable cause.
Administrative regulations enacted by Though some cases describe the public prosecutors
administrative agencies to implement and interpret power to conduct a preliminary investigation as
the law which they are entrusted to enforce have the quasi-judicial in nature, this is true only to the extent

Administrative Law
1st Exam Cases Reviewer
Balbas 2016
that, like quasi-judicial bodies, the prosecutor is an 11.) Padua v. Ranada
officer of the executive department exercising The Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) issued a resolution
powers akin to those of a court, and the similarity authorizing provisional toll rate adjustments at the
ends at this point. Metro Manila Skyway.

A quasi-judicial body is an organ of government Issue: WON the TRB Executive Director Jaime
other than a court and other than a legislature which Dumlao, Jr. alone can authorized the provisional
affects the rights of private parties through either increase.
adjudication or rule-making. A quasi-judicial agency
performs adjudicatory functions such that its Held: It is not true that it was TRB Executive Director
awards, determine the rights of parties, and their Dumlao, Jr. alone who issued Resolution. The
decisions have the same effect as judgments of a Resolution itself contains the signature of the four
court. TRB Directors.

Such is not the case when a public prosecutor An administrative agency may employ other persons,
conducts a preliminary investigation to determine such as a hearing officer, examiner or investigator, to
probable cause to file an Information against a receive evidence, conduct hearing and make reports,
person charged with a criminal offense, or when the on the basis of which the agency shall render its
Secretary of Justice is reviewing the formers order or decision. Such a procedure is a practical necessity.
The Supreme Court laid down the cardinal
In this case, since the DOJ is not a quasi-judicial requirements of due process in administrative
body, Section 14, Article VIII of the Constitution finds proceedings, one of which is that the tribunal or
no application. Be that as it may, the DOJ rectified body or any of its judges must act on its or his own
the shortness of its first resolution by issuing a independent consideration of the law and facts of
lengthier one when it resolved respondent HSBCs the controversy, and not simply accept the views of a
motion for reconsideration. subordinate. Thus, it is logical to say that this
mandate was rendered precisely to ensure that in
cases where the hearing or reception of evidence is
10.) Olaguer v. RTC assigned to a subordinate, the body or agency shall
Held: In the exercise of its functions, the PCGG is a not merely rely on his recommendation but instead
co-equal body with the regional trial courts and co- shall personally weigh and assess the evidence
equal bodies have no power to control the other. which the said subordinate has gathered.
The regional trial courts and the Court of Appeals
have no jurisdiction over the PCGG in the exercise of Therefore, TRB may grant and issue ex-parte to any
its powers under the applicable Executive Orders petitioner, without need of notice, publication or
and Section 26, Article XVIII of the 1987 Constitution hearing, provisional authority to collect the increase
and, therefore, may not interfere with and restrain in rates.
or set aside the orders and actions of the PCGG.
An administrative agency may be empowered to
By the same token, the regional trial courts have no approve provisionally, when demanded by urgent
jurisdiction over the acts of fiscal agents of the PCGG public need, rates of public utilities without a
acting for and in behalf of said commission. hearing. Provisional rates are by their nature
Petitioners, as fiscal agents of the PCGG, cannot be temporary and subject to adjustment in conformity
sued in such capacity before the ordinary courts. The with the definitive rates approved after final hearing.
tribunal for such purpose is the Sandiganbayan.

It necessarily follows that the issues raised by the 12.) Eugenio v. CSC
private respondents before the respondent judge to Aida Eugenio passed the Career Executive Service
the effect that petitioners are usurpers and have no Eligibility (CES). She was appointed as an CESB officer
right to sit in the board of directors or act as but her appointment to said rank was impeded
corporate officers of the PJI are issues which should when the CSC abolished the Career Executive Service
be addressed to the Sandiganbayan. Board (CESB).

Issue: WON CSC usurped legislative function of

Congress by abolishing the CESB.

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1st Exam Cases Reviewer
Balbas 2016
Held: Yes. It cannot be disputed, therefore, that as
CESB was created by law, and it can only be
abolished by the legislature. While CSC has the 14.) Radio Communications of the Philippines v.
power to reorganize under the Administrative Code Santiago
of 1987, this must be read with sec. 16, which Upon the complaints of respondents, the Public
enumerates the offices under the control of the CSC. Service Commission (PSC) imposed a fine as penalty
CESB is not one of such offices. As read together, the against RCPI.
inescapable conclusion is that respondent
Commissions power to reorganize is limited to Issue: Whether the PSC had the jurisdiction to act on
offices under its control as enumerated in Section complaints
Held: No. There can be no justification then for the
CESB was intended to be an autonomous entity, Public Service Commission imposing the fines. The
albeit administratively attached to CSC. This essential only power it possessed over radio companies, as
autonomous character of the CESB is not negated by noted was the fix rates. It could not take to task a
its attachment to respondent Commission. By said radio company for any negligence or misfeasance for
attachment, CESB was not made to fall within the it was bereft of such competence and not vested
control of respondent Commission. Under the with such authority.
Administrative Code of 1987, the purpose of
attaching one functionally inter-related government A public official must locate in the statute relied
agency to another is to attain policy and program upon a grant of power before he can exercise it. It
coordination. need not be express; it may be implied from the
wording of the law. Absent such a requisite, no
warrant exists for the assumption of authority.
13.) Hijo Plantation, Inc v. Central Bank
Held: It therefore becomes convenient for the
legislative department of the government to provide 15.) Tayug Rural Bank v. Central Bank
for the conduct, control, and management of the Held: Nowhere in the pertinent provisions of R.A.
work of the particular department of the 720 is the monetary Board authorized to mete out
government to authorize certain persons in charge on rural banks an additional penalty rate on their
of the management and control of such department. past due accounts with Appellant. While the
Such regulations have uniformly been held to have Monetary Board possesses broad supervisory
the force of law whenever they are found to be in powers, nonetheless, the retroactive imposition of
consonance and in harmony with the general administrative penalties cannot be taken as a
purposes and objects of the law. These are binding measure supervisory in character.
upon all the parties, as if the regulation had been
written in the original law itself. There are, however, limitations to the rule-making
power of administrative agencies. A rule shaped out
On the other hand, should the regulation be in by jurisprudence is that when Congress authorizes
conflict with the law, the validity of the regulation promulgation of administrative rules and regulations
cannot be sustained. Respondent in gross violation to implement given legislation, all that is required is
of the law, instead issued Resolution No. 1995 which that the regulation be not in contradiction with it,
impose a 6% stabilization tax for the calendar year but conform to the standards that the law
January 1, 1972 to June 30, 1972, which obviously is prescribes. A rule is binding on the courts so long as
in excess of its jurisdiction. It was further argued that the procedure fixed for its promulgation is followed
in directing its agent bank to collect the stabilization and its scope is within the statute granted by the
tax in accordance with Monetary Board Resolution legislature, even if the courts are not in agreement
No. 1995, it acted whimsically and capriciously. with the policy stated therein or its innate wisdom.

It is evident that the Board acted beyond its However, administrative interpretation of the law is
authority under the law and the Constitution. at best merely advisory, for it is the courts that
Moreover, there is no dispute that in case of finally determine what the law means. Hence an
discrepancy between the basic law and a rule or administrative agency cannot impose a penalty not
regulation issued to implement said law, the basic so provided in the law authorizing the promulgation
law prevails because said rule or regulation cannot of the rules and regulations, much less one that is
go beyond the terms and provisions of the basic law. applied retroactively.

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1st Exam Cases Reviewer
Balbas 2016
Contrary to the view espoused by petitioner, the
prohibition covers the hiring of private lawyers to
16.) Globe Wireless Ltd v. Public Service render any form of legal service. It makes no
Commission distinction as to whether or not the legal services to
PSC issued an order finding petitioner "responsible be performed involve an actual legal controversy or
for the inadequate and unsatisfactory service court litigation.
complained of, in violation of the Public Service Act"
(due to non-delivery of message) and ordering it "to COA conducts audit proceedings in order to prevent
pay a fine P200.00, thus the issue on jurisdiction. the irregular, unnecessary, excessive and extravagant
or unconscionable expenditure of
Held: PSC without jurisdiction. Section 5 of Republic government/public funds. Public funds will not be
Act No. 4630, the legislative franchise under which disbursed to pay private lawyers unless there is prior
petitioner was operating, limited respondent written conformity and acquiescence from the
Commission's jurisdiction over petitioner only to the Solicitor General or the Government Corporate
rate which petitioner may charge the Public. Counsel. The court said the circular was a safeguard
to prevent the irregular, unnecessary, excessive and
The act complained of consisted in petitioner having extravagant or unconscionable expenditure.
allegedly failed to deliver the telegraphic message of
private respondent to the addressee in Madrid,
Spain. Obviously, such imputed negligence had 18.) Chavez v. National Housing Authority
nothing whatsoever to do with the subject matter of 1. WON respondents NHA and RBI have been
the very limited jurisdiction of the Commission over granted the power and authority to reclaim lands of
petitioner. the public domain as this power is vested exclusively
in PEA as claimed by petitioner.
Too basic in administrative law is the rule that the
jurisdiction and powers of administrative agencies, Executive Order 525 reads that the PEA shall be
like respondent Commission, are limited to those primarily responsible for integrating, directing, and
expressly granted or necessarily implied from those coordinating all reclamation projects for and on
granted in the legislation creating such body; and behalf of the National Government. This does not
any order without or beyond such jurisdiction is void mean that it shall be responsible for all. The
and ineffective. requisites for a valid and legal reclamation project
are approval by the President (which were provided
for by MOs), favourable recommendation of PEA
17.) Polloso v. Gangan (which were seen as a part of its recommendations
National Power Corporation (NPC) hired by way of to the EXECOM), and undertaken either by PEA or
service contract Atty. Satorre, a private lawyer, to entity under contract of PEA or by the National
perform and provide legal functions and services. Government Agency (NHA is a government agency
whose authority to reclaim lands under consultation
The unit auditor of NPC issued a Notice of with PEA is derived under PD 727 and RA 7279).
Disallowance for the payment of the services
rendered by Atty Satorre because it violates COA 2. WON respondents NHA and RBI were given the
Circular No 86-255 which requires that contract of power and authority by DENR to reclaim foreshore
services should have the written conformity and and submerged lands.
acquiescence of the Solicitor General or Corporate
Counsel and the concurrence of the Commission on Notwithstanding the need for DENR permission, the
Audit (COA). DENR is deemed to have granted the authority to
reclaim in the Smokey Mountain Project for the
Held: (Doctrine: Prevention of Unnecessary DENR is one of the members of the EXECOM which
Expenses). The court ruled against the petition. provides reviews for the project. ECCs and Special
Patent Orders were given by the DENR which are
The COA circular was issued recognizing the problem exercises of its power of supervision over the
of hiring private lawyers in consideration of fixed project. Furthermore, it was the President via the
retainer fees, at times in unreasonable amounts, above mentioned MOs that originally authorized the
paid from public funds. reclamation. It must be noted that the reclamation
of lands of public domain is reposed first in the
Philippine President.

Administrative Law
1st Exam Cases Reviewer
Balbas 2016
On operative fact doctrine: to him by the statute, and those necessarily implied
When the petitioner filed the case, the JVA had in the exercise thereof.
already been terminated by virtue of MOA between
RBI and NHA. The properties and rights in question The commission cites no provision of law expressly
after the passage of around 10 years from the start supporting its rule against double listing. The
of the projects implementation cannot be disturbed commission possesses no power to impose the
or questioned. The petitioner, being the Solicitor condition of the rule which result in discrimination
General at the time SMDRP was formulated, had and violation of constitutional rights.
ample opportunity to question the said project, but
did not do so. The moment to challenge has passed. The test is not whether the act forbids the
commission from imposing a prohibition but
As a general rule, an unconstitutional act is not a whether it empowers the Commission to prohibit.
law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it The Commission possesses no power to impose the
affords no protection; it creates no office; it is condition of the rule. The Administrative Officer has
inoperative as if it has not been passed at all. The such powers as are expressly granted to him and
doctrine of operative fact serves as an exception to those necessarily implied in the exercise thereof.
the aforementioned general rule.

The operative fact doctrine is embodied in De 20.) Taule v. Santos

Agbayani v. Court of Appeals, wherein it is stated Verceles, Governor of Catanduanes, sent a letter to
that a legislative or executive act, prior to its being respondent Santos, the Secretary of Local
declared as unconstitutional by the courts, is valid Government, protesting the election of the officers
and must be complied with. of the FABC and seeking its nullification. Respondent
Secretary issued a resolution nullifying the election
In Planters Products, Inc. v. Fertiphil Corporation, we of the officers of the FABC in Catanduanes ordering a
held: The doctrine of operative fact, as an exception new one to be conducted as early as possible.
to the general rule, only applies as a matter of equity
and fair play. It nullifies the effects of an Issue: Whether or not the respondent Secretary has
unconstitutional law by recognizing that the jurisdiction to entertain an election protest.
existence of a statute prior to a determination of
unconstitutionality is an operative fact and may Held: No. The Secretary of Local Government is not
have consequences which cannot always be ignored. vested with jurisdiction to entertain any protest
The past cannot always be erased by a new judicial involving the election of officers of the FABC.
It is a well-settled principle of administrative law that
The doctrine is applicable when a declaration of unless expressly empowered, administrative
unconstitutionality will impose an undue burden on agencies are bereft of quasi- judicial powers. The
those who have relied on the invalid law. jurisdiction of administrative authorities is
dependent entirely upon the provisions of the
statutes reposing power in them; they cannot confer
19.) Makati Stock Exchange v. SEC it upon themselves. Such jurisdiction is essential to
This is an issue on resolution of the Securities and give validity to their determinations.
Exchange Commission which would deny the Makati
Stock Exchange, Inc., permission to operate a stock There is neither a statutory nor constitutional
exchange unless it agreed not to list for trading on its provision expressly or even by necessary implication
board, securities already listed in the Manila Stock conferring upon the Secretary of Local Government
Exchange. the power to assume jurisdiction over an election
protect involving officers of the FABC.
Petitioner contended that the permission provided
by law amounted to prohibition, and that the
commission has no power to impose it.

Issue: Whether the SEC has the authority to 21.) Radio Communications of the Phils. v. National
promulgate the rule in question. Telecommunications Commission
Private respondent, on the account of the non-
Held: No. It is fundamental that an administrative delivery of the telegrams, filed a letter-complaint
officer has only such powers as are expressly granted

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Balbas 2016
against the RCPI with the NTC. Commission finds authority to administrative agencies is well
respondent administratively liable for deficient and recognized in our jurisdiction, basically because the
inadequate service and hereby imposes the penalty need for special competence and experience has
of FINE. Thus, the issue on jurisdiction. been recognized as essential in the resolution of
questions of complex or specialized character and
Held: No. NTC has no jurisdiction to impose a fine. because of a companion recognition that the
The Executive Order is not an explicit grant of power dockets of our regular courts have remained
to impose administrative fines on public service crowded and clogged.
utilities, including telegraphic agencies, which have
failed to render adequate service to consumers. Presidential Decree No. 1344 clarified and spelled
Neither has it expanded the coverage of the out the quasi-judicial dimensions of the grant of
supervisory and regulatory power of the agency. regulatory authority to the NHA in the following
quite specific terms: (see Solid Homes Case)
There appears to be no alternative but to reiterate
the settled doctrine in administrative law that: Too
basic in administrative law is the rule that 24.) Laguna Lake Development Authority v. CA
jurisdiction and powers of administrative agencies, Task Force Camarin Dumpsite filed a complaint with
like respondent Commission, are limited to those the Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA)
expressly granted or necessarily implied from those seeking to stop the operation of the open garbage
granted in the legislation creating such body; and dumpsite in Caloocan City due to its harmful effects.
any order without or beyond such jurisdiction is void
and ineffective. LLDA issued a cease and desist order enjoining the
dumping of garbage in Barangay Camarin, Tala
Estate, Caloocan City.
22.) Solid Homes v. Payawal
Issue: Whether the NHA had the jurisdiction over Issue: Whether the LLDA have the power and
cases involving claims, refund and any other claims authority to issue a "cease and desist" order
filed by the subdivision lot or condominium unit
buyer. Held: Yes. The cease and desist order issued by the
LLDA cannot be stamped as an unauthorized exercise
Held: Yes. The applicable law is PD No. 957, as by the LLDA of injunctive powers.
amended by PD No. 1344, entitled "Empowering the
National Housing Authority to Issue Writs of By its express terms, RA 4850, as amended by P.D.
Execution in the Enforcement of Its Decisions Under No. 813 and EO 927 authorizes the LLDA to "make,
Presidential Decree No. 957." alter or modify order requiring the discontinuance or
pollution." The law explicitly authorizes the LLDA
The language of this section 1 in PD 957, especially to make whatever order may be necessary in the
the italicized portions, leaves no room for doubt that exercise of its jurisdiction.
"exclusive jurisdiction" over the case between the
petitioner and the private respondent is vested not Assuming arguendo that the authority to issue a
in the Regional Trial Court but in the National "cease and desist order" were not expressly
Housing Authority. conferred by law, there is jurisprudence enough to
the effect that the rule granting such authority need
not necessarily be express. While it is a fundamental
23.) Antipolo Realty Corp. v. NHA rule that an administrative agency has only such
Antipolo Realty contended that the jurisdiction to powers as are expressly granted to it by law, it is
hear and decide Yuson's complaint was lodged in the likewise a settled rule that an administrative agency
regular courts, not in the NHA, since that complaint has also such powers as are necessarily implied in
involved the interpretation and application of the the exercise of its express powers.
Contract to Sell.
In the exercise, therefore, of its express powers
Held: NHA has jurisdiction. It is by now under its charter as a regulatory and quasi-judicial
commonplace learning that many administrative body with respect to pollution cases in the Laguna
agencies exercise and perform adjudicatory powers Lake region, the authority of the LLDA to issue a
and functions, though to a limited extent only. "cease and desist order" is, perforce, implied.
Limited delegation of judicial or quasi-judicial Otherwise, it may well be reduced to a "toothless"
paper agency.

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1st Exam Cases Reviewer
Balbas 2016

The issuance, therefore, of the cease and desist Held: No, petitioners designation by the BIR as a
order by the LLDA, as a practical matter of procedure custodian of distrained property does not qualify as
under the circumstances of the case, is a proper appointment by direct provision of law, or by
exercise of its power and authority under its charter competent authority.
and its amendatory laws.
The Solicitor General contends that the BIR, in
requiring Azarcon to sign a pro forma receipt for it,
25.) Buenaseda v. Flavier effectively designated petitioner a depositary and,
Issue: Whether the Ombudsman has the power to hence, a public officer.
suspend government officials and employees
working in offices other than the Office of the It is axiomatic in our constitutional framework,
Ombudsman, pending the investigation of the which mandates a limited government, that its
administrative complaints filed against said officials branches and administrative agencies exercise only
and employees. that power delegated to them as defined either in
the Constitution or in legislation or in both.
Held: Yes. (Preventive suspension) When the
constitution vested on the Ombudsman the power Although the appointing power is the exclusive
"to recommend the suspension" of a public official prerogative of the President, the quantum of powers
or employees, it referred to "suspension," as a possessed by an administrative agency will still be
punitive measure. limited to that conferred expressly or by necessary
or fair implication in its enabling act. Hence, an
Section 24 of R.A. No. 6770, which grants the administrative officer has only such powers as are
Ombudsman the power to preventively suspend expressly granted to him and those necessarily
public officials and employees facing administrative implied in the exercise thereof.
charges before him, is a procedural, not a penal
statute. The preventive suspension is imposed after Implied powers are those which are necessarily
compliance with the requisites therein set forth, as included in, and are therefore of lesser degree than
an aid in the investigation of the administrative the power granted. It cannot extend to other
charges. matters not embraced therein, nor are not incidental
thereto. For to so extend the statutory grant of
Under the Constitution, the Ombudsman is expressly power would be an encroachment on powers
authorized to recommend to the appropriate official expressly lodged in Congress by our Constitution.
the discipline or prosecution of erring public officials
or employees. In order to make an intelligent The BIRs power authorizing a private individual to
determination whether to recommend such actions, act as a depositary cannot be stretched to include
the Ombudsman has to conduct an investigation. In the power to appoint him as a public officer. The
turn, in order for him to conduct such investigation Court thus finds petitioners to be both private
in an expeditious and efficient manner, he may need individuals erroneously charged before and
to suspend the respondent. convicted by Sandiganbayan which had no
jurisdiction over them. All the proceedings as well as
The purpose of R.A. No. 6770 is to give the the Decision rendered by Respondent
Ombudsman such powers as he may need to Sandiganbayan, are null and void for lack of
perform efficiently the task committed to him by the jurisdiction.
Constitution. The Administrative Code of 1987 also
empowered the proper disciplining authority to
"preventively suspend any subordinate officer or 27.) Masangcay v. COMELEC
employee under his authority pending an Masangcay, with several others, was charged before
investigation. the COMELEC with contempt for having opened 3
boxes containing official and sample ballots for the
municipalities of the province of Aklan.
26.) Azarcon v. Sandiganbayan
Issue: Whether or not Azarcon can be considered a It is contended that, even if petitioner can be held
public officer by reason of his designation by the guilty of the act of contempt charged, the decision is
Bureau of Internal Revenue as a depositary of null and void for lack of valid power on the part of
distrained property. COMELEC to impose such disciplinary penalty under
the principle of separation of powers.

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important in judicial stability and in the
Issue: Whether or not COMELEC lacks power to administration of justice whereby the judgment of a
charge petitioner with contempt. court of competent jurisdiction may not be opened,
modified or vacated by any court or tribunal of
Held: Yes. (Guevara v. COMELEC) The COMELEC has concurrent jurisdiction.
only the duty to enforce and administer all laws to
the conduct of elections, but also the power to try, The SEC is at the very least co-equal with the
hear and decide any controversy that may be Regional Trial Court. As such, one would have no
submitted to it in connection with the elections. power to control the other.
Thus, the Commission may exercise quasi-judicial
functions insofar as controversies that by express
provision law come under its jurisdiction. 29.) City of Baguio v. Nio
Held: In general, the quantum of judicial or quasi-
In the same case, we also expressed the view that judicial powers which an administrative agency may
when the Commission exercises a ministerial exercise is defined in the enabling act of such
function, it cannot exercise the power to punish agency. In other words, the extent to which an
contempt because such power is inherently judicial administrative entity may exercise such powers
in nature. The exercise of this power has always depends largely, if not wholly, on the provisions of
been regarded as a necessary incident and attribute the statute creating or empowering such agency.
of courts.
There is, however, no explicit provision granting the
In the instant case, the resolutions merely call for Bureau of Lands (now the Land Management
the exercise of an administrative or ministerial Bureau) or the DENR (which exercises control over
function for they merely concern the procedure to the Land Management Bureau) the authority to
be followed in the distribution of ballots and other issue an order of demolition which the Amended
election paraphernalia among the different Order of Execution, in substance, is.
municipalities. In this sense, the Commission has
exceeded its jurisdiction in punishing him for While the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Lands is
contempt, and so its decision is null and void. confined to the determination of the respective
rights of rival claimants to public lands or to cases
which involve the disposition of public lands, the
28.) Freeman, Inc. v. Securities and Exchange power to determine who has the actual, physical
Commission possession or occupation or the better right of
Issue: Whether or not the SEC, being a coordinate possession over public lands remains with the
body with the Regional Trial Court, may interfere in courts.
the proceedings held therein and review the issues
passed upon by the said court.
30.) Eslao v. Commission on Audit
Held: No. Our ruling in Saw v. Court of Appeals Held: In Warren Manufacturing Workers Union
should be understood in the light of 2 basic legal (WMWU) v. Bureau of Labor Relations, the Court
principles. held that "administrative regulations and policies
enacted by administrative bodies to interpret the
First, that administrative agencies like the SEC are law have the force of law and are entitled to great
tribunals of limited jurisdiction and as such can respect."
exercise only those powers which are specifically
granted to them by their enabling statutes. It is difficult for the Court to understand why, despite
these certifications, respondent COA took such a
The action for dissolution of FREEMAN filed by its rigid and uncompromising posture that CPG No. 80-4
minority stockholders is well within the jurisdiction was the applicable criterion for honoraria to be given
of the SEC to resolve in accordance with P.D. No. members of the reforestation evaluation project
902-A. However, the inclusion in the SEC case of team of the PSU.
FREEMAN MANAGEMENT of which private
respondents are not stockholders is a matter outside Respondent COA's contention that the DBM
of the limited jurisdiction of the SEC. clarification is unconstitutional as that ruling does
not fulfill the requisites of a valid classification is, in
The second basic principle is the doctrine of non- the Court's perception, imaginative but nonetheless
interference which should be regarded as highly

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an after-thought and a futile attempt to justify its of petroleum products and for provisional authority
action. the constitutional arguments raised by to increase temporarily such prices pending further
respondent COA here were never even mentioned proceedings. The Board granted provisional relief
pursuant to Section 8 of Executive Order No. 172.
COA is not authorized to substitute its own judgment
for any applicable law or administrative regulation The petitioners submit that the Order had been
with the wisdom or propriety of which it does not issued without proper notice and hearing.
agree at least not before such law or regulation is set
aside by the authorized agency of government as Held: Provisional increase is valid. As the Order itself
unconstitutional or illegal and void. indicates, the authority for provisional increase falls
within the above provision. What must be stressed is
that while under Executive Order No. 172, a hearing
1.) Aratuc v. COMELEC is indispensable, it does not preclude the Board from
Aratuc sought the suspension of the canvass then ordering, ex parte, a provisional increase, as it did
being undertaken by Regional Board of Canvassers in here, subject to its final disposition of whether or
Cotabato City. The Regional Board of Canvassers not: 1) to make it permanent; 2) to reduce or
issued a resolution, over the objection of the KB increase it further; or 3) to deny the application.
candidates, declaring all the eight KBL candidates
elected. Appeal was taken by the KB candidates to In the light of Section 8, public respondent Board
the Comelec. need not even have conducted formal hearings in
these cases prior to issuance of its Order granting a
Comelec issued its questioned resolution declaring provisional increase of prices. The Board, upon its
seven KBL candidates and one KB candidate as own discretion and on the basis of documents and
having obtained the first eight places, and ordering evidence submitted by private respondents, could
the Regional Board of Canvassers to proclaim the have issued an order granting provisional relief
winning candidates. The KB candidates interposed immediately upon filing by private respondents of
the present petition. their respective applications.

Issue: Whether or not respondent Comelec has

committed grave abuse of discretion,amounting to 3.) US v. Dorr
lack of jurisdiction. Issue: Whether or not the article be regarded as
embraced within the description of scurrilous libels
Held: No. As the Superior administrative body against the Government of the United States or the
having control over boards of canvassers, the Insular Government of the Philippine Islands.
Comelec may review the actuations of the Regional
Board of Canvassers, such as by extending its inquiry Held: No. The important question is to determine
beyond the election records of the voting centers in what is meant in Section 8 of Act No. 292 by the
questions. expression The Insular Government of the
Philippine Islands.
The authority of the Commission is in reviewing such
actuations does not spring from any appellant We understand, in modern political science, by the
jurisdiction conferred by any provisions of the law, term government, that institution or aggregate of
for there is none such provision anywhere in the institutions by which an independent society makes
election Code, but from the plenary prerogative of and carries out those rules of action which are
direct control and supervision endowed to it by the necessary to enable men to live in a social state, or
provisions in Section 168. which are imposed upon the people forming that
society by those who possess the power or authority
In administrative law, a superior body or office of prescribing them.
having supervision and control over another may do
directly what the latter is supposed to do or ought to Government is the aggregate of authorities which
have done. rule a society. Administration is the aggregate of
those persons in whose hands the reins of
government are for the time being. Government
2.) Maceda v. Energy Regulatory Board and administration and are not always used in their
Caltex, Shell Petroleum, and Petron Corporation filed strictness, and that government is often used for
with the Board for permission to increase the prices administration.

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The article in question contains no attack upon the It is clear from the above definitions that ISCOF is a
governmental system of the United States, and it is chartered institution and is therefore covered by PD
quite apparent that it contains no attack upon the 1818.
governmental system by which the authority of the
United States is enforced in these Islands. HOWEVER, it is apparent that the present
controversy did not arise from the discretionary acts
It is the character of the men who are entrusted with of the administrative body nor does it involve merely
the administration of the government that the writer technical matters. What is involved here is non-
is seeking to bring into disrepute by impugning the compliance with the procedural rules on bidding
purity of their motives, their public integrity, and which required strict observance. PD 1818 was not
their private morals, and the wisdom of their policy. intended to shield from judicial scrutiny the
The publication of the article, therefore, no seditious irregularities committed by administrative agencies
tendency being apparent, constitutes no offense such as the anomalies in the present case. Hence,
under Section 8 of Act No. 292 the challenged restraining order was not improperly
issued by the respondent judge and the writ of
preliminary injunction should not have been denied.
4.) Malaga v. Penachos
The Iloilo State College of Fisheries (ISCOF) caused
the publication for an Invitation to Bid for the 5.) The United Residents of Dominican Hill, Inc., v.
construction of a laboratory building but was denied. Commission on the Settlement of Land Problems
Judge Labaquin issued a restraining order prohibiting (COSLAP)
PBAC from conducting the bidding and awarding the Issue: Whether or not COSLAP is empowered to hear
project. and try a petition for annulment of contracts with
prayer for a TRO and to issue a status quo order and
Defendants filed a motion to lift the restraining order conduct a hearing thereof.
on the ground that the Court was prohibited from
issuing restraining orders by PD No. 1818 RULING: COSLAP is not justified in assuming
(prohibiting courts from issuing restraining orders or jurisdiction over the controversy. It discharges quasi-
preliminary injunctions in cases involving judicial functions:
infrastructure and natural resource development
projects of, and public utilities operated by, the "Quasi-judicial function" is a term which applies to
government). the actions and discretion of public administrative
officers or bodies, who are required to investigate
Issue: Whether or not the ISCOF is considered a facts or ascertain the existence of facts, hold
government instrumentality such that it would fall hearings, and draw conclusions from them as a basis
under the prohibition in PD 1818. for their official action, and to exercise discretion of
a judicial nature."
Held: Yes.
Definition of Instrumentality However, it does not depart from its basic nature as
- refers to any agency of the National Government, an administrative agency, albeit one that exercises
not integrated within the department framework, quasi-judicial functions. Still, administrative
vested with special functions or jurisdiction by law, agencies are not considered courts; they are neither
endowed with some if not all corporate powers, part of the judicial system nor are they deemed
administering special funds, and enjoying judicial tribunals.
operational autonomy, usually through a charter.
This includes regulatory agencies, chartered The doctrine of separation of powers observed in
institutions, and GOCCs. our system of government reposes the 3 great
powers into its 3 branches the legislative, the
Definition of Chartered Institution executive, and the judiciary each department
- refers to any agency organized or operating under a being co-equal and coordinate, and supreme in its
special charter, and vested by law with functions own sphere.
relating to specific constitutional policies or
objectives. This includes state universities and Accordingly, the executive department may not, by
colleges, and the monetary authority of the state. its own fiat, impose the judgment of one of its own
agencies, upon the judiciary. Indeed, under the
expanded jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, it is
empowered "to determine whether or not there has

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been grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of abuse of discretion or in violation of the rule of law.
or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
instrumentality of the Government." The President saw it fit to streamline the agencies so
as not to hinder the delivery of crucial social
reforms. The consolidation of functions in E.O. 364
6.) Anak Mindanao Party-List Group v. Executive aims to attain the objectives of simplicity, economy
Secretary and efficiency as gathered from the provision
Issue: Whether or not the reorganization of these granting PCUP and NCIP access to the range of
administrative agencies should be the subject of a services provided by the DARs technical offices and
statute. support systems.

Held: No. The Constitution confers, by express The characterization of the NCIP as an independent
provision, the power of control over executive agency under the Office of the President does not
departments, bureaus and offices in the President remove said body from the Presidents control and
alone. And it lays down a limitation on the legislative supervision with respect to its performance of
power. administrative functions. In transferring the NCIP to
the DAR as an attached agency, the President
Legislative power is the authority, under the effectively tempered the exercise of presidential
Constitution, to make laws, and to alter and repeal authority and considerably recognized that degree of
them. The Constitution has vested this power in the independence.
Congress of the Philippines. Except as limited by the
Constitution, either expressly or impliedly, legislative In the present case, AMIN glaringly failed to show
power embraces all subjects and extends to matters how the reorganization by executive fiat would
of general concern or common interest. hamper the exercise of citizens rights and privileges.
It has not shown that by placing the NCIP as an
While Congress is vested with the power to enact attached agency of the DAR, the President altered
laws, the President executes the laws. The President the nature and dynamics of the jurisdiction and
also has the duty of supervising and enforcement of adjudicatory functions of the NCIP concerning all
laws for the maintenance of general peace and claims and disputes involving rights of indigenous
public order. Thus, he is granted administrative cultural communities and indigenous peoples. Nor
power over bureaus and offices under his control to has it been shown, nay alleged, that the
enable him to discharge his duties effectively. reorganization was made in bad faith. It rested on
the ambiguous conclusion that the reorganization
The Constitutions express grant of the power of jeopardizes economic, social and cultural rights.
control in the President justifies an executive action
to carry out reorganization measures under a broad
authority of law. 7.) Beja v. CA
Held: As correctly observed by the Solicitor General,
It is not disputed that PCUP and NCIP were formed the petitioner erroneously equates "preventive
as agencies under the Office of the President. The suspension" as a remedial measure with
Agencies under the Office of the President refer to "suspension" as a penalty for administrative
those offices placed under the chairmanship of the dereliction. The imposition of preventive suspension
President, those under the supervision and control on a government employee charged with an
of the President, those under the administrative administrative offense is subject to the Civil Service
supervision of the Office of the President, those Law.
attached to the Office for policy and program Although the foregoing section does not expressly
coordination, and those that are not placed by law provide for a mechanism for an administrative
or order creating them under any special investigation of personnel, by vesting the power to
department. remove erring employees on the General Manager,
with the approval of the PPA Board of Directors, the
As thus provided by law, the President may transfer law impliedly grants said officials the power to
any agency under the Office of the President to any investigate its personnel below the rank of
other department or agency, subject to the policy in Assistant Manager who may be charged with an
the Executive Office and in order to achieve administrative offense. During such investigation,
simplicity, economy and efficiency. Gauged against the PPA General Manager may subject the employee
these guidelines, the challenged executive orders concerned to preventive suspension.
may not be said to have been issued with grave

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The investigation should be conducted in accordance quasi-judicial instrumentality as contemplated
with the procedure set out in Sec. 38 of P.D. No. 807. therein.
Only after gathering sufficient facts may the PPA
General Manager impose the proper penalty in
accordance with law. It is the latter action which 9.) Iron and Steel Authority v. CA
requires the approval of the PPA Board of Directors. MCFCs contention: no valid judgment could be
rendered against ISA which had ceased to be a
It is, therefore, clear that the transmittal of the juridical person.
complaint by the PPA General Manager to the AAB
was premature. The PPA General Manager should Petitioners contention: despite the expiration of its
have first conducted an investigation, made the term, its juridical existence continued until the
proper recommendation for the imposable penalty winding up of its affairs could be completed. ISA
and sought its approval by the PPA Board of urged that the Republic of the Philippines, being the
Directors. It was discretionary on the part of the real party-in-interest, should be allowed to be
herein petitioner to elevate the case to the then substituted for petitioner ISA.
DOTC Secretary Reyes. Only then could the AAB take
jurisdiction of the case. Issue: Whether or not the Republic of the
Philippines is entitled to be substituted for ISA in
view of the expiration of ISA's term
8.) Luzon Development Bank v. Association of Luzon
Development Bank Employees Held: Yes. It should also be noted that the enabling
Held: In Oceanic Bic Division (FFW), v. Romero, this statute of ISA expressly authorized it to enter into
Court ruled that a voluntary arbitrator by the certain kinds of contracts "for and in behalf of the
nature of her functions acts in a quasi-judicial Government".
capacity. Under these rulings, it follows that the
voluntary arbitrator, whether acting solely or in a Clearly, ISA was vested with some of the powers or
panel, enjoys in law the status of a quasi-judicial attributes normally associated with juridical
agency but independent of, and apart from, the personality. There is, however, no provision in P.D.
NLRC since his decisions are not appealable to the No. 272 recognizing ISA as possessing general or
latter. comprehensive juridical personality separate and
distinct from that of the Government. ISA in fact
Assuming arguendo that the voluntary arbitrator or appears to the Court to be a non-incorporated
the panel of voluntary arbitrators may not strictly be agency or instrumentality of the Government of the
considered as a quasi-judicial agency, board or Republic of the Philippines. We consider that the ISA
commission, still both he and the panel are is properly regarded as an agent or delegate of the
comprehended within the concept of a quasi- Republic of the Philippines.
judicial instrumentality.
When the statutory term of a non-
An instrumentality is anything used as a means or incorporated agency expires, the powers, duties and
agency. Thus, the terms governmental agency or functions as well as the assets and liabilities of that
instrumentality are synonymous in the sense that agency revert back to, and are re-assumed by, the
either of them is a means by which a government Republic of the Philippines, in the absence of special
acts, or by which a certain government act or provisions of law specifying some other disposition
function is performed. The word instrumentality, thereof.
with respect to a state, contemplates an authority to
which the state delegates governmental power for ISA instituted the expropriation proceedings in its
the performance of a state function. capacity as an agent or delegate or representative of
the Republic of the Philippines pursuant to its
The voluntary arbitrator no less performs a state authority under P.D. No. 272. The present
function pursuant to a governmental power expropriation suit was brought on behalf of and for
delegated to him under the provisions in the Labor the benefit of the Republic as the principal of ISA.
Code and he falls, therefore, within the
contemplation of the term instrumentality in Sec. From the foregoing premises, it follows that the
9 of B.P. 129. The fact that his functions and powers Republic of the Philippines is entitled to be
are provided for in the Labor Code does not place substituted in the expropriation proceedings as
him within the exceptions to said Sec. 9 since he is a party-plaintiff in lieu of ISA, the statutory term of ISA

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having expired. Put a little differently, the expiration
of ISA's statutory term did not by itself require or In the present case, all three (3) corporations
justify the dismissal of the eminent domain comprising the CIIF companies were organized as
proceedings. stock corporations. The UCPB-CIIF owns 44.10% of
the shares of LEGASPI OIL, 91.24% of the shares of
While the power of eminent domain is, in principle, GRANEXPORT, and 92.85% of the shares of UNITED
vested primarily in the legislative department of the COCONUT.
government, we believe and so hold that no new
legislative act is necessary should the Republic Obviously, the below 51% shares of stock in LEGASPI
decide, upon being substituted for ISA, to continue OIL removes this firm from the definition of a
to prosecute the expropriation proceedings. The government owned or controlled corporation.
legislative authority enacted a continuing or standing
delegation of authority to the President of the Our concern has thus been limited to GRANEXPORT
Philippines to exercise, or cause the exercise of, the and UNITED COCONUT as we go back to the second
power of eminent domain on behalf of the requisite. Unfortunately, it is in this regard that
Government of the Republic of the Philippines. petitioner failed to substantiate his contentions.
There is no showing that GRANEXPORT and/ or
UNITED COCONUT was vested with functions
10.) Leyson v. Office of the Ombudsman relating to public needs whether governmental or
The Office of the Ombudsman dismissed the proprietary in nature. The Court thus concludes that
complaint based on the findings that the entities the CIIF companies are, as found by public
involved are private corporations over which this respondent, private corporations not within the
Office has no jurisdiction. scope of its jurisdiction.

Petitioner contended that since it was declared that

coconut levy funds are public funds, then 11.) Manila International Airport Authority v. City
conformably with Quimpo v. Tanodbayan, of Pasay
corporations formed and organized from those funds MIAA received Final Notices of Real Property Tax
or whose controlling stocks are from those funds Delinquency from the City of Pasay. The City of
should be regarded as government owned and/or Pasay, through its City Treasurer, issued warrants of
controlled corporations. levy for the NAIA Pasay properties.
Issue: Whether or not the Coconut Industry Issue: Whether or not the NAIA Pasay properties of
Investment Fund companies are government MIAA are exempt from real property tax.
Ruling: Yes. MIAA is a government instrumentality
Ruling: No. Government owned or controlled vested with corporate powers to perform efficiently
corporation (GOCC) is any agency organized as a its governmental functions. MIAA is like any other
stock or non-stock corporation vested with functions government instrumentality, the only difference is
relating to public needs whether governmental or that MIAA is vested with corporate powers.
proprietary in nature, and owned by the
Government directly or through its instrumentalities When the law vests in a government
either wholly, or, where applicable as in the case of instrumentality corporate powers, the
stock corporations, to the extent of at least fifty-one instrumentality does not become a corporation.
(51) percent of its capital stock. Unless the government instrumentality is organized
as a stock or non-stock corporation, it remains a
Requisites of GOCC: government instrumentality exercising not only
a) Any agency organized as a stock or non-stock governmental but also corporate powers.
b) Vested with functions relating to public needs Thus, MIAA is not a GOCC but a government
whether governmental or proprietary in nature; instrumentality which is exempt from any kind of tax
c) Owned by the Government directly or through from the local governments. Indeed, the exercise of
its instrumentalities either wholly, or, where the taxing power of local government units is subject
applicable as in the case of stock corporations, to the limitations enumerated in Section 133 of the
to the extent of at least fifty-one (51) percent Local Government Code, which states that local
of its capital stock. government units have no power to tax

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instrumentalities of the national government like the The funds of the UP are government funds that are
MIAA. Hence, MIAA is not liable to pay real property public in character. They include the income
tax for the NAIA Pasay properties. accruing from the use of real property ceded to the
UP that may be spent only for the attainment of its
Furthermore, the airport lands and buildings of institutional objectives. Hence, the funds subject of
MIAA are properties of public dominion intended for this action could not be validly made the subject of
public use, and as such are exempt from real the RTCs writ of execution or garnishment.
property tax under Section 234(a) of the Local
Government Code. Other Discussions: Suability of the State
"Suability depends on the consent of the state to be
However, under the same provision, if MIAA leases sued, and liability depends on the applicable law
its real property to a taxable person, the specific and the established facts. The circumstance that a
property leased becomes subject to real property state is suable does not necessarily mean that it is
tax. In this case, only those portions of the NAIA liable; it can never be held liable if it does not first
Pasay properties which are leased to taxable persons consent to be sued. When the state does waive its
like private parties are subject to real property tax by sovereign immunity, it is only giving the plaintiff the
the City of Pasay. chance to prove, if it can, that the defendant is

12.) University of the Philippines v. Dizon The UP correctly submits here that the garnishment
UP entered into a General Construction Agreement of its funds to satisfy the judgment awards of actual
with respondent Stern Builders for the construction and moral damages (including attorneys fees) was
of a building in UPLB. Stern Builders submitted 3 not validly made if there was no special
progress billings, but UP failed to pay the 3rd billing, appropriation by Congress to cover the liability.
prompting Stern Builders and Dela Cruz to sue the Indeed, an appropriation by Congress was required
UP to collect the unpaid billing and to recover before the judgment that rendered the UP liable for
damages. moral and actual damages (including attorneys fees)
would be satisfied considering that such monetary
Issue: Whether or not UP funds can validly be liabilities were not covered by the "appropriations
garnished earmarked for the said project." The Constitution
strictly mandated that "(n)o money shall be paid out
Ruling: No. UPs funds, being government funds, are of the Treasury except in pursuance of an
not subject to garnishment. UP is a government appropriation made by law."
instrumentality performing the States constitutional
mandate of promoting quality and accessible
education. As a government instrumentality, the UP 13.) Lockheed Detective and Watchman Agency,
administers special funds sourced from the fees and Inc., v. University of the Philippines
income enumerated under Act No. 1870 and Section Several security guards assigned to UP filed separate
1 of Executive Order No. 714, and from the yearly complaints against Lockheed and UP for payment of
appropriations. underpaid wages. NLRC said that the satisfaction of
the judgment award in favor of Lockheed will be only
All the funds going into the possession of the UP, against the funds of UP which are not identified as
including any interest accruing from the deposit of public funds. CA dismissed the petition in light of the
such funds in any banking institution, constitute a ruling in NEA v. Morales which mandates that all
"special trust fund", the disbursement of which money claims against the government must first be
should always be aligned with the UPs mission and filed with the Commission on Audit (COA).
purpose, and should always be subject to auditing by Held: This Court finds that the CA correctly applied
the COA. the NEA case. Like NEA, UP is a juridical personality
separate and distinct from the government and has
Presidential Decree No. 1445 defines a "trust fund" the capacity to sue and be sued. Thus, also like NEA,
as a fund that officially comes in the possession of an it cannot evade execution, and its funds may be
agency of the government or of a public officer as subject to garnishment or levy. However, before
trustee, agent or administrator, or that is received execution may be had, a claim for payment of the
for the fulfillment of some obligation. A trust fund judgment award must first be filed with the COA.
may be utilized only for the "specific purpose for
which the trust was created or the funds received." Under Commonwealth Act No. 327, as amended by
Section 26 of P.D. No. 1445, it is the COA which has

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primary jurisdiction to examine, audit and settle "all
debts and claims of any sort" due from or owing the Petitioners anchor their petition on the 1999 case of
Government or any of its subdivisions, agencies and Camporedondo v. NLRC, which ruled that the PNRC
instrumentalities, including GOCCs and their is a GOCC. The simple test used was whether the
subsidiaries. corporation was created by its own special charter
for the exercise of a public function or by
We cannot subscribe to Lockheeds argument that incorporation under the general corporation law.
NEA is not similarly situated with UP because COAs Since the PNRC was created under a special charter,
jurisdiction over the latter is only on post-audit basis. the Court then ruled that it is a government
A reading of the pertinent Commonwealth Act corporation. However, the Camporedondo ruling
provision clearly shows that it does not make any failed to consider the definition of a GOCC as
distinction as to which of the government provided under the Administrative Code of 1987.
subdivisions, agencies and instrumentalities, Hence, it is now deemed inapplicable.
including government-owned or controlled
corporations and their subsidiaries whose debts Just like the Local Water Districts, the PNRC was
should be filed before the COA. created through a special charter. However, unlike
the Local Water Districts, the elements of
As to the fait accompli argument of Lockheed, government ownership and control are clearly
contrary to its claim that there is nothing that can be lacking in the PNRC. Although the PNRC is created
done since the funds of UP had already been by a special charter, it cannot be considered a GOCC
garnished, since the garnishment was erroneously in the absence of the essential elements of
carried out and did not go through the proper ownership and control by the government. (See
procedure (the filing of a claim with the COA), UP is Leyson case)
entitled to reimbursement of the garnished funds. In sum, we hold that the office of the PNRC
Chairman is not a government office or an office in a
GOCC for purposes of the prohibition in Section 13,
14.) Liban v. Gordon Article VI of the 1987 Constitution.
Petitioners allege that by accepting the chairmanship
of the PNRC Board of Governors, respondent has
ceased to be a member of the Senate as provided in 15.) Republic of the Philippines v. City of Paranaque
Section 13, Article VI of the Constitution, which PRA (was PEA before), a government corporation,
reads: reclaimed several portions of the foreshore and
SEC. 13. No Senator or Member of the House of offshore areas of Manila Bay, including those located
Representatives may hold any other office or in Paraaque City. Warrants of Levy were issued on
employment in the Government, or any subdivision, PRAs reclaimed properties.
agency, or instrumentality thereof, including
government-owned or controlled corporations or Issue: Whether or not PRA is a GOCC, a taxable
their subsidiaries, during his term without forfeiting entity, and, therefore, not exempt from payment of
his seat. Neither shall he be appointed to any office real property taxes
which may have been created or the emoluments
thereof increased during the term for which he was Ruling: No. PRA was not organized either as a stock
elected. or a non-stock corporation. Neither was it created
by Congress to operate commercially and compete
Respondent insists that the PNRC is not a in the private market.
government-owned or controlled corporation.
1.) PRA is a government instrumentality vested with
Issue: Whether or not the PNRC is a GOCC corporate powers and performing an essential public
service pursuant to the Administrative Code. Being
Ruling: No. The PNRC is not government-owned but an incorporated government instrumentality, it is
privately owned. The vast majority of the thousands exempt from payment of real property tax.
of PNRC members are private individuals, including
students. Under the PNRC Charter, those who 2.) Section 234 of the Local Government Code
contribute to the annual fund campaign of the PNRC provides that real property owned by the Republic
are entitled to membership in the PNRC for one year. of the Philippines is exempt from real property tax
Thus, the PNRC is a privately owned, privately unless the beneficial use thereof has been granted
funded, and privately run charitable organization. to a taxable person. In this case, there is no proof
The PNRC is not a GOCC.

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Balbas 2016
that PRA granted the beneficial use of the subject Supreme Court on certiorari and in effect sue the
reclaimed lands to a taxable entity. State thereby.

The Administrative Code allows real property owned Under the doctrine of primary jurisdiction, when an
by the Republic to be titled in the name of agencies administrative body is clothed with original and
or instrumentalities of the national government. exclusive jurisdiction, courts are utterly without
Such real properties remain owned by the Republic power and authority to exercise concurrently such
and continue to be exempt from real estate tax. jurisdiction. Accordingly, all the proceedings of the
court in violation of that doctrine and all orders and
Indeed, the Republic grants the beneficial use of its decisions reached thereby are null and void. Money
real property to an agency or instrumentality of the claims are cognizable by the COA and its decision is
national government. This happens when the title of appealable only to the SC. The lower courts have
the real property is transferred to an agency or nothing to do with such transactions. (Case also
instrumentality even as the Republic remains the cited NEA v. Morales)
owner of the real property. Such arrangement does
not result in the loss of the tax exemption, unless
"the beneficial use thereof has been granted, for 17.) Trade and Investment Development
consideration or otherwise, to a taxable person." Corporation of the Philippines v. Manalang-
3.) The Court agrees with PRA that the subject TIDCORP, a government corporation, charged
reclaimed lands are still part of the public domain, Demigillo, then a Senior Vice-President in TIDCORP,
owned by the State and, therefore, exempt from with grave misconduct. Pending the investigation,
payment of real estate taxes. (Section 2, Article XII of TIDCORP placed Demigillo under preventive
the 1987 Constitution and Article 420 of the Civil suspension for 90 days. Demigillo assailed her
Code) preventive suspension in the Civil Service
Commission (CSC). The CSC ruled that her
Here, the subject lands are reclaimed lands, suspension was not proper.
specifically portions of the foreshore and offshore
areas of Manila Bay. As such, these lands remain Held: Preventive suspension was proper. Under
public lands and form part of the public domain. Section 51 of the Revised Administrative Code, the
imposition of preventive suspension by the proper
disciplining authority is authorized provided the
16.) AGRA v. COA charge involves dishonesty, oppression, or grave
A group of NEA employees who were hired after misconduct, or neglect in the performance of duty,
October 31, 1989 claimed that they did not receive or if there are reasons to believe that the
meal, rice, and childrens allowances. RTC issued a respondent is guilty of charges which would warrant
Notice of Garnishment against the funds of NEA with his removal from the service.
Section 51 nowhere states or implies that before a
Issue: WON the immutability of final decision preventive suspension may issue there must be
doctrine must prevail over the exclusive jurisdiction proof that the subordinate may unduly influence the
of the COA to audit and settle disbursements of witnesses against him or may tamper the
funds documentary evidence on file in her office.

Ruling: No. The immutability rule applies only when In Gloria v. Court of Appeals, we stated that
the decision is promulgated by a court possessed of preventive suspension pending investigation is a
jurisdiction to hear and decide the case. measure intended to enable the disciplining
Undoubtedly, the petition in the guise of a case for authority to investigate charges against respondent
mandamus is a money claim falling within the by preventing the latter from intimidating or in any
original and exclusive jurisdiction of this way influencing witnesses against him. As such,
Commission. preventing the subordinate officer or employee from
intimidating the witnesses during investigation or
All money claims against the Government must be from tampering the documentary evidence in her
filed with the Commission on Audit which shall act office is a purpose, not a condition, for imposing
upon it within sixty days. Rejection of the claim will preventive suspension, as shown in the use of the
authorize the claimant to elevate the matter to the word intended.

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confirmation by the Chief Scout, who is the
President of the Philippines. Vacancies to the Board
18.) Boy Scouts of the Philippines v. NLRC are filled by a majority vote of the remaining
Issues: members thereof, but again subject to ratification
1. WON BSP is a government-owned or controlled and confirmation by the Chief Scout. We must
corporation; and assume that such confirmation or ratification
2. WON the BSP is embraced within the Civil Service involves the exercise of choice or discretion on the
as that term is defined in Article IX (B) (2) (1) of the part of ratifying or confirming power.
1987 Constitution
It does appear therefore that there is substantial
Ruling: BSP may be regarded as both a "government governmental (i.e., Presidential) participation or
controlled corporation with an original charter" and intervention in the choice of the majority of the
as an "instrumentality" of the Government within members of the National Executive Board of the BSP.
the meaning of Article IX (B) (2) (1) of the
Constitution. The third aspect relates to the character of the
assets and funds of the BSP. The original assets of
Firstly, BSP's functions as set out in its statutory the BSP were acquired by purchase or gift or other
charter do have a public aspect. BSP's functions do equitable arrangement with the Boy Scouts of
relate to the fostering of the public virtues of America, of which the BSP was part before the
citizenship and patriotism and the general establishment of the Commonwealth of the
improvement of the moral spirit and fiber of our Philippines.
youth. At the same time, BSP's sanctions do not
relate to the governance of any part of territory of The BSP charter, however, does not indicate that
the Philippines; BSP is not a public corporation in the such assets were public or statal in character or had
same sense that municipal corporations or local originated from the Government or the State. We
governments are public corporations. note only that BSP funds have not apparently
heretofore been regarded as public funds by the
BSP's functions cannot also be described as Commission on Audit, considering that such funds
proprietary functions in the same sense that the have not been audited by the Commission.
functions or activities of government-owned or
controlled corporations like the National While the BSP may be seen to be a mixed type of
Development Company or the National Steel entity, combining aspects of both public and private
Corporation can be described as proprietary or entities, we believe that considering the character of
"business-like" in character. Nevertheless, the public its purposes and its functions, the statutory
character of BSP's functions and activities must be designation of the BSP as "a public corporation" and
conceded, for they pertain to the educational, civic the substantial participation of the Government in
and social development of the youth which the selection of members of the National Executive
constitutes a very substantial and important part of Board of the BSP, the BSP, as presently constituted
the nation. under its charter, is a government-controlled
corporation within the meaning of Article IX. (B) (2)
The second aspect that the Court must take into (1) of the Constitution.
account relates to the governance of the BSP. The
composition of the National Executive Board of the We are fortified in this conclusion when we note
BSP includes, as noted from Section 5 of its charter that the Administrative Code of 1987 designates the
quoted earlier, includes 7 Secretaries of Executive BSP as one of the attached agencies of the
Departments. The 7 Secretaries (now 6 in view of Department of Education, Culture and Sports
the abolition of the Department of Youth and Sports ("DECS").
and merger thereof into the Department of An "agency of the Government" is defined as
Education, Culture and Sports) by themselves do not referring to any of the various units of the
constitute a majority of the members of the National Government including a department, bureau, office,
Executive Board. instrumentality, government-owned or-controlled
corporation, or local government or distinct unit
We must note at the same time that the therein.
appointments of members of the National Executive
Board, except only the appointments of the Regional Government instrumentality" is in turn defined in
Chairman and Scouts of Senior age from the various the 1987 Administrative Code in the following
Scout Regions, are subject to ratification and manner:

Administrative Law
1st Exam Cases Reviewer
Balbas 2016
Instrumentality refers to any agency of the committed reversible error when it declared the
National Government, not integrated within the subject media advertising expense to be deductible
department framework, vested with special as an ordinary and necessary expense on the ground
functions or jurisdiction by law, endowed with some that "it has not been established that the item being
if not all corporate powers, administering special claimed as deduction is excessive."
funds, and enjoying operational autonomy usually
through a charter. This term It is not incumbent upon the taxing authority to
includes regulatory agencies, chartered institutions prove that the amount of items being claimed is
and government-owned or controlled corporations. unreasonable. The burden of proof to establish the
validity of claimed deductions is on the taxpayer. In
The same Code describes a "chartered institution" the present case, that burden was not discharged
in the following terms: satisfactorily.
Chartered institution refers to any agency
organized or operating under a special charter, and
vested by law with functions relating to specific 20.) Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. The
constitutional policies or objectives. This term Philippine American Accident Insurance
includes the state universities and colleges, and the Company, Inc.
monetary authority of the State. Respondents are domestic corporations licensed
to transact insurance business in the country.
We believe that the BSP is appropriately regarded Respondents paid the Bureau of Internal Revenue
as "a government instrumentality" under the 1987 under protest the 3% tax imposed on lending
Administrative Code. It thus appears that the BSP investors by Section 195-A of Commonwealth Act
may be regarded as both a "government controlled No. 466 (CA 466), as amended by Republic Act No.
corporation with an original charter" and as an 6110 (RA 6110) and other laws
"instrumentality" of the Government within the
meaning of Article IX (B) (2) (1) of the Constitution. Respondents sent a letter-claim to petitioner
It follows that the employees of petitioner BSP are seeking a refund of the taxes paid under protest
embraced within the Civil Service and are and filed a petition to the CTA. The CTA ruled that
accordingly governed by the Civil Service Law and respondents were entitled to their refund.
Issue: WON Insurance Companies should be taxed
In view of the foregoing, we hold that both the Labor (3% percentage tax) as lending investors
Arbiter and public respondent NLRC had no
jurisdiction over the complaint filed by private Ruling: No. Insurance companies cannot be
respondents; neither labor agency had before it any considered lending investors under CA 466, as
matter which could validly have been passed upon amended. Neither Section 182(A)(3)(dd) nor
by it in the exercise of original or appellate Section 195-A mentions insurance companies.
jurisdiction. Section 182(A)(3)(dd) provides for the taxation of
lending investors in different localities. Section
195-A refers to dealers in securities and lending
19.) Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. General investors.
Foods (Phils.), Inc.
Held: It has been a long standing policy and practice The burden is thus on petitioner to show that
of the Court to respect the conclusions of quasi- insurance companies are lending investors for
judicial agencies such as the Court of Tax Appeals, a purposes of taxation. In this case, petitioner does
highly specialized body specifically created for the not dispute that respondents are in the insurance
purpose of reviewing tax cases. business. Petitioner merely alleges that the
definition of lending investors under CA 466 is
The CTA, by the nature of its functions, is dedicated broad enough to encompass insurance companies.
exclusively to the study and consideration of tax
problems. It has necessarily developed an expertise NOTE: CTA Ruling
on the subject. We extend due consideration to its
opinion unless there is an abuse or improvident The CTA held that respondents are not taxable as
exercise of authority. Since there is none in the case lending investors because the term lending
at bar, the Court adheres to the findings of the CTA. investors does not embrace insurance companies.
Accordingly, we find that the Court of Appeals

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Balbas 2016
The term money lenders were later changed to
lending investors but the definition of the term
remains the same. [Sec. 1464(x), Rev. Adm. Code,
as finally amended by Com. Act No. 215, and Sec.
1465(v) of the same Code, as finally amended by
Act No. 3963] The same law is embodied in the
present National Internal Revenue Code (Com. Act
No. 466) without change, except in the amount of
the tax.

It is a well-settled rule that an administrative

interpretation of a law which has been followed
and applied for a long time, and thereafter the law
is re-enacted without substantial change, such
administrative interpretation is deemed to have
received legislative approval. In short, the
administrative interpretation becomes part of the
law as it is presumed to carry out the legislative


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