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Cultural rights, sometimes may be ...

and face you with the necesity of

percepted as completely separated of eating human flesh or cockroaches?
human rights. But is it so? Would you accept that?
What if somebody cut your acces to Would it be the violation of the human
the usual, culturaly acceptable food, or the civil rights?

Mrkonji Darko, Association for Heritage Interpretation in Tourism EC & Sinia Marii, Faculty of Civil Engeenering Osijek


Cilj je rada razmotriti pojedine mjere postojeeg modela ribolovnog gospodarenja podrujem, osobito zabrane "tradicijskog
ribolova" i drugih povezanih aktivnosti, te ispitati njihove uinke na okoli i lokalno stanovnitvo.
(The aim of the paper is to reconsider the certain measures of the existing model of fishing management of the area, in particular, the ban on
"traditional fishing" and other related activities, and to examine the impacts on the environment and the local population..)

Nature Park S W O T analysis (?)

Are the invasive species really a strength of the NATURE PARK? Is the traditional way of life really a weakness of the AREA?
Invasive Prussian Carp. Cleaning the fish on the shore before drying. Kopaevo (1950-es).

U ocjeni znaaja za poribljavanje injenicu da se radi o jednom od

ireg podruja dunavskog sliva, rijetkih sauvanih poplavnih podruja,
kljuna su pitanja o vrstama i dobi nuno je sagledati i s kulturolokog
ribe, te kakav bi utjecaj imao aspekta, pitanjem je li lokalnoj zajednici
kontrolirani izlov. Imajui u vidu kompenziran prijeboj tereta zatite
invazivne vrste, npr. babuku, preko njezine kulture i gospodarskog
tolstolobika i amura, koji su gotovo interesa, to je u liniji s EU normama i
istisnuli autohtonoga arana, upitni Ramsarskom konvencijom, koja
su svrha i uinak reenog "poribljavanja" iz zatienog podruja. upuuje na kulturno odrivi razvitak.
In assessing the significance for the fish restocking of the wider area of Danube basin, Finally, the fact that the area it is one of the rear protected floodplains, is necessary to be
the key questions are, about the species and age of fish, and what would be the impact observed from the cultural aspect. E.g. whether the local community is compensated for the
of controlled fishing. Bearing in mind invasive species, such as Prussian carp, Silver burden of protection on the account of its culture and economic interest, which is in line with
carp and Grass carp, which has almost completely displaced the indigenous Carp, the EU standards and the Ramsar Convention, which refers to culturally sustainable
purpose and effect of the certain "restocking" from the protected area are questionable. development.

Are the allochthonous species really an opportunity for the PARK? Are the traditional fishermen really a threat for the PARK?
Allochthonous Great cormorants. Sakada company. Location: Kopaki Rit, ilinges (1950-es).

Tu je i pitanje velikog vranca, Gospodarski je ribolov u podruju

koji je danas prisutan u Kopakog rita dokumentiran tijekom
nesrazmjerno veem broju nego 800 godina do sredine 1980-ih
1967. godine kad je zatita godina, kada je razliitim mjerama
trebala ouvati zateeno stanje, prekinut. S obzirom na svoju
pri emu u obzir treba uzeti dinstinktivnost, te povijesni
injenicu da se radi o usko gospodarski znaaj za zajednicu, koja
ogranienom, te djelomino se i s ribolovom, i s podrujem, i
kultiviranom podruju. danas vrlo snano identificira, nesporno se radi o iznimno vrijednoj
kulturnoj batini ije je odranje ugroeno.
There is also the question of a Great cormorant, who is today present in Fishing in the area of Kopaki rit has been documented for 800 years, until the middle
disproportionately bigger number than in 1967, when proclaimed protection was 1980s, when it was discontinued by different measures. Due to its distinctiveness, and
supposed to preserve the contemporary state, taking into account the fact that it is a historical and economic significance for the community, that is still strongly identifying with
narrowly restricted and partially cultivated area. both, fishing and with the area, it is undoubtedly a particularly valuable cultural heritage
whose sustainability is endangered.

S obzirom na uoene probleme, koje postojeim pristupom nije mogue rijeiti, zakljuujemo da je nuno kontinuirano, multidisciplinarno
preispitivati model upravljanja zatienim podrujem, kako bi se sagledao cjelovit spektar uinaka, te uvele odgovarajue izmjene. Radi toga je u
raspravu potrebno ukljuiti sve zainteresirane i relevantne dionike: institucije iz podruja prirodnih i drutvenih znanosti, te oblasti kulture, javne
ustanove, lokalnu samoupravu, ali prije svega, lokalno stanovnitvo.
(Given the identified problems that the existing approach can not resolve, it is concluded that a continuous, multidisciplinary review of the area protection
management model is necessary in order to perceive the overall spectrum of impacts. For this reason, all interested and relevant stakeholders should be included
in the debate: institutions in the field of natural and social sciences and the field of culture, public institutions, local self-government, but above all, local

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