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Facial/head burns: elevate HOB

Circumferential extremity burns: elevate extremities above heart level

Skin graft: elevate & immobilize graft site

Mastectomy: HOB 30 degrees (semi-fowlers) w/ affected arm elevated

Perineal & vaginal procedures: lithotomy position

Hypophysectomy: elevate HOB

Thyroidectomy: semi-fowlers to Fowlers. SANDBAGS to support head or neck. Avoid neck extension.

Hemorrhoidectomy: lateral (side-lying)

GERD: Reverse Trendelenburg

Liver Biopsy:

During supine, w/ RIGHT side of abdomen exposed. RAISE RIGHT ARM & EXTEND behind the
head & over the left shoulder

After right lateral (side-lying) + small pillow or folded towel under puncture site

Paracentesis: semi-fowlers or sitting upright on side or bed or in chair w/ feet supported

(after position of comfort)

NG Tube:

Insertion- high fowlers w/ head tilted forward

Irrigations & tube feedings: elevate HOB (semi or high fowlers) + keep elevated 30 min 1 hr
after intermittent feeding or keep elevated continuously for continuous feedings
*** for continuous tube feeding: if pt needs to be supine, turn the feeding off for the time.

Rectal Enema & Irrigations: Left Sims position

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: post-op SIMS POSITION

Sengstaken-Blakemore & Minnesota Tubes: elevate HOB

Laryngectomy (radial neck dissection): semi-fowlers or fowlers

Post-Bronchoscopy: semi-fwlers

Postural Drainage: Trendelenburg. Lung segment to be drained should be in uppermost position.

Thoracentesis: sitting at edge of bed & leaning over bedside table with feet on stool OR lying in bed High
fowlers and on the unaffected side After: position of comfort
AAA: LIMIT head elevation to 45 degrees

Amputation of lower extremity:

first 24 hours: elevate food of bed (support residual limb w/ pillows but not elevate)
PRONE 2x/day for 20 to 30 min

Arterial vascular grafting of an extremity: bed rest 24 hours; keep affected extremity straight; limit

Cardiac Catheterization: keep extremity straight; do not elevate HOB more than 30 degrees
Femoral vessel accessed: bed rest 4-6 hours

Heart Failure & Pulmonary Edema: UPRIGHT w/ legs dangling over side of bed

Peripheral Arterial Disease: can elevate feet at rest, but should not raise legs above the level of the
heart. May need slightly dependent position

DVT: bed rest w/ leg elevation

Varicose veins: leg elevation above the heart

Venous insufficiency and leg ulcers: leg elevation

Cataract surgery: elevate HOB & on BACK or NONOPERATIVE SIDE

Retinal detachment: if large one, bed rest & bilateral eye patching.

Autonomic dysreflexia: elevate HOB high fowlers ***immediately***

Cerebral Aneurysm: bed rest w/ HOB elevated 30-45 degrees

Cerebral angiography: keep extremity that had contrast medium straight & immobilized for 6-8 hours

Stroke (brain attack): maintain head in a neutral, midline position; AVOID extreme hip & neck flexion
Hemorrhagic stroke: elevate HOB to 30 degrees
Ischemic stroke: HOB usually kept flat

Craniotomy: do not position on operative site; elevate the HOB 30-45 degrees; avoid hip/neck flexion

Laminectomy & other vertebral surgery: logroll client; when OOB, keep pts back straight (*Straight-
backed chair*) w/ feet on floor

Increased ICP: elevate HOB 30-45 degrees w/ head midline & neutral. Avoid extreme hip/neck flexion.

increased ICP

Lumbar puncture:
During: lateral (side-lying) w/ back bowed at the edge of exam table, knees flexed up to
abdomen, & neck flexed so that chin is resting on chest
After: supine 4-12 hours
SCI: immobilize on backboard w/ head in neutral position. Prevent head flexion, rotation, or extension.
Immobilize head w/ firm, padded cervical collar. Logroll- do not twist or turn any part of the body. Pt
should not assume sitting position.

Total Hip Replacement:

Avoid extreme internal & external rotation.
Avoid adduction. Can be side-lying in most cases if abduction pillow is in place.
Place wedge (abduction) pillow b/w legs.
Do not cross legs.

Devices for Proper Positioning:

- Foot boards: remove 2-3 times/day to assess skin integrity & mobility
- Sandbags: soft device that can be shaped to body contours

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