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NOTES Ineroducsion, + Cerchel *Mawsolei" Are, Fm: Note hat all works ted inthis manner ‘nc incdedin the bibliography 2 Wi the noble ecepon of ails by Richard, Krafe, Bosch, and Core. Av, Grab, Marin 2288 with einementsby Fre, Teno sep 3 Complete referenccs wo the trary souress concerning imperil burns ae fond in Appene Band ae not neces epested inthe ot. One. ‘The Emperor in Death + See B, Verner, ed, Prom Galil 1 Constantine Tyran and Trenfrmation | Ronen Paraitane (Slate, 200) ad ider, Matiltios and Tremsrmaton anmatio Moric and Ronan buperilParattre (2003). 2 The literary sourees foreach death and bor are referenced in Appendix B “The editions wae forall cited souces are hone ied i he bibliography. 3 Point, Morr 14-18. 4 Hi dg, Due Mae 26533 315 5 Soet, Viel, x03. 6 Johannes Antioch fig. 092. 1 olan, Bi adden. 372A 1 Fim sag, Tyg, 4, "atqe lve we yan sepoero hui dan- tit Bee aaa Tyr tga sin which te uf the topes Vices nd bison are described as “humble monuments, covered with common marble 9 sepulerum ampli” Hi. dng, Si. dle 633. 16 Zosimus, 182. 5 Arman 35.205 12 Liter Pou ed. Duchose, 383, 15 Julia, Or, t26, 14 For the fara of Augustus in AD 14, Suetoning ig, 95; Cass Dio, 56-34-41 for Sllaand Juli see Weinstock, Dio Fain, 6-55 foe Dru, ‘Tacts, Arm, 4935 for Antonine Piast 36, Fling Mars. te, 7.20, 843; for Petar 195, Cassis Dio, 79-4-755;for Sepimns Severin 211, 29 NOTES TO PAGES 11-18 ieodian, 43; for Constantine in 337, Fusbins Yes Omit 465-91. Afr this, ce nee ier umerl tobe dexeribed more than saperialy itha: ‘fusion, who ded in 65, for which see Capps, In lade ls. 61, Although this sonnei outside the chronologies scone ofthis sa, ie ‘ots fr removed at 2 be ilevane On theater hand the shore file ‘or imperial funeral given by Constantine Pephrogenites (De ner 1.65. ‘od, Vogt 69 Th pp S88) the ent censary contains ahing tha would fncrene our undersndig of exter imperial ner 15 See Ate, rn and "Funes Bickarman, “Kaisspothoose,” 836 and “Conseeai,” rl Pree, Conscration"; Toynbee, Dest and Bri s6-61 Geos, "Rites Kerdort, "Fanos", Chanersine, Doppelbenateangen" Weach Klein, int 15-38; Flower, Aner Mass, 91127 Dupont, ANT cons Grade, Bperr Worship, 261-97; and the vais ails by Richard. Fo the le ansque foneral of Constantinople fn the wider contest of Byzantine anes se Kyrnlais, "Boral Castoms” and Karlin-Hayrer, "Adie." 16 For the pyres and ustrina see Cassius Dio, 74095) (for Perinas) and Hero. dian, 4268 for Sepimius Severs); Fravet, Pres Price, “Consecration” 998 17 Accoin ised by Severs Alexander in honor of Jala Macs in 35 is he onlr ‘net show a open door on the second ter withthe ber wile inside See ‘Mating, Cin, VE, 196,00 248, 8 1 Fesschts, "Tabula"; Weinstock, *Hlonours" 19: Cassie Dio, 775)... See ao Justin Martyr, plea 121.3, "you produce someone who swears he as sen the burning Caesar rise to heaten fom the funeral yz" 1 See Bostwrigh, Hadi, 21830; Nash, Disionary, U, 287-80; Kampmann, "Uninum’ La Roose, Rio, tor-1g: Buzz, “Ustnty Dand, “Acq sivon”, Fincher, “Monsmenta,” 75-75; Toll, “Topogatia" 126-5. 2 See Chapter 21 Ambrose, Ori de ise Tena, The pio of fry days reflects the ust ‘of eommemoratng the dcceased om the tid inh, and forieth day after his death See Cumont, “Commemoration” 23 For the proceson’s advens chracter se MacConnack, rt and Cerna, 133 For the pagan precedent sce Richard, "Recherches" 11298 14 Gregory Nasianacn, Or, 5-18. This shuld be compared with the fanrary procession of Vespasian, for which see Suewaius, ep, 19.2. On the conc ‘erveen pagan and Chrisien imperial fnerals made by Gregory Navianzen sce MacCormack, rand Ceremony, 132-34. 25 Greyory Nyse Ovi. Palermo Spiny 961-65. Fon ne Bowie, Vit Coe, 421 26 Turea, “Origine; Prieur, Mar, 26-27; Toynbee, Dnt and Durie 3 424 Cainont, Lae perpen, 387-90; in, “Inhumation et incingraion? Kolvita, “Bettas Noel, “Cremation and Burial": Koch and Ske: ana, Sirkapbge 27-30. OF the ery emperors and members of he fae, ‘only Nero's wie Poppaca as buried eather dan eomaod ching Tacis? fonment un, 16.62) dat this was done inthe mane of foreign kings" 17 The wen sand of Agrippina che Heri ow in ee Capitoline Museu, i 152 See Pani, “Correo,” 137-40, who abo discusesoser stands fron ‘he mausoleum on 163-63. NOTES TO PAGES 15-18 28 See Tucan, “Origines” 329; Richard, "ncinerntion” em, "Recherches?” 2126; Prieur, Mae, 27. Pie, “Consteration," 10, sin i aseron Ue “Constantine wes proba the frst emperor to beinbured” 29 See Chapter 2. 30 Ambrose, i, 53 (5, ed, Faller). See che Syrian legend on Julian, pur portedly writen Soon ater his death, Jain he Apri, Gillaez 207, Fovia...gtveondrs to che doctors who wer with them embal he copes (GFfulan)* Also, Arce, "Fanerales" 34. 31 Rush, Det and Borel 6 32 Delruceh, Anite Pogbyrerte, 27 Luce, "Porioy” Koc, Pritriche Sorkplage, 20-29. The largest poephyry srcophagas measures 347 meters long and 3 4 meters high, 43 Sex Vasey, “Sareoahagi” 25-26. 534 Lie oft Job he Alar, 19, . Daves and Baynes, 228-20. 535 Ie 655; Dellruec, nike Parpyracre, 219, an pl. 207, no. 35 Avstay= [enbetger and Estcubenge, Poplrarlopbuge, 76 and Abb. 16 Pansat 45, ead te Cameron and Heron, 123/135, 337 Mesarites, 397, - Downey, 891, nd not 9. 538 Chonistes, er Van Dieta, 479, Mago, 263 4p Ammians, 168.4. “Two, From Turnulus to Domed Rocunda in Imperial Mausoles + In gence see Von Hesberg Rink Grathnzen, 55-20%; and Geos, Arie tre, 380-60, For the numerous Republican and ctl ipa ors in and ‘roand Rome, see Eisner, Tob for chose in Campanin, see De Francis ‘nd Pans, Mule fo those at Pompe, see Kockel, Grable, 23 Von Hesberg, "Mausoleum." 234 4 Sootoaias ig tom sys "enstrucay," suggesting shatitwar completed by this dace, hough, given che et thao was wring muck ate, oneshould not make toomuch ofhis ws ofthe past ens. The dt for che initaon ofeonstraction ‘suaually eens 2810G, afer bis restortion ofthe Republi the celebration of ‘cores in licam and Aeon, an the aeration of Egypt raf “Sin,” ‘ora; argues chat the building mas begun in the previous decade and that 28 BC represene i completion. For @ respons, see Boschung, *Tumulas Ielioeum" and Reba, bape, 36-38. 44 Ver Aon, 6872-75; 883-84 Vella, 2.03.5 Comoe ad Livi, 67-685 ‘Cass Dio, 53.3045: Servis, br den 6.86; his nseripsen ona Hock of ‘marble, probably a satie bse was fd in rent of he wes ce of de ‘maveoleum; se Giglio, "Sepoleret,” 534: Panes, "Corred," 68-93 5 For its use ab an honode cumetery see Coal, Camps lai, 591~ 602; Castagnoli, "Campo Msi" Weurick,"Unersochungen" 19-17; and Davies, Det 137~40. For the tomb see Richanson, Dison, 356,398 360-61, <0. Js Cacsar was buried in the sare comb a is daughter Jai, or which see Cass Dio, 445115 Casto 188-90 6 Topabec, Det and Berit og too; Versie-Bas, “Manso” 7 Thegudenismensoned by Sueonius, 4g, 1ooandby Stbo, 5.3.8. Isexont Ssunlnown. For the enclosure see Barto “L'arhitetara del masole,"44- 4svand von Hesbers, "Beivag 31 NOTES TO PAGES 18-24 8 Susbo, 5.3.8 Reba, Ine, 99°35 9 Daves, Death, 124-26 16 For the same see Colin and Giglio, *Relaiong” 209-5, 22. 1 Suabo, 538. 13 Reba, lpr, 443, 15 Bacto "Lsrchitetura,” yo-3: Vigil “Apropos del masolo.”A recon -srucon ofthe rere is given in von Hlesterg."MMawolew des Augustus” "Belg 24,193, AD. g6 and Tal 12 Beirg” 445,200 8 15 Soetonius ig, 101-4 Reha, pei, 54-58. For the text see Re gra Dis ‘Angunt ead we P. Broneand] Moore Oaford 967). For the bel, se Ono, Olid Ronn 85-87 16 Ortolon,“Ipotes” 217-1, suggests the diameter ofthe upper inder woul have been 250 Roman Ft. 1 Von Hesherg, Beitrag 20-2, fr the lowe fen; 23, for the upper one. 15 Von Hlesber, “sions” 29. 9 Acentl pit found inthe so-called Tomb ofthe Curation the Via App theennularbacil chamber efoandin he Viena Peplitomb, The anni som tidorencicing the burl charberis seen inte tomb ofthe Serine Vie ‘Appia. Fortes building sce Eine, Tole wo alo covers the numerou ‘mals tomb sound Rome. For the mnulsrcordore sce Winfld- Haren, “Coulis” 20 Sez for example, O.Pelon, Til, mal tera ftir: Recberbes a le moet mses de ple cise deo Pg de ged Brose, BEFAR, 29 thers 9970). a1 SeePllotino, Neva Cava Cereer 22 Oa Roms tumuli Ena, Typo, 164-73 213-10; Amand, "Régpparion* 33 Mes recently, Daves, Dest, 55-60, Rehk Inperan, 3-52. 24 Davis, Death, 62-63, 25 Davies, Dn, 61-67, wth relevant examples, 235 Lise mae this propo ia Jaks, "Mauslewm of Augustus,” 223-34 27 Senangelo "Quine" 151, note 5. 28 Martial 9.20.1; Soeonins, Da 29 Martial, 934.8, Stati Silo s.1a39-4t See also Richardson, Disionay, 183; Hitshfeld, “Grabs,” 15 Riba “Recherebes1131-33:Chows on, *Maaolée”jro. Panes, “Corred,” 143, charactrings the tana having taken place “senza dubia” 4 Sete, Do 1 YP Chron of 34 e- Momamsc, 296 38 Carian Cad Top 08; Ni i, 7 33 Hise lig, Tr Tyr 33.6 Hist lug, Claus, 6. $4 Martial, 93.1; 343 Sati, Sir, 43195 Amann, Rendon, 8% Log, ‘Monnet, 335; Santangelo, *Quisnale” 151, Davis, Dat, +7. Dera ‘Smith pers, 162-63, ages tha the trary evidence doesnot prove ha the building was round 35 Matta 938-18 For the tomb of Jupiter on Mt Jui on Crete see Cal nachos, yo Ze, 8-95 Origen, Core Cela, 3.43. Davia, Gti Crean ais (Pack Ridge, NJ. 1970), 159-60 36 Torelli, "Calo" 54-6, ses a recanglarbildng on ll pom; Pars Dow Haresigy ssh, aseepe the Menfetion of the esin bt nterpoe. NOTES TO PAGES 24-27 the “pono second teens wal she allowed by Hat “Roman {Conets"1-se For he ding om hs inetd a at oth lace 522. Ginn 8, 84 (177), 9. Sot, IneralCa, 6, send £ cic buldng shown om another eon a he Templo. On the coin ee Maronly, Cin I 990,393 "0209 and 66, oll Mowat ad Cara, "Cot" 379 80, propre these eniicton 4q Darl Sith Epes, 8 and 01 spur ee coin no athe. 538 The ani ofl hse theories beyond the spe ofthe reset stud, bat ser Trl, "Cll Pai, Daw Hor Canda Hae nape Coli ana pat, ns: Daron, "Seexay's Davie, Dest 1918 39 Pao igri, Ca Onur, 33746265; quote by Lancn, S I, 393= new eI, 09. 4 Blaninio Vas, Mom 8 2 Sern, Dan 83; Se apr Cat, 166-88. {2 On his ands crxpons in Rome ee Wes Ken, Fam, to20, 4 Ser for comple Grbar, Marion ys; Toes, Death end Bo 8 sagt noe 15; Wrl-Pein, Memoria” 8 uch, Monuneas” 75 Bontrgh, Hadrian, 84-65 "Thy were probably misled by Esco Eronous sremene (5.2) ta Tain Solus mam ats 44 Margri, 330 48 Tore Tal, 2. “Tomine moro in ube ne spl neve wo” Gicero, Dns. an in Acne Ran Sates Jeb ey 13 the edit oft, Gil Tha 9.7. Par 4st “Al bs ht ae Contained ines reps ar kept ahve round shalbe cael and Bod owe tec.” 6 Deke, 258 27 Palcl, 2 idem, Queer Raa, 7. The ob ilo mentioned by Dionyts of crass 58; and Varo, Pasty 263. Fehr, "Mon sme” lig Parl aig tat Publis wis noc actly bred hee oever, larch warring other member of the iy ho bad he fig of acl hare be refi 48 Gane, “Taps escher, Monnens,” 61-6; Line, Cae, 246535 Holloway, Ande, 81-88. 4g Sern, Cn, 11.2065; doused by Pier, Reluc 4. 5 Lepper and Frere, Cnty, 49 th head ofthe sae wo seonre ene 52 At Fir, 52-98 Rant Oaon ok Degen on Vibman, 8 hie appre by the {es of Trajan inthe clu’ isp (C60 Desa LS, 29) “The inerpretion ofthe cron hs been he subject of ch dee, ince by virally ercryone who ht rien onthe ern (most eet Lepper and Pree, Guin, 2037; toch, Tans Vrs” 237-5) As thre ‘Sno faery conten in heen, il noc be aad hee 53 Sex Dont, “apoio” yes Pacer "ora 16, lke, Coercion, 16; dos not eink hs neces means he cole wae an arouse 54 AS Ami, Fr 38, ote Clade, "Tenple 83, sugges hey ere “mn 455 One locaon a he boundary sec Labronse, Pomesom,” 191-92 56 Boni "Colma 9; Chie "Colana a3 ae NOTES TO PAGES 27-30 57 Lli,"Temba'sLehmann-Harcebon,Tryjusl, Blk, Cosi, 165 Charge, “Colton,” rr-15 idem, "Temple" 85. La Roce, "Templa,” 111, notes there sno peot eter 48 Logi" Tombs" 4. So Stucchi "Tanti Vii,” 255-56, Claridge, “Temple,” 8, note 176, 6 Claridge, Colon” 1-235 em, “Temple,” 88, note 176 {61 Asnoed by Leper and Fete, Cle, 3. 6 Claridge, "empl," 87-88, 65 6¥.r6.35 Gaver, Uesuctngen, 74-95; Leper and Frere, Clem, 21-205 “Hues, "Stories" 23-24: Gesu," Tiumphe," 166-75. 154 Zanker, “Trantor 433-53 for eats of och alas, 40,8. $860 "Hs ides are seceped by Ses Cluny, 4-56 and Daves, Det, 32-34 65 Becker, Forum," 169; Daves Deh, 3}-34: For the pte ee Ungaro and ‘Milla, Lagi 06-17 166 Davis, Det 127-35. (6; Von Hsberg Gluten, ond; Wella Pilies* 168 Servius, Ader, 8.654 ed Thilo, I, 296; Sis, Clann 55 {5 Gras, “Nato for." 167. 76 Diseased by Andeson,Fopageply, 152-54 Richardson, "Architeetre,”r06- 1: Boocorigh, Hadi, 85 ad especialy Aric, Fao, 9-38 {it has been propose thie che unadorned column wae begun oF even bol in che cart heriecle of he forum. Falloning Trsjn's dent the column, of 1 east ase, tas moved tots present locaton and the shat decorated, ‘hus explaining why the column was depiced in diferent ways on coins. See Richardson, “Architecture” 10-7, Anderson, Tograply, 157-58, makes the suggestion that, if conn wore planed forthe eas emicjel, it woul hve been temporary in nature ad unadorned wid seulprre, Against 20y ‘ofement ae Sets, Clans, 76; and Packer, "Forum" 6. [eis however, ‘ery unlikely thatthe column was planned for the bey since the ater ‘wa always role, a he sble pavement and lak of drains show. For the temple, the remains of which lie buried, see Hl. ig, Had 10.95, CH, 6.966 = 31225 hy Rou nt, 295-06; Boatsright, Hadrian, 74°77, ‘io; Lepper and Frere, Glu, to7-s05. [ews defintely bul ora ea complered fy Hadian, 3 its dedication co Plotina, who did in 122 5 well 1 Trajan shows thoagh it has also been sugested hac prior dedication eo [Nem or Trans ata father, is pose, Ward Derk, "Column" ri Lepper and Frere, 19-201. For 4 good summary ofthe myriad of ecent tears concering the placement of te temple ee Claridge, “Tempe” 13 Chair, “Caton 44 Sez Meneghni, La Roce, and Grasih on ches finds and new imerpreaton 73 Packer, “Templo.” Clr, “Temple abo makes strong exe for loeaing the empleo the nosthwest the column, hough with sigheehange ofa, 16 Zanker" Tejansforn,” 155, Set, Calon, 86; Bellon, "Colona, 99-100, Lepper and Free, 199-203 Waed-Peria,"Columna," 113-13, 77 Hie ng, Mare Aare 7.04 Lat. Vo 13.4; Cot 7 Sp. Sy 24.1 Cre 9.1 Din Ossie 77198105 95798). 9 Heradian 515.7 alls sche "sere pedal avsoleun.” 18 See Careconi Frm Urbis 107 and pl 3. 79 Bloc all 3-s6; Borg, Cael Sa ng, 13; Boatwright, Hadrian, 17. 7 NOTES TO PAGES 30-38 40 Cll 6975. Peres, “Mason” 95-8; Hor, "Seopens.” 41 The Hoe ge, P, incor aeibte i contin 0 Ano ine Pio,thoogh showing tht Hadar hed olen completing the building 4: CLR, 3) Dio Casts 7824. 5,Chason,"Maslée” 9-4 Chenin, 522o, em nor evidence fr he borin the nto 84 The false szount oftheir of he bulge found in Borges Cse Songs D'Onote Cael San Ageages, 1-38 304 Spies Cn ‘Sin dng 8 Richardson, Dixie 18 Daves, Dan, 18. 86 The ens and pened are mentored nthe eelhcenay Moh Us ‘am in Cd Top 96 Se slo gels ed Liven “Poones”" 8 Tip mesure and many ober wed trough te book cme os Jones, “Prine” 4o-$. 8 Se ong, Can So ng 33 Fig. 8 Cit, da 95, Pier Memrlenm 777 Wales, Insbifrmbng 116-25; Chauon, "Masai" 18, ess recomstrcon of te rage ren ofthe scion. go Pires "Male" By Bake, Cone, 5. 2 Angel Indie” 16, nes hat on al eget of i tone sain sn 2 The ramp that now cus through the cher des c© he period of Alessnder Vi 93 Piste Mausoleum’ 88-85 Squad, “Mawel” 33-26, De Segal, “Contos 6; Anglers, “Esto Davis, Det 3. 4 Piece, "Mausoleum 9; Bake, Gant, 58; Oooo, Cael Son “Area ge 26, ante is work Boe 1K 389-1409). 495 Seay Msn” 24 ates athe lowest crac chamber served at 2 ple for funeons ad he upper om wos wed fr burl-D"Onai, ae Son Ago Image 018, bln at Hans wa sid the ‘ppermon chamber See the dcason of superimposed ome in Copter. 96 On this exe ee Song, “Ornament 193-47. 57 Boll qu, 13. ragennt of hi sclpral ecorton sai for which ea Bong, Ged Son, 37 ig ac: Aral, Sov” 3o-s xmas he Ieigt of he tans ato 50 meer 8 Acwed fragment of ah 3 ee hs sored. Strong, “Ommament rf; lie, Corin, so, sei ofthe wrong a 9 orgies tres by Pe, iasleun” yo 100 Bors (20 {or Gta Ga So Ange. zo Squnil, Mausea De Spagna, “Conuibut” axed by D'Onoio (Cel Son Ange age 105 Forthecoinae raze, "P." Squad “Mawsleo,";and DeSpagool, “Contr” 6-6, ge tht he ein represet the seul natzleom. 14 Arce Fn, gr, Blees tha only ev urns would have ben laced he orga Cel Sage 38 ses his elt al 0 3b cal ave ie tg nao cgi hat ther roa ght Have bee xed tor bras wel Dosigh, Hera, 73, ofthe wpion tat be ype nas 236 NOTES TO PAGES 38-42 would hive sufced to hold all he uns, The uns wood have had sands and Ifthe sve of hone srviving fom the Mausoleum of August any measue, ‘nly few would ave been needed oil this oom, 05 The Mirae Ure Rema, 2, cla shat 2 porphyry sarcophagus ae sed ly Innocent Il (1143) came from the mutsleun, See Delbruec, ci Purpbyrvere 336 406 The sreophayus was probably destroyed during the feof 1368 in St John. See Heekies, Sep 97 Debrucc, vite Porpyrser, 216. 17 Jobaanes Andi, fag. 114 (FH, 1V, 81}, Cas. Dio, Eve. Solin, (Loch, “Vii, 46-67, Not lo the references vo peril aposhens by meas of hare sed in Chapter. 18 "Mawsaeo."23, 30, 69 Ons, “Death” 10 The tom i pared ia Ammians, 235.7, and rm Bp deca 273 utropis, 92.3) Bee, Hieron, Chr x Abe. 2257-0 (el Hel, 9), ean 3; Zosimus, 4 Hie Gan, y2-2-. This as accoune gies ‘he tet of am inscription porporely paced o herons: "Divo Gordian, vie~ ‘ori Perarom, str: Cochora,vetoel Samataram, depulsor Romanarum seditionum, veto Genranorum, sed non vies Piliporum.” (Loch ed ‘44/46. Tisincertainly a abeation as nosed by Gila, "Passages," 10). Tn general see Johason, “Sepuleur.” 111 Entropis 923 flowed by Ease. Hieron Ore. (ed He, 217) abs hs Romam rere" and in tu by Casson, Cran, 2244 re Fess Bred 2, 113 Ammianos, 25.58 214 Amunians, 33517 113 See, for example, Hirschfeld, “Gabe,” 1148, noe 73; Lovo, "Anaées” yt ote By Ate, Fas, 116 Holl *Histora-Augusta-Forschung 138-5, not 4 1x7 Soe Barnes, Sora, 05-7. Iisa impossible ask tasers the oxiginalcon- tent of she Knighton this pent and therefore determines Eos ‘os followng his source corey. Even ihe were, thee sno assurance that Ue AG was tel ie fom ero, 1x8 Thsisacepred by Mates, Enpire of Aaa 390-2. 249 The bldg is esentaly unpublished, with only bref notices appearing in {he fllowing works Nibby, nel, 55°56 Canin, Vin Api, 185-865, ais, V, 40-48; Vip NEVIME Riot, retezre romans, 203 Legh, “Teena 618, 674,693; ta. CLXKIV, 1; Crema, Arciesire rome, $65, Winkler Conlin 4D, De Rew, gf 5 20 Ana Ves, 3.10% pit. de casy 403. The dscepancy falls well within the Ssccepeable bond for sonst of this ype and pero 121 For thei, never sjstemaially ecatted since Gavin Haton dog athe stein 1773 andthe find of satury, ree De Ros, Brille, 352-58¢Lancia, ‘New Tae, 05-6 12x When list vised the building in 1985, ts crype mas beng used asa hore stable, By 2906, stad become the domain of prostitutes, and portion of the fall or ad collapsed into he erype. He was sal being used by posites in 2007. NOTES TO PAGES 42-56 123 Bxewatios were dane around the interior perimeter of wallsof the engpt and ina sal portion ofthe aren ofthe ter corridor, Result of ee exavcons ‘hd not bee plished at ecm ofthis wetng (208). 124 Tn arenating the Jaros of dele rooms of various fonctions ~ roms ‘cpl, bas, and soon ~ Reman architects nocally placed niches on he inain axes ofthe space and in lage rooms they abo placed them on he ‘lagonal ats, reating a dvon of eighths along dhe wll with even niches pls che entrance. The division inc sth seen here is quite rare ht ound the combat Selle near Naples ad the Vigna Pepol tomb in Rome discs inthe following section, "The Impl Mavsoleum Transformed.” 25 So Cartagnlisctal, Vi Appi, 138 12 De Ros, Bulle 249 127 Ufizi Arch. 664 Bae, Montene amici, I av. 389, Fi. 690 14 This was confined bythe exerecions of 003 dae in he aes of the surviving ach fsgment 29 Canina, Vi pi, 185-85; De Ross, Baile, 249, 19 So Lug, Tern, 674 and 692. 5 Published in De Rass, Rome magidns onaments, pl 3, where its ‘erroncouly dented ss temple of Domitian. 32 That pict on the engraving of Barol,fr which see CL, 15:63, no. 8 see also Bloch, Bal ur, 297 and 3, where itis dted een AD 193 md sy lg and acon ae ape by Lh Tn, 6 Wind Hansen, "Coulis 48; Crema, rebirrare roman, 565; Castano e ay Via Ape 258; De Ron, Bene, 249-50, Brenk, "Problem" 62-63, questions the stibution and fnction, 134 De ranesis and Pane, Mansi 66-6, fis. 5-45. 135 For Sevill, De Francis and Pane, Maule 33526, 72,79 is 55-36: for ‘Marano, lid 28-35, 72-76, 83 fg 8-59 andy gs. 61-6. 136 Canina, His, I, 9 COX Ma Tibor, 337-5 137 De Francis end Pane; Manse, 104,108,110 13, gs 87-88; Toynbee, Death ad rial, 155 138 Cowell, "Urb" se the evidence for imperial ownership of his property in the Severan period and saguests thar the building say be an impel waza, ‘See aio Painter and Whitehouse, “Research 9. 139 Ashby and Lug, "Villy" 28s and. Coordi "Lt," 55, have elled i “Severan” on the basis of masonry technique, wheres Pisani Sertorio, “Tomboy” 66, argued fra mi-seeond-eenary date. ses La Tone slo? 75 {41 The bulding has noc been adequately ute. Foc now see Niby, Anti, (6r8-29, 648-51; Teer nd Pll, Avbecure zat 100-2, pl VET-IX, ‘Ashby, “Drawings... Cones," pl- 12,37 Aliana, Runde, 69-74 Rois, Antitetere romans, 233-375 Lgl ed Flibek, Paria di Rae, 95-06; Log, 12; Kas, Tons, I, 65H, 674, 675, 687, 604; Crema, Amines romano, 563; Wid l-lnsen, “Coulis” 48-45% Ql ih, ama forte mura, $3; Testagusze, Foren, 217; Vaso, Mamet ani, 65-66, ao. 48 and 153+5,10. 1195 Lich, fi, 32-34, 05 8-5. a7 NOTES TO PAGES 56-68, 143 Toynbee, Destend Burial 132-3 Flot“. Sepleroy" 5-92; Von Fesber, *Planung und Ategesaltng d= Nekropaen Romi» Jb. Che," Rohe Gribrraen, Sloe Saas Sondre vo Flesberg and P Zanker, Msc, .F.96 (Mich, 1987), 4-60. 244 De Fine Licht, Roende, 191; Coatll, “Pantheon”; Gory and Hessll ‘Pantheon.” An example of domed rorads temple Rou the ealy third century, very similar tothe mausoleum at Por, is found at La Maghinna ‘eae Rone for which ee Lacan, “Appenice sl efi rotondo,” 105-7, Scheid and Brose, "Fouls" 145 Koethe,"Rund- und Vilsktempel Home ond King, “Temples” “Three. The Mature Domed Rotunds - Mausoles ofthe Tetearchs 1 rane, Teonogeaphy” 87, hint this iaveepretaton. 2 Ror he dang ofthe pace see Bis and Karan, Pala, 295-305; Kuler *Dombirche," 175-76 Mars Pal, 17. For the date of Diocletian's death sce Nakamura, 260 43, Cams 23, ad Cone, 495-97 {Dean pera 29,0 dw Moravese ad Jenkin, 13637 § Ammians, 1683-6 {Thoms Archiiacons, Historie Slane 11.34, 68 Ral "Widens ergo popula in dviniculasamocesuccrescere stati aggredi cept opus ana {ctemplum lovs fie, the mausoleum, quod in ipso augusta eifeio excel Soribas frat sucturs ercetum, a yorum monde Rigen, asus a scoseraqueconsinens” Se alo Bu “Sepalra" 9. 1 Bulg “Tmgertore” 4r;"Maxerale” 07 8 See Bais Marerile” 96 use, Spl, 19 On these temple see Niemann, Plas, o- 85 Marnsovi Pla, 10, 116-23 MeNally,“Schoaship,” 425. to Niemann, Pals, 76-77 Marssové and Marasoi, Pelz, 17; Slim, “Suni, 656. 13 Nise, "Restoration," 164-65 13 Niemann, Prat 1-7 coment and revisions in Kureat,“ncomssteney.” 14 See Hdbvird and Zeller, Spl, 15 Swtiniroi, "Pripmonics Lem, Prose and idem, “Bemeckungen.! Accepted by Welch, "Kekoastulion," 19-35. 16 Soe Mimi "Fragments" £419, fora decription of architectural eapeareie the mamoleu. 7 Machaly,“Slalasiy e, 18 Crema, "Paltz 47; Toynbne, Dat and Brit 166 Toots. Sepoleo,” oo" 1g Niemann, 6, Hebrard and Zaller, 05-06 Bull, “Sepolero;" 5; Kite, Dombitch,” 816-17; Wilkes, Didtien’ Pala, 40; MeNall ta, Report, 1, $1, MeNally *Scholarsip” 23; Rael, Maas bei To ee Sebi, 85. 139 MaeNallyand Mason Report I, 51 followed by Bren, “Problem,” 65-70 2 Bulié and Karaman, 52-524 Marts, x08; Hubrard and Zeller, 95-96 Wills, 4. 23 Killer, "Dembirche," 816-17, 25 Sox th section “Space and Factions in Teteatchic Mauoles,* below.

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