d20 Ronin Arts Future 13 Gene Therapy Templates

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13 Gene Therapy

First seen in the future SRD, gene therapy
templates are a way by which GMs and players Open Game Content
can quickly represent the effects of genetic All of the text of this PDF is presented as
manipulation on a characters body.Unfortunately, open game content. While this means absolutely
the future SRD presents only a handful of gene nothing to your campaign it does give other
therapy templates; nowhere near enough for a publishers permission to use this material as long
detailed, complex campaign setting. With that as they follow the open game license (see the
in mind, I set about creating new gene therapy end of this PDF).
templates so that a busy GM has, in his kit of
campaign tools, a larger number of options that
enable him to quickly and easily create new
About the Author
genetically-modified characters. For ease of use, Philip Reed has been working professionally
the four gene therapy templates from the future in the roleplaying game industry since 1995.
SRD have been included in this PDF (making a In that time he has worked for such companies
total of 14 gene therapy templates appear in this as West End Games, Privateer Press, and Steve
PDF, ten new templates and the four from the Jackson Games. Today Philip spends his days at
future SRD). GMs may also use the gene therapy home running Ronin Arts, writing and designing
templates in this PDF as inspiration for templates new games, and reading whatever books interest
of their own design. him at the time. To learn more about Philip Reed
and Ronin Arts please visit www.philipjreed.
com and www.roninarts.com.
Whats Required to Use
this PDF? Copyright 2006 Philip Reed.You may not distribute
this document without permission of the publisher.
In order to use Future: 13 Gene Therapy Some portions of this document are presented as
Templates you will need both the future and open game content, see the Open Game License at
modern SRDs, both of which are available free the end of this document for more information.
online. No other Ronin Arts products are required
to use this book. Ronin Arts and the Ronin Arts logo are trademarks of
Philip Reed and Christopher Shy.For more information
on Ronin Arts, and Ronin Arts sister company, Studio
Ronin, please visit www.roninarts.com and www.
Future: 13 Gene Therapy Templates

Ace (Template) all the characters statistics and special abilities
except as noted here.
Ace is an acquired template that can be
The aquan template allows the character to
added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid
survive on both land and under water. A character
(referred to hereafter as the character). It uses
acquires the aquan template by undergoing a
all the characters statistics and special abilities
course of gene therapy (see More Human than
except as noted here.
Human in the Scientific Engineering section of the
The ace template heavily transforms the future SRD). The regimen requires 25 successful
characters reflexes and intelligence, transforming Fortitude saving throws (DC 20).
a normal character into an elite pilot capable
Special Qualities: An aquan retains all the
of out-performing almost any experienced
special qualities of the character and gains the
pilot who ever lived. A character acquires the
additional special qualities listed below.
ace template by undergoing a course of gene
therapy (see More Human than Human in the Amphibious (Ex): Aquans can breathe equally
Scientific Engineering section of the future SRD). well in air and water.
The regimen requires 35 successful Fortitude Blindsight (Ex): Aquans have blindsight with a
saving throws (DC 20). range of 60 feet when under water only.
Special Qualities: An ace retains all the Low-Light Vision (Ex): Aquans have low-light
special qualities of the character and gains the vision with a range of 60 feet on land and in
additional special qualities listed below. water.
Human Flight Computer (Ex): The ace, his brain Skills: Same as the character, with a +2 species
enhanced specifically for spatial awareness and bonus on Listen checks while under water, a +2
tactical thought, are able to respond and deal species bonus on Move Silently checks while in
with all situations that can occur during flight. the water, a +2 species bonus on Navigate checks
This increased mindpower grants the ace a +2 while under water, and a +4 species bonus on all
bonus to his Intelligence score. Swim checks.
Skills: Same as the character, with a +6 Feats: An aquan gains Athletic as a bonus
species bonus on Pilot checks, a +4 species bonus feat.
on Computer Use checks, and a +2 species bonus Advancement: By character class.
on all Pilot checks.
Feats: An ace gains Alertness, Gearhead,
Lightning Reflexes, Spacer, and Vehicle Expert as Canine (Template)
bonus feats. Canine is an acquired template that can be
Advancement: By character class. added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid
(referred to hereafter as the character). It uses
all the characters statistics and special abilities
Aquan (Template) except as noted here.
Aquan is an acquired template that can be The canine template melds the characters
added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid genetic structure with that of a common dog,
(referred to hereafter as the character). It uses creating a creature with its own base traits and the

Future: 13 Gene Therapy Templates
sense of smell and hearing of a dog. A character
acquires the canine template by undergoing a Flyer (Template)
course of gene therapy (see More Human than Flyer is an acquired template that can be
Human in the Scientific Engineering section of the added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid
future SRD). The regimen requires 20 successful (referred to hereafter as the character). It uses
Fortitude saving throws (DC 15). all the characters statistics and special abilities
except as noted here.
Special Qualities: A canine retains all the
special qualities of the character and gains the The flyer template adapts the characters
additional special qualities listed below. body, force-growing bat-like wings with which
the character can glide and fly. Flyers are most
Keen Scent (Ex): Canines, their senses
frequently created by military forces and for
genetically enhanced and merged with those of
mining and labor operations on worlds with low
a dog, can notice characters in creatures by scent
gravity. A character acquires the flyer template by
in a 90-foot radius.
undergoing a course of gene therapy (see More
Skills: Same as the character, with a +6 species Human than Human in the Scientific Engineering
bonus on Survival checks, a +4 species bonus on section of the future SRD). The regimen requires
Listen checks, and a +2 species bonus on Search 30 successful Fortitude saving throws (DC 20).
Special Qualities: A flyer retains all the
Advancement: By character class. special qualities of the character and gains the
additional special qualities listed below.
Crusher (Template) Flight (Ex): Through use of their wings, flyers
gain fly 40 ft. (good).
Crusher is an acquired template that can be
added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid Lighter Frame (Ex): Genetically modified for
(referred to hereafter as the character). It uses lightweight, flyers suffer a -2 penalty to their
all the characters statistics and special abilities Strength and Constitution scores and weigh 25%
except as noted here. less than others of their base race.
The crusher template bulks up a character, Feats: A flyer gains Lightning Reflexes as a
changing him into a massive, hulking menace with bonus feat.
decreased intelligence coupled with an increase Advancement: By character class.
in temper and violent tendencies. A character
acquires the crusher template by undergoing a
course of gene therapy (see More Human than Goliath (Template)
Human in the Scientific Engineering section of the Goliath is an acquired template that can be
future SRD). The regimen requires 25 successful added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid
Fortitude saving throws (DC 20). (referred to hereafter as the character). It uses
Special Qualities: A crusher retains all the all the characters statistics and special abilities
special qualities of the character and gains the except as noted here.
additional special qualities listed below. The goliath template increases the characters
Inhuman Strength (Ex): Their genetically physical size and strength, creating a larger,
enhanced bodies grant crushers a +4 bonus to more physically imposing specimen that is well
their Strength score. suited to labor or unskilled combat. A character
acquires the goliath template by undergoing a
Tough (Ex): Damage reduction 1/-, 2/-, and 3/-
course of gene therapy (see More Human than
Human in the Scientific Engineering section of the
Feats: A crusher gains Combat Reflexes, future SRD). The regimen requires 30 successful
Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Damage Fortitude saving throws (DC 20).
Threshold, and Toughness as bonus feats.
Special Qualities: A goliath retains all the
Advancement: By character class. special qualities of the character and gains the

Future: 13 Gene Therapy Templates
additional special qualities listed below. A character acquires the infiltrator template by
Immense (Ex): Goliaths,their bodies genetically undergoing a course of gene therapy (see More
enhanced for size and strength, increase by in Human than Human in the Scientific Engineering
size by one category and gain a +4 bonus to their section of the future SRD). The regimen requires
Strength score. 15 successful Fortitude saving throws (DC 15).
Feats: A goliath gains Combat Reflexes as a Special Qualities: An infiltrator retains all the
bonus feat. special qualities of the character and gains the
additional special qualities listed below.
Advancement: By character class.
Camouflage (Ex): By standing completely still,
an infiltrator can will his skin to change color and
Healer (Template) texture, allowing it to blend into its surroundings.
Healer is an acquired template that can be A successful Spot check (DC 25) is required to
added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid notice a motionless infiltrator.
(referred to hereafter as the character). It uses Darkvision (Ex): Infiltrators have darkvision
all the characters statistics and special abilities with a range of 60 feet.
except as noted here.
Skills: Same as the character, with a +4 species
The healer template allows the character to bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks and a +2
heal wounds more rapidly. A character acquires species bonus on Disguise checks.
the healer template by undergoing a course of
Feats: An infiltrator gains Acrobatic, Athletic,
gene therapy (see More Human than Human
and Low Profile as bonus feats.
in the Scientific Engineering section of the future
SRD).The regimen requires 25 successful Fortitude Advancement: By character class.
saving throws (DC 30).
Special Qualities: A healer retains all the Morphean (Template)
special qualities of the character and gains the Morphean is an acquired template that
additional special qualities listed below. can be added to any humanoid or monstrous
Fast Healing 3 (Ex): A healer heals 3 points of humanoid (referred to hereafter as the character).
damage each round. Fast healing stops working It uses all the characters statistics and special
when the healer is reduced to 10 hp or fewer. abilities except as noted here.
Lowered Damage Threshold (Ex): A healers The morphean template allows the character
massive damage threshold is equal to Con 3. to go for long periods without sleep and still
Skills: Same as the character, with a +2 function normally. It also allows the character to
species bonus on any Treat Injury checks made to enter into a sleeplike trance that lasts for many
treat himself. days without suffering the effects of dehydration
or starvation. A character acquires the morphean
Advancement: By character class.
template by undergoing a course of gene therapy
(see More Human than Human in the Scientific
Infiltrator (Template) Engineering section of the future SRD). The
regimen requires 25 successful Fortitude saving
Infiltrator is an acquired template that
can be added to any humanoid or monstrous throws (DC 20).
humanoid (referred to hereafter as the character). Special Qualities: A morphean retains all the
It uses all the characters statistics and special special qualities of the character and gains the
abilities except as noted here. additional special qualities listed below.
The infiltrator template was created by Hibernate (Ex): A morphean can enter into a
espionage and military agencies in order to sleeplike state that lasts for an extended period.
genetically engineer Special Forces members and While in this state, the morphean does not
spies capable of blending into their surroundings. suffer the effects of dehydration or starvation.

Future: 13 Gene Therapy Templates
Hibernation can last up to a number of days Feats: A navigator gains Guide and Spacer as
equal to twice the characters Constitution. The bonus feats.
morphean decides how long the hibernation Advancement: By character class.
will last before entering into the sleeplike state.
If outside forces disturb or try to awaken the
character, the morphean must succeed at a Will Nocturnal (Template)
saving throw (DC 15) to end the hibernation Nocturnal is an acquired template that
prematurely. can be added to any humanoid or monstrous
Sleepless (Ex): The morphean does not suffer humanoid (referred to hereafter as the character).
the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation. Once It uses all the characters statistics and special
per day, the morphean can spend 10 minutes abilities except as noted here.
meditating and receive all the benefits of a full 8 The nocturnal template allows the character
hours of sleep. However, morpheans cannot go to function in darkness the way normal humans
indefinitely without sleep. Once every 30 days, the do in the light. A character acquires the nocturnal
character must get 2 full days of uninterrupted template by undergoing a course of gene therapy
sleep or hibernation. Failure to do so makes the (see More Human than Human in the Scientific
morphean fatigued. Engineering section of the future SRD). The
Saving Throws: A morphean gains a +2 regimen requires 25 successful Fortitude saving
species bonus on all Will saving throws. throws (DC 20).
Advancement: By character class. Special Qualities: A nocturnal retains all the
special qualities of the character and gains the
additional special qualities listed below.
Navigator (Template) Darkvision (Ex): Nocturnals have darkvision
Navigator is an acquired template that with a range of 60 feet.
can be added to any humanoid or monstrous
Light Sensitivity (Ex): Nocturnals are blinded
humanoid (referred to hereafter as the character).
by sunlight, flashlights, fluorescent lights, halogen
It uses all the characters statistics and special
lamps, and other sources of bright illumination.
abilities except as noted here.
They can counter the blindness and see normally
The navigator template grants the character an by wearing dark-tinted sunglasses or tinted
innate, unnatural understanding of navigational visors.
sciences, allowing the character to function like
Skills: Same as the character, with a +2 species
an organic, intelligent navigational computer.
bonus on Listen and Move Silently checks.
A character acquires the navigator template by
undergoing a course of gene therapy (see More Feats: Nocturnals gain Blind-Fight as a bonus
Human than Human in the Scientific Engineering feat.
section of the future SRD). The regimen requires Advancement: By character class.
25 successful Fortitude saving throws (DC 20).
Special Qualities: A navigator retains all the
special qualities of the character and gains the
Subterranean (Template)
additional special qualities listed below. Subterranean is an acquired template that
can be added to any humanoid or monstrous
Super-Intelligent (Ex): Navigators, their brains humanoid (referred to hereafter as the character).
genetically enhanced far beyond normal, human It uses all the characters statistics and special
limits, are exceptionally intelligent and gain a +4 abilities except as noted here.
bonus to their Intelligence score.
The subterranean template adapts a
Skills: Same as the character, with a +6 species characters body type to better function in deep,
bonus on Navigate checks, a +4 species bonus on cavernous locations. This template is commonly
Computer Use checks, and a +2 species bonus on used to create asteroid miners, specialized
all Pilot checks. colonists, or any other sort of character that needs

Future: 13 Gene Therapy Templates
to function underground for extended periods Feats: A tracker gains Guide and Track as
of time. A character acquires the subterranean bonus feats.
template by undergoing a course of gene therapy Advancement: By character class.
(see More Human than Human in the Scientific
Engineering section of the future SRD). The
regimen requires 20 successful Fortitude saving Zero-Gee (Template)
throws (DC 15). Zero-Gee is an acquired template that
Special Qualities: A subterranean retains all can be added to any humanoid or monstrous
the special qualities of the character and gains humanoid (referred to hereafter as the character).
the additional special qualities listed below. It uses all the characters statistics and special
abilities except as noted here.
Blindsight (Ex): Subterraneans have blindsight
with a range of 60 feet. The zero-gee template hardwires enhanced
reflexes and artificially inserts knowledge and
Low-Light Vision (Ex): Subterraneans have low-
experience of operations in zero gravity into
light vision with a range of 60 feet.
the characters genetic makeup. A character
Light Sensitivity (Ex): Subterraneans are acquires the zero-gee template by undergoing a
extremely sensitive to light and suffer a 1 penalty course of gene therapy (see More Human than
on attack rolls in sunlight or in brightly lit areas. Human in the Scientific Engineering section of the
Skills: Same as the character, with a +4 species future SRD). The regimen requires 25 successful
bonus on Survival checks when underground. Fortitude saving throws (DC 20).
Advancement: By character class. Special Qualities: A zero-gee retains all the
special qualities of the character and gains the
Tracker (Template) additional special qualities listed below.
Feats: A zero-gee gains Spacer and Zero-G
Tracker is an acquired template that can be
Training as bonus feats.
added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid
(referred to hereafter as the character). It uses Advancement: By character class.
all the characters statistics and special abilities
except as noted here.
The tracker template turns the character into
a human bloodhound, granting the character
an innate understanding of the skill of tracking as
well as an enhanced sense of smell. A character
acquires the tracker template by undergoing a
course of gene therapy (see More Human than
Human in the Scientific Engineering section of the
future SRD). The regimen requires 25 successful
Fortitude saving throws (DC 20).
Special Qualities: A tracker retains all the
special qualities of the character and gains the
additional special qualities listed below.
Keen Scent (Ex): Trackers,their noses genetically
enhanced, can notice characters in creatures by
scent in a 180-foot radius.
Skills: Same as the character, with a +6 species
bonus on Search and Survival checks.

Future: 13 Gene Therapy Templates

Open Game License

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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000,Wizards of the Coast,Inc.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004,Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric
Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard
Baker,Peter Adkison,Bruce R.Cordell,John Tynes,Andy Collins,and JD Wiker.
Future:13 Gene Therapy Templates,Copyright 2006 Philip Reed.Published by Ronin Arts www.roninarts.com.

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