Pignotti 1983

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Pignotti lean Temperature Difference in

0. 0. Cordero
Multipass Crossflow
TechintS. A. A procedure is developed to obtain analytical expressions for the mean temperature
1001 Buenos Aires, difference in crossflow heat exchangers with arbitrary number of passes and rows
Argentina per pass. The influence of air mixing, along with different flow arrangements for
the tube fluid between passes, is analyzed, both in co- andcounter-crossflow.

1 Introduction
Variables in a heat exchanger are usually related through
the expressions
Q=FUAATlm = fVC(T!-TF)=wc(tF-tI) (1)
where F is a correction factor which accounts for deviations
from counterflow. Introducing the dimensionless variables P,
R, and Nlu defined in the nomenclature, it follows from (1)
F=x(R,P)/Nlu (2)

1 / l-P \
ln( ),R*1
R-l \l-RPJ
X(R,P) = (tF-tJ)/AT,m = 1 (3)

P/V-P), R=l

Fig. 1 Correction factor for NP = 2 passes, NR = 4 rows per pass, co-

These relations hold for all possible flow arrangements. In crossflow, air mixing between rows, with three different cases for tube
addition, for any particular configuration, a functional fluid mixing between passes: Case (1A), completely mixed; Case (1B),
relation arises between P, R, and Nlu, thus allowing F to be unmixed with identical order; Case (1C), unmixed with inverted order
expressed only in terms of two independent variables.
Assuming some simplifying hypothesis (such as constant heat
transfer coefficient and heat capacities, no change of phase, 2A 28 2C
and uniform velocity distribution) many cases have been ttt ttt ttt
solved in the literature [1-5]. I I I
m - - It -IHI -
The present work concentrates on crossflow aircoolers,
HIH +-H-
where the air stream runs perpendicular to successive rows of f-H- H-r-r-
tubes carrying the hot fluid. The results obtained are, 1-r-t- +++
1-r-r- I
however, also applicable to other crossflow exchangers, in I I I
which the tube fluid is the cold one, such as in gas heat ttt ttt ttt
recovery applications. Because the equations are not sym-
metric under the exchange of the temperatures T and t, when
dealing with such special cases care should be taken to in-
terpret T always as the tube fluid temperature, and t as the
temperature of the fluid outside the tubes. The latter is called
"air" in the text, but could be a different gas or any other
The tubes are arranged in NP series-connected passes, each
consisting of NR parallel-connected rows (see sketches of Fig.
1). For each type of flow pattern, P is obtained as an explicit
function of R and Nlu, which, along with equations (1-3),
constitutes a complete explicit solution to the heat transfer 0.75
0 . 0 0 . 1 0 . 2 0.3 0.4 0.S 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 P
problem. A simple "regula falsi" iteration technique is used
Fig. 2 Correction factor for 2 passes, 4 rows per pass, counter-
to express the results in terms of other sets of independent crossflow, air mixing between rows, with three different cases for tube
variables. fluid mixing between passes (cases (2A), (2B), and (2C))
The following mixing assumptions are used. The tube fluid
mixes within each tube cross section and has a temperature
x, and a discrete function of the pass and row indices, p and q.
T{p q) (x) that is a continuous function of the row coordinate,
The extreme cases of the tube fluid completely mixed or
unmixed within each pass are found as limiting cases of the
solutions obtained here when the number of rows per pass is
set equal to one or infinity, respectively. Between passes, three
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF
HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received by the Heat Transfer Division February different assumptions are dealt for the tube fluid: completely
17, 1982. mixed; unmixed with identical order of the rows; and un-

584/Vol. 105, AUGUST 1983 Transactions of the ASME

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3fl 38 3C
tt,t,t t t.t.t tt,t,

ri |r

ttt t't't" t'tt'l

Fig. 3 Correction factor for 2 passes, 4 rows per pass, co-crossfiow, Fig. 4 Correction factor for 2 passes, 4 rows per pass, counter-
no air mixing with three different cases for tube fluid mixing between crossflow, no air mixing with three different cases for tube fluid mixing
passes (cases (3A), (3B), and (3C)) between passes (cases (4A), (4B), and (4C))

mixed with inverted order of the rows (see cases A, B, and C, wc dt(x,co)
respectively, in Figs. 1 to 4). With regard to the air mixing, = UD[T(x)-t(x,w)], 0<CJ<TT (4)
LNT do
two alternatives are considered, in both of which the air is
assumed not to mix as it proceeds past a row of tubes: in the At any fixed value of*, equation (4) can be integrated in the
first one, the air mixes completely between consecutive rows; co variable yielding
in the second one, it does not mix at all. In addition, when tF(x)=pt,(x)+(\-p)T{x) (5)
more than one pass is involved, both the co-crossflow and
counter-crossflow cases are treated, yielding a total of 12
possible flow patterns for each pair of values of NP andNR. tF(x)=t(x,ir)

2 Single-Row Analysis t,(x)=t(x,0) (6)

The following usual idealizations are made for the analysis: p = e~
constant heat transfer coefficient, constant heat capacities, no
change of phase, uniform air velocity distribution, constant The temperature variation of the tube fluid is obtained
temperature at any given tube cross section, and negligible from the relation
heat losses. The temperature variation of an air streamline
which crosses NP passes of tubes of NR rows each, can be - (WC/NR)dT=wc[tF{x) -t,(x)]dx=
obtained for every single row from the heat transfer equation = (l-p)[T(x)-t,(x)]wcdx (7)


A heat transfer surface area, m 2 Na,Nb,Nc,Na,N,N. upper limits for the summations
coefficients in the initial air in equations (48-50), defined by
temperature profile, equations equations (51) and (52)
(48) and (76) NP number of tube passes
bk,b'k,b'k' = coefficients in the tube fluid NR = number of tube rows per pass
temperature profile, equations NT = number of tubes per row
(49) and (77) 7V,U = UA/wc, number of heat transfer
kic'k->ck coefficients in the final air units, dimensionless
temperature profile, equations F = , air temperature
(50) and (78)
C = specific heat of tube fluid, J/kgC effectiveness, dimensionless
c = specific heat of air, J/kgC
C,j = coefficients in the set of linear T,-TF
P = , tube fluid temperature
equations (91) Ti tj
D = tube diameter used to calculate U, effectiveness, dimensionless
m Q = heat flow rate, W
F = log-mean temperature difference Ti~TF wc
correction factor, dimensionless R = = , heat capacity
/ = function of R and 7Vtu defined by if t, WC
equation (85) rates ratio, dimensionless
g(p) = functions of R and Ntu defined T = tube fluid temperature, "C
for each pass by equation (86) t = air temperature, C
L = length of each tube, m U = overall coefficient of heat
N = total number of tube rows transfer, W/m 2 C

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which gives PR (tp(p.q) h{p,q) )/(T' lHP.Q) (
up.q)) -
dT = (l-e- )/RR=PR(R,Nlu) (15)
=-X[T(x)-tl(x)} (8)
dx The single-row tube fluid effectiveness PR=PR RR
with = PR RNR = 1 -e~K is also independent of the row.
The number of heat transfer units follows explicitly from
\ = RNR(\-p) = RR(\-p) (9) equations (6), (9), and (15).
In terms of the inlet air temperature profile, // (x), and the
initial tube fluid temperature, 71(0), the particular solution of
the first-order, linear differential equation (8) is Ntu = -N ln\l + ~ln(l-PRRR)]
= N<p(RR,PR)
T(x): '[no)+x\'o eKyt,(y)dy (10) (16)

Equations (5) and (10) completely define the air and process Hence, the correction factor for any TV-row configuration
fluid temperature variations for the row. Using for con- with NP passes and NR rows per pass, can be written as
venience dimensionless variables 6 and r, the working
equations are F=x{R,P)/[N<p(RR,PR)} (17)
eF{x)=PB,(x)+{\-p)T(x) (11) where N=NRNP.
In some special configurations, RR and PR can be written
T {x) = e ~Xx\ T(0) + \[X e^ 6, (y)dy\ (12) explicitly in terms of R and P which, using equation (17),
provides a simple way for the calculation of F. In all cases, P
The application of equations (11) and (12) to successive can be calculated as a function of R and Nlu and F can be
rows allows the solution of any flow arrangement. This evaluated with equation (2) in terms of the latter variables.
method has already been used to solve several particular cases Before considering more complex arrangements, the case of
[3,6,7]. one pass with NR parallel rows is solved. Since the initial tube
fluid temperature is the same for every row of the given pass
(TiP;q)(0)=THp)) and tHM+l)=tF{p,q), the pass air ef-
fectiveness PP is related to PR through the expression
3 Air Mixing Between Rows
Since the assumption of the air mixing between rows im- T T THp) - tp[p,q)
= (!-/>*)"* =
plies flat inlet air temperature profiles, equation (10) reduces q=l TI{p) -t[ip,q)
_ TI(P) tF(PiNR) _ j _ p
T{p,q)(x) = (T{M)(0)-tnp,q))e^ + tnp,q) (13) (18)
TnP) -ti(P,i)
From equations (5) and (13), the outlet air temperature is
F(p,q) \ , h{p,q) ( )dX-t/{Piq) H - (THM) -//(PI?) ) PP = 1-(1-PR)NR (19)
(14) and
It follows that the single-row air effectiveness can be ex- PR = l-(l-PP)WNR (20)
pressed explicitly in terms of R and Ntu, and therefore is the For a single pass (P=PP), F is obtained from R and Ntu
same for all rows through equations (15), (19), and (2).

. Nomenclature (cont.)

W mass flow rate of tube fluid, kg/s fluid temperature (/0 and AT0 are
w air mass flow rate, kg/s reference values suitably chosen
X dimensionless axial coordinate of for each case)
tubes, increasing from 0 to 1 in <p = function of RR and PR defined by
the direction of the hot fluid flow equation (16)
Oik = coefficients in the initial air X = function of R and P defined by
temperature profile, equation (48) equation (3)
f$k = coefficients in the tube fluid \p = AT,/.(Tj t/), dimensionless
temperature profile, equation (49) true-mean temperature difference
Ik = coefficients in the final air co = tube central angle, radians
temperature profile, equation (50)
AT",,, log-mean temperature difference, Subscripts
C F = final
AT",,, = FATlm, true-mean temperature I = initial
difference, "C P = corresponding to one pass
(t-t0)/AT0, dimensionless air R = corresponding to one row
temperature (t0 and AT0 are
reference values suitably chosen Subscripts Within Parentheses
for each case) (p) = belonging to pass p (passes are
X = function of R, Nw, NR, and N, numbered from 1 to NP in the
defined by equation (9) direction of air flow)
function of N tu and TV defined by (q) = belonging to row q (within each
equation (6) pass, rows are numbered from 1
(Tt0)/AT0, dimensionless tube to NR in the direction of air flow)

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Alternatively, F is obtained from R and P through T
Hp+\,q) -TF{,p,NR + \-q) (33)
equations (20) and (17). Case 2. Counter-Crossflow With Air Mixing.
Six possible connections of such passes are discussed below. (2A). Tube fluid mixed between passes:
They correspond to either co-crossflow (cases 1 and 3) or Since
counter-crossflow (cases 2 and 4), each one with three dif-
ferent assumptions of tube fluid mixing between passes: A for '(/H , = f F(p) a n
" ''F{p+[) 'Up)
tube fluid mixed, B for tube fluid unmixed, keeping'identical it follows that
order of the rows, and C for tube fluid unmixed, with inverted
order of the rows. The meaning of "identical order" and
"inverted order" is most easily understood by inspection of
the flow sketches labeled (IB) and (1C), respectively, in Fig. 1.
n T>
p=l F(p)-tI(p)
F{P) / \-PP \Np _

= (T,-tF)/(TF-t,)={\-P)/{\-RP) (34)
Case 1: Co-Crossflow With Air Mixing.
(1 A). Tube fluid mixed between passes:
Since \-[(l-Pp)/(l-RPP)]NP
, R*\
t,KP+ i)i -
tf(p) << 1Ti
nP+1) - ' F(P)
it follows that
PP/[PP + {\-Pp)/Np], R = \,
f t ImzlneL =[I-PAI+RP)]P=

p=\ 'Up)-* I(p) which is a known result [8].

The inverse relations are
= (TF-tF)/{TI-t,) = \-P(\+R) (21)
P=l\-[l-PP(l+R)]NP}/(l+R) (22) R*\
PP = (36)
PP=[l-[l-P(l+R)]WNP}/(\+R) (23)
F i s obtained from R and Nlu through equations (15), (19), P/[P+NP(l-P)], R=\
(22), and (2). Alternatively,. F is obtained from R and P
through equations (23), (20), and (17). F i s obtained from R and N tu through equations (15), (19),
(IB). Tube fluid unmixed between passes with identical (35), and (2). Alternatively, F is obtained from R and P
order of the rows: through equations (36), (20), and (17).
Choosing the following dimensionless variables, which (2B). Tube fluid unmixed between passes, with identical
provide known initial values order of the rows:
In this case the following dimensionless variables are used,
since they provide known initial values:
0Fu,.q) = UFip,q)-t,)/(Tl-tl) (24)
Up,q) Vnp.q) ~ {F) / (T, tF),
Hp,q) ~ (^i(p.q) {
i) / ( T i ti), F{p,q) (tFi.p,q) ~tF)/(TltF)

TF{P,g) = (TF[M) -t,)nT,-t,) (25) and

from equation (13) it follows
T = (T,HP.Q) tF)/(T,-tF),
F(p.q) ~ ?R^Up,q) + 0 ~ ?R)TI[p,q) (26) ''(P.q)

and from equation (14) TF(M) = (TF(M)-tF)/(T,-tF) (38)

In addition, it is convenient to rearrange equations (26) to (29)
<>F(p,q) = 0 -Pu)dHM) +PKr,{p_q) (27) in the following way

Air temperatures are related by v

Hp,q) -uF(p.q) /V-PR)-THM)PR/(1-PR) (39)
Hp,q+l)-"F(.p,q) (28) T
F{p,q) = PR "Up,i,q) + ( 1 _
P)T/(p,?) (40)
0/(p+l,l) =
QF(P,NR) (29) F(p,q-l) =^/(p,<7) (41)
and tube fluid temperatures by (>F{p-i.NR)=6np,i) ( 4 2

T =T
l(p+\,q) F{p,q) (30)
Equation (30) is replaced by the following one
with the initial values T
Hp-\,q)=TF{p,q) ( 4

0i.i) = 0 , r/(1,,) = l (31) and the initial values for the last pass which follow from
equations (37) and (38) are
Successive application of equations (26), (27), and (28)
within each pass, and equations (29) and (30) to obtain the 8F{NP,NR)=0, 77(/Vp,9)=l (44)
initial values for the following pass, gives dF(Np,NR) as a Successive application of equations (39) to (41) within each
function of R and Ntu. From equation (24) pass, and of equations (42) and (43) to find the initial values
P=6FVF(Np,NR) (32) for consecutive passes, gives 6l{Ul) as a function of R and/V lu .
From equation (37)
Subsequently, Fcan be calculated from equation (2).
(1C). Tube fluid unmixed between passes, with inverted 6IOA)=P/(P-l) (45)
order of the rows: Hence
The same procedure of case (IB) is applied, with the only
exception that equation (30) is replaced by ^=V,)/(0,,.)-l) (46)

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Consequently, F follows from equation (2) as an explicit Dimensionless variables are always defined so that 0/(,A) =0
function of R and Nlu. which gives
(2C). Tube fluid unmixed between passes, with inverted
order of the rows: a*(i,i) = a/t(i,i)=0 (64)
The same procedure of case (2B) is applied, with the only Additional relations depend on each type of flow pattern,
exception that equation (43) is replaced by and are discussed below.
l(p-\,q) =T
F{p,NR+\-q) (47) Case 3: Co-Crossflow With No Air Mixing.
(3A). Tube fluid mixed between passes:
Choosing the following dimensionless variables
4 No Air Mixing Between Rows 7
(P,q) (X) = ( T{M) (x)-t,)/(Ti~t,)
Equations (11) and (12), derived from the single-row Onp.q) (x) = (<7<P,?> (x)-t,)/{T,~t,) (65)
analysis, with a vanishing value for the inlet air temperature
eFip,q) (x) = UFiM) (x) -t,)/(T,-t,)
6/(1,1), gi ve r ' s e t 0 temperature profiles that are products of
polynomials in x times the exponentials exp( Xx"), namely, the initial values for the first pass are
T(,,?)(0) = 1 (66)
<?/(/,,<?) (*) =e~Xx E ak^g)xk+e^ ak{M)x" (48)
For all other passes

TiP+i,<,)(0) = TF(p) (67)
r (49) where the final pass temperature TF(P) is obtained as the
u>.) <*) = e _ V v E *>kiP.q)Xk+e)" E hip-***
k =0 Ar = 0 average of the temperature of the rows belonging to that pass
hip.q) (x) =e->* E ck{M)xk+e^ "flHp,q)X (50)
TF{p) TT E Tip,q)W =
"R ?=I
The upper limits for the summations are obtained as
follows. For odd numbered passes (p = 2/ 1) N
R r "* ^ 1
1 (68)
e x +eK
JV + 1 =/V =N C = ( / - l)NK -l+q,
~~NR E |_ " E^^)
,= I E^(M)J
Na=Np=Ny={i-\)NR-l (51)
The coefficients can then be calculated in this order:
For even numbered passes (p = 2/') equations (54-60) provide all coefficients for each pass, given
AT, + 1 ^ =NC = ( / - 1 ) ^ - l + 9 , the initial conditions; equations (64) and (66) provide initial
conditions for the first pass; and equations (62), (63), and (67)
Na=Nf,=N7=iNR-l (52) provide initial conditions for all other passes.
In the above expressions, a negative' value for the upper The outlet tube fluid temperature is obtained using
limit indicates that the corresponding summation reduces to equation (68) for the last pass, i.e., forp=N P . Therefore,
zero. TF = TP{Np)=\-PR (69)
It is easy to establish recurrence formulas for calculating
the coefficients in equations (48) to (50). Within the same whence
pass, the relation P=V-rFiNp))/R (70)
Si{p,q+\)(.x) = eF(M)(x) (53) Fis then obtained from equation (2), as an explicit function
implies of R and Ntu.
(3B). Tube fluid unmixed between passes, with identical
kt,p,q+\)~ck(p,q) (54) order of the rows:
k{p,q + 1) -lk(p.q) The procedure is the same as in case (3A), with the only
exception that equation (67) is replaced by
'(P+I,,)(0) = T(P,(1) (71)
From equations (11), (12) and (48) to (50)
1 ( 1 * v\ -* (3C) Tube fluid unmixed between passes with inverted
(56) order of the rows:
Pku.q) = wn E aJ^Jl \~ vJ Again the same procedure as in case (3A) is used, with the
- j=k (57) only exception that equation (67) is replaced by
Jk(p,q) J
0(p,q) = ~ T(p,qM-
(p,q) +0 -P)8k(p,q
V0(p,q) (58) 7"(P+i,9)(0) = r(A/VK + 1 _ ? ) (l) (72)
kip.q) *-l(p,i7) Ik, k>\ (59)
Case 4. Counter-Crossflow With no Air Mixing.
*(/>.?> --P k(p,q) +(1-P)bkip,q) (60) (4A). Tube fluid mixed between passes:
Since x is defined to increase in the direction of tube fluid Choosing the following dimensionless variables
flow, when a change of pass is made QP,q) (*) = (tHM) (x)-t,)/{TF-tl),
Onp+i.i)W=eFip.NR)V-x) (61) 0F{p,q) (x) = (tFiM) (x) -t,)/(TF-tj) (73)
Hence and
(62) ' (P,q) '(x) = (T,p,)(x)-t,)/(TF-t!) (74)
k\ i = k a known value results for TF
^(^..^(-l^-rE^^^^-^ 1 - <63> TF = TF{\) - N,
WD=1 (75)
- j = k R 9=1

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Since the initial values T(P) (0) are not known beforehand, it In order to calculate the coefficients C,y, the following
is necessary to split the coefficients, a, b, and c, as follows procedure is used:
(/) Assuming
k =a'k(P,q) T
(P)()+a*(A<7) (76)
bk(p,q)=t>'k(p,q) T^p)(0) + bk{pq) (77) T (li/ - ) (0)=l,T (li , ) (0) = 0 f o r 9 ^ y (92)
C equations (54-60), and the initial values from equation (64)
k(p,q) = ck(p,q) T(p)(9) + Ck{p,q) (7) provide the coefficients for the first pass.
The new coefficients, a', a", b', b", c', and c" satisfy (//) The initial values for the next pass follow from
equations (54), (59), and (60), while equation (58) is replaced equations (62), (63) and the condition
^ + I . , ) ( 1 ) = TU(I,)(0) (93)
bi (P,q) 1 (79)
which allows the calculation of T ( P + 1I?) (0) as
bS{p,q) &0(p,q) (80)
Initial values for each pass are T{p+i,q)(0) = eXT(M)(0)-e2* X) 0* ( + i.,) +
t(p,i)=0 (81) *=o
k(p,\) =ak(p,\) (82)
+ ^o(p+i,<7) _ LJ bk{P+\,Q)
From equations (79) and (81) and the recurrence formulas *=i
(54), (59), and (60), it is easily seen that the coefficients (///) Again equations (54-60) provide all the coefficients
'k(P,q) > b'k(P,q), c'k(p.q) a r e the same for every pass, so that the needed for the expansion of d,(x), r ( x ) , and 8F(x) for the
pass index can be dropped: a'kiM) = ak{q), bk{PiQ) = bkiq), pass.
c =C
k(,p,q) k{q)- (iv) When arriving to the last pass, since TiNpiQ)(Q)= 1, the
The condition of tube fluid mixing between passes implies second member of equation (94) gives the required Cu, for
that ; = 1 , . . . ,NR as
TF(p) ' (P,q) (1) (83)
ATR q=l k=0
Hence N
bk (95)
TF(p)=fT,n)(Q)+g (P)
(84) +/w,/>- T,
where (v) Steps (i-iv) are repeated for every j between 1 and NR.

^ ~ R 7=1 * = 0
. 'k(q) (85)
(pi) The linear system of equations (91) provides the
unknowns r(1 ?) (0), which allow the calculation of the coef-
ficients for the first pass. The tube fluid outlet temperature
and can then be found from
b 'v0 -1
x x 9-1
S(P) (R,Nlt Ld
[e" +e LJ
J TF = (D = AT
Lj e N
LJ bk(\,q) (96)
NR q=\ k=0 (86) R q=\
R 9=1

Because within the first pass the coefficients $ and b" Since
vanish, the function g(1) is zero. TF-- I-PR (69)
Calculations are performed in this order: using equations it follows that
(54-57), (59), (60), (79), and (80) and the initial values given
by equations (81), (82), and (62-64), all the coefficients are P=(1-TF)/R (97)
calculated for each pass. Next, the initial tube fluid tem- F is obtained from equation (2) as an explicit function of R
perature for each pass is obtained from equation (84) as and A t u .
T{p)(0) = (TFip)-gip))/f (87) (4C). Tube fluid unmixed between passes, with inverted
order of the rows: The same procedure of case (4B) is applied,
Since rFm = 1, and with the only exception that equation (93) is replaced by
TFlp+l)=T{p)(0) (88) T
(p + l > ? ) ( 1 ) - r ( p , N J ? + i _ ? ) ( 0 ) (98)
successive application of equation (87) provides r ( w )(0),
which, through the relation
r ( p ) (0) = l / ( l - P i ? ) (89) 5 Comparative Analysis

can be used to solve for P as follows Figures 1-4 show plots of the correction factor as a func-
tion of P, with R as a parameter, for the twelve cases con-
(0)-1)/(RTINP)(0)) (90) sidered (1A-4C) and a configuration of two passes, four rows
F is obtained from equation (2) as an explicit function of R per pass. The first obvious comment from inspection of these
and A l u . figures is that counter-crossflow (Figs. 2 and 4) is far superior
(4B). Tube fluid unmixed between passes, with identical to co-crossflow (Figs. 1 and 3), which comes as no surprise.
order of the rows: Another straightforward conclusion is that the tube fluid
It is convenient to adopt the dimensionless variables of unmixed in the header gives rise to higher correction factors
equation (65), in order to have known values for T(/V q) (0). In with the identical order of the rows, (curves labeled B), and
this case there are NR unknowns r(1 ?)(0) for the first pass, lower ones when the order is inverted (curves C), whereas
which cannot be solved until the boundary values for the last intermediate results are obtained for the tube fluid mixed
pass T(Wl9)(0) = 1 provide a set of NR linear equations of the between passes (curves A). This is so because case B has more
form evenly distributed temperature differences between the hot
NR and cold fluids, which is the same reason why counter-
< V ( | J ) ( 0 ) = 1, j = l , ...,NR (91) crossflow is superior to co-crossflow. In the example and
range of variables shown, however, the difference in the

Journal of Heat Transfer AUGUST 1983, Vol. 105 / 589

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2fl 4fl l.O 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1
ittt . s-X
M M 0.9
t tt -
ttfl tt H
t tt

en \ ^^
= 0.7 -
Jr 0.6
\ \^ \Ai.z)
8 - - \jf(l,!l N. ^ X
^^ \ F < "
P 0.4 --
0 . 0 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0.S 0 . 6 0 - 7 0 . 8 0 . 9 P
Fig. 5 Correction factor for 1 pass, 4 rows, for air mixing between rows UJ

(case (2A), and no air mixing (case (4A)) E 0.3 -

^-~*Fll.l) ^ ^ ^ ^ ~

0.2 -

0.1 - -
R=1.50 P=0.40

0 . 0 <
0.0 0.2 0.4 0-6 0.8 1.0
Fig. 7 Dimensionless temperature profiles for 1 pass, 2 rows, no air
mixing (case (4A


Fig. 6 Correction factor for 4 passes, 1 row per pass, counter-

crossflow, for both air mixing between rows (case (2A)), and no air
mixing (case (4A

correction factor between tube fluid mixed and unmixed

(cases A, and B or C) does not exceed 4 percent.
An interesting comparison can be drawn between the curves
corresponding to the assumption of air mixing between rows
(Figs. 1 and 2) and no air mixing (Figs. 3 and 4). In the
example shown, no air mixing gives rise to higher values of F,
but this is not a general rule, and, furthermore, in the co-
crossflow case (Figs. 1 and 3) the difference is practically
nonexistent. In order to analyze in more detail the effect of
the air mixing hypothesis, the correction factors for two
different geometries are compared in Figs. 5 and 6, for
counter-crossflow and tube fluid mixed between passes.
Figure 5 corresponds to one pass, four rows, and shows a
substantial difference in favor of no air mixing: for example,
for case (2A), with^? = 1.0 and P 0.57, the correction factor
is F= 0.749, whereas for case (4A) the corresponding value of
F f o r the same values of the parameters R and P i s F = 0.834.
Figure 6 shows, however, that in the case of four passes, one
row per pass, higher values of F are associated with the 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
assumption of air mixing between rows (case (2A). Why this is X
Fig. 8 Dimensionless temperature profiles for 2 passes, 1 row per
so can be understood by an inspection of Figs. 7 and 8, which pass, counter-crossflow, no air mixing (case (4A))
show the dimensionless air temperature profiles with no air
mixing for the simpler cases of NP = 1, NR=2, and NP = 2, temperature differences of the countercurrent case, and
NR=\, respectively. It is clear that if, in the first case, the air correspondingly, yield lower correction factors. If additional
is mixed between rows 1 and 2, the effect is to cool the air at rows are present within the same pass, such as in the case of
the warmer end of the second row, and increase its tem- Fig. 5, the effect is enhanced. Conversely, in the case of two
perature at the cooler end. The resulting temperature dif- one-row passes shown in Fig. 8, because of the reversal of the
ferences depart even more from the ideal distribution of direction of the hot fluid flow in the second pass, warmer air

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is at the cool end of the tube, so that air mixing helps to (v) After P, R, and Nlu are known from either the analytical
achieve a better distribution of temperature differences, and, expressions discussed in (/') or the calculations described in (//;')
therefore, increases the correction factor. The effect remains and (iv), the correction factor follows from equation (2). The
if more one-row passes are added, as shown in Fig. 6, but dimensionless mean temperature difference is also easily
because successive passes slant the air temperature derived from equation (1) as
distribution in alternating directions, the effect is not as t=AT,/(Tl-t1)=P/Nlu (100)
significant as the cumulative one verified in Fig. 5.
There are two cases in which the difference between the two (vi) In two of the twelve arrangements analyzed, 7V,U can be
air mixing assumptions tends to disappear in the region easily obtained as an explicit function of R and P. These are
selected as of practical interest (F>0.8). One is for several cases (1A) and (2A), where equations (23) or (36), (20), and
two-row passes, where both the effects previously discussed (16) give the analytical expression for Nlu for arbitrary values
are present with such strengths that they practically cancel of NP and NR. Precisely these cases, which involve simple
out. The other one is in co-crossflow configurations. In this couplings of single-row exchangers, can also be handled by
case, the condition F> 0.8 forces sizable temperature gaps the method used by Domingos for the calculation of
between the hot and cold fluids, and when this occurs the assemblies of heat exchangers [11].
impact of changes in temperature profiles which leave the (vii) The effects of fluid mixing can be summarized as this:
average temperature constant is very small. For this reason, When the tube fluid is not mixed between passes, F is higher
Figs. 1 and 3 are practically indistinguishable. than in the mixed case, if connected with identical order of the
rows, and lower if connected with inverted order. When the
6 Conclusions air is not mixed between rows, which is the usual case for air
coolers, two opposite effects arise. The distribution of
(/) The procedure in sections 3 and 4 makes it possible to temperature differences becomes more favourable between
obtain P as an analytic function of R and Nlu for any of the rows belonging to the same pass, where the tube fluid in each
twelve flow arrangements analyzed, given the numbers of row meets the air streamlines in identical order. On the
passes and rows. For instance, for a co-crossflow air cooler contrary, the distribution becomes more uneven when the air
with two passes and two rows per pass with no air mixing and streamlines leaving one pass are met in inverted order by the
hot fluid mixed between passes (case (3A)), the effectiveness is fluid inside the first row of the next pass. Fmay result higher
found to be or lower than in the case of mixed air, depending on which
effect prevails.
P = (3 + p 2 )(l +p)(l -e-2X)/(8R)~ [(1 +P) 2 +
p(l-p)\](l-P)Xe-2V(4R) (99)
Analogous expressions have been published for several
other cases [2, 3, 6, 7], References
(z7) In addition to providing a systematic way to obtain 1 Bowman, R. A., Mueller, A. C , and Nagle, W. M., "Mean Temperature
analytical expressions such as equation (99), the recursion Difference in Design," ASME Transactions, Vol. 62, 1940, pp. 283-294.
relations presented here are easily programmable in a com- 2 Stevens, R. A., Fernandez, J., and Woolf, J. R., "Mean Temperature
puter. Thus, the numerical result for the effectiveness can be Difference in One, Two, and Three-Pass Crossflow Heat Exchangers," ASME
obtained for arbitrary values of NP and NR without having to Transactions, Vol. 79, 1957, pp. 287-297.
3 Nicole, F. J. L., "Mean Temperature Difference in Cross-Flow Heat
derive the corresponding analytical expressions. This is Exchange, Applied to Multipass Air-Cooled Fin-Tube Units with a Finite
particularly useful when several rows are present, because Number of Rows," M.Sc. thesis, University of Pretoria, CSIR Special Report
such a derivation becomes more and more' complicated as the CHEM223,Nov. 1972.
4 Wors^e-Schmidt, P . , "On the Effectiveness of a Class of Compound
total number of rows increases. Heat Exchangers," Refrig. Lab. Dth. Rept., The Technical University of
((77) When solving the rating problem for a given ex- Denmark, Mar. 1976.
changer, the available data are Nlu and R. In such case, P is 5 Baclic, B. S., and Gvozdenac, D. D., "e-Ntu w Relationships for In-
obtained directly through the calculation of only two ex- verted Order Flow Arrangements of Two-Pass Crossflow Heat Exchangers,"
ponentials and a finite number of elementary operations. It is Regenerative and Recuperative Heat Exchangers, edited by R. K. Shah and D.
E. Metzger, HTD-Vol. 21, ASME, New York, 1981, pp. 27-41.
therefore unnecessary, for the air cooler arrangements 6 Schedwill, H . , "Thermische Auslegung von Kreuzstrom-
analyzed, to resort to modeling through approximate warmeaustauschern," Fortschritt-Ber. VDI-Z, Reihe6, Nr. 19, 1968.
polynomial expressions, which have proved useful in the case 7 Braun, B., "WarmeUbergang und Temperaturverlauf in Querstrom
of more complex compound exchangers [9]. Rohrbiindeln bei beliebiger Schaltung der Rohrreihen," Forsch.Ing.-Wes., 41,
Nr.6, 1975, pp. 181-191.
(iv) When solving the sizing problem for given process 8 Kays, W. M., and London, A. L., Compact Heat Exchangers, 2d. ed.
conditions, the available data are either R and P or, for the McGraw Hill, New York, 1964, p. 20.
specific case of air coolers, Nlu and P, as pointed out in [10]. 9 Wors^e-Schmidt, P., and Hogaard Knudsen, H. J., "Thermal Modeling
In both cases, the same procedure of section 3 and 4 may be of Heat Exchangers for Simulation Purposes," Proceedings of the 1976 Heat
Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute, Stanford University Press, pp.
used in an iterative way in order to determine Ntu or P, 495-511.
respectively. This method has actually been implemented by 10 Roetzel, W., and Neubert, J., "Calculation of Mean Temperature
the authors in a computer program for the design of air Difference in Air-Cooled Crossflow Heat Exchangers," ASME JOURNAL OF
coolers. Another option is to develop approximate HEAT TRANSFER, Vol. 101, 1979, pp. 511-513.
11 Domingos, J. D., "Analysis of Complex Assemblies of Heat Ex-
polynomial expressions for the direct solution of each specific changers," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 12,
case, as proposed in [10]. Pergamon Press, 1969, pp. 537-548.

Journal of Heat Transfer AUGUST 1983, Vol. 105/591

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