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Student Name:

Year & Section:

College: UNIT 7


SOURCE: Dr. Prasad Mathews, The Hindu (Chennai Edition) September 20, 2009.
Training Curriculum
Target Learning Objectives & Review
In this unit the students will be able to:
LO1: Pick out the main points and important information from what they
read and use them.
LO2: Learn the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement along with examples
and also apply the same in sentences.
LO3: Gain knowledge, avoid errors, and ensure proper application of
Check all
homophones and homographs. pages
LO4: Express the ideas using their own words.
LO5: Recollect what they have studied and apply the information
LO6: Identify errors in the sentences and rectify them. Repeat
LO7: Learn the basic ideas about Slogan and Caption writing and can unit
practice to write creative slogans and captions on their own.
LO8: Learn how to tell a story.
Final Grade:
LP Learning Pages
LP1,2,3 RC: LO1 Reading Comprehension Skills Classwork
(Skimming and Scanning, meanings, personal response)
LP4,5,6,7 G: LO2 Grammar and its application (Subject-Verb Agreement) c/w

LP8,9, 10 S&V: LO3 Spelling & Vocabulary (Homonyms and Homographs) c/w

LP11 S&L: LO4 Speaking and Listening (Expressing ideas by talking to c/w
PP Practice Pages Homework
PP12,13, 14 S&V: LO3 Spelling and Vocabulary (Application of Alzheimer- h/w
WS: LO4 related vocabulary) & Writing Skills (Writing sentences
applying homophones and homographs)
PP15,16 RC: LO1 Reading Comprehension (The treatment of Alzheimers h/w
PP17,18,19 G: LO2, LO5 Grammar and Writing skills (Subject-Verb Agreement) h/w
PP20 VA: LO6 Verbal Ability (Correcting the errors in sentences) h/w
PP21,22,23,24 WS: LO7 Writing Skills (Slogan & Caption Writing sample and h/w
PP25,26 S&L: LO8 Speaking & Listening (Oral tradition of Incident h/w
PP27 WS: LO4 Writing Skills (Writing a summary in their own words)
AP Assessment Pages
AP28,29 RC/WS/G/S&V: Reading, Spelling & Vocabulary, Grammar & Writing h/w
LO 1,2,3,4,5 Skills: AF3
AP30 WS: LO7 Writing Skills: AF2 h/w
AP31 S&L: LO8 Speaking Skills: AF1 h/w
TR32 Self-Assessment Target Review: All Learning Objectives h/w
Notes 33,34 WS/Drawing Extra writing/drawing page ( Extension) h/w

Symbols Key
Write carefully.
Extension activities / More things to do!
Look carefully, read. Reading Comprehension
Listen to adult/friend; listen Draw the picture of the human brain and label its parts
to sounds carefully.
Write down the neurology related terms and their meanings from
Ask/discuss/find out, read the reading passages
RC: Reading Comprehension Write 7 disadvantages of memory loss
SV: Spelling/Vocabulary
G: Grammar Write 7 creative slogans and 7 creative captions on the power of brain
S&L: Speaking &Listening and the value of life
WS: Writing Skills
VA: Verbal Ability
LP/Classwork Reading Comprehension Unit 7:1/34

Learning Objective (LO1): The students will Read the following text aloud. As you read,
be able to take out the main points and pay attention to the words in red colour and their
important information from what they read. meanings in blue colour. Underline all the medical terms.

Alzheimers disease is the

most common type of
dementia (memory loss /
decline in mental ability/brain
disease) caused by gradual
death of neurons (nerve cells
/ a cell that carries messages
between the brain and other
parts of the body) in the brain.
It was first described by Alois Alzheimer in 1907.
The frequency (occurrence/rate/regularity) increases with age, being 0.3 per cent between 60 and 69
years, three per cent between 70 and 79 years and 11 per cent over 80 years of age. Alzheimers is
becoming more common in India as the life expectancy (probability/expectation/hope) increases.
The death of neurons seems to be mainly due to deposits (sediments/layers/accumulations) of proteins
(long-chain molecules built from small units known as amino acids/one of the many substances found
in food such as meat, cheese, fish, or eggs, also found in human blood and muscle) called beta amyloid
between the neurons and may also be due to tangles (knots/masses/twists) in the neuron. A lot of
research (investigation/study/exploration) into preventing deposition
(accumulation/sedimentation/buildup) of beta amyloid and formation of tangles is underway
(happening/ongoing/proceeding). However, the approved (agreed/accepted/supported) drugs
(tablets/medicines/pills) for treatment (medication/healing/therapy) of Alzheimers act by modulating
(regulating/ modifying/controlling) the levels of chemicals called neurotransmitters in the brain which
help neurons to communicate (connect/join/correspond) with each other.
Take professional help
It is important that the diagnosis (analysis/finding/identification) of Alzheimers be confirmed by
consulting (checking/asking/seeking advice from) a physician (medical doctor/surgeon/general
practitioner) medical, neurologist (medical doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the nervous
system), psychiatrist (a doctor who specializes in emotional, behavioral, or mental disorders) or
geriatrician (a doctor who specializes in the care and treatment of old people). Alzheimers progresses
(advances/improves/increases) gradually to a severe stage in around seven years and hence rapidly
(quickly/speedily/briskly) progressive dementia are likely to be due to another cause
(source/basis/origin). About 10 per cent of cases of dementia have a reversible (alterable /changeable /
revocable) cause which is completely treatable. It is vital that these should not be missed. The symptoms
(indications/signs/warning signs) of Alzheimers are broadly divided into two types cognitive
(reasoning/intellectual/thinking) and behavioural (manner in which one acts or behaves) or psychiatric
(branch of medicine that deals with the science and practice of treating mental, emotional, or behavioral
LP/Classwork Reading Comprehension Unit 7:2/34

Learning Objective (LO1): The students will be able to pick Read, deduce, infer or interpret
out the main points and important information from information, events or ideas from the passage
what they read and use them. and write the answer to the questions below.

1. What is Alzheimers Disease?


2. What are neurotransmitters?

3. How is Alzheimer confirmed?

4. What are the different types of specialists referred to in 4th paragraph?


5. What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?


6. Why is this disease called Alzheimer?

7. What is the cause of the death of the neurons?
8. How does the frequency increase with age?

LP/Classwork Reading Comprehension Unit 7:3/34

Learning Objective (LO1): The students will Read aloud page-1, Recollect all the
be able to pick out the main points and information about the Alzheimer disease and fill in the cloud
important information from what they callouts with sentences. Try to describe it in your own
read and use them. words. One has been done for you.

Oh! This disease is

gradually killing my
brain cells and I am so
forgetful these days!
LP/Classwork Grammar & Writing Skills Unit 7:4/34

Learning Objective (LO2): The students will learn the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement along with examples,
and also the application of the same in sentences.

What do you mean by Agreement?

Basic Rule: The Verb in every sentence must agree with the Subject in Person and in Number or in
other words, a singular subject takes a singular verb, whereas a plural subject takes a plural verb.


This drug stabilizes the progression of the disease.

Subject Verb

These drugs stabilize the progression of the disease.



RULE 1: When two or more singular subjects are connected by and, the Verb is plural.

Examples: The doctor and the nurse have a good understanding.
Love and care have to be shown to patients to produce positive results.

LP/Classwork Grammar & Writing Skills Unit 7:5/34

Learning Objective (LO2): The students will learn the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement along with examples,
and also the application of the same in sentences.

RULE 2: If two Singular nouns refer to the same person, the Verb must be Singular.


Examples: The German psychiatrist and neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer was

the one who first described this disease.

The professor and Head department of Medicine is the writer of this article.

Note: To find out whether the two words refer to the same person or two different
persons, look at the article or possessive adjective. If there are two articles or
possessives, there are two different persons. In that case the Verb must be plural.


Examples: Psychiatry and Psychology are two different branches of study.


My friend and my colleague have come.

RULE 3: If two singular subjects express one idea then the Verb may be Singular
(Plural Verb is also permitted).


Examples: A calm and comfortable environment is needed for the patient.


Bread and butter was the breakfast offered to the patients in this ward.
Grammar & Writing Skills
LP/Classwork Unit 7:6/34

Learning Objective (LO2): The students will learn the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement along with examples,
and also the application of the same in sentences.

RULE 4: The words each or every before Singular Subjects, take Singular Verb.


Examples: Each drug has to be accepted by the patients system.


Every prescribed drug has to undergo endorsement from FDA.

RULE 5: Two or more Singular subjects connected by or, nor, either, or,
neither, nor take a Singular verb.


Examples: The patient or the patients father is expected here.


Neither the patient nor his condition is going to improve if he is treated like this.

Circle the correct answer in the following sentences.

1. Cognitive and behavioural is / are two major types of Alzheimers symptoms.
2. My Professor and Geriatrician Mr Mathews has / have come to this hospital.
3. The patient and victim of Alzheimers often have / has confusion and agitation.
4. His spouse and caregiver take / takes good care of her husband.
5. Each neurotransmitter help / helps to communicate with other neurons.
6. Every symptom was / were contributing to the confirmation of Alzheimers.
7. Each patient has / have to take the medications regularly.
8. Every careful measure was / were taken to prevent the patient from wandering away.
9. Either the doctor or the nurse have / has to do something with this patient.
LP/Classwork Grammar & Writing Skills Unit 7:7/34

Learning Objective (LO5): The students Using rules of Subject-Verb agreement, frame
will be able to recollect what they have
studied and apply the information
sentences on your own by looking at the pictures. One has
been done for you.


RULE 2: If two Singular nouns refer to the same person, the

Verb must be Singular.

The German Psychiatrist and Neuropathologist Alois

Alzheimer was the one who first described this disease.




LP/Classwork Spelling & Vocabulary Skills Unit 7:8/34

Learning Objective (LO3): The students will be able to Read aloud the words in bold letters
gain knowledge, avoid errors, and ensure proper below and see what difference you notice in the
application of homophones and homographs. spelling and pronunciation.

In English there are many words that are similar in spelling or pronunciation and sometimes we
mistakenly reach for a word because it seems to have the same sound or look, thus resulting in
an error.
Different Same Different Homophone For-Far
Same Same Different Homograph Will-Will

HOMOPHONES: Homophones are words which have the same pronunciation but may
differ in spelling and meaning.
Decease (death/demise): On the decease of the patient, the family decided to pay tributes.

Disease (illness/sickness): Alzheimers is a degenerative disease of the brain.

Drugs (medications/pills): They approved drugs for treatment of Alzheimers act by modulating
the levels of chemicals.
Trucks (lorries/automobiles): The patients ability to distinguish one motor vehicle from another
was limited to trucks, vans, jeeps, limos and all others.

Break (destroy): The patient used to break his belongings when he gets agitated.
Break (rest): The doctor took a long break after the sternuous procedure.
Brake (slow down/reduce speed): Apply the brake immediately before it dashes on the wall.

HOMOGRAPHS: Homographs are words which are spelt the same, pronounced the
same, but with more than one meaning.

Will (expressing the future tense): The patient will come back for a follow-up.
Will (self-control/wish/desire): He had committed his life to the needy according to the will of God.
Will (testament/legal document): Financial issues like making a will, should be discussed to avoid
problems later on when the patient is unable to make decisions.

Well (good/nicely): The patient responded to the psychiatric treatment well.

Well (water source/spring): The patient fell into a deep well.
LP/Classwork Spelling & Vocabulary Skills Unit 7:9/34

Learning Objective (LO3): The students will be able to gain knowledge, avoid errors, and ensure proper
application of homonyms and homographs.

Read aloud the words in bold letters and observe the difference in the spellings and meanings
of the words. Now try tomake sentences of your own.

Caused (produced/triggered): ____________________________________________________

Cost (price/amount): ___________________________________________________________

Lives (exists/survives/alive): _____________________________________________________

Lives (plural of life): ___________________________________________________________

Due (owing/payable): ___________________________________________________________

Dew (precipitation/bead of moisture): _____________________________________________

Deposits (sediments/layers): _____________________________________________________

Deposits (payments/pay in): _____________________________________________________

May (possibly well/might): ______________________________________________________

May (the 5th month of the year): _________________________________________________

Lot (portion/share): ___________________________________________________________

Lot (group/quantity): __________________________________________________________

Flatter (flat/level): _____________________________________________________________

Flatter (butter up/sweet-talk): ___________________________________________________

For (aimed at): ________________________________________________________________

Fore (distantly/extreme): ________________________________________________________

Not (declarative form of "no): __________________________________________________

Knot (tie/lump): ______________________________________________________________
LP/Classwork Spelling & Vocabulary Skills Unit 7:10/34

Learning Objective (LO3): The students will be able to gain knowledge, avoid errors, and ensure proper
application of homonyms and homographs.

Read aloud the sentences below, fill in the blanks with the correct word. One has been done for you.
1. Alzheimers disease (decease/disease), a type of dementia caused by gradual death of neurons.
2. The frequency increases with age, _________ (three/tree) per cent between 70 and 79 years of age.
3. It is important that the diagnosis of Alzheimers be ___________ (confirmed/conformed) by
consulting a physician.
4. _______________ (psychiatrists/physiatrists), treat a wide variety of medical conditions affecting
the brain, spinal cord, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons.
5. About 10 per cent of cases of dementia have a reversible cause ___________ (which/witch) is
completely treatable.
6. It is ____________ (widal/vital) that these signs should not be missed.
7. The symptoms of Alzheimers are broadly divided in to ____________ (to/two) types cognitive
and behavioural or psychiatric.
8. There are two types of ___________ (drugs/trucks) available for treatment of Alzheimers.
9. Unfortunately the __________ (affect/effect) is mild and these drugs are not useful in the earliest
stage of the disease.
10. These drugs stabilize the progression of the disease ________ (for/far) around twelve months in
about _________ (half/off) the patients using them.
11. The drugs are generally well tolerated, the only ________ (site/side) effect being nausea.
12. Donepezil is relatively cheap (costing/casting) around Rs. 300 per month.
13. Memantine _____________ (blocks/blacks) a neurotransmitter called NMDA.
14. It is approved for moderately severe Alzheimers and again it _______ (as/has) a modest effect.
15. The doctor had ___________ (along/a long) chat with the patient.
16. The approved drug Memantine has a _________ (more dust/modest) effect.
17. See _______ (Tips/Dips) to caregivers.
18. The patient is at risk to himself or to others because of ____________ (violent/violin) behaviour.
19. He ___________ (kneads/needs) to be put on psychiatric medications.
20. Quetiapine can be used for intractable sleep disturbance or ____ (knight/night) time wandering.
LP/Classwork Speaking & Listening Skills Unit 7:11/34

Learning Objective (LO4): The Read aloud and discuss with an adult friendabout the tips
students will be able to express that Dr. Prasad suggests for the Alzheimers caregivers.
the ideas in their own words.
Here are some of my tips to
the Alzheimers Caregivers!!


1. The patient should be informed of the diagnosis (analysis, finding, conclusion) and counselling
(therapy, advising, recommending) given.
2. Financial issues like making a will (a legal document in which a person states who should receive his
or her possessions after he or she dies), joint bank accounts and giving power of attorney (the authority
to act for another person in specified or all legal or financial matters.), should be discussed to avoid
problems later on when the patient is unable to make decisions.
3. End of life issues should ideally be discussed without upsetting (hurting, disappointing, disturbing)
the patient.
4. Patients can develop behavioural symptoms (indications, signs, warnings) even at early stages of the
disease. Patients need sympathy (kindness, pity, consideration), as they are not being purposely difficult;
rather these are symptoms of the disease.
5. Sudden agitation, confusion or aggression (violence, anger, hostility) can be due to side effects of
drugs, pain (e.g. stomach pain, full bladder) or physical discomfort (uneasiness, pain, distress).
6. Create a calm and comfortable environment.
7. Avoid arguing with the patient. If he says he has a plane to catch agree with him and gradually divert
(redirect, deflect, switch) his attention.
8. Patients with Alzheimers often get confused and agitated (nervous, restless, stressed) with a change
from their familiar (accustomed, usual, customary) surroundings. Hence it is not advisable to change
their location frequently (often, repeatedly, recurrently); avoid hospitalisation if possible.
9. Secure the house to prevent the patient from wandering (travelling, straying, roaming) away.
10. There is a tendency (affinity, drift, inclination) to get more agitated and confused in the evening
this is called sun downing.
11. Sleep disturbance is common and should be managed without medicines if possible.
12. The caregiver is under enormous (huge, immense, extensive) stress and prone (liable to,
susceptible to, disposed to) to burn out (exhaust, wear out, fatigue) and hence needs a break from time
to time. It would be ideal (perfect, model, ultimate) if family members can provide relief (help,
support, release).
PP/Homework Spelling & Vocabulary Skills Unit 7:12/34

Learning Objective (LO5): The students will Look at the visuals below and write the
be able to recollect what they have studied appropriate Alzheimer-related terms in the box given
and apply the information appropriately. below the picture. One has been done for you.

PP/Homework Spelling & Vocabulary Skills Unit 7:13/34

Learning Objective (LO3): The students Read the words andwrite homophones /
will be able to gain knowledge, avoid homographs for the following words, also find out the
errors, and ensure proper application of meaning for the words from the dictionary. One has been
homonyms and homographs. done for you.

1. Decease (death) / Disease (illness)

2. Cost (price) / _______________________________________

3. Dew (precipitation) / ________________________________

4. Trucks (lorries) / ___________________________________

5. Ears (organs for hearing) / ___________________________

6. Rabidly (intensely) / _________________________________

7. Knot (lump) / _______________________________________

8. Patient (tolerant) / ___________________________________

9. Conformed (adapted) / _______________________________

10. Issues (offspring) / __________________________________

11. Knight (adventurer) / ________________________________

12. Even (smooth) / _____________________________________

13. Can (container) / ____________________________________

14. Brake (slow down) / _________________________________

15. Son (child) / _______________________________________

16. Plane (aeroplane) / __________________________________

PP/ Homework Spelling & Vocabulary Skills Unit 7:14/34

Study the meanings of the words and frame sentences of your own.
Common (shared/general/for all)


Diagnosis (judgement/identification/conclusion)

Dementia (memory loss / decline in mental ability/brain disease)

Vital (lively/essential/important)

Reversible (alterable/changeable/revocable)

Moderate (adequate/mild/medium)

Agitation (anxiety/nervousness/tension)

Rapid (fast/quick/swift)

Violent (fierce/forceful/strong)


Apathetic (indifferent/bored/lazy)


Enormous (vast/huge/massive)

PP/ Homework Reading Comprehension Unit 7:15/34

Read the passage aloud, as you read, underline all the terms relating to emotions & behaviours.
Battlefield Alzheimers - The treatment of Alzheimers symptoms
Treatment of cognitive symptoms
There are two types of drugs available for treatment (cure, therapy,
remedy) of Alzheimers. The first group are cholinesterase inhibitors
(AChI) and there are three drugs in this class donepezil, rivastigmine
and galantamine. They increase the brain levels of a neurotransmitter
called acetyl choline. Unfortunately the effect is mild and these drugs
are not useful in the earliest
stage of the disease. They are
approved for mild, moderate
and severe disease. These drugs stabilize (steady, calm, even
out) the progression (development, advancement) of the
disease for around twelve months in about half the patients
using them. After that the disease starts to worsen again. The
drugs are generally well tolerated (endured, accepted,
allowed), the only side effect being nausea (vomiting
sensation), vomiting (expelling food from the mouth) or
diarrhoea in a few. Donepezil is the most widely used and is relatively (comparatively, fairly,
reasonably) cheap costing around Rs. 300 per month. The other approved drug is called Memantine. It
blocks a neurotransmitter called NMDA. It is approved for moderately severe Alzheimers and again
has a modest (ordinary, simple, moderate) effect (impact, purpose, influence). It can be used along
with AchI, is well tolerated and costs around Rs. 600 per month.

Treatment of behavioural and psychiatric symptoms in dementia (BPSD)

All attempts (efforts, tries, sruggles) should be made
to treat these symptoms without drugs. No drugs are
specifically approved (agreed, accepted, permitted)
by the US FDA for BPSD. However, if the patient is at
risk to himself or to others because of violent (forceful,
furious, intense), or dangerous behaviour (conduct,
activities, manners), he needs to be put on psychiatric
medications. The most common medications used are risperidone, haloperidol and quetiapine. Patients
who are apathetic (indifferent, bored, uninterested) may be depressed (saddened, lowered,
dispirited) and may require antidepressants. Drugs like haloperidol or quetiapine can also be used for
intractable (stubborn, inflexible, difficult) sleep disturbance or night time wandering (travelling,
straying, roaming).
PP/ Homework Reading Comprehension Unit 7:16/34

Read the above passage, comprehend and answer the questions in your own words.

1. What are the drugs available for the treatment of Alzheimers?


2. Which is the neurotransmitter found in human brain? What is its role?

3. What are the side effects of the drugs that are used to treat Alzheimers?

4. Name some psychiatric medications mentioned in the passage?

5. What are antidepressants?

6. What drugs are used to treat intractable sleep disturbance?

PP/ Homework Grammar and Writing skills Unit 7:17/34

RULE 6: When the subjects connected by or, nor, either, or, neither, nor are of different
Numbers, the Verb must be Plural and the plural subject must be put just before the Verb.


Examples: Either the doctor or the nurses have to do something with the patient

The patient or his relatives have to pay the bill.


RULE 7: When the subjects connected by or, nor,either, or, neither, nor are of
different Persons, the Verb agrees in Person with the subject that comes just before it.

Examples: Either the doctor or you have mistaken her.
I or he has to take care.

RULE 8: For a collective noun, usually a Singular Verb is used, but when the
individuals in the group are taken into consideration, a Plural Verb is used.


Examples: The doctors committee meets tomorrow.

The doctors committee were divided in their views.


Circle the correct answer in the following sentences.

1. Neither the Caretaker nor the security has/have been careful with the patient.
2. I or he has/have to go to collect the medicines.
3. Neither you nor I are/am to be blamed for his folly.
4. A number of new medications have/has been discovered for the treatment of Alzhimer.
5. The Dean of the hospital were/was efficient.
PP/ Homework Grammar and Writing skills Unit 7:18/34

RULE 9: Words joined to a Singular subject by the words with, together

with, along with, in addition to, as well as, etc. do not affect the Main
Subject. Therefore the verb is singular.


Examples: Memantine along with AchI is well tolerated.

The patient, with his spouse, enters the clinic.


RULE 10: In some sentences the real subject will be Singular, but the word next to the
Verb will be Plural. In such cases, misled by the word near the Verb, the Plural Verb
will be used. This is known as the Error of Proximity and this should be avoided.


Examples: Each of the drugs was to be administered to the patient.

The condition of the patients was notably improving.


Circle the correct answer in the following sentences.

6. The report in addition to its annexure have/has been shown to the doctor.
7. Memantine, together with AchI, is/are well tolerated by the patient.
8. The price of the Alzheimers medications have/has gone up very much.
9. The cost of Donepezil pills are/is relatively cheap ranging around Rs. 300 per month.
10. Your argument that you remember all things are/is not acceptable.
11. The problems that the patient has gone through in his life has/have given him this endurance.
PP/ Homework Grammar and Writing skills Unit 7:19/34

Learning Objective (LO5): The students will be able to recollect what they have studied and apply the
information appropriately.

Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with appropriate form of verb to agree with the subject.
1. The caregiver is / are under enormous stress and prone to burn out.

2. Patients develops / develop behavioural symptoms at early stages of the disease.

3. Either counselling or rest are / is the only way to treat this disorder.
4. Every security measure was / were to prevent the patient from wandering away from
the house.
5. His spouse and caregiver take / takes good care of her husband.
6. Cognitive and behavioural is / are two major types of Alzheimers symptoms.

Read the following statements and circle T if they are True or circle F if they are False.
1. Some nouns which are Plural in form but singular in meaning take Singular Verbs. T / F
2. For the words joined to a Singular subject by the words with, together with, along
with, in addition to, as well as, etc, the verb is plural. T / F

3. When the subjects connected by or, nor,either..or, neither..nor are of different

Persons, the Verb agrees in Person with the subject that comes just before it. T / F

4. If two Singular nouns refer to the same person, the Verb must be Plural. T / F

5. If we get the word each or every before Singular Subjects, the Verb is Singular. T / F

6. When the subjects connected by or, nor, either, or, neither, nor are of different
Numbers, the Verb must be Singular and the plural subject must be put just before the
Verb. T / F

7. When the subjects connected by or, nor, either, or, neither, nor are of different N
For a collective noun, usually a Singular Verb is used, but when the individuals in the
group are taken into consideration, a Plural Verb is used. T / F

8. Words joined to a Singular subject by the words with, together with, along with, in
addition to, as well as, etc. do not affect the Main Subject. Therefore the verb is plural.
PP/ Homework Verbal Ability Unit 7:20/34

Learning Objective (LO6): The students can learn to identify errors in the sentences and rectify them.

Each of the following sentences is divided into groups A, B, C, D. Read the sentences and look for
errors and Mark (X) against the group which contains a mistake and rectify it. If there are no mistakes,
mark (X) against E. One has been done for you.

X- Seems to be
1. The death of neurons seem to be mainly due to deposits of proteins
called beta amyloid. _____ ______

2. A lot of research into preventing deposition of beta amyloid and formation of tangles
are underway. _____ ______

3. Chemicals called neurotransmitters in the brain which helps neurons to communicate

with each other. _____ ______

4. It is important that the diagnosis of Alzheimers be confirmed by consulting a

physician. _____ ______

5. Alzheimers progresses gradually to a severe stages in around seven years. ___________


6. Memantine is approved for severe Alzheimers and costs around Rs. 600 per months. ______
PP/ Homework Writing Skills Unit 7:21/34

Learning Objective (LO7): The students will be able to learn the basic ideas about Slogan and Caption
writing and can practice to write creative slogans and captions on their own.

Slogan Writing
A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a
clan, political, commercial, religious, and other context
as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose.

Features of a Slogan Slogans are used

Short To create alertness
Attractive To get an answer
Creative To emphasize a value
Memorable To advertise
Impressive To create an impact
Often a play of words To convey a message

Slogans are also written to create

Examples social awareness.
Hate the disease, but not the diseased! Memories are worth fighting for!
Fighting to remember. Eat healthy, stay healthy!
Alzheimer? Make it a distant memory. Mind your brain before it forgets to mind
Prevention is better than cure, especially you!
when something has no cure. Never lose hope!
Better you, better world.
PP/ Homework Writing Skills Unit 7:22/34

Caption Writing
Captions are a single sentence title associated with a
picture or a photograph that leads the observer to:
Notice relevant attribute
Imagine the sequence of the scene
Answer to the sensation of the picture
Share the artists/ photographers feel, humour etc.

Creative Captions
Style and expression of the language are the necessary tools for creative captions which aim at
provoking response to a feeling or emotions.

Born free Enjoy the spirit of freedom

PP/ Homework Writing Skills Unit 7:23/34

Look at the Alzheimer related visuals and write creative, thought-provoking slogans to express your

Got slogan??
PP/ Homework Writing Skills Unit 7:24/34

Look at the Alzheimer related visuals and write creative, thought-provoking captions and express your

Got caption??
PP/ Homework Speaking & Listening Unit 7:25/34

Learning Objective (LO8): Read aloud the personal experience shared by

The students will be able to learn how Mr. Ted to an adult or friend.
to tell a story.

The first manifestation (indication, expression, symptom) of something being amiss (incorrect,
wrong, improper) with my (name is Ted) memory was in late 2004 when I began to have problems
remembering some details relative to my job.

My position as a computer systems analyst in a major Chicago area

hospital required that I support the patient document imaging
system, the patient registration system and the materials
management system, which also included finance and accounting.
These systems were not linked and each had individual
characteristics (features, appearances, qualities), which I had to
account for in the diagnosis and correction of problems, as well as
installation (fitting, fixing, setting up) of upgrades.

Having noted this memory issue, I compensated by taking copious notes about problems and writing
detailed procedures for system operation, as well as problem diagnosis and correction. This helped the
memory issue, but slowed me down as I could not always remember steps that were easy for me to
remember in earlier times, which required me to stop and look up information in my cheat
sheets. Some users noted that my verbal responses (replies, answers, reactions) to their questions
were not always immediate, and that they saw me referring to notes to find some information. They did
not bring this to my attention. My memory issues had been mentioned by some users to the director of
information systems, who called me into the office of my supervisor, who served as a witness (observer,
watcher, one who sees) to the proceedings. Unfortunately for me, her response to the complaints was
to terminate (end, finish, conclude) me immediately, and I was escorted out of the building.

I was very surprised to say the least, and basically said nothing at this point, not that I had much time to
do so as I was escorted out very quickly. When my wife, also a Lake Forest Hospital employee, later
talked to the Director of Human Resources about my issues, she was told that my termination was due
to performance issues and not any disease, as the issue did not arise after an official diagnosis was made.
If I had almost any other physical impairment or disease, such as a stroke, heart attack or amputation
(removing away of a part from the body), I would have been eligible to collect disability (infirmity,

Having noted these issues, my wife and I made contact with the Rush Alzheimers unit in Chicago, and
I was evaluated there in February of 2005. The result of these tests indicated that I did have memory
impairment (loss, weakening, damage), but they would need a follow up test in six months to confirm
a diagnosis of Alzheimers. Thus, I was evaluated again the following August, and the tests showed a
decline from the February results, which led to a diagnosis of Alzheimers.

Due to the income decline noted above, we had to sell our home and move to more modest (simple,
small, moderate) housing. Also, my interaction (communication, interface, dealings) with our
PP/ Homework Speaking & Listening Unit 7:26/34

grandchildren is different now as they know that I am different, but are not sure just what the problem
is. I am also concerned about my higher level of frustration (irritation, annoyance, disappointment)
and memory lapses.
I am no longer comfortable taking them on road trips to various parks as I did in the past for fear that I
will have a memory lapse (gap, interval, delay) and forget them or somehow endanger (threaten,
risk, put in danger) their safety. Now I am reluctant (hesitant, unwilling, averse) to go places alone,
and my wife has retired (stop working) early to be with me at all times. This is actually a benefit for
me, as I treasure (value, adore, cherish) her company above all others, but it was another economic
loss for us. Additionally, I have few new memories to speak of as recent events just do not stay in my
mind on a consistent (stable, steady, constant) basis. As a result, I feel that I am robbed (steal from,
deprived) of any future because while I will live in it, I will be unlikely to remember it.
Finally, I could not write this without the help of my wife. Yes, I am educated and was always very
successful in academic endeavors (actions, events, ventures), but now, I cant consistently
(constantly, always, regularly) retain short-term memories without someone to keep me on track with
what I want to say.
My wife is now my memory, and I can write this only with her ability to remember parts of my life that
I am getting fuzzy (unsure, uncertain, vague) about. In some cases, I can forget what I was trying to
say while typing the sentence, so I tell her what I was getting at, so she can help if it fades (disappears,
weakens, diminishes) out as I type it.


Now answer the following questions:

Give a title to the passage above: ____________________________________________________

What are the challenges faced by Mr. Ted in his job?


How significant is the role played by the spouse/caretaker in this passage?

What is the new memory that Mr. Ted is talking about?

What are the challenges faced by Mr. Ted in his personal and social life?

Writing Skills
PP/ Homework Unit 7:27/34

Refer to the description of Mr. Teds experience in the previous pages, and write a
summary in your own words.

In the late 2004, Mr. Ted started to have problems with his memory and soon discovered that he was not
able to fulfill his role as a Computer System Analyst....















AP/Homework Assessments Unit 7:28/34

Reading: AF3 - deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from texts.

1. Write the names of all the chemicals and drugs mentioned in the Alzheimer passage.



2. What do you know about the symptoms of Alzheimers disease?



3. What is beta amyloid?



4. What is the difference between cognitive and psychiatric symptoms?



5. What should the Caretaker do regarding financial issues of the Alzheimer patient?



6. Expand US FDA for BPSD


Pick out the main points and important information from what they read and use them.
(I can pick out the main points and important information from what I read and use them.)
AP/Homework Assessments Unit 7:29/34

1. What is the basic rule of Subject-Verb Agreement?



2. Choose the right answer for the following sentences.

a. ___________ (Slip/Sleep) disturbance is common and should be managed without

medicines if possible.

b. The patient and victim of Alzheimers often _____________ (have / has) confusion and
c. US FDA and American Drug Council __________ (has / have) not specifically approved
any drug.
d. A patient who is ____ (a pathetic/apathetic) may be depressed and may require
e. It would be (idle/ideal) if family members can provide relief.
f. Every security measure _____________ (was / were) to prevent the patient from wandering
away from the house.
g. The doctor has to have__________ (patience/patients) in order to survive.
h. Financial issues should be discussed to avoid problems _____________ (latter/later) on
when the patient is unable to make decisions.
i. Confusion or aggression can be _______ (due/dew) to side effects of drugs.
j. Full __________ (flatter/bladder) results in the urge to urinate.
k. If the patient says he has a ________________ (plane/plain) to catch agree with him and
gradually divert his attention.

(I can learn the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement, with examples, and also apply them in sentences.)

3. Write a caption on the side effects of drugs.


4. Write a slogan for an Alzheimers hospital.

AP/Homework Assessments Unit 7: 30/34

Writing: AF2 - produce texts which are appropriate to task, reader and purpose.

Imagine that you are a Caretaker of an Alzheimer patient; try to express the pains and
pleasures that you face in the caretaking task and also narrate the daily challenges
experienced by the patient.





Is forgetting good or bad? Substantiate your views with a creative slogan.





Write a creative caption for a doctor who has treated Alzheimers patients for 30 long




(I can write creative slogans and captions on my own.)

AP/Homework Assessments Unit 7: 31/34

Speaking: AF1 Talking to others to express straightforward ideas and feelings with some relevant

Tell your teacher the story / incident that youve read on page 25 & 26 in your own words.
Markers Guide:

1. My narration is clear and has continuity.

2. I spoke loud enough, and was neither too fast nor too slow.

3. I am able to point out the elements of the passage.

4. I am able to use the correct vocabulary.

5. I identified the moral of the story.

Draw a symbolic picture that illustrates Teds condition of forgetfulness to your teacher.

(I can learn how to tell a story.)

Target Review- Learning Outcome Unit 7: 32/34

Tick the boxes if you can.

Cross the boxes if you cant. X

If you are not sure, then leave it blank.

LO1: I can pick out the main points and important information from what I read and use them.

LO2: I can understand the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement with examples, and also apply them in


LO3: I can gain knowledge, avoid errors, and ensure application of homonyms and homographs.

LO4: I am able to express the ideas using my own words.

LO5: I am able to recollect what I have studied and apply the information appropriately.

LO6: I can identify errors in the sentences and rectify them.

LO7: I can understand the basic ideas about Slogan and Caption writing and can practice to write
creative slogans and captions on my own.

LO8: I know how to tell a story.

Extra Writing Space Unit 7: 33/34
















Extra Drawing Space Unit 7: 34/34

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