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Forbidden Arcana: Birth Signs

Forbidden Arcana: Requires the use of the Dungeons &

Dragons Players Handbook, Third Edition,
Published by Wizards of the Coast.

Birth Signs Written by Philip Reed


WHAT IS Not all characters were born under a special sign. When a
FORBIDDEN ARCANA? character is first created after starting attributes, race, and class
have been determined the player and DM should each roll 1d20.
Forbidden Arcana is the name of a series of PDFs pub- If either one of them rolled a 20 this character was born under
lished by Ronin Arts. The first release in the series, Eaters a special sign. See Selecting a Birth Sign, below.
of the Arcane, is a free PDF available now at www.rpg-
If neither of them rolled a 20 the player must now decide and Each Forbidden
just how badly he wants his character to have a birth sign. At this
Arcana PDF presents an arcane secret that is designed to
time and only at this time the player may choose to give up all
add some wonder back into your campaign. Other
of his character s starting feats in exchange for a birth sign. If the
Forbidden Arcana PDFs include Magical Diseases and
player does choose to sacrifice his starting feats sell Selecting a
Lost Spells.
Birth Sign, below. Otherwise, the contents of this PDF are set
aside and character creation continued as per the normal rules
In many fantasy stories the protagonist was born during a spe- found in the Player s Handbook.
cial astrological event. The sign the character was born under
sometimes grants the character special bonuses, inspires grave SELECTING A BIRTH SIGN
prophecies, or influences the story in any number of other ways. Once it has been determined that the new character has a birth
This short release in the Forbidden Arcana series presents the sign the DM rolls 1d12 on the following table. If the player wishes
players and DM with a system for introducing the concept of birth to affect the result of this roll he may choose to sacrifice attribute
signs to their D20 System games. As always, these rules are com- points in exchange for a modification to the DM s die roll. For every
pletely optional. two points subtracted from any attribute the die roll is modified by
+/-1 (player s choice, decision made after the roll is made).
Forbidden Arcana: Birth Signs is copyright 2003 Philip Reed. All text in Once the roll has been made and modified if applicable the
this book is designated as open game content. You may not distribute this resulting number indicates the character s birth sign. The player
PDF without permission of Ronin Arts. now records this sign and the accompanying game information
Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast are Registered on his character sheet. Character creation may now continue
Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast and are used with permission.

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Forbidden Arcana: Birth Signs
1D12 Roll Sign
The Dragon
The Claw
All of the text in this PDF is designated as open game
3 The Crescent Moon
content. The graphics, artwork, and layout of the PDF are
4 The Witch not open and this PDF may not be distributed without the
5 The Sword permission of the author.
6 The Lovers
7 The Thief
8 The Arrow The signs are listed in the order that they appear in the table,
9 The Demon above.
10 The King The Dragon
11 The Ghost
A sign of power and honor, those born under this sign are fre-
12 The Destroyer quently destined to become sorcerers, wizards, or powerful war-
BIRTH SIGN DESCRIPTIONS Special Bonuses: +2 bonus to any one attribute; +2 hit points;
The following birth signs are only a small selection of those Favored Class: Sorcerer.
that could be available in a game. DMs and players are encour- Negative Side-Effect: Exudes Aura of the Dragon. This
aged to expand upon this listing with signs of their own creation. aura extends 20 ft. around the character and subtly affects all
Particularly good signs should be sent to dealings with animals and those in touch with nature (such as so that they may be loaded to the web druids). The character s Charisma score is reduced to 25% (round
and shared with others. down) when dealing with those affected by the aura.
The Claw
ADDING A SIGN TO AN A terrible, evil sign, those born beneath The Claw are fre-
quently manipulative, arrogant individuals.
ALREADY-EXISTING Special Bonuses: +2 to Charisma; if the character is of an evil
alignment he gains one bonus feat.
CHARACTER Negative Side-Effect: If the character is not of an evil align-
If a character is already being used the DM may choose ment he is constantly finding himself leaning toward evil tenden-
to allow a check for a birth sign. If a sign is gained after the cies. Any action the character takes that could be construed as a
character has already been used in play the DM should good action suffers a 1 unnamed modifier on any appropriate die
strive to introduce it and its affects during the course of play. rolls.
It is, to be honest, easier to not allow existing characters to
gain a birth sign. But a sign revealed during the course of The Crescent Moon
play could make for an interesting adventure. This will all Those born to the Crescent Moon are wise and patient, often
depend on the DM and the players involved. times becoming clerics, wizards, or sages.

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Forbidden Arcana: Birth Signs
Special Bonus: +2 bonus to Wisdom; Concentration 2 ranks The Thief
(and it s considered to be a class skill).
Quick with their hands and known for stealth and dishonesty,
Negative Side-Effects: If the character is of any class other those born to The Thief are some of the most fearsome thieves of
than an arcane or divine spellcaster he frequently finds himself on history.
the wrong side of luck; subtract 2 from any die roll (including
Special Bonuses: +2 unnamed bonus to all Hide, Open
skill checks, attacks, and saves). If the character multiclasses with
Locks, and Sleight of Hand checks; +2 bonus to Dexterity.
a spellcasting class he loses this side-effect.
Negative Side-Effect: The character looks dishonest and
The Witch exudes an aura that alerts others to his dishonest nature. All Bluff,
The Witch is a supernatural, mysterious sign as are those who Diplomacy, Disguise, and Gather Information checks suffer a 4
are born under it. unnamed penalty.
Special Bonuses: If the character is an arcane spellcaster he The Arrow
gains one free bonus spell slot (first level only) and begins play
Legendary archers are often born beneath the sign of The
with one bonus spell; +2 to Intelligence or Wisdom.
Arrow. Those born to this sign have an unnatural affinity with
Negative Side-Effects: The character s eyes are windows to thrown or other ranged weapons.
the dark, supernatural forces that exist within him. Any non-spell-
Special Bonuses: +2 unnamed bonus to all ranged attacks;
caster (excluding magical and supernatural creatures) feel uneasy
Point Blank Shot; Precise Shot.
when in the presence of the character and all Charisma checks are
Negative Side-Effect: While the character s skill with ranged
made at a 6.
weapons is uncanny his abilities with melee weapons is often
The Sword clumsy and amateurish. It takes the character more training and
Those of The Sword are powerful, graceful fighters known for experience to achieve mastery with any melee weapon. All attack
their ability with swords. and damage rolls with melee weapons suffer a 4 unnamed penal-
Special Bonuses: +4 unnamed bonus on all attack and dam-
age rolls with swords. The Demon
Negative Side-Effect: Strength and Dexterity are both Those born beneath The Demon have a dark, magical streak
reduced by 2 points. to their personality and basic nature.
The Lovers Special Bonuses: +2 to any one attribute, ability to cast detect
magic once per day as a second-level wizard, cast all arcane [Fire]
Those with the sign of The Loves are friendly, captivating
and [Evil} spells as a caster two levels higher than his actual char-
people who can be very charming and seductive.
acter level.
Special Bonuses: +2 to Charisma; +4 to all Bluff, Diplomacy,
Negative Side-Effect: Red, demon-like eyes that reduce
and Gather Information checks; all [Mind-Affecting] spells are
Charisma by 4 but add a +2 modifier to all Intimidate checks.
cast as if the character were two levels higher than he actually is.
Negative Side-Effect: The character attracts others to him, The King
including unwanted suitors and jealous lovers. The DM should Those born to The King are often great leaders, either in war,
reward the player as appropriate to his roleplaying of this side- religion, or politics.

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Forbidden Arcana: Birth Signs
Special Bonuses: +4 to Charisma, Leadership feat. Negative Side-Effect: Undead magnet. If undead are within
Negative Side-Effect: Natural leaders often have a difficult 100 ft. of the character they will be drawn instantly to him.
time accepting and following the orders of others. When given an Undead and spirits will choose to attack (or otherwise interact)
order there is a 25% chance that you will refuse the order, even if with the character over any others in the area.
it makes perfect sense and is in your best interest. The DM should
reward the player as appropriate to his roleplaying of this side- The Destroyer
effect. While most who are born under The Destroyer never become
known for mayhem and destruction, those who do are legendary
The Ghost individuals of destruction and terror.
When born beneath The Ghost a person tends to have an Special Bonuses: +2 to any one attribute; +2 unnamed bonus
unnatural, twisted attachment to spirits and the undead. to all attack and damage rolls; any one bonus feat.
Special Bonuses: Natural ability to turn or rebuke undead as Negative Side-Effect: The character leaves a path of death
a cleric of first level. This does not increase in power unless the and destruction, primarily affecting those around him. Any
character takes levels as a cleric. If the character takes levels as a friends (including party members) who suffer damage while with-
cleric he gains turns and rebukes undead as a cleric of two levels in 10 ft. of the character have a percentage chance equal to the
higher than his actual level. All necromantic spells, arcane or amount of damage suffered that the damage will be doubled.
divine, are cast as if they character were one level higher than his Example: A character that suffers a sword wound for 6 points has
actual caster level. a 6% chance that the damage will be immediately doubled to 12
points. Do not check again if the damage is doubled.
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