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Def: reduction in red blood cell mass

Lifecycle : Epo=acts on BFU-E +CFU-E=RBC maturity
Rate of production =rate of loss

Measurement tools : RBC, HGB, Hematocritt

RBC parallels HGB/crit except in severe microcytosis = thalasemia =increase RBC!!

Normal ranges of values careful with !

Athletes : increased plasma volume, inflammatory response-exercise,
High altitude: initial left shift !!= decrease-02 to tissue=peripheral chemoreceptors=
resp.alkalosis=kidney H+generation=2,3 days 2,3 disphophoglycerate increase in rbc
=HEME/OX right shift=increased capillary density lowers AA gradient
Smokers = will have higher HCT /polycythemia effect
Chronic disease

RBC (components in labs)= MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW,RETIC

Reticulocytes :
RDW=high =FE def , Myelodysplastic syndrome, Hemoglobinapathies,transfusions

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