Quiz Lessanku

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Name : Subject : English

Class : Teacher : Erfiansyah Bagus Riyadi

Answer the Correct Correctly Using Cross (X) a,b,c, and d below !
1. Fian : What is your name ?
Dulla : ....
The correct answer from the dialogue above is ...
a. Your name is Dulla c. Her name is Dulla
b. My hobby is swimming d. My name is Dulla
2. Andin : .....
Trisna : My Hobby is playing a doll.
The correct answer from the dialogue above is ...
a. What is your hobbies ? c. What is your hobby ?
b. Why is your hobby ? d. When is your hobby ?
3. ..... do you come from ?
The correct WH-question to complete this sentence is ....
a. Who c. When
b. Where d. What
4. When .... you born ?
The correct to be to complete this sentence is ....
a. Were c. Has
b. Was d. Have
5. Risna :How old you ?
Anshori : ....
The correct answer from the dialogue above is ...
a. My old is 22nd years old c. My address is 22nd years old
b. His old is 22nd years old d. My Address is Montok Village

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