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How We Got Here:

Michael Brown, Traynon Martin and their untimely deaths at the hands of
law enforcement in the United States the past few years among many other
instances fueled Colin Kapernick, formerly of the San Francisco 49ners last year got
benched a few weeks earlier began to kneel during the National Anthem before his
games. His actions created a domino effect across all major sports as other members
regardless of their race began to follow and kneel. This act of kneeling to show and
bring about conversation about the current issues within America to help us come
together and move forward. It ended up doing the opposite and just divides America
even more as people watch the N.F.L to watch football and not to see you express
your feelings as well as people disagreeing with you kneeling for the anthem not
why they are kneeling but the act of kneeling for the anthem itself. I fully agree that
these players have the right to protest but I completely disagree with kneeling for
the Anthem. The National Anthem signifies all of our freedoms in the country and
how lucky we are to live in a free country like America and also to remember how
we got all the freedoms and rights we cherish as well and the men and women who
have passed away protecting it. It is similar to the Vietnam protest in the 70s and
how people where burning the American flag and yes you have the right to do so but
with doing so you are disrespecting the country that gives you all these rights to
express you self.

Owners and Roger:

This past week in New York City, the National Football Player Association and the
owners and commissioner Roger Goddell met to discuss a way to handle the protest
and how they should be carried out. Some owners such as Jerry Jones who owns the
Dallas Cowboys Americas Team has publicly said if you kneel for the anthem you
will be fired. You also had the Pittsburg Steelers who stayed in the locker room
altogether besides one Player Alejandro Villanueva who served in the military as a
Army Ranger who stood for the Anthem alone outside of the tunnel. The NFL
released a statement after their meeting in New York regarding their stand on the
issue going forward that r

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