The Calorie Content of A Side Dish Such As Dhal, Sambar or Chutney Has Not Been

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Breakfast Idli or bread 3nos

Dosa or chapathi 2 nos

Lime rice/Upma/bise bele bath/ 2 cups


Roti 2 nos

Mid morning Fruit or vegetable salads or butter 1(any)

Milk or lime juice or tomato juice

Coffee/tea 1 cup (without sugar)

Lunch Rice or chapathi or ragi ball with 2 cups/pieces


Curry unlimited.

Curds. cup

Afternoon tea Roti 1 no

Coffee/tea without sugar 1 cup

Idli or bread or 4 biscuits 2 nos/slices

Dosa or chapathi or roti 1 no

Lime rice/upma/bise bele bath/

Avalakki 1 cup

Dinner Same as lunch or breakfast

Note:1. The calorie content of a side dish such as dhal,sambar or chutney has not been
provided. These side dishes will provide at least 75-100 calories extra.If a side dish is to be
eaten,the quantity of the food stuffs eaten such as idli,puri or dosa has to reduced accordingly.
2. Non-vegetarian food can be supplemented by cutting down rice or chapathi.

3. A glass of thin butter milk or lime juice which contains only about 20 calories can be either
with the mid morning snack ,tea or a major meal to fill the stomach and avoid over eating.
Sample Diet Plan >>

Approx 1800 calories
240 g of carbohydrate
60 g of protein
60 g of fat

Early Morning
Tea without sugar 1cup with 1 desert spoon milk (20 ml) or lime juice.

Whole wheat porridge (25 g) with milk (170 ml)
Paneer (25 g) on toast (1 slice)
Apple ( 100 g)

Mid Morning
Any one of the free foods

Pulse: Chana curry or lobia curry - 1/2 bowl (25 g)
Veg: Beans or Capsicum or spinach vegetable or any desirable green vegetable; good helping
Curd: Ghia raita - 1/2 bowl (100 g)
Salad: Cucumber + Tomato + Onion
Chapatti: 2 to 3 without butter (75 g). Make dough from 3 parts of whole wheat flour with one part of
gram flour for making chapattis
Oil for cooking: 3 teaspoons (15 g)
Fruits: Papaya (100 g)

Evening Tea
Tea without sugar: 1 cup with 1 desert spoon milk (20 ml)
Salty biscuits: Qtty 4 or roasted chana (20g)

Veg: Tinda vegetable
Salad: Onion + tomato
Pulse: Sprouted Mung mixed with onion and tomato
Curd: 1/2 bowl (100 g)
Chapatti: Missi roti (75g)
Fruits: Fruit custard without sugar
Oil: 2 teaspoonfuls

Note: If fish or chicken or paneer is to be taken the quantity should be 25 g and pulse should be
omitted from the meal.

Before bed
1 cup skimmed milk (170 ml) without sugar

Saccharine, sucaryl or sweeten may be used instead of sugar

Food Alternatives
Instead of 25 g of wheat flour one of the following may be taken
# Brown bread: 1.5 slices
# Wheat porridge: 1/2 bowl cooked
# Dosa: 1 small plate

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