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SEPEP Roles and Responsibilities Checklist:

At the end of each lesson think about the responsibilities that you successfully completed. For each
responsibility successfully completed place a cross (X) in the box. For each responsibility that you did not
successfully complete place a (-) in the box. If you are the coach your role will not change and you will remain
in this position for the entire season. All other roles will change on a regular basis.

Roles and responsibilities

Coach 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Lead skill and strategy practice
Makes decisions about team line ups
Provides leadership for team
Communicate with and support captain
Assist teacher when needed
Leads team warm ups
Reports injuries to teacher
Provides on field leadership
Setting a good example
Records scores during game play
Maintains ongoing team records
Summarises game scores
Provides financial records to coaches and
public relations officer.
Manages game play
Interprets rules during game play
Mediates conflict
Is fair and consistent
Public relations officer
Gets scores and records from scorer
Keeps ladder up to date
Organisation of promotional information
Writes reports for school newsletter
Organises home court space
Reports injuries to teacher
Sorts out disputes amongst players
Assist in training sessions

Equipment Manager
Inspects and cares for equipment
Ensure the correct equipment is brought to
training and matches
Distributes equipment
Ensures all equipment is collected and returned
at the end of each session.

Sports board
Prepares a list of team duties
Roster of training facilities
Makes good decisions regarding any disputes
that may arise
Organisation of events

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