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Analytic Rubric Sample

From Rubrics: The Heart of Assessment

Pam Stephens

After defining the concept of art criticism, each student will write a 500-word essay with a beginning, middle, and end that
accurately describes, analyzes, interprets, and judges a selected work of art.

Value 3 Value 2 Value 1 Score

Describe Provides a com- Provides a partial Provides an

plete and accurate but mostly accu- incomplete,
description of the rate description of unclear, or inac-
key subject matter the subject matter curate description
and elements seen and/or elements of subject matter
in the artwork. seen in the art- and/or elements
work; some key seen in the art-
components over- work; many key
looked. components over-

Analyze Accurately relates Relates with lim- Has trouble

how the structures ited proficiency relating how the
of art function how the struc- structures of art
together to make a tures of art func- function together
complete composi- tion together to to make a com-
tion. make a complete plete composition.
overlooks some
important compo-

Interpret Suggests a logical Suggests a lit- Finds it difficult

and/or symbolic eral meaning to interpret the
meaning expressed expressed in a meaning of the
in a work of art; work of art; sup- work; guesses
supports idea with ports idea with meaning without
multiple points of limited points of visual support.
visual evidence visual evidence
found in the piece. found in the

Evaluate Uses multiple cri- Uses a limited Uses personal

teria to judge the range of crite- opinion to judge
quality of a fin- ria to judge the the quality of a
ished work of art; quality of a work finished work of
avoids personal of art; personal art.
opinion. opinion shown.

Technical Finished paper Finished paper Finished paper has

follows rules of contains minor numerous flaws in
grammar and flaws in grammar grammar and does
essay writing; is in and essay writing; not follow con-
publishable form. needs editing. ventions of essay
writing; needs re-

Notes to student Total score

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