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Procedia CIRP 55 (2016) 224 229

5th CIRP Global Web Conference Research and Innovation for Future Production

Learning factory requirements analysis Requirements of learning factory

stakeholders on learning factories
Judith Enkea*, Michael Tischa and Joachim Metternicha
Institute of Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools, Otto-Berndt-Strae 2, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-6151-16-20107; fax: +49 6151 16-20087. E-mail address:


In recent years learning factories are object of extensive research, emphasized through comprehensive discussion on this topic. The
international community of learning factories has reached a common understanding of the definition and differentiation of learning factories.
Nevertheless an analysis of the heterogeneous stakeholder demand on this complex learning system is still missing. So, this paper provides a
study on the requirements of selected stakeholders on learning factories. A description model of the system learning factory on three levels and
six dimensions serves as a basis and ensures the consideration of various expectations and distinct learning factory concepts. Subsequently,
predefined hypotheses regarding the requirements of stakeholders on learning factories are tested and most important requirements are
identified. The stakeholder demands analysis is the foundation of a quality system for learning factories, which is currently in development.

2016 TheAuthors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier B.V. B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 5th CIRP Global Web Conference Research and Innovation for Future
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 5th CIRP Global Web Conference Research and Innovation for Future Production

Keywords: learning factories; requirement analysis; stakeholder

1. Introduction
2. Understanding and description of learning factories
In the production domain various learning factory
approaches are established for practice- and action-oriented Inside the CIRP Collaborative Working Group on
learning in recent years [1]. Learning factory courses enable a Learning Factories for future-oriented research and
high potential for competency development [2, 3, 4] by education the international learning factory community
linking the thinking and doing of the learner [5], i.e. active established a common understanding and description of the
participation in order to gain practical experience as well as learning factory system, see e.g. [1, 7]. There, learning
the systematization and transfer of domain-specific factories are differentiated in learning factories in the narrow
knowledge is facilitated in learning factories. and in the broader sense [1]. While learning factories in the
The learning factory concept can be adapted and narrow sense manufacture physical products, have a real value
implemented in a great variety [1, 6]. Thus, in order to exploit chain and learning takes place on the factory-site, learning
the potential, it is essential to examine the requirements of factories in the broader sense extend the learning factory
various learning factory stakeholders on the leaning factory concept for example to services (instead of physical products),
itself. This way, the design and use of learning factories can a virtual value chain or a remote learning approach as shown
be geared to the stakeholders needs. This paper presents an in Fig. 1. The research presented in this paper refers to
approach for the systematic requirements analysis of various learning factories in the narrow sense focusing on production
stakeholders on the learning factory system. process optimization following the lean philosophy.

2212-8271 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 5th CIRP Global Web Conference Research and Innovation for Future Production
Judith Enke et al. / Procedia CIRP 55 (2016) 224 229 225

Dimensions Features
Value chain in the learning factory

Learning Factory Learning Factory Purpose training (3), education (1), research (1)

in the broader sense in the narrow sense

Process authentic + multi stage + technical and organizational

Setting changeable + real

Product physical (3)


Learning Factory Learning Factory

Didactics concept based + formal, non-formal and informal
in the broader sense in the broader sense
learning + own actions of trainees + on-site (3)
sustainable plan allows the ongoing operation
service physical
Manufactured product inside the learning factory Fig. 2. Classification of the three examined learning factories (numbers in
brackets show quantities) (referring to [1]).
Fig. 1. Distinction between learning factories in the narrow (red cube) and in
the broader sense (all grey fields) [1].
The dimensions are further detailed in design elements. For
instance, the design dimension operating model has the
Figure 2 shows the key features of learning factories in the
design elements operating organization, trainer, development,
dimensions purpose, process, setting, product, didactics and
initial funding, ongoing funding, funding continuity, and
operating model according to [1]. Additionally the (industrial
business model for training. The design dimension is
and academic) learning factory systems involved in this paper
concretized with the design elements and by adding possible
are classified in figure 2 on the basis of these characteristics.
characteristics for those elements a morphological box for
The design dimension purpose describes the kind of
each dimension is created combined, the six morphological
learning, which takes place in the learning factory: education
boxes are referred to as learning factory morphology [6]. With
and/or training and/or research. Process as a dimension
the help of the learning factory morphology it is possible to
covers topics like the design of the product used, presented
describe, classify, and differentiate learning factory
technologies and the order lifecycle. The processes have to be
application scenarios [1].
authentic, multi stage and technical as well as organizational
Additionally to the morphology, in context of a learning
to ensure a proper competency development. The setting
factory design approach, three design levels of the system
has to be changeable, so the learners may conduct
learning factory are identified, to structure the otherwise
experiments with the given factory environment.
diffuse concept: [8]
A physical value chain with a high degree of
x a macro-level, which covers the socio-technical
contextualization increases the hands-on experience. The
infrastructure as well as the rough learning factory concept,
product of the learning factory is a core element of trainings.
x a meso-level, which contains learning modules and
This design dimension could either be physical or a service.
courses, and
Some products are designed only for one use case; in other
x a micro-level, which details the learning modules in single
learning factories products, which are available at the market,
teaching-learning situations.
are manufactured. The design dimension didactics refers
especially to the factory as learning environment. A didactic
3. Combined description model
concept serves as basis for learning modules, formal, non-
formal and informal learning processes are conducted during
In the following the learning factory morphology [6] and
learning situations in which participants master unknown
the conceptual design levels [8] are combined to a
problem situation. Furthermore learning factories in the
comprehensive description model. Basis of this model are the
narrow sense use an on-site (factory site) learning approach,
three integrated conceptual macro-, meso- and micro-design
whereas such in the broader sense learning processes may also
levels (DL). The levels are crossed by the six interdependent
be performed remotely. Finally, the dimension operating
design dimensions (DD). The design dimensions are
model describes the possibilities to ensure the built-up and
operationalized with the help of 52 design elements (DE),
ongoing operation of the learning factory related to content,
while design elements may be either part of single, two or
economy, and personnel [1] [6]. For an extensive description
also all levels. Figure 3 visualizes the conceptual, qualitative
of the dimensions see [6].
relationship between
x the design levels,
x the design dimensions, and
x the design elements.
For simplicity and clarity, the mutual relationships among
different design dimensions are not shown in figure 3.
226 Judith Enke et al. / Procedia CIRP 55 (2016) 224 229

Macro DL

Meso DL

Exemplary DEs of
DD Didactics
Micro DL

DD Operating model DD Process DD Product Caption

DL: Design level
DD: Design dimension
DD Purpose DD Setting DD Didactics DE: Design element

Fig. 3. Link between design levels (DL), design dimensions (DD) and design elements (DE) [9] based on [6] and [1]

Between levels, dimensions and elements following holders are identified on basis of this description model, more
possible relationships are assumed: Not all design elements precise the learning factory morphology [6]:
are relevant for the design of all levels. Some elements have a x operating organizations with the possible characteristics
strong correlation to certain design levels, several have a academic institution, non-academic institution, and profit-
weak correlation, and there may be even elements, which oriented operator
have no correlation to a particular design level at all. x trainer with the specifications professor, researcher, student
Furthermore it is assumed that to different extents all design assistant, technical expert / international specialist,
dimensions affect all design levels at some point. consultant, educationalist
Learning factory experts were asked to rate the correlation x target groups with the potential characteristics pupils,
between the tree levels and the 52 elements. In a first students, employees, entrepreneurs, freelancer,
evaluation all experts identified a strong correlation for unemployed, open public.
example between the macro-level and the design element At this point of time two companies and one research
development from the dimension operating model. In institution provide information for the investigation.
contrary, no correlation exists between the micro-level and the Therefore, not every mentioned stakeholder was analyzed so
element operating organization. The element work system far. The examined stakeholders are academic institution,
levels (dimension setting) shows a weak correlation to the profit-oriented operator, researcher, consultant and
meso-level. To validate and sharpen the statements extracted employees.
from the first evaluation, further investigation and analysis In the conceptualization phase based on the analysis, the
has to be executed. The combination of conceptual levels, formulation of assumptions as well as hypotheses and the
design dimensions and design elements serve as a description deduction of potential requirements are complemented
model. This model is used as basis for the following analysis iteratively. The learning factory requirements are deducted on
of requirements. basis of the predefined hypotheses and the learning factory
description model, namely:
x single design elements,
4. Methodical approach x manifestations of single design elements,
x the design dimensions in general, and
The methodical approach of the requirements analysis of x the three design levels in general.
various stakeholders in the field of learning factories can be
divided into the four phases: analysis, concept, design
Text Text Design
Text& im- Text
and implementation, and evaluation. The phases of the Analysis Concept Evaluation
approach are depicted in figure 4.
Learning Factory Hypothesis Questionnaire Test of
A basis in the analysis phase is the learning factory description model formulation design hypotheses
description model based on [8] and [6] presented in section 2. Identification of Requirements Execution of Further analysis
stakeholder deduction surveys of surveyed data
The learning factory description model provides a general
framework for analysis and conceptualization phases.
Fig. 4: Methodical approach used for the requirements analysis
As a second step in the analysis phase learning factory stake-
Judith Enke et al. / Procedia CIRP 55 (2016) 224 229 227

Table 1: Extract of assumptions, hypotheses and corresponding requirements

Assumptions Hypotheses Corresponding requirements
A1: The operators value H0(A1.1):  
1. R 1.1: The LF activities are funded sustainably.
requirements in the design H1(A1.1):  
dimension operating model as R 1.2: A sustainable model exists for the recruitment and development of the LF staff.
more important than all other H0(A1.2):  
stakeholders. H1(A1.2):  
A2: The trainers value 1.
requirements in the design H1(A2.1):   R 6.3: The practical share in trainings is as high as possible.
dimension didactic as more
important than all other H0(A2.2):   R 6.6: Learning in the LF takes place with as little predefinitions as possible.
stakeholders. 2.
2. R 4.1: The learning environment is realistic with true to scale machines and working stations.
A4: For all stakeholder groups, H1(A3.2): 
fundamental requirements are a
close-to-reality environment, a H0(A3.3): 
multistage value creation process, H1(A3.3): 
active participation, and authentic
problem situations (the key H0(A3.4): 
characteristics according to [1]). 4.
H1(A3.4):  R 4.2: In the LF a complete value stream from the incoming of goods to the delivery of goods is presented.
A3: The importance valuation of
requirements differs between the No specific requirements queried (R. 1.1 R.6.18)
stakeholder groups
A5: Specific requirements are
generally valued as very important No specific requirements queried (R. 1.1 R.6.18)
(all stakeholder values are closer
to ++ than to +)

In table 1 an extract of the assumptions and hypotheses to The results are shown in figure 5. Data is depicted
be tested as well as corresponding requirements are listed. compacted. All requirements can be related to a design
Following the assumptions, hypotheses, and requirements in dimension. The average rank for each requirement is
table 1 questionnaires for the distinct stakeholders containing represented with a colored bar. The first bar illustrates
formulations on the various requirements are designed. The respectively the results averaged over all stakeholders.
survey consists of 61 requirement statements, the respondents Furthermore black lines show the standard deviation for the
have to rate each statement on a on a five-point Likert scale particular stakeholders and over all stakeholders. They are
ranging from "very important" to "very unimportant". In total visualized based on the average. To analyze the gathered data,
22 stakeholders provided data for the presented approach so the Likert scale was transformed in a numerical scale ranging
far. Among them, 5 operating organizations (also: operators), from 1 ( ) to 5 (++). The most important requirements for
9 trainers, and 8 course participants. Based on this data a the stakeholder operator are R 1.1, R 1.2 and R 6.11. All this
preliminary evaluation and test of the hypotheses is processed. requirements have no deviation from the average of 5. The
Results of the evaluation are presented in the following trainers value the requirement R 6.4 over all other
section. requirements with an average of 5 and no deviation. And the
employees rate the requirements R 3.1 and R 4.2 as the most
important ones (no deviation). The most unimportant
5. Results requirements of the particular stakeholder are: R 2.4 (average
2, standard deviation 1.00) for operators, R 6.14 (average
The collected data were analyzed to detect preferences 1.89, standard deviation 0.61) for trainers and R 2.4 (average
regarding the importance of different requirements based on 2.60, standard deviation 2.17) for employees.
the examined stakeholder. Especially diverse rating of Moreover differing evaluations of the stakeholders can be
stakeholders should be identified. easily detected in the figure. They are of interest in particular,
For the evaluation the average yet marking necessity for improvements in the design of
learning factories. For example the requirement R 2.7 is for

the trainer unimportant, but for the employees important. The
rating differs over 2 points between these two stakeholders.

Besides requirements can be identified, which are of
particular importance for all stakeholder: R 1.2, R 1.3, R 2.9,
and the standard deviation R 3.1, R 3.2, R 3.3, R 4.3, R 6.1, R 6.2, R 6.4, R 6.11, R 6.17
and R 6.18, all of them with an overall average higher than
4.5. In the design of learning factories these requirements

should be considered especially. Certainly also requirements
can be determined, which are not important for all stakeholder

(for example R 2.4 with an average under 2.5 overall).
were used with n: number of data and xi: characteristic
value of the element i of the sample.
228 Judith Enke et al. / Procedia CIRP 55 (2016) 224 229

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

R 1.1: The LF activities are funded sustainably. R 4.7: The LF equipment is easily extendible.
DD 1: Operating model

R 1.2: A sustainable model exists for the recruitment and R 4.8: The LF process is changeable by the trainers as well as
development of the LF staff. by the participants.

DD 4: Setting
R 1.3: A sustainalbe model exists for the implementation of new R 4.9: The organisational processes (e.g. workflow of production)
learning content in the LF. within the presented proction process are changeable.

R 4.10: The factory building and the technical building equipment

R 1.4: The LF operator has a reputation in the adressed topic. is changeable (e.g. room separation possible).

R 1.5: In the LF single training days can be booked flexible. R 4.11: The layout of the LF equipment is changeable.

R 2.1: The represented learning environment is industry-sector- R 4.12: Besides an assembly area also other areas are
specific for the learners (for training). presented (e.g. chipping, etc.).

R 2.2: The participants have a comparable previous knowledge R 5.1: The LF product can be produced in many different
for trainings. variants.

R 5.2: The LF product is less complex and therefore production

R 2.3: The participants are from different companies. process is easier to understand.

DD 5:5 Product
R 5.3: The LF product is available at the market.
DD 2: Purpose

R 2.4: The participants are from the same company.

R 2.5: In the LF research activities take place. R 5.4: The LF product is functioning.

R 2.6: Innovative methods and technologies are developed R 5.5: There is more than one product in the LF.
(further) in the LF.

R 2.7: In a LF plenty topics are adressed (e.g. lean, automation, R 5.6: The LF product is changeable (e.g. look, design, etc.).
energy efficiency, etc.).

R 2.8: In a LF specific topics are in focus (e.g. lean, automation, R 6.1: Implementation cases from industry are integrated in the
energy efficiency, etc.). training.

R 2.9: The objectives of the trainings are defined in advance. R 6.2: The training content is prepared comprehansible.

R 3.1: In the framework of the LF real production processes are R 6.3: The practical share in trainings is as high as possible.
R 6.4: There is an alternation between theory and practice,
R 3.2: Learning materials, initial states, etc. are standardized in
between thinking and doing.
the LF.

R 3.3: The LF can run in several standardized states (e.g. R 6.5: Besides professional topics soft skills are addressed.
wasted activities, without wasted activities, etc.).
R 3.4: In the LF indirect / administrative functions can be R 6.6: Learning in the LF takes place with as little predefinitions
presented (e.g. distribution, production planning, supply chain as possible (e.g. methods, approach, guidelines, etc.).
management, etc.).
DD 3: Process

R 6.7: For the approach the learners are supported by the

R 3.5: In the LF different manufacturing processes (e.g. chipping,
assembly, etc.) are presented.

R 3.6: Learning materials are developed specifically for several R 6.8: The trainer leads the learners to a solution.
traning groups.
DD 6:6 Didactics

R 6.9: The objective of single practical exercise is specified, the

R 3.7: In the LF processes for the developement and application
learners decide on an approach themself.
of new technologies can be shown, improved and experienced.
R 6.10: During training a lot of differente media (e.g.
R 3.8: In the LF the planning and application of factory systems
presentation, flip chart, movie, etc.) are used.
can be shown, improved and expereienced.
R 6.11: The imparted knowlegde matches the current state of the
R 3.9: In the LF processes for the developement and production
of products can be shown, improved and experienced.

R 3.10: In the LF processes within the context of order R 6.12: The theoretical share in trainings is as low as possible.
processing can be shown, improved and experienced.
R 6.13: Theoretical content can be process indepentenly in
R 4.1: The learning environment is realistic with true to scale
advance from the learners at home (e.g. eLearning, script, etc.).
machines and working stations.
R 6.14: Before each execution trainings are developed
R 4.2: In the LF a complete value stream from the incoming of
individually for the paricular learners.
goods to the delivery of goods is presented.
R 6.15: The LF offers trainings for a wide range of topis (training
R 4.2: Within the LF a whole factory is presented. program).
DD 4: Setting

R 4.3: The LF equipment is build up modular (e.g. working R 6.16: The trainers are experts on the paticular topic.
station can be extended easily).

R 4.4: The LF equipment is applicable multi-purpose for different R 6.17: The trainers have soft skills.
exercises and manufacturing processes.

R 4.5: The interfaces (hardware and software) of the LF R 6.18: The trainings are developed continuosly.
equipment are compatible with each other.

R 4.6: The LF equipment is mobile.

Fig. 5. Importance of requirements: average and standard deviation over all stakeholders ( ), of operators ( ), of trainers ( ) and of employees ( )
Judith Enke et al. / Procedia CIRP 55 (2016) 224 229 229

Table 2. Extract of results of t-tests

Assumptions Hypotheses t tcritical(=0,10) Decision tcritical(=0,05) Decision
A1: The operators value H (A1.1):  
1. 0 1.659 1.356 H0 is falsified 1.782 H0 is not falsified
requirements in the design H1(A1.1):  
dimension operating model
as more important than all H (A1.2):  
2. 0 0.987 1.363 H0 is not falsified 1.796 H0 is not falsified
other stakeholders. H1(A1.2):  

A2: The trainers value H (A2.1):  

1. 0 -1.619 1.397 H0 is not falsified 1.860 H0 is not falsified
requirements in the design H1(A2.1):  
dimension didactic as more
important than all other H (A2.2):  
stakeholders. 2. 0 -1.343 1.363 H0 is not falsified 1.796 H0 is not falsified
H (A3.1): 
1. 0 2.490 1.476 H0 is falsified 2.015 H0 is falsified
A4: For all stakeholder H0(A3.2): 
groups, fundamental 2. 2.587 1.383 H0 is falsified 1.833 H0 is falsified
requirements are a close-to-
reality environment, a H0(A3.3): 
multistage value creation 3. 2.414 1.397 H0 is falsified 1.860 H0 is falsified
process, active participation, H1(A3.3): 
and authentic problem
situations (the key H (A3.4): 
4. 0 1.025 1.476 H0 is not falsified 2.015 H0 is not falsified
characteristics according to H1(A3.4): 

At last some of the hypotheses test results are depicted in foundation of a comprehensive quality system for learning
table 2. The hypotheses were testes using one-sided t-tests factories, which is currently under development.
based on the test problem. The level of significances are
=0.10 (weak significance) and =0.05 (significance). The Acknowledgements
H0(A1.1) was falsified to a 0.1-level, but not to a 0.05-level.
To specify, with a significance-level of 10 % the operators The authors would like to thank the Bundesministerium fr
value requirements in the design dimension operating model Forschung und Bildung (Federal Ministry of Education and
as more important than all other stakeholders (tested against Research, BMBF) and the Bundesinstitut fr Berufsbildung
the stakeholder trainer and employee so far). H0(A3.3) for (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training,
example is falsified for both levels, meaning that a realistic BiBB) for financial support during the project Quality
learning environment (R 4.1) is a fundamental requirement for development of complex learning systems on the example of
the employees in case of both significance-levels. The other learning factories for production (21IAWB104).
hypotheses can be evaluated similarly.

6. Summary and outlook
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