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I'cl,~,dc~. Vol. 6. Suppl. 3. pp. 7-12. 1985. ' AnkhoInternationalInc. Printedin the U.S.A. 0196-978185 S3 t~,) + .


Phyllomedusa Skin: A Huge Factory

and Store-House of
a Variety of Active Peptides
P. C. M O N T E C U C C H I A N D R. DE C A S T I G L I O N E

Institutes o f Medical Pharmacology ill and o f Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy

University o f Rome " L a Sapienza,'" 00100 Rome, Italy
and Farmitalia Carlo Erba S.p.A.. Cheotical Research and Developntent
via dei Gracchi 35, 20146 Milan, ltah'


LIONE. Phyllomedusa sMn: A huge .f~wtoO' aml stm'e-house ,~?"a variety of active peptide,~. PEPTIDES 6: Suppl. 3,
7-12. 1985.~The skin of the neotropical hylid frogs belonging to the subfamily Phyllomedusinae is a formidable factory
and store-house of a variety of active peptides belonging to seven distinct families: the caeruleins (represented by phyl-
Iocaeruleinl. the bradykinins (phyllokinin). the tachykinins (phyllomedusin). the bombesins (phyllolitorin. [Leu~]phyl-
Iolitorin. rohdei-litorin), sauvagine, the dermorphins (dermorphin, [Hyp~]dermorphin) and finally the tryptophyllins (a set
of 8-11 members). Another linear peptide and three diketopiperazines should be added to the list. The biochemical and
pharmacological positions of the Phyllomedttsa peptides within their families is briefly discussed, dwelling upon some
recent and controversial data.

Phylh,m'du.~, skin Phyllocaerulein Phyllomedusin Phyllokinin Phyllolitorins Rohdei-litorin

Sauvagine Dermorphins Tryptophyllins Diketopiperazines

T H E subfamily Phyllomedusinae of the Hylidae amphibian at position 3 and the substitution ofglutamine with glutamic
family is represented by a number of Neotropical species acid at position 2.
distributed in South and Central America from northern
Argentina to Mexico. The toxonomical collocation and the
peculiar characteristics of these frogs will be illustrated in pGlu-GIn-Asp-Tyr(SO~H)-Thr-Gly-Trp-Met-
more detail elsewhere in this symposium [5,17]. Asp-Phe-NH._, Caerulein
Here we wish to lay emphasis on the fact that phyl- pGlu-Glu Tyr(SO:~H)-Thr-Gly-Trp-Met-
lomedusid hylids are of exceptional interest in the study of Asp-Phe-NH~ Phyllocaerulein
amphibian skin peptides, because their cutaneous tissue ap-
pears to be an inexhaustible mine of these molecules. No
other amphibian skin can compete with that of the Phyl- In its spectrum of biological activity phyllocaerulein was
h,medusae, which has already yielded as many as 23 pep- virtually indistinguishable from caerulein and CCK-8, the
tides, belonging to at least seven peptide families. C-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin.
This report summarizes the status of research in this par- However. quantitatively, phyllocaerulein was slightly
ticular field. The different peptide families will be discussed more potent (by 10 to 50%) than caerulein on dog and rat
in succession, dwelling upon some fresh data. gastric acid secretion, dog pancreatic secretion, guinea-pig
gall bladder motility, and dog blood pressure [7].
Authentic caerulein is present in the skin of several South
American species of Leptodacty/us, but not in the Phyl- The only tachykinin so far isolated from Phyllomedusa
h,medusa skin, which contains the nonapeptide phyllocaeru- skin (Phyl. bicolorl is the decapeptide phyllomedusin, the
lein differing from caerulein by the absence of aspartic acid shortest member of this peptide family.

~Requests for reprints should be addressed to Prof. Vittorio Erspamer, Institute of Medical Pharmacology !11, University of Rome "La
Sapienza.'" Cittb, universitaria, 00100 Rome. Italy.

Comparing the six above structural formulae some con-

pGlu-Pro-Ser-Lys-Asp-Ala-Phe-lle-Gly- siderations can be made:
Leu-Met-NHe Eledoisin (a) The two phyllolitorins isolated from the skin of Phyl-
pGlu Asn-Pro-Asn-Arg-Phe-Ile-Gly- Iomedusa sauvagei may be clearly distinguished from the
Leu-Met-NH~ Phyllomedusin
pGlu-Ala-Asp-Pro-Asn-Lys-Phe-Tyr-Gly- other 16 bombesin-like peptides so far described in amphi-
Leu-Met-NH~ Physalaemin bian skin and mammalian tissues in having the His residue at
position 3 from the C terminus replaced by a Set residue.
This substitution is not a simple single base change in mRNA
It may be seen that phyllomedusin shares with eledoisin the code, but implies a more complex amino acid replacement,
Ile residue at position 4 from the C-terminus and with involving a two base change. Parallel bioassay and receptor
physalaemin the tripeptide Pro-Asn-Arg(Lys) at the centre of studies with specific antisera will decide whether we have to
the molecule. Substitution of the Ile residue for the Tyr resi- deal with a new bombesin subfamily or not. It will be simi-
due implies a two base change in the mRNA code. larly of interest to know whether counterparts of the phyl-
In keeping with its intermediate primary structure, phyl- lolitorins exist in mammalian tissues.
lomedusin also occupies an intermediate position, in its spec- (b) All the three litorins occurring in Phvlh.ncdusa skin
trum of biological activity, between the eledoisin/kassinin possess, like neuromedin B, but unlike litorin and
and the physalaemin/substance P tachykinin subfamilies [9]. ranatensin-C, a Leu residue at position 8 from the
It would be interesting to establish the relative affinities of C-terminus. Substitution of the Leu residue for the more
phyllomedusin for the tachykinin receptor subtypes P and K. usual Gin residue (amphibian bombesins) or His residue
(mammalian bombesins) involves a single base change in the
The only bradykinin found in Phvllomedusa skin was the (c) Rohdei-litorin shares with neuromedin B the entire
endecapeptide phyllokinin, which is nothing but bradykinin C-terminal octapeptide and presents, again like neuromedin
prolonged at its C-terminus by the dipeptide Ile-Tyr(SO:~H). B and ranatensin-C, a Thr residue substituted for the usual
Trypsin digestion produced cleavage of this dipeptide with Val residue at position 5 from the C-terminus. This substitu-
the formation of bradykinin. tion involves a two base change in mRNA code.
The spectrum of activity of the Phyllomedusa litorins is
similar to that of litorin, xvith striking quantitative differ-
Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe-Ser-Pro-Phe-Arg Bradykinin ences, however, in the different preparations, as shown in
Arg-Pro-Pro-Giy-Phe-Ser-Pro-Phe-Arg-Ile- Phyllokinin Table 1.
Tyr(SO:~H) Experiments are in progress to determine, with the aid of
synthetic litorin analogues, the influence of the different
amino acid substitutions on the spectrum of biological activ-
On a molar basis phyllokinin was approximately three ity.
times more potent than bradykinin on the dog blood pres- The content of phyllolitorin [LeuS]phyllolitorin in fresh
sure, but only 30-40% as potent on the guinea-pig ileum and Phyll. sauvagei skin is of the order of 6--7/.Lg/g. and similar is
the rat uterus, and 6.5-8% as potent on the rat duodenum. that of rohdei-litorin in fresh Phyll. rohdei skin.
Removing the O-sulphate from the molecule of phyllokinin The phyllolitorins seem to be present, in considerable
produced a considerable reduction of potency [7]. amounts also in the skin of Phy'll. burmeisteri (12-16 p.g/g)
and Phyll. hypochondrialis {10-12 /xg/g). but only in trace
amounts (<0.5 p.g/g) in the skin of Phyll. bit'oh." and
Pachymethtsa dacnicoh.'. It is possible, on the basis of par-
Bombesin peptides of the bombesin/alytesin subfamily allel bioassay, that still another litorin occurs in the skin of
(possessing the C-terminal heptapeptide Trp-Ala-VaI-Gly- Phyll. trinitatus.
His-Leu-Met-NH2) are apparently lacking in the Phyl-
h.nedusa skin. This. however, contains at least three SAUVAGINE
litorin-like nonapeptides, the primary structure of which is This peptide, isolated from the skin of Phyllomedusa
shown below, together with that of litorin, the C-terminal sauvagei, is a linear peptide with the following forty amino
nonapeptide of ranatensin C and the mammalian neuromedin B acid residues [19,20]:
[1, 7, 8. 10. 18, 31].

pGlu-Gln-Trp-Ala-VaI-Gly-His- Litorin Lys-Met-lle-Glu-lle-Glu-Lys-Gln-Glu-Lys-Glu-Lys-GIn-Gln-Ala-
Phe-Met-NH~ Ala-Asn-Asn-Arg-Leu-Leu-Leu-Asp-Thr-lle-NH~ Sauvagine
pGlu-Leu-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-Ser- Phyllolitorin
pGlu-Leu-Trp-Ala-VaI-Gly-Ser- [Leu"] phyllolitorin Sauvagine presents a close similarity in its primary struc-
Leu-Met-NH~ ture to urotensin I, a peptide from bony fish urophysis, and
pGlu-Leu-Trp-Ala-Thr-Gly-His- Rohdei-litorin the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). later isolated from
Phe-Met-NH~ ovine hypothalamus. Both are linear peptides with 41 amino
Asn-Gln-Trp-Ala-Thr-Gly-His- C-terminal nonapeptide acid residues. In catostomus-urotensin 1. 21 amino acids
Phe-Met-NH~ of ranatensin-C occur in an equivalent region to sauvagine, and 12 additional
Gly-Asn-Leu-Trp-Ala-Thr-Gly-His- Neuromedin B amino acids may represent single base changes: in ovine
Phe-Met-NH~ CRF. figures are 20 and 12. respectivel~ [10].
During the purification of sauvagine a minor component


Preparation Phyllolitorin Leu~-phyllolitorin Rohdeilitorin

Rat uterus 3-15 4-18 140-170

Guinea-pig colon 1.5-3 1.5-3 20-25
Rat urinary bladder in situ 110-120 50-80 220-240
Guinea-pig gall bladder in situ 2-4 2-4 6-9
Chick intestine 60 20-25 250-350

was isolated having the same biological spectrum as sauvagine, sauvagine immunostaining has been observed in
sauvagine, a similar molecular weight and an identical amino the following tissues: fish urophysis and spinal cord. frog
acid composition. However. this second form of sauvagine medulla oblongata, midbrain, encephalic sensitive ganglia
ISAU 11) sho~ed a different electrophoretic motility, with a and retina. The exact localization of sauvagine/CRFqike
more acidic behaviour, suggesting the presence of an addi- peptides in the retina is controversial. Sauvagine is believed
tional carbox)l group, probably arising from deamidation of to be contained in the non neuronal Mfiller glia cells of the
the Gin residue at position 23. SAU I1 could be easily sepa- avascular frog retina [6]: CRF in the neuronal amacrine cells
rated fi-om the main form by reversed phase HPLC (Rusconi of the avascular bird retina [ 15] and the vascular rat retina [29].
and Montecucchi, personal communication).
Sauvagine possesses a peculiar spectrum of biological ac-
tivity, similar to that of urotensin i and CRF. which may be
summarized as follows [8,10]: Dermorphins are two heptapeptide amides isolated from
(1) Potent. long-lasting hypotensive action in dogs and the skin of Phyllomedu.~a sam'agei. Phvll. rohdei and Phyll.
rats, due to striking vasodilatation, affecting in dogs mainly burmeisteri [2 I]:
the mesenteric vascular bed and in rats the musculo-
cutaneous vessels.
(2} Potent antidiuretic effect in hydrated rats, which is not Tyr-D-Ala-Phe-Gly-Tyr-Pro-Ser-NH2 Dermorphin
merel) due to hypotension, but probably also to a direct Tyr-D-Ala-Phe-Gly-Tyr-Hyp-Ser-NH~ [Hyp~qdermorphin
action of the peptide on renal tubules.
3) A number of behavioural effects, generally appreci-
able following intracerebroventricular injection in rats: in- Methanol extracts of Phvll. sauvagei and Phyll. rohdei
crease in motor response and emotionality, increase in skin also contain the corresponding deamidated peptides,
grooming, decrease in rearing, disruptive effects on feeding, but it is questionable whether they pre-exist in the living
with reduction of food intake [2. I1 ], and other effects, which tissue or are artifacts arising during storage of the extracts,
will be discussed elsewhere in this symposium. or purification procedures.
(4} A hyperglycaemic effect in the rat by ICV injection, It may be seen that the structure of the dermorphins pre-
with increase in plasma concentration of catecholamines. sents the unique, intriguing characteristic of having a D-amino
Activation of the sympathetic nervous system could also be acid residue in the molecule, which is critical for biological
seen in the dog. even by peripheral administration. activity. Moreover, the amino acid sequence of the dermor-
(5) Finall). but most importantly, complex effects on the phins differs sharply from that of the enkephalins and of all
anterior pituitary. Release of ACTH and /3-endorphin was other endogenous opioid peptides, which invariably carry, at
potently stimulated by subcutaneous sauvagine, whereas the their N-terminal, the enkephalin pentapeptide Tyr-Gly-Gly-
release of PRL, GH and TSH was inhibited, As a conse- Phe-Met(Leu).
quence of ACTH release, the adrenal cortex was activated, Dermorphin displayed a very potent central and periph-
and as a con,equence of inhibition of TSH release, uptake of eral opioid activity [8,10]. No natural opioid peptide could
'2:'I by the th.x roid gland was markedly reduced. The effects compete with dermorphin in its effects on the CNS. The
of sauvagine on the pituitary have been extensively studied antinociceptive effect of dermorphin, given in rats, mice and
in the rat. and verified in the dog, monkey and man. The rabbits, by intracerebroventricular injection, was 100 to 1000
inhibitory effect of sauvagine on GH release has also been times that of morphine, more than 10 times that of
confirmed for CRF [24], whereas inhibition of TRF and PR /3-endorphin, and more than 10,000 times that of the
release still lacks confirmation. In this regard even synthetic enkephalins. Development of tolerance to dermorphin in rats
s~uvagine gaxe results partially at variance with those of the was rapid, similar to that of morphine, occurring over a
natural peptide. We are now eagerly engaged in an attempt to maximum period of 48 hr. Naloxone produced the usual
elucidate these discrepancies. precipitation of withdrawal symptoms. However, dermor-
In all experiments in which sauvagine was assayed in phin seemed 10 times less addictive than morphine [3].
parallel with urotensin l and CRF, the frog peptide proved to Other central actions of dermorphin, particularly evident
be as potent as urotensin I, except in fish, and generally upon ICV injection, were catatonia, behavioural and EEG
more potent, even by several times, than CRF. changes; inhibition of gastric emptying, intestinal propulsion
Using a sauvagine antiserum raised in rabbits with natural and gastric acid secretion; stimulation of prolactin release in

mammals and birds. In rats the peptide showed also an ex- serum raised in o u r laboratory. Reaction was particularly
tremely potent antidipsogenic effect (threshold dose I-5 evident after colchicine pretreatment.
ng/rat) [ 16]. On the other hand, quite recently Tsou et al. [30] suc-
Concordant results from several laboratories have ceeded in demonstrating the occurrence of a dermorphin-like
demonstrated that dermorphin has a very great affinity for peptide in the guinea-pig and rat stomach (98 and 33 ng/g
/.t-receptors (even surpassing that of morphine), very mod- tissue, respectively), but not in the CNS.
erate, questionable affinity for 8 and K receptors, and no A very sensitive anti dermorphin serum was used, capa-
affinity for ~ receptors. ble of working at a dilution of I: 120,000 and positive results
Inactivation of dermorphin by mammalian tissues (liver, were achieved only after HCI extraction of the stomach, but
kidney, intestine, brain) was rapid, as was excretion of un- not after the usual methanol extraction. Because of this
modified peptide through the bile. Approximately 8OZ of characteristic and the molecular weight of the peptide (2000
dermorphin that reached the liver was cleared in a single versus 805), the Chinese investigators conclude that the
passage. The main degradation product in the rat liver and peptide is not an authentic dermorphin. This conclusion
kidney was the N-terminal tripeptide, devoid of any opioid seems correct and. reasonably, we ought to search for
activity, in the brain the N-terminal tetrapeptide, which still dermorphin-like peptides in mammalian tissues, possibly of
retained about 10% of the analgesic potency of the parent different molecular size Icf. the gastrins, the CCKs, the
peptide [23]. bombesins etc.), rather than for dermorphin itself.
More than 200 dermorphin analogues have been so far At any rate, should the occurrence of dermorphin-like
synthesized in Italy, Poland and Japan, and submitted to peptides in mammalian tissues be proved unequivocally, as
parallel bioassay. Results will be discussed, in part, we firmly believe it will be, we have the impression that the
elsewhere in this symposium. On the whole, no analogue frog peptide would not be accepted with excessive
surpassed dermorphin in its analgesic potency by 1CV injec- enthusiasm in the superfamily of mammalian opioid pep-
tion, while apparently attaining a similar or even greater po- tides, as it would impose a re-examination of several con-
tency by peripheral administration. This seems to be the case clusions and theories.
of [D-Arg2]dermorphin and some o f its N-terminal tetrapep-
tide analogues [28], and of [D-MetO2]dermorphin-4 [27].
And now a final question of great importance. Does der- TRYPTOPHYLLINS
morphin have counterparts, as nearly all other amphibian This name has been suggested to indicate a non
skin peptides, in vertebrate extracutaneous tissues, espe- homogeneous family of tryptophan-containing tetra-, penta-.
cially gut and brain, and in invertebrates? In spite of some hepta- and decatria-peptides isolated from methanol extracts
positive results, the question remains unanswered. of Phyllomedusa rohdei skin [12,22]. They generally have in
Buffa et al. [4] have obtained a clear cut immunostaining common a Trp residue at position 2 from the C-terminus and
of nerve cells and fibres in nucleus arcuatus and other cere- one or two Pro residues, at positions 2 (and 31 from the
bral structures, using a highly specific anti dermorphin N-terminus.

Tryptophyllin pGlu-Pro-Trp-Met-NH._, pGlu-Pro-Trp-Met-OH

(TPH 4) pGlu-Pro-Trp-Val-NH2
Tryptophyllin Phe- Pro-Pro-Trp-Met-NH2
(TPH 5) Phe- Pro-Pro-Trp-VaI-NH2
Phe- Pro-Pro-Trp-Leu-NH~
Phe- Pro-Pro-Trp-Leu-OH
heptapeptide VaI-Pro-Pro-Leu-Gly-Trp-Met-OH
(TPH 7)
decatriapeptide pGlu-Glu-Lys-Pro-Trp-Pro-Pro-Pro-lle-Tyr-Pro-Met-OH
(TPH 13)

Some of the above tryptophyllins or other similar Tryptophyllins represent the first example of frog pep-
tryptophan-containing peptides seem to occur, in greater or tides identified, in our laboratory, not by bioassay, but sim-
lesser amounts, in all examined Phyllomedusa species. It is ply by colour reactions on paperchromatograms.
not possible to decide whether the deamidated peptides pre- The activity of the tryptophyllins remains to be estab-
exist in the living skin. or are artifacts arising during drying lished. Bioassay on a number of isolated and in situ smooth
and extraction of the skin or successive purification proce- muscle preparations and on systemic blood pressure, gave
dures. negative results. However. in preliminary experiments.


Phyllocaerulein Phyllokinin Phyllomedusin Sauvagine Dermorphins

Phyll..~auvat, ei 200-770 75-220 1.5-5 100-130 50-60

Phyll. rohdei < I 70-130 15-35 <5 60-80
Phyll. hurmeisteri 230-275 140-220 14-50 55-120 50-60
Phyll. hypochondrialis < 1 20-30 4-6 3-5 2
Phyll. bicolor 520-650 300-480 550-1400 50-210
Phyll. edentula 180 130 10 40
Phyll. palliata < I 80 70 30
Phyll. trinitatus 190 150 40
Pachyoledtt,sa dacnicolor 25 25 310 25
Agalychnis helenae 20-80 10 65-190 2-3
Agalychnis annae 75-125 I-2 15-50 <5

~hich await confirmation, the penta-tryptophyllins showed Pachymedusa and Agalychnis, collected from northern
-ome effect on gastric emptying in the rat (by intracerebro- Argentina to Mexico, is shown in Table 2.
entricular injection) and, surprisingly, on protein synthesis It appears that the spectrum of peptides occurring in the
in rat liver, following subcutaneous injection. The same skin of the various species was similar with, however, con-
promoting activity on protein synthesis was displayed also siderable quantitative differences. Particularly high was the
b.~ TPH 7 peptides [14]. peptide content in the skin of Phyllomedusa bicolor
Recently an antiserum against [Mets]TPH 5 was raised in (Amazonas), attaining for the four peptides considered a
the rabbit in our laboratory. With this antiserum a population total of 1.4--2.7 mg/g.
of cells was immunostained in the rat, rabbit and frog
anterior pituitary [25].
The tryptophyllins will be discussed in more detail Data presented in this paper show that Phyllomedusa skin
else~ here in this symposium. Here we wish to point out that contains an extraordinarily rich collection of active peptides,
they do not seem to be peculiar to Phylhm~edusa skin. In astonishing both for the variety and concentration of these
fact. tryptophan-containing peptides showing, on molecules. Eliminating possible artifacts, as many as 19
paperchromatograms, colour reactions and Rf values very peptides (including the diketopiperazines) have been isolated
similar to those of the tryptophyllins, occur in methanol ex- and sequenced from methanol extracts.
tracts of the skin of other hylid frogs of Central and South Phyllocaerulein, phyllomedusin, phyllokinin, sauvagine
America. belonging to the genera Smilisca (S. sila. S. sor- and rohdei-litorin have obvious counterparts in mammalian
dida. S. cyam~stica. S. phaeota) and Triprion (Tr. spatulatus tissues, whereas the position of the dermorphins and the
,cticulatus). A study of these materials would probably be tryptophyllins is still uncertain. However, just these pep-
re,yarding. tides, together with the phyllolitorins, could represent
springboards for exciting and rewarding research.
MISCELLANEOUS PEPTIDES It should be added that Phyllomedusa skin is possibly a
One additional linear peptide and three diketopiperazines good material also for the identification of polyproteins or
~ere identified in methanol extracts of Phyllomedusa skin prepropeptides by the recombinant mRNA technique. Such
120] as follows: research has been already carried out with success for caeru-
lein, xenopsin and TRH in the Xenopus laevis skin [13,26].
Peptides described in this paper do not exhaust the pep-
Phvll. sauva~.,ci tide stock of Phyllomedusa skin. Not only do we await isola-
tion of several molecules already identified, but we are
Leu-Met-Tyr-Tyr-Thr-Leu-Pro-Arg-Pro-VaI-NH~ aware that other molecules are escaping our attention be-
C.~loITyr-Pro) cause their activity lies beyond the limits of our screening
C.~clol Phe-Leu) methods. The way out of this impasse is the systemic isola-
tion and sequence analysis of the numerous peaks of a prob-
Phvll. hurmeistcri able peptide nature appearing on HPLC tracings of crude or
Cyclo(Trp-Lys) semi-purified extracts of Phylhmledusa skin. We are pres-
ently engaged in this task.
The peptides of Phyllomedusa represent a pattern of am-
The pharmacological study of these molecules is in prog- phibian skin peptides. We believe that it is difficult to find a
I'~SS. workshop of peptide, as well as of amine molecules com-
parable to the secretory syncytium defining the alveoli of the
PHYLLOMEDUSA SKIN cutaneous glands of amphibians. The reason why the peptide
coding is so productive and complex in this synctium is
The content of five peptides in the fresh skin of eleven obscure, as is the significance of this formidable array of
phyllomedusid frogs belonging to the genera Phyllomedusa, active molecules, apparently destined for external secretion.

Original research reported in this paper was supported through-
out by grants from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Roma
(Progetto finalizzato Chimica fine e secondaria).


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