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This list provided by the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and
downloaded from Columbia Audubon Society at Posted to the web
on October 15, 2001.


Common Loon 04/21/95 (3) 11/11/97 (5) 12/17/99 (24)

11/24/00 (10) 12/28/98 (12)
11/29/97 (20) 12/30/97 (11)
01/13/96 (3)
01/15/98 (12)
02/03/94 (9)
02/08/86 (3)*

Pied-Billed Grebe 09/11/94 (2) 12/17/99 (14)

11/11/97 (15) 12/28/98 (1)
11/24/00 (20) 12/30/97 (9)
11/29/97 (8) 01/03/99 (8)
01/13/96 (8)
01/15/98 (9)
02/03/94 (6)
02/08/86 (4)*

Horned Grebe 11/29/97 (4) 12/17/99 (1)

12/30/97 (1)
01/03/99 (1)
02/03/94 (4)
02/08/86 (6)*

Double-Crested Cormorant 05/06/95 (3) 07/01/94 (1) 11/11/97 (1) 12/17/99 (1)
05/07/96 (1) 11/24/00 (2) 12/30/97 (1)

Great Blue Heron 04/21/95 (2) 06/23/94 (1) 09/11/94 (1) 12/17/99 (11)
05/12/92 (1) 08/16/95 (4) 11/11/97 (14) 12/28/98 (16)
05/17/99 (1) 08/20/95 (1) 11/24/00 (7) 12/30/97 (10)
11/29/97 (11) 01/03/99 (12)
01/13/96 (3)
01/15/98 (9)
02/03/94 (8)

Great Egret 07/01/94 (1)


Little Blue Heron 08/16/95 (1)


Green Heron 04/21/95 (2) 06/23/94 (1) 11/24/00 (1) 12/08/91 (1)**
05/06/95 (1) 08/16/95 (5)
05/07/96 (2) 08/20/95 (3)
05/17/99 (1)

Canada Goose 04/21/95 (13) 08/16/95 (2) 11/11/97 (7) 12/17/99 (26) +
05/06/95 (7) 11/24/00 (31) 12/30/97 (11)
05/07/96 (7) 11/29/97 (1) 01/03/99 (8)
05/17/99 (18) 01/15/98 (8)

Wood Duck 08/16/95 (11) 12/17/99 (6)

08/20/95 (10)

American Black Duck 11/24/00 (2) 12/17/99 (2)

11/29/97 (6) 12/30/97 (4)
01/03/99 (3)
01/13/96 (2)
01/15/98 (4)
02/03/94 (2)

Mallard 04/21/95 (9) 06/23/94 (1) 09/11/94 (18) 12/17/99 (20)

05/06/95 (3) 08/16/95 (2) 11/11/97 (12) 12/28/98 (4)
05/07/96 (5) 11/24/00 (20) 12/30/97 (11)
05/17/99 (2) 11/29/97 (14) 01/03/99 (8)
01/15/98 (13)
02/03/94 (17)
02/08/86 (4)*

Redhead 11/24/00 (2)


Ring-Necked Duck 11/24/00 (10) Carter (1993)


Lesser Scaup 11/24/00 (17) 01/03/99 (2)

01/15/98 (1)

Surf Scoter 11/24/00 (2)

Bufflehead 11/24/00 (1) 01/03/99 (9)
01/13/96 (4)
02/03/94 (8)

Hooded Merganser Carter (1993)


Common Merganser 02/03/94 (2)


Red-Breasted Merganser
02/08/86 (1)*

Black Vulture 05/06/95 (1) 08/20/95 (1)


Turkey Vulture 05/07/96 (1) 06/23/94 (1) 11/11/97 (1) 12/17/99 (38)
05/12/92 (1) 07/01/94 (1) 11/24/00 (1) 12/30/97 (4)
08/16/95 (3) 02/03/94 (3)
08/20/95 (1) 02/08/86 (1)*

Osprey 04/21/95 (3) 07/01/94 (1) 09/11/94 (1)

05/06/95 (1) 08/20/95 (2)
05/07/96 (3)
05/17/99 (3)

Bald Eagle 08/16/95 (1) 11/11/97 (1) 12/17/99 (3)

11/24/00 (1) 12/28/98 (1)
12/30/97 (3)
01/03/99 (5)
01/15/98 (2)
02/03/94 (1)

Sharp-Shinned Hawk 04/21/95 (2) 12/17/99 (1)

05/06/95 (1)
02/08/86 (1)*


Cooper’s Hawk 12/28/98 (1)

02/03/94 (1)

Broad-Winged Hawk 06/23/94 (1)


Red-Shouldered Hawk 05/17/99 (1) 02/03/94 (1)

Red-Tailed Hawk 04/21/95 (1) 11/11/97 (3) 12/17/99 (1)
05/06/95 (2) 11/24/00 (1) 12/28/98 (2)
05/12/92 (1) 01/03/99 (1)
05/12/92 (1) 02/03/94 (2)

American Coot 04/21/95 (9) 11/11/97 (494) 12/17/99 (196)

11/24/00 (2130) 12/28/98 (120)
11/29/97 (231) 12/30/97 (104)
01/03/99 (104)
01/13/96 (242)
01/15/98 (890)
02/03/94 (17)
02/08/86 (250)*

Wild Turkey park (1996)


Killdeer 08/16/95 (3) 09/11/94 (1) 12/17/99 (8)

08/20/95 (2) 11/11/97 (10) 12/28/98 (6)
11/24/00 (10) 12/30/97 (5)
11/29/97 (10) 01/03/99 (9)
01/13/96 (11)
01/15/98 (1)
02/03/94 (7)
02/08/86 (1)*

Greater Yellowlegs 08/16/95 (2) 11/11/97 (4) 12/17/99 (3)

11/24/00 (2)
11/29/97 (2)

Spotted Sandpiper 04/21/95 (2) 08/16/95 (2)

08/20/95 (2)

Western Sandpiper 08/16/95 (1)


Common Snipe 12/17/99 (1)


Bonaparte’s Gull 11/11/97 (4) 12/28/98 (1)

11/29/97 (6) 12/30/97 (12)
01/03/99 (33)
01/13/96 (2)
01/15/98 (3)
02/03/94 (42)
02/08/86 (4)*

Ring-Billed Gull 04/21/95 (59) 11/11/97 (1) 12/17/99 (52)

05/06/95 (25) 11/24/00 (9) 12/28/98 (38)
11/29/97 (36) 12/30/97 (58)
01/03/99 (233)
01/13/96 (521)
01/15/98 (14)
02/03/94 (154)
02/08/86 (200)*

Herring Gull 11/29/97 (3) 12/17/99 (1)

12/30/97 (2)
01/03/99 (1)
Carter (1993)

Caspian Tern 04/19/96 (16)** 08/1993 (12)


Forster’s Tern 04/19/96 (20)**

04/21/95 (5)
05/07/96 (1)

Mourning Dove 04/21/95 (8) 06/23/94 (1) 09/11/94 (2) 12/17/99 (37)
05/06/95 (5) 07/01/94 (1) 11/11/97 (1) 12/28/98 (16)
05/07/96 (8) 08/16/95 (7) 11/24/00 (8) 12/30/97 (17)
05/17/99 (4) 11/29/97 (2) 01/03/99 (16)
01/15/98 (13)
02/03/94 (8)
02/08/86 (6)*

Yellow-Billed Cuckoo 04/21/95 (1) 06/23/94 (3)

05/06/95 (1) 08/16/95 (1)
05/07/96 (2)
05/12/92 (2)
05/17/99 (2)

Great Horned Owl 12/30/97 (1)


Chimney Swift 04/21/95 (8) 09/11/94 (4)

05/06/95 (10)
05/17/99 (3)
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird 08/16/95 (1)

Belted Kingfisher 08/16/95 (1) 11/11/97 (6) 12/17/99 (8)

08/20/95 (1) 11/24/00 (5) 12/28/98 (10)
08/20/95 (1) 11/29/97 (6) 12/30/97 (7)
01/03/99 (8)
01/13/96 (3)
01/15/98 (2)
02/03/94 (5)
02/08/86 (3)*

Red-Bellied Woodpecker 04/21/95 (12) 06/23/94 (3) 09/11/94 (8) 12/17/99

05/06/95 (10) 07/01/94 (5) 11/11/97 (5) 12/28/98 (14)
05/07/96 (10) 08/16/95 (7) 11/24/00 (5) 12/30/97 (17)
05/12/92 (3) 08/20/95 (1) 11/29/97 (5) 01/03/99 (14)
05/17/99 (5) 01/13/96 (11)
01/15/98 (5)
02/03/94 (10)
02/08/86 (4)*

Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker 11/11/97 (1) 12/17/99 (2)

11/24/00 (1) 12/28/98 (3)
11/29/97 (1) 12/30/97 (2)
01/03/99 (3)
01/13/96 (2)
01/15/98 (1)
02/03/94 (3)

Downy Woodpecker 04/21/95 (6) 06/23/94 (3) 09/11/94 (3) 12/17/99 (4)
05/06/95 (5) 07/01/94 (2) 11/11/97 (5) 12/28/98 (9) +
05/07/96 (3) 08/16/95 (8) 11/29/97 (5) 12/30/97 (9)
05/12/92 (1) 08/20/95 (8) 01/03/99 (5)
05/17/99 (2) 01/13/96 (3)
01/15/98 (2)
02/03/94 (10)
02/08/86 (6)*

Hairy Woodpecker 04/21/95 (1) 09/11/94 (1) 12/30/97 (1)

01/03/99 (2)
02/03/94 (1)
02/08/86 (1)*

Northern Flicker 04/21/95 (3) 06/23/94 (4) 09/11/94 (5) 12/17/99 (4)
05/06/95 (3) 07/01/94 (5) 11/11/97 (4) 12/28/98 (2)
05/07/96 (2) 08/16/95 (5) 11/24/00 (1) 12/30/97 (3)
05/12/92 (1) 08/20/95 (1) 11/29/97 (3) 01/03/99 (1)
05/17/99 (2) 01/13/96 (2)
01/15/98 (1)
02/03/94 (8)
02/08/86 (2)*

Pileated Woodpecker 04/21/95 (2) 06/23/94 (2) 09/11/94 (3) 12/17/99 (2)
05/06/95 (4) 07/01/94 (1) 11/11/97 (2) 12/28/98 (2)
05/07/96 (3) 08/16/95 (1) 11/24/00 (1) 12/30/97 (3)
05/17/99 (1) 11/29/97 (2) 01/03/99 (3)
01/15/98 (1)
02/03/94 (1)
02/03/86 (2)*

Eastern Wood-Peewee 05/06/95 (1) 09/11/94 (1)


Eastern Phoebe 04/21/95 (1) 11/11/97 (1) 12/17/99 (5)

11/24/00 (3) 12/28/98 (11)
12/30/97 (4)
01/03/99 (11)
01/13/96 (1)
01/15/98 (2)
02/03/94 (3)

Great-Crested Flycatcher 04/21/95 (15) 06/23/94 (5) 09/11/94 (2)

05/06/95 (13) 07/01/94 (3)
05/07/96 (9) 08/20/95 (1)
05/12/92 (3)
05/17/99 (7)

Eastern Kingbird 04/21/95 (12) 06/23/94 (2)

05/06/95 (5) 07/01/94 (1)
05/07/96 (8) 08/16/95 (8)
05/17/99 (3)

Purple Martin 04/21/95 (71) 06/23/94 (6)

05/06/95 (1) 07/01/94 (14)
08/16/95 (20)

N. Rough-Winged Swallow 05/07/96 (1)


Cliff Swallow 04/21/95 (22) 06/23/94 (12) +

05/06/95 (22) 07/01/94 (18)
05/07/96 (25)
05/17/99 (9)
Barn Swallow 04/21/95 (6) 06/23/94 (10) +
05/06/95 (2) 07/01/94 (3)
05/07/96 (14) 08/16/95 (1)
05/17/99 (2)

Blue Jay 04/21/95 (33) 06/23/94 (8) 09/11/94 (18) 12/17/99 (7)
05/06/95 (17) 07/01/94 (11) 11/11/97 (2) 12/28/98 (4)
05/07/96 (19) 08/16/95 (23) 11/24/00 (2) 12/30/97 (1)
05/12/92 (4) 08/20/95 (6) 11/29/97 (3) 01/03/99 (5)
05/17/99 (5) 01/13/96
01/15/98 (1)
02/03/94 (4)
02/03/86 (4)*

American Crow 04/21/95 (20) 06/23/94 (5) 09/11/94 (14) 12/17/99 (16)
05/06/95 (15) 07/01/94 (9) 11/11/97 (20) 12/28/98 (16)
05/07/96 (14) 08/16/95 (12) 11/24/00 (6) 12/30/97 (17)
05/12/92 (10) 08/20/95 (5) 11/29/97 (14) 01/03/99 (11)
05/17/99 (3) 01/13/96 (9)
01/15/98 (10)
02/03/94 (16)
02/08/86 (12)*

Fish Crow 04/21/95 (7) 06/23/94 (4) 09/11/94 (2) 12/17/99 (2)
05/06/95 (5) 07/01/94 (5) 11/11/97 (1)
05/07/96 (3) 08/16/95 (2)
05/12/92 (3) 08/20/95 (2)
05/17/99 (2)

Carolina Chickadee 04/21/95 (21) 06/23/94 (11) 09/11/94 (36) 12/17/99 (44)
05/06/95 (9) 07/01/94 (12) 11/11/97 (26) 12/28/98 (32)
05/07/96 (15) 08/16/95 (23) 11/24/00 (14) 12/30/97 (37)
05/12/92 (3) 08/20/95 (6) 11/29/97 (13) 01/03/99 (28)
05/17/99 (6) 01/13/96 (17)
01/15/98 (5)
02/03/94 (46)
02/08/86 (8)*

Tufted Titmouse 04/21/95 (19) 06/23/94 (5) 09/11/94 (14) 12/17/99

(25) +
05/06/95 (10) 07/01/94 (14) 11/11/97 (8) 12/28/98 (17)
05/07/96 (10) 08/16/95 (15) 11/24/00 (12) 12/30/97 (16)
05/12/92 (3) 08/20/95 (3) 11/29/97 (9) 01/03/99 (18)
05/17/99 (6) 01/13/96 (9)
01/15/98 (4)
02/03/94 (23)
02/08/86 (4)*

Red-Breasted Nuthatch 02/03/94 (2)


White-Breasted Nuthatch 02/08/86 (1)*


Brown-Headed Nuthatch 04/21/95 (15) 06/23/94 (3) 09/11/94 (6) 12/17/99

05/06/95 (8) 07/01/94 (4) 11/11/97 (8) 12/28/98 (17)
05/07/96 (5) 08/16/95 (11) 11/24/00 (11) 12/30/97 (21)
05/12/92 (1) 08/20/95 (2) 11/29/97 (12) 01/03/99 (15)
05/17/99 (2) 01/13/96
01/15/98 (7)
02/03/94 (26)
02/08/86 (20)*

Brown Creeper 11/11/97 (1) 12/17/99 (3)

11/24/00 (1) 12/30/97
01/03/99 (1)
02/03/94 (4)
02/08/86 (1)*

Carolina Wren 04/21/95 (42) 06/23/94 (14) 09/11/94 (16) 12/17/99 (36) +
05/06/95 (18) 07/01/94 (23) 11/11/97 (13) 12/28/98 (26)
05/07/96 (18) 08/16/95 (34) 11/24/00 (7) 12/30/97 (15)
05/12/92 (3) 08/20/95 (9) 11/29/97 (10) 01/03/99 (28)
05/17/99 (9) 01/13/96 (11)
01/15/98 (2)
02/03/94 (34)
02/08/86 (2)*

Winter Wren 11/24/00 (2) 12/17/99 (2)

12/28/98 (2)
12/30/97 (1)
01/03/99 (2)
02/03/94 (1)

Golden-Crowned Kinglet 11/11/97 (14) 12/17/99 (42)

11/24/00 (15) 12/28/98 (32)
11/29/97 (18) 12/30/97 (24)
01/03/99 (22)
01/13/96 (10)
01/15/98 (3)
02/03/94 (18)
02/08/86 (5)*
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet 04/21/95 (5) 11/11/97 (32) 12/17/99 (54)
05/07/96 (1) 11/24/00 (16) 12/28/98 (48)
11/29/97 (44) 12/30/97 (50)
01/03/99 (47)
01/13/96 (5)
01/15/98 (6)
02/03/94 (27)
02/08/86 (11)*

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher 04/21/95 (3) 07/01/94 (4) 09/11/94 (12) 12/17/99 (1)
05/06/95 (1) 08/16/95 (26) 11/29/97 (1)
05/07/96 (1) 08/20/95 (8)

Eastern Bluebird 04/21/95 (3) 06/23/94 (1) 11/11/97 (8) 12/17/99 (7) +
05/06/95 (2) 08/16/95 (2) 11/24/00 (7) 12/28/98 (11)
05/07/96 (2) 08/20/95 (2) 11/29/97 (1) 12/30/97 (17)
01/03/99 (10)
01/15/98 (1)
02/03/94 (1)
02/08/86 (6)*

Hermit Thrush 11/11/97 (2) 12/17/99 (4)

11/29/97 (2) 12/28/98 (6)
01/03/99 (3)
01/13/96 (3)
02/03/94 (2)

American Robin 04/21/95 (1) 11/11/97 (31) 12/17/00 (44)

05/06/95 (2) 11/24/00 (3) 12/30/97 (2)
05/07/96 (3) 01/13/96 (33)
05/17/99 (2) 01/15/98 (3)
02/03/94 (19)

Wood Thrush 04/21/95 (1)

05/07/96 (2)

Northern Mockingbird 04/21/95 (1) 06/23/94 (2) 09/11/94 (1) 12/17/99 (4)
05/07/96 (1) 07/01/94 (2) 11/11/97 (2) 12/28/98 (4)
05/17/99 (3) 08/16/95 (1) 11/24/00 (2) 01/03/99 (3)
08/20/95 (1) 01/13/96 (1)
02/03/94 (2)

Brown Thrasher 04/21/95 (9) 06/23/94 (5) 09/11/94 (2) 12/17/99

(4) +
05/06/95 (12) 07/01/94 (8) 11/11/97 (1) 12/28/98 (2)
05/07/96 (11) 08/16/95 (4) 12/30/97 (1)
05/12/92 (1) 08/20/95 (2) 01/03/99 (1)
05/17/99 (3) 01/13/96 (1)
01/15/98 (2)
02/03/94 (1)
02/08/86 (2)*

Water Pipit 11/11/97 (1) 12/17/99 (2)

11/29/97 (14) 12/28/98 (8)
12/30/97 (2)
01/03/99 (1)
01/13/96 (5)
02/03/94 (2)

Cedar Waxwing 05/06/95 (30) 11/11/97 (20) 12/17/99 (3)

05/07/96 (10) 11/24/00 (40) 12/30/97 (10)
01/03/99 (20)
02/03/94 (9)

European Starling 05/07/96 (1) 12/17/99 (6)

12/28/98 (3)
01/03/99 (43)

White-Eyed Vireo 04/21/95 (1)


Blue-headed Vireo 11/11/97 (2) 12/17/99 (1)

12/28/98 (3)
12/30/97 (3)
01/03/99 (3)
02/08/86 (1)*

Red-Eyed Vireo 04/21/95 (3) 06/23/94 (2) 09/11/94 (4)

05/06/95 (9) 07/01/94 (1)
05/07/96 (4) 08/16/95 (1)
05/12/92 (2)
05/17/99 (4)

Blue-Winged Warbler 09/11/94 (2)


Golden-Winged Warbler 09/11/94 (1)


Northern Parula Warbler 04/12/95 (3) 09/11/94 (3)

05/06/95 (2)
05/07/96 (3)

Yellow Warbler 05/06/95 (1) 08/16/95 (4)

05/07/96 (1)

Chestnut-Sided Warbler 05/07/96 (1) 09/11/94 (2)


Magnolia Warbler 05/07/96 (1) 09/11/94 (1)


Cape May Warbler 09/11/94 (1)


Black-Throated Blue Warbler 04/21/95 (3)

05/06/95 (11)
05/07/96 (3)
05/12/92 (1)

Yellow-Rumped Warbler 04/21/95 (59) 11/11/97 (91) 12/17/99 (69)

05/06/95 (2) 11/24/00 (19) 12/28/98 (151)
05/07/96 (7) 11/29/97 (49) 12/30/97 (91)
01/03/99 (88)
01/13/96 (16)
01/15/98 (9)
02/03/94 (41)
02/08/86 (23)*

Blackburnian Warbler 05/06/95 (1)


Pine Warbler 04/21/95 (28) 06/23/94 (8) 09/11/94 (23) 12/17/99 (10) +
05/06/95 (14) 07/01/94 (5) 11/11/97 (8) 12/28/98 (7)
05/07/96 (11) 08/16/95 (28) 11/24/00 (6) 12/30/97 (38)
05/12/92 (2) 08/20/95 (19) 11/29/97 (7) 01/03/99 (14)
05/17/99 (9) 01/13/96 (5)
01/15/98 (2)
02/03/94 (30)
02/08/86 (7)*

Prairie Warbler 08/16/95 (1) 09/11/94 (1)

08/20/95 (2)

Blackpoll Warbler 05/06/95 (2) 09/11/94 (1)


Black-and-White Warbler 04/21/95 (1) 09/11/94 (4) 02/08/86 (1)*

05/06/95 (2)
American Redstart 04/21/95 (2) 08/16/95 (1) 09/11/94 (3)
05/06/95 (10)
05/07/96 (4)
05/12/92 (1)

Prothonotary Warbler 04/21/95 (5) 06/23/94 (1)

05/06/95 (2)
05/07/96 (2)
05/17/99 (2)

Worm-Eating Warbler 04/21/95 (2) 09/11/94 (1)


Ovenbird 05/17/99 (1) 09/11/94 (1)


Louisiana Waterthrush 08/16/95 (1)


Common Yellowthroat 05/06/95 (1)


Canada Warbler 05/06/95 (1)


Summer Tanager 04/21/95 (6) 07/01/94 (3) 09/11/94 (5) +

05/06/95 (4)
05/07/96 (5)
05/12/92 (3)

Northern Cardinal 04/21/95 (34) 06/23/94 (8) 09/11/94 (14) 12/17/99 (17) +
05/06/95 (16) 07/01/94 (12) 11/11/97 (10) 12/28/98 (18)
05/07/96 (23) 08/16/95 (15) 11/24/00 (4) 12/30/97 (23)
05/12/92 (2) 08/20/95 (15) 11/29/97 (16) 01/03/99 (22)
05/17/99 (7) 01/13/96 (12)

01/15/98 (6)
02/03/94 (21)
02/08/86 (18)*

Blue Grosbeak 05/06/95 (1)


Eastern Towhee 04/21/95 (13) 06/23/94 (4) 09/11/94 (6) 12/28/98 (7) +
05/06/95 (7) 07/01/94 (15) 11/11/97 (3) 12/30/97 (4)
05/07/96 (15) 08/16/95 (5) 11/24/00 (1) 01/03/99 (4)
05/17/99 (1) 08/20/95 (1) 11/29/97 (2) 01/13/96 (7)
02/03/94 (3)
02/08/86 (4)*

Chipping Sparrow 02/08/86 (3)*


Field Sparrow 02/08/86 (3)*


Savannah Sparrow 04/21/95 (2)


Fox Sparrow 11/29/97 (1)


Song Sparrow 11/11/97 (22) 12/17/99 (20)

11/24/00 (10) 12/28/98 (9)
11/29/97 (18) 12/30/97 (11)

01/03/99 (18)
01/13/96 (9)
01/15/98 (4)
02/03/94 (19)
02/08/86 (2)*

Swamp Sparrow 11/11/97 (1)


White-Throated Sparrow 04/21/95 (3) 11/11/97 (7) 12/17/99 (2)

11/29/97 (15) 12/28/98 (8)
12/30/97 (4)
01/03/99 (6)
01/13/96 (2)
01/15/98 (1)
02/08/86 (7)*

Dark-Eyed Junco 11/11/97 (24) 12/17/99 (21)

11/24/00 (5) 12/28/98 (5)
11/29/97 (11) 12/30/97 (66)
01/03/99 (61)
01/13/96 (8)
01/15/98 (44)
02/03/94 (59)
02/08/86 (12)*

Red-Winged Blackbird 04/21/95 (10) 06/23/94 (3) 09/11/94 (1) 12/17/99 (1162)
05/06/95 (11) 07/01/94 (2) 11/11/97 (155) 12/28/98 (1597)+
05/07/96 (8) 08/16/95 (1) 11/24/00 (33) 12/30/97 (7)
05/17/99 (2) 08/20/95 (1) 11/29/97 (43) 01/03/99 (546)
01/13/96 (14)
01/15/98 (7)
Common Grackle 04/21/95 (34) 06/23/94 (14) 09/11/94 (1) 12/17/99 (140) +
05/06/95 (30) 07/01/94 (10) 11/11/97 (4) 12/28/98 (315)
05/07/96 (40) 08/16/95 (5) 11/29/97 (23) 01/03/99 (67)
05/12/92 (1) 08/20/95 (1) 02/03/94 (14)
05/17/99 (14)


Brown-Headed Cowbird 04/21/95 (10)

05/06/95 (4)
05/07/96 (1)
05/12/92 (1)

Orchard Oriole 05/07/96 (3)


Purple Finch 12/17/99 (2)

01/13/96 (1)

House Finch 05/07/96 (1) 07/01/94 (3) 09/11/94 (2) 12/17/99 (13)
08/16/95 (2) 11/11/97 (4) 12/30/97 (2)
11/24/00 (5) 01/03/99 (1)

Pine Siskin 12/17/99 (3)

12/30/97 (2)

American Goldfinch 04/21/95 (1) 07/01/94 (1) 11/11/97 (7) 12/17/99 (42)
05/07/96 (3) 08/16/95 (3) 11/24/00 (2) 12/28/98
08/20/95 (1) 11/29/97 (4) 12/30/97 (5)
01/03/99 (7)
02/03/94 (24)
02/08/86 (14)*

04/21/1995 Species: 59 Individuals: 678

Weather: Overcast, scattered rain. Observations: 6:55 a.m. - 4:05 p.m. (9.1

05/06/1995 Species: 54 Individuals: 386

Weather: Clear, warm and breezy. Observations: 7:25 a.m. - 12:40 p.m. (5.2 hours)

05/07/1996 Species: 53 Individuals: 347

Weather: partly cloudy, warm. Observations: 7:45 a.m. - 1:25 p.m. (5.7 hours)

05/17/1999 Species: 35 Individuals: 147

06/23/1994 Species: 33 Individuals: 154

Weather: Hot, partly cloudy. Observations: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (7.5 hours)
07/01/1994 Species: 33 Individuals: 201
Weather: Hot, partly cloudy. Observations: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (5.0 hours)

08/16/1995 Species: 46 Individuals: 317

Weather: Hot, hazy with high of 96 F. Observations: 7:50 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (4.8 hours)

08/20/1995 Species: 31 Individuals: 107

Weather: Warm, mostly overcast. Observations 10:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (1.8 hours)

09/11/1994 Species: 44, Individuals: 250

Weather: Warm, clear. Observations: 7:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. (4.5

11/11/1997 Species: 52 Individuals: 1,125

Weather: Clear (low - 40 F. high - 65 F.). Observations: 7:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. (4.5

11/24/2000 Species: 50 Individuals: 2,526

Weather: Mostly overcast, high in mid 50’s. Observations: 7:45 am – 11:00 am. (3.3

11/29/1997 Species: 43 Individuals: 697

Weather: Mild, overcast. Observations: 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (4.5 hours)

12/17/1999 Species: 60 Individuals: 2,311

Weather: Clear to mostly cloudy; cool. Observations: 7:00 am – 4:15 pm. (9.3 hours)

12/30/1998 Species: 45 Individuals: 2,632

Weather: Cool, overcast. Observations: 7:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. (5.0 hours)

12/30/1997 Species: 52 Individuals: 683

Weather: Partly cloudy, strong winds (36 F. to 45 F.) - 7:15 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. (8.5 hours)

01/03/1999 Species: 54 Individuals: 1,598

Weather: Cold, overcast, windy and clearing. Observations: 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (6.0 hours)

01/13/1996 Species: 37 Individuals: 1,006

Weather: clear and cool. Observations: 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (2.0 hours)

01/15/1998 Species: 38 Individuals: 1,110 (2.5 hours)

weather: cold, rain. Observations: 7:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.

02/03/1994 Species: 52 Individuals: 781

Weather: mostly clear, 54 F. Observations: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (8.5 hours)

* Columbia Audubon Society field trip notes.

** “Briefs for the File” - published Chat notes

128 species

Observations by Irvin Pitts

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