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Electrical Conductivity sensors are used to measure the ability of water to carry an electrical
current. Absolutely pure water is a poor conductor of electricity. Water shows significant
conductivity when dissolved salts are present. Over most ranges, the amount of conductivity is
directly proportional to the amount of salts dissolved in the water.

The amount of mineral and salt impurities in the water is called total dissolved solids (TDS).
TDS is measured in parts per million. TDS tell how many units of impurities there are for one
million units of water. For example, drinking water should be less than 500 ppm, water for
agriculture should be less than 1200 ppm, and high tech manufactures often require impurity-free
water. One way to measure impurities in water is to measure the electric conductivity of water.

A conductivity sensor measures how much electricity is being conducted through a centimeter of
water. Specific conductivity is expressed as mhos per centimeter (M/cm), sometimes called
siemens per centimeter (S/cm). Because a mho (or siemen) is a very large unit, the micromho
(microsiemen) or millimho (millisiemen) typically is used (mS/cm).

To convert the electric conductivity of a water sample (mS/cm) into the approximate
concentration of total dissolved solids (ppm), the mS/cm is multiplied by a conversion factor.
The conversion factor depends on the chemical composition of the TDS and can very between
0.54 0.96. A value of 0.67 is commonly used as an approximation if the actual factor is not
known [(TDS)ppm = Conductivity S/cm x 0.67].

Since conductivity varies with temperature, it is necessary to correct the readings for changes in
temperature. Most instruments contain circuits that automatically compensate for temperature
and correct the readings to a standard 25C.

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