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Base Station
Performance Counter Reference

Version: V4.13.15.20

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Revision History

Revision NO. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.1 20141226 Added C373597003.

R1.0 20141205 First edition.

Serial Number: SJ-20141105104450-014

Publishing Date: 2014-12-26(R1.1)

SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection .................................................. 1-1
1.1 RRC Connection Establishment .......................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .............................................................. 1-1
1.1.2 Counter List ............................................................................................. 1-2
1.1.3 Counter Description.................................................................................. 1-3
1.2 RRC Connection Re-establishment ................................................................... 1-28
1.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ............................................................ 1-28
1.2.2 Counter List ........................................................................................... 1-29
1.2.3 Counter Description................................................................................ 1-31
1.3 RRC Connection Re-configuration..................................................................... 1-55
1.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ............................................................ 1-55
1.3.2 Counter List ........................................................................................... 1-56
1.3.3 Counter Description................................................................................ 1-56
1.4 RRC Connection Release ................................................................................. 1-62
1.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ............................................................ 1-62
1.4.2 Counter List ........................................................................................... 1-62
1.4.3 Counter Description................................................................................ 1-63
1.5 RRC Connection Number ................................................................................. 1-81
1.5.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ............................................................ 1-81
1.5.2 Counter List ........................................................................................... 1-82
1.5.3 Counter Description................................................................................ 1-82
1.6 RRC Connection Time ...................................................................................... 1-92
1.6.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ............................................................ 1-92
1.6.2 Counter List ........................................................................................... 1-93
1.6.3 Counter Description................................................................................ 1-93

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB ................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Initial E-RAB Setup............................................................................................. 2-2
2.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .............................................................. 2-2
2.1.2 Counter List ............................................................................................. 2-3
2.1.3 Counter Description.................................................................................. 2-6
2.2 Additional E-RAB Setup.................................................................................... 2-82
2.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ............................................................ 2-82

SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

2.2.2 Counter List ........................................................................................... 2-83
2.2.3 Counter Description................................................................................ 2-86
2.3 E-RAB Modification .........................................................................................2-161
2.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ...........................................................2-161
2.3.2 Counter List ..........................................................................................2-162
2.3.3 Counter Description...............................................................................2-165
2.4 E-RAB Release...............................................................................................2-231
2.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ...........................................................2-231
2.4.2 Counter List ..........................................................................................2-232
2.4.3 Counter Description...............................................................................2-240
2.5 E-RAB Handover.............................................................................................2-393
2.5.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ...........................................................2-393
2.5.2 Counter List ..........................................................................................2-394
2.5.3 Counter Description...............................................................................2-398
2.6 E-RAB Activity ................................................................................................2-482
2.6.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ...........................................................2-482
2.6.2 Counter List ..........................................................................................2-482
2.6.3 Counter Description...............................................................................2-483
2.7 E-RAB Number ...............................................................................................2-516
2.7.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ...........................................................2-516
2.7.2 Counter List ..........................................................................................2-516
2.7.3 Counter Description...............................................................................2-518
2.8 E-RAB Setup Time ..........................................................................................2-547
2.8.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ...........................................................2-547
2.8.2 Counter List ..........................................................................................2-548
2.8.3 Counter Description...............................................................................2-549

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context ........................................................... 3-1

3.1 UE Context Setup .............................................................................................. 3-2
3.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .............................................................. 3-2
3.1.2 Counter List ............................................................................................. 3-3
3.1.3 Counter Description.................................................................................. 3-3
3.2 Scell ................................................................................................................ 3-12
3.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ............................................................ 3-12
3.2.2 Counter List ........................................................................................... 3-12
3.2.3 Counter Description................................................................................ 3-12
3.3 UE Context Modification ................................................................................... 3-16
3.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ............................................................ 3-16


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

3.3.2 Counter List ........................................................................................... 3-16
3.3.3 Counter Description................................................................................ 3-17
3.4 UE Context Release ......................................................................................... 3-22
3.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ............................................................ 3-22
3.4.2 Counter List ........................................................................................... 3-22
3.4.3 Counter Description................................................................................ 3-23
3.5 UE Context for CSFB ....................................................................................... 3-40
3.5.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ............................................................ 3-40
3.5.2 Counter List ........................................................................................... 3-40
3.5.3 Counter Description................................................................................ 3-41
3.6 Security Mode.................................................................................................. 3-51
3.6.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ............................................................ 3-51
3.6.2 Counter List ........................................................................................... 3-51
3.6.3 Counter Description................................................................................ 3-52

Chapter 4 Statistics of S1-connection...................................................... 4-1

4.1 UE-associated Logical S1-connection.................................................................. 4-1
4.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .............................................................. 4-1
4.1.2 Counter List ............................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.3 Counter Description.................................................................................. 4-2
4.2 S1 Error Indication.............................................................................................. 4-3
4.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling points .............................................................. 4-3
4.2.2 Counter List ............................................................................................. 4-3
4.2.3 Counter Description.................................................................................. 4-4
4.3 S1 Setup ........................................................................................................... 4-7
4.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling points .............................................................. 4-7
4.3.2 Counter List ............................................................................................. 4-7
4.3.3 Counter Description.................................................................................. 4-7

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON....................................................................... 5-1

5.1 MRO ................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .............................................................. 5-1
5.1.2 Counter List ............................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.3 Counter Description.................................................................................. 5-3
5.2 RACH.............................................................................................................. 5-33
5.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ............................................................ 5-33
5.2.2 Counter List ........................................................................................... 5-33
5.2.3 Counter Description................................................................................ 5-34
5.3 PCI.................................................................................................................. 5-45


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

5.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ............................................................ 5-45
5.3.2 Counter List ........................................................................................... 5-45
5.3.3 Counter Description................................................................................ 5-48
5.4 X2 Self Configuration.......................................................................................5-100
5.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ...........................................................5-100
5.4.2 Counter List ..........................................................................................5-100
5.4.3 Counter Description...............................................................................5-101

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell............................................................. 6-1

6.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ........................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Counter List ....................................................................................................... 6-1
6.3 Counter Description............................................................................................ 6-3
6.3.1 C374037300 ............................................................................................ 6-3
6.3.2 C374037301 ............................................................................................ 6-3
6.3.3 C374037302 ............................................................................................ 6-4
6.3.4 C374037303 ............................................................................................ 6-5
6.3.5 C374037304 ............................................................................................ 6-6
6.3.6 C374037305 ............................................................................................ 6-6
6.3.7 C374037306 ............................................................................................ 6-7
6.3.8 C374037307 ............................................................................................ 6-8
6.3.9 C374037308 ............................................................................................ 6-9
6.3.10 C373596928 .......................................................................................... 6-9
6.3.11 C373596929 ........................................................................................ 6-10
6.3.12 C373596930 .........................................................................................6-11
6.3.13 C373596931 .........................................................................................6-11
6.3.14 C374070000 ........................................................................................ 6-12
6.3.15 C374070001 ........................................................................................ 6-13
6.3.16 C374070002 ........................................................................................ 6-14
6.3.17 C374070003 ........................................................................................ 6-15
6.3.18 C374070004 ........................................................................................ 6-15
6.3.19 C374070005 ........................................................................................ 6-16
6.3.20 C374070006 ........................................................................................ 6-17
6.3.21 C374070007 ........................................................................................ 6-18
6.3.22 C374070008 ........................................................................................ 6-19
6.3.23 C374070009 ........................................................................................ 6-19
6.3.24 C374070010 ........................................................................................ 6-20
6.3.25 C374070011 ........................................................................................ 6-21
6.3.26 C374070012 ........................................................................................ 6-22


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

6.3.27 C374070013 ........................................................................................ 6-22
6.3.28 C374070014 ........................................................................................ 6-23
6.3.29 C374070015 ........................................................................................ 6-24
6.3.30 C374070016 ........................................................................................ 6-25
6.3.31 C374070017 ........................................................................................ 6-25
6.3.32 C374070018 ........................................................................................ 6-26
6.3.33 C374070019 ........................................................................................ 6-27
6.3.34 C374070020 ........................................................................................ 6-28
6.3.35 C374070021 ........................................................................................ 6-29
6.3.36 C374070022 ........................................................................................ 6-29
6.3.37 C374070023 ........................................................................................ 6-30
6.3.38 C374070024 ........................................................................................ 6-31
6.3.39 C374070025 ........................................................................................ 6-32
6.3.40 C374070026 ........................................................................................ 6-32
6.3.41 C374070027 ........................................................................................ 6-33
6.3.42 C374070028 ........................................................................................ 6-34
6.3.43 C374080100 ........................................................................................ 6-34
6.3.44 C374080101 ........................................................................................ 6-35
6.3.45 C374080102 ........................................................................................ 6-36
6.3.46 C374080103 ........................................................................................ 6-37
6.3.47 C374080104 ........................................................................................ 6-38

Chapter 7 Statistics of CA ......................................................................... 7-1

7.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ........................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Counter List ....................................................................................................... 7-1
7.3 Counter Description............................................................................................ 7-2
7.3.1 C373596932 ............................................................................................ 7-2
7.3.2 C373596933 ............................................................................................ 7-3
7.3.3 C373596934 ............................................................................................ 7-3
7.3.4 C373596951 ............................................................................................ 7-4
7.3.5 C373596952 ............................................................................................ 7-5
7.3.6 C373596953 ............................................................................................ 7-5
7.3.7 C373596956 ............................................................................................ 7-6
7.3.8 C373596957 ............................................................................................ 7-7
7.3.9 C373596958 ............................................................................................ 7-8
7.3.10 C373596959 .......................................................................................... 7-9
7.3.11 C373596960 .......................................................................................... 7-9
7.3.12 C373596961 ........................................................................................ 7-10

SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

7.3.13 C373384367 .........................................................................................7-11
7.3.14 C373384368 ........................................................................................ 7-12
7.3.15 C373384369 ........................................................................................ 7-13
7.3.16 C373343812 ........................................................................................ 7-14
7.3.17 C373343813 ........................................................................................ 7-14
7.3.18 C373343814 ........................................................................................ 7-15
7.3.19 C373597001 ........................................................................................ 7-16
7.3.20 C373597002 ........................................................................................ 7-17

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP.................................................................... 8-1

8.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ........................................................................ 8-1
8.2 Counter List ....................................................................................................... 8-1
8.3 Counter Description............................................................................................ 8-4
8.3.1 C373596935 ............................................................................................ 8-4
8.3.2 C373596936 ............................................................................................ 8-4
8.3.3 C373596937 ............................................................................................ 8-5
8.3.4 C373596938 ............................................................................................ 8-6
8.3.5 C373343815 ............................................................................................ 8-7
8.3.6 C373343816 ............................................................................................ 8-7
8.3.7 C373343817 ............................................................................................ 8-8
8.3.8 C373343818 ............................................................................................ 8-9
8.3.9 C373343819 .......................................................................................... 8-10
8.3.10 C373343820 .........................................................................................8-11
8.3.11 C373343821 .........................................................................................8-11
8.3.12 C373343822 ........................................................................................ 8-12
8.3.13 C373343823 ........................................................................................ 8-13
8.3.14 C373343824 ........................................................................................ 8-14
8.3.15 C373343825 ........................................................................................ 8-15
8.3.16 C373343826 ........................................................................................ 8-15
8.3.17 C373343827 ........................................................................................ 8-16
8.3.18 C373343828 ........................................................................................ 8-17
8.3.19 C373343829 ........................................................................................ 8-18
8.3.20 C373343830 ........................................................................................ 8-19
8.3.21 C373343831 ........................................................................................ 8-20
8.3.22 C373343832 ........................................................................................ 8-20
8.3.23 C373343833 ........................................................................................ 8-21
8.3.24 C373343834 ........................................................................................ 8-22
8.3.25 C373343835 ........................................................................................ 8-23


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

8.3.26 C373343836 ........................................................................................ 8-24
8.3.27 C373343837 ........................................................................................ 8-24
8.3.28 C373343838 ........................................................................................ 8-25
8.3.29 C373343839 ........................................................................................ 8-26
8.3.30 C373343840 ........................................................................................ 8-27
8.3.31 C373343841 ........................................................................................ 8-28
8.3.32 C373343842 ........................................................................................ 8-28
8.3.33 C373343843 ........................................................................................ 8-29
8.3.34 C373343844 ........................................................................................ 8-30
8.3.35 C373343845 ........................................................................................ 8-31
8.3.36 C373343846 ........................................................................................ 8-32
8.3.37 C373343847 ........................................................................................ 8-32
8.3.38 C373343848 ........................................................................................ 8-33
8.3.39 C373343849 ........................................................................................ 8-34
8.3.40 C373343850 ........................................................................................ 8-35
8.3.41 C373343851 ........................................................................................ 8-35
8.3.42 C373343852 ........................................................................................ 8-36
8.3.43 C373343853 ........................................................................................ 8-37
8.3.44 C373343854 ........................................................................................ 8-38
8.3.45 C373343855 ........................................................................................ 8-39
8.3.46 C373343856 ........................................................................................ 8-39
8.3.47 C373343857 ........................................................................................ 8-40
8.3.48 C373343858 ........................................................................................ 8-41
8.3.49 C373343859 ........................................................................................ 8-42
8.3.50 C373343860 ........................................................................................ 8-42
8.3.51 C373343861 ........................................................................................ 8-43
8.3.52 C373343862 ........................................................................................ 8-44
8.3.53 C373343863 ........................................................................................ 8-45
8.3.54 C373343864 ........................................................................................ 8-46
8.3.55 C373343865 ........................................................................................ 8-46
8.3.56 C373343866 ........................................................................................ 8-47
8.3.57 C373343867 ........................................................................................ 8-48
8.3.58 C373343868 ........................................................................................ 8-49
8.3.59 C373384370 ........................................................................................ 8-49
8.3.60 C373384371 ........................................................................................ 8-50
8.3.61 C373596962 ........................................................................................ 8-51
8.3.62 C373596963 ........................................................................................ 8-52


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

8.3.63 C373596964 ........................................................................................ 8-53
8.3.64 C373596965 ........................................................................................ 8-54
8.3.65 C373596966 ........................................................................................ 8-55
8.3.66 C373596967 ........................................................................................ 8-55
8.3.67 C373596968 ........................................................................................ 8-56
8.3.68 C373596969 ........................................................................................ 8-57
8.3.69 C373596970 ........................................................................................ 8-58
8.3.70 C373343869 ........................................................................................ 8-59
8.3.71 C373343870 ........................................................................................ 8-60
8.3.72 C373343871 ........................................................................................ 8-60
8.3.73 C373343872 ........................................................................................ 8-61
8.3.74 C373343873 ........................................................................................ 8-62
8.3.75 C373343874 ........................................................................................ 8-63
8.3.76 C373384374 ........................................................................................ 8-63
8.3.77 C373384375 ........................................................................................ 8-64
8.3.78 C373596989 ........................................................................................ 8-65
8.3.79 C373596990 ........................................................................................ 8-66

Chapter 9 Statistics of Energy Saving...................................................... 9-1

9.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ........................................................................ 9-1
9.2 Counter List ....................................................................................................... 9-1
9.3 Counter Description............................................................................................ 9-3
9.3.1 C373475011 ............................................................................................ 9-3
9.3.2 C373475012 ............................................................................................ 9-3
9.3.3 C373475013 ............................................................................................ 9-4
9.3.4 C373475014 ............................................................................................ 9-5
9.3.5 C373475015 ............................................................................................ 9-6
9.3.6 C373475016 ............................................................................................ 9-6
9.3.7 C373475017 ............................................................................................ 9-7
9.3.8 C373475018 ............................................................................................ 9-8
9.3.9 C373475019 ............................................................................................ 9-8
9.3.10 C373475020 .......................................................................................... 9-9
9.3.11 C373475021 ........................................................................................ 9-10
9.3.12 C373475022 .........................................................................................9-11
9.3.13 C373475023 .........................................................................................9-11
9.3.14 C373475024 ........................................................................................ 9-12
9.3.15 C373475025 ........................................................................................ 9-13
9.3.16 C373475026 ........................................................................................ 9-13


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

9.3.17 C373475027 ........................................................................................ 9-14
9.3.18 C373475028 ........................................................................................ 9-15
9.3.19 C373475029 ........................................................................................ 9-16
9.3.20 C373475030 ........................................................................................ 9-16
9.3.21 C373475031 ........................................................................................ 9-17
9.3.22 C373475032 ........................................................................................ 9-18
9.3.23 C373475033 ........................................................................................ 9-19
9.3.24 C373475034 ........................................................................................ 9-19
9.3.25 C373475035 ........................................................................................ 9-20
9.3.26 C373475036 ........................................................................................ 9-21
9.3.27 C373475037 ........................................................................................ 9-21
9.3.28 C373475038 ........................................................................................ 9-22
9.3.29 C373475039 ........................................................................................ 9-23
9.3.30 C373475040 ........................................................................................ 9-24
9.3.31 C373475041 ........................................................................................ 9-24
9.3.32 C373475042 ........................................................................................ 9-25
9.3.33 C373475043 ........................................................................................ 9-26

Chapter 10 Statistics of MLB................................................................... 10-1

10.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Counter List ................................................................................................... 10-1
10.3 Counter Description........................................................................................ 10-2
10.3.1 C373475054 ........................................................................................ 10-2
10.3.2 C373475055 ........................................................................................ 10-3
10.3.3 C373475056 ........................................................................................ 10-4
10.3.4 C373475057 ........................................................................................ 10-4
10.3.5 C373475058 ........................................................................................ 10-5
10.3.6 C373475059 ........................................................................................ 10-6
10.3.7 C373475060 ........................................................................................ 10-6
10.3.8 C373475061 ........................................................................................ 10-7
10.3.9 C373475062 ........................................................................................ 10-8
10.3.10 C373475063 ...................................................................................... 10-9
10.3.11 C373475064....................................................................................... 10-9
10.3.12 C373475065 .....................................................................................10-10
10.3.13 C373475066 ..................................................................................... 10-11
10.3.14 C373475067 ..................................................................................... 10-11
10.3.15 C373475068 .....................................................................................10-12
10.3.16 C373475069 .....................................................................................10-13


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

10.3.17 C373475070 .....................................................................................10-14
10.3.18 C373475071 .....................................................................................10-14
10.3.19 C373723031 .....................................................................................10-15
10.3.20 C373723032 .....................................................................................10-16
10.3.21 C373723033 .....................................................................................10-16
10.3.22 C373723034 .....................................................................................10-17
10.3.23 C373723035 .....................................................................................10-18
10.3.24 C373723036 .....................................................................................10-18

Chapter 11 Statistics of SH...................................................................... 11-1

11.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .....................................................................11-1
11.2 Counter List.....................................................................................................11-1
11.3 Counter Description .........................................................................................11-2
11.3.1 C373475090 .........................................................................................11-2
11.3.2 C373475091 .........................................................................................11-2
11.3.3 C373475094 .........................................................................................11-3
11.3.4 C373475095 .........................................................................................11-4
11.3.5 C373475096 .........................................................................................11-4
11.3.6 C373475097 .........................................................................................11-5
11.3.7 C373475098 .........................................................................................11-6
11.3.8 C373475099 .........................................................................................11-7
11.3.9 C373475084 .........................................................................................11-7
11.3.10 C373475085........................................................................................11-8
11.3.11 C373475086........................................................................................11-9
11.3.12 C373475087...................................................................................... 11-10
11.3.13 C373475088...................................................................................... 11-10
11.3.14 C373475089...................................................................................... 11-11

Chapter 12 Statistics of Cell Congestion ............................................... 12-1

12.1 Cell Congestion.............................................................................................. 12-1
12.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .......................................................... 12-1
12.1.2 Counter List ......................................................................................... 12-1
12.1.3 Counter Description.............................................................................. 12-2

Chapter 13 Statistics of Service Time .................................................... 13-1

13.1 Cell Service Time ........................................................................................... 13-1
13.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .......................................................... 13-1
13.1.2 Counter List ......................................................................................... 13-1
13.1.3 Counter Description.............................................................................. 13-1

Chapter 14 Statistics of Redirection....................................................... 14-1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

14.1 LTE-UTRAN Redirection ................................................................................. 14-1
14.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .......................................................... 14-1
14.1.2 Counter List ......................................................................................... 14-1
14.1.3 Counter Description.............................................................................. 14-2
14.2 LTE-CDMA Redirection................................................................................... 14-7
14.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .......................................................... 14-7
14.2.2 Counter List ......................................................................................... 14-7
14.2.3 Counter Description.............................................................................. 14-8
14.3 LTE-GSM Redirection ....................................................................................14-14
14.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .........................................................14-14
14.3.2 Counter List ........................................................................................14-14
14.3.3 Counter Description.............................................................................14-14
14.4 LTE-Other System Redirection .......................................................................14-20
14.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .........................................................14-20
14.4.2 Counter List ........................................................................................14-20
14.4.3 Counter Description.............................................................................14-21

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover .......................................................... 15-1

15.1 Intra-Rat Intra-Freq Handover on Cell .............................................................. 15-2
15.1.1 Intra-eNB Intra-Freq Handover on Cell................................................... 15-2
15.1.2 Inter-eNB X2 Intra-Freq Handover on Cell.............................................15-20
15.1.3 Inter-eNB S1 Intra-Freq Handover on Cell.............................................15-40
15.2 Intra-Rat Inter-Freq Handover on Cell .............................................................15-59
15.2.1 Intra-eNB Inter-Freq Handover on Cell..................................................15-59
15.2.2 Inter-eNB X2 Inter-Freq Handover on Cell.............................................15-74
15.2.3 Inter-eNB S1 Inter-Freq Handover on Cell.............................................15-95
15.3 Inter-Rat Handover on Cell........................................................................... 15-114
15.3.1 LTE-UMTS Handover on Cell ............................................................. 15-114
15.3.2 LTE-CDMA Handover on Cell.............................................................15-134
15.3.3 LTE-GSM Handover on Cell ...............................................................15-162
15.4 Handover per Handover Cause on Cell .........................................................15-181
15.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .......................................................15-181
15.4.2 Counter List ......................................................................................15-181
15.4.3 Counter Description...........................................................................15-184
15.5 Intra-Rat Intra-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation ..........................................15-238
15.5.1 Intra-eNB Intra-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation ...............................15-238
15.5.2 Inter-eNB X2 Intra-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation ..........................15-254
15.5.3 Inter-eNB S1 Intra-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation ..........................15-274


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15.6 Intra-Rat Inter-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation ..........................................15-293
15.6.1 Intra-eNB Inter-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation ...............................15-293
15.6.2 Inter-eNB X2 Inter-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation ..........................15-308
15.6.3 Inter-eNB S1 Inter-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation ..........................15-328
15.7 Inter-Rat Handover on EUtranRelation..........................................................15-347
15.7.1 LTE-UMTS Handover on EUtranRelation ............................................15-347
15.7.2 LTE-CDMA Handover on EUtranRelation ............................................15-364
15.7.3 LTE-GSM Handover on EUtranRelation ..............................................15-389
15.8 SRVCC Handover .......................................................................................15-406
15.8.1 LTE-UTRAN SRVCC Handover ..........................................................15-406
15.8.2 LTE-GSM SRVCC Handover..............................................................15-421
15.9 RSRP and RSRQ When HO is Triggered ......................................................15-435
15.9.1 RSRP and RSRQ of the Serving Cell..................................................15-435
15.9.2 RSRP and RSRQ of the Neighboring Cell ...........................................15-456
15.10 Handover Time..........................................................................................15-478
15.10.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ....................................................15-478
15.10.2 Counter List ....................................................................................15-479
15.10.3 Counter Description .........................................................................15-479
15.11 Handover Cancel .......................................................................................15-486
15.11.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .....................................................15-486
15.11.2 Counter List.....................................................................................15-487
15.11.3 Counter Description .........................................................................15-488
15.12 DRX Handover ..........................................................................................15-503
15.12.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .....................................................15-503
15.12.2 Counter List ....................................................................................15-503
15.12.3 Counter Description .........................................................................15-503
15.13 GAP Handover ..........................................................................................15-510
15.13.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .....................................................15-510
15.13.2 Counter List ....................................................................................15-510
15.13.3 Counter Description .........................................................................15-510
15.14 Blind Handover..........................................................................................15-514
15.14.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .....................................................15-514
15.14.2 Counter List ....................................................................................15-514
15.14.3 Counter Description .........................................................................15-514
15.15 RN............................................................................................................15-523
15.15.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .....................................................15-523
15.15.2 Counter List ....................................................................................15-523


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15.15.3 Counter Description .........................................................................15-527

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS ....................................................... 16-1

16.1 Traffic Throughput on Cell ............................................................................... 16-1
16.1.1 PDCP SDU Bitrate ............................................................................... 16-1
16.1.2 PDCP SDU Shake...............................................................................16-35
16.1.3 PDCP PDU Throughput .......................................................................16-51
16.1.4 RLC PDU Throughput..........................................................................16-96
16.1.5 PHY Throughput ...............................................................................16-142
16.1.6 MAC Aggregated Throughput.............................................................16-150
16.1.7 IP Throughput ...................................................................................16-157
16.2 Traffic Delay on Cell ....................................................................................16-203
16.2.1 IP Latency on Cell .............................................................................16-203
16.2.2 PDCP SDU DL Delay on Cell ............................................................. 16-211
16.2.3 Call Duration Before Drop on Cell.......................................................16-222
16.3 Loss Packet on Cell.....................................................................................16-226
16.3.1 PDCP SDU Loss Packet on Cell.........................................................16-226
16.3.2 PDCP SDU Discard Packet on Cell ....................................................16-244
16.3.3 PDCP SDU Total Number on Cell .......................................................16-252
16.4 User Number on Cell ...................................................................................16-275
16.4.1 Active User Number on Cell ...............................................................16-275
16.4.2 Active State Number on Cell ..............................................................16-312
16.4.3 Category User Number ......................................................................16-314
16.5 RLC PDU Number on Cell............................................................................16-323
16.5.1 RLC PDU Retransmission..................................................................16-323
16.6 SPS............................................................................................................16-324
16.6.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .......................................................16-324
16.6.2 Counter List ......................................................................................16-325
16.6.3 Counter Description...........................................................................16-325
16.7 Traffic Throughput on Cell(PLMN) ................................................................16-340
16.7.1 PDCP SDU Bitrate ............................................................................16-340
16.7.2 PDCP PDU Throughput .....................................................................16-374
16.7.3 RLC PDU Throughput........................................................................16-419
16.8 Traffic Delay on Cell(PLMN) .........................................................................16-465
16.8.1 IP Latency on Cell .............................................................................16-465
16.8.2 PDCP SDU DL Delay on Cell .............................................................16-473
16.9 Loss Packet on Cell(PLMN) .........................................................................16-481
16.9.1 PDCP SDU Loss Packet on Cell.........................................................16-481


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16.9.2 PDCP SDU Discard Packet on Cell ....................................................16-497
16.9.3 PDCP SDU Total Number on Cell .......................................................16-505
16.10 User Number on Cell(PLMN)......................................................................16-527
16.10.1 Active User Number on Cell .............................................................16-527
16.10.2 Active State Number on Cell.............................................................16-556

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources ............................................. 17-1

17.1 DL Transmit Power ......................................................................................... 17-2
17.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .......................................................... 17-2
17.1.2 Counter List ......................................................................................... 17-2
17.1.3 Counter Description.............................................................................. 17-3
17.2 Received Signal Strength Indication ................................................................ 17-7
17.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .......................................................... 17-7
17.2.2 Counter List ......................................................................................... 17-7
17.2.3 Counter Description.............................................................................. 17-7
17.3 Power Headroom ..........................................................................................17-12
17.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .........................................................17-12
17.3.2 Counter List ........................................................................................17-12
17.3.3 Counter Description.............................................................................17-13
17.4 PRB Usage ...................................................................................................17-21
17.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .........................................................17-21
17.4.2 Counter List ........................................................................................17-21
17.4.3 Counter Description.............................................................................17-23
17.5 SINR ............................................................................................................17-65
17.5.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .........................................................17-65
17.5.2 Counter List ........................................................................................17-66
17.5.3 Counter Description.............................................................................17-67
17.6 BLER............................................................................................................17-92
17.6.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .........................................................17-92
17.6.2 Counter List ........................................................................................17-92
17.6.3 Counter Description.............................................................................17-93
17.7 Scheduled User Number.............................................................................. 17-111
17.7.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ....................................................... 17-111
17.7.2 Counter List ...................................................................................... 17-111
17.7.3 Counter Description........................................................................... 17-111
17.8 CQI ............................................................................................................ 17-114
17.8.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ....................................................... 17-114
17.8.2 Counter List ...................................................................................... 17-114


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17.8.3 Counter Description........................................................................... 17-118
17.9 Modulation Scheme.....................................................................................17-206
17.9.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .......................................................17-206
17.9.2 Counter List ......................................................................................17-206
17.9.3 Counter Description...........................................................................17-207
17.10 MIMO Usage.............................................................................................17-231
17.10.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .....................................................17-231
17.10.2 Counter List ....................................................................................17-231
17.10.3 Counter Description .........................................................................17-232
17.11 CCE Aggregation.......................................................................................17-246
17.11.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .....................................................17-246
17.11.2 Counter List.....................................................................................17-247
17.11.3 Counter Description .........................................................................17-247
17.12 TA ............................................................................................................17-253
17.12.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .....................................................17-253
17.12.2 Counter List ....................................................................................17-253
17.12.3 Counter Description .........................................................................17-254
17.13 Msg0/Msg2/Msg3/Msg4 .............................................................................17-274
17.13.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .....................................................17-274
17.13.2 Counter List ....................................................................................17-274
17.13.3 Counter Description .........................................................................17-274
17.14 NI .............................................................................................................17-278
17.14.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .....................................................17-278
17.14.2 Counter List ....................................................................................17-279
17.14.3 Counter Description .........................................................................17-285
17.15 ICIC..........................................................................................................17-431
17.15.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .....................................................17-431
17.15.2 Counter List ....................................................................................17-431
17.15.3 Counter Description .........................................................................17-433
17.16 TTI Bundling..............................................................................................17-476
17.16.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .....................................................17-476
17.16.2 Counter List ....................................................................................17-476
17.16.3 Counter Description .........................................................................17-477
17.17 Satisfaction ...............................................................................................17-483
17.17.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .....................................................17-483
17.17.2 Counter List ....................................................................................17-483
17.17.3 Counter Description .........................................................................17-484


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Chapter 18 Statistics of Paging............................................................... 18-1
18.1 Paging ........................................................................................................... 18-1
18.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .......................................................... 18-1
18.1.2 Counter List ......................................................................................... 18-1
18.1.3 Counter Description.............................................................................. 18-1

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources....................................... 19-1

19.1 Throughput on IP Pair..................................................................................... 19-1
19.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .......................................................... 19-1
19.1.2 Counter List ......................................................................................... 19-1
19.1.3 Counter Description.............................................................................. 19-2
19.2 Vlan Throughput on IP Pair ............................................................................. 19-8
19.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .......................................................... 19-8
19.2.2 Counter List ......................................................................................... 19-8
19.2.3 Counter Description.............................................................................. 19-8
19.3 Dscp Throughput on IP Pair ........................................................................... 19-11
19.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points ......................................................... 19-11
19.3.2 Counter List ........................................................................................ 19-11
19.3.3 Counter Description.............................................................................19-12
19.4 Total Throughput on eNodeB..........................................................................19-15
19.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .........................................................19-15
19.4.2 Counter List ........................................................................................19-15
19.4.3 Counter Description.............................................................................19-16
19.5 SCTP Link ....................................................................................................19-39
19.5.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .........................................................19-39
19.5.2 Counter List ........................................................................................19-40
19.5.3 Counter Description.............................................................................19-40
19.6 OAM Link......................................................................................................19-45
19.6.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .........................................................19-45
19.6.2 Counter List ........................................................................................19-45
19.6.3 Counter Description.............................................................................19-45

Chapter 20 Statistics of System Resources .......................................... 20-1

20.1 CPU Resources ............................................................................................. 20-1
20.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .......................................................... 20-1
20.1.2 Counter List ......................................................................................... 20-1
20.1.3 Counter Description.............................................................................. 20-1
20.2 Memory Resources ........................................................................................ 20-4
20.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .......................................................... 20-4


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20.2.2 Counter List ......................................................................................... 20-4
20.2.3 Counter Description.............................................................................. 20-4

Chapter 21 Statistics of Super Busy eNodeB and Super Idle

eNodeB.................................................................................................. 21-1
21.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points .................................................................... 21-1
21.2 Counter List ................................................................................................... 21-1
21.3 Counter Description........................................................................................ 21-1
21.3.1 C373940413 ........................................................................................ 21-1
21.3.2 C373940414 ........................................................................................ 21-2

Figures............................................................................................................. I


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SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual
This manual introduces all performance counters of eNodeB.

Intended Audience
l eNodeB deployment engineers
l Maintenance engineers
l Network management engineers

Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge

To use this document effectively, users should have a general understanding of wireless
telecommunications technology. Familiarity with LTE wireless network and its related
components is helpful.

What Is in This Manual

Chapter Summary

1, Statistics of RRC Connection Describes the performance counters of RRC connection

2, Statistics of E-RAB Describes the performance counters of E-RAB

3, Statistics of UE Context Describes the performance counters of UE context

4, Statistics of S1-connection Describes the performance counters of S1-connection

5, Statistics of SON Describes the performance counters of SON

6, Statistics of Super Cell Describes the performance counters of Super Cell

7, Statistics of CA Describes the performance counters of CA

8, Statistics of COMP Describes the performance counters of COMP

9, Statistics of Energy Saving Describes the performance counters of Energy Saving

10, Statistics of MLB Describes the performance counters of MLB

11, Statistics of SH Describes the performance counters of SH

12Statistics of Cell Congestion Describes the performance counters of cell congestion

13, Statistics of Service Time Describes the performance counters of service time

14, Statistics of Redirection Describes the performance counters of Redirection

15, Statistics of Handover Describes the performance counters of handover

16, Statistics of Traffic QoS Describes the performance counters of traffic QoS

17, Statistics of Radio Resources Describes the performance counters of radio resources

SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter Summary

18, Statistics of Paging Describes the performance counters of paging

19, Statistics of Transport Resources Describes the performance counters of transport


20, Statistics of System Resources Describes the performance counters of system resources

21, Statistics of Super Busy eNodeB and Describes the performance counters of super busy
Super Idle eNodeB eNodeB and super idle eNodeB


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Chapter 1
Statistics of RRC Connection
Table of Contents
RRC Connection Establishment .................................................................................1-1
RRC Connection Re-establishment ..........................................................................1-28
RRC Connection Re-configuration............................................................................1-55
RRC Connection Release ........................................................................................1-62
RRC Connection Number.........................................................................................1-81
RRC Connection Time..............................................................................................1-92

1.1 RRC Connection Establishment

1.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 1-1 RRC Connection Establishment

l Sampling Point 1: The EUTRAN receives the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST

message from the UE and selects to setup the RRC connection through the CCCH.
l Sampling Point 2: The EUTRAN sends the RRC CONNECTION SETUP message to
the UE.
l Sampling Point 3: The EUTRAN receives the RRC CONNECTION SETUP
COMPLETE message from the UE, indicating that the RRC connection has been
setup successfully.
l Sampling Point 4: The EUTRAN sends the RRC CONNECTION REJECT message
to the UE, indicating that the RRC connection has been set up with failure.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

l Sampling Point 5: The EUTRAN cann't receive the RRC CONNECTION SETUP and
COMPLETE message from the UE, therefore the timer detects overtime.

1.1.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373200000 Number of Successful Mt-Access RRC Establishment

2 C373200001 Number of Mt-Access RRC Establishment Failure due to Timeout

3 C373200002 Number of Mt-Access RRC Establishment Failure due to ENB Admission


4 C373200003 Number of Mt-Access RRC Establishment Failure due to Other Reason

5 C373200004 Number of Successful Mo-Signalling RRC Establishment

6 C373200005 Number of Mo-Signalling RRC Establishment Failure due to Timeout

7 C373200006 Number of Mo-Signalling RRC Establishment Failure due to ENB Admission


8 C373200007 Number of Mo-Signalling RRC Establishment Failure due to Other Reason

9 C373200008 Number of Successful Mo-Data RRC Establishment

10 C373200009 Number of Mo-Data RRC Establishment Failure due to Timeout

11 C373200010 Number of Mo-Data RRC Establishment Failure due to ENB Admission


12 C373200011 Number of Mo-Data RRC Establishment Failure due to Other Reason

13 C373200012 Number of Successful HighPriorityAccess RRC Establishment

14 C373200013 Number of HighPriorityAccess RRC Establishment Failure due to Timeout

15 C373200014 Number of HighPriorityAccess RRC Establishment Failure due to ENB

Admission Failure

16 C373200015 Number of HighPriorityAccess RRC Establishment Failure due to Other


17 C373200016 Number of Successful Emergency RRC Establishment

18 C373200017 Number of Emergency RRC Establishment Failure due to Timeout

19 C373200018 Number of Emergency RRC Establishment Failure due to ENB Admission


20 C373200019 Number of Emergency RRC Establishment Failure due to Other Reason

21 C373200084 Number of Mt-Access RRC Establishment Request

22 C373200085 Number of Mo-Signalling RRC Establishment Request

23 C373200086 Number of Mo-Data RRC Establishment Request

24 C373200087 Number of HighPriorityAccess RRC Establishment Request


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

NO. Counter Counter Name


25 C373200088 Number of Emergency RRC Establishment Request

26 C373200120 Number of Successful delayTolerantAccess RRC Establishment

27 C373200121 Number of delayTolerantAccess RRC Establishment Failure due to Timeout

28 C373200122 Number of delayTolerantAccess RRC Establishment Failure due to ENB

Admission Failure

29 C373200123 Number of delayTolerantAccess RRC Establishment Failure due to Other


30 C373200124 Number of delayTolerantAccess RRC Establishment Request

1.1.3 Counter Description C373200000

Counter Name
Number of Successful Mt-Access RRC Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
The RRCConnectionSetupComplete message is used to confirm the successful
completion of an RRC connection establishment.The counter is used to count the number
of RRCConnectionSetupComplete message received by eNodeB from UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is mt-Access.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE and
the establishmentCause is mt-access.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE and the establishmentCause
is mt-access.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200001

Counter Name
Number of Mt-Access RRC Establishment Failure due to Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE ,then sends
the RRCConnectionSetup message to the UE. While the eNodeB is waiting for the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE, the timer expires and then the
eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE. The counter is used to
count the number of RRC establishment failures for timeout.

Triggering Point
When the timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message expires and
the establishmentCause is mt-access.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete message expires and the establishmentCause is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

times C373200002

Counter Name
Number of Mt-Access RRC Establishment Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is mt-Access. The eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure, then sends RRCConnectionReject message to the UE. The
counter is used to count the number of RRC establishment failures for admission failures.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC Connection setup procedure and
the establishmentCause is mt-access.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure and the establishmentCause is mt-access.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200003

Counter Name
Number of Mt-Access RRC Establishment Failure due to Other Reason


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is mt-Access. The eNodeB occurs failures for other reason during
RRC Connection setup procedure, then sends RRCConnectionReject message to the UE.
The counter is used to count the number of RRC establishment failures for other reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs other failures during RRC Connection setup procedure and the
establishmentCause is mt-access.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs other failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure and the establishmentCause is mt-access.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200004

Counter Name
Number of Successful Mo-Signalling RRC Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
The RRCConnectionSetupComplete message is used to confirm the successful
completion of an RRC connection establishment.The counter is used to count the number
of RRCConnectionSetupComplete message received by eNodeB from UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is mo-Signalling.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE and
the establishmentCause is mo-signalling.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE and the establishmentCause
is mo-signalling.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200005

Counter Name
Number of Mo-Signalling RRC Establishment Failure due to Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE , then sends
the RRCConnectionSetup message to the UE. While the eNodeB is waiting for the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete from the UE, the timer expires and then the eNodeB
sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE. The counter is used to count the
number of RRC establishment failures for timeout.

Triggering Point
When the timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message expires and
the establishmentCause is mo-signalling.
Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete message expires and the establishmentCause is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200006

Counter Name
Number of Mo-Signalling RRC Establishment Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is mo-Signalling. The eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure, then sends RRCConnectionReject message to the UE. The
counter is used to count the number of RRC establishment failures for admission failures.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC Connection setup procedure and
the establishmentCause is mo-signalling.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure and the establishmentCause is mo-signalling.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200007

Counter Name
Number of Mo-Signalling RRC Establishment Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is mo-Signalling. The eNodeB occurs failures for other reason during
RRC Connection setup procedure, then sends RRCConnectionReject message to the UE.
The counter is used to count the number of RRC establishment failures for other reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs other failures during RRC Connection setup procedure and the
establishmentCause is mo-signalling.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs failures for other reason during
RRC Connection setup procedure and the establishmentCause is mo-signalling.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373200008

Counter Name
Number of Successful Mo-Data RRC Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
The RRCConnectionSetupComplete message is used to confirm the successful
completion of an RRC connection establishment.The counter is used to count the number
of RRCConnectionSetupComplete message received by eNodeB from UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is mo-Data.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE and
the establishmentCause is mo-Data.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE and the establishmentCause
is mo-Data.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200009

Counter Name
Number of Mo-Data RRC Establishment Failure due to Timeout

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE , then sends
the RRCConnectionSetup message to the UE. While the eNodeB is waiting for the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete from the UE, the timer expires and then the eNodeB
sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE. The counter is used to count the
number of RRC establishment failures for timeout.

Triggering Point
When the timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message expires and
the establishmentCause is mo-Data.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete message expires and the establishmentCause is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200010

Counter Name
Number of Mo-Data RRC Establishment Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is mo-Data. The eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure, then sends RRCConnectionReject message to the UE. The
counter is used to count the number of RRC establishment failures for admission failures.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC Connection setup procedure and
the establishmentCause is mo-Data.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure and the establishmentCause is mo-Data.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200011

Counter Name
Number of Mo-Data RRC Establishment Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is mo-Data. The eNodeB occurs failures for other reason during RRC
Connection setup procedure, then sends RRCConnectionReject message to the UE. The
counter is used to count the number of RRC establishment failures for other reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs other failures during RRC Connection setup procedure and the
establishmentCause is mo-Data.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs other failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure and the establishmentCause is mo-Data.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200012

Counter Name
Number of Successful HighPriorityAccess RRC Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
The RRCConnectionSetupComplete message is used to confirm the successful
completion of an RRC connection establishment.The counter is used to count the number
of RRCConnectionSetupComplete message received by eNodeB from UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is highPriorityAccess.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE and
the establishmentCause is highPriorityAccess.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE and the establishmentCause
is highPriorityAccess.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373200013

Counter Name
Number of HighPriorityAccess RRC Establishment Failure due to Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE ,then sends
the RRCConnectionSetup message to the UE. While the eNodeB is waiting for the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete from the UE, the timer expires and then the eNodeB
sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE. The counter is used to count the
number of RRC establishment failures for timeout.

Triggering Point
When the timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message expires and
the establishmentCause is highPriorityAccess.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete message expires and the establishmentCause is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection C373200014

Counter Name
Number of HighPriorityAccess RRC Establishment Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is highPriorityAccess. The eNodeB occurs admission failures during
RRC Connection setup procedure, then sends RRCConnectionReject message to the UE.
The counter is used to count the number of RRC establishment failures for admission

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC Connection setup procedure and
the establishmentCause is highPriorityAccess.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure and the establishmentCause is highPriorityAccess.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200015

Counter Name
Number of HighPriorityAccess RRC Establishment Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is highPriorityAccess. The eNodeB occurs failures for other reason
during RRC Connection setup procedure, then sends RRCConnectionReject message to
the UE. The counter is used to count the number of RRC establishment failures for other

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs other failures during RRC Connection setup procedure and the
establishmentCause is highPriorityAccess.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs other failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure and the establishmentCause is highPriorityAccess.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200016

Counter Name
Number of Successful Emergency RRC Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
The RRCConnectionSetupComplete message is used to confirm the successful
completion of an RRC connection establishment.The counter is used to count the number
of RRCConnectionSetupComplete message received by eNodeB from UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is emergency.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE and
the establishmentCause is emergency.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE and the establishmentCause is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200017

Counter Name
Number of Emergency RRC Establishment Failure due to Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE , then sends
the RRCConnectionSetup message to the UE. While the eNodeB is waiting for the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete from the UE, the timer expires and then the eNodeB
sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE. The counter is used to count the
number of RRC establishment failures for timeout.

Triggering Point
When the timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message expires and
the establishmentCause is emergency.
Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete message expires and the establishmentCause is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200018

Counter Name
Number of Emergency RRC Establishment Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is emergency. The eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure, then sends RRCConnectionReject message to the UE. The
counter is used to count the number of RRC establishment failures for admission failures.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC Connection setup procedure and
the establishmentCause is emergency.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure and the establishmentCause is emergency.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200019

Counter Name
Number of Emergency RRC Establishment Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is emergency. The eNodeB occurs failures for other reason during
RRC Connection setup procedure, then sends RRCConnectionReject message to the UE.
The counter is used to count the number of RRC establishment failures for other reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs other failures during RRC Connection setup procedure and the
establishmentCause is emergency.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs other failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure and the establishmentCause is emergency.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373200084

Counter Name
Number of Mt-Access RRC Establishment Request

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives a RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE and the RRC
Connection setup cause is mt-access. Each RRCConnectionRequest message received
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from UE and the RRC
Connection setup cause is mt-access.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest
message from UE and the RRC Connection setup cause is mt-access.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200085

Counter Name
Number of Mo-Signalling RRC Establishment Request

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives a RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE and the RRC
Connection setup cause is mo-Signalling. Each RRCConnectionRequest message
received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from UE and the RRC
Connection setup cause is mo-Signalling.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest
message from UE and the RRC Connection setup cause is mo-Signalling.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200086

Counter Name
Number of Mo-Data RRC Establishment Request

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives a RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE and the RRC
Connection setup cause is mo-Data. Each RRCConnectionRequest message received
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from UE and the RRC
Connection setup cause is mo-Data.
Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest
message from UE and the RRC Connection setup cause is mo-Data.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200087

Counter Name
Number of HighPriorityAccess RRC Establishment Request

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives a RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE and the RRC
Connection setup cause is highPriorityAccess. Each RRCConnectionRequest message
received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from UE and the RRC
Connection setup cause is highPriorityAccess.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest
message from UE and the RRC Connection setup cause is highPriorityAccess.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

times C373200088

Counter Name
Number of Emergency RRC Establishment Request

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives a RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE and the RRC
Connection setup cause is emergency. Each RRCConnectionRequest message received
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from UE and the RRC
Connection setup cause is emergency.

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest
message from UE and the RRC Connection setup cause is emergency.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200120

Counter Name
Number of Successful delayTolerantAccess RRC Establishment


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The RRCConnectionSetupComplete message is used to confirm the successful
completion of an RRC connection establishment.The counter is used to count the number
of RRCConnectionSetupComplete message received by eNodeB from UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is delayTolerantAccess.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE and
the establishmentCause is delayTolerantAccess.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE and the establishmentCause
is delayTolerantAccess.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200121

Counter Name
Number of delayTolerantAccess RRC Establishment Failure due to Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE ,then sends
the RRCConnectionSetup message to the UE. While the eNodeB is waiting for the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE, the timer expires and then the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE. The counter is used to
count the number of RRC establishment failures for timeout.

Triggering Point
When the timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message expires and
the establishmentCause is delayTolerantAccess.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionSetupComplete message expires and the establishmentCause is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200122

Counter Name
Number of delayTolerantAccess RRC Establishment Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is delayTolerantAccess. The eNodeB occurs admission failures
during RRC Connection setup procedure, then sends RRCConnectionReject message
to the UE. The counter is used to count the number of RRC establishment failures for
admission failures.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC Connection setup procedure and
the establishmentCause is delayTolerantAccess.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs admission failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure and the establishmentCause is delayTolerantAccess.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200123

Counter Name
Number of delayTolerantAccess RRC Establishment Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE, and the RRC
establishment cause is delayTolerantAccess. The eNodeB occurs failures for other reason
during RRC Connection setup procedure, then sends RRCConnectionReject message to
the UE. The counter is used to count the number of RRC establishment failures for other

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs other failures during RRC Connection setup procedure and the
establishmentCause is delayTolerantAccess.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs other failures during RRC
Connection setup procedure and the establishmentCause is delayTolerantAccess.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200124

Counter Name
Number of delayTolerantAccess RRC Establishment Request

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives a RRCConnectionRequest message from the UE and the RRC
Connection setup cause is delayTolerantAccess. Each RRCConnectionRequest message
received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest message from UE and the RRC
Connection setup cause is delayTolerantAccess.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionRequest
message from UE and the RRC Connection setup cause is delayTolerantAccess.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

1.2 RRC Connection Re-establishment

1.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 1-2 RRC Connection Re-Establishment

l Sampling Point 1: The EUTRAN receives the RRC CONNECTION

REESTABLISHMENT REQUEST message from the UE and selects to set up the
RRC connection reestablishment through the CCCH.
l Sampling Point 2: The EUTRAN sends the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISH-
MENT message to the UE.
l Sampling Point 3: The EUTRAN receives the RRC CONNECTION
REESTABLISHMENT COMPLETE message from the UE, indicating that the RRC
connection reestablishment has been set up successfully.
l Sampling Point 4: The EUTRAN sends the RRC CONNECTION
REESTABLISHMENT REJECT message to the UE, indicating that the RRC
connection reestablishment has been set up with failure.
l Sampling Point 5: The EUTRAN cann't receive the RRC CONNECTION
REESTABLISHMENT COMPLETE message from the UE, therefore the timer detects


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Figure 1-3 RRC Connection again Re-Establishment

l Sampling Point 6: The EUTRAN again receives the RRC CONNECTION

REESTABLISHMENT COMPLETE message from the UE, when the EUTRAN is

1.2.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373200060 Number of Successful RRC Connection Re-establishment Triggered by

Handover Failure

2 C373200061 Number of Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due

to RRC Reestablish Complete Timeout

3 C373200062 Number of Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due

to ENB Admission Failure

4 C373200063 Number of Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures

due to UE Context Not Found

5 C373200064 Number of Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures

due to Continue Re-establishment

6 C373200065 Number of Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures

due to Other Reason

7 C373200066 Number of Successful RRC Connection Re-establishment Triggered by

Reconfig Failure

8 C373200067 Number of Reconfig Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due

to RRC Reestablish CompleteTimeout

9 C373200068 Number of Reconfig Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due

to ENB Admission Failure

10 C373200069 Number of Reconfig Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due

to UE Context Not Found


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


11 C373200070 Number of Reconfig Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due

to Continue Re-establishment

12 C373200071 Number of Reconfig Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due

to Other Reason

13 C373200072 Number of Successful RRC Connection Re-establishment Triggered by


14 C373200073 Number of Other Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to RRC

Reestablish CompleteTimeout

15 C373200074 Number of Other Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to ENB

Admission Failure

16 C373200075 Number of Other Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to UE

Context Not Found

17 C373200076 Number of Other Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to Continue


18 C373200077 Number of Other Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to Other


19 C373200089 Number of RRC Connection Re-establishment Request Triggered by

Handover Failure

20 C373200090 Number of RRC Connection Re-establishment Request Triggered by

Reconfig Failure

21 C373200091 Number of RRC Connection Re-establishment Request Triggered by Other

22 C373200097 Number of inter-RAT Successful RRC Connection Re-establishment

Triggerd by Handover Failure

23 C373200098 Number of inter-RAT Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment

Failures due to RRC Reestablish Complete Timeout

24 C373200099 Number of inter-RAT Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment

Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

25 C373200100 Number of inter-RAT Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment

Failures due to UE Context Not Found

26 C373200101 Number of inter-RAT Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment

Failures due to Continue Re-establishment

27 C373200102 Number of inter-RAT Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment

Failures due to Other Reason

28 C373200103 Number of inter-RAT RRC Connection Re-establishment Request Triggered

by Handover Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

NO. Counter Counter Name


29 C373200140 Number of Successful RRC Connection Re-establishment excluding the

Source Cell Re-establishment

1.2.3 Counter Description C373200060

Counter Name
Number of Successful RRC Connection Re-establishment Triggered by Handover Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt by the eNodeB of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message
following a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest in which ReestablishmentCause is
handoverfailures. Each RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message received is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message from
the UE,and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message from the UE and the
ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373200061

Counter Name
Number of Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to RRC
Reestablish Complete Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message
not received by the eNodeB and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures. Each
failed RRC connection re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message
expires,and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB's waiting for the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete timer expires,and the ReestablishmentCause
is handoverfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200062

Counter Name
Number of Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to ENB
Admission Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Short Name

Counter Description
For admission failures, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject
message to the UE and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.Each failed RRC
connection re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE
due to admission failures ,and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE due to admission failures
,and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200063

Counter Name
Number of Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to UE Context
Not Found

Short Name

Counter Description
For not finding UE context, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject
message to the UE and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.Each failed RRC
connection re-establishment is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE
due to unknown UE identification,and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE due to no finding the UE
context,and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200064

Counter Name
Number of Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to Continue

Short Name

Counter Description
For again reestablishment, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionRelease message to
the UE and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.Each failed RRC connection
re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE due
to again receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message,and the
ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.
Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE due to again receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message,and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200065

Counter Name
Number of Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
For other reason, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionRelease message to the
UE and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.Each failed RRC connection
re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs the RRC Connection Re-establishment failures due to other
reason,and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs the RRC Connection
Re-establishment failures due to other reason,and the ReestablishmentCause is

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200066

Counter Name
Number of Successful RRC Connection Re-establishment Triggered by Reconfig Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt by the eNodeB of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message
following a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest in which ReestablishmentCause
is reconfigurationfailures. Each RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message
received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message from
the UE,and the ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message from the UE, and the
ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection C373200067

Counter Name
Number of Reconfig Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to RRC
Reestablish CompleteTimeout

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message
not received by the eNodeB and the ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.
Each failed RRC connection re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message
expires,and the ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB's waiting for the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete timer expires,and the ReestablishmentCause
is reconfigurationfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200068

Counter Name
Number of Reconfig Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to ENB
Admission Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
For admission failures, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject
message to the UE and the ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.Each failed
RRC connection re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE
due to admission failures ,and the ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE due to admission failures
,and the ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200069

Counter Name
Number of Reconfig Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to UE Context
Not Found

Short Name

Counter Description
For not finding UE context, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject
message to the UE and the ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.Each failed
RRC connection re-establishment is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message
to the UE due to unknown UE identification,and the ReestablishmentCause is
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE due to no finding the UE
context,and the ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200070

Counter Name
Number of Reconfig Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to Continue

Short Name

Counter Description
For again reestablishment, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionRelease message to the
UE and the ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.Each failed RRC connection
re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE due
to again receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message,and the
ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.

Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE due to again receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message,and the ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200071

Counter Name
Number of Reconfig Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
For other reason, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE
and the ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.Each failed RRC connection
re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs the RRC Connection Re-establishment failures due to other
reason,and the ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs the RRC Connection
Re-establishment failures due to other reason,and the ReestablishmentCause is

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200072

Counter Name
Number of Successful RRC Connection Re-establishment Triggered by Other

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt by the eNodeB of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message
following a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest in which ReestablishmentCause
is otherfailures. Each RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message received is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message from
the UE,and the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message from the UE and the
ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373200073

Counter Name
Number of Other Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to RRC Reestablish

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message
not received by the eNodeB and the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures. Each failed
RRC connection re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message
expires,and the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB's waiting for the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete timer expires,and the ReestablishmentCause
is otherfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200074

Counter Name
Number of Other Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Counter Description
For admission failures, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject
message to the UE and the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.Each failed RRC
connection re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE
due to admission failures ,and the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE due to admission failures
,and the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200075

Counter Name
Number of Other Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to UE Context Not Found

Short Name

Counter Description
For not finding UE context, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject
message to the UE and the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.Each failed RRC
connection re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE
due to unknown UE identification,and the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE due to no finding the UE
context,and the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200076

Counter Name
Number of Other Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to Continue

Short Name

Counter Description
For again reestablishment, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionRelease message
to the UE and the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.Each failed RRC connection
re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE due
to again receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message,and the
ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE due to again receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message,and the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200077

Counter Name
Number of Other Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
For other reason, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE and
the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.Each failed RRC connection re-establishment
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs the RRC Connection Re-establishment failures due to other
reason,and the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs the RRC Connection
Re-establishment failures due to other reason,and the ReestablishmentCause is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373200089

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Re-establishment Request Triggered by Handover Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.Each
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE and the ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE and the
ReestablishmentCause is handoverfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200090

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Re-establishment Request Triggered by Reconfig Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE and the ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.Each
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE and the ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE and the
ReestablishmentCause is reconfigurationfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200091

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Re-establishment Request Triggered by Other

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE and the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.Each
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE and and the ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE and the
ReestablishmentCause is otherfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200097

Counter Name
Number of inter-RAT Successful RRC Connection Re-establishment Triggerd by Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt by the eNodeB of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message following
a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest in which ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT
handoverfailures. Each RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message received is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message from
the UE,and the ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message from the UE and the
ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200098

Counter Name
Number of inter-RAT Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to
RRC Reestablish Complete Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message
not received by the eNodeB and the ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.
Each failed RRC connection re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message
expires,and the ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB's waiting for the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete timer expires,and the ReestablishmentCause
is inter-RAT handoverfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373200099

Counter Name
Number of inter-RAT Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to
ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
For admission failures, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject
message to the UE and the ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.Each
failed RRC connection re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE
due to admission failures ,and the ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE due to admission failures
,and the ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection C373200100

Counter Name
Number of inter-RAT Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to
UE Context Not Found

Short Name

Counter Description
For not finding UE context, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject
message to the UE and the ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.Each
failed RRC connection re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the
UE due to unknown UE identification,and the ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE due to no finding the UE
context,and the ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200101

Counter Name
Number of inter-RAT Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to
Continue Re-establishment


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
For again reestablishment, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionRelease message to
the UE and the ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.Each failed RRC
connection re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE due
to again receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message,and the
ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE due to again receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message,and the ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200102

Counter Name
Number of inter-RAT Handover Failure Triggered RRC Re-establishment Failures due to
Other Reason

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Counter Description
For other reason, the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE and
the ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.Each failed RRC connection
re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs the RRC Connection Re-establishment failures due to other
reason,and the ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs the RRC Connection
Re-establishment failures due to other reason,and the ReestablishmentCause is
inter-RAT handoverfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200103

Counter Name
Number of inter-RAT RRC Connection Re-establishment Request Triggered by Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt by the eNodeB of RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
in which ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures. Each
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message ,and
the ReestablishmentCause is inter-RAT handoverfailures.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message ,and the ReestablishmentCause
is inter-RAT handoverfailures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200140

Counter Name
Number of Successful RRC Connection Re-establishment excluding the Source Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB receives an RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from a UE and admission control is performed, it sends the UE an
RRCConnectionReestablishmentSetup message. After that, the eNodeB waits for the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message. If the UE is from other cells, this
counter counts the number of RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete messages that
the eNodeB receives before the timer expires.

Triggering Point
If a UE from other cells reestablishes an RRC connection in this cell, when the eNodeB
receives an RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message from the UE, this counter
is updated.

Sampling Point 3


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Update Description
If an UE from other cells reestablishes an RRC connection in this cell, when the eNodeB
receives an RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message from the UE, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


1.3 RRC Connection Re-configuration

1.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 1-4 RRC Connection Re-configuration

l Sampling Point 1: The eNodeb sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message

to UE.
l Sampling Point 2: The eNodeb receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE, indicating that the
RRC connection configuration has been configed successfully.
l Sampling Point 3: The eNodeb receives the RRCConnectionReestablishRequest
message from UE, After Transmission of an RRC Connection Reconfiguration
l Sampling Point 4: The eNodeb does not receive the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE, and the timer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

1.3.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373200078 Number of Successful RRC Connection Reconfig

2 C373200079 Number of RRC Connection Reconfig Failure due to Radio Link Failure

3 C373200080 Number of RRC Connection Reconfig Failure due to Other

4 C373200081 Number of RRC Connection Reconfig Failure due to RRC Re-establishment

5 C373200082 Number of Attempted RRC connection re-configurations

6 C373200142 Number of VoLTE Measurement Configuration

7 C373200143 Number of VoLTE Measurement Configuration Complete

1.3.3 Counter Description C373200078

Counter Name
Number of Successful RRC Connection Reconfig

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt by the eNodeB of a RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
following a RRC connection reconfigration during non-handover procedure. Each
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from
the UE.
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE during non-Handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200079

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Reconfig Failure due to Radio Link Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB during non-handover procedure. the above failed RRC connection
Reconfigration is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB's timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message expires.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires during non-Handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373200080

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Reconfig Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
For other reason, an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB during non-handover procedure. the above failed RRC connection
Reconfigration is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs the RRC connection reconfiguration failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs the RRC connection
reconfiguration failures due to other reason.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200081

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Reconfig Failure due to RRC Re-establishment

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Counter Description
For again reestablishment, RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB during non-handover procedure. the above failed RRC
connection Reconfigration is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB again receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from UE during waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB again receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message. This excludes Handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200082

Counter Name
Number of Attempted RRC connection re-configurations

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a RRCConnectionReconfiguration message by the eNodeB to the UE
during non-Handover procedure. Each RRCConnectionReconfiguration received is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE during
non-Handover procedure..


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE during non-Handover procedure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200142

Counter Name
Number of VoLTE Measurement Configuration

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the measurement configuration is delivered
with the voice-based handover function.

Triggering Point
If the handover function based on the voice is enabled, this counter is incremented by one if
the system delivers a command of measuring the FDD frequency point that supports voice.
Or, if the handover function based on the voice is enabled, this counter is incremented
by one if the system delivers a command of measuring the UTRAN frequency point that
supports voice.

Update Description
When the handover function based on the voice is enabled, this counter is incremented by
one if the system delivers a command of measuring the FDD frequency point that supports
voice. Or, when the handover function based on the voice is enabled, this counter is
incremented by one if the system delivers a command of measuring the UTRAN frequency
point that supports voice.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200143

Counter Name
Number of VoLTE Measurement Configuration Complete

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the measurement configuration succeeds
with the voice-based handover function.

Triggering Point
If the handover function based on the voice is enabled, this counter is incremented by one if
the system delivers a command of measuring the FDD frequency point that supports voice
and the system receives the message that measurement re-configuration completes. Or,
if the handover function based on the voice is enabled, this counter is incremented by one
if the system delivers a command of measuring the UTRAN frequency point that supports
voice the system receives the message that measurement re-configuration completes.

Update Description
When the handover function based on the voice is enabled, this counter is incremented
by one if the system delivers a command of measuring the FDD frequency point that
supports voice and the system receives the message that measurement re-configuration
completes. Or, when the handover function based on the voice is enabled, this counter
is incremented by one if the system delivers a command of measuring the UTRAN
frequency point that supports voice the system receives the message that measurement
re-configuration completes.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered


1.4 RRC Connection Release

1.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 1-5 RRC Connection Release

l Sampling Point 1: The EUTRAN sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message
to the UE.

1.4.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373200020 Number of RRC Connection Release due to UserInactive Release

2 C373200021 Number of RRC Connection Release by MME due to UE Context Release

3 C373200022 Number of RRC Connection Release by ENB due to Unavailable Resource

4 C373200023 Number of RRC Connection Release due to Shut Down or Reset Cell

5 C373200024 Number of RRC Connection Release by ENB due to Other Cause

6 C373200034 Number of RRC Connection Release due to UE Context Setup Timeout

7 C373200035 Number of RRC Connection Release due to Uu interface Timeout

8 C373200036 Number of RRC Connection Release due to RLF triggered by Poor Uu


9 C373200037 Number of RRC Connection Release due to Maximum of RLC


10 C373200038 Number of RRC Connection Release due to PDCP Integrity protection


11 C373200039 Number of RRC Connection Release due to GTPU Error Indication

12 C373200040 Number of RRC Connection Release due to Path Fault


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

NO. Counter Counter Name


13 C373200041 Number of RRC Connection Release due to Optical Port Fault

14 C373200048 Number of RRC Connection Release by ENB due to UE Not Online

15 C373200049 Number of RRC Connection Release By MME due to Error Indication or

Reestablish inter eNB

16 C373200050 Number of RRC Connection Release due to ENB Redirection

17 C373200051 Number of RRC Connection Release due to ENB Radio Link Failure

18 C373200052 Number of RRC Connection Release due to Re-establishment Fail

19 C373200053 Number of RRC Connection Release due to S1 Link Fail

20 C373200054 Number of RRC Connection Release By MME due to Other Reason

21 C373200083 Number of RRC Connection Releases due to Handover Failure

22 C373200141 Number of RRC Connection Release by ENB due to admission failure for
RRC User Number of Operator in Network Sharing

1.4.3 Counter Description C373200020

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release due to UserInactive Release

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE when detecting no
data in UL and DL buffer within configuration threshold. The counter is used to count the
number of this RRC Connection Release message.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, with release
cause of UserInactive.
Sampling Point 1


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE, with release cause of UserInactive.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200021

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release by MME due to UE Context Release

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME, in which
the Cause is Normal Release, Detach , Authentication failureorInteraction with other
procedure. The counter is used to count the number of RRC Connection Release initiated
by MME due to the above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME
and the Cause in the message is Normal Relase, Detach, Authentication failure or
Interaction with other procedure
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME and then sends
RRCConnectionRelease message to UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


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Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200022

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release by ENB due to Unavailable Resource

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the appropriate UE
release after detecting cell overloading. The counter is used to count the number of RRC
Connection Release initiated by eNodeB due to the above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE due to detecting
cell overload.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE, with release cause of overload.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373200023

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release due to Shut Down or Reset Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the cell block command or occurs cell reset triggerd by warning
or other reason, will sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE. The counter
is used to count the number of RRC Connection Release initiated by eNodeB due to the
above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE after receiving
the cell block command or reset command.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE, with release cause of cell block or reset.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200024

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release by ENB due to Other Cause

Short Name


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Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Counter Description
The eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE when detecting some
failures for internal reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE due to other
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE, with release cause of other reason.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200034

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release due to UE Context Setup Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB sends initialUEMessage to MME, the RRCConnectionRelease
message is transmitted to UE by eNodeB when the timer of waiting for the
InitialContextSetupRequest message expires. The RRCConnectionRelease message is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, with release
cause of timeout waiting for the InitialUE ContextSetup message.
Sampling Point 1


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE, with release cause of timeout of waiting for the InitialUE ContextSetup

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200035

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release due to Uu interface Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by radio link failure. When the RNLC detects the expiry of the Uu interface
signaling timer and sends an RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, this counter is
incremented. The corresponding release cause is reported to "C373200051 Number of
RRC Connection Release due to ENB Radio Link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC detects the expiry of the Uu interface signaling timer and sends an
RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the RNLC detects the expiry of the Uu interface signaling timer and sends an
RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200036

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release due to RLF triggered by Poor Uu Quality

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by radio link failure. This counter is incremented when the RNLC receives
an RLF message reported by the CMAC indicating an invalid uplink SRS measurement,
high uplink or downlink HARQFail, and sends an RRCConnectionRelease message to
the UE.The corresponding release cause is reported to "C373200051 Number of RRC
Connection Release due to ENB Radio Link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives an RLF message reported by the CMAC indicating an
invalid uplink SRS measurement, high uplink or downlink HARQFail, and sends an
RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, this counter is updated.

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an RLF message reported by the CMAC indicating an
invalid uplink SRS measurement, high uplink or downlink HARQFail, and sends an
RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE. this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373200037

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release due to Maximum of RLC Retransmission

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by radio link failure. This counter is incremented when the RNLC
receives an RNLU error message that indicates an RLC error, and sends an
RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE.The corresponding release cause is reported
to "C373200051 Number of RRC Connection Release due to ENB Radio Link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates an RLC error, and sends
an RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates an RLC error, and sends
an RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200038

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release due to PDCP Integrity protection Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by radio link failure. This counter is incremented when the RNLC
receives an RNLU error message that indicates a PDCP error, and sends an
RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE.The corresponding release cause is reported
to "C373200051 Number of RRC Connection Release due to ENB Radio Link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates a PDCP error, and sends
an RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates a PDCP error, and sends
an RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200039

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release due to GTPU Error Indication

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by S1 link failure. This counter is incremented when the RNLC receives an
RNLU error message that indicates a GTPU error, and sends an RRCConnectionRelease


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

message to the UE.The corresponding release cause is reported to "C373200053 Number

of RRC Connection Release due to S1 Link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates a GTPU error, and sends
an RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates a GTPU error, and sends
an RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200040

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release due to Path Fault

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by S1 link failure. This counter is incremented when the RNLC receives a
PATH fault reported by the RNLU, which triggers all UE being released under this path, and
sends an RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE.The corresponding release cause
is reported to "C373200053 Number of RRC Connection Release due to S1 Link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives a PATH fault reported by the RNLU, and sends an
RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Update Description
When the RNLC receives a PATH fault reported by the RNLU, and sends an
RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200041

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release due to Optical Port Fault

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by S1 link failure. This counter is incremented when the RNLC receives
an OAM optical interface fault, which triggers all UE being released under this path, and
sends an RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE.The corresponding release cause
is reported to "C373200053 Number of RRC Connection Release due to S1 Link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives an OAM optical interface fault, and sends an
RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, this counter is updated.

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an OAM optical interface fault, and sends an
RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200048

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release by ENB due to UE Not Online

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE when detecting UE
not online, the counter is used to count the number of this RRC Connection Release

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, with release
cause of UE not online.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE, with release cause of UE not online.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection C373200049

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release By MME due to Error Indication or Reestablish inter

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of RRC Connection Release initiated by MME
due to the following two conditions.
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME, in which
the Cause is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure, then release the UE Context;
The eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME, then release the UE

Triggering Point
1 When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME.
2 When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME
and the Cause in the message is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message
or UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200050

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release due to ENB Redirection


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges the UE to access redirection condition,sends the
RRCConnectionRelease messages to the UE in which redirectedCarrierInfo is set to
on. This message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE, with release
cause of redirection.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE, with release cause of redirection.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200051

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release due to ENB Radio Link Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
When a RLC PDU is transfered then exceeded the maximum number on the downlink, it
is regarded as RLF.
When eNodeB's timer expires that monitoring the message from the eNodeB to UE, it is
regarded as RLF. For example, the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message,
the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message and so on.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

When a SR is transfered then exceeded the maximum number,it is regarded as RLF.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE because of
detecting radio link failures.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE, with release cause of RLF.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200052

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release due to Re-establishment Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of an RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message by the eNodeB to
the UE.
Each above failed RRC connection re-establishment is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE.


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200053

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release due to S1 Link Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
The S1 link fault refer to the following.
1 The eNodeB detects the fibber warning.
2 The eNodeB gtpu layer detects the path fault from the eNodeB to SGW.
3 The eNodeB gtpu layer receives the ErrorIndication message from the SGW.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE due to detecting
S1 link fault.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE because of detecting S1 link fault.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

times C373200054

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release By MME due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME, in which
the cause excludes Normal Release, Detach ,Authentication failure , Successful
Handover,Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure and Interaction with other procedure.
The counter is used to count the number of RRC connection Release initiated by MME
due to the above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to UE after receiving the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to UE after receiving the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200083

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Releases due to Handover Failure


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of an RRCConnectionRelease message by the eNodeB to the UE due to
an expected UEContextReleaseCommand or UEContextRelease message indicating
handover complete not received by the eNodeB. Each above RRCConnectionRelease
message sent is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE due to handover
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE due to handover failures

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200141

Counter Name
Number of RRC Connection Release by ENB due to admission failure for RRC User
Number of Operator in Network Sharing

Short Name

Counter Description
If the number of the PLMNs supported by the cell is larger than 1 and the access control
switch based on RRC user number in the network sharing scenario is enabled, the system
considers whether the users of this operator can be accessed according to the operator's


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

RRC user ratio of the current cell. If the access fails, the UE is released and sends a RRC
connection release message to the UE.

Triggering Point
When the access control is used for control the number of users according to the RRC user
ratio of the current operator, this counter is incremented by one if a connection release
occurs due to access failure and the RRCConnectionRelease message is sent to the UE.

Update Description
When the access control is used for control the number of users according to the RRC
user ratio of the current operator, this counter is incremented by one if connection release
occurs due to access failure and the RRCConnectionRelease message is sent to the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


1.5 RRC Connection Number

1.5.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 1-6 RRC Connection Number

l Sampling Point 1: When the EUTRAN receives the RRC CONNECTION SETUP
COMPLETE message from the UE, indicating that the RRC connection has been
setup successfully, the RRC connection number is incremented by 1.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

l Sampling Point 2: When the EUTRAN sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE
message to the UE, the RRC connection number is decreased by 1.

1.5.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373200029 Maximum Number of RRC Connection User

2 C373200030 Mean Number of RRC Connection User

3 C373200031 Online Number of RRC Connection User

4 C373940406 Maximum Number of RRC Connection User (eNB)

5 C373940407 Mean Number of RRC Connection User (eNB)

6 C373940408 Online Number of RRC Connection User (eNB)

7 C373940409 License Number of RRC Connection User (eNB)

8 C374050000 Maximum Number of RRC Connection User(Board)

9 C374050001 Mean Number of RRC Connection User(Board)

10 C374400029 Maximum Number of RRC Connection User(PLMN)

11 C374400030 Mean Number of RRC Connection User(PLMN)

1.5.3 Counter Description C373200029

Counter Name
Maximum Number of RRC Connection User

Short Name

Counter Description
The sampling rule of RRC Connection Establishment User is as follows:
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE,the
RRC user number is increased by 1;
When the UE enter into the cell from other cell due to handover,the RRC user number is
increased by 1;
When the eNodeB triggers UE release,the RRC user number is decreased by 1;
When the UE get out the cell due to handover,the RRC user number is increased by 1;


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of RRC user at sampling time.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the new value when the RRC setup user in a sampling point
is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

unit C373200030

Counter Name
Mean Number of RRC Connection User

Short Name

Counter Description
The sampling rule of RRC Connection Establishment User is as follows:
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE,the
RRC user number is increased by 1;

When the UE enter into the cell from other cell due to handover,the RRC user number is
increased by 1;

When the eNodeB triggers UE release,the RRC user number is decreased by 1;

When the UE get out the cell due to handover,the RRC user number is increased by 1;

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of RRC user at sampling time.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated by taking the arithmetic mean of RRC connection setup user among
sampling points.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

unit C373200031

Counter Name
Online Number of RRC Connection User

Short Name

Counter Description
The sampling rule of RRC Connection Establishment User is as follows:
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE,the
RRC user number is increased by 1;
When the UE enter into the cell from other cell due to handover,the RRC user number is
increased by 1;
When the eNodeB triggers UE release,the RRC user number is decreased by 1;
When the UE get out the cell due to handover,the RRC user number is increased by 1;

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of RRC user at sampling time.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is updated by the RRC connection setup user at last sampling points.

Counter Type
Current value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373940406

Counter Name
Maximum Number of RRC Connection User (eNB)

Short Name

Counter Description
The sampling rule of RRC Connection Establishment User is as follows:
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE,the
RRC user number is increased by 1;
When the UE enter into the eNodeB from other eNodeB due to handover,the RRC user
number is increased by 1;
When the eNodeB triggers UE release,the RRC user number is decreased by 1;
When the UE get out the eNodeB due to handover,the RRC user number is increased by

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of RRC user at sampling time according to "Explanation".

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the RRC Connection Establishment User in current sampling
point if it is larger than the prior in measurement period.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373940407

Counter Name
Mean Number of RRC Connection User (eNB)

Short Name

Counter Description
The sampling rule of RRC Connection Establishment User is as follows:
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE,the
RRC user number is increased by 1;

When the UE enter into the eNodeB from other eNodeB due to handover,the RRC user
number is increased by 1;
When the eNodeB triggers UE release,the RRC user number is decreased by 1;
When the UE get out the eNodeB due to handover,the RRC user number is increased by

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of RRC user at sampling time according to "Explanation".

Update Description
The counter is updated by the mean number of RRC Connection establishment User in
measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

unit C373940408

Counter Name
Online Number of RRC Connection User (eNB)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Short Name

Counter Description
The sampling rule of RRC Connection Establishment User is as follows:
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE,the
RRC user number is increased by 1;
When the UE enter into the eNodeB from other eNodeB due to handover,the RRC user
number is increased by 1;
When the eNodeB triggers UE release,the RRC user number is decreased by 1;
When the UE get out the eNodeB due to handover,the RRC user number is increased by

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of RRC user at sampling time according to "Explanation".

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the RRC Connection establishment User at the last sampling
point in measurement period.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period

unit C373940409

Counter Name
License Number of RRC Connection User (eNB)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of licensed users configured in an eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of licensed users configured in an eNodeB.

Update Description
This counter is updated to the latest number of licensed users configured in an eNodeB.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period

unit C374050000

Counter Name
Maximum Number of RRC Connection User(Board)

Short Name

Counter Description
For all cells of a board, the system samples the number of RRC-connected users every two
seconds. This counter reports the maximum value of all sampling values within a statistics
period (15 minutes).

Triggering Point
For all cells of a board, the system samples the number of RRC-connected users every two
seconds. This counter reports the maximum value of all sampling values within a statistics
period (15 minutes).

Update Description
For all cells of a board, the system samples the number of RRC-connected users every two
seconds. This counter reports the maximum value of all sampling values within a statistics
period (15 minutes).

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Sampling Period

unit C374050001

Counter Name
Mean Number of RRC Connection User(Board)

Short Name

Counter Description
For all cells of a board, the system samples the number of RRC-connected users every two
seconds. This counter reports the average value of all sampling values within a statistics
period (15 minutes).

Triggering Point
For all cells of a board, the system samples the number of RRC-connected users every two
seconds. This counter reports the average value of all sampling values within a statistics
period (15 minutes).
Note: To support the float-type number of users, the OAM system uses the number of a
15-minute period.

Update Description
For all cells of a board, the system samples the number of RRC-connected users every two
seconds. This counter reports the average value of all sampling values within a statistics
period (15 minutes). Note: To support the float-type number of users, the OAM system
uses the number of a 15-minute period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374400029

Counter Name
Maximum Number of RRC Connection User(PLMN)

Short Name

Counter Description
The sampling rule of RRC Connection Establishment User is as follows:
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE,the
RRC user number is increased by 1;

When the UE enter into the cell from other cell due to handover,the RRC user number is
increased by 1;
When the eNodeB triggers UE release,the RRC user number is decreased by 1;
When the UE get out the cell due to handover,the RRC user number is increased by 1;

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of RRC user at sampling time.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the new value when the RRC setup user in a sampling point
is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

unit C374400030

Counter Name
Mean Number of RRC Connection User(PLMN)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

Short Name

Counter Description
The sampling rule of RRC Connection Establishment User is as follows:
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from the UE,the
RRC user number is increased by 1;
When the UE enter into the cell from other cell due to handover,the RRC user number is
increased by 1;
When the eNodeB triggers UE release,the RRC user number is decreased by 1;

When the UE get out the cell due to handover,the RRC user number is increased by 1;

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of RRC user at sampling time.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is updated by taking the arithmetic mean of RRC connection setup user among
sampling points.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

1.6 RRC Connection Time

1.6.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 1-7 RRC Connection Setup Time

l Sampling 1: The eNodeb records the start time when it receives the
RRCConnectionRequest message from UE.
l Sampling 2: The eNodeb records the end time when it receives the RRCConnection-
Request message from UE.

Figure 1-8 RRC Connection Setup to Reconfiguration Time

l Sampling Point 1: The eNodeb records the start time when it receives the
RRCConnectionRequest message from UE.
l Sampling Point 2: The eNodeb records the end time when it receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE, indicating that the
RRC connection configuration has been configed successfully.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Statistics of RRC Connection

1.6.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373200032 Sum Time of RRC Connection Setup

2 C373200033 Maximum Time of RRC Connection Setup

1.6.3 Counter Description C373200032

Counter Name
Sum Time of RRC Connection Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The sum time intervals for a successful RRC connection establishment between the receipt
of a RRCConnectionRequest and the corresponding RRCConnectionSetupComplete
message by the eNodeB. The counter provides the sum RRC connection establishment

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupRequest message from UE, record
the start time. Then receiving the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from UE,
record the end time.

Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is updated by taking the sum of the RRC connection setup time among
sampling points.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

ms C373200033

Counter Name
Maximum Time of RRC Connection Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The time intervals for a successful RRC connection establishment between the receipt
of a RRCConnectionRequest and the corresponding RRCConnectionSetupComplete
message by the eNodeB. The counter provides the mean RRC connection establishment

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionSetupRequest message from UE, record
the start time. Then receiving the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message from UE,
record the end time.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the RRC setup time in a sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2
Statistics of E-RAB
Table of Contents
Initial E-RAB Setup.....................................................................................................2-2
Additional E-RAB Setup ...........................................................................................2-82
E-RAB Modification ................................................................................................2-161
E-RAB Release ......................................................................................................2-231
E-RAB Handover....................................................................................................2-393
E-RAB Activity........................................................................................................2-482
E-RAB Number ......................................................................................................2-516
E-RAB Setup Time .................................................................................................2-547


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

2.1 Initial E-RAB Setup

2.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 2-1 Initial E-RAB Setup

l Sampling Point 1: The EUTRAN receives the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 2: The EUTRAN sends the RRC CONNECTION
RECONFIGURATION message to the UE.
l Sampling Point 3: The EUTRAN receives the RRC CONNECTION
message to the MME, indicating that the E-RAB Establishment has been set up
l Sampling Point 5: The EUTRAN does not receive the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE, and the timer
expires. Then EUTRAN sends the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message
to the MME.
l Sampling Point 6: The EUTRAN sends the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE
message to the MME because of not UE context.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

l Sampling Point 7: The EUTRAN sends the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE
message to the MME because of AS failure.
l Sampling Point 8: The EUTRAN receives the RRC CONNECTION

2.1.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373210200 Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Successful Setup

2 C373210201 Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

3 C373210202 Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

4 C373210203 Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure

5 C373210204 Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

6 C373210205 Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

7 C373210206 Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Successful Setup

8 C373210207 Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

9 C373210208 Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

10 C373210209 Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure

11 C373210210 Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

12 C373210211 Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

13 C373210212 Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Successful Setup

14 C373210213 Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

15 C373210214 Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

16 C373210215 Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure

17 C373210216 Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

18 C373210217 Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

19 C373210218 Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Successful Setup

20 C373210219 Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

21 C373210220 Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

22 C373210221 Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure

23 C373210222 Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

24 C373210223 Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

25 C373210224 Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Successful Setup

26 C373210225 Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

27 C373210226 Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


28 C373210227 Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure

29 C373210228 Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

30 C373210229 Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

31 C373210230 Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Successful Setup

32 C373210231 Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

33 C373210232 Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

34 C373210233 Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure

35 C373210234 Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

36 C373210235 Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

37 C373210236 Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Successful Setup

38 C373210237 Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

39 C373210238 Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

40 C373210239 Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure

41 C373210240 Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

42 C373210241 Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

43 C373210242 Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Successful Setup

44 C373210243 Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

45 C373210244 Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

46 C373210245 Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure

47 C373210246 Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

48 C373210247 Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

49 C373210248 Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Successful Setup

50 C373210249 Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

51 C373210250 Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

52 C373210251 Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure

53 C373210252 Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

54 C373210253 Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

55 C373210580 Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

56 C373210581 Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

57 C373210582 Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

58 C373210583 Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

59 C373210584 Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

NO. Counter Counter Name


60 C373210585 Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

61 C373210586 Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

62 C373210587 Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

63 C373210588 Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

64 C373210589 Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

65 C373505375 Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

66 C373505376 Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

67 C373505377 Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

68 C373505378 Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

69 C373505379 Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

70 C373505380 Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

71 C373505381 Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request
72 C373505382 Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

73 C373505383 Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

74 C373505430 Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Attempt

75 C373505431 Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Attempt

76 C373505432 Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Attempt

77 C373505433 Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Attempt

78 C373505434 Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Attempt

79 C373505435 Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Attempt

80 C373505436 Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Attempt

81 C373505437 Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Attempt

82 C373505438 Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Attempt

83 C373505472 Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Attempt

84 C373505473 Number of Initial E-RAB Successful Setup


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


85 C373505474 Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

86 C373505475 Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

87 C373505476 Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure

88 C373505477 Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

89 C373505478 Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC

Re-establishment Request

90 C373505479 Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

2.1.3 Counter Description C373210200

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message,
in which each QCI1 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB
Setup List IE includes QCI1 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210201

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE, or INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message for admission failures, in which each QCI1 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI1 E-RAB admission failures occur,eNodeB replies the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI1 E-RAB. But when the eNodeB QCI1 E-RAB admission failures occur,
eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI1
E-RAB admission failures then sends the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME,
in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210202

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE,
or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI1 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due
to timeout of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,in
which the E-RAB Setup List includes the QCI1 E-RAB. But when eNodeB replies the
InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME due to the above same.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Setup List includes
the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210203

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the SecurityModefailures from the UE, then sends a INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI1 E-RAB failed to
establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI1 E-RAB failed to setup due to security mode failures,eNodeB
replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.

Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME due to security mode failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210204

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for parameter error, in which each QCI1 E-RAB failed to establish is added to
the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
message parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to message parameter error,and the
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210205

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for other reason, in which each QCI1 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB
Failed to Setup List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210206

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message,
in which each QCI2 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB
Setup List IE includes QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210207

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE, or INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message for admission failures, in which each QCI2 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI2 E-RAB admission failures occur,eNodeB replies the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI2 E-RAB. But when the eNodeB QCI2 E-RAB admission failures occur,
eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI2
E-RAB admission failures then sends the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME,
in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210208

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE,
or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI2 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
timeout of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the
E-RAB Setup List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Setup List includes
the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210209

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the SecurityModefailures from the UE, then sends a INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI2 E-RAB failed to
establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI2 E-RAB failed to setup due to security mode failures,eNodeB
replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.

Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME due to security mode failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210210

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for parameter error, in which each QCI2 E-RAB failed to establish is added to
the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
message parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to message parameter error,and the
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210211

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for other reason, in which each QCI2 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB
Failed to Setup List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210212

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message,
in which each QCI3 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB
Setup List IE includes QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210213

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE, or INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message for admission failures, in which each QCI3 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI3 E-RAB admission failures occur,eNodeB replies the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI3 E-RAB. But when the eNodeB QCI3 E-RAB admission failures occur,
eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI3
E-RAB admission failures then sends the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME,
in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210214

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE,
or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI3 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
timeout of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the
E-RAB Setup List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Setup List includes
the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210215

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the SecurityModefailures from the UE, then sends a INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI3 E-RAB failed to
establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI3 E-RAB failed to setup due to security mode failures,eNodeB
replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.

Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME due to security mode failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210216

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for parameter error, in which each QCI3 E-RAB failed to establish is added to
the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
message parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to message parameter error,and the
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210217

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for other reason, in which each QCI3 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB
Failed to Setup List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210218

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message,
in which each QCI4 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB
Setup List IE includes QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210219

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE, or INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message for admission failures, in which each QCI4 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI4 E-RAB admission failures occur,eNodeB replies the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI4 E-RAB. But when the eNodeB QCI4 E-RAB admission failures occur,
eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI4
E-RAB admission failures then sends the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME,
in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210220

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE,
or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI4 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
timeout of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the
E-RAB Setup List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Setup List includes
the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210221

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the SecurityModefailures from the UE, then sends a INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI4 E-RAB failed to
establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI4 E-RAB failed to setup due to security mode failures,eNodeB
replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.

Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME due to security mode failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210222

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for parameter error, in which each QCI4 E-RAB failed to establish is added to
the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
message parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to message parameter error,and the
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210223

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for other reason, in which each QCI4 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB
Failed to Setup List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210224

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message,
in which each QCI5 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB
Setup List IE includes QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB for every QCI5 E-RAB when
eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME and the E-RAB Setup
List IE includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210225

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE, or INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message for admission failures, in which each QCI5 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI5 E-RAB admission failures occur,eNodeB replies the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI5 E-RAB. But when the eNodeB QCI5 E-RAB admission failures occur,
eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI5
E-RAB admission failures then sends the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME,
in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210226

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE,
or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI5 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
timeout of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the
E-RAB Setup List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Setup List includes
the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210227

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the SecurityModefailures from the UE, then sends a INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI5 E-RAB failed to
establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI5 E-RAB failed to setup due to security mode failures,eNodeB
replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.

Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME due to security mode failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210228

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for parameter error, in which each QCI5 E-RAB failed to establish is added to
the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
message parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to message parameter error,and the
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210229

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for other reason, in which each QCI5 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB
Failed to Setup List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210230

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message,
in which each QCI6 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB
Setup List IE includes QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210231

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE, or INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message for admission failures, in which each QCI6 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI6 E-RAB admission failures occur,eNodeB replies the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI6 E-RAB. But when the eNodeB QCI6 E-RAB admission failures occur,
eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI6
E-RAB admission failures then sends the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME,
in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210232

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE,
or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI6 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
timeout of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the
E-RAB Setup List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Setup List includes
the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210233

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the SecurityModefailures from the UE, then sends a INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI6 E-RAB failed to
establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI6 E-RAB failed to setup due to security mode failures,eNodeB
replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.

Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME due to security mode failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210234

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for parameter error, in which each QCI6 E-RAB failed to establish is added to
the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
message parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to message parameter error,and the
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210235

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for other reason, in which each QCI6 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB
Failed to Setup List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210236

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message,
in which each QCI7 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB
to Setup List includes QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME and the E-RAB to Setup List includes the

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210237

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE, or INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message for admission failures, in which each QCI7 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI7 E-RAB admission failures occur,eNodeB replies the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI7 E-RAB. But when the eNodeB QCI7 E-RAB admission failures occur,
eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI7
E-RAB admission failures then sends the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME,
in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210238

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE,
or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI7 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
timeout of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the
E-RAB Setup List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Setup List includes
the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210239

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the SecurityModefailures from the UE, then sends a INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI7 E-RAB failed to
establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI7 E-RAB failed to setup due to security mode failures,eNodeB
replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.

Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME due to security mode failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210240

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for parameter error, in which each QCI7 E-RAB failed to establish is added to
the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
message parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to message parameter error,and the
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210241

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for other reason, in which each QCI7 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB
Failed to Setup List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210242

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message,
in which each QCI8 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB
Setup List IE includes QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210243

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE, or INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message for admission failures, in which each QCI8 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI8 E-RAB admission failures occur,eNodeB replies the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI8 E-RAB. But when the eNodeB QCI8 E-RAB admission failures occur,
eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI8
E-RAB admission failures then sends the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME,
in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210244

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE,
or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI8 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
timeout of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the
E-RAB Setup List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Setup List includes
the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210245

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the SecurityModefailures from the UE, then sends a INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI8 E-RAB failed to
establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI8 E-RAB failed to setup due to security mode failures,eNodeB
replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.

Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME due to security mode failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210246

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for parameter error, in which each QCI8 E-RAB failed to establish is added to
the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
message parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to message parameter error,and the
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210247

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for other reason, in which each QCI8 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB
Failed to Setup List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210248

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message,
in which each QCI9 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB
Setup List IE includes QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210249

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE, or INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message for admission failures, in which each QCI9 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI9 E-RAB admission failures occur,eNodeB replies the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI9 E-RAB. But when the eNodeB QCI9 E-RAB admission failures occur,
eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI9
E-RAB admission failures then sends the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME,
in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210250

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE,
or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI9 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
timeout of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the
E-RAB Setup List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Setup List includes
the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210251

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the SecurityModefailures from the UE, then sends a INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each QCI9 E-RAB failed to
establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB QCI9 E-RAB failed to setup due to security mode failures,eNodeB
replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to security mode failures,and the
E-RAB Setup List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210252

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for parameter error, in which each QCI9 E-RAB failed to establish is added to
the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to
message parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to message parameter error,and the
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210253

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for other reason, in which each QCI9 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB
Failed to Setup List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210580

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an InitialContextSetupRequest
message from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it
answers the MME with an InitialContextSetupResponse message. The successful
E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in
an E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE.
When the eNodeB processes the InitialContextSetupRequest message, if transmission is
not available, an E-RAB fails to be set up.

This counter counts the number of QCI1 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI1 E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI1 E-RABs, each QCI1 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210581

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an InitialContextSetupRequest
message from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it
answers the MME with an InitialContextSetupResponse message. The successful
E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in
an E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE.
When the eNodeB processes the InitialContextSetupRequest message, if transmission is
not available, an E-RAB fails to be set up.

This counter counts the number of QCI2 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI2 E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI2 E-RABs, each QCI1 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210582

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an InitialContextSetupRequest
message from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it
answers the MME with an InitialContextSetupResponse message. The successful
E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in
an E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE.
When the eNodeB processes the InitialContextSetupRequest message, if transmission is
not available, an E-RAB fails to be set up.

This counter counts the number of QCI3 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI3 E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI3 E-RABs, each QCI1 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210583

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an InitialContextSetupRequest
message from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it
answers the MME with an InitialContextSetupResponse message. The successful
E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in
an E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE.
When the eNodeB processes the InitialContextSetupRequest message, if transmission is
not available, an E-RAB fails to be set up.

This counter counts the number of QCI4 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI4 E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI4 E-RABs, each QCI1 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210584

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an InitialContextSetupRequest
message from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it
answers the MME with an InitialContextSetupResponse message. The successful
E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in
an E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE.
When the eNodeB processes the InitialContextSetupRequest message, if transmission is
not available, an E-RAB fails to be set up.

This counter counts the number of QCI5 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI5 E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI5 E-RABs, each QCI1 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210585

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an InitialContextSetupRequest
message from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it
answers the MME with an InitialContextSetupResponse message. The successful
E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in
an E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE.
When the eNodeB processes the InitialContextSetupRequest message, if transmission is
not available, an E-RAB fails to be set up.

This counter counts the number of QCI6 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI6 E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI6 E-RABs, each QCI1 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210586

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an InitialContextSetupRequest
message from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it
answers the MME with an InitialContextSetupResponse message. The successful
E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in
an E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE.
When the eNodeB processes the InitialContextSetupRequest message, if transmission is
not available, an E-RAB fails to be set up.

This counter counts the number of QCI7 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI7 E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI7 E-RABs, each QCI1 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210587

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an InitialContextSetupRequest
message from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it
answers the MME with an InitialContextSetupResponse message. The successful
E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in
an E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE.
When the eNodeB processes the InitialContextSetupRequest message, if transmission is
not available, an E-RAB fails to be set up.

This counter counts the number of QCI8 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI8 E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI8 E-RABs, each QCI1 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210588

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an InitialContextSetupRequest
message from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it
answers the MME with an InitialContextSetupResponse message. The successful
E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in
an E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE.
When the eNodeB processes the InitialContextSetupRequest message, if transmission is
not available, an E-RAB fails to be set up.

This counter counts the number of QCI9 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI9 E-RABs, each QCI1 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210589

Counter Name
Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an InitialContextSetupRequest
message from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it
answers the MME with an InitialContextSetupResponse message. The successful
E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in
an E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE.
When the eNodeB processes the InitialContextSetupRequest message, if transmission is
not available, an E-RAB fails to be set up.

This counter counts the number of E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE
due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI9 E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends the MME an InitialContextSetupResponse message due to
unavailable transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
E-RABs, each QCI1 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505375

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnection ReestablishmentRequest message during UE Context
setup, the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message, each QCI1
E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to
eNodeB RRC re-establishment in which the QCI1 E-RAB is included.

Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505376

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnection ReestablishmentRequest message during UE Context
setup, the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message, each QCI2
E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to
eNodeB RRC re-establishment in which the QCI2 E-RAB is included.
Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505377

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnection ReestablishmentRequest message during UE Context
setup,the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message, each QCI3
E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to
eNodeB RRC re-establishment in which the QCI3 E-RAB is included.
Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505378

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnection ReestablishmentRequest message during UE Context
setup, the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message, each QCI4
E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to
eNodeB RRC re-establishment in which the QCI4 E-RAB is included.
Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505379

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnection ReestablishmentRequest message during UE Context
setup, the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message, each QCI5
E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to
eNodeB RRC re-establishment in which the QCI5 E-RAB is included.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505380

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnection ReestablishmentRequest message during UE Context
setup, the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message, each QCI6
E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to
eNodeB RRC re-establishment in which the QCI6 E-RAB is included.
Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505381

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnection ReestablishmentRequest message during UE Context
setup, the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message, each QCI7
E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to
eNodeB RRC re-establishment in which the QCI7 E-RAB is included.
Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505382

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnection ReestablishmentRequest message during UE Context
setup, the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message, each QCI8
E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to
eNodeB RRC re-establishment in which the QCI8 E-RAB is included.
Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505383

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnection ReestablishmentRequest message during UE Context
setup, the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message, each QCI9
E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to
eNodeB RRC re-establishment in which the QCI9 E-RAB is included.
Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505430

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI1 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message, each
requested QCI1 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the
MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI1 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be
Setup List includes QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505431

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI2 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message, each
requested QCI2 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the
MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be
Setup List includes QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505432

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI3 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message, each
requested QCI3 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the
MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be
Setup List includes QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505433

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI4 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message, each
requested QCI4 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the
MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be
Setup List includes QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505434

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI5 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message, each
requested QCI5 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the
MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be
Setup List includes QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505435

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI6 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message, each
requested QCI6 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the
MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI6 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be
Setup List includes QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505436

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI7 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message, each
requested QCI7 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the
MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be
Setup List includes QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505437

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI8 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message, each
requested QCI8 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the
MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be
Setup List includes QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505438

Counter Name
Number of Initial QCI9 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message, each
requested QCI9 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the
MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be
Setup List includes QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505472

Counter Name
Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message, each
requested E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup
List includes E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505473

Counter Name
Number of Initial E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message,
in which each E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse to the MME.

Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505474

Counter Name
Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE, or INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message for admission failures, in which each E-RAB failed
to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs E-RAB admission failures then replies the
InitialContextSetupResponse or InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB occurs E-RAB admission
failures then sends the InitialContextSetupResponse or InitialContextSetupFailure
message to MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505475

Counter Name
Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
not received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE
message to the MME, in which each E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME due to timeout
of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505476

Counter Name
Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Failures due to Security Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the SecurityModefailures from the UE, then sends a INITIAL
CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to the MME, in which each E-RAB failed to
establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB E-RAB failed to setup due to security mode failures,eNodeB replies the
InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME.
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME due to security mode failures ,and the E-RAB
Setup List includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505477

Counter Name
Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for parameter error, in which each E-RAB failed to establish is added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse or InitialContextSetupFailure
message to MME due to parameter error.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse or InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME due to
parameter error.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505478

Counter Name
Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment Request

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnection ReestablishmentRequest message during UE Context
setup, the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message, each E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to
eNodeB RRC re-establishment.
Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505479

Counter Name
Number of Initial E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
message for other reason, in which each E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the InitialContextSetupResponse or InitialContextSetupFailure
message to MME due to other reason.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse or InitialContextSetupFailure message to MME due to other


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


2.2 Additional E-RAB Setup

2.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 2-2 Additional E-RAB Setup

l Sampling Point 1: The EUTRAN receives the E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message
from the MME.
l Sampling Point 2: The EUTRAN sends the RRC CONNECTION
RECONFIGURATION message to the UE.
l Sampling Point 3: The EUTRAN receives the RRC CONNECTION
l Sampling Point 4: The EUTRAN sends the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to
the MME, indicating that the E-RAB Establishment has been set up successfully.
l Sampling Point 5: The EUTRAN does not receive the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE, and the timer
expires. Then EUTRAN sends the E-RAB SETUP FAILURE message to the MME.
l Sampling Point 6: The EUTRAN sends the E-RAB FAILURE message to the MME
because of Handover triggered or not UE context.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

2.2.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373210254 Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Successful Setup

2 C373210255 Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission

3 C373210256 Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

4 C373210257 Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

5 C373210258 Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

6 C373210259 Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

7 C373210260 Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Successful Setup

8 C373210261 Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission

9 C373210262 Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

10 C373210263 Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

11 C373210264 Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

12 C373210265 Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

13 C373210266 Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Successful Setup

14 C373210267 Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission

15 C373210268 Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

16 C373210269 Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

17 C373210270 Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

18 C373210271 Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

19 C373210272 Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Successful Setup

20 C373210273 Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission

21 C373210274 Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

22 C373210275 Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

23 C373210276 Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

24 C373210277 Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

25 C373210278 Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Successful Setup

26 C373210279 Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission

27 C373210280 Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


28 C373210281 Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

29 C373210282 Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

30 C373210283 Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

31 C373210284 Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Successful Setup

32 C373210285 Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission

33 C373210286 Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

34 C373210287 Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

35 C373210288 Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

36 C373210289 Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

37 C373210290 Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Successful Setup

38 C373210291 Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission

39 C373210292 Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

40 C373210293 Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

41 C373210294 Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

42 C373210295 Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

43 C373210296 Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Successful Setup

44 C373210297 Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission

45 C373210298 Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

46 C373210299 Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

47 C373210300 Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

48 C373210301 Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

49 C373210302 Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Successful Setup

50 C373210303 Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission

51 C373210304 Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

52 C373210305 Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

53 C373210306 Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

54 C373210307 Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

55 C373210590 Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

56 C373210591 Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

NO. Counter Counter Name


57 C373210592 Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

58 C373210593 Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

59 C373210594 Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

60 C373210595 Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

61 C373210596 Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

62 C373210597 Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

63 C373210598 Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

64 C373210599 Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

65 C373505384 Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

66 C373505385 Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

67 C373505386 Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

68 C373505387 Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

69 C373505388 Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

70 C373505389 Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

71 C373505390 Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request
72 C373505391 Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

73 C373505392 Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC
Re-establishment Request

74 C373505439 Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Attempt

75 C373505440 Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Attempt

76 C373505441 Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Attempt

77 C373505442 Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Attempt

78 C373505443 Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Attempt

79 C373505444 Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Attempt

80 C373505445 Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Attempt

81 C373505446 Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Attempt


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


82 C373505447 Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Attempt

83 C373505480 Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Attempt

84 C373505481 Number of Additional E-RAB Successful Setup

85 C373505482 Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

86 C373505483 Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

87 C373505484 Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

88 C373505485 Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

89 C373505486 Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC

Re-establishment Request

90 C373505487 Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

2.2.3 Counter Description C373210254

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI1 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Setup
List IE includes QCI1 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the QCI1 E-RAB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210255

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for admission
failures, in which each QCI1 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI1 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI1 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210256

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI1 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210257

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI1 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to handover trigger ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210258

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each QCI1 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210259

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI1 E-RAB failed
to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210260

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI2 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Setup
List IE includes QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373210261

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for admission
failures, in which each QCI2 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI2 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI2 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210262

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI2 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210263

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI2 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to handover trigger ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210264

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABContextSetupRequest from the MME, then replies
an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each QCI2 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210265

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI2 E-RAB failed
to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210266

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI3 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Setup
List IE includes QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210267

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for admission
failures, in which each QCI3 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI3 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI3 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210268

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI3 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210269

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI3 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to handover trigger ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210270

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each QCI3 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210271

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI3 E-RAB failed
to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210272

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI4 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Setup
List IE includes QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210273

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for admission
failures, in which each QCI4 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI4 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI4 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210274

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI4 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210275

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI4 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to handover trigger ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210276

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each QCI4 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210277

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI4 E-RAB failed
to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210278

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI5 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Setup
List IE includes QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210279

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for admission
failures, in which each QCI5 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI5 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI5 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210280

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI5 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210281

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI5 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to handover trigger,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210282

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each QCI5 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210283

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI5 E-RAB failed
to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210284

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI6 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Setup
List IE includes QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210285

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for admission
failures, in which each QCI6 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI6 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI6 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210286

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI6 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210287

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI6 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to handover trigger,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210288

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each QCI6 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210289

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI6 E-RAB failed
to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210290

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI7 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB to Setup
List includes QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME and the E-RAB to Setup List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210291

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for admission
failures, in which each QCI7 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI7 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI7 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210292

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI7 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210293

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI7 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to handover trigger,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210294

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each QCI7 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210295

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI7 E-RAB failed
to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210296

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI8 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Setup
List IE includes QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210297

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for admission
failures, in which each QCI8 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI8 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI8 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210298

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI8 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210299

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI8 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to handover trigger,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210300

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each QCI8 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210301

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI8 E-RAB failed
to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210302

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI9 E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Setup
List IE includes QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210303

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for admission
failures, in which each QCI9 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI9 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI9 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210304

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI9 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210305

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI9 E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to handover trigger,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210306

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each QCI9 E-RAB
failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210307

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI9 E-RAB failed
to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210590

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an E-RABSetupRequest message
from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it answers the
MME with an E-RABSetupRespons message. The successful E-RABs are indicated in an
E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE. This counter counts the number of QCI1 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to
Setup List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an E-RABSetupResponse message due to unavailable
transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates QCI1
E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the eNodeB answers the MME with an E-RABSetupResponse message due to QCI1
E-RAB admission failure and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI1 E-RABs, each QCI1 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210591

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an E-RABSetupRequest message
from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it answers the
MME with an E-RABSetupRespons message. The successful E-RABs are indicated in an
E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE. This counter counts the number of QCI2 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to
Setup List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an E-RABSetupResponse message due to unavailable
transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates QCI2
E-RABs, this counter is updated.

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the eNodeB answers the MME with an E-RABSetupResponse message due to QCI2
E-RAB admission failure and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI2 E-RABs, each QCI2 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210592

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an E-RABSetupRequest message
from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it answers the
MME with an E-RABSetupRespons message. The successful E-RABs are indicated in an
E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE. This counter counts the number of QCI3 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to
Setup List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an E-RABSetupResponse message due to unavailable
transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates QCI3
E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the eNodeB answers the MME with an E-RABSetupResponse message due to QCI3
E-RAB admission failure and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI3 E-RABs, each QCI3 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210593

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an E-RABSetupRequest message
from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it answers the
MME with an E-RABSetupRespons message. The successful E-RABs are indicated in an
E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Failed to Setup


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

List IE. This counter counts the number of QCI4 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to
Setup List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an E-RABSetupResponse message due to unavailable
transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates QCI4
E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the eNodeB answers the MME with an E-RABSetupResponse message due to QCI4
E-RAB admission failure and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI4 E-RABs, each QCI4 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210594

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an E-RABSetupRequest message
from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it answers the
MME with an E-RABSetupRespons message. The successful E-RABs are indicated in an
E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE. This counter counts the number of QCI5 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to
Setup List IE due to unavailable transmission.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an E-RABSetupResponse message due to unavailable
transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates QCI5
E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the eNodeB answers the MME with an E-RABSetupResponse message due to QCI5
E-RAB admission failure and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI5 E-RABs, each QCI5 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210595

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an E-RABSetupRequest message
from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it answers the
MME with an E-RABSetupRespons message. The successful E-RABs are indicated in an
E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE. This counter counts the number of QCI6 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to
Setup List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an E-RABSetupResponse message due to unavailable
transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates QCI6
E-RABs, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the eNodeB answers the MME with an E-RABSetupResponse message due to QCI6
E-RAB admission failure and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI6 E-RABs, each QCI6 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210596

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an E-RABSetupRequest message
from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it answers the
MME with an E-RABSetupRespons message. The successful E-RABs are indicated in an
E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE. This counter counts the number of QCI7 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to
Setup List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an E-RABSetupResponse message due to unavailable
transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates QCI7
E-RABs, this counter is updated.

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
When the eNodeB answers the MME with an E-RABSetupResponse message due to QCI7
E-RAB admission failure and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI7 E-RABs, each QCI7 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210597

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an E-RABSetupRequest message
from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it answers the
MME with an E-RABSetupRespons message. The successful E-RABs are indicated in an
E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE. This counter counts the number of QCI8 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to
Setup List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an E-RABSetupResponse message due to unavailable
transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates QCI8
E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the eNodeB answers the MME with an E-RABSetupResponse message due to QCI8
E-RAB admission failure and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI8 E-RABs, each QCI8 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210598

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an E-RABSetupRequest message
from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it answers the
MME with an E-RABSetupRespons message. The successful E-RABs are indicated in an
E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Failed to Setup
List IE. This counter counts the number of QCI9 E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to
Setup List IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an E-RABSetupResponse message due to unavailable
transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates QCI9
E-RABs, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the eNodeB answers the MME with an E-RABSetupResponse message due to QCI9
E-RAB admission failure and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
QCI9 E-RABs, each QCI9 E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210599

Counter Name
Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Failures due to Transport Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
One or more E-RAB setup requests may be contained in an E-RABSetupRequest message
from the MME. After the eNodeB receives and processes the message, it answers the
MME with an E-RABSetupRespons message. The successful E-RABs are indicated in an
E-RAB Setup List IE, and the failed E-RABs are indicated in an E-RAB Failed to Setup List
IE. This counter counts the number of E-RABs contained in the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
IE due to unavailable transmission.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the MME an E-RABSetupResponse message due to unavailable
transmission, and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates E-RABs, this
counter is updated.

Sampling Point 4, Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the eNodeB answers the MME with an E-RABSetupResponse message due to
E-RAB admission failure and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List IE in the message indicates
E-RABs, each E-RAB counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373505384

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, each QCI1 E-RAB failed to establish is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505385

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, each QCI2 E-RAB failed to establish is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the E-
RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505386

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, each QCI3 E-RAB failed to establish is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505387

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, each QCI4 E-RAB failed to establish is added
to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505388

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, each QCI5 E-RAB failed to establish is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505389

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, each QCI6 E-RAB failed to establish is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505390

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, each QCI7 E-RAB failed to establish is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373505391

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, each QCI8 E-RAB failed to establish is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505392

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, each QCI9 E-RAB failed to establish is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI9 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505439

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI1 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message, each requested
QCI1 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List
includes QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505440

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI2 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message, each requested
QCI2 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List
includes QCI2 E-RAB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505441

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI3 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message, each requested
QCI3 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List
includes QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373505442

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI4 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message, each requested
QCI4 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List
includes QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505443

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI5 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message, each requested
QCI5 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List
includes QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505444

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI6 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message, each requested
QCI6 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI6 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List
includes QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505445

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI7 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message, each requested
QCI7 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List
includes QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505446

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI8 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message, each requested
QCI8 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List
includes QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373505447

Counter Name
Number of Additional QCI9 E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message, each requested
QCI9 E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List includes QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to Be Setup List
includes QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505480

Counter Name
Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Attempt

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message, each requested
E-RAB in the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message from the MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the E-RAB
SETUP REQUEST message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505481

Counter Name
Number of Additional E-RAB Successful Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, in which
each E-RAB successfully established is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Setup
List IE includes E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME and the E-RAB Setup List IE includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505482

Counter Name
Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Failures due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for admission
failures, in which each E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABSetupResponse message to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB occurs E-RAB admission
failures then sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505483

Counter Name
Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Failures due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373505484

Counter Name
Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Failures due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each E-RAB failed to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to handover trigger ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup
List includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505485

Counter Name
Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Failures due to Parameter Error

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each E-RAB failed
to establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Setup List includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505486

Counter Name
Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Failures due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
an E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message, each E-RAB failed to establish is added to the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABSetupResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505487

Counter Name
Number of Additional E-RAB Setup Failures due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABSetupRequest from the MME, then replies an
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each E-RAB failed to
establish is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABSetupResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List includes the E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABSetupResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Setup List
includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


2.3 E-RAB Modification

2.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 2-3 E-RAB Modification

l Sampling Point 1: The EUTRAN receives the E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message
from the MME.
l Sampling Point 2: The EUTRAN sends the RRC CONNECTION
RECONFIGURATION message to the UE.
l Sampling Point 3: The EUTRAN receives the RRC CONNECTION
l Sampling Point 4: The EUTRAN sends the E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to
the MME, indicating that the E-RAB Modification has been successful or failed.
l Sampling Point 5: The EUTRAN waits for the RRC CONNECTION
RECONFIGURATION COMPLETE message from the UE until the timer is timeout,


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

then the EUTRAN sends the E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the
MME,indicating that the E-RAB Modification has failed.

2.3.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373210308 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Successful Modification

2 C373210309 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

3 C373210310 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

4 C373210311 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

5 C373210312 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

6 C373210313 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

7 C373210314 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Successful Modification

8 C373210315 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

9 C373210316 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

10 C373210317 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

11 C373210318 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

12 C373210319 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

13 C373210320 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Successful Modification

14 C373210321 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

15 C373210322 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

16 C373210323 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

17 C373210324 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

18 C373210325 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

19 C373210326 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Successful Modification

20 C373210327 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

21 C373210328 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

22 C373210329 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

23 C373210330 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

24 C373210331 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

25 C373210332 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Successful Modification

26 C373210333 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

27 C373210334 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

28 C373210335 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

NO. Counter Counter Name


29 C373210336 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

30 C373210337 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

31 C373210338 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Successful Modification

32 C373210339 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Access Failure

33 C373210340 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

34 C373210341 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

35 C373210342 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

36 C373210343 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

37 C373210344 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Successful Modification

38 C373210345 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

39 C373210346 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

40 C373210347 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

41 C373210348 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

42 C373210349 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

43 C373210350 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Successful Modification

44 C373210351 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

45 C373210352 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

46 C373210353 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

47 C373210354 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

48 C373210355 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

49 C373210356 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Successful Modification

50 C373210357 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

51 C373210358 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

52 C373210359 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

53 C373210360 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

54 C373210361 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

55 C373505393 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC

Re-establishment Request

56 C373505394 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC

Re-establishment Request

57 C373505395 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC

Re-establishment Request


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


58 C373505396 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC

Re-establishment Request

59 C373505397 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC

Re-establishment Request

60 C373505398 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC

Re-establishment Request

61 C373505399 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC

Re-establishment Request

62 C373505400 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC

Re-establishment Request

63 C373505401 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC

Re-establishment Request

64 C373505412 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Modification Request

65 C373505413 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Modification Request

66 C373505414 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Modification Request

67 C373505415 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Modification Request

68 C373505416 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Modification Request

69 C373505417 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Modification Request

70 C373505418 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Modification Request

71 C373505419 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Modification Request

72 C373505420 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Modification Request

73 C373505488 Number of E-RAB Modification Request

74 C373505489 Number of E-RAB Successful Modification

75 C373505490 Number of E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

76 C373505491 Number of E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

77 C373505492 Number of E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

78 C373505493 Number of E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

79 C373505494 Number of E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC

Re-establishment Request

80 C373505495 Number of E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

2.3.3 Counter Description C373210308

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Successful Modification

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI1 E-RAB successfully modified the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Modify
List IE includes QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME and the E-RAB Modify List IE includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210309

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for
admission failures, in which each QCI1 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI1 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABModifyResponse message to MME, in which the the E-RAB failed to Modify List
includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI1 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210310

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI1 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB failed
to Modify List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210311

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI1 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to handover trigger. ,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify
List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210312

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each
QCI1 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210313

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI1
E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210314

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Successful Modification

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI2 E-RAB successfully modified the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Modify
List IE includes QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME and the E-RAB Modify List IE includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210315

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for
admission failures, in which each QCI2 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI2 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABModifyResponse message to MME, in which the the E-RAB failed to Modify List
includes the QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI2 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210316

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI2 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB failed
to Modify List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210317

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI2 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to handover trigger. ,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify
List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210318

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each
QCI2 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210319

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI2
E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210320

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Successful Modification

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI3 E-RAB successfully modified the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Modify
List IE includes QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME and the E-RAB Modify List IE includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210321

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for
admission failures, in which each QCI3 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI3 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABModifyResponse message to MME, in which the the E-RAB failed to Modify List
includes the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI3 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210322

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI3 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB failed
to Modify List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210323

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI3 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to handover trigger. ,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify
List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210324

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each
QCI3 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210325

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI3
E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210326

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Successful Modification

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI4 E-RAB successfully modified the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Modify
List IE includes QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME and the E-RAB Modify List IE includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210327

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for
admission failures, in which each QCI4 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI4 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABModifyResponse message to MME, in which the the E-RAB failed to Modify List
includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI4 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210328

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI4 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB failed
to Modify List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210329

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI4 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to handover trigger. ,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify
List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210330

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each
QCI4 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210331

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI4
E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210332

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Successful Modification

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI5 E-RAB successfully modified the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME, and the
E-RAB Modify List IE includes QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB sends the
E-RABModifyResponse message to MME and the E-RAB Modify List IE includes the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210333

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for
admission failures, in which each QCI5 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI5 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABModifyResponse message to MME, in which the the E-RAB failed to Modify List
includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI5 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210334

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI5 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB failed
to Modify List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210335

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI5 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to handover trigger. ,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify
List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210336

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each
QCI5 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210337

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI5
E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210338

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Successful Modification

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI6 E-RAB successfully modified the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Modify
List IE includes QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME and the E-RAB Modify List IE includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210339

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Access Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for
admission failures, in which each QCI6 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI6 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABModifyResponse message to MME, in which the the E-RAB failed to Modify List
includes the QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI6 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210340

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI6 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to waiting
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete timer timeout,and the E-RAB failed to Modify
List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210341

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI6 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to handover trigger. ,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify
List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210342

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each
QCI6 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210343

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI6
E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210344

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Successful Modification

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI7 E-RAB successfully modified the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB to Setup
List includes QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME and the E-RAB to Setup List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210345

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for
admission failures, in which each QCI7 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI7 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABModifyResponse message to MME, in which the the E-RAB failed to Modify List
includes the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI7 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210346

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI7 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB failed
to Modify List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210347

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI7 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to handover trigger. ,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify
List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210348

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each
QCI7 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210349

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI7
E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210350

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Successful Modification

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI8 E-RAB successfully modified the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Modify
List IE includes QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME and the E-RAB Modify List IE includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210351

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for
admission failures, in which each QCI8 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI8 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABModifyResponse message to MME, in which the the E-RAB failed to Modify List
includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI8 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210352

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI8 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB failed
to Modify List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210353

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI8 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to handover trigger. ,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify
List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210354

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each
QCI8 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210355

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI8
E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210356

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Successful Modification

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message, in which
each QCI9 E-RAB successfully modified the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Modify
List IE includes QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME and the E-RAB Modify List IE includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210357

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for
admission failures, in which each QCI9 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs QCI9 E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABModifyResponse message to MME, in which the the E-RAB failed to Modify List
includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB occurs QCI9 E-RAB
admission failures then sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210358

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each QCI9 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB failed
to Modify List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210359

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, then sends a E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME, in which
each QCI9 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to handover trigger. ,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify
List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210360

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each
QCI9 E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210361

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each QCI9
E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to
Modify List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373505393

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME.each QCI1 E-RAB failed to an modify
the QoS parameter message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI1 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505394

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME.each QCI2 E-RAB failed to an modify
the QoS parameter message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI2 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505395

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME.each QCI3 E-RAB failed to an modify
the QoS parameter message is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI3 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505396

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME.each QCI4 E-RAB failed to an modify
the QoS parameter message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI4 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505397

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME.each QCI5 E-RAB failed to an modify
the QoS parameter message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI5 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505398

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME.each QCI6 E-RAB failed to an modify
the QoS parameter message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI6 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505399

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME.each QCI7 E-RAB failed to an modify
the QoS parameter message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI7 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505400

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME.each QCI8 E-RAB failed to an modify
the QoS parameter message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI8 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505401

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME.each QCI9 E-RAB failed to an modify
the QoS parameter message is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI9 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment in which IE
E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505412

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Modification Request

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message, each QCI1 E-RAB
attempted to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which
IE:E-RAB to be Modified List includs QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to be Modified List
includs QCI1 E-RAB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505413

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Modification Request

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message, each QCI2 E-RAB
attempted to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which
IE:E-RAB to be Modified List includs QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to be Modified List
includs QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505414

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Modification Request

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message, each QCI3 E-RAB
attempted to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which
IE:E-RAB to be Modified List includs QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to be Modified List
includs QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505415

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Modification Request

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message, each QCI4 E-RAB
attempted to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which
IE:E-RAB to be Modified List includs QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to be Modified List
includs QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505416

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Modification Request

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message, each QCI5 E-RAB
attempted to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which
IE:E-RAB to be Modified List includs QCI5 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to be Modified List
includs QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505417

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Modification Request

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message, each QCI6 E-RAB
attempted to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which
IE:E-RAB to be Modified List includs QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to be Modified List
includs QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505418

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Modification Request

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message, each QCI7 E-RAB
attempted to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which
IE:E-RAB to be Modified List includs QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to be Modified List
includs QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505419

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Modification Request

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message, each QCI8 E-RAB
attempted to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which
IE:E-RAB to be Modified List includs QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to be Modified List
includs QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505420

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Modification Request

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message, each QCI9 E-RAB
attempted to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which
IE:E-RAB to be Modified List includs QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to be Modified List
includs QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505488

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Modification Request

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message, each E-RAB
attempted to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which
IE:E-RAB to be Modified List includs E-RAB.

Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB to be Modified List
includs E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505489

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Successful Modification

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message, in which
each E-RAB successfully modified the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse to the MME, and the E-RAB Modify
List IE includes E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME and the E-RAB Modify List IE includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373505490

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Modification Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for
admission failures, in which each E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs E-RAB admission failures then replies the
E-RABModifyResponse message to MME, in which the the E-RAB failed to Modify List
includes the E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB occurs E-RAB admission
failures then sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME, in which the E-RAB Failed to Modify
List includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505491

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Modification Failure due to Uu interface Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
The timer expires for an expected RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message not
received by the eNodeB,the eNodeB sends an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to
the MME, in which each E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to timeout of
waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and the E-RAB failed
to Modify List includes the E-RAB.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB
sends E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message,and E-RAB Failed to Modify List
includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505492

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Modification Failure due to Handover Trigger

Short Name

Counter Description
For handover, the eNodeB sends a E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME,
in which each E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to handover
trigger,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to handover trigger. ,and the E-RAB Failed to
Modify List includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505493

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Modification Failure due to Parameter Error

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for parameter error, in which each
E-RAB failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to message
parameter error ,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to message parameter error,and the E-RAB Failed
to Modify List includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505494

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Modification Failure due to Receiving RRC Re-establishment Request

Short Name

Counter Description
For receiving the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message, the eNodeB sends
the E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message to the MME.each E-RAB failed to an modify
the QoS parameter message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC
re-establishment in which IE E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes E-RABs.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the
E-RABModifyResponse message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment and the
E-RAB Failed to Modify List includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505495

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Modification Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABModifyRequest message from the MME, then
replies an E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message for other reason, in which each E-RAB
failed to modify the QoS parameter is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replies the E-RABModifyResponse message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB failed to Modify List includes the E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB sends
E-RABModifyResponse to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB Failed to Modify
List includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

2.4 E-RAB Release

2.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 2-4 E-RAB Release

l Sampling Point 1: The EUTRAN receives the E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message
from the MME.
l Sampling Point 2: The EUTRAN sends the E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message
to the MME, indicating that the E-RAB Release has been successful.
l Sampling Point 3: The EUTRAN sends the E-RAB RELEASE INDICATION message
to the MME.
l Sampling Point 4: The EUTRAN sends the UE Context ReleaseRequest message to
the MME.
l Sampling Point 5: The EUTRAN receives the UE Context ReleaseCommand
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 6: The EUTRAN receives the RESET message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 7: The EUTRAN receives the Error Indication message from the MME.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

2.4.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373210362 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

2 C373210363 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

3 C373210364 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

4 C373210365 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

5 C373210366 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

6 C373210367 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

7 C373210368 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

8 C373210369 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

9 C373210370 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

10 C373210371 Number of E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

11 C373210372 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Overload Control

12 C373210373 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Overload Control

13 C373210374 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Overload Control

14 C373210375 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Overload Control

15 C373210376 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Overload Control

16 C373210377 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Overload Control

17 C373210378 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Overload Control

18 C373210379 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Overload Control

19 C373210380 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Overload Control

20 C373210381 Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due
to Overload Control

21 C373210382 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Other Abnormal Reason

22 C373210383 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Other Abnormal Reason


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

NO. Counter Counter Name


23 C373210384 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Other Abnormal Reason

24 C373210385 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Other Abnormal Reason

25 C373210386 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Other Abnormal Reason

26 C373210387 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Other Abnormal Reason

27 C373210388 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Other Abnormal Reason

28 C373210389 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Other Abnormal Reason

29 C373210390 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Other Abnormal Reason

30 C373210391 Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due
to Other Abnormal Reason

31 C373210392 Number of E-RAB Release due to Uu interface Timeout

32 C373210393 Number of E-RAB Release due to RLF triggered by Poor Uu Quality

33 C373210394 Number of E-RAB Release due to Maximum of RLC Retransmission

34 C373210395 Number of E-RAB Release due to PDCP Integrity protection Failure

35 C373210396 Number of E-RAB Release due to GTPU Error Indication

36 C373210397 Number of E-RAB Release due to Path Fault

37 C373210398 Number of E-RAB Release due to Optical Port Fault

38 C373210412 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Cell Congestion

39 C373210413 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Cell Congestion

40 C373210414 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Cell Congestion

41 C373210415 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Cell Congestion

42 C373210416 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Cell Congestion

43 C373210417 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Cell Congestion


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


44 C373210418 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Cell Congestion

45 C373210419 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Cell Congestion

46 C373210420 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Cell Congestion

47 C373210421 Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure

due to Cell Congestion

48 C373210422 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to HO Fail

49 C373210423 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to HO Fail

50 C373210424 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to HO Fail

51 C373210425 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to HO Fail

52 C373210426 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to HO Fail

53 C373210427 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to HO Fail

54 C373210428 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to HO Fail

55 C373210429 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to HO Fail

56 C373210430 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to HO Fail

57 C373210431 Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure

due to HO Fail

58 C373210432 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Radio Link Failure

59 C373210433 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Radio Link Failure

60 C373210434 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Radio Link Failure

61 C373210435 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Radio Link Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

NO. Counter Counter Name


62 C373210436 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Radio Link Failure

63 C373210437 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Radio Link Failure

64 C373210438 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Radio Link Failure

65 C373210439 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Radio Link Failure

66 C373210440 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Radio Link Failure

67 C373210441 Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due
to Radio Link Failure

68 C373210442 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Reestablish Fail

69 C373210443 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Reestablish Fail

70 C373210444 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Reestablish Fail

71 C373210445 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Reestablish Fail

72 C373210446 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Reestablish Fail

73 C373210447 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Reestablish Fail

74 C373210448 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Reestablish Fail

75 C373210449 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Reestablish Fail

76 C373210450 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Reestablish Fail

77 C373210451 Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure

due to Reestablish Fail

78 C373210492 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to UserInactive

79 C373210493 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to UserInactive


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


80 C373210494 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to UserInactive

81 C373210495 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to UserInactive

82 C373210496 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to UserInactive

83 C373210497 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to UserInactive

84 C373210498 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to UserInactive

85 C373210499 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to UserInactive

86 C373210500 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to UserInactive

87 C373210501 Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure

due to UserInactive

88 C373210502 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Shut Down or Reset Cell
89 C373210503 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to Shut Down or Reset Cell

90 C373210504 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Shut Down or Reset Cell

91 C373210505 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Shut Down or Reset Cell

92 C373210506 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Shut Down or Reset Cell

93 C373210507 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Shut Down or Reset Cell

94 C373210508 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Shut Down or Reset Cell

95 C373210509 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Shut Down or Reset Cell

96 C373210510 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release

Procedure due to Shut Down or Reset Cell

97 C373210511 Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due
to Shut Down or Reset Cell


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

NO. Counter Counter Name


98 C373210512 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or

Reestablish inter eNB

99 C373210513 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or

Reestablish inter eNB

100 C373210514 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or
Reestablish inter eNB

101 C373210515 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or
Reestablish inter eNB

102 C373210516 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or
Reestablish inter eNB

103 C373210517 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or
Reestablish inter eNB

104 C373210518 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or
Reestablish inter eNB

105 C373210519 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or
Reestablish inter eNB

106 C373210520 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or
Reestablish inter eNB

107 C373210521 Number of E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or Reestablish
inter eNB

108 C373210522 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to Redirection

109 C373210523 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to Redirection

110 C373210524 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to Redirection

111 C373210525 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to Redirection

112 C373210526 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to Redirection

113 C373210527 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to Redirection

114 C373210528 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to Redirection

115 C373210529 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to Redirection


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


116 C373210530 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to Redirection

117 C373210531 Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure
due to Redirection

118 C373505309 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Failed to Release

119 C373505310 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Failed to Release

120 C373505311 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Failed to Release

121 C373505312 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Failed to Release

122 C373505313 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Failed to Release

123 C373505314 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Failed to Release

124 C373505315 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Failed to Release

125 C373505316 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Failed to Release

126 C373505317 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Failed to Release

127 C373505318 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Attempted to Release

128 C373505319 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Attempted to Release

129 C373505320 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Attempted to Release

130 C373505321 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Attempted to Release

131 C373505322 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Attempted to Release

132 C373505323 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Attempted to Release

133 C373505324 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Attempted to Release

134 C373505325 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Attempted to Release

135 C373505326 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Attempted to Release

136 C373505345 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to S1 Link Error

137 C373505346 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to S1 Link Error

138 C373505347 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to S1 Link Error

139 C373505348 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to S1 Link Error

140 C373505349 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to S1 Link Error

141 C373505350 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to S1 Link Error


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

NO. Counter Counter Name


142 C373505351 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to S1 Link Error

143 C373505352 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to S1 Link Error

144 C373505353 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to S1 Link Error

145 C373505354 Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure
due to S1 Link Error

146 C373505355 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to CCO Cause

147 C373505356 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to CCO Cause

148 C373505357 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to CCO Cause

149 C373505358 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to CCO Cause

150 C373505359 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to CCO Cause

151 C373505360 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to CCO Cause

152 C373505361 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to CCO Cause

153 C373505362 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to CCO Cause

154 C373505363 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release
Procedure due to CCO Cause

155 C373505364 Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure
due to CCO Cause

156 C373505452 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

157 C373505453 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

158 C373505454 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

159 C373505455 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

160 C373505456 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

161 C373505457 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

162 C373505458 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


163 C373505459 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

164 C373505460 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

165 C373505461 Number of E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

166 C373505462 Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

167 C373505463 Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

168 C373505464 Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

169 C373505465 Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

170 C373505466 Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

171 C373505467 Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

172 C373505468 Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

173 C373505469 Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

174 C373505470 Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

175 C373505471 Number of E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

176 C373505496 Number of E-RAB Attempted to Release

177 C373505497 Number of E-RAB Failed to Release

178 C374067450 Number of E-RAB Release by SRS Stubbed Card

179 C374067451 Number of E-RAB Release by UL HARQ FAIL

180 C374067452 Number of E-RAB Release by DL HARQ FAIL

181 C374067453 Number of E-RAB Release by MSG0 No Response

2.4.3 Counter Description C373210362

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from the MME, in which the Cause is Normal Relase, Detach, Authentication


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

failure or Interaction with other procedure. Each above QCI1 E-RABs release
successful initiated by MME is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then
replies the E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB
To Be Released List includes the QCI1 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.
Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when the eNodeB receives
the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then replies the E-RAB RELEASE
RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB To Be Released List includes the
QCI1 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message
from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210363

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from the MME, in which the Cause is Normal Relase, Detach, Authentication
failure or Interaction with other procedure. Each above QCI2 E-RABs release
successful initiated by MME is added to the counter


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then
replies the E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB
To Be Released List includes the QCI2 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.
Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives
the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then replies the E-RAB RELEASE
RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB To Be Released List includes the
QCI2 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message
from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210364

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from the MME, in which the Cause is Normal Relase, Detach, Authentication
failure or Interaction with other procedure. Each above QCI3 E-RABs release
successful initiated by MME is added to the counter

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then
replies the E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

To Be Released List includes the QCI3 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.
Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives
the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then replies the E-RAB RELEASE
RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB To Be Released List includes the
QCI3 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message
from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210365

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from the MME, in which the Cause is Normal Relase, Detach, Authentication
failure or Interaction with other procedure. Each above QCI4 E-RABs release
successful initiated by MME is added to the counter

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then
replies the E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB
To Be Released List includes the QCI4 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.
Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives
the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then replies the E-RAB RELEASE
RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB To Be Released List includes the
QCI4 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message
from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210366

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from the MME, in which the Cause is Normal Relase, Detach, Authentication
failure or Interaction with other procedure. Each above QCI5 E-RABs release
successful initiated by MME is added to the counter

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then
replies the E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB
To Be Released List includes the QCI5 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.
Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives
the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then replies the E-RAB RELEASE
RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB To Be Released List includes the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

QCI5 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message

from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210367

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from the MME, in which the Cause is Normal Relase, Detach, Authentication
failure or Interaction with other procedure. Each above QCI6 E-RABs release
successful initiated by MME is added to the counter

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then
replies the E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB
To Be Released List includes the QCI6 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives
the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then replies the E-RAB RELEASE
RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB To Be Released List includes the
QCI6 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message
from the MME.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210368

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from the MME, in which the Cause is Normal Relase, Detach, Authentication
failure or Interaction with other procedure. Each above QCI7 E-RABs release
successful initiated by MME is added to the counter

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then
replies the E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB
To Be Released List includes the QCI7 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.
Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives
the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then replies the E-RAB RELEASE
RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB To Be Released List includes the
QCI7 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message
from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210369

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from the MME, in which the Cause is Normal Relase, Detach, Authentication
failure or Interaction with other procedure. Each above QCI8 E-RABs release
successful initiated by MME is added to the counter

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then
replies the E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB
To Be Released List includes the QCI8 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.
Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives
the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then replies the E-RAB RELEASE
RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB To Be Released List includes the
QCI8 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message
from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373210370

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from the MME, in which the Cause is Normal Relase, Detach, Authentication
failure or Interaction with other procedure. Each above QCI9 E-RABs release
successful initiated by MME is added to the counter

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then
replies the E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB
To Be Released List includes the QCI9 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives
the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then replies the E-RAB RELEASE
RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB To Be Released List includes the
QCI9 E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message
from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210371

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by MME Normal Release

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from the MME, in which the Cause is Normal Relase, Detach, Authentication
failure or Interaction with other procedure. Each above E-RABs release successful
initiated by MME is added to the counter

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME
then replies the E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE
E-RAB To Be Released List includes the E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.
Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives
the E-RABReleaseCommand message from MME then replies the E-RAB RELEASE
RESPONSE message to MME, and in which IE E-RAB To Be Released List includes the
E-RAB. Or When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from
the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210372

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Overload Control

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some appropriate
traffics to release when detecting cell overloading.When QCI1 E-RAB is released for above
reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to detection
overload,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
LoadControl,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210373

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Overload Control


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some appropriate
traffics to release when detecting cell overloading.When QCI2 E-RAB is released for above
reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to detection
overload,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
LoadControl,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210374

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Overload Control

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some appropriate
traffics to release when detecting cell overloading.When QCI3 E-RAB is released for above
reason,it is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to detection
overload,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
LoadControl,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210375

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Overload Control

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some appropriate
traffics to release when detecting cell overloading.When QCI4 E-RAB is released for above
reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to detection
overload,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
LoadControl,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210376

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Overload Control

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some appropriate
traffics to release when detecting cell overloading.When QCI5 E-RAB is released for above
reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to detection
overload,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
LoadControl,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210377

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Overload Control

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some appropriate
traffics to release when detecting cell overloading.When QCI6 E-RAB is released for above
reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to detection
overload,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
LoadControl,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210378

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Overload Control

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some appropriate
traffics to release when detecting cell overloading.When QCI7 E-RAB is released for above
reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to detection
overload,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
LoadControl,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210379

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Overload Control


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some appropriate
traffics to release when detecting cell overloading.When QCI8 E-RAB is released for above
reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to detection
overload,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
LoadControl,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210380

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Overload Control

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some appropriate
traffics to release when detecting cell overloading.When QCI9 E-RAB is released for above
reason,it is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to detection
overload,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
LoadControl,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210381

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Overload

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some appropriate
traffics to release when detecting cell overloading.When a E-RAB is released for above
reason, it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to detection
Sampling Point 3


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210382

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Other
Abnormal Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
For other reason, the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME. Each
above QCI1 E-RABs initiated by eNodeB is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB To Be
Released List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210383

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Other
Abnormal Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
For other reason, the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME. Each
above QCI2 E-RABs initiated by eNodeB is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB To Be
Released List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210384

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Other
Abnormal Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
For other reason, the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME. Each
above QCI3 E-RABs initiated by eNodeB is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB To Be
Released List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210385

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Other
Abnormal Reason

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
For other reason, the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME. Each
above QCI4 E-RABs initiated by eNodeB is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB To Be
Released List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210386

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Other
Abnormal Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
For other reason, the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME. Each
above QCI5 E-RABs initiated by eNodeB is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB To Be
Released List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210387

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Other
Abnormal Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
For other reason, the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME. Each
above QCI6 E-RABs initiated by eNodeB is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB To Be
Released List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210388

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Other
Abnormal Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
For other reason, the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME. Each
above QCI7 E-RABs initiated by eNodeB is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB To Be
Released List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210389

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Other
Abnormal Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
For other reason, the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME. Each
above QCI8 E-RABs initiated by eNodeB is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB To Be
Released List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210390

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Other
Abnormal Reason

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
For other reason, the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME. Each
above QCI9 E-RABs initiated by eNodeB is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other
reason,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other reason,and the E-RAB To Be
Released List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210391

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Other
Abnormal Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
For other reason, the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME. Each
above E-RABs initiated by eNodeB is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other
Sampling Point 3


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to other reason.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210392

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release due to Uu interface Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by radio link failure. When the RNLC detects the expiry of the Uu interface
signaling timer and sends a CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this
counter is incremented. The corresponding release cause is reported to "C373210441
Number of E-RAB Release due to ENB Radio Link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC detects the expiry of the Uu interface signaling timer and sends a
CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
When the RNLC detects the expiry of the Uu interface signaling timer and sends a
CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is incremented by
one for each E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210393

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release due to RLF triggered by Poor Uu Quality

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by radio link failure. This counter is incremented when the RNLC receives
an RLF message reported by the CMAC indicating an invalid uplink SRS measurement,
high uplink or downlink HARQFail, and sends a CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message
to the MME.The corresponding release cause is reported to "C373210441 Number of
E-RAB Release due to ENB Radio Link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives an RLF message reported by the CMAC indicating an invalid
uplink SRS measurement, high uplink or downlink HARQFail, and sends a CONTEXT
RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is updated.

Sampling Point 3

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an RLF message reported by the CMAC indicating an invalid
uplink SRS measurement, high uplink or downlink HARQFail, and sends a CONTEXT
RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373210394

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release due to Maximum of RLC Retransmission

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by radio link failure. This counter is incremented when the RNLC
receives an RNLU error message that indicates an RLC error, and sends a CONTEXT
RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME.The corresponding release cause is reported
to "C373210441 Number of E-RAB Release due to ENB Radio Link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates an RLC error, and sends
a CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates an RLC error, and sends
a CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is incremented by
one for each E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210395

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release due to PDCP Integrity protection Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by radio link failure. This counter is incremented when the RNLC
receives an RNLU error message that indicates a PDCP error, and sends a CONTEXT
RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME.The corresponding release cause is reported
to "C373210441 Number of E-RAB Release due to ENB Radio Link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates a PDCP error, and sends
a CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates a PDCP error, and sends
a CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is incremented by
one for each E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210396

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release due to GTPU Error Indication


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by S1 link failure. This counter is incremented when the RNLC receives
an RNLU error message that indicates a GTPU error, and sends a CONTEXT RELEASE
REQUEST message to the MME.The corresponding release cause is reported to
"C373505354 Number of E-RAB Release Initiated by the ENB due to S1 Link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates a GTPU error, and sends
a CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates a GTPU error, and sends
a CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is incremented by
one for each E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210397

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release due to Path Fault

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by S1 link failure. When the RNLC receives a PATH fault reported by the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

RNLU, and sends a CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter
is incremented.The corresponding release cause is reported to "C373505354 Number of
E-RAB Release Initiated by the ENB due to S1 Link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives a PATH fault reported by the RNLU, and sends a CONTEXT
RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
When the RNLC receives a PATH fault reported by the RNLU, and sends a CONTEXT
RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is incremented by one for each

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210398

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release due to Optical Port Fault

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by S1 link failure. When the RNLC receives an OAM optical interface
fault and sends a CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter
is incremented.The corresponding release cause is reported to "C373505354 Number of
E-RAB Release Initiated by the ENB due to S1 Link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives an OAM optical interface fault and sends a CONTEXT RELEASE
REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an OAM optical interface fault and sends a CONTEXT RELEASE
REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is incremented by one for each E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210412

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Congestion Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some
appropriate traffics to release when cell congestion.When QCI1 E-RAB is released for
above reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to cell
congestion,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
Congestion Control,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210413

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Congestion Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some
appropriate traffics to release when cell congestion.When QCI2 E-RAB is released for
above reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to cell
congestion,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
Congestion Control,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373210414

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Congestion Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some
appropriate traffics to release when cell congestion.When QCI3 E-RAB is released for
above reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to cell
congestion,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
Congestion Control,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210415

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Congestion Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some
appropriate traffics to release when cell congestion.When QCI4 E-RAB is released for
above reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to cell
congestion,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
Congestion Control,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210416

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Cell


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Congestion Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some
appropriate traffics to release when cell congestion.When QCI5 E-RAB is released for
above reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to cell
congestion,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
Congestion Control,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210417

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Congestion Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some
appropriate traffics to release when cell congestion.When QCI6 E-RAB is released for
above reason,it is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to cell
congestion,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
Congestion Control,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210418

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Congestion Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some
appropriate traffics to release when cell congestion.When QCI7 E-RAB is released for
above reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to cell
congestion,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
Congestion Control,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210419

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Congestion Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some
appropriate traffics to release when cell congestion.When QCI8 E-RAB is released for
above reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to cell
congestion,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
Congestion Control,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210420

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Congestion Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some
appropriate traffics to release when cell congestion.When QCI9 E-RAB is released for
above reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to cell
congestion,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
Congestion Control,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210421

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Congestion Control" switch,the eNodeB trigger the some
appropriate traffics to release when cell congestion.When QCI1 E-RAB is released for
above reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to cell
congestion,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when eNodeB sends the E-RAB
RELEASE INDICATION message or UE Context Release Request to the MME due to
Congestion Control,and the E-RAB released List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210422

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to HO


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
1 A UE is realesed by the source eNodeB due to an expected
UEContextReleaseCommand or UEContextRelease message indicating handover
complete not received by the eNodeB.
2 The eNodeB receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message then release the partial
E-RABs due to the target preparation failure.
Each above two conditions QCI1 E-RAB realeased is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB trigger QCI1 E-RAB release due to handover failures.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB trigger QCI1 E-RAB realese due to
handover failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210423

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to HO

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
1 A UE is realesed by the source eNodeB due to an expected
UEContextReleaseCommand or UEContextRelease message indicating handover
complete not received by the eNodeB.
2 The eNodeB receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message then release the partial
E-RABs due to the target preparation failure.
Each above two conditions QCI2 E-RAB realeased is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB trigger QCI2 E-RAB release due to handover failures.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB trigger QCI2 E-RAB realese due to
handover failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210424

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to HO

Short Name

Counter Description
1 A UE is realesed by the source eNodeB due to an expected
UEContextReleaseCommand or UEContextRelease message indicating handover
complete not received by the eNodeB.
2 The eNodeB receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message then release the partial
E-RABs due to the target preparation failure.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Each above two conditions QCI3 E-RAB realeased is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB trigger QCI3 E-RAB release due to handover failures.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB trigger QCI3 E-RAB realese due to
handover failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210425

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to HO

Short Name

Counter Description
1 A UE is realesed by the source eNodeB due to an expected
UEContextReleaseCommand or UEContextRelease message indicating handover
complete not received by the eNodeB.
2 The eNodeB receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message then release the partial
E-RABs due to the target preparation failure.
Each above two conditions QCI4 E-RAB realeased is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB trigger QCI4 E-RAB release due to handover failures.
Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB trigger QCI4 E-RAB realese due to
handover failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210426

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to HO

Short Name

Counter Description
1 A UE is realesed by the source eNodeB due to an expected
UEContextReleaseCommand or UEContextRelease message indicating handover
complete not received by the eNodeB.
2 The eNodeB receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message then release the partial
E-RABs due to the target preparation failure.
Each above two conditions QCI5 E-RAB realeased is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB trigger QCI5 E-RAB release due to handover failures.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB trigger QCI5 E-RAB realese due to
handover failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210427

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to HO

Short Name

Counter Description
1 A UE is realesed by the source eNodeB due to an expected
UEContextReleaseCommand or UEContextRelease message indicating handover
complete not received by the eNodeB.
2 The eNodeB receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message then release the partial
E-RABs due to the target preparation failure.
Each above two conditions QCI6 E-RAB realeased is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB trigger QCI6 E-RAB release due to handover failures.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB trigger QCI6 E-RAB realese due to
handover failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210428

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to HO

Short Name

Counter Description
1 A UE is realesed by the source eNodeB due to an expected
UEContextReleaseCommand or UEContextRelease message indicating handover
complete not received by the eNodeB.
2 The eNodeB receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message then release the partial
E-RABs due to the target preparation failure.
Each above two conditions QCI7 E-RAB realeased is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB trigger QCI7 E-RAB release due to handover failures.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB trigger QCI7 E-RAB realese due to
handover failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210429

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to HO


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
1 A UE is realesed by the source eNodeB due to an expected
UEContextReleaseCommand or UEContextRelease message indicating handover
complete not received by the eNodeB.
2 The eNodeB receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message then release the partial
E-RABs due to the target preparation failure.
Each above two conditions QCI8 E-RAB realeased is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB trigger QCI8 E-RAB release due to handover failures.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB trigger QCI8 E-RAB realese due to
handover failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210430

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to HO

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
1 A UE is realesed by the source eNodeB due to an expected
UEContextReleaseCommand or UEContextRelease message indicating handover
complete not received by the eNodeB.
2 The eNodeB receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message then release the partial
E-RABs due to the target preparation failure.
Each above two conditions QCI9 E-RAB realeased is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB trigger QCI9 E-RAB release due to handover failures.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB trigger QCI9 E-RAB realese due to
handover failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210431

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to HO Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
1 A UE is realesed by the source eNodeB due to an expected
UEContextReleaseCommand or UEContextRelease message indicating handover
complete not received by the eNodeB.
2 The eNodeB receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message then release the partial
E-RABs due to the target preparation failure.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Each above two conditions E-RAB realeased is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB trigger a E-RAB release due to handover failures.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB trigger a E-RAB realese due to
handover failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210432

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Radio
Link Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
When a RLC PDU is transfered then exceeded the maximum number on the downlink, it
is regarded as RLF.
When eNodeB's timer expires that monitoring the message from the UE to eNodeB, it is
regarded as RLF. For example, the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message,
the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message and so on.
When a SR is transfered then exceeded the maximum number,it is regarded as RLF.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link
failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link failures, and the E-RAB To
Be Released List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210433

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Radio
Link Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
When a RLC PDU is transfered then exceeded the maximum number on the downlink, it
is regarded as RLF.
When eNodeB's timer expires that monitoring the message from the UE to eNodeB, it is
regarded as RLF. For example, the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message,
the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message and so on.
When a SR is transfered then exceeded the maximum number,it is regarded as RLF.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link
failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link failures,and the E-RAB To
Be Released List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210434

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Radio
Link Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
When a RLC PDU is transfered then exceeded the maximum number on the downlink, it
is regarded as RLF.
When eNodeB's timer expires that monitoring the message from the the UE to eNodeB, it is
regarded as RLF. For example, the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message,
the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message and so on.

When a SR is transfered then exceeded the maximum number,it is regarded as RLF.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link
failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link failures,and the E-RAB To
Be Released List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210435

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Radio
Link Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
When a RLC PDU is transfered then exceeded the maximum number on the downlink, it
is regarded as RLF.
When eNodeB's timer expires that monitoring the message from the the UE to eNodeB, it is
regarded as RLF. For example, the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message,
the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message and so on.
When a SR is transfered then exceeded the maximum number,it is regarded as RLF.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link
failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link failures,and the E-RAB To
Be Released List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373210436

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Radio
Link Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
When a RLC PDU is transfered then exceeded the maximum number on the downlink, it
is regarded as RLF.

When eNodeB's timer expires that monitoring the message from the the UE to eNodeB, it is
regarded as RLF. For example, the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message,
the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message and so on.
When a SR is transfered then exceeded the maximum number,it is regarded as RLF.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link
failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link failures,and the E-RAB To
Be Released List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210437

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Radio
Link Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
When a RLC PDU is transfered then exceeded the maximum number on the downlink, it
is regarded as RLF.

When eNodeB's timer expires that monitoring the message from the the UE to eNodeB, it is
regarded as RLF. For example, the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message,
the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message and so on.
When a SR is transfered then exceeded the maximum number,it is regarded as RLF.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link
failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link failures,and the E-RAB To
Be Released List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210438

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Radio
Link Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
When a RLC PDU is transfered then exceeded the maximum number on the downlink, it
is regarded as RLF.

When eNodeB's timer expires that monitoring the message from the the UE to eNodeB, it is
regarded as RLF. For example, the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message,
the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message and so on.
When a SR is transfered then exceeded the maximum number,it is regarded as RLF.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link
failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link failures,and the E-RAB To
Be Released List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210439

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Radio
Link Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
When a RLC PDU is transfered then exceeded the maximum number on the downlink, it
is regarded as RLF.

When eNodeB's timer expires that monitoring the message from the the UE to eNodeB, it is
regarded as RLF. For example, the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message,
the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message and so on.
When a SR is transfered then exceeded the maximum number,it is regarded as RLF.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link
failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link failures,and the E-RAB To
Be Released List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210440

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Radio
Link Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
When a RLC PDU is transfered then exceeded the maximum number on the downlink, it
is regarded as RLF.

When eNodeB's timer expires that monitoring the message from the the UE to eNodeB, it is
regarded as RLF. For example, the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message,
the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message and so on.
When a SR is transfered then exceeded the maximum number,it is regarded as RLF.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link
failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link failures,and the E-RAB To
Be Released List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210441

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Radio Link

Short Name

Counter Description
When a RLC PDU is transfered then exceeded the maximum number on the downlink, it
is regarded as RLF.
When eNodeB's timer expires that monitoring the message from the the UE to eNodeB, it is
regarded as RLF. For example, the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message,
the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message and so on.
When a SR is transfered then exceeded the maximum number,it is regarded as RLF.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseIndication message to MME due to radio link failures

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210442

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Reestablish Fail


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message by the eNodeB to
the MME when eNodeB occur RRC connection reestablishment failures then sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE.
Each above QCI1 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC
connection reestablishment failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI1
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC connection reestablishment
failures,and the UE has the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210443

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Reestablish Fail

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Transmission of a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message by the eNodeB to
the MME when eNodeB occur RRC connection reestablishment failures then sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE.
Each above QCI2 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC
connection reestablishment failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI2
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC connection reestablishment
failures,and the UE has the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210444

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Reestablish Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message by the eNodeB to
the MME when eNodeB occur RRC connection reestablishment failures then sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE.
Each above QCI3 E-RAB released is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC
connection reestablishment failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI3
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC connection reestablishment
failures,and the UE has the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210445

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Reestablish Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message by the eNodeB to
the MME when eNodeB occur RRC connection reestablishment failures then sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE.
Each above QCI4 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC
connection reestablishment failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI4
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC connection reestablishment
failures,and the UE has the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210446

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Reestablish Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message by the eNodeB to
the MME when eNodeB occur RRC connection reestablishment failures then sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE.
Each above QCI5 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC
connection reestablishment failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI5
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC connection reestablishment
failures,and the UE has the QCI5 E-RAB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210447

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Reestablish Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message by the eNodeB to
the MME when eNodeB occur RRC connection reestablishment failures then sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE.
Each above QCI6 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC
connection reestablishment failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI6
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC connection reestablishment
failures,and the UE has the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373210448

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Reestablish Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message by the eNodeB to
the MME when eNodeB occur RRC connection reestablishment failures then sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE.
Each above QCI7 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC
connection reestablishment failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI7
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC connection reestablishment
failures,and the UE has the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210449

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Reestablish Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message by the eNodeB to
the MME when eNodeB occur RRC connection reestablishment failures then sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE.
Each above QCI8 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC
connection reestablishment failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI8
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC connection reestablishment
failures,and the UE has the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210450

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to
Reestablish Fail


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message by the eNodeB to
the MME when eNodeB occur RRC connection reestablishment failures then sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE.
Each above QCI9 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC
connection reestablishment failures,and the E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI9
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC connection reestablishment
failures,and the UE has the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210451

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Reestablish

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
Transmission of a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message by the eNodeB to
the MME when eNodeB occur RRC connection reestablishment failures then sends the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to the UE.
Each above E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC
connection reestablishment failures
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to RRC connection reestablishment

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210492

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "USER INACTIVITY" switch,the eNodeB detects user that have
no DTCH data queued on the downlink and the uplink during configuration intervals. The
user is regarded as "inactivity". Each above condition QCI1 E-RAB released is added to
the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user
inactive,and the UE has QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user inactive,and the UE has QCI1

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210493

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "USER INACTIVITY" switch,the eNodeB detects user that have
no DTCH data queued on the downlink and the uplink during configuration intervals. The
user is regarded as "inactivity". Each above condition QCI2 E-RAB released is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user
inactive,and the UE has QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user inactive,and the UE has QCI2

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210494

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "USER INACTIVITY" switch,the eNodeB detects user that have
no DTCH data queued on the downlink and the uplink during configuration intervals. The
user is regarded as "inactivity". Each above condition QCI3 E-RAB released is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user
inactive,and the UE has QCI3 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user inactive,and the UE has QCI3


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210495

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "USER INACTIVITY" switch,the eNodeB detects user that have
no DTCH data queued on the downlink and the uplink during configuration intervals. The
user is regarded as "inactivity". Each above condition QCI4 E-RAB released is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user
inactive,and the UE has QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user inactive,and the UE has QCI4

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373210496

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "USER INACTIVITY" switch,the eNodeB detects user that have
no DTCH data queued on the downlink and the uplink during configuration intervals. The
user is regarded as "inactivity". Each above condition QCI5 E-RAB released is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user
inactive,and the UE has QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user inactive,and the UE has QCI5

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210497

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "USER INACTIVITY" switch,the eNodeB detects user that have
no DTCH data queued on the downlink and the uplink during configuration intervals. The
user is regarded as "inactivity". Each above condition QCI6 E-RAB released is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user
inactive,and the UE has QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user inactive,and the UE has QCI6

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210498

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "USER INACTIVITY" switch,the eNodeB detects user that have
no DTCH data queued on the downlink and the uplink during configuration intervals. The
user is regarded as "inactivity". Each above condition QCI7 E-RAB released is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user
inactive,and the UE has QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user inactive,and the UE has QCI7

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210499

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "USER INACTIVITY" switch,the eNodeB detects user that have
no DTCH data queued on the downlink and the uplink during configuration intervals. The


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

user is regarded as "inactivity". Each above condition QCI8 E-RAB released is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user
inactive,and the UE has QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user inactive,and the UE has QCI8

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210500

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "USER INACTIVITY" switch,the eNodeB detects user that have
no DTCH data queued on the downlink and the uplink during configuration intervals. The
user is regarded as "inactivity". Each above condition QCI9 E-RAB released is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user
inactive,and the UE has QCI9 E-RAB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user inactive,and the UE has QCI9

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210501

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "USER INACTIVITY" switch,the eNodeB detects user that have
no DTCH data queued on the downlink and the uplink during configuration intervals. The
user is regarded as "inactivity". Each above condition E-RAB released is added to the

Triggering Point
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user inactive.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to user inactive.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210502

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Shut
Down or Reset Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
1 The eNodeB receives the Cell Block Command from the OMM for manual operation.
2 The eNodeB occurs alarm about cell that trigger UE release.

Each above two conditions QCI1 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell
block or Reset,and the UE has QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell block or reset,and the UE has

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373210503

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Shut
Down or Reset Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
1 The eNodeB receives the Cell Block Command from the OMM for manual operation.

2 The eNodeB occurs alarm about cell that trigger UE release.

Each above two conditions QCI2 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell
block or reset,and the UE has QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell block or reset,and the UE has

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210504

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Shut
Down or Reset Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
1 The eNodeB receives the Cell Block Command from the OMM for manual operation.
2 The eNodeB occurs alarm that trigger UE release.

Each above two conditions QCI3 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell
block or reset,and the UE has QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell block or reset,and the UE has

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210505

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Shut
Down or Reset Cell


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
1 The eNodeB receives the Cell Block Command from the OMM for manual operation.
2 The eNodeB occurs alarm about cell that trigger UE release.
Each above two conditions QCI4 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell
block or reset,and the UE has QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell block or reset,and the UE has

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210506

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Shut
Down or Reset Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
1 The eNodeB receives the Cell Block Command from the OMM for manual operation.
2 The eNodeB occurs alarm about cell that trigger UE release.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Each above two conditions QCI5 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell
block or reset,and the UE has QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell block or reset,and the UE has

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210507

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Shut
Down or Reset Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
1 The eNodeB receives the Cell Block Command from the OMM for manual operation.
2 The eNodeB occurs alarm about cell that trigger UE release.
Each above two conditions QCI6 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell
block or reset,and the UE has QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell block or reset,and the UE has

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210508

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Shut
Down or Reset Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
1 The eNodeB receives the Cell Block Command from the OMM for manual operation.
2 The eNodeB occurs alarm about cell that trigger UE release.
Each above two conditions QCI7 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell
block or reset,and the UE has QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell block or reset,and the UE has

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210509

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Shut
Down or Reset Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
1 The eNodeB receives the Cell Block Command from the OMM for manual operation.
2 The eNodeB occurs alarm about cell that trigger UE release.
Each above two conditions QCI8 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell
block or reset,and the UE has QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell block or reset,and the UE has

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210510

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Shut
Down or Reset Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
1 The eNodeB receives the Cell Block Command from the OMM for manual operation.
2 The eNodeB occurs alarm about cell that trigger UE release.

Each above two conditions QCI9 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell
block or reset,and the UE has QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell block or reset,and the UE has

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210511

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Shut Down
or Reset Cell


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
1 The eNodeB receives the Cell Block Command from the OMM for manual operation.
2 The eNodeB occurs alarm about cell that trigger UE release.
Each above two conditions E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell block or reset.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to cell block or reset.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210512

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or Reestablish inter eNB

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of QCI1 E-RABs Release initiated by MME due
to the following two conditions.
1 The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME, in which
the Cause is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure, then release the UE Context; 2


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

The eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME, then release the UE

Triggering Point
1 When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME.
2 When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME
and the Cause in the message is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure.
Sampling Point 5, Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI1 E-RABs released when the eNodeB
receives the ErrorIndication message or UEContextReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210513

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or Reestablish inter eNB

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of QCI2 E-RABs Release initiated by MME due
to the following two conditions.

1 The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME, in which

the Cause is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure, then release the UE Context; 2
The eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME, then release the UE


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
1 When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME.
2 When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME
and the Cause in the message is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure.
Sampling Point 5, Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI2 E-RABs released when the eNodeB
receives the ErrorIndication message or UEContextReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210514

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or Reestablish inter eNB

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of QCI3 E-RABs Release initiated by MME due
to the following two conditions.
1 The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME, in which
the Cause is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure, then release the UE Context; 2
The eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME, then release the UE

Triggering Point
1 When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

2 When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME
and the Cause in the message is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure.
Sampling Point 5, Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI3 E-RABs released when the eNodeB
receives the ErrorIndication message or UEContextReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210515

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or Reestablish inter eNB

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of QCI4 E-RABs Release initiated by MME due
to the following two conditions.
1 The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME, in which
the Cause is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure, then release the UE Context; 2
The eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME, then release the UE

Triggering Point
1 When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME.
2 When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME
and the Cause in the message is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure.
Sampling Point 5, Sampling Point 7


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI4 E-RABs released when the eNodeB
receives the ErrorIndication message or UEContextReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210516

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or Reestablish inter eNB

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of QCI5 E-RABs Release initiated by MME due
to the following two conditions.
1 The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME, in which
the Cause is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure, then release the UE Context; 2
The eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME, then release the UE

Triggering Point
1 When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME.

2 When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME
and the Cause in the message is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure.
Sampling Point 5, Sampling Point 7


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI5 E-RABs released when the eNodeB
receives the ErrorIndication message or UEContextReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210517

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or Reestablish inter eNB

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of QCI6 E-RABs Release initiated by MME due
to the following two conditions.
1 The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME, in which
the Cause is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure, then release the UE Context; 2
The eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME, then release the UE

Triggering Point
1 When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME.

2 When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME
and the Cause in the message is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure.
Sampling Point 5, Sampling Point 7


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI6 E-RABs released when the eNodeB
receives the ErrorIndication message or UEContextReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210518

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or Reestablish inter eNB

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of QCI7 E-RABs Release initiated by MME due
to the following two conditions.
1 The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME, in which
the Cause is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure, then release the UE Context; 2
The eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME, then release the UE

Triggering Point
1 When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME.

2 When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME
and the Cause in the message is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure.
Sampling Point 5, Sampling Point 7


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI7 E-RABs released when the eNodeB
receives the ErrorIndication message or UEContextReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210519

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or Reestablish inter eNB

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of QCI8 E-RABs Release initiated by MME due
to the following two conditions.
1 The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME, in which
the Cause is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure, then release the UE Context; 2
The eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME, then release the UE

Triggering Point
1 When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME.

2 When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME
and the Cause in the message is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure.
Sampling Point 5, Sampling Point 7


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI8 E-RABs released when the eNodeB
receives the ErrorIndication message or UEContextReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210520

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or Reestablish inter eNB

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of QCI9 E-RABs Release initiated by MME due
to the following two conditions.
1 The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME, in which
the Cause is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure, then release the UE Context; 2
The eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME, then release the UE

Triggering Point
1 When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME.

2 When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME
and the Cause in the message is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure.
Sampling Point 5, Sampling Point 7


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI9 E-RABs released when the eNodeB
receives the ErrorIndication message or UEContextReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210521

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by MME due to Error Indication or Reestablish inter eNB

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of E-RABs Release initiated by MME due to the
following two conditions.
1 The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME, in which
the Cause is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure, then release the UE Context; 2
The eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME, then release the UE

Triggering Point
1 When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME.
2 When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME
and the Cause in the message is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure.
Sampling Point 5, Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of E-RABs released when the eNodeB receives
the ErrorIndication message or UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210522

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB concludes UE redirection to other cell, it sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME after sending the RRCConnectionRelease
message to UE. Each above QCI1 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to UE
redirection,and the UE has QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to redirection,and the UE has QCI1

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373210523

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB concludes UE redirection to other cell, it sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME after sending the RRCConnectionRelease
message to UE. Each above QCI2 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to UE
redirection,and the UE has QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to redirection,and the UE has QCI2

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210524

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB concludes UE When the eNodeB concludes UE redirection to other
cell, it sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME after sending the
RRCConnectionRelease message to UE. Each above QCI3 E-RAB released is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to UE
redirection,and the UE has QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to redirection,and the UE has QCI3

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210525

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB concludes UE redirection to other cell, it sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME after sending the RRCConnectionRelease
message to UE. Each above QCI4 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to UE
redirection,and the UE has QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to redirection,and the UE has QCI4

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210526

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB concludes UE redirection to other cell, it sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME after sending the RRCConnectionRelease
message to UE. Each above QCI5 E-RAB released is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to UE
redirection,and the UE has QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to redirection,and the UE has QCI5

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210527

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB concludes UE redirection to other cell, it sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME after sending the RRCConnectionRelease
message to UE. Each above QCI6 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to UE
redirection,and the UE has QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to redirection,and the UE has QCI6

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210528

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB concludes UE redirection to other cell, it sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME after sending the RRCConnectionRelease
message to UE. Each above QCI7 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to UE
redirection,and the UE has QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to redirection,and the UE has QCI7

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210529

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB concludes UE redirection to other cell, it sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME after sending the RRCConnectionRelease
message to UE. Each above QCI8 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to UE
redirection,and the UE has QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to redirection,and the UE has QCI8

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210530

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB concludes UE redirection to other cell, it sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME after sending the RRCConnectionRelease
message to UE. Each above QCI9 E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to UE
redirection,and the UE has QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to redirection,and the UE has QCI9

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210531

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to Redirection

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB concludes UE redirection to other cell, it sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME after sending the RRCConnectionRelease
message to UE. Each above E-RAB released is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to UE
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
UeContextReleaseRequest message to MME due to redirection.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505309

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Failed to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message, each QCI1
E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE
E-RABs Failed to Release List include the QCI1 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 2


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE E-RABs Failed to Release List
include the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505310

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Failed to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message, each QCI2
E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE
E-RABs Failed to Release List include the QCI2 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE E-RABs Failed to Release List
include the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505311

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Failed to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message, each QCI3
E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE
E-RABs Failed to Release List include the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE E-RABs Failed to Release List
include the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505312

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Failed to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message, each QCI4
E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE
E-RABs Failed to Release List include the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE E-RABs Failed to Release List
include the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505313

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Failed to Release

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message, each QCI5
E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE
E-RABs Failed to Release List include the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE E-RABs Failed to Release List
include the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505314

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Failed to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message, each QCI6
E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE
E-RABs Failed to Release List include the QCI6 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 2


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE E-RABs Failed to Release List
include the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505315

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Failed to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message, each QCI7
E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE
E-RABs Failed to Release List include the QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE E-RABs Failed to Release List
include the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505316

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Failed to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message, each QCI8
E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE
E-RABs Failed to Release List include the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE E-RABs Failed to Release List
include the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505317

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Failed to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message, each QCI9
E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE
E-RABs Failed to Release List include the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE E-RABs Failed to Release List
include the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505318

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Attempted to Release

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from MME, each
QCI1 E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB To Be Released
List includes the QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505319

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Attempted to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from MME, each
QCI2 E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB To Be Released
List includes the QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505320

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Attempted to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from MME, each
QCI3 E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB To Be Released
List includes the QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505321

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Attempted to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from MME, each
QCI4 E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in which IE:E-RABs attempted to
release includes the QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505322

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Attempted to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from MME, each
QCI5 E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB To Be Released
List includes the QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505323

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Attempted to Release

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from MME, each
QCI6 E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB To Be Released
List includes the QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505324

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Attempted to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from MME, each
QCI7 E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB To Be Released
List includes the QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505325

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Attempted to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from MME, each
QCI8 E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB To Be Released
List includes the QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505326

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Attempted to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from MME, each
QCI9 E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB To Be Released List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB To Be Released
List includes the QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505345

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to S1
Link Error

Short Name

Counter Description
The S1 link fault refer to the following.
1 The eNodeB detects the fibber warning.

2 The eNodeB gtpu layer detects the path fault from the eNodeB to SGW.
3 The eNodeB gtpu layer receives the ErrorIndication message from the SGW.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1
link fault.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1 link fault.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505346

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to S1
Link Error


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The S1 link fault refer to the following.
1 The eNodeB detects the fibber warning.
2 The eNodeB gtpu layer detects the path fault from the eNodeB to SGW.
3 The eNodeB gtpu layer receives the ErrorIndication message from the SGW.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1
link fault.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1 link fault.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505347

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to S1
Link Error

Short Name

Counter Description
The S1 link fault refer to the following.
1 The eNodeB detects the fibber warning.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

2 The eNodeB gtpu layer detects the path fault from the eNodeB to SGW.
3 The eNodeB gtpu layer receives the ErrorIndication message from the SGW.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1
link fault.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1 link fault.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505348

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to S1
Link Error

Short Name

Counter Description
The S1 link fault refer to the following.
1 The eNodeB detects the fibber warning.
2 The eNodeB gtpu layer detects the path fault from the eNodeB to SGW.
3 The eNodeB gtpu layer receives the ErrorIndication message from the SGW.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1
link fault.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1 link fault.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505349

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to S1
Link Error

Short Name

Counter Description
The S1 link fault refer to the following.

1 The eNodeB detects the fibber warning.

2 The eNodeB gtpu layer detects the path fault from the eNodeB to SGW.
3 The eNodeB gtpu layer receives the ErrorIndication message from the SGW.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1
link fault.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1 link fault.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505350

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to S1
Link Error

Short Name

Counter Description
The S1 link fault refer to the following.
1 The eNodeB detects the fibber warning.

2 The eNodeB gtpu layer detects the path fault from the eNodeB to SGW.
3 The eNodeB gtpu layer receives the ErrorIndication message from the SGW.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1
link fault.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1 link fault.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373505351

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to S1
Link Error

Short Name

Counter Description
The S1 link fault refer to the following.

1 The eNodeB detects the fibber warning.

2 The eNodeB gtpu layer detects the path fault from the eNodeB to SGW.
3 The eNodeB gtpu layer receives the ErrorIndication message from the SGW.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1
link fault.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1 link fault.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505352

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to S1
Link Error

Short Name

Counter Description
The S1 link fault refer to the following.
1 The eNodeB detects the fibber warning.

2 The eNodeB gtpu layer detects the path fault from the eNodeB to SGW.
3 The eNodeB gtpu layer receives the ErrorIndication message from the SGW.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1
link fault.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1 link fault.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505353

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to S1
Link Error


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The S1 link fault refer to the following.
1 The eNodeB detects the fibber warning.
2 The eNodeB gtpu layer detects the path fault from the eNodeB to SGW.
3 The eNodeB gtpu layer receives the ErrorIndication message from the SGW.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1
link fault.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1 link fault.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505354

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to S1 Link

Short Name

Counter Description
The S1 link fault refer to the following.
1 The eNodeB detects the fibber warning.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

2 The eNodeB gtpu layer detects the path fault from the eNodeB to SGW.
3 The eNodeB gtpu layer receives the ErrorIndication message from the SGW.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1
link fault.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE Context
ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to S1 link fault.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505355

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to CCO

Short Name

Counter Description
The QCI1 E-RABs requested to be released by eNodeB due to CCO are added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
CCO and the User has QCI1 E-RABs.

Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to CCO.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505356

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to CCO

Short Name

Counter Description
The QCI2 E-RABs requested to be released by eNodeB due to CCO are added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
CCO and the User has QCI2 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to CCO.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373505357

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to CCO

Short Name

Counter Description
The QCI3 E-RABs requested to be released by eNodeB due to CCO are added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
CCO and the User has QCI3 E-RABs.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to CCO.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505358

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to CCO


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The QCI4 E-RABs requested to be released by eNodeB due to CCO are added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
CCO and the User has QCI4 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to CCO.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505359

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to CCO

Short Name

Counter Description
The QCI5 E-RABs requested to be released by eNodeB due to CCO are added to the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
CCO and the User has QCI5 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to CCO.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505360

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to CCO

Short Name

Counter Description
The QCI6 E-RABs requested to be released by eNodeB due to CCO are added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
CCO and the User has QCI6 E-RABs.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to CCO.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505361

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to CCO

Short Name

Counter Description
The QCI7 E-RABs requested to be released by eNodeB due to CCO are added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
CCO and the User has QCI7 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to CCO.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505362

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to CCO

Short Name

Counter Description
The QCI8 E-RABs requested to be released by eNodeB due to CCO are added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
CCO and the User has QCI8 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to CCO.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505363

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to CCO

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The QCI9 E-RABs requested to be released by eNodeB due to CCO are added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
CCO and the User has QCI9 E-RABs.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the UE
Context ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to CCO.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505364

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by ENB Through E-RAB Release Procedure due to CCO

Short Name

Counter Description
The E-RABs requested to be released by eNodeB due to CCO are added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to

Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the UE Context
ReleaseRequest message to the MME due to CCO.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505452

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB judge UE's state according to HARQ feedback algorithm. If the UE's state is
concluded as offline, the eNodeB will trigger UE release.Each above QCI1 E-RAB released
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
Radio Connection With UE Lost and the UE has QCI1 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI1 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to Radio Connection With UE Lost.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373505453

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB judge UE's state according to HARQ feedback algorithm. If the UE's state is
concluded as offline, the eNodeB will trigger UE release.Each above QCI2 E-RAB released
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
Radio Connection With UE Lost and the UE has QCI2 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI2 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to Radio Connection With UE Lost.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505454

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB judge UE's state according to HARQ feedback algorithm. If the UE's state is
concluded as offline, the eNodeB will trigger UE release.Each above QCI3 E-RAB released
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
Radio Connection With UE Lost and the UE has QCI3 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI3 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to Radio Connection With UE Lost.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505455

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB judge UE's state according to HARQ feedback algorithm. If the UE's state is
concluded as offline, the eNodeB will trigger UE release.Each above QCI4 E-RAB released
is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
Radio Connection With UE Lost and the UE has QCI4 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI4 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to Radio Connection With UE Lost.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505456

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB judge UE's state according to HARQ feedback algorithm. If the UE's state is
concluded as offline, the eNodeB will trigger UE release.Each above QCI5 E-RAB released
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
Radio Connection With UE Lost and the UE has QCI5 E-RAB.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI5 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to Radio Connection With UE Lost.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505457

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB judge UE's state according to HARQ feedback algorithm. If the UE's state is
concluded as offline, the eNodeB will trigger UE release.Each above QCI6 E-RAB released
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
Radio Connection With UE Lost and the UE has QCI6 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI6 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to Radio Connection With UE Lost.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373505458

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB judge UE's state according to HARQ feedback algorithm. If the UE's state is
concluded as offline, the eNodeB will trigger UE release.Each above QCI7 E-RAB released
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
Radio Connection With UE Lost and the UE has QCI7 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI7 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to Radio Connection With UE Lost.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505459

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
The eNodeB judge UE's state according to HARQ feedback algorithm. If the UE's state is
concluded as offline, the eNodeB will trigger UE release.Each above QCI8 E-RAB released
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
Radio Connection With UE Lost and the UE has QCI8 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI8 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to Radio Connection With UE Lost.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505460

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB judge UE's state according to HARQ feedback algorithm. If the UE's state is
concluded as offline, the eNodeB will trigger UE release.Each above QCI9 E-RAB released
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
Radio Connection With UE Lost and the UE has QCI9 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every QCI9 E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to Radio Connection With UE Lost.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505461

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by ENB due to UE off-line

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB judge UE's state according to HARQ feedback algorithm. If the UE's state is
concluded as offline, the eNodeB will trigger UE release.Each above E-RAB released is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to
Radio Connection With UE Lost and the UE has QCI10 E-RAB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB When the eNodeB sends the UE
ContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to Radio Connection With UE Lost.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373505462

Counter Name
Number of QCI1 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from MME, in which the Cause excludes Normal Release, Detach ,
Authentication failure, Interaction with other procedure,Successful Handover and Failure
in the Radio Interface Procedure. The counter is used to count the number of QCI1
E-RABs Release initiated by MME due to the above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or
E-RABReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI1 E-RAB released when the eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505463

Counter Name
Number of QCI2 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from MME, in which the Cause excludes Normal Release, Detach ,
Authentication failure, Interaction with other procedure,Successful Handover and Failure
in the Radio Interface Procedure. The counter is used to count the number of QCI2
E-RABs Release initiated by MME due to the above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or
E-RABReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI2 E-RAB released when the eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505464

Counter Name
Number of QCI3 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from MME, in which the Cause excludes Normal Release, Detach ,
Authentication failure, Interaction with other procedure,Successful Handover and Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

in the Radio Interface Procedure. The counter is used to count the number of QCI3
E-RABs Release initiated by MME due to the above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or
E-RABReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI3 E-RAB released when the eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505465

Counter Name
Number of QCI4 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from MME, in which the Cause excludes Normal Release, Detach ,
Authentication failure, Interaction with other procedure,Successful Handover and Failure
in the Radio Interface Procedure. The counter is used to count the number of QCI4
E-RABs Release initiated by MME due to the above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or
E-RABReleaseCommand message from the MME.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI4 E-RAB released when the eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505466

Counter Name
Number of QCI5 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from MME, in which the Cause excludes Normal Release, Detach ,
Authentication failure, Interaction with other procedure,Successful Handover and Failure
in the Radio Interface Procedure. The counter is used to count the number of QCI5
E-RABs Release initiated by MME due to the above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or
E-RABReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI5 E-RAB released when the eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505467

Counter Name
Number of QCI6 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from MME, in which the Cause excludes Normal Release, Detach ,
Authentication failure, Interaction with other procedure,Successful Handover and Failure
in the Radio Interface Procedure. The counter is used to count the number of QCI6
E-RABs Release initiated by MME due to the above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or
E-RABReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI6 E-RAB released when the eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373505468

Counter Name
Number of QCI7 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from MME, in which the Cause excludes Normal Release, Detach ,
Authentication failure, Interaction with other procedure,Successful Handover and Failure
in the Radio Interface Procedure. The counter is used to count the number of QCI7
E-RABs Release initiated by MME due to the above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or
E-RABReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI7 E-RAB released when the eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505469

Counter Name
Number of QCI8 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from MME, in which the Cause excludes Normal Release, Detach ,
Authentication failure, Interaction with other procedure,Successful Handover and Failure
in the Radio Interface Procedure. The counter is used to count the number of QCI8
E-RABs Release initiated by MME due to the above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or
E-RABReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI8 E-RAB released when the eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505470

Counter Name
Number of QCI9 E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand
message from MME, in which the Cause excludes Normal Release, Detach ,
Authentication failure, Interaction with other procedure,Successful Handover and Failure
in the Radio Interface Procedure. The counter is used to count the number of QCI9
E-RABs Release initiated by MME due to the above condition.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or
E-RABReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the number of QCI9 E-RAB released when the eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand or E-RABReleaseCommand message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505471

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by MME due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of E-RABs that the eNodeB releases because of MME
load balancing, reset or other reasons.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB releases an E-RAB because of MME
load balancing, reset or other reasons.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB releases an E-RAB because of MME
load balancing, reset or other reasons.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505496

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Attempted to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from MME, each
E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in
which IE:E-RAB To Be Released List includes the E-RAB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB receives the
E-RAB RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME in which IE:E-RAB To Be Released
List includes the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373505497

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Failed to Release

Short Name

Counter Description
On transmission by the eNodeB of an E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message, each
E-RAB failed to release is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE
E-RABs Failed to Release List include the E-RAB.
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the eNodeB sends the
E-RABReleaseReponse message to the MME, and IE E-RABs Failed to Release List
include the E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C374067450

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by SRS Stubbed Card

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the E-RAB is released because the card is

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the RNLC receives an RLF message reported by the
CMAC, indicating that the uplink SRS measurement is invalid and the UE reports a card
is plugged.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the RNLC receives an RLF message reported by the
CMAC, indicating that the uplink SRS measurement is invalid and the UE reports a card
is plugged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C374067451

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by UL HARQ FAIL

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the E-RAB is released because of the
downlink HARQFail.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the RNLC receives an RLF message reported by the
CMAC, indicating that the uplink HARQ FAIL is reported.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the RNLC receives an RLF message reported by the
CMAC, indicating that the uplink HARQ FAIL is reported.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C374067452

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by DL HARQ FAIL

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the E-RAB is released because of the uplink

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the RNLC receives an RLF message reported by the
CMAC, indicating that the downlink HARQ FAIL is reported.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the RNLC receives an RLF message reported by the
CMAC, indicating that the downlink HARQ FAIL is reported.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C374067453

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB Release by MSG0 No Response

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the E-RAB is released because of Msg0 no

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the RNLC receives an RLF message reported by the
CMAC, indicating that MSG0 no response is reported.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the RNLC receives an RLF message reported by the
CMAC, indicating that MSG0 no response is reported.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


2.5 E-RAB Handover

2.5.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

2.5.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373210452 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI1) HO Incoming

2 C373210453 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI2) HO Incoming

3 C373210454 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI3) HO Incoming

4 C373210455 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI4) HO Incoming

5 C373210456 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI5) HO Incoming

6 C373210457 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI6) HO Incoming

7 C373210458 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI7) HO Incoming

8 C373210459 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI8) HO Incoming

9 C373210460 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI9) HO Incoming

10 C373210461 Number of Successful E-RAB HO Incoming

11 C373210462 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI1) HO Outgoing

12 C373210463 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI2) HO Outgoing

13 C373210464 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI3) HO Outgoing

14 C373210465 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI4) HO Outgoing

15 C373210466 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI5) HO Outgoing

16 C373210467 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI6) HO Outgoing

17 C373210468 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI7) HO Outgoing

18 C373210469 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI8) HO Outgoing

19 C373210470 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI9) HO Outgoing

20 C373210471 Number of Successful E-RAB HO Outgoing

21 C373210472 Number of E-RAB(QCI1) HO Incoming Admission Request

22 C373210473 Number of E-RAB(QCI2) HO Incoming Admission Request

23 C373210474 Number of E-RAB(QCI3) HO Incoming Admission Request

24 C373210475 Number of E-RAB(QCI4) HO Incoming Admission Request

25 C373210476 Number of E-RAB(QCI5) HO Incoming Admission Request

26 C373210477 Number of E-RAB(QCI6) HO Incoming Admission Request

27 C373210478 Number of E-RAB(QCI7) HO Incoming Admission Request

28 C373210479 Number of E-RAB(QCI8) HO Incoming Admission Request

29 C373210480 Number of E-RAB(QCI9) HO Incoming Admission Request

30 C373210481 Number of E-RAB HO Incoming Admission Request

31 C373210482 Number of E-RAB(QCI1) HO Incoming Admission Fail


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

NO. Counter Counter Name


32 C373210483 Number of E-RAB(QCI2) HO Incoming Admission Fail

33 C373210484 Number of E-RAB(QCI3) HO Incoming Admission Fail

34 C373210485 Number of E-RAB(QCI4) HO Incoming Admission Fail

35 C373210486 Number of E-RAB(QCI5) HO Incoming Admission Fail

36 C373210487 Number of E-RAB(QCI6) HO Incoming Admission Fail

37 C373210488 Number of E-RAB(QCI7) HO Incoming Admission Fail

38 C373210489 Number of E-RAB(QCI8) HO Incoming Admission Fail

39 C373210490 Number of E-RAB(QCI9) HO Incoming Admission Fail

40 C373210491 Number of HO Incoming Admission Fail

41 C373546248 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI1) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

42 C373546249 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI2) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

43 C373546250 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI3) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

44 C373546251 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI4) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

45 C373546252 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI5) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

46 C373546253 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI6) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

47 C373546254 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI7) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

48 C373546255 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI8) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

49 C373546256 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI9) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

50 C373546257 Number of Successful E-RAB Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

51 C373546258 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI1) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

52 C373546259 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI2) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

53 C373546260 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI3) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

54 C373546261 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI4) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

55 C373546262 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI5) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

56 C373546263 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI6) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

57 C373546264 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI7) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

58 C373546265 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI8) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

59 C373546266 Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI9) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

60 C373546267 Number of Successful E-RAB Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

61 C373505421 Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI1) HO Outgoing

62 C373505422 Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI2) HO Outgoing

63 C373505423 Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI3) HO Outgoing


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


64 C373505424 Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI4) HO Outgoing

65 C373505425 Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI5) HO Outgoing

66 C373505426 Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI6) HO Outgoing

67 C373505427 Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI7) HO Outgoing

68 C373505428 Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI8) HO Outgoing

69 C373505429 Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI9) HO Outgoing

70 C373546100 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Outgoing inter-eNB intra-frequency

Handover Preparation

71 C373546101 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Outgoing inter-eNB intra-frequency

Handover Execution

72 C373546102 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Incoming inter-eNB intra-frequency

Handover Preparation

73 C373546103 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Incoming inter-eNB intra-frequency

Handover Preparation

74 C373546104 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Outgoing inter-eNB inter-frequency

Handover Preparation

75 C373546105 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Outgoing inter-eNB inter-frequency

Handover Execution

76 C373546106 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Incoming inter-eNB inter-frequency

Handover Preparation

77 C373546107 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Incoming inter-eNB inter-frequency

Handover Preparation

78 C373546172 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Outgoing intra-eNB intra-frequency

Handover Preparation

79 C373546173 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Outgoing intra-eNB intra-frequency

Handover Execution

80 C373546174 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Incoming intra-eNB intra-frequency

Handover Preparation

81 C373546175 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Incoming intra-eNB intra-frequency

Handover Execution

82 C373546176 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Outgoing intra-eNB inter-frequency

Handover Preparation

83 C373546177 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Outgoing intra-eNB inter-frequency

Handover Execution


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

NO. Counter Counter Name


84 C373546178 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Incoming intra-eNB inter-frequency

Handover Preparation

85 C373546179 QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Incoming intra-eNB inter-frequency

Handover Execution

86 C373210532 Number of E-RAB(QCI1) HO Outgoing Fail

87 C373210533 Number of E-RAB(QCI2) HO Outgoing Fail

88 C373210534 Number of E-RAB(QCI3) HO Outgoing Fail

89 C373210535 Number of E-RAB(QCI4) HO Outgoing Fail

90 C373210536 Number of E-RAB(QCI5) HO Outgoing Fail

91 C373210537 Number of E-RAB(QCI6) HO Outgoing Fail

92 C373210538 Number of E-RAB(QCI7) HO Outgoing Fail

93 C373210539 Number of E-RAB(QCI8) HO Outgoing Fail

94 C373210540 Number of E-RAB(QCI9) HO Outgoing Fail

95 C373210541 Number of E-RAB HO Outgoing Fail

96 C373546268 QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Attempt S1 Handover Outgoing

97 C373546269 QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Successful Outgoing S1 Handover Preparation

98 C373546270 QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Outgoing S1 Handover Execution Request

99 C373546271 QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Successful S1 Handover Outgoing

100 C373546272 QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Successful S1 Handover Cancel

101 C373546273 QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Attempt X2 Handover Outgoing

102 C373546274 QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Successful Outgoing X2 Handover Preparation

103 C373546275 QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Outgoing X2 Handover Execution Request

104 C373546276 QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Successful X2 Handover Outgoing

105 C373546277 QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Successful X2 Handover Cancel

106 C373546278 QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Attempt intra-eNB Handover Outgoing

107 C373546279 QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Attempt intra-frequency Handover Outgoing

108 C373546280 QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Attempt inter-frequency Handover Outgoing


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

2.5.3 Counter Description C373210452

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI1) HO Incoming

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI1 E-RAB for successful handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the
UeContextRelease message to the source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the
UE has QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the UeContextRelease message to the
source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the UE has QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210453

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI2) HO Incoming

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
Each QCI2 E-RAB for successful handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the
UeContextRelease message to the source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the
UE has QCI2 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the UeContextRelease message to the
source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the UE has QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210454

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI3) HO Incoming

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI3 E-RAB for successful handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the
UeContextRelease message to the source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the
UE has QCI3 E-RAB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the UeContextRelease message to the
source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the UE has QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210455

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI4) HO Incoming

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI4 E-RAB for successful handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the
UeContextRelease message to the source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the
UE has QCI4 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the UeContextRelease message to the
source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the UE has QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373210456

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI5) HO Incoming

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI5 E-RAB for successful handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the
UeContextRelease message to the source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the
UE has QCI5 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the UeContextRelease message to the
source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the UE has QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210457

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI6) HO Incoming

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Each QCI6 E-RAB for successful handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the
UeContextRelease message to the source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the
UE has QCI6 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the UeContextRelease message to the
source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the UE has QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210458

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI7) HO Incoming

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI7 E-RAB for successful handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the
UeContextRelease message to the source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the
UE has QCI7 E-RAB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the UeContextRelease message to the
source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the UE has QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210459

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI8) HO Incoming

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI8 E-RAB for successful handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the
UeContextRelease message to the source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the
UE has QCI8 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the UeContextRelease message to the
source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the UE has QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373210460

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI9) HO Incoming

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI9 E-RAB for successful handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the
UeContextRelease message to the source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the
UE has QCI9 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the UeContextRelease message to the
source eNodeB indicating handover complete and the UE has QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210461

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB HO Incoming

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
Each E-RAB for successful handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the
UeContextRelease message to the source eNodeB indicating handover complete.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverNotify message to the MME or sends the UeContextRelease message to the
source eNodeB indicating handover complete.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210462

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI1) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI1 E-RAB for successful handover outgoing is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives the UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating
handover complete and the UE has QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or receives the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating handover complete and
the UE has QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210463

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI2) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI2 E-RAB for successful handover outgoing is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives the UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating
handover complete and the UE has QCI2 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or receives the
UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating handover complete and
the UE has QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373210464

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI3) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI3 E-RAB for successful handover outgoing is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives the UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating
handover complete and the UE has QCI3 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or receives the
UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating handover complete and
the UE has QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210465

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI4) HO Outgoing


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI4 E-RAB for successful handover outgoing is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives the UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating
handover complete and the UE has QCI4 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or receives the
UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating handover complete and
the UE has QCI4 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210466

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI5) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI5 E-RAB for successful handover outgoing is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives the UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating
handover complete and the UE has QCI5 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or receives the
UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating handover complete and
the UE has QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210467

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI6) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI6 E-RAB for successful handover outgoing is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives the UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating
handover complete and the UE has QCI6 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or receives the
UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating handover complete and
the UE has QCI6 E-RAB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210468

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI7) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI7 E-RAB for successful handover outgoing is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives the UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating
handover complete and the UE has QCI7 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or receives the
UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating handover complete and
the UE has QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210469

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI8) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI8 E-RAB for successful handover outgoing is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives the UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating
handover complete and the UE has QCI8 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or receives the
UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating handover complete and
the UE has QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210470

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI9) HO Outgoing

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Each QCI9 E-RAB for successful handover outgoing is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives the UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating
handover complete and the UE has QCI9 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or receives the
UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating handover complete and
the UE has QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210471

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
Each E-RAB for successful handover outgoing is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives the UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating
handover complete.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB
receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or receives the
UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB indicating handover complete.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210472

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI1) HO Incoming Admission Request

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI1 E-RAB for attempted handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB and in which IE E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB and in which IE
E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373210473

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI2) HO Incoming Admission Request

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI2 E-RAB for attempted handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB and in which IE E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI2 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB and in which IE
E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210474

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI3) HO Incoming Admission Request

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
Each QCI3 E-RAB for attempted handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB and in which IE E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI3 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB and in which IE
E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210475

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI4) HO Incoming Admission Request

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI4 E-RAB for attempted handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB and in which IE E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI4 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB and in which IE
E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI4 E-RAB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210476

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI5) HO Incoming Admission Request

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI5 E-RAB for attempted handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB and in which IE E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI5 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB and in which IE
E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI5 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210477

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI6) HO Incoming Admission Request

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI6 E-RAB for attempted handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB and in which IE E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI6 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB and in which IE
E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI6 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210478

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI7) HO Incoming Admission Request

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI7 E-RAB for attempted handover incoming is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB and in which IE E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI7 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB and in which IE
E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI7 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210479

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI8) HO Incoming Admission Request

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI8 E-RAB for attempted handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB and in which IE E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI8 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB and in which IE
E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI8 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210480

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI9) HO Incoming Admission Request

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI9 E-RAB for attempted handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB and in which IE E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI9 E-RAB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB and in which IE
E-RABs To Be Setup List includes QCI9 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210481

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB HO Incoming Admission Request


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
Each E-RAB for attempted handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210482

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI1) HO Incoming Admission Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI1 E-RAB for handover admission failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB then occurs QCI1 E-RAB admission failure.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB then occurs QCI1
E-RAB admission failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210483

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI2) HO Incoming Admission Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI2 E-RAB for handover admission failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB then occurs QCI2 E-RAB admission failure.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB then occurs QCI2
E-RAB admission failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373210484

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI3) HO Incoming Admission Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI3 E-RAB for handover admission failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB then occurs QCI3 E-RAB admission failure.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB then occurs QCI3
E-RAB admission failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210485

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI4) HO Incoming Admission Fail

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
Each QCI4 E-RAB for handover admission failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB then occurs QCI4 E-RAB admission failure.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB then occurs QCI4
E-RAB admission failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210486

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI5) HO Incoming Admission Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI5 E-RAB for handover admission failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB then occurs QCI5 E-RAB admission failure.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB then occurs QCI5
E-RAB admission failure.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210487

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI6) HO Incoming Admission Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI6 E-RAB for handover admission failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB then occurs QCI6 E-RAB admission failure.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB then occurs QCI6
E-RAB admission failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210488

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI7) HO Incoming Admission Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI7 E-RAB for handover admission failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB then occurs QCI7 E-RAB admission failure.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB then occurs QCI7
E-RAB admission failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210489

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI8) HO Incoming Admission Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI8 E-RAB for handover admission failures is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB then occurs QCI8 E-RAB admission failure.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB then occurs QCI8
E-RAB admission failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210490

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI9) HO Incoming Admission Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI9 E-RAB for handover admission failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB then occurs QCI9 E-RAB admission failure.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB then occurs QCI9
E-RAB admission failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210491

Counter Name
Number of HO Incoming Admission Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each E-RAB for handover admission failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or
source eNodeB then occurs E-RAB admission failure.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB When the target eNodeB receives
HANDOVER REQUEST message from the MME or source eNodeB then occurs E-RAB
admission failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546248

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI1) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI1 E-RAB for successful handover incoming is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
from the UE in other cell and the UE has QCI1 E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell receives the RRC
has QCI1 E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546249

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI2) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI2 E-RAB for successful incoming re-establishment from other cell to local cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
from the UE in other cell and the UE has QCI2 E-RAB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell receives the RRC
has QCI2 E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546250

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI3) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI3 E-RAB for successful incoming re-establishment from other cell to local cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
from the UE in other cell and the UE has QCI3 E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell receives the RRC
has QCI3 E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373546251

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI4) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI4 E-RAB for successful incoming re-establishment from other cell to local cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
from the UE in other cell and the UE has QCI4 E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell receives the RRC
has QCI4 E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546252

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI5) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
Each QCI5 E-RAB for successful incoming re-establishment from other cell to local cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
from the UE in other cell and the UE has QCI5 E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell receives the RRC
has QCI5 E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546253

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI6) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI6 E-RAB for successful incoming re-establishment from other cell to local cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
from the UE in other cell and the UE has QCI6 E-RAB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell receives the RRC
has QCI6 E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546254

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI7) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI7 E-RAB for successful incoming re-establishment from other cell to local cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
from the UE in other cell and the UE has QCI7 E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell receives the RRC
has QCI7 E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373546255

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI8) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI8 E-RAB for successful incoming re-establishment from other cell to local cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
from the UE in other cell and the UE has QCI8 E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell receives the RRC
has QCI8 E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546256

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI9) Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Each QCI9 E-RAB for successful incoming re-establishment from other cell to local cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
from the UE in other cell and the UE has QCI9 E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell receives the RRC
has QCI9 E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546257

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB Incoming in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each E-RAB for successful incoming re-establishment from other cell to local cell is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
from the UE in other cell


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell receives the RRC

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546258

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI1) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI1 E-RAB for successful outgoing re-establishment from local cell to other cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the local cell trigger the UE release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
to other cell and the UE has QCI1 E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell trigger the UE
release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT to other cell and the UE has QCI1

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373546259

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI2) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI2 E-RAB for successful outgoing re-establishment from local cell to other cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the local cell trigger the UE release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
to other cell and the UE has QCI2 E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell trigger the UE
release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT to other cell and the UE has QCI2

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546260

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI3) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
Each QCI3 E-RAB for successful outgoing re-establishment from local cell to other cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the local cell trigger the UE release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
to other cell and the UE has QCI3 E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell trigger the UE
release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT to other cell and the UE has QCI3

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546261

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI4) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI4 E-RAB for successful outgoing re-establishment from local cell to other cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the local cell trigger the UE release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
to other cell and the UE has QCI4 E-RAB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell trigger the UE
release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT to other cell and the UE has QCI4

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546262

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI5) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI5 E-RAB for successful outgoing re-establishment from local cell to other cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the local cell trigger the UE release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
to other cell and the UE has QCI5 E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell trigger the UE
release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT to other cell and the UE has QCI5

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373546263

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI6) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI6 E-RAB for successful outgoing re-establishment from local cell to other cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the local cell trigger the UE release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
to other cell and the UE has QCI6 E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell trigger the UE
release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT to other cell and the UE has QCI6

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546264

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI7) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Each QCI7 E-RAB for successful outgoing re-establishment from local cell to other cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the local cell trigger the UE release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
to other cell and the UE has QCI7 E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell trigger the UE
release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT to other cell and the UE has QCI7

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546265

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI8) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI8 E-RAB for successful outgoing re-establishment from local cell to other cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the local cell trigger the UE release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
to other cell and the UE has QCI8 E-RAB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell trigger the UE
release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT to other cell and the UE has QCI8

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546266

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB(QCI9) Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI9 E-RAB for successful outgoing re-establishment from local cell to other cell is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the local cell trigger the UE release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
to other cell and the UE has QCI9 E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell trigger the UE
release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT to other cell and the UE has QCI9

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373546267

Counter Name
Number of Successful E-RAB Outgoing in RRC Re-Establishment

Short Name

Counter Description
Each E-RAB for successful outgoing re-establishment from local cell to other cell is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the local cell trigger the UE release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
to other cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the local cell trigger the UE
release for RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT to other cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505421

Counter Name
Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI1) HO Outgoing

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
When S1 handover, X2 handover, intra-eNodeB handover, or inter-system handover
occurs, this counter counts the number of times that QCI1 E-RAB is carried in the
handover request message sent by the source eNodeB.

Triggering Point
For S1 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Required message to the MME and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is
1. For X2 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Request message to the target eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the
QCI is 1. For the intra-cell handover, this counter is incremented by one if the UE triggers
the handover from the source cell to the target cell and the UE has an ERAB of which
the QCI is 1.

Update Description
If S1 handover, X2 handover, intra-eNodeB handover, or inter-system handover occurs,
this counter is incremented by one when the source eNodeB sends the handover request
message that carries QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505422

Counter Name
Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI2) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
When S1 handover, X2 handover, intra-eNodeB handover, or inter-system handover
occurs, this counter counts the number of times that QCI2 E-RAB is carried in the
handover request message sent by the source eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
For S1 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Required message to the MME and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is
2. For X2 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Request message to the target eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the
QCI is 2. For the intra-cell handover, this counter is incremented by one if the UE triggers
the handover from the source cell to the target cell and the UE has an ERAB of which
the QCI is 2.

Update Description
If S1 handover, X2 handover, intra-eNodeB handover, or inter-system handover occurs,
this counter is incremented by one when the source eNodeB sends the handover request
message that carries QCI2 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505423

Counter Name
Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI3) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
When S1 handover, X2 handover, intra-eNodeB handover, or inter-system handover
occurs, this counter counts the number of times that QCI3 E-RAB is carried in the
handover request message sent by the source eNodeB.

Triggering Point
For S1 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Required message to the MME and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is
3. For X2 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Request message to the target eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

QCI is 3. For the intra-cell handover, this counter is incremented by one if the UE triggers
the handover from the source cell to the target cell and the UE has an ERAB of which
the QCI is 3.

Update Description
If S1 handover, X2 handover, intra-eNodeB handover, or inter-system handover occurs,
this counter is incremented by one when the source eNodeB sends the handover request
message that carries QCI3 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505424

Counter Name
Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI4) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of ERABs of which the QCI is 4 that the UE hands over
out at the handover source side.

Triggering Point
For S1 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Required message to the MME and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 4.
For X2 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Request message to the target eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the
QCI is 4.

For the intra-cell handover, this counter is incremented by one if the UE triggers the
handover from the source cell to the target cell and the UE has an ERAB of which the
QCI is 4.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
For S1 handover, if the source eNodeB sends a Handover Required message to the MME
and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 4, this counter is incremented by one.
For X2 handover, if the source eNodeB sends a Handover Request message to the target
eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 4, this counter is incremented by
For the intra-cell handover, if the UE triggers the handover from the source cell to the target
cell and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 4, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505425

Counter Name
Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI5) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of ERABs of which the QCI is 5 that the UE hands over
out at the handover source side.

Triggering Point
For S1 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Required message to the MME and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 5.

For X2 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Request message to the target eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the
QCI is 5.
For the intra-cell handover, this counter is incremented by one if the UE triggers the
handover from the source cell to the target cell and the UE has an ERAB of which the
QCI is 5.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
For S1 handover, if the source eNodeB sends a Handover Required message to the MME
and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 5, this counter is incremented by one.
For X2 handover, if the source eNodeB sends a Handover Request message to the target
eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 5, this counter is incremented by
For the intra-cell handover, if the UE triggers the handover from the source cell to the target
cell and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 5, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505426

Counter Name
Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI6) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of ERABs of which the QCI is 6 that the UE hands over
out at the handover source side.

Triggering Point
For S1 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Required message to the MME and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 6.

For X2 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Request message to the target eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the
QCI is 6.
For the intra-cell handover, this counter is incremented by one if the UE triggers the
handover from the source cell to the target cell and the UE has an ERAB of which the
QCI is 6.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
For S1 handover, if the source eNodeB sends a Handover Required message to the MME
and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 6, this counter is incremented by one.
For X2 handover, if the source eNodeB sends a Handover Request message to the target
eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 6, this counter is incremented by
For the intra-cell handover, if the UE triggers the handover from the source cell to the target
cell and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 6, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505427

Counter Name
Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI7) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of ERABs of which the QCI is 7 that the UE hands over
out at the handover source side.

Triggering Point
For S1 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Required message to the MME and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 7.

For X2 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Request message to the target eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the
QCI is 7.
For the intra-cell handover, this counter is incremented by one if the UE triggers the
handover from the source cell to the target cell and the UE has an ERAB of which the
QCI is 7.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
For S1 handover, if the source eNodeB sends a Handover Required message to the MME
and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 7, this counter is incremented by one.
For X2 handover, if the source eNodeB sends a Handover Request message to the target
eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 7, this counter is incremented by
For the intra-cell handover, if the UE triggers the handover from the source cell to the target
cell and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 7, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505428

Counter Name
Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI8) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of ERABs of which the QCI is 8 that the UE hands over
out at the handover source side.

Triggering Point
For S1 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Required message to the MME and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 8.

For X2 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Request message to the target eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the
QCI is 8.
For the intra-cell handover, this counter is incremented by one if the UE triggers the
handover from the source cell to the target cell and the UE has an ERAB of which the
QCI is 8.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
For S1 handover, if the source eNodeB sends a Handover Required message to the MME
and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 8, this counter is incremented by one.
For X2 handover, if the source eNodeB sends a Handover Request message to the target
eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 8, this counter is incremented by
For the intra-cell handover, if the UE triggers the handover from the source cell to the target
cell and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 8, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505429

Counter Name
Number of Attempt E-RAB(QCI9) HO Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of ERABs of which the QCI is 9 that the UE hands over
out at the handover source side.

Triggering Point
For S1 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Required message to the MME and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 9.

For X2 handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a
Handover Request message to the target eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the
QCI is 9.
For the intra-cell handover, this counter is incremented by one if the UE triggers the
handover from the source cell to the target cell and the UE has an ERAB of which the
QCI is 9.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
For S1 handover, if the source eNodeB sends a Handover Required message to the MME
and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 9, this counter is incremented by one.
For X2 handover, if the source eNodeB sends a Handover Request message to the target
eNodeB and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 9, this counter is incremented by
For the intra-cell handover, if the UE triggers the handover from the source cell to the target
cell and the UE has an ERAB of which the QCI is 9, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546100

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Outgoing inter-eNB intra-frequency Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When S1 handover or X2 handover occurs and if the handover type is co-frequency
handover, this counter counts the number of times that QCI1 E-RAB is carried in the
handover request message sent by the source eNodeB.

Triggering Point
If S1 handover or X2 handover occurs, this counter counts when the source eNodeB
sends the handover request message that carries QCI1 E-RAB and the handover type
is co-frequency handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
If S1 handover or X2 handover occurs, this counter is incremented by one when the source
eNodeB sends the handover request message that carries QCI1 E-RAB and the handover
type is co-frequency handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546101

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Outgoing inter-eNB intra-frequency Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of ERABs of which the QCI is 1 that the UE performs the
intra-frequency handover successfully.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message
from the MME or a UE CONTEXT RELEASE message from the target eNodeB, indicating
the handover is complete, this counter is incremented by one if the handover is an
intra-frequency handover and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message from
the MME or a UE CONTEXT RELEASE message from the target eNodeB, indicating that
the handover is complete, if the handover is an intra-frequency handover and this UE
contains QCI1 E-RAB, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546102

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Incoming inter-eNB intra-frequency Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When S1 handover or X2 handover occurs and if the handover type is co-frequency
handover, this counter counts the number of times that QCI1 E-RAB is carried in the
handover request message received by the destination eNodeB.

Triggering Point
If S1 handover or X2 handover occurs, this counter is incremented by one when the
destination eNodeB receives the handover request message that carries QCI1 E-RAB
and the handover type is co-frequency handover.

Update Description
If S1 handover or X2 handover occurs, this counter is incremented by one when the
destination eNodeB receives the handover request message that carries QCI1 E-RAB
and the handover type is co-frequency handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373546103

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Incoming inter-eNB intra-frequency Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When S1 handover or X2 handover occurs and if the handover type is co-frequency
handover, this counter counts the number of times that the QCI1 E-RAB carried in the
handover request message is successfully connected at the destination side after the
destination eNodeB receives the handover request message.

Triggering Point
If S1 handover or X2 handover occurs, when the destination eNodeB sends the handover
request response message, this counter is incremented by one if QCI1 E-RAB is connected
successfully at the destination side and the handover type is co-frequency handover.

Update Description
If S1 handover or X2 handover occurs, when the destination eNodeB sends the handover
request response message, this counter is incremented by one if QCI1 E-RAB is connected
successfully at the destination side and the handover type is co-frequency handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546104

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Outgoing inter-eNB inter-frequency Handover


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
When S1 handover or X2 handover occurs and if the handover type is inter-frequency
handover, this counter counts the number of times that QCI1 E-RAB is carried in the
handover request message sent by the source eNodeB.

Triggering Point
If S1 handover or X2 handover occurs, this counter counts when the source eNodeB
sends the handover request message that carries QCI1 E-RAB and the handover type
is inter-frequency handover.

Update Description
If S1 handover or X2 handover occurs, this counter is incremented by one when the source
eNodeB sends the handover request message that carries QCI1 E-RAB and the handover
type is inter-frequency handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546105

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Outgoing inter-eNB inter-frequency Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of ERABs of which the QCI is 1 that the UE performs the
inter-frequency handover successfully.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message
from the MME or a UE CONTEXT RELEASE message from the target eNodeB, indicating
the handover is complete, this counter is incremented by one if the handover is an
inter-frequency handover and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message from
the MME or a UE CONTEXT RELEASE message from the target eNodeB, indicating that
the handover is complete, if the handover is an inter-frequency handover and this UE
contains QCI1 E-RAB, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546106

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Incoming inter-eNB inter-frequency Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When S1 handover or X2 handover occurs and if the handover type is inter-frequency
handover, this counter counts the number of times that QCI1 E-RAB is carried in the
handover request message received by the destination eNodeB.

Triggering Point
If S1 handover or X2 handover occurs, this counter is incremented by one when the
destination eNodeB receives the handover request message that carries QCI1 E-RAB
and the handover type is inter-frequency handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
If S1 handover or X2 handover occurs, this counter is incremented by one when the
destination eNodeB receives the handover request message that carries QCI1 E-RAB
and the handover type is inter-frequency handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546107

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Incoming inter-eNB inter-frequency Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When S1 handover or X2 handover occurs and if the handover type is inter-frequency
handover, this counter counts the number of times that the QCI1 E-RAB carried in the
handover request message is successfully connected at the destination side after the
destination eNodeB receives the handover request message.

Triggering Point
If S1 handover or X2 handover occurs, when the destination eNodeB sends the handover
request response message, this counter is incremented by one if QCI1 E-RAB is connected
successfully at the destination side and the handover type is inter-frequency handover.

Update Description
If S1 handover or X2 handover occurs, when the destination eNodeB sends the handover
request response message, this counter is incremented by one if QCI1 E-RAB is connected
successfully at the destination side and the handover type is inter-frequency handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546172

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Outgoing intra-eNB intra-frequency Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When intra-eNodeB co-frequency handover occurs, before DRM connection is performed,
this counter counts if the UE has QCI1 E-RAB to be connected.

Triggering Point
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, before DRM connection is performed, this counter
is incremented by one if the UE has QCI1 E-RAB to be connected and the handover type
is co-frequency handover.

Update Description
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, before DRM connection is performed, this counter
is incremented by one if the UE has QCI1 E-RAB to be connected and the handover type
is co-frequency handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373546173

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Outgoing intra-eNB intra-frequency Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When intra-eNodeB co-frequency handover occurs, after DRM connection is performed,
this counter counts if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected successfully.

Triggering Point
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, after DRM connection is performed, this counter is
incremented by one if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected successfully and the handover
type is co-frequency handover.

Update Description
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, after DRM connection is performed, this counter is
incremented by one if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected successfully and the handover
type is co-frequency handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546174

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Incoming intra-eNB intra-frequency Handover

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When intra-eNodeB co-frequency handover occurs, before the RRC reconfiguration
message is sent, this counter counts if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected successfully.

Triggering Point
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, before the RRC reconfiguration message is sent,
this counter is incremented by one if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected successfully and
the handover type is co-frequency handover.

Update Description
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, before the RRC reconfiguration message is sent,
this counter is incremented by one if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected successfully and
the handover type is co-frequency handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546175

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Incoming intra-eNB intra-frequency Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When intra-eNodeB co-frequency handover occurs, if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected
successfully, the RRC reconfiguration message is sent to the UE. This counter counts after
the RRC reconfiguration completion message is received.

Triggering Point
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, after the RRC reconfiguration completion message
is received, this counter is incremented by one when a QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected
successfully and the handover type is co-frequency handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, after the RRC reconfiguration completion message
is received, this counter is incremented by one for every reported E-RAB if QCI1 E-RAB
of the UE is connected successfully and the handover type is co-frequency handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546176

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Outgoing intra-eNB inter-frequency Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When intra-eNodeB inter-frequency handover occurs, before DRM connection is
performed, this counter counts if the UE has QCI1 E-RAB to be connected.

Triggering Point
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, before DRM connection is performed, this counter
is incremented by one if the UE has QCI1 E-RAB to be connected and the handover type
is inter-frequency handover.

Update Description
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, before DRM connection is performed, this counter
is incremented by one if the UE has QCI1 E-RAB to be connected and the handover type
is inter-frequency handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546177

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Outgoing intra-eNB inter-frequency Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When intra-eNodeB inter-frequency handover occurs, after DRM connection is performed,
this counter counts if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected successfully.

Triggering Point
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, after DRM connection is performed, this counter is
incremented by one if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected successfully and the handover
type is inter-frequency handover.

Update Description
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, after DRM connection is performed, this counter is
incremented by one if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected successfully and the handover
type is inter-frequency handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373546178

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Attempted Incoming intra-eNB inter-frequency Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When intra-eNodeB inter-frequency handover occurs, before the RRC reconfiguration
message is sent, this counter counts if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected successfully.

Triggering Point
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, before the RRC reconfiguration message is sent,
this counter is incremented by one if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected successfully and
the handover type is inter-frequency handover.

Update Description
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, before the RRC reconfiguration message is sent,
this counter is incremented by one if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected successfully and
the handover type is inter-frequency handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373546179

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs in Successful Incoming intra-eNB inter-frequency Handover

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When intra-eNodeB inter-frequency handover occurs, if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is
connected successfully, the RRC reconfiguration message is sent to the UE. This counter
counts after the RRC reconfiguration completion message is received.

Triggering Point
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, after the RRC reconfiguration completion message
is received, this counter is incremented by one when a QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected
successfully and the handover type is inter-frequency handover.

Update Description
When intra-eNodeB handover occurs, after the RRC reconfiguration completion message
is received, this counter is incremented by one if QCI1 E-RAB of the UE is connected
successfully and the handover type is inter-frequency handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210532

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI1) HO Outgoing Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI1 E-RAB for handover outgoing failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE or
HANDOVER COMMAND message from the MME indicating QCI1 E-RAB handover


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB receives
the MME indicating QCI1 E-RAB handover failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210533

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI2) HO Outgoing Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI2 E-RAB for handover outgoing failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE or
HANDOVER COMMAND message from the MME indicating QCI2 E-RAB handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB receives
the MME indicating QCI2 E-RAB handover failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373210534

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI3) HO Outgoing Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI3 E-RAB for handover outgoing failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE or
HANDOVER COMMAND message from the MME indicating QCI3 E-RAB handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB receives
the MME indicating QCI3 E-RAB handover failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210535

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI4) HO Outgoing Fail

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
Each QCI4 E-RAB for handover outgoing failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE or
HANDOVER COMMAND message from the MME indicating QCI4 E-RAB handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB receives
the MME indicating QCI4 E-RAB handover failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210536

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI5) HO Outgoing Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI5 E-RAB for handover outgoing failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE or
HANDOVER COMMAND message from the MME indicating QCI5 E-RAB handover


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB receives
the MME indicating QCI5 E-RAB handover failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210537

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI6) HO Outgoing Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI6 E-RAB for handover outgoing failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE or
HANDOVER COMMAND message from the MME indicating QCI6 E-RAB handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB receives
the MME indicating QCI6 E-RAB handover failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373210538

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI7) HO Outgoing Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI7 E-RAB for handover outgoing failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE or
HANDOVER COMMAND message from the MME indicating QCI7 E-RAB handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB receives
the MME indicating QCI7 E-RAB handover failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210539

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI8) HO Outgoing Fail

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Each QCI8 E-RAB for handover outgoing failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE or
HANDOVER COMMAND message from the MME indicating QCI8 E-RAB handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB receives
the MME indicating QCI8 E-RAB handover failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210540

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB(QCI9) HO Outgoing Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each QCI9 E-RAB for handover outgoing failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE or
HANDOVER COMMAND message from the MME indicating QCI9 E-RAB handover


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB receives
the MME indicating QCI9 E-RAB handover failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373210541

Counter Name
Number of E-RAB HO Outgoing Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
Each a E-RAB for handover outgoing failures is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE or
HANDOVER COMMAND message from the MME indicating E-RAB handover failure.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 for every this E-RAB when the source eNodeB receives
the MME indicating E-RAB handover failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373546268

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Attempt S1 Handover Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of QCI1 E-RABs contained in the HANDOVER
REQUIRED message that the source eNodeB receives from the MME.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a HANDOVER REQUIRED
message to the MME and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a HANDOVER REQUIRED
message to the MME and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373546269

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Successful Outgoing S1 Handover Preparation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
The source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message sent from the
MME and the UE contains QCI1 E-RAB. The E-RABs to Release List contained in the
HANDOVER COMMAND message does not have the QCI1 E-RAB scenario.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a HANDOVER
COMMAND message from the MME and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a HANDOVER
COMMAND message from the MME and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373546270

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Outgoing S1 Handover Execution Request

Short Name

Counter Description
The source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message sent from the
MME and the UE contains QCI1 E-RAB. The E-RABs to Release List contained in the
HANDOVER COMMAND message does not have the QCI1 E-RAB scenario. The source
eNodeB sends a handover command to the UE, carrying the DRB information with QCI1.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a HANDOVER
COMMAND message from the MME, sending a handover command to the UE, and this
UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a HANDOVER
COMMAND message from the MME, sending a handover command to the UE, and this
UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373546271

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Successful S1 Handover Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
The source eNodeB receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE message sent from the MME,
indicating that the handover is successful. The UE contains QCI1 E-RAB. The E-RABs to
Release List contained in the HANDOVER COMMAND message does not have the QCI1
E-RAB scenario.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message from the MME, indicating that the handover is performed successfully,
and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message from the MME, indicating that the handover is performed successfully,
and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373546272

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Successful S1 Handover Cancel

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a HANDOVER CANCEL
message to the target eNB and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a HANDOVER CANCEL
message to the target eNB and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a HANDOVER CANCEL
message to the target eNB and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373546273

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Attempt X2 Handover Outgoing


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a HANDOVER REQUEST
message to the MME and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a HANDOVER REQUEST
message to the MME and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a HANDOVER REQUEST
message to the MME and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373546274

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Successful Outgoing X2 Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives an X2 HANDOVER
Ack message from the target eNodeB and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB and the E-RABs
Admitted List cell contained in the X2 HANDOVER Ack message has QCI1 E-RAB.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives an X2 HANDOVER Ack
message from the target eNodeB and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives an X2 HANDOVER Ack
message from the target eNodeB and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373546275

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Outgoing X2 Handover Execution Request

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives an X2 HANDOVER
Ack message from the target eNodeB and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB and the E-RABs
Admitted List cell contained in the X2 HANDOVER Ack message has QCI1 E-RAB. The
source eNodeB sends a handover command to the UE, carrying the DRB information with

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives an X2 HANDOVER Ack
message from the target eNodeB, sending a handover command to the UE, and this UE
contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives an X2 HANDOVER Ack
message from the target eNodeB, sending a handover command to the UE, and this UE
contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373546276

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Successful X2 Handover Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message sent from the target eNodeB, indicating that the handover is
successful. The UE contains QCI1 E-RAB and the E-RABs Admitted List cell contained
in the previous X2 HANDOVER Ack message has the QCI1 E-RA.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message from the target eNodeB, indicating that the handover is performed
successfully, and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message from the target eNodeB, indicating that the handover is performed
successfully, and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373546277

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Successful X2 Handover Cancel

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a HANDOVER CANCEL
message to the target eNB and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a HANDOVER CANCEL
message to the target eNB and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a HANDOVER CANCEL
message to the target eNB and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373546278

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Attempt intra-eNB Handover Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
For the inter-eNB handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends
a handover command to the UE and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
For the inter-eNB handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends
a handover command to the UE and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Update Description
For the inter-eNB handover, this counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends
a handover command to the UE and this UE contains QCI1 E-RAB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373546279

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Attempt intra-frequency Handover Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a handover command
to the UE and the handover type is intra-frequency handover, and this UE contains QCI1

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a handover command
to the UE and the handover type is intra-frequency handover, and this UE contains QCI1

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a handover command
to the UE and the handover type is intra-frequency handover, and this UE contains QCI1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373546280

Counter Name
QCI1 Number of E-RABs In Attempt inter-frequency Handover Outgoing

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a handover command
to the UE and the handover type is inter-frequency handover, and this UE contains QCI1

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a handover command
to the UE and the handover type is inter-frequency handover, and this UE contains QCI1

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB sends a handover command
to the UE and the handover type is inter-frequency handover, and this UE contains QCI1

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

2.6 E-RAB Activity

2.6.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
The E-RABs is said to be activity if any E-RAB data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL)
has been transferred during the last 100 ms.

2.6.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373210542 DL UE InSession Active Time

2 C373210543 UL UE InSession Active Time

3 C373210544 DL QCI1 E-RABs InSession Active Time

4 C373210545 DL QCI2 E-RABs InSession Active Time

5 C373210546 DL QCI3 E-RABs InSession Active Time

6 C373210547 DL QCI4 E-RABs InSession Active Time

7 C373210548 DL QCI5 E-RABs InSession Active Time

8 C373210549 DL QCI6 E-RABs InSession Active Time

9 C373210550 DL QCI7 E-RABs InSession Active Time

10 C373210551 DL QCI8 E-RABs InSession Active Time

11 C373210552 DL QCI9 E-RABs InSession Active Time

12 C373210553 DL E-RABs InSession Active Time

13 C373210554 UL QCI1 E-RABs InSession Active Time

14 C373210555 UL QCI2 E-RABs InSession Active Time

15 C373210556 UL QCI3 E-RABs InSession Active Time

16 C373210557 UL QCI4 E-RABs InSession Active Time

17 C373210558 UL QCI5 E-RABs InSession Active Time

18 C373210559 UL QCI6 E-RABs InSession Active Time

19 C373210560 UL QCI7 E-RABs InSession Active Time

20 C373210561 UL QCI8 E-RABs InSession Active Time

21 C373210562 UL QCI9 E-RABs InSession Active Time

22 C373210563 UL E-RABs InSession Active Time

23 C373505300 Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=1)

24 C373505301 Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=2)

25 C373505302 Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=3)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

NO. Counter Counter Name


26 C373505303 Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=4)

27 C373505304 Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=5)

28 C373505305 Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=6)

29 C373505306 Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=7)

30 C373505307 Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=8)

31 C373505308 Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=9)

32 C373505402 UE InSession Active Time

33 C373505403 QCI1 E-RABs InSession Active Time

34 C373505404 QCI2 E-RABs InSession Active Time

35 C373505405 QCI3 E-RABs InSession Active Time

36 C373505406 QCI4 E-RABs InSession Active Time

37 C373505407 QCI5 E-RABs InSession Active Time

38 C373505408 QCI6 E-RABs InSession Active Time

39 C373505409 QCI7 E-RABs InSession Active Time

40 C373505410 QCI8 E-RABs InSession Active Time

41 C373505411 QCI9 E-RABs InSession Active Time

42 C373505498 E-RABs InSession Active Time

43 C373505499 Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB

2.6.3 Counter Description C373210542

Counter Name
DL UE InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Downlink UE "In Session" means that downlink data is transmitted on any service bearer
of a UE during a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of UE sampling time
that meets the above condition.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that downlink UE data is transmitted during a sampling period,
this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that downlink UE data is transmitted during a sampling period,
this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210543

Counter Name
UL UE InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink UE "In Session" means that uplink data is transmitted on any service bearer of a
UE during a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of UE sampling time that
meets the above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that uplink UE data is transmitted during a sampling period, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that uplink UE data is transmitted during a sampling period, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210544

Counter Name
DL QCI1 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Downlink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on downlink service E-RABs
during a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that
meets the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of downlink

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on downlink QCI1 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that downlink data is transmitted on downlink QCI1 E-RABs
during a sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210545

Counter Name
DL QCI2 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Downlink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on downlink service E-RABs
during a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that
meets the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of downlink

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on downlink QCI2 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that downlink data is transmitted on downlink QCI2 E-RABs
during a sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210546

Counter Name
DL QCI3 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
Downlink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on downlink service E-RABs
during a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that
meets the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of downlink

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on downlink QCI3 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that downlink data is transmitted on downlink QCI3 E-RABs
during a sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210547

Counter Name
DL QCI4 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Downlink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on downlink service E-RABs
during a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that
meets the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of downlink

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on downlink QCI4 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that downlink data is transmitted on downlink QCI4 E-RABs
during a sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210548

Counter Name
DL QCI5 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Downlink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on downlink service E-RABs
during a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that
meets the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of downlink

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on downlink QCI5 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that downlink data is transmitted on downlink QCI5 E-RABs
during a sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373210549

Counter Name
DL QCI6 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Downlink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on downlink service E-RABs
during a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that
meets the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of downlink

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on downlink QCI6 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that downlink data is transmitted on downlink QCI6 E-RABs
during a sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210550

Counter Name
DL QCI7 E-RABs InSession Active Time


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
Downlink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on downlink service E-RABs
during a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that
meets the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of downlink

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on downlink QCI7 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that downlink data is transmitted on downlink QCI7 E-RABs
during a sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210551

Counter Name
DL QCI8 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Downlink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on downlink service E-RABs
during a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that
meets the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of downlink


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on downlink QCI8 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that downlink data is transmitted on downlink QCI8 E-RABs
during a sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210552

Counter Name
DL QCI9 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Downlink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on downlink service E-RABs
during a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that
meets the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of downlink

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on downlink QCI9 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that downlink data is transmitted on downlink QCI9 E-RABs
during a sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210553

Counter Name
DL E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Downlink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on downlink service E-RABs
during a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that
meets the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of downlink

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on downlink E-RABs during a sampling
period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that downlink data is transmitted on downlink E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373210554

Counter Name
UL QCI1 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on uplink service E-RABs during
a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that meets
the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of uplink QCI1

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on uplink QCI1 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that uplink data is transmitted on uplink QCI1 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210555

Counter Name
UL QCI2 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Uplink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on uplink service E-RABs during
a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that meets
the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of uplink QCI2

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on uplink QCI2 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that uplink data is transmitted on uplink QCI2 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210556

Counter Name
UL QCI3 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on uplink service E-RABs during
a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that meets
the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of uplink QCI3

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on uplink QCI3 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that uplink data is transmitted on uplink QCI3 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210557

Counter Name
UL QCI4 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on uplink service E-RABs during
a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that meets
the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of uplink QCI4

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on uplink QCI4 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that uplink data is transmitted on uplink QCI4 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373210558

Counter Name
UL QCI5 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on uplink service E-RABs during
a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that meets
the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of uplink QCI5

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on uplink QCI5 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that uplink data is transmitted on uplink QCI5 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210559

Counter Name
UL QCI6 E-RABs InSession Active Time


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on uplink service E-RABs during
a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that meets
the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of uplink QCI6

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on uplink QCI6 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that uplink data is transmitted on uplink QCI6 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210560

Counter Name
UL QCI7 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on uplink service E-RABs during
a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that meets
the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of uplink QCI7


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on uplink QCI7 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that uplink data is transmitted on uplink QCI7 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210561

Counter Name
UL QCI8 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on uplink service E-RABs during
a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that meets
the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of uplink QCI8

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on uplink QCI8 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that uplink data is transmitted on uplink QCI8 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373210562

Counter Name
UL QCI9 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on uplink service E-RABs during
a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that meets
the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of uplink QCI9

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on uplink E-RABs during a sampling
period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that uplink data is transmitted on uplink QCI9 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373210563

Counter Name
UL E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink E-RAB "In Session" means that data is transmitted on uplink service E-RABs during
a sampling period. "In Session" time refers to the sum of E-RAB sampling time that meets
the above condition. This counter counts the number of In Session units of uplink E-RABs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that data is transmitted on uplink QCI9 E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that uplink data is transmitted on uplink E-RABs during a
sampling period, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373505300

Counter Name
Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=1)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
The abnormally released E-RABs that were active at the time of release. i.e.when there
was user data in the queue in any of the directions. Each QCI1 E-RAB is added to the

Triggering Point
When a QCI1 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was abnormally released.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a QCI1 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was
abnormally released.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505301

Counter Name
Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
The abnormally released E-RABs that were active at the time of release. i.e.when there
was user data in the queue in any of the directions. Each QCI2 E-RAB is added to the

Triggering Point
When a QCI2 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was abnormally released.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a QCI2 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was
abnormally released.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505302

Counter Name
Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
The abnormally released E-RABs that were active at the time of release. i.e.when there
was user data in the queue in any of the directions. Each QCI3 E-RAB is added to the

Triggering Point
When a QCI3 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was abnormally released.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a QCI3 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was
abnormally released.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505303

Counter Name
Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
The abnormally released E-RABs that were active at the time of release. i.e.when there
was user data in the queue in any of the directions. Each QCI4 E-RAB is added to the

Triggering Point
When a QCI4 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was abnormally released.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a QCI4 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was
abnormally released.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505304

Counter Name
Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=5)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The abnormally released E-RABs that were active at the time of release. i.e.when there
was user data in the queue in any of the directions. Each QCI5 E-RAB is added to the

Triggering Point
When a QCI5 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was abnormally released.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a QCI5 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was
abnormally released.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505305

Counter Name
Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
The abnormally released E-RABs that were active at the time of release. i.e.when there
was user data in the queue in any of the directions. Each QCI6 E-RAB is added to the

Triggering Point
When a QCI6 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was abnormally released.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a QCI6 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was
abnormally released.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505306

Counter Name
Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
The abnormally released E-RABs that were active at the time of release. i.e.when there
was user data in the queue in any of the directions. Each QCI7 E-RAB is added to the

Triggering Point
When a QCI7 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was abnormally released.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a QCI7 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was
abnormally released.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373505307

Counter Name
Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
The abnormally released E-RABs that were active at the time of release. i.e.when there
was user data in the queue in any of the directions. Each QCI8 E-RAB is added to the

Triggering Point
When a QCI8 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was abnormally released.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a QCI8 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was
abnormally released.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505308

Counter Name
Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB(QCI=9)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
The abnormally released E-RABs that were active at the time of release. i.e.when there
was user data in the queue in any of the directions. Each QCI9 E-RAB is added to the

Triggering Point
When a QCI9 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was abnormally released.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a QCI9 E-RAB with data in a buffer that was
abnormally released.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373505402

Counter Name
UE InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count number of session seconds aggregated for E-RABs with a
UE. The E-RABs for a UE is said to be "in session" if any E-RAB data on any Data Radio
Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred during the last 100 ms for that QCI.

Triggering Point
When UE data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred during each
sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has
been transferred at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373505403

Counter Name
QCI1 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count number of session seconds aggregated for E-RABs with a
certain QCI. The E-RABs for a UE is said to be "in session" if any E-RAB data on any Data
Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred during the last 100 ms for QCI1.

Triggering Point
When QCI1 E-RAB data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred at
sampling point.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when QCI1 data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL)
has been transferred at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373505404

Counter Name
QCI2 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count number of session seconds aggregated for E-RABs with a
certain QCI. The E-RABs for a UE is said to be "in session" if any E-RAB data on any Data
Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred during the last 100 ms for QCI2.

Triggering Point
When QCI2 E-RAB data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred at
sampling point.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when QCI2 data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL)
has been transferred at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373505405

Counter Name
QCI3 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter is used to count number of session seconds aggregated for E-RABs with a
certain QCI. The E-RABs for a UE is said to be "in session" if any E-RAB data on any Data
Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred during the last 100 ms for QCI3.

Triggering Point
When QCI3 E-RAB data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred at
sampling point.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when QCI3 data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL)
has been transferred at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373505406

Counter Name
QCI4 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count number of session seconds aggregated for E-RABs with a
certain QCI. The E-RABs for a UE is said to be "in session" if any E-RAB data on any Data
Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred during the last 100 ms for QCI4.

Triggering Point
When QCI4 E-RAB data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred at
sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when QCI4 data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL)
has been transferred at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373505407

Counter Name
QCI5 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count number of session seconds aggregated for E-RABs with a
certain QCI. The E-RABs for a UE is said to be "in session" if any E-RAB data on any Data
Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred during the last 100 ms for QCI5.

Triggering Point
When QCI5 E-RAB data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred at
sampling point.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when QCI5 data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL)
has been transferred at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373505408

Counter Name
QCI6 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count number of session seconds aggregated for E-RABs with a
certain QCI. The E-RABs for a UE is said to be "in session" if any E-RAB data on any Data
Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred during the last 100 ms for QCI6.

Triggering Point
When QCI6 E-RAB data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred at
sampling point.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when QCI6 data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL)
has been transferred at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373505409

Counter Name
QCI7 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
The counter is used to count number of session seconds aggregated for E-RABs with a
certain QCI. The E-RABs for a UE is said to be "in session" if any E-RAB data on any Data
Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred during the last 100 ms for QCI7.

Triggering Point
When QCI7 E-RAB data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred at
sampling point.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when QCI7 data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL)
has been transferred at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373505410

Counter Name
QCI8 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count number of session seconds aggregated for E-RABs with a
certain QCI. The E-RABs for a UE is said to be "in session" if any E-RAB data on any Data
Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred during the last 100 ms for QCI8.

Triggering Point
When QCI8 E-RAB data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred at
sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when QCI8 data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL)
has been transferred at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373505411

Counter Name
QCI9 E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count number of session seconds aggregated for E-RABs with a
certain QCI. The E-RABs for a UE is said to be "in session" if any E-RAB data on any Data
Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred during the last 100 ms for QCI9.

Triggering Point
When QCI9 E-RAB data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred at
sampling point.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when QCI9 data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL)
has been transferred at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373505498

Counter Name
E-RABs InSession Active Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count number of session seconds aggregated for E-RABs with a
certain QCI. The E-RABs for a UE is said to be "in session" if any E-RAB data on any Data
Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred during the last 100 ms.

Triggering Point
When E-RAB data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has been transferred at sampling

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE data on any Data Radio Bearer (UL or DL) has
been transferred at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373505499

Counter Name
Number of Abnormal Release Active E-RAB

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The abnormally released E-RABs that were active at the time of release. i.e.when there
was user data in the queue in any of the directions. Each E-RAB is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When a E-RAB with data in a buffer that was abnormally released.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a E-RAB with data in a buffer that was abnormally

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


2.7 E-RAB Number

2.7.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

2.7.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373240800 Average E-RAB Number (QCI=1)

2 C373240801 Average E-RAB Number (QCI=2)

3 C373240802 Average E-RAB Number (QCI=3)

4 C373240803 Average E-RAB Number (QCI=4)

5 C373240804 Average E-RAB Number (QCI=5)

6 C373240805 Average E-RAB Number (QCI=6)

7 C373240806 Average E-RAB Number (QCI=7)

8 C373240807 Average E-RAB Number (QCI=8)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

NO. Counter Counter Name


9 C373240808 Average E-RAB Number (QCI=9)

10 C373240809 Online E-RAB Number (QCI=1)

11 C373240810 Online E-RAB Number (QCI=2)

12 C373240811 Online E-RAB Number (QCI=3)

13 C373240812 Online E-RAB Number (QCI=4)

14 C373240813 Online E-RAB Number (QCI=5)

15 C373240814 Online E-RAB Number (QCI=6)

16 C373240815 Online E-RAB Number (QCI=7)

17 C373240816 Online E-RAB Number (QCI=8)

18 C373240817 Online E-RAB Number (QCI=9)

19 C373240818 Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=1)

20 C373240819 Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=2)

21 C373240820 Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=3)

22 C373240821 Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=4)

23 C373240822 Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=5)

24 C373240823 Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=6)

25 C373240824 Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=7)

26 C373240825 Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=8)

27 C373240826 Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=9)

28 C373240827 Average E-RAB Number

29 C373240828 Online E-RAB Number

30 C373240829 Maximum E-RAB Number

31 C373240830 Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=1)

32 C373240831 Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=2)

33 C373240832 Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=3)

34 C373240833 Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=4)

35 C373240834 Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=5)

36 C373240835 Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=6)

37 C373240836 Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=7)

38 C373240837 Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=8)

39 C373240838 Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=9)

40 C373240839 Variational E-RAB Number


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

2.7.3 Counter Description C373240800

Counter Name
Average E-RAB Number (QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an QCI1 E-RAB successfully established, the
counter of E-RAB number is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has
an QCI1 E-RAB successfully released by MME or eNodeB, the counter of
E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI1 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the arithmetic mean of QCI1 E-RAB number among sampling

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

unit C373240801

Counter Name
Average E-RAB Number (QCI=2)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an QCI2 E-RAB successfully established, the
counter of E-RAB number is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has
an QCI2 E-RAB successfully released by MME or eNodeB, the counter of
E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI2 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the arithmetic mean of QCI2 E-RAB number among sampling

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

unit C373240802

Counter Name
Average E-RAB Number (QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an QCI3 E-RAB successfully established, the
counter of E-RAB number is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has
an QCI3 E-RAB successfully released by MME or eNodeB, the counter of
E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI3 E-RAB successfully established or released.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated by the arithmetic mean of QCI3 E-RAB number among sampling

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

unit C373240803

Counter Name
Average E-RAB Number (QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an QCI4 E-RAB successfully established, the
counter of E-RAB number is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has
an QCI4 E-RAB successfully released by MME or eNodeB, the counter of
E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI4 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the arithmetic mean of QCI4 E-RAB number among sampling

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

unit C373240804

Counter Name
Average E-RAB Number (QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an QCI5 E-RAB successfully established, the
counter of E-RAB number is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has
an QCI5 E-RAB successfully released by MME or eNodeB, the counter of
E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI5 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the arithmetic mean of QCI5 E-RAB number among sampling

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

unit C373240805

Counter Name
Average E-RAB Number (QCI=6)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an QCI6 E-RAB successfully established, the
counter of E-RAB number is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has
an QCI6 E-RAB successfully released by MME or eNodeB, the counter of
E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI6 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the arithmetic mean of QCI6 E-RAB number among sampling

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

unit C373240806

Counter Name
Average E-RAB Number (QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an QCI7 E-RAB successfully established, the

counter of E-RAB number is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an QCI7 E-RAB
successfully released by MME or eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI7 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the arithmetic mean of QCI7 E-RAB number among sampling

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

unit C373240807

Counter Name
Average E-RAB Number (QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an QCI8 E-RAB successfully established, the
counter of E-RAB number is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an QCI8 E-RAB
successfully released by MME or eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI8 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the arithmetic mean of QCI8 E-RAB number among sampling

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

unit C373240808

Counter Name
Average E-RAB Number (QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an QCI9 E-RAB successfully established, the
counter of E-RAB number is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has

an QCI9 E-RAB successfully released by MME or eNodeB, the counter of

E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI9 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the arithmetic mean of QCI9 E-RAB number among sampling

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373240809

Counter Name
Online E-RAB Number (QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the
counter of E-RAB number is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has
an E-RAB successfully released by MME or eNodeB, the counter of
E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI1 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the current QCI1 E-RAB number at sampling points.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240810

Counter Name
Online E-RAB Number (QCI=2)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI2 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the current QCI2 E-RAB number at sampling points.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240811

Counter Name
Online E-RAB Number (QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of
E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI3 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the current QCI3 E-RAB number at sampling points.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240812

Counter Name
Online E-RAB Number (QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of
E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI4 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the current QCI4 E-RAB number at sampling points.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373240813

Counter Name
Online E-RAB Number (QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI5 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the current QCI5 E-RAB number at sampling points.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240814

Counter Name
Online E-RAB Number (QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI6 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the current QCI6 E-RAB number at sampling points.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240815

Counter Name
Online E-RAB Number (QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI7 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the current QCI7 E-RAB number at sampling points.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373240816

Counter Name
Online E-RAB Number (QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI8 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the current QCI8 E-RAB number at sampling points.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240817

Counter Name
Online E-RAB Number (QCI=9)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI9 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the current QCI9 E-RAB number at sampling points.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240818

Counter Name
Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI1 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the QCI1 E-RAB number in sampling
point is larger than the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

unit C373240819

Counter Name
Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI2 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the QCI2 E-RAB number in sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373240820

Counter Name
Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI3 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the QCI3 E-RAB number in sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

unit C373240821

Counter Name
Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=4)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI4 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the QCI4 E-RAB number in sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

unit C373240822

Counter Name
Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI5 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the QCI5 E-RAB number in sampling
point is larger than the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

unit C373240823

Counter Name
Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI6 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the QCI6 E-RAB number in sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373240824

Counter Name
Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI7 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the QCI7 E-RAB number in sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

unit C373240825

Counter Name
Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=8)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI8 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the QCI8 E-RAB number in sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

unit C373240826

Counter Name
Maximum E-RAB Number (QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an QCI9 E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the QCI9 E-RAB number in sampling
point is larger than the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

unit C373240827

Counter Name
Average E-RAB Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by arithmetic mean of the E-RAB number among sampling points.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373240828

Counter Name
Online E-RAB Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the current E-RAB number at sampling points.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240829

Counter Name
Maximum E-RAB Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established, the counter of E-RAB number
is increased by 1. When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully released by MME or
eNodeB, the counter of E-RAB number is decreased by 1.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB has an E-RAB successfully established or released.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the E-RAB number at sampling point
is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

unit C373240830

Counter Name
Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of increased or decreased ERABs (QCI=1) in the current

Triggering Point
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERAB (QCI=1) in
this granularity.

Update Description
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERABs (QCI=1) in
this granularity.

Counter Type
Current value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240831

Counter Name
Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of increased or decreased ERABs (QCI=2) in the current

Triggering Point
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERAB (QCI=2) in
this granularity.

Update Description
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERABs (QCI=2) in
this granularity.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240832

Counter Name
Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=3)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of increased or decreased ERABs (QCI=3) in the current

Triggering Point
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERAB (QCI=3) in
this granularity.

Update Description
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERABs (QCI=3) in
this granularity.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240833

Counter Name
Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of increased or decreased ERABs (QCI=4) in the current

Triggering Point
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERAB (QCI=4) in
this granularity.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERABs (QCI=4) in
this granularity.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240834

Counter Name
Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of increased or decreased ERABs (QCI=5) in the current

Triggering Point
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERAB (QCI=5) in
this granularity.

Update Description
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERABs (QCI=5) in
this granularity.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373240835

Counter Name
Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of increased or decreased ERABs (QCI=6) in the current

Triggering Point
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERAB (QCI=6) in
this granularity.

Update Description
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERABs (QCI=6) in
this granularity.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240836

Counter Name
Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=7)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of increased or decreased ERABs (QCI=7) in the current

Triggering Point
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERAB (QCI=7) in
this granularity.

Update Description
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERABs (QCI=7) in
this granularity.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240837

Counter Name
Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of increased or decreased ERABs (QCI=8) in the current

Triggering Point
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERAB (QCI=8) in
this granularity.

Update Description
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERABs (QCI=8) in
this granularity.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373240838

Counter Name
Variational E-RAB Number (QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of increased or decreased ERABs (QCI=9) in the current

Triggering Point
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERAB (QCI=9) in
this granularity.

Update Description
The RNLC reports the increased number or decreased number of the ERABs (QCI=9) in
this granularity.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373240839

Counter Name
Variational E-RAB Number

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of increased or decreased ERABs in the current

Triggering Point
The RNLC reports the total increased number or decreased number of the ERAB in this

Update Description
The RNLC reports the total increased number or decreased number of the ERABs in this

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min


2.8 E-RAB Setup Time

2.8.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 2-5 E-RAB Setup Time(1)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

l Sampling Point 1: The eNodeB records the start time when it receives the
InitialContextSetupRequest message from MME.
l Sampling Point 2: The eNodeB records the end time when it sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME.

Figure 2-6 E-RAB Setup Time(2)

l Sampling Point 3: The eNodeB records the start time when it receives the
ERABSetupRequest message from MME.
l Sampling Point 4: The eNodeB records the end time when it sends the
ERABSetupResponse message to MME.

2.8.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373505327 Sum Time of QCI1 E-RAB Setup

2 C373505328 Sum Time of QCI2 E-RAB Setup

3 C373505329 Sum Time of QCI3 E-RAB Setup

4 C373505330 Sum Time of QCI4 E-RAB Setup

5 C373505331 Sum Time of QCI5 E-RAB Setup

6 C373505332 Sum Time of QCI6 E-RAB Setup

7 C373505333 Sum Time of QCI7 E-RAB Setup

8 C373505334 Sum Time of QCI8 E-RAB Setup

9 C373505335 Sum Time of QCI9 E-RAB Setup

10 C373505336 Maximum Time of QCI1 E-RAB Setup

11 C373505337 Maximum Time of QCI2 E-RAB Setup

12 C373505338 Maximum Time of QCI3 E-RAB Setup

13 C373505339 Maximum Time of QCI4 E-RAB Setup

14 C373505340 Maximum Time of QCI5 E-RAB Setup

15 C373505341 Maximum Time of QCI6 E-RAB Setup

16 C373505342 Maximum Time of QCI7 E-RAB Setup

17 C373505343 Maximum Time of QCI8 E-RAB Setup


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

NO. Counter Counter Name


18 C373505344 Maximum Time of QCI9 E-RAB Setup

19 C373505448 Sum Time of Initial E-RAB Setup

20 C373505449 Max Time of Initial E-RAB Setup

21 C373505450 Sum Time of E-RAB Setup

22 C373505451 Maximum Time of E-RAB Setup

2.8.3 Counter Description C373505327

Counter Name
Sum Time of QCI1 E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The sum E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established
E-RAB between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT
SETUP REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.

Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is updated by the sum of QCI1 E-RAB setup time among sampling points.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505328

Counter Name
Sum Time of QCI2 E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The sum E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established
E-RAB between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT
SETUP REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is updated by the sum of QCI2 E-RAB setup time among sampling points.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505329

Counter Name
Sum Time of QCI3 E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The sum E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established
E-RAB between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT
SETUP REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP
end value of this time will then be divided by the number of successfully established QCI3
E-RABs in the granularity period to give the arithmetic mean.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is updated by the sum of QCI3 E-RAB setup time among sampling points.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505330

Counter Name
Sum Time of QCI4 E-RAB Setup


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The sum E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established
E-RAB between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT
SETUP REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP
end value of this time will then be divided by the number of successfully established QCI4
E-RABs in the granularity period to give the arithmetic mean.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is updated by the sum of QCI4 E-RAB setup time among sampling points.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505331

Counter Name
Sum Time of QCI5 E-RAB Setup

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
The sum E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established
E-RAB between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT
SETUP REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP
end value of this time will then be divided by the number of successfully established QCI5
E-RABs in the granularity period to give the arithmetic mean.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is updated by the sum of QCI5 E-RAB setup time among sampling points.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505332

Counter Name
Sum Time of QCI6 E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The sum E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established
E-RAB between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT
SETUP REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


end value of this time will then be divided by the number of successfully established QCI6
E-RABs in the granularity period to give the arithmetic mean.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.

Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is updated by the sum of QCI6 E-RAB setup time among sampling points.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505333

Counter Name
Sum Time of QCI7 E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The sum E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established
E-RAB between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT
SETUP REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP
end value of this time will then be divided by the number of successfully established QCI7
E-RABs in the granularity period to give the arithmetic mean.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is updated by the sum of QCI7 E-RAB setup time among sampling points.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505334

Counter Name
Sum Time of QCI8 E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The sum E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established
E-RAB between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT
SETUP REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP
end value of this time will then be divided by the number of successfully established QCI8
E-RABs in the granularity period to give the arithmetic mean.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is updated by the sum of QCI8 E-RAB setup time among sampling points.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505335

Counter Name
Sum Time of QCI9 E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The sum E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established
E-RAB between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT
SETUP REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP
end value of this time will then be divided by the number of successfully established QCI9
E-RABs in the granularity period to give the arithmetic mean.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Update Description
The counter is updated by the sum of QCI9 E-RAB setup time among sampling points.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505336

Counter Name
Maximum Time of QCI1 E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established E-RAB
between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP
counter is the largest about QCI1 E-RAB in the granularity period.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time

intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when QCI1 ERAB setup time at sampling
point is larger than the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505337

Counter Name
Maximum Time of QCI2 E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established E-RAB
between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP
counter is the largest about QCI2 E-RAB in the granularity period.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.

Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when QCI2 ERAB setup time at sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505338

Counter Name
Maximum Time of QCI3 E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established E-RAB
between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP
counter is the largest about QCI3 E-RAB in the granularity period.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when QCI3 ERAB setup time at sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

ms C373505339

Counter Name
Maximum Time of QCI4 E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established E-RAB
between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP
counter is the largest about QCI4 E-RAB in the granularity period.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when QCI4 ERAB setup time at sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB C373505340

Counter Name
Maximum Time of QCI5 E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established E-RAB
between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP
counter is the largest about QCI5 E-RAB in the granularity period.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when QCI5 ERAB setup time at sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505341

Counter Name
Maximum Time of QCI6 E-RAB Setup


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established E-RAB
between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP
counter is the largest about QCI6 E-RAB in the granularity period.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when QCI6 ERAB setup time at sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505342

Counter Name
Maximum Time of QCI7 E-RAB Setup

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Counter Description
The E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established E-RAB
between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP
counter is the largest about QCI7 E-RAB in the granularity period.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when QCI7 ERAB setup time at sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505343

Counter Name
Maximum Time of QCI8 E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established E-RAB
between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


counter is the largest about QCI8 E-RAB in the granularity period.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when QCI8 ERAB setup time at sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505344

Counter Name
Maximum Time of QCI9 E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The E-RAB setup time is the time intervals for every successfully established E-RAB
between the receipt of an E-RAB SETUP REQUEST or INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
REQUEST message and the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP
counter is the largest about QCI9 E-RAB in the granularity period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time
intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message to the INITIAL
message to the E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when QCI9 ERAB setup time at sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505448

Counter Name
Sum Time of Initial E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The sum time intervals for every successfully established E-RAB between the receipt
of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message and the transmission of the
corresponding INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message by the eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message, eNodeB count
the time intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated by taking the sum of E-RAB setup time among sampling points.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373505449

Counter Name
Max Time of Initial E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The time intervals for every successfully established E-RAB between the receipt
of an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message and the transmission of the
corresponding INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message by the eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message, eNodeB count
the time intervals from the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the new value when the E-RAB setup time in a sampling point
is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Statistics of E-RAB

ms C373505450

Counter Name
Sum Time of E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The sum time intervals for every successfully established E-RAB between the receipt of
the transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE or INITIAL CONTEXT
SETUP RESPONSE message by the eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time intervals from the INITIAL
REQUEST message to the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message,or from the
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is updated by taking the sum of E-RAB setup time among sampling points.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373505451

Counter Name
Maximum Time of E-RAB Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The time intervals for every successfully established E-RAB between the receipt of an
transmission of the corresponding E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE or INITIAL CONTEXT
SETUP RESPONSE message by the eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB send the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message or E-RAB
SETUP RESPONSE to MME, eNodeB count the time intervals from the INITIAL
REQUEST message to the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message,or from the
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2, Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the E-RAB setup time in a sampling
point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3
Statistics of UE Context
Table of Contents
UE Context Setup ......................................................................................................3-2
Scell .........................................................................................................................3-12
UE Context Modification ...........................................................................................3-16
UE Context Release.................................................................................................3-22
UE Context for CSFB ...............................................................................................3-40
Security Mode ..........................................................................................................3-51


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

3.1 UE Context Setup

3.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 3-1 UE Context Setup

l Sampling Point 1: The EUTRAN receives the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 2: The EUTRAN sends the RRC CONNECTION
RECONFIGURATION message to the UE.
l Sampling Point 3: The EUTRAN receives the RRC CONNECTION
message to the MME, indicating that the E-RAB Establishment has been set up
l Sampling Point 5: The EUTRAN does not receive the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE, and the timer
expires. Then EUTRAN sends the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message
to the MME.
l Sampling Point 6: The EUTRAN sends the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE
message to the MME because of not UE context.


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Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

l Sampling Point 7: The EUTRAN sends the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE
message to the MME because of AS failure.
l Sampling Point 8: The EUTRAN receives the RRC CONNECTION

3.1.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373220600 Number of Successful Context Setup

2 C373220601 Number of Context Setup Failure due to Active Failure in Security Mode

3 C373220602 Number of Context Setup Failure due to Admission Control Failure

4 C373220603 Number of Context Setup Failure due to Uu interface Failure

5 C373220604 Number of Context Setup Failure due to UE Reestablish RRC Connection

6 C373220605 Number of Context Setup Failure due to Context Setup Request Msg Error

7 C373220606 Number of Context Setup Failure due to Other Cause

8 C373220623 Number of Context Setup Failure due to Message not Compatible with
eNodeb State

9 C373220636 Number of Attempted Context Setup

10 C373220656 Number of Context Left

11 C373220661 Variational Online Context Number

3.1.3 Counter Description C373220600

Counter Name
Number of Successful Context Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest message from the MME and replies
the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message after successful admission, RRC
connection reconfiguration, UE ability and security mode procedure.


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message to the
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
RESPONSE message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220601

Counter Name
Number of Context Setup Failure due to Active Failure in Security Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest message from the MME and replies
the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP failure message after security mode procedure failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB send the InitialContextSetupfailure to the MME due to security mode

Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure
message to the MME due to security mode failures.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220602

Counter Name
Number of Context Setup Failure due to Admission Control Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest message from the MME and replies
the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP failure message after admission procedure failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB send the InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to
admission failures
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure
message to the MME due to admission failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373220603

Counter Name
Number of Context Setup Failure due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest message from the MME and replies
the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP failure message after RRC connection reconfiguration
procedure failure for timeout.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB send the InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to RRC
reconfiguration complete timeout.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure
message to the MME due to RRC reconfiguration complete timeout.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220604

Counter Name
Number of Context Setup Failure due to UE Reestablish RRC Connection

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest message from the MME and
replies INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP failure message after receiving RRC connection
reestablishment message.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB send the InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to
receiving the RRC connection re-establishment message.
Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure
message to the MME due to RRC re-establishment.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220605

Counter Name
Number of Context Setup Failure due to Context Setup Request Msg Error

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest message from the MME and replies
INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP failure message after detecting parameter failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB send the InitialContextSetupfailure message to the MME due to
message parameter error.

Sampling Point 6


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure
message to the MME due to message parameter error.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220606

Counter Name
Number of Context Setup Failure due to Other Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest message from the MME and replies
the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP failure message for some eNodeB internal errors.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB send the InitialContextSetupfailure to the MME due to other reason.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the InitialContextSetupfailure
message to the MME due to other reason.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

times C373220623

Counter Name
Number of Context Setup Failure due to Message not Compatible with eNodeb State

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB's state is not the UE context setup when receiving the INITIAL CONTEXT
SETUP REQUEST message from the MME.Then the eNodeB reply the INITIAL CONTEXT
SETUP failure message to the MME.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP failure message due to message
not compatible with receiver state

Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
failure message due to message not compatible with receiver state.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220636

Counter Name
Number of Attempted Context Setup


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an InitialContextSetupRequest message from MME, each
InitialContextSetupRequest message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest message from the MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
InitialContextSetupRequest message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220656

Counter Name
Number of Context Left

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of existing UE contexts at the end of the last statistics
granularity, which is the beginning of this statistic granularity. It is used for calculating the
radio drop rate.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of existing UE contexts at the beginning of this statistics


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
This counter is updated to the latest reported sampling value.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373220661

Counter Name
Variational Online Context Number

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of increased or decreased UE CONTEXTs in the cell in
the current granularity.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of increased or decreased UE CONTEXTs in this
granularity in the current cell.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of increased or decreased UE CONTEXTs in this
granularity in the current cell.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


3.2 Scell
3.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

3.2.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373220657 Number of Add Scell

2 C373220658 Number of Add Scell Succ

3 C373220659 Number of Delete Scell

4 C373220660 Number of Delete Scell Succ

3.2.3 Counter Description C373220657

Counter Name
Number of Add Scell

Short Name

Counter Description
After the CA function is enabled, this counter indicates the number of UEs configured for
every Scell added in the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message by the eNodeB.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one every time an Scell is added for a UE by the eNodeB
in the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message.

Update Description
When the eNodeB adds an Scell for a UE in the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message,
this counter is incremented by one every time an Scell is added.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220658

Counter Name
Number of Add Scell Succ

Short Name

Counter Description
After the CA function is enabled, this counter indicates the number of UEs configured
for every added Scell in the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message after the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message is received.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one every time an Scell is added for a UE
by the eNodeB in the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message and the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message is received.

Update Description
After the eNodeB adds an Scell for a UE in the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message,
when the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message is received, this counter is
incremented by one every time an Scell is added.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373220659

Counter Name
Number of Delete Scell

Short Name

Counter Description
After the CA function is enabled, this counter indicates the number of UEs configured for
every Scell deleted in the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message by the eNodeB.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one every time an Scell is deleted for a UE by the eNodeB
in the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message.

Update Description
When the eNodeB deletes an Scell for a UE in the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message, this counter is incremented by one every time an Scell is deleted.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220660

Counter Name
Number of Delete Scell Succ

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Counter Description
After the CA function is enabled, this counter indicates the number of UEs configured
for every deleted Scell in the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message after the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message is received.

Triggering Point
After the eNodeB deletes an Scell for a UE in the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message, when the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message is received, this
counter is incremented by one every time an Scell is deleted. In addition, the handover
source side reports the Scell deletion success message after issuing the handover
command, and this counter is incremented by one every time an Scell is deleted.

Update Description
After the eNodeB deletes an Scell for a UE in the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message, when the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message is received, this
counter is incremented by one every time an Scell is deleted. In addition, the handover
source side directly reports the Scell deletion success message after issuing the handover
command, and this counter is incremented by one every time an Scell is deleted.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

3.3 UE Context Modification

3.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 3-2 UE Context Modification

Sampling Point 1: The eNodeB receives the UEContextModificationRequest message

from the MME.
Sampling Point 2: The eNodeB sends the UEContextModificationResponse message to
the MME.
Sampling Point 3: The eNodeB sends the UEContextModificationFailure message to the

3.3.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373220607 Number of Successful Context Modify

2 C373220608 Number of Context Modify Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

3 C373220609 Number of Context Modify Failure due to Msg Param Error

4 C373220610 Number of Context Modify Failure due to Other Cause

5 C373220632 Number of Context Modify Failure due to Waiting Reconfiguration Complete


6 C373220633 Number of Attempted Context Modification


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

3.3.3 Counter Description C373220607

Counter Name
Number of Successful Context Modify

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the InitialContextModificationRequest message from the MME and
replies the INITIAL CONTEXT MODIFICATION RESPONSE message after successful
admission, RRC connection reconfiguration procedure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT MODIFICATION RESPONSE message to the
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the INITIAL CONTEXT

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220608

Counter Name
Number of Context Modify Failure due to ENB Admission Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the InitialContextModificationRequest message from the MME
and replies the INITIAL CONTEXT MODIFICATION FAILURE message after admission
procedure failures.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT MODIFICATION failure message to the MME
due to admission failures
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextModificationfailure message to the MME due to admission failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220609

Counter Name
Number of Context Modify Failure due to Msg Param Error

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the InitialContextModificationRequest message from the MME
and replies the INITIAL CONTEXT MODIFICATION FAILURE message after detection
parameter failures.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT MODIFICATION failure message to the MME
due to message parameter error.
Sampling Point 3


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
UEContextModificationFailure message to the MME due to parameter error.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220610

Counter Name
Number of Context Modify Failure due to Other Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the InitialContextModificationRequest message from the MME and
replies the INITIAL CONTEXT MODIFICATION FAILURE message for some eNodeB
internal errors.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT MODIFICATION failure message to the MME
due to other reason.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
UEContextModificationFailure message to the MME due other reason.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373220632

Counter Name
Number of Context Modify Failure due to Waiting Reconfiguration Complete timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB receive the UE CONTEXT MODIFICATION REQUEST, sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE. When the timer of waiting for the
ReconfigurationComplete expires the eNodeb reply the UE CONTEXT MODIFICATION
failures to the MME.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextModificationFailure message to the MME due to
timeout of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfiguration Complete message.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
UEContextModificationFailure message to the MME due to timeout of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration Complete message.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220633

Counter Name
Number of Attempted Context Modification


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Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by the eNodeB of an UEContextModificationRequest message from MME, each
UEContextModificationRequest message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextModificationRequest message from the MME.

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
UEContextModificationRequest message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

3.4 UE Context Release

3.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 3-3 UE Context Release

l Sampling Point 1: The EUTRAN sends the UE Context ReleaseRequest message to

the MME.
l Sampling Point 2: The EUTRAN receives the UE Context ReleaseCommand mes-
sage from the MME.
l Sampling Point 3: The EUTRAN receives the RESET message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 4: The EUTRAN receives the Error Indication message from the MME.

3.4.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373220611 Number of Context Release by MME due to UE CONTEXT RELEASE


2 C373220612 Number of Context Release by ENB due to Uu interface Failure

3 C373220613 Number of Context Release by ENB due to Handover Failure

4 C373220614 Number of Context Release by ENB due to Shut Down or Reset Cell

5 C373220615 Number of Context Release by ENB due to Inactivity

6 C373220616 Number of Context Release by ENB due to Other

7 C373220617 Number of Context Release by MME due to Error Indication or Reestablish

inter eNB

8 C373220618 Number of Context Release by ENB due to Redirection

9 C373220620 Number of Context Release by ENB due to Re-estblishment Fail


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

NO. Counter Counter Name


10 C373220621 Number of Context Release by ENB due to S1 Link Fail

11 C373220622 Number of Context Release by ENB due to UE Not Online

12 C373220624 Number of Context Release by MME due to Other Reason

13 C373220634 Number of Context Release by MME due to Handover Complete

14 C373220635 Number of Context Release by ENB due to CCO cause

15 C373220637 Number of Context Release due to Uu interface Timeout

16 C373220638 Number of Context Release due to RLF triggered by Poor Uu Quality

17 C373220639 Number of Context Release due to Maximum of RLC Retransmission

18 C373220640 Number of Context Release due to PDCP Integrity protection Failure

19 C373220641 Number of Context Release due to GTPU Error Indication

20 C373220642 Number of Context Release due to Path Fault

21 C373220643 Number of Context Release due to Optical Port Fault

3.4.3 Counter Description C373220611

Counter Name
Number of Context Release by MME due to UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME, in which
the Cause is Normal Relase, Detach, Authentication failure or Interaction with other
procedure". The counter is used to count the number of UE Context Release initiated by
MME due to the above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME
and the Cause in the message is Normal Relase, Detach, Authentication failure or
Interaction with other procedure.
Sampling Point 2


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives UEContextReleaseCommand
message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220612

Counter Name
Number of Context Release by ENB due to Uu interface Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
Case1: The eNodeB trigger UE release when timer of RRC reestablishment complete
expires during RRC reestablishment.
Case2: The eNodeB trigger UE release when RLC PDU gets maximum retransmition

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME
due to radio link failures.

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest
message to the MME due to radio link failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220613

Counter Name
Number of Context Release by ENB due to Handover Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB's timer of waiting for the UEContextReleaseCommand message expires
during handover, eNodeB will trigger UE release. The cause occurs the source cell.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME
due to handover failures.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest
message to the MME due to handover failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220614

Counter Name
Number of Context Release by ENB due to Shut Down or Reset Cell


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
1 The eNodeB receives the Cell Block Command from the OMM for manual operation.
2 The eNodeB occurs alarm that trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME
due to cell block or reset.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest
message to the MME due to cell reset or block.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220615

Counter Name
Number of Context Release by ENB due to Inactivity

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "USER INACTIVITY" switch,the eNodeB detects user that have
no DTCH data queued on the downlink and the uplink during configuration intervals. The
user is regarded as "inactivity".


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME
due to user inactive.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest
message to the MME due to user inactivity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220616

Counter Name
Number of Context Release by ENB due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB detects some internal reasons that trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME
due to other reason.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest
message to the MME due to other reason.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220617

Counter Name
Number of Context Release by MME due to Error Indication or Reestablish inter eNB

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of UE Context Release initiated by MME due to
the following two conditions.
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME, in which
the Cause is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure, then release the UE Context;
The eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME, then release the UE

Triggering Point
1 When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME.
2 When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME
and the Cause in the message is Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message
or UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context C373220618

Counter Name
Number of Context Release by ENB due to Redirection

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB concludes UE redirection to other cell or eNodeB, then trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME
due to the UE redirection.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest
message to the MME due to UE redirection.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220620

Counter Name
Number of Context Release by ENB due to Re-estblishment Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB will trigger UE release after sending the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message to UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME
due to RRC connection re-establishment failures.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest
message to the MME due to RRC connection re-establishment failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220621

Counter Name
Number of Context Release by ENB due to S1 Link Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter includes the two following conditions.
1 The eNodeB detects the fiber fault then trigger UE release.
2 The eNodeB detects the GTPU path fault then trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME
due to S1 link fault.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest
message to the MME due to S1 link fault.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220622

Counter Name
Number of Context Release by ENB due to UE Not Online

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB judge UE's state according to HARQ feedback algorithm. If the UE's state is
concluded as offline, the eNodeB will trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME
due to Radio Connection With UE Lost.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest
message to the MME due to UE offline.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373220624

Counter Name
Number of Context Release by MME due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME, in which
the Cause excludes Normal Release, Detach ,Authentication failure, Failure in the Radio
Interface Procedure , Successful Handover and Interaction with other procedure. The
counter is used to count the number of UE Context Release initiated by MME due to the
above condition.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220634

Counter Name
Number of Context Release by MME due to Handover Complete

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Counter Description
1 The eNodeB receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME
that indicate the S1 handover complete.
2 The eNodeB receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE message from other eNodeB that
indicate the X2 handover complete.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or
the UEContextRelease message from other eNodeB indicating handover complete.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or the UEContextRelease
message from target eNodeB indicating handover complete.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220635

Counter Name
Number of Context Release by ENB due to CCO cause

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB concludes UE CCO to other cell or eNodeB, then trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest message to the MME due to

Sampling Point 1


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the UEContextReleaseRequest
message to the MME due to CCO.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220637

Counter Name
Number of Context Release due to Uu interface Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by radio link failure. When the RNLC detects the expiry of the Uu interface
signaling timer and sends a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME,
this counter is incremented. The corresponding release cause is reported to "C373220612
Context Release, Number of Release Caused by ENB Uu Interface Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC detects the expiry of the Uu interface signaling timer and sends a UE
CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the RNLC detects the expiry of the Uu interface signaling timer and sends a UE
CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is incremented by

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220638

Counter Name
Number of Context Release due to RLF triggered by Poor Uu Quality

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by radio link failure. When the RNLC receives an RLF message reported
by the CMAC indicating an invalid uplink SRS measurement, high uplink or downlink
HARQFail, and sends a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this
counter is incremented. The corresponding release cause is reported to "C373220612
Context Release, Number of Release Caused by ENB Uu Interface Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives an RLF message reported by the CMAC indicating an invalid
uplink SRS measurement, high uplink or downlink HARQFail, and sends a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is updated.

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an RLF message reported by the CMAC indicating an invalid
uplink SRS measurement, high uplink or downlink HARQFail, and sends a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373220639

Counter Name
Number of Context Release due to Maximum of RLC Retransmission

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by radio link failure. When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message
that indicates an RLC error, and sends a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message
to the MME, this counter is incremented. The corresponding release cause is reported to
"C373220612 Context Release, Number of Release Caused by ENB Uu Interface Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates an RLC error, and sends
a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates an RLC error, and sends
a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context C373220640

Counter Name
Number of Context Release due to PDCP Integrity protection Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by radio link failure. When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message
that indicates a PDCP error, and sends a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message
to the MME, this counter is incremented. The corresponding release cause is reported to
"C373220612 Context Release, Number of Release Caused by ENB Uu Interface Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates a PDCP error, and sends
a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates a PDCP error, and sends
a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220641

Counter Name
Number of Context Release due to GTPU Error Indication


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by S1 link failure. When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that
indicates a GTPU error, and sends a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to
the MME, this counter is incremented. The corresponding release cause is reported to
"C373220621 Context Release, Number of Release Caused by ENB S1 link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates a GTPU error, and sends
a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an RNLU error message that indicates a GTPU error, and sends
a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220642

Counter Name
Number of Context Release due to Path Fault

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by S1 link failure. When the RNLC receives a PATH fault reported by


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

the RNLU, and sends a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this
counter is incremented. The corresponding release cause is reported to "C373220621
Context Release, Number of Release Caused by ENB S1 link Failure".

Triggering Point
When the RNLC receives a PATH fault reported by the RNLU, and sends a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the RNLC receives a PATH fault reported by the RNLU, and sends a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220643

Counter Name
Number of Context Release due to Optical Port Fault

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is an internal counter indicating the specific cause of the RRC connection
release caused by S1 link failure. When the RNLC receives an OAM optical interface
fault and sends a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter
is incremented. The corresponding release cause is reported to "C373220621 Context
Release, Number of Release Caused by ENB S1 link Failure".

Triggering Point
This counter is updated when the RNLC receives an OAM optical interface fault and sends


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the RNLC receives an OAM optical interface fault and sends a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


3.5 UE Context for CSFB

3.5.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Refer to:
l UE Context Setup
l UE Context Modification
l UE Context Release

3.5.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373220644 Number of Attempted Mt-Access Initial Context Setup with CSFB

2 C373220645 Number of Successful Mt-Access Initial Context Setup with CSFB

3 C373220646 Number of Mt-Access UE Context Release with CSFB

4 C373220647 Number of Attempted Mo-Signalling or Mo-Data Initial Context Setup with


5 C373220648 Number of Successful Mo-Signalling or Mo-Data Initial Context Setup with


6 C373220649 Number of Mo-Signalling or Mo-Data UE Context Release with CSFB

7 C373220650 Number of Attempted Context Modification with CSFB

8 C373220651 Number of Successful Context Modification with CSFB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

NO. Counter Counter Name


9 C373220652 Number of UE Context Release after Successful Context Modification with


10 C373220653 Number of Attempted Other Initial Context Setup with CSFB

11 C373220654 Number of Successful Other Initial Context Setup with CSFB

12 C373220655 Number of Other UE Context Release with CSFB

3.5.3 Counter Description C373220644

Counter Name
Number of Attempted Mt-Access Initial Context Setup with CSFB

Short Name

Counter Description
After the LTE user sends the service request message to MME, the MME find the eNodeB
not supportting CS service.Then the MME requires eNodeB to establish the UE Context
which indicates CS service fallback to GERAN/UTRAN. The counter calculates the number
of this UE Context setup attempts.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest with CSFB indication message
from the MME and the RRC establishmentCause is mt-access.
Figure: UE Context Setup-Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
InitialContextSetupRequest with CSFB indication message from the MME for mt-Access.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373220645

Counter Name
Number of Successful Mt-Access Initial Context Setup with CSFB

Short Name

Counter Description
After the LTE user sends the service request message to MME for mt-Access, the MME
requires eNodeB to establish the UE Context which indicates CS service fallback to
GERAN/UTRAN. The counter calculates the number of this UE Context successful setup.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replys the InitialContextSetupResponse message from the MME for
CSFB and the RRC establishmentCause is mt-access.

Figure: UE Context Setup-Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB replys the InitialContextSetupResponse
message from the MME for CSFB mt-Access.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220646

Counter Name
Number of Mt-Access UE Context Release with CSFB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Short Name

Counter Description
After the LTE user sends the service request message to MME for mt-Access, the MME
requires eNodeB to establish the UE Context which indicates CS service fallback to
GERAN/UTRAN. The eNodeB indicates the UE accessing to the target GERAN/UTRAN
cell through the PS HO/CCO/Redirection. The counter calculates the number of this UE
Context release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME for
CSFB and the RRC establishmentCause is mt-access.
Figure: UE Context Release-Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME for CSFB mt-Access.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220647

Counter Name
Number of Attempted Mo-Signalling or Mo-Data Initial Context Setup with CSFB

Short Name

Counter Description
After the LTE user sends the service request message to MME for mo-signaling or mo-data,
the MME requires eNodeB to establish the UE Context which indicates CS service fallback
to GERAN/UTRAN. The counter calculates the number of this UE Context request.


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest with CSFB indication message
from the MME and the RRC establishmentCause is mo-signalling.
Figure: UE Context Setup-Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
InitialContextSetupRequest with CSFB indication message from the MME for

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220648

Counter Name
Number of Successful Mo-Signalling or Mo-Data Initial Context Setup with CSFB

Short Name

Counter Description
After the LTE user sends the service request message to MME for mo-signaling or mo-data,
the MME requires eNodeB to establish the UE Context which indicates CS service fallback
to GERAN/UTRAN. The counter calculates the number of this UE Context successful

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replys the InitialContextSetupResponse message from the MME for
CSFB and the RRC establishmentCause is mo-signalling.
Figure: UE Context Setup-Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB replys the InitialContextSetupResponse
message from the MME for CSFB mo-signalling.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220649

Counter Name
Number of Mo-Signalling or Mo-Data UE Context Release with CSFB

Short Name

Counter Description
After the LTE user sends the service request message to MME for mo-signaling or mo-data,
the MME requires eNodeB to establish the UE Context which indicates CS service fallback
to GERAN/UTRAN. The eNodeB indicates the UE accessing to the target GERAN/UTRAN
cell through the PS HO/CCO/Redirection. The counter calculates the number of this UE
Context release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME for
CSFB and the RRC establishmentCause is mo-signalling.

Figure: UE Context Release-Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME for CSFB mo-signalling.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220650

Counter Name
Number of Attempted Context Modification with CSFB

Short Name

Counter Description
After the LTE user sends the service request message to MME, the MME requires eNodeB
to modify the UE Context which indicates CS service fallback to GERAN/UTRAN. The
counter calculates the number of UE Context modification request for CSFB.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextModificationRequest with CSFB indication
message from the MME.
Figure: UE Context Modification-Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
UEContextModificationRequest with CSFB indication message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context C373220651

Counter Name
Number of Successful Context Modification with CSFB

Short Name

Counter Description
After the LTE user sends the service request message to MME, the MME requires eNodeB
to modify the UE Context which indicates CS service fallback to GERAN/UTRAN. The
counter calculates the number of successful UE Context modification for CSFB.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replys the UEContextModificationResponse message from the MME
for CSFB.
Figure: UE Context Modification-Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB replys the
UEContextModificationResponse message from the MME for CSFB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220652

Counter Name
Number of UE Context Release after Successful Context Modification with CSFB

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After the LTE user sends the service request message to MME, the MME requires eNodeB
to modify the UE Context which indicates CS service fallback to GERAN/UTRAN. The
eNodeB indicates the UE accessing to the target GERAN/UTRAN cell through the PS
HO/CCO/Redirection. The counter calculates the number of this UE Context release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME for
Figure: UE Context Release-Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME for CSFB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220653

Counter Name
Number of Attempted Other Initial Context Setup with CSFB

Short Name

Counter Description
After the LTE user sends the service request message to MME for neither mt nor mo type,
the MME find the eNodeB not supportting CS service.Then the MME requires eNodeB
to establish the UE Context which indicates CS service fallback to GERAN/UTRAN. The
counter calculates the number of this UE Context setup attempts.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the InitialContextSetupRequest with CSFB indication message
from the MME and the RRC establishmentCause neither mt nor mo type.
Figure: UE Context Setup-Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
InitialContextSetupRequest with CSFB indication message from the MME for neither
mt nor mo type.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220654

Counter Name
Number of Successful Other Initial Context Setup with CSFB

Short Name

Counter Description
After the LTE user sends the service request message to MME for neither mt nor mo type,
the MME requires eNodeB to establish the UE Context which indicates CS service fallback
to GERAN/UTRAN. The counter calculates the number of this UE Context successful

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB replys the InitialContextSetupResponse message from the MME for
CSFB and the RRC establishmentCause neither mt nor mo type.
Figure: UE Context Setup-Sampling Point 4


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB replys the InitialContextSetupResponse
message from the MME with CSFB for neither mt nor mo type.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220655

Counter Name
Number of Other UE Context Release with CSFB

Short Name

Counter Description
After the LTE user sends the service request message to MME for neither mt nor mo type,
the MME requires eNodeB to establish the UE Context which indicates CS service fallback
to GERAN/UTRAN. The eNodeB indicates the UE accessing to the target GERAN/UTRAN
cell through the PS HO/CCO/Redirection. The counter calculates the number of this UE
Context release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME for
CSFB and the RRC establishmentCause neither mt nor mo type.
Figure: UE Context Release-Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME with CSFB for neither mt nor
mo type.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Sampling Period
Event triggered


3.6 Security Mode

3.6.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 3-4 Security Mode

l Sampling Point 1: The eNodeb sends the SecurityModeCommand message to UE,

indicating the start of security activation procedure.
l Sampling Point 2: The eNodeb receives the SecurityModeComplete message from
UE, indicating that the AS Security has been activated successfully.
l Sampling Point 3: The eNodeb receives the SecurityModeFailure message from UE,
indicating that the AS Security has been failed to activate.

3.6.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373220630 Number of Successful Security Mode

2 C373220631 Number of Failed Security Mode


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

3.6.3 Counter Description C373220630

Counter Name
Number of Successful Security Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB will send the SecurityModeCommand message to UE during Initial UE
Context setup. When it receives the SecurityModeComplete message from UE,indicating
successful security activation.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the SecurityModeComplete message from the UE
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the SecurityModeComplete
message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373220631

Counter Name
Number of Failed Security Mode

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Statistics of UE Context

Counter Description
The eNodeB will send the SecurityModeCommand message to UE during Initial UE
Context setup. When it receives the SecurityModefailure message from UE,indicating
security activation failures.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the SecurityModefailure message from the UE
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the SecurityModefailure
message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

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SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4
Statistics of S1-connection
Table of Contents
UE-associated Logical S1-connection ........................................................................4-1
S1 Error Indication......................................................................................................4-3
S1 Setup ....................................................................................................................4-7

4.1 UE-associated Logical S1-connection

4.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 4-1 UE-associated Logical S1-connection

l Sampling Point 1: The eNodeB sends the InitialUEMessage to the MME.

l Sampling Point 2: At first, the eNodeB receives the InitialUEContextSetupRequest,
InitialUEContextReleaseCommand, RESET or etc message.

4.1.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373495200 Number of Send Init UE Message by ENB

2 C373495201 Number of Received First Message by ENB after Init UE Message


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

4.1.3 Counter Description C373495200

Counter Name
Number of Send Init UE Message by ENB

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of an INITIAL UE MESSAGE by the eNodeB to the the MME.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the InitialUEMessage to MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNodeB sends InitialUEMessage to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373495201

Counter Name
Number of Received First Message by ENB after Init UE Message

Short Name

Counter Description
On receipt by The eNodeB of first message from MME which succeeds INITIAL UE
MESSAGE message on an UE-associated logical S1-connection.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Statistics of S1-connection

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the first signal message from MME after sending the
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNodeB receives the first signal message from the
MME after sending the InitialUEMessage.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


4.2 S1 Error Indication

4.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling points
Figure 4-2 S1 Error Indication

l Sampling Point 1: The eNodeB sends the ErrorIndication Message to the MME.
l Sampling Point 2: The eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME.

4.2.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373960440 Number of S1 Error Indications sent by eNB,Message Error Reasons

2 C373960441 Number of S1 Error Indications sent by eNB,Other Reasons


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


3 C373960442 Number of S1 Error Indications sent by MME,Message Error Reasons

4 C373960443 Number of S1 Error Indications sent by MME,Other Reasons

4.2.3 Counter Description C373960440

Counter Name
Number of S1 Error Indications sent by eNB,Message Error Reasons

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB receive the message from the MME, it check the parameter failed. Then
the eNodeB sends the ErrorIndication message to the MME.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the ErrorIndication message to the MME due to parameter error.

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends the ErrorIndication message to the MME due to parameter
error,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Statistics of S1-connection C373960441

Counter Name
Number of S1 Error Indications sent by eNB,Other Reasons

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB receive the message from the MME, it occur other failed. Then the
eNodeB sends the ErrorIndication message to the MME.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the ErrorIndication message to the MME due to other reason.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends the ErrorIndication message to the MME due to other reason,the
counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373960442

Counter Name
Number of S1 Error Indications sent by MME,Message Error Reasons

Short Name

Counter Description
After the MME receive the message from the eNodeB, it check the parameter failed. Then
the MME sends the ErrorIndication message to the eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME due to parameter
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME due to parameter
error,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373960443

Counter Name
Number of S1 Error Indications sent by MME,Other Reasons

Short Name

Counter Description
After the MME receive the message from the eNodeB, it occur other failed. Then the MME
sends the ErrorIndication message to the eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME due to other

Sampling Point 2

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the ErrorIndication message from the MME due to other
reason,the counter is incremented by 1.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Statistics of S1-connection

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


4.3 S1 Setup
4.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling points
Figure 4-3 S1 Setup

l Sampling Point 1: The eNodeB sends the S1SetupRequest Message to the MME.
l Sampling Point 2: The eNodeB receives the S1SetupResponse message from the

4.3.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C374000534 Number of S1 Setup Sent by eNB

2 C374000535 Number of Successful S1 Setup Sent by eNB

4.3.3 Counter Description C374000534

Counter Name
Number of S1 Setup Sent by eNB


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB will trigger to set up the S1 link after the SCTP link is abnormal. The counter
records the number of attempted S1 Setup initiated by eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the S1SetupRequest message to MME
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends the S1ResetRequest message to MME,the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374000535

Counter Name
Number of Successful S1 Setup Sent by eNB

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB will trigger to set up the S1 link after the SCTP link is abnormal. The counter
records the number of successful S1 Setup initiated by eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the S1SetupResponse message from MME
Sampling Point 2


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Statistics of S1-connection

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the S1ResetResponse message from MME,the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

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SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5
Statistics of SON
Table of Contents
MRO ..........................................................................................................................5-1
X2 Self Configuration .............................................................................................5-100

5.1 MRO
5.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
MRO refers to that handover fault and unnecessary handover detection and optimize.
The statistics of MRO includes handover too late, handover too early and handover in error

5.1.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373474911 Number of Too Early HO During Handover(Cell)

2 C373474912 Number of Too Early HO After Handover(Cell)

3 C373474913 Number of Too Late HO Before Handover(Cell)

4 C373474914 Number of Too Late HO During Handover(Cell)

5 C373474915 Number of HO in Error Cell During Handover(Cell)

6 C373474916 Number of HO in Error Cell After Handover(Cell)

7 C373474917 Number of Coverage Hole in Cell(Cell)

8 C373474918 Number of Coverage Hole between Cell(Cell)

9 C373474919 Number of No Neighbor Relation(Cell)

10 C373475001 Number of Unnecessary Handover to UTRAN(Cell)

11 C373475002 Number of Handover to UTRAN too Early(Cell)

12 C373723000 Number of Failed Handover Executions Due to Handover Too Early

13 C373723001 Number of Failed Handover Executions Due to Handover Too Later

14 C373723002 Number of Failed Handover Executions Due to Handover Failed


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


15 C373723003 Number of Ping-Pong Handover

16 C373723004 Number of Too Early Ho During Handover(Cell Pair)

17 C373723005 Number of Too Early HO After Handover(Cell Pair)

18 C373723006 Number of Too Late HO Before Handover(Cell Pair)

19 C373723007 Number of Too Late HO During Handover(Cell Pair)

20 C373723008 Number of HO in Error Cell During Handover(Cell Pair)

21 C373723009 Number of HO in Error Cell After Handover(Cell Pair)

22 C373723011 Number of Coverage Holl between Cell(Cell Pair)

23 C373723012 Number of No Neighbor Relation(Cell Pair)

24 C373723015 Number of Unnecessary Handover to UTRAN(Cell Pair)

25 C373723016 Number of Handover to UTRAN Too Early(Cell Pair)

26 C373723037 Number of Too Early Handover Optimization Request(Cell Pair)

27 C373723038 Number of Too Early Handover Optimization Update Failcell pair

28 C373723039 Number of Too Early Handover Rollback Request(Cell Pair)

29 C373723040 Number of Too Early Handover Rollback Failure(Cell Pair)

30 C373723041 Number of Too Late Handover Optimization Request(Cell Pair)

31 C373723042 Number of Too Late Handover Optimization Update Fail cell pair

32 C373723043 Number of Too Late Handover Rollback Request(Cell Pair)

33 C373723044 Number of Too Late Handover Rollback Failure(Cell Pair)

34 C373723045 Number of Ping-Pong Handover Optimization Request(Cell Pair)

35 C373723046 Number of Ping-Pong Handover Optimization Update Fail cell pair

36 C373723047 Number of Ping-Pong Handover Rollback Request(Cell Pair)

37 C373723048 Number of Ping-Pong Handover Rollback Failure(Cell Pair)

38 C373723049 Number of Too Early Handover Resolved by Handover to Wrong Cell

Occurred During Handover (Cell Pair)

39 C373723050 Number of Too Late Handover Resolved by Handover to Wrong Cell

Occurred During Handover (Cell Pair)

40 C373723051 Number of Too Early Handover Resolved by Handover to Wrong Cell

Occurred after Handover (Cell Pair)

41 C373723052 Number of Too Late Handover Resolved by Handover to Wrong Cell

Occurred after Handover (Cell Pair)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

5.1.3 Counter Description C373474911

Counter Name
Number of Too Early HO During Handover(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474912

Counter Name
Number of Too Early HO After Handover(Cell)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in source cell as a result of RLF in the target
cell,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in source cell as a result of RLF in the target

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in source cell as a result of RLF in the target
cell,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474913

Counter Name
Number of Too Late HO Before Handover(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell and the MeasurementReport not reported before RLF,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell and the MeasurementReport not reported before RLF

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell and the MeasurementReport not reported before RLF,the counter is incremented by 1.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474914

Counter Name
Number of Too Late HO During Handover(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell and the MeasurementReport reported before RLF,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell and the MeasurementReport reported before RLF

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell and the MeasurementReport reported before RLF,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373474915

Counter Name
Number of HO in Error Cell During Handover(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF in the source

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474916

Counter Name
Number of HO in Error Cell After Handover(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF in the target
cell,it is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF in the target cell

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF in the target
cell,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474917

Counter Name
Number of Coverage Hole in Cell(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment as a result of RLF in cell,and the cause is other
failures,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment as a result of RLF in cell,and the cause is other

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment as a result of RLF in cell,and the cause is other
failures,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474918

Counter Name
Number of Coverage Hole between Cell(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell,and the cause is other failures,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell,and the cause is other failures.

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell,and the cause is other failures,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474919

Counter Name
Number of No Neighbor Relation(Cell)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB detects the PCI of the neighbour cell without configuration,it is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the PCI of the neighbour cell without configuration.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects the PCI of the neighbour cell without configuration,the counter
is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373475001

Counter Name
Number of Unnecessary Handover to UTRAN(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
Both E-UTRAN and E-UTRAN neighbor cells are available for a handover, and the source
eNodeB may select UTRAN neighbor cells for the UE. This counter counts the number of
times that UTRAN neighbor cells are selected because handovers to LTE neighbor cells
are too late.

Triggering Point
When the system detects unnecessary handovers to UTRAN neighbor cells, this counter
is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the system detects unnecessary handovers to UTRAN neighbor cells, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373475002

Counter Name
Number of Handover to UTRAN too Early(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
Both E-UTRAN and E-UTRAN neighbor cells are available for a handover, and the source
eNodeB may select UTRAN neighbor cells for the UE. This counter counts the number
of times that UTRAN neighbor cells are selected because handovers to UTRAN neighbor
cells are early.

Triggering Point
When the system detects too early handovers to UTRAN neighbor cells, this counter is

Update Description
When the system detects too early handovers to UTRAN neighbor cells, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

times C373723000

Counter Name
Number of Failed Handover Executions Due to Handover Too Early

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment as a result of RLF in the source cell,it is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment as a result of RLF in the source cell.

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment as a result of RLF in the source cell,the counter
is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723001

Counter Name
Number of Failed Handover Executions Due to Handover Too Later

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment as a result of RLF in the target cell,it is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment as a result of RLF in the target cell.

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment as a result of RLF in the target cell,the counter
is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723002

Counter Name
Number of Failed Handover Executions Due to Handover Failed

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF,it is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF.

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF,the counter is
incremented by 1.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723003

Counter Name
Number of Ping-Pong Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs handover from source cell to target cell, then occurs handover back
to source cell within the threshold of time successfully, it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs handover from source cell to target cell, then occurs handover back
to source cell within the threshold of time successfully.

Update Description
When the UE occurs handover from source cell to target cell, then occurs handover back
to source cell within the threshold of time successfully, the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373723004

Counter Name
Number of Too Early Ho During Handover(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723005

Counter Name
Number of Too Early HO After Handover(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in source cell as a result of RLF in the target
cell,it is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment in source cell as a result of RLF in the target

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in source cell as a result of RLF in the target
cell,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723006

Counter Name
Number of Too Late HO Before Handover(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell and the MeasurementReport not reported before RLF,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell and the MeasurementReport not reported before RLF.

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell and the MeasurementReport not reported before RLF,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723007

Counter Name
Number of Too Late HO During Handover(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell and the MeasurementReport reported before RLF,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell and the MeasurementReport reported before RLF.

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell and the MeasurementReport reported before RLF,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723008

Counter Name
Number of HO in Error Cell During Handover(Cell Pair)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF in the source

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723009

Counter Name
Number of HO in Error Cell After Handover(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF in the target
cell,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF in the target cell.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC Reestablishment in error cell as a result of RLF in the target
cell,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723011

Counter Name
Number of Coverage Holl between Cell(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell,and the cause is other failures,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell,and the cause is other failures.

Update Description
When the UE occurs RRC reestablishment in target cell as a result of RLF in the source
cell,and the cause is other failures,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

times C373723012

Counter Name
Number of No Neighbor Relation(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB detects the PCI of the neighbour cell without configuration,it is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the PCI of the neighbour cell without configuration.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects the PCI of the neighbour cell without configuration,the counter
is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723015

Counter Name
Number of Unnecessary Handover to UTRAN(Cell Pair)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When Available Neighbor cell list contains both the E-UTRAN neighbor cell and the UTRAN
neighbor cell,count the number of handover too early to UTRAN.The object type of the
counter is cell pair.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the unnecessary handover,the fault is handover too late to

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects the unnecessary handover,the fault is handover too late to
EUTRAN,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723016

Counter Name
Number of Handover to UTRAN Too Early(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
When Available Neighbor cell list contains both the E-UTRAN neighbor cell and the UTRAN
neighbor cell,count the number of Unnecessary Handover to UTRANdue to Handover
too late to EUTRAN.The object type of the counter is cell pair.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the unnecessary handover,the fault is handover too early to


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects the unnecessary handover,the fault is handover too early to
UTRAN,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723037

Counter Name
Number of Too Early Handover Optimization Request(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell initiates the Too Early Handover Fault
Optimization request.

Triggering Point
After the stastic period is over, the NE considers that the fault type of the cell pair is too early
handover fault according to MRO optimization algorithm and calculates the optimization
value of OCN, and then sends a Too Early Handover Fault Optimization request for the
cell pair to the network management system.

Update Description
After the statistical period is over, the NE considers that the fault type of the cell pair
is too early handover fault according to MRO optimization algorithm and calculates the
optimization value of OCN, and then sends a Too Early Handover Fault Optimization
request for the cell pair to the network management system. This counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723038

Counter Name
Number of Too Early Handover Optimization Update Failcell pair

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the network management system fails in
updating the Too Early Handover Fault Optimization request of the cell.

Triggering Point
If the NE sends a Too Late Handover Fault Optimization request to the network
management system, the network management system updates the OCN configuration
of the cell pair and fails.

Update Description
After the NE sends a Too Late Handover Fault Optimization request to the network
management system, this counter is incremented by one if the network management
system fails in updating the OCN configuration of the cell pair.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON C373723039

Counter Name
Number of Too Early Handover Rollback Request(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell initiates the too early handover fault
optimization rollback.

Triggering Point
If the NE considers that too early handover fault optimization fails, the NE sends an OCN
configuration request of the rollback cell to the network management system.

Update Description
If the NE considers that too early handover fault optimization fails and the NE sends an
OCN configuration request of the rollback cell to the network management system, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723040

Counter Name
Number of Too Early Handover Rollback Failure(Cell Pair)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the network management system fails in
updating the too early handover fault rollback of the cell.

Triggering Point
After the NE sends a Too Early Handover Rollback request, the rollback fails.

Update Description
After the NE sends a Too Early Handover Rollback request, if the rollback fails, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723041

Counter Name
Number of Too Late Handover Optimization Request(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell initiates the Too Late Handover Fault
Optimization request.

Triggering Point
After the stastic period is over, the NE considers that the fault type of the cell pair is too late
handover fault according to MRO optimization algorithm and calculates the optimization
value of OCN, and then sends a Too Late Handover Fault Optimization request for the cell
pair to the network management system.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Update Description
After the statistical period is over, the NE considers that the fault type of the cell pair
is too late handover fault according to MRO optimization algorithm and calculates the
optimization value of OCN, and then sends a Too Late Handover Fault Optimization
request for the cell pair to the network management system. This counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723042

Counter Name
Number of Too Late Handover Optimization Update Fail cell pair

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the network management system fails in
updating the Too Late Handover Fault Optimization request of the cell.

Triggering Point
If the NE sends a Too Late Handover Fault Optimization request to the network
management system, the network management system updates the OCN configuration
of the cell pair and succeeds.

Update Description
After the NE sends a Too Late Handover Fault Optimization request to the network
management system, this counter is incremented by one if the network management
system succeeds in updating the OCN configuration of the cell pair.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723043

Counter Name
Number of Too Late Handover Rollback Request(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell initiates the too late handover fault
optimization rollback.

Triggering Point
If the NE considers that too late handover fault optimization fails, the NE sends an OCN
configuration request of the rollback cell to the network management system.

Update Description
If the NE considers that too late handover fault optimization fails and the NE sends an OCN
configuration request of the rollback cell to the network management system, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723044

Counter Name
Number of Too Late Handover Rollback Failure(Cell Pair)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the network management system fails in
updating the too late handover fault rollback of the cell.

Triggering Point
After the NE sends a Too Late Handover Rollback request, the rollback fails.

Update Description
After the NE sends a Too Late Handover Rollback request, if the rollback fails, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723045

Counter Name
Number of Ping-Pong Handover Optimization Request(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell initiates the Ping-Pong Handover
Fault Optimization request.

Triggering Point
After the stastic period is over, the NE considers that the fault type of the cell pair is
ping-pong handover fault according to MRO optimization algorithm and calculates the
optimization value of OCN, and then sends a Ping-Pong Handover Fault Optimization
request for the cell pair to the network management system.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
After the statistical period is over, the NE considers that the fault type of the cell pair is
ping-pong handover fault according to MRO optimization algorithm and calculates the
optimization value of OCN, and then sends a Ping-Pong Handover Fault Optimization
request for the cell pair to the network management system. This counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723046

Counter Name
Number of Ping-Pong Handover Optimization Update Fail cell pair

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the network management system fails in
updating the Ping-Pong Handover Fault Optimization request of the cell.

Triggering Point
If the NE sends a Ping-Pong Handover Fault Optimization request to the network
management system, the network management system updates the OCN configuration
of the cell pair and succeeds.

Update Description
After the NE sends a Ping-Pong Handover Fault Optimization request to the network
management system, this counter is incremented by one if the network management
system succeeds in updating the OCN configuration of the cell pair.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723047

Counter Name
Number of Ping-Pong Handover Rollback Request(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell initiates the ping-pong handover fault
optimization rollback.

Triggering Point
If the NE considers that ping-pong handover fault optimization fails, the NE sends an OCN
configuration request of the rollback cell to the network management system.

Update Description
If the NE considers that ping-pong handover fault optimization fails and the NE sends an
OCN configuration request of the rollback cell to the network management system, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723048

Counter Name
Number of Ping-Pong Handover Rollback Failure(Cell Pair)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the network management system fails in
updating the ping-pong handover fault rollback of the cell.

Triggering Point
After the NE sends a Ping-Pong Handover Rollback request, the rollback fails.

Update Description
After the NE sends a Ping-Pong Handover Rollback request, if the rollback fails, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723049

Counter Name
Number of Too Early Handover Resolved by Handover to Wrong Cell Occurred During
Handover (Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
If a UE handover is performed towards an incorrect cell, the fault is classified as an early
handover fault.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one when the radio link is reestablished for a UE in an
incorrect cell due to radio link failure in the source cell.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one when the radio link is reestablished for a UE in an
incorrect cell due to radio link failure in the source cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723050

Counter Name
Number of Too Late Handover Resolved by Handover to Wrong Cell Occurred During
Handover (Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
If a UE handover is performed towards an incorrect cell, the fault is classified as a late
handover fault.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one when the radio link is reestablished for a UE in an
incorrect cell due to radio link failure in the source cell.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one when the radio link is reestablished for a UE in an
incorrect cell due to radio link failure in the source cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373723051

Counter Name
Number of Too Early Handover Resolved by Handover to Wrong Cell Occurred after
Handover (Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
After UE handover is completed, if handover is performed towards an incorrect cell, the
fault is classified as an early handover fault.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one when the radio link is reestablished for a UE in an
incorrect cell due to radio link failure in the destination cell.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one when the radio link is reestablished for a UE in an
incorrect cell due to radio link failure in the destination cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723052

Counter Name
Number of Too Late Handover Resolved by Handover to Wrong Cell Occurred after
Handover (Cell Pair)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Short Name

Counter Description
After UE handover is completed, if handover is performed towards an incorrect cell, the
fault is classified as a late handover fault.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one when the radio link is reestablished for a UE in an
incorrect cell due to radio link failure in the destination cell.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one when the radio link is reestablished for a UE in an
incorrect cell due to radio link failure in the destination cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


5.2 RACH
5.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

5.2.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373474902 UE Send Preamble Successfully with 1 Times

2 C373474903 UE Send Preamble Successfully with 2 Times

3 C373474904 UE Send Preamble Successfully with 3 Times

4 C373474905 UE Send Preamble Successfully with 4 Times

5 C373474906 UE Send Preamble Successfully with 5 Times


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


6 C373474907 UE Send Preamble Successfully with 5 More Times

7 C373474908 Number of UE which Have Contention in Access Procedure

8 C373474909 Number of UE which Have No Contention in Access Procedure

9 C373474927 Number of UE which Access Successfully by Sending 1 Preamble and No

Contention in Access Procedure

10 C373474928 Preamble Number Send by UE which Have No Contention in Access


11 C373444757 Number of No RACH Dedicate Preamble Assigned

12 C373444758 Total Number of RACH Dedicate Preamble Assigned

13 C373444761 Times of Contention Based Random Access Initiated by Handover

14 C373444762 Times of Non-Contention Based Random Access Initiated by Handover

5.2.3 Counter Description C373444757

Counter Name
Number of No RACH Dedicate Preamble Assigned

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of dedicated RACH preambles failed to assign to UEs.

Triggering Point
When all dedicated RACH preambles are assigned to UEs.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when all dedicated RACH preambles are assigned to

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373444758

Counter Name
Total Number of RACH Dedicate Preamble Assigned

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of dedicated RACH preambles assigned to UEs.

Triggering Point
When a dedicated RACH preambles is assigned to UEs

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a dedicated RACH preambles is assigned to UEs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373444761

Counter Name
Times of Contention Based Random Access Initiated by Handover

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of dedicated RACH preambles failed to assign to Ues
during handover procedure.

Triggering Point
When all dedicated RACH preambles are assigned to Ues during handover procedure

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when all dedicated RACH preambles are assigned to Ues
during handover procedure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373444762

Counter Name
Times of Non-Contention Based Random Access Initiated by Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of dedicated RACH preambles assigned to Ues during
handover procedure.

Triggering Point
When a dedicated RACH preambles is assigned to UEs successfully during handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a dedicated RACH preambles is assigned to UEs
successfully during handover procedure.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373474902

Counter Name
UE Send Preamble Successfully with 1 Times

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that intra-system energy-saving cell load meets
the energy-saving condition.

Triggering Point
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373474903

Counter Name
UE Send Preamble Successfully with 2 Times

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB enables SON RO function,eNodeB statistics random access information of
following access UE.If UE access successfully by sending 2 preambles,it is added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UE INFORMATION RESPONSE message,If UE access
successfully by sending 2 preambles.

Update Description
When eNodeB enables SON RO function, eNodeB statistics random access information
of following access UE.If UE access successfully by sending 2 preambles,the counter is
increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474904

Counter Name
UE Send Preamble Successfully with 3 Times

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Counter Description
When eNodeB enables SON RO function,eNodeB statistics random access information of
following access UE.If UE access successfully by sending 3 preambles,it is added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UE INFORMATION RESPONSE message,If UE access
successfully by sending 3 preambles.

Update Description
When eNodeB enables SON RO function, eNodeB statistics random access information
of following access UE.If UE access successfully by sending 3 preambles,the counter is
increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474905

Counter Name
UE Send Preamble Successfully with 4 Times

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB enables SON RO function,eNodeB statistics random access information of
following access UE.If UE access successfully by sending 4 preambles,it is added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UE INFORMATION RESPONSE message,If UE access
successfully by sending 4 preambles.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When eNodeB enables SON RO function, eNodeB statistics random access information
of following access UE.If UE access successfully by sending 4 preambles,the counter is
increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474906

Counter Name
UE Send Preamble Successfully with 5 Times

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB enables SON RO function,eNodeB statistics random access information of
following access UE.If UE access successfully by sending 5 preambles,it is added to the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UE INFORMATION RESPONSE message,If UE access
successfully by sending 5 preambles.

Update Description
When eNodeB enables SON RO function, eNodeB statistics random access information
of following access UE.If UE access successfully by sending 5 preambles,the counter is
increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474907

Counter Name
UE Send Preamble Successfully with 5 More Times

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB enables SON RO function,eNodeB statistics random access information
of following access UE.If UE access successfully by sending more than 5 preambles,it is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UE INFORMATION RESPONSE message,If UE access
successfully by sending more than 5 preambles.

Update Description
When eNodeB enables SON RO function, eNodeB statistics random access information
of following access UE.If UE access successfully by sending more than 5 preambles,the
counter is increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373474908

Counter Name
Number of UE which Have Contention in Access Procedure

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB enables SON RO function,eNodeB statistics random access information of
following access UE. If UE have contention in access procedure,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE report its random access information to eNodeB

Update Description
When the UE report its random access information to eNodeB,and the UE have contention
in access procedure,the counter is increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373474909

Counter Name
Number of UE which Have No Contention in Access Procedure

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNB enables SON RO function, eNB statistics random access information of
following access UE. If UE free contention in access procedure, it is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Triggering Point
When the UE report its random access information to eNB

Update Description
When the UE report its random access information to eNB, the counter is increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373474927

Counter Name
Number of UE which Access Successfully by Sending 1 Preamble and No Contention in
Access Procedure

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNB enables SON RO function, eNB statistics random access information of
following access UE. If UE access successfully by sending 1 preamble and free contention
in access procedure, this is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE report its random access information to eNB

Update Description
When eNB enables SON RO function, eNB statistics random access information of
following access UE. If UE access successfully by sending 1 preamble and free contention
in access procedure, this counter is increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373474928

Counter Name
Preamble Number Send by UE which Have No Contention in Access Procedure

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNB enables SON RO function, eNB statistics random access information of
following access UE. If UE free contention and this UE send preamble number is Ns in
access procedure, it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE report its random access information to eNB

Update Description
When eNB enables SON RO function, eNB statistics random access information of
following access UE. If UE free contention and this UE send preamble number is Ns in
access procedure,this counter is increased by Ns.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

5.3 PCI
5.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

5.3.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373474900 Number of PCI Conflict(Cell)

2 C373474901 Number of PCI Confusion(Cell)

3 C373474920 Number of Different Detect Cell intra RAT

4 C373474921 Number of Report Detect Cell intra RAT

5 C373474922 Number of ReportCGI by UE intra RAT

6 C373474923 Number of ReportCGI by Period intra RAT

7 C373474924 Number of Successful ReportCGI by Period intra RAT

8 C373474925 Number of Report Neighbor Relation Addition to OMC intra RAT

9 C373474942 Number of Different Detect Cell between LTE and UTRAN

10 C373474943 Number of Report Detect Cell between LTE and UTRAN

11 C373474944 Number of ReportCGI by UE between LTE and UTRAN

12 C373474945 Number of ReportCGI by Period between LTE and UTRAN

13 C373474946 Number of Successful ReportCGI by Period between LTE and UTRAN

14 C373474947 Number of Report Neighbor Relation Addition to OMC between LTE and

15 C373474948 Number of Different Detect Cell between LTE and CDMA

16 C373474949 Number of Report Detect Cell between LTE and CDMA

17 C373474950 Number of ReportCGI by UE between LTE and CDMA

18 C373474951 Number of ReportCGI by Period between LTE and CDMA

19 C373474952 Number of Successful ReportCGI by Period between LTE and CDMA

20 C373474953 Number of Report Neighbor Relation Addition to OMC between LTE and

21 C373474954 Number of Different Detect Cell between LTE and GSM

22 C373474955 Number of Report Detect Cell between LTE and GSM

23 C373474956 Number of ReportCGI by UE between LTE and GSM

24 C373474957 Number of ReportCGI by Period between LTE and GSM


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


25 C373474958 Number of Successful ReportCGI by Period between LTE and GSM

26 C373474959 Number of Report Neighbor Relation Addition to OMC between LTE and

27 C373474960 Number of Successful Normal Neighbor Cell Addition intra RAT

28 C373474961 Number of Successful Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell intra RAT

29 C373474962 Number of Failed Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell intra RAT

30 C373474963 Number of Report Neighbor Relation Deletion to OMC intra RAT

31 C373474964 Number of Successfully Deleted Normal Neighbor Cell intra RAT

32 C373474965 Number of Successful Addition of Normal Neighbor Cell between LTE and

33 C373474966 Number of Successful Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE


34 C373474967 Number of Failed Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and

35 C373474968 Number of Report Neighbor Relation Deletion to OMC between LTE and

36 C373474969 Number of Successfully Deleted Normal Neighbor Cell between LTE and

37 C373474970 Number of Successful Addition of Normal Neighbor Cell between LTE and

38 C373474971 Number of Successful Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE

and CDMA

39 C373474972 Number of Failed Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and

40 C373474973 Number of Report Neighbor Relation Deletion to OMC between LTE and

41 C373474974 Number of Successfully Deleted Normal Neighbor Cell between LTE and

42 C373474975 Number of Successful Addition of Normal Neighbor Cell between LTE and

43 C373474976 Number of Successful Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE

and GSM

44 C373474977 Number of Failed Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

NO. Counter Counter Name


45 C373474978 Number of Report Neighbor Relation Deletion to OMC between LTE and

46 C373474979 Number of Successfully Deleted Normal Neighbor Cell between LTE and

47 C373474980 Number of Temporary Neighbor Cell intra RAT

48 C373474981 Number of Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and UTRAN

49 C373474982 Number of Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and CDMA

50 C373474983 Number of Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and GSM

51 C373474984 Number of not Meeting Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Condition intra

52 C373474985 Number of not Sending Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Request

because of Full intra RAT

53 C373474986 Number of not Meeting Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Condition

between LTE and UTRAN

54 C373474987 Number of not Sending Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Request

because of Full between LTE and UTRAN

55 C373474988 Number of not Meeting Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Condition

between LTE and CDMA

56 C373474989 Number of not Sending Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Request

because of Full between LTE and CDMA

57 C373474990 Number of not Meeting Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Condition

between LTE and GSM

58 C373474991 Number of not Sending Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Request

because of Full between LTE and GSM

59 C373692700 Number of intra-freq Neighbour Cell Reported by UE

60 C373692701 Number of inter-freq Neighbour Cell Reported by UE

61 C373692702 Number of inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN)Neighbour Cell Reported by UE

62 C373692703 Number of inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA)Neighbour Cell Reported by UE

63 C373692704 Number of inter-RAT(LTE->GSM)Neighbour Cell Reported by UE

64 C373723013 Number of PCI Conflict(Cell Pair)

65 C373723014 Number of PCI Confusion(Cell Pair)

66 C373990492 The total number of request that removing redundancy adjacent LTE cell.

67 C373990493 The total number of removing redundancy adjacent LTE cell successfully.

68 C373990494 The total number of request that removing redundancy adjacent UTRAN cell.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


69 C373990495 The total number of removing redundancy adjacent UTRAN cell successfully.

70 C373990496 The total number of request that removing redundancy adjacent GSM cell.

71 C373990497 The total number of removing redundancy adjacent GSM cell successfully.

5.3.3 Counter Description C373474900

Counter Name
Number of PCI Conflict(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
Both E-UTRAN and E-UTRAN neighbor cells are available for a handover, and the source
eNodeB may select UTRAN neighbor cells for the UE. This counter counts the number of
times that UTRAN neighbor cells are selected because handovers to LTE neighbor cells
are too late.

Triggering Point
When the system detects unnecessary handovers to UTRAN neighbor cells, this counter
is updated.

Update Description
When the system detects unnecessary handovers to UTRAN neighbor cells, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON C373474901

Counter Name
Number of PCI Confusion(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
Both E-UTRAN and E-UTRAN neighbor cells are available for a handover, and the source
eNodeB may select UTRAN neighbor cells for the UE. This counter counts the number
of times that UTRAN neighbor cells are selected because handovers to UTRAN neighbor
cells are early.

Triggering Point
When the system detects too early handovers to UTRAN neighbor cells, this counter is

Update Description
When the system detects too early handovers to UTRAN neighbor cells, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474942

Counter Name
Number of Different Detect Cell between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
EUTRAN unknown PCIs are detected,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
different EUTRAN unknown PCIs are detected.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by PCI number when the eNodeB receives the
MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the different EUTRAN unknown
PCIs are detected.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474943

Counter Name
Number of Report Detect Cell between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
EUTRAN unknown PCIs are detected,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
EUTRAN unknown PCIs are detected.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport
message from the UE in which the EUTRAN unknown PCIs are detected.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474944

Counter Name
Number of ReportCGI by UE between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE which
purpose is ReportCGI of UTRAN cell,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE which
purpose is ReportCGI of UTRAN cell.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE which purpose is ReportCGI of UTRAN

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373474945

Counter Name
Number of ReportCGI by Period between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB is triggered to send a ReportCGI MESConfig to UE of UTRAN cell,it is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB is triggered to send a ReportCGI MESConfig to UE of UTRAN cell.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB is triggered to send a ReportCGI
MESConfig to UE of UTRAN cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474946

Counter Name
Number of Successful ReportCGI by Period between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the 'ReportCGI' MeasurementReport message about UTRAN
cell from the UE,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the 'ReportCGI' MeasurementReport message about UTRAN
cell from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the 'ReportCGI'
MeasurementReport message about UTRAN cell from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474947

Counter Name
Number of Report Neighbor Relation Addition to OMC between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB sends the NeighbourRelation Adding message of UTRAN cell to the
OMC,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the NeighbourRelation Adding message of UTRAN cell to the

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB sends the NeighbourRelation Adding
message of UTRAN cell to the OMC.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474948

Counter Name
Number of Different Detect Cell between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
LTE unknown PCIs are detected,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
different LTE unknown PCIs are detected.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by PCI number when the eNodeB receives the
MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the different LTE unknown PCIs
are detected.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON C373474949

Counter Name
Number of Report Detect Cell between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
LTE unknown PCIs are detected,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
LTE unknown PCIs are detected.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport
message from the UE in which the LTE unknown PCIs are detected.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474950

Counter Name
Number of ReportCGI by UE between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE which
purpose is ReportCGI of CDMA cell,it is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE which
purpose is ReportCGI of CDMA cell.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE which purpose is ReportCGI of CDMA

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474951

Counter Name
Number of ReportCGI by Period between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB is triggered to send a ReportCGI MESConfig to UE of CDMA cell,it is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB is triggered to send a ReportCGI MESConfig to UE of CDMA cell.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB is triggered to send a ReportCGI
MESConfig to UE of CDMA cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474952

Counter Name
Number of Successful ReportCGI by Period between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the 'ReportCGI' MeasurementReport message about CDMA
cell from the UE,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the 'ReportCGI' MeasurementReport message about CDMA
cell from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the 'ReportCGI'
MeasurementReport message about CDMA cell from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474953

Counter Name
Number of Report Neighbor Relation Addition to OMC between LTE and CDMA


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB sends the NeighbourRelation Adding message of CDMA cell to the
OMC,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the NeighbourRelation Adding message of CDMA cell to the

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB sends the NeighbourRelation Adding
message of CDMA cell to the OMC.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474954

Counter Name
Number of Different Detect Cell between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
LTE unknown PCIs are detected,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
different LTE unknown PCIs are detected.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Update Description
The counter is incremented by PCI number when the eNodeB receives the
MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the different LTE unknown PCIs
are detected.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474955

Counter Name
Number of Report Detect Cell between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
LTE unknown PCIs are detected,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
LTE unknown PCIs are detected.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport
message from the UE in which the LTE unknown PCIs are detected.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373474956

Counter Name
Number of ReportCGI by UE between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE which
purpose is ReportCGI of GSM cell,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE which
purpose is ReportCGI of GSM cell.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE which purpose is ReportCGI of GSM

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474957

Counter Name
Number of ReportCGI by Period between LTE and GSM

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Counter Description
When the eNodeB is triggered to send a ReportCGI MESConfig to UE of GSM cell,it is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB is triggered to send a ReportCGI MESConfig to UE of GSM cell.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB is triggered to send a ReportCGI
MESConfig to UE of GSM cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474958

Counter Name
Number of Successful ReportCGI by Period between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the 'ReportCGI' MeasurementReport message about GSM
cell from the UE,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the 'ReportCGI' MeasurementReport message about GSM
cell from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the 'ReportCGI'
MeasurementReport message about GSM cell from the UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474959

Counter Name
Number of Report Neighbor Relation Addition to OMC between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB sends the NeighbourRelation Adding message of GSM cell to the
OMC,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the NeighbourRelation Adding message of GSM cell to the OMC.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB sends the NeighbourRelation Adding
message of GSM cell to the OMC.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON C373723013

Counter Name
Number of PCI Conflict(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB detects that the neighbour's PCI is the same to the serving cell ,it is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that the neighbour's PCI is the same to the serving cell

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that the neighbour's PCI is the same to the serving cell ,the
counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373723014

Counter Name
Number of PCI Confusion(Cell Pair)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB detects that the two neighbours' PCI is the same ,it is added to the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects that the two neighbours' PCI is the same.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects that the two neighbours' PCI is the same,the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474920

Counter Name
Number of Different Detect Cell intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
LTE unknown PCIs are detected,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
different LTE unknown PCIs are detected.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by PCI number when the eNodeB receives the
MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the different LTE unknown PCIs are
detected intra RAT.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474921

Counter Name
Number of Report Detect Cell intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
LTE unknown PCIs are detected,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from the UE in which the
LTE unknown PCIs are detected .

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport
message from the UE in which the LTE unknown PCIs are detected intra RAT.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474922

Counter Name
Number of ReportCGI by UE intra RAT


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE which
purpose is ReportCGI of LTE cell,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE which
purpose is ReportCGI of LTE cell.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE which purpose is ReportCGI of LTE cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474923

Counter Name
Number of ReportCGI by Period intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB is triggered to send a ReportCGI MESConfig to UE of LTE cell,it is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB is triggered to send a ReportCGI MESConfig to UE of LTE cell.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB is triggered to send a ReportCGI
MESConfig to UE of LTE cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474924

Counter Name
Number of Successful ReportCGI by Period intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the 'ReportCGI' MeasurementReport message about LTE cell
from the UE,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the 'ReportCGI' MeasurementReport message about LTE cell
from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the 'ReportCGI'
MeasurementReport message about LTE cell from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373474925

Counter Name
Number of Report Neighbor Relation Addition to OMC intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB sends the NeighbourRelation Adding message of LTE cell to the OMC,it
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the NeighbourRelation Adding message of LTE cell to the OMC.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB sends the NeighbourRelation Adding
message of LTE cell to the OMC.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474960

Counter Name
Number of Successful Normal Neighbor Cell Addition intra RAT

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Counter Description
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation of LTE cell to the OMC,and the neighbor
relation added successful,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation of LTE cell to the OMC,and the neighbor
relation added successful.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reported neighbor relation of LTE cell
to the OMC,and the neighbor relation added successful.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474961

Counter Name
Number of Successful Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE handover to the LTE temporary neighbor cell successfully,it is added to the

Triggering Point
When the UE handover to the LTE temporary neighbor cell successfully.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the UE handover to the LTE temporary neighbor
cell successfully.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474962

Counter Name
Number of Failed Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE handover to the LTE temporary neighbor cell failed,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE handover to the LTE temporary neighbor cell failed.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the UE handover to the LTE temporary neighbor
cell failed.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474963

Counter Name
Number of Report Neighbor Relation Deletion to OMC intra RAT


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB reported neighbour relation deleting message of LTE cell to the OMC,it
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reported neighbour relation deleting message of LTE cell to the OMC.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reported neighbour relation deleting
message of LTE cell to the OMC.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474964

Counter Name
Number of Successfully Deleted Normal Neighbor Cell intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation deletion of LTE cell to the OMC,and the
neighbor relation deleted successful,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation deletion of LTE cell to the OMC,and the
neighbor relation deleted successful.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reported neighbor relation deletion of
LTE cell to the OMC,and the neighbor relation deleted successful.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474965

Counter Name
Number of Successful Addition of Normal Neighbor Cell between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation of UTRAN cell to the OMC,and the neighbor
relation added successful,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation of UTRAN cell to the OMC,and the neighbor
relation added successful.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reported neighbor relation of UTRAN
cell to the OMC,and the neighbor relation added successful.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

times C373474966

Counter Name
Number of Successful Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE handover to the UTRAN temporary neighbor cell successfully,it is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE handover to the UTRAN temporary neighbor cell successfully.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the UE handover to the UTRAN temporary neighbor
cell successfully.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474967

Counter Name
Number of Failed Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the UE handover to the UTRAN temporary neighbor cell failed,it is added to the

Triggering Point
When the UE handover to the UTRAN temporary neighbor cell failed.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the UE handover to the UTRAN temporary neighbor
cell failed.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474968

Counter Name
Number of Report Neighbor Relation Deletion to OMC between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB reported neighbour relation deleting message of UTRAN cell to the
OMC,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reported neighbour relation deleting message of UTRAN cell to the

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reported neighbour relation deleting
message of UTRAN cell to the OMC.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474969

Counter Name
Number of Successfully Deleted Normal Neighbor Cell between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation deletion of UTRAN cell to the OMC,and the
neighbor relation deleted successful,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation deletion of UTRAN cell to the OMC,and the
neighbor relation deleted successful.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reported neighbor relation deletion of
UTRAN cell to the OMC,and the neighbor relation deleted successful.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373474970

Counter Name
Number of Successful Addition of Normal Neighbor Cell between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation of CDMA cell to the OMC,and the neighbor
relation added successful,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation of CDMA cell to the OMC,and the neighbor
relation added successful.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reported neighbor relation of CDMA
cell to the OMC,and the neighbor relation added successful.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474971

Counter Name
Number of Successful Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE handover to the CDMA temporary neighbor cell successfully,it is added to
the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Triggering Point
When the UE handover to the CDMA temporary neighbor cell successfully.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the UE handover to the CDMA temporary neighbor
cell successfully.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474972

Counter Name
Number of Failed Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE handover to the CDMA temporary neighbor cell failed,it is added to the

Triggering Point
When the UE handover to the CDMA temporary neighbor cell failed.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the UE handover to the CDMA temporary neighbor
cell failed.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373474973

Counter Name
Number of Report Neighbor Relation Deletion to OMC between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB reported neighbour relation deleting message of CDMA cell to the
OMC,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reported neighbour relation deleting message of CDMA cell to the OMC.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reported neighbour relation deleting
message of CDMA cell to the OMC.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474974

Counter Name
Number of Successfully Deleted Normal Neighbor Cell between LTE and CDMA

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Counter Description
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation deletion of CDMA cell to the OMC,and the
neighbor relation deleted successful,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation deletion of CDMA cell to the OMC,and the
neighbor relation deleted successful.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reported neighbor relation deletion of
CDMA cell to the OMC,and the neighbor relation deleted successful.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474975

Counter Name
Number of Successful Addition of Normal Neighbor Cell between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation of GSM cell to the OMC,and the neighbor
relation added successful,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation of GSM cell to the OMC,and the neighbor
relation added successful.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reported neighbor relation of GSM cell
to the OMC,and the neighbor relation added successful.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474976

Counter Name
Number of Successful Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE handover to the GSM temporary neighbor cell successfully,it is added to the

Triggering Point
When the UE handover to the GSM temporary neighbor cell successfully.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the UE handover to the GSM temporary neighbor
cell successfully.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON C373474977

Counter Name
Number of Failed Handover to Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE handover to the GSM temporary neighbor cell failed,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the UE handover to the GSM temporary neighbor cell failed.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the UE handover to the GSM temporary neighbor
cell failed.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474978

Counter Name
Number of Report Neighbor Relation Deletion to OMC between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB reported neighbour relation deleting message of GSM cell to the OMC,it
is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reported neighbour relation deleting message of GSM cell to the OMC.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reported neighbour relation deleting
message of GSM cell to the OMC.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474979

Counter Name
Number of Successfully Deleted Normal Neighbor Cell between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation deletion of GSM cell to the OMC,and the
neighbor relation deleted successful,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reported neighbor relation deletion of GSM cell to the OMC,and the
neighbor relation deleted successful.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reported neighbor relation deletion of
GSM cell to the OMC,and the neighbor relation deleted successful.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474980

Counter Name
Number of Temporary Neighbor Cell intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
When the number of temporary neighbor cell intra RAT is altered,it is modified the counter.

Triggering Point
When the number of temporary neighbor cell intra RAT is altered.

Update Description
The counter is modified when the number of temporary neighbor cell intra RAT is altered.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373474981

Counter Name
Number of Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the number of temporary neighbor cell between LTE and UTRAN is altered,it is
modified the counter.

Triggering Point
When the number of temporary neighbor cell between LTE and UTRAN is altered.

Update Description
The counter is modified when the number of temporary neighbor cell between LTE and
UTRAN is altered.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373474982

Counter Name
Number of Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
When the number of temporary neighbor cell between LTE and CDMA is altered,it is
modified the counter.

Triggering Point
When the number of temporary neighbor cell between LTE and CDMA is altered.

Update Description
The counter is modified when the number of temporary neighbor cell between LTE and
CDMA is altered.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

unit C373474983

Counter Name
Number of Temporary Neighbor Cell between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
When the number of temporary neighbor cell between LTE and GSM is altered, it is
modified the counter.

Triggering Point
When the number of temporary neighbor cell between LTE and GSM is altered.

Update Description
The counter is modified when the number of temporary neighbor cell between LTE and
GSM is altered.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373474984

Counter Name
Number of not Meeting Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Condition intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of intra-RAT temporary neighbour relation which not
meet the normal neighbour relation addition condition intra RAT.

Triggering Point
When the statistic duration is end and the statistic result of the intra-RAT temporary
neighbour relation can't meet the normal neighbour relation addition condition intra RAT.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the statistic duration is end and the statistic result
of the intra-RAT temporary neighbour relation can't meet the normal neighbour relation
addition condition intra RAT.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474985

Counter Name
Number of not Sending Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Request because of Full intra

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of not sending intra-RAT ANR neighbour relation addition
request because of that the normal neighbour relation list is full intra RAT.

Triggering Point
When the statistic duration is end and the statistic result of the intra-RAT temporary
neighbour relation meets the normal neighbour relation addition condition, but the eNodeB
does not send addition request because of that the normal neighbour relation list is full
intra RAT.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the statistic duration is end and the statistic result of
the intra-RAT temporary neighbour relation meets the normal neighbour relation addition
condition, but the eNodeB does not send addition request because of that the normal
neighbour relation list is full intra RAT.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474986

Counter Name
Number of not Meeting Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Condition between LTE and

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of intra-RAT temporary neighbour relation which not
meet the normal neighbour relation addition condition between LTE and UTRAN.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the statistic duration is end and the statistic result of the intra-RAT temporary
neighbour relation can't meet the normal neighbour relation addition condition between

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the statistic duration is end and the statistic result
of the intra-RAT temporary neighbour relation can't meet the normal neighbour relation
addition condition between LTE and UTRAN.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474987

Counter Name
Number of not Sending Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Request because of Full
between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of not sending intra-RAT ANR neighbour relation addition
request because of that the normal neighbour relation list is full between LTE and UTRAN.

Triggering Point
When the statistic duration is end and the statistic result of the intra-RAT temporary
neighbour relation meets the normal neighbour relation addition condition, but the eNodeB
does not send addition request because of that the normal neighbour relation list is full
between LTE and UTRAN.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the statistic duration is end and the statistic result of
the intra-RAT temporary neighbour relation meets the normal neighbour relation addition


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

condition, but the eNodeB does not send addition request because of that the normal
neighbour relation list is full between LTE and UTRAN.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474988

Counter Name
Number of not Meeting Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Condition between LTE and

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of intra-RAT temporary neighbour relation which not
meet the normal neighbour relation addition condition between LTE and CDMA.

Triggering Point
When the statistic duration is end and the statistic result of the intra-RAT temporary
neighbour relation can't meet the normal neighbour relation addition condition between

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the statistic duration is end and the statistic result
of the intra-RAT temporary neighbour relation can't meet the normal neighbour relation
addition condition between LTE and CDMA.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373474989

Counter Name
Number of not Sending Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Request because of Full
between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of not sending intra-RAT ANR neighbour relation addition
request because of that the normal neighbour relation list is full between LTE and CDMA.

Triggering Point
When the statistic duration is end and the statistic result of the intra-RAT temporary
neighbour relation meets the normal neighbour relation addition condition, but the eNodeB
does not send addition request because of that the normal neighbour relation list is full
between LTE and CDMA.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the statistic duration is end and the statistic result of
the intra-RAT temporary neighbour relation meets the normal neighbour relation addition
condition, but the eNodeB does not send addition request because of that the normal
neighbour relation list is full between LTE and CDMA.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON C373474990

Counter Name
Number of not Meeting Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Condition between LTE and

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of intra-RAT temporary neighbour relation which not
meet the normal neighbour relation addition condition between LTE and GSM.

Triggering Point
When the statistic duration is end and the statistic result of the intra-RAT temporary
neighbour relation can't meet the normal neighbour relation addition condition between
LTE and GSM.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the statistic duration is end and the statistic result
of the intra-RAT temporary neighbour relation can't meet the normal neighbour relation
addition condition between LTE and GSM.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373474991

Counter Name
Number of not Sending Normal Neighbour Relation Addition Request because of Full
between LTE and GSM

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of not sending intra-RAT ANR neighbour relation addition
request because of that the normal neighbour relation list is full between LTE and GSM.

Triggering Point
When the statistic duration is end and the statistic result of the intra-RAT temporary
neighbour relation meets the normal neighbour relation addition condition, but the eNodeB
does not send addition request because of that the normal neighbour relation list is full
between LTE and GSM.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the statistic duration is end and the statistic result of
the intra-RAT temporary neighbour relation meets the normal neighbour relation addition
condition, but the eNodeB does not send addition request because of that the normal
neighbour relation list is full between LTE and GSM.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373692700

Counter Name
Number of intra-freq Neighbour Cell Reported by UE

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of intra-frequence neighbour cell reported by UE.

Triggering Point
When a LTE intra-frequence neighbour cell reported by UE in the MeasurementReport for


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a LTE intra-frequence neighbour cell reported by
UE in the MeasurementReport for handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373692701

Counter Name
Number of inter-freq Neighbour Cell Reported by UE

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of inter-frequence neighbour cell reported by UE.

Triggering Point
When a LTE inter-frequence neighbour cell reported by UE in the MeasurementReport for

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a LTE inter-frequence neighbour cell reported by
UE in the MeasurementReport for handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373692702

Counter Name
Number of inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN)Neighbour Cell Reported by UE

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of UTRAN neighbour cell reported by UE.

Triggering Point
When a UTRAN neighbour cell reported by UE in the MeasurementReport for handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a UTRAN neighbour cell reported by UE in the
MeasurementReport for handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373692703

Counter Name
Number of inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA)Neighbour Cell Reported by UE

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of CDMA neighbour cell reported by UE.

Triggering Point
When a CDMA neighbour cell reported by UE in the MeasurementReport for handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a CDMA neighbour cell reported by UE in the
MeasurementReport for handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373692704

Counter Name
Number of inter-RAT(LTE->GSM)Neighbour Cell Reported by UE

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of GSM neighbour cell reported by UE.

Triggering Point
When a GSM neighbour cell reported by UE in the MeasurementReport for handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a GSM neighbour cell reported by UE in the
MeasurementReport for handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373990492

Counter Name
The total number of request that removing redundancy adjacent LTE cell.

Short Name

Counter Description
eNB opens SON neighbor cell relationship management function.eNB will find out the
redundancy adjacent LTE cell after the network working for a period of time, and request
OMC to remove the redundancy adjacent LTE cell automatically. The counter is the total
number of request that removing redundancy adjacent LTE cell.

Triggering Point
eNB sends the request of removing adjacent LTE cell to OMC.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNB sends the request of removing adjacent
LTE cell to OMC.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373990493

Counter Name
The total number of removing redundancy adjacent LTE cell successfully.

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Counter Description
eNB opens SON neighbor cell relationship management function.eNB will find out the
redundancy adjacent LTE cell after the network working for a period of time, and request
OMC to remove the redundancy adjacent LTE cell automatically. The counter is the total
number of request that removing redundancy adjacent LTE cell.If OMC removing adjacent
LTE cell successfully, the couter add 1.

Triggering Point
OMC synchronizes the configuration of removing redundancy adjacent LTE cell to eNB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the OMC synchronizes the configuration of
removing redundancy adjacent LTE cell to eNB successfully.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373990494

Counter Name
The total number of request that removing redundancy adjacent UTRAN cell.

Short Name

Counter Description
eNB opens SON neighbor cell relationship management function.eNB will find out the
redundancy adjacent UTRAN cell after the network working for a period of time, and
request OMC to remove the redundancy adjacent UTRAN cell automatically. The counter
is the total number of request that removing redundancy adjacent LTE cell.

Triggering Point
eNB sends the request of removing adjacent UTRAN cell to OMC.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNB sends the request of removing adjacent
UTRAN cell to OMC.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373990495

Counter Name
The total number of removing redundancy adjacent UTRAN cell successfully.

Short Name

Counter Description
eNB opens SON neighbor cell relationship management function.eNB will find out the
redundancy adjacent UTRAN cell after the network working for a period of time, and
request OMC to remove the redundancy adjacent UTRAN cell automatically. The counter
is the total number of request that removing redundancy adjacent LTE cell.If OMC
removing adjacent LTE cell successfully, the couter add 1.

Triggering Point
OMC synchronizes the configuration of removing redundancy adjacent UTRAN cell to eNB

Update Description
OMC synchronizes the configuration of removing redundancy adjacent UTRAN cell to eNB

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373990496

Counter Name
The total number of request that removing redundancy adjacent GSM cell.

Short Name

Counter Description
eNB opens SON neighbor cell relationship management function.eNB will find out the
redundancy adjacent GSM cell after the network working for a period of time, and request
OMC to remove the redundancy adjacent GSM cell automatically. The counter is the total
number of request that removing redundancy adjacent LTE cell.

Triggering Point
eNB sends the request of removing adjacent GSM cell to OMC.

Update Description
eNB sends the request of removing adjacent GSM cell to OMC.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373990497

Counter Name
The total number of removing redundancy adjacent GSM cell successfully.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
eNB opens SON neighbor cell relationship management function.eNB will find out the
redundancy adjacent GSM cell after the network working for a period of time, and request
OMC to remove the redundancy adjacent GSM cell automatically. The counter is the total
number of request that removing redundancy adjacent LTE cell.If OMC removing adjacent
LTE cell successfully, the couter add 1.

Triggering Point
OMC synchronizes the configuration of removing redundancy adjacent GSM cell to eNB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the OMC synchronizes the configuration of
removing redundancy adjacent GSM cell to eNB successfully.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


5.4 X2 Self Configuration

5.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

5.4.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373990480 Number of Getting Remote IP

2 C373990481 Number of Getted Remote IP

3 C373990482 Number of Successful Getted Remote IP


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

NO. Counter Counter Name


4 C373990483 Number of Not Enough X2 SCTP

5 C373990486 Number of X2 Self Setup Initiation

6 C373990487 Number of Successful X2 Self Setup

7 C373990488 Number of X2 Self Delete Initiation(Exclude Scan of the Invalid X2 SCTP)

8 C373990489 Number of Successful X2 Self Delete(Exclude Scan of the Invalid X2 SCTP)

9 C373990490 Number of Report Invalid X2 SCTP Self Delete

10 C373990491 Number of Successful Invalid X2 SCTP Self Delete

5.4.3 Counter Description C373990480

Counter Name
Number of Getting Remote IP

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB initiates getting the remote IP for X2 self setup,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB initiates getting the remote IP.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB initiates getting the remote IP.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373990481

Counter Name
Number of Getted Remote IP

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB gets the remote IP for X2 self setup initiated by the remote eNodeB,it is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB getted the remote IP passively.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB getted the remote IP passively.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373990482

Counter Name
Number of Successful Getted Remote IP

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB gets the remote IP for X2 self successfully,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB gets the remote IP successfully.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB gets the remote IP successfully.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373990483

Counter Name
Number of Not Enough X2 SCTP

Short Name

Counter Description
The number of the X2 SCTP reached the maximum,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB haven't enough X2 SCTP.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB haven't enough X2 SCTP.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373990486

Counter Name
Number of X2 Self Setup Initiation

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB initiates the X2 self setup after configurating the relationship with the
neighbour cell,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB initiates the X2 self setup.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB initiates the X2 self setup.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373990487

Counter Name
Number of Successful X2 Self Setup

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB initiates the X2 self setup successfully,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB initiates the X2 self setup successfully.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB initiates the X2 self setup successfully.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373990488

Counter Name
Number of X2 Self Delete Initiation(Exclude Scan of the Invalid X2 SCTP)

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB detects no relationship with neighbour cell,or content the X2 self deletion
condition,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects no relationship with neighbour cell,or content the X2 self
deletion condition.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB detects no relationship with neighbour
cell,or content the X2 self deletion condition.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373990489

Counter Name
Number of Successful X2 Self Delete(Exclude Scan of the Invalid X2 SCTP)

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB deletes the X2 SCTP successfully for non scanning of the invalid X2 SCTP,it
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB deletes the X2 SCTP successfully for non scanning of the invalid X2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB deletes the X2 SCTP successfully for
non scanning of the invalid X2 SCTP.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373990490

Counter Name
Number of Report Invalid X2 SCTP Self Delete

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB detects the invalid X2 SCTP,it is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Statistics of SON

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the invalid X2 SCTP.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB detects the invalid X2 SCTP.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373990491

Counter Name
Number of Successful Invalid X2 SCTP Self Delete

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB deletes the X2 SCTP successfully for scanning of the invalid X2 SCTP,it is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB deletes the X2 SCTP successfully for scanning of the invalid X2 SCTP.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB deletes the X2 SCTP successfully for
scanning of the invalid X2 SCTP.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6
Statistics of Super Cell
Table of Contents
Flow Charts and Sampling Points...............................................................................6-1
Counter List................................................................................................................6-1
Counter Description....................................................................................................6-3

6.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points

No chart.

6.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C374037300 Average CP UL PHY Throughput

2 C374037301 Average CP DL PHY Throughput

3 C374037302 Total Number of CP UL Scheduled User

4 C374037303 Total Number of CP DL Scheduled User

5 C374037304 CP UL Scheduled TTI Number

6 C374037305 CP DL Scheduled TTI Number

7 C374037306 CP PRB Number Used on PUSCH Channel

8 C374037307 CP PRB Number Used on PDSCH Channel

9 C374037308 CP CCE Number Used on PDCCH Channel

10 C373596928 UL Scheduled RB Number for SDMA Assisted User

11 C373596929 DL Scheduled RB Number for SDMA Assisted User

12 C373596930 UL SDMA Assisted User Number

13 C373596931 DL SDMA Assisted User Number

14 C374070000 Number of CP UpLink Scheduled User

15 C374070001 Number of CP DownLink Scheduled User

16 C374070002 Maximum Number of CP Activate User

17 C374070003 Mean Number of CP Activate User

18 C374070004 Number of CP RRC Establishment Request


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


19 C374070005 Number of CP RRC Establishment Success

20 C374070006 Number of CP Mo-Signalling RRC Establishment Request

21 C374070007 Number of CP Mo-Signalling RRC Establishment Success

22 C374070008 Number of CP RRC Reestablishment Request

23 C374070009 Number of CP RRC Reestablishment Success

24 C374070010 Number of CP Release E-RAB

25 C374070011 Number of CP Abnormal Release E-RAB

26 C374070012 Maximum NI of the CP

27 C374070013 Mean NI of the CP

28 C374070014 Maximum Transmit Power of the CP

29 C374070015 Mean Transmit Power of the CP

30 C374070016 PRB Number Used on PUSCH Channel of the CP

31 C374070017 PRB Number Available on PUSCH Channel of the CP

32 C374070018 PRB Number Used on PDSCH Channel of the CP

33 C374070019 PRB Number Available on PDSCH Channel of the CP

34 C374070020 CCE Number Used on PDCCH Channel of the CP

35 C374070021 TB Size of CP UL Transmit Success

36 C374070022 TB Size of CP DL Transmit Success

37 C374070023 Maximum Throughput of CP DownLink Physical Layer

38 C374070024 Mean Throughput of CP DownLink Physical Layer

39 C374070025 Maximum Throughput of CP UpLink Physical Layer

40 C374070026 Mean Throughput of CP UpLink Physical Layer

41 C374070027 CP TTI Number of PUSCH

42 C374070028 CP TTI Number of PDSCH

43 C374080100 Maximum CP RSSI

44 C374080101 Minimum CP RSSI

45 C374080102 Average CP RSSI

46 C374080103 Maximum DL Transmit Power of the CP

47 C374080104 Mean DL Transmit Power of the CP


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

6.3 Counter Description

6.3.1 C374037300
Counter Name
Average CP UL PHY Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
In the case of super cell networking, this counter counts the average uplink CP PHY
throughput. The sampling period is one second and this counter is updated to the average
value of all the samples in 15 minutes.

Triggering Point
In the case of super cell networking, when the eNodeB PHY layer receives data from the
air interface, this counter is updated based on CPs.

Update Description
This counter is updated to the average value of all the samples in 15 minutes.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


6.3.2 C374037301
Counter Name
Average CP DL PHY Throughput

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
In the case of super cell networking, this counter counts the average downlink CP PHY
throughput. The sampling period is one second and this counter is updated to the average
value of all the samples in 15 minutes.

Triggering Point
In the case of super cell networking, when the eNodeB PHY layer sends data, this counter
is updated based on CPs.

Update Description
This counter is updated to the average value of all the samples in 15 minutes.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


6.3.3 C374037302
Counter Name
Total Number of CP UL Scheduled User

Short Name

Counter Description
In the case of super cell networking, this counter counts the total number of uplink
scheduled CP users in a statistics granularity. The number is counted during HARQ
processes and the statistics moment is the same as that of the uplink CMAC transmission

Triggering Point
In the case of super cell networking, the eNodeB uplink scheduler collects the total number
of scheduled uplink users in a granularity. This counter is updated based on CPs.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

Update Description
In each measurement period, this counter is updated to the sum of all the samples.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


6.3.4 C374037303
Counter Name
Total Number of CP DL Scheduled User

Short Name

Counter Description
In the case of super cell networking, this counter counts the total number of downlink
scheduled CP users in a statistics granularity. The number is counted during HARQ
processes and the statistics moment is the same as that of the downlink CMAC
transmission duration.

Triggering Point
In the case of super cell networking, the eNodeB uplink scheduler collects the total number
of downlink scheduled users in a granularity. This counter is updated based on CPs.

Update Description
In each measurement period, this counter is updated to the sum of all the samples.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


6.3.5 C374037304
Counter Name
CP UL Scheduled TTI Number

Short Name

Counter Description
In the case of super cell networking, this counter counts the number of TTIs that the CP
CMAC has data to be scheduled. The eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules data each, this
counter is incremented by one, including TTIs for retransmitted TB scheduling.

Triggering Point
In the case of super cell networking, when the eNodeB uplink scheduler has data to be
scheduled, this counter is updated based on CPs.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler has data to be scheduled, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


6.3.6 C374037305
Counter Name
CP DL Scheduled TTI Number

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

Counter Description
In the case of super cell networking, this counter counts the number of TTIs that the CP
CMAC has data to be scheduled. The eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules data each,
this counter is incremented by one, including TTIs for retransmitted TB scheduling.

Triggering Point
In the case of super cell networking, when the eNodeB downlink scheduler has data to be
scheduled, this counter is updated based on CPs.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler has data to be scheduled, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


6.3.7 C374037306
Counter Name
CP PRB Number Used on PUSCH Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
In the case of super cell networking, when the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules uplink
services, it allocates available PRBs for the PUSCH. This counter indicates the number of
PRBs actually occupied by the PUSCH on each CP.

Triggering Point
In the case of super cell networking, when the eNodeB uplink scheduler has PUSCH data
to be scheduled and allocates PRBs, this counter is updated based on CPs.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler has PUSCH data to be scheduled and allocates PRBs,
this counter is incremented by the number of allocated PRBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


6.3.8 C374037307
Counter Name
CP PRB Number Used on PDSCH Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
In the case of super cell networking, when the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules
downlink services, it allocates available PRBs for the PDSCH. This counter indicates the
number of PRBs actually occupied by the PDSCH on each CP.

Triggering Point
In the case of super cell networking, when the eNodeB downlink scheduler has PDSCH
data to be scheduled and allocates PRBs, this counter is updated based on CPs.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler has PDSCH data to be scheduled and allocates
PRBs, this counter is incremented by the number of allocated PRBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell


6.3.9 C374037308
Counter Name
CP CCE Number Used on PDCCH Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
In the case of super cell networking, this counter counts the number of CCEs actually
allocated to the PDCCH by the CP CMAC. This counter includes DCI0, DCI1, DCI1A, and
DCI2. The total number of CCEs in a sampling period is reported.

Triggering Point
In the case of super cell networking, when the eNodeB downlink scheduler has PDCCH
data to be scheduled and allocates CCEs, this counter is updated based on CPs.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler has PDCCH data to be scheduled and allocates
CCEs, this counter is incremented by the number of allocated CCEs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


6.3.10 C373596928
Counter Name
UL Scheduled RB Number for SDMA Assisted User

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the sum of uplink RB number allocated to SDMA assisted users.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink SDMA assisted users, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink SDMA assisted users, this counter is incremented by
the number of allocated RBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


6.3.11 C373596929
Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number for SDMA Assisted User

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the sum of downlink RB number allocated to SDMA assisted users.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules downlink SDMA assisted users, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules downlink SDMA assisted users, this counter is incremented
by the number of allocated RBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

Sampling Period
15 min


6.3.12 C373596930
Counter Name
UL SDMA Assisted User Number

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that SDMA assisted users are scheduled in

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink SDMA assisted users, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink SDMA assisted users, this counter is incremented by

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


6.3.13 C373596931
Counter Name
DL SDMA Assisted User Number


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that SDMA assisted users are scheduled in

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules downlink SDMA assisted users, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules downlink SDMA assisted users, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


6.3.14 C374070000
Counter Name
Number of CP UpLink Scheduled User

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of users of the CP uplink scheduling in the measurement

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of users of the CP uplink scheduling in the granularity
period. This counter is incremented by one if the uplink MAC sends the scheduling result
to the PHY.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

Update Description
This counter counts the number of users of the CP uplink scheduling in the granularity
period. This counter counts if the uplink MAC sends the scheduling result to the PHY. This
counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


6.3.15 C374070001
Counter Name
Number of CP DownLink Scheduled User

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of users of the CP downlink scheduling in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of users of the CP downlink scheduling in the granularity
period. This counter is incremented by one if the downlink MAC sends the scheduling
result to the PHY.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of users of the CP downlink scheduling in the granularity
period. This counter counts if the downlink MAC sends the scheduling result to the PHY.
This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period


6.3.16 C374070002
Counter Name
Maximum Number of CP Activate User

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average number of users that are in the RRC connection state
after the scheduling process.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of users that are in the RRC connection state after
the CMAC completes the scheduling process every 100 ms. The CMAC calculates the
average value of all sampling points in five seconds and reports to the OAM. The OAM
calculates the maximum value of all reported values in five seconds.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of users that are in the RRC connection state after
the CMAC completes the scheduling process every 100 ms. The CMAC calculates the
average value of all sampling points in five seconds and reports to the OAM. The OAM
calculates the maximum value of all reported values in five seconds.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

6.3.17 C374070003
Counter Name
Mean Number of CP Activate User

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the maximum number of users that are in the RRC connection state
after the scheduling process.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of users that are in the RRC connection state after
the CMAC completes the scheduling process every 100 ms. The CMAC calculates the
average value of all sampling points in five seconds and reports to the OAM. The OAM
calculates the average value of all reported values in five seconds.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of users that are in the RRC connection state after
the CMAC completes the scheduling process every 100 ms. The CMAC calculates the
average value of all sampling points in five seconds and reports to the OAM. The OAM
calculates the average value of all reported values in five seconds.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


6.3.18 C374070004
Counter Name
Number of CP RRC Establishment Request

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the CP receives the RRC link establishment
request in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC receives the RRC link establishment
indication message from the control plane. The CMAC reports to the OAM once every five

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC receives the RRC link establishment
indication message from the control plane. The CMAC reports to the OAM once every five
seconds. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


6.3.19 C374070005
Counter Name
Number of CP RRC Establishment Success

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the CP succeeds in RRC link establishment
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC receives the RRC link establishment
success indication message from the control plane. The CMAC reports to the OAM once
every five seconds.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC receives the RRC link establishment
success indication message from the control plane. The CMAC reports to the OAM once
every five seconds. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


6.3.20 C374070006
Counter Name
Number of CP Mo-Signalling RRC Establishment Request

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the CP receives the Mo-Signalling type RRC
link establishment request in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC receives the RRC link establishment
indication message of the Mo-Signalling type from the control plane. The CMAC reports
to the OAM once every five seconds.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC receives the RRC link establishment
indication message of the Mo-Signalling type from the control plane. The CMAC reports
to the OAM once every five seconds. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered


6.3.21 C374070007
Counter Name
Number of CP Mo-Signalling RRC Establishment Success

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the CP succeeds in Mo-Signalling type RRC
link establishment in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC receives the RRC link establishment
success indication message of the Mo-Signalling type from the control plane. The CMAC
reports to the OAM once every five seconds.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC receives the RRC link establishment
success indication of the Mo-Signalling type from the control plane. The CMAC reports to
the OAM once every five seconds. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

6.3.22 C374070008
Counter Name
Number of CP RRC Reestablishment Request

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the CP receives the RRC link
re-establishment request in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC receives the RRC link re-establishment
indication message from the control plane. The CMAC reports to the OAM once every five

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC receives the RRC link re-establishment
indication message from the control plane. The CMAC reports to the OAM once every five
seconds. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


6.3.23 C374070009
Counter Name
Number of CP RRC Reestablishment Success

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the CP succeeds in RRC link re-establishment
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC receives the RRC link re-establishment
success indication message from the control plane. The CMAC reports to the OAM once
every five seconds.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC receives the RRC link re-establishment
success indication message from the control plane. The CMAC reports to the OAM once
every five seconds. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


6.3.24 C374070010
Counter Name
Number of CP Release E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the CP releases an E-RAB in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter accumulates the number of release E-RABs that are contained in the E-RAB
release indication message if the CMAC receives the E-RAB release indication message
from the control plane. The CMAC reports to the OAM once every five seconds.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

Update Description
This counter accumulates the number of release E-RABs that are contained in the E-RAB
release indication message if the CMAC receives the E-RAB release indication message
from the control plane. The CMAC reports to the OAM once every five seconds. This
counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


6.3.25 C374070011
Counter Name
Number of CP Abnormal Release E-RAB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the CP releases an E-RAB abnormally in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter accumulates the number of abnormal release E-RABs that are contained in
the E-RAB release indication message if the CMAC receives the E-RAB abnormal release
indication message from the control plane. The CMAC reports to the OAM once every five

Update Description
This counter accumulates the number of abnormal release E-RABs that are contained in
the E-RAB release indication message if the CMAC receives the E-RAB abnormal release
indication message from the control plane. The CMAC reports to the OAM once every five
seconds. This counter accumulates the values.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


6.3.26 C374070012
Counter Name
Maximum NI of the CP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the maximum noise interference value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the maximum value of the CP cell-lever NI in five seconds.

Update Description
This counter counts the maximum value of the CP cell-lever NI in five seconds.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


6.3.27 C374070013
Counter Name
Mean NI of the CP


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average noise interference value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the average value of the CP cell-lever NI in five seconds.

Update Description
This counter counts the average value of the CP cell-lever NI in five seconds.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


6.3.28 C374070014
Counter Name
Maximum Transmit Power of the CP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the maximum transmit power of the CP in the sampling period.

Triggering Point
Each TTI of the CMAC samples the power of Type A and Type B of the CP. The maximum
value is taken as the sampling value. The maximum transmitting power is the maximum
value of one TTI in the interval of report time.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
Each TTI of the CMAC samples the power of Type A and Type B of the CP. The maximum
value is taken as the sampling value. The maximum transmitting power is the maximum
value of one TTI in the interval of report time.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


6.3.29 C374070015
Counter Name
Mean Transmit Power of the CP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average transmit power of the CP in the sampling period.

Triggering Point
Each TTI of the CMAC samples the power of Type A and Type B of the CP. The maximum
value is taken as the sampling value. The average transmitting power is the maximum
value of one TTI in the interval of report time.

Update Description
Each TTI of the CMAC samples the power of Type A and Type B of the CP. The maximum
value is taken as the sampling value. The average transmitting power is the maximum
value of one TTI in the interval of report time.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell


6.3.30 C374070016
Counter Name
PRB Number Used on PUSCH Channel of the CP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PRB resources that the CMAC uplink scheduler actually
allocates on the CP PUSCH.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PRB resources that the CMAC uplink scheduler actually
allocates on the CP PUSCH. The CMAC reports the total number in the sampling period.
For the ICIC function, this counter does not count the forbidden RBs.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of PRB resources that the CMAC uplink scheduler actually
allocates on the CP PUSCH. The CMAC reports the total number in the sampling period.
This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


6.3.31 C374070017
Counter Name
PRB Number Available on PUSCH Channel of the CP


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PRB resources that are available on the CP PUSCH.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PRB resources that are available on the CP PUSCH.
The CMAC reports the total number in the sampling period (the uplink bandwidth subtracts
the number of RBs that are reserved for the PUCCH and PRACH. For the ICIC function,
this counter does not count the forbidden RBs.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of PRB resources that are available on the CP PUSCH.
The CMAC reports the total number in the sampling period (the uplink bandwidth
subtracts the number of RBs that are reserved for the PUCCH and PRACH. This counter
accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


6.3.32 C374070018
Counter Name
PRB Number Used on PDSCH Channel of the CP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PRB resources that the CMAC downlink scheduler
actually allocates on the CP PDSCH.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PRB resources that the CMAC downlink scheduler
actually allocates on the CP PDSCH. The CMAC reports the total number in the sampling
period. For the ICIC function, this counter does not count the forbidden RBs.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of PRB resources that the CMAC downlink scheduler
actually allocates on the CP PDSCH. The CMAC reports the total number in the sampling
period. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


6.3.33 C374070019
Counter Name
PRB Number Available on PDSCH Channel of the CP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PRB resources that are available on the CP PDSCH.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PRB resources that are available on the CP PDSCH.
The CMAC reports the total number in the sampling period (the downlink bandwidth). For
the ICIC function, this counter does not count the forbidden RBs.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of PRB resources that are available on the CP PDSCH.
The CMAC reports the total number in the sampling period (downlink bandwidth). This
counter accumulates the values.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


6.3.34 C374070020
Counter Name
CCE Number Used on PDCCH Channel of the CP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of CCEs that the CMAC allocates to the CP PDCCH,
including DCI0, DCI1, DCI1A, and DCI2.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of CCEs that the CMAC allocates to the CP PDCCH,
including DCI0, DCI1, DCI1A, and DCI2. The CMAC reports the total number in the
sampling period.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of CCEs that the CMAC allocates to the CP PDCCH,
including DCI0, DCI1, DCI1A, and DCI2. The CMAC reports the total number in the
sampling period. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

6.3.35 C374070021
Counter Name
TB Size of CP UL Transmit Success

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the TB Size of the CP uplink transmitted successfully.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC processes the received uplink CRC. Only
CRC OK messages are counted. The CMAC reports the average value of s level every
five seconds.

Update Description
This counter counts if the CMAC processes the received uplink CRC. Only CRC OK is
counted. The CMAC reports the average value of s level every five seconds.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


6.3.36 C374070022
Counter Name
TB Size of CP DL Transmit Success

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the TB Size of the CP downlink transmitted successfully.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC processes downlink HARQ feedback
messages. Only the feedback of ACK messages are counted. The CMAC reports the
average value of s level every five seconds.

Update Description
This counter counts if the CMAC processes downlink HARQ feedback messages. Only
the feedback of the ACK message is counted. The CMAC reports the average value of s
level every five seconds.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


6.3.37 C374070023
Counter Name
Maximum Throughput of CP DownLink Physical Layer

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the maximum throughput of the physical-layer downlink of the CP in
the measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC processes downlink HARQ, including
re-transmission and new transmission.

Update Description
This counter counts if the CMAC processes downlink HARQ, including re-transmission
and new transmission.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


6.3.38 C374070024
Counter Name
Mean Throughput of CP DownLink Physical Layer

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average throughput of the physical-layer downlink of the CP in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC processes downlink HARQ, including
re-transmission and new transmission.

Update Description
This counter counts if the CMAC processes downlink HARQ, including re-transmission
and new transmission.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

6.3.39 C374070025
Counter Name
Maximum Throughput of CP UpLink Physical Layer

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the maximum throughput of the physical-layer uplink of the CP in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC processes the received uplink CRC. All
CRCs are counted.

Update Description
This counter counts if the CMAC processes the received uplink CRC. All CRCs are

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


6.3.40 C374070026
Counter Name
Mean Throughput of CP UpLink Physical Layer

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average throughput of the physical-layer uplink of the CP in the
measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the CMAC processes the received uplink CRC. All
CRCs are counted.

Update Description
This counter counts if the CMAC processes the received uplink CRC. All CRCs are

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


6.3.41 C374070027
Counter Name
CP TTI Number of PUSCH

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TTI number of the uplink PUSCH of each CP.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one the total TTI number of the uplink PUSCH of each CP.

Update Description
This counter counts the total TTI number of the uplink PUSCH of each CP. This counter
accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


6.3.42 C374070028
Counter Name
CP TTI Number of PDSCH

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TTI number of the downlink PDSCH of each CP (including
the special TTI that contains transmission service information).

Triggering Point
This counter counts the total TTI number of the downlink PDSCH of each CP (including
the special TTI that contains transmission service information).

Update Description
This counter counts the total TTI number of the downlink PDSCH of each CP (including
the special TTI that contains transmission service information). This counter accumulates
the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


6.3.43 C374080100
Counter Name
Maximum CP RSSI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

Counter Description
The RRU notifies the OAM of the received power at each sampling time. The OAM
matches the super cell CP information according to the frequency carrier and uses the
maximum value as the value of this sampling. The maximum received power is the
maximum value of all sampling points in the interval of report time.

Triggering Point
The RRU notifies the OAM of the received power at each sampling time. The OAM
matches the super cell CP information according to the frequency carrier and uses the
maximum value as the value of this sampling. The maximum received power is the
maximum value of all sampling points in the interval of report time.

Update Description
The RRU notifies the OAM of the received power at each sampling time. The OAM
matches the super cell CP information according to the frequency carrier and uses the
maximum value as the value of this sampling. The maximum received power is the
maximum value of all sampling points in the interval of report time.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s


6.3.44 C374080101
Counter Name
Minimum CP RSSI

Short Name

Counter Description
The RRU notifies the OAM of the received power at each sampling time. The OAM
matches the super cell CP information according to the frequency carrier and uses
the minimum value as the value of this sampling. The minimum received power is the
minimum value of all sampling points in the interval of report time.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
The RRU notifies the OAM of the received power at each sampling time. The OAM
matches the super cell CP information according to the frequency carrier and uses
the minimum value as the value of this sampling. The minimum received power is the
minimum value of all sampling points in the interval of report time.

Update Description
The RRU notifies the OAM of the received power at each sampling time. The OAM
matches the super cell CP information according to the frequency carrier and uses
the minimum value as the value of this sampling. The minimum received power is the
minimum value of all sampling points in the interval of report time.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period
10 s


6.3.45 C374080102
Counter Name
Average CP RSSI

Short Name

Counter Description
The RRU collects the received power at each sampling time. The RRU notifies the OAM
of the received power. The OAM matches the super cell CP information according to the
frequency carrier and reports the statistic. The average received power is the average
value of all sampling points in the interval of report time.

Triggering Point
The RRU collects the received power at each sampling time. The RRU notifies the OAM
of the received power. The OAM matches the super cell CP information according to the
frequency carrier and reports the statistic. The average received power is the average
value of all sampling points in the interval of report time.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Statistics of Super Cell

Update Description
The RRU collects the received power at each sampling time. The RRU notifies the OAM
of the received power. The OAM matches the super cell CP information according to the
frequency carrier and reports the statistic. The average received power is the average
value of all sampling points in the interval of report time.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s


6.3.46 C374080103
Counter Name
Maximum DL Transmit Power of the CP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the maximum transmit power of the CP downlink.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the maximum sampling value of transmission power of the RRU
controlled by the current CP. The sampling period can be configured.

Update Description
This counter counts the maximum sampling value of transmission power of the RRU
controlled by the current CP. The sampling period can be configured.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


6.3.47 C374080104
Counter Name
Mean DL Transmit Power of the CP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average transmit power of the CP downlink.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the average sampling value of transmission power of the RRU
controlled by the current CP. The sampling period can be configured.

Update Description
This counter counts the average sampling value of transmission power of the RRU
controlled by the current CP. The sampling period can be configured.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 7
Statistics of CA
Table of Contents
Flow Charts and Sampling Points...............................................................................7-1
Counter List................................................................................................................7-1
Counter Description....................................................................................................7-2

7.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points

No chart.

7.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373596932 DL Scheduled RB Number for SCC UE

2 C373596933 DL Scheduled TB Number for SCC UE

3 C373596934 DL Scheduled TB Size for SCC UE

4 C373596951 DL Scheduled RB Number for PCC UE

5 C373596952 DL Scheduled TB Number for PCC UE

6 C373596953 DL Scheduled TB Size for PCC UE

7 C373596956 PRB Number of PDSCH(DTCH) Borrowed from Scell

8 C373596957 PRB Number of PDSCH Borrowed from Scell

9 C373596958 Active Scell Number

10 C373596959 Active Scell Success Number

11 C373596960 Deactive Scell Number

12 C373596961 Deactive Scell Success Number

13 C373384367 Average User Number of Scell

14 C373384368 Average Active User Number of Pcell

15 C373384369 Average Active User Number of Scell

16 C373343812 DL High PDCP Throughput of CA User

17 C373343813 DL Low PDCP Throughput of CA User

18 C373343814 DL PDCP Time of CA User


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


19 C373597001 Number of Implicit Deactive Scell due to Timeout

20 C373597002 Number of Deactive Scell No due to Deactive Macce(Exclude Implicit

Deactive Scell)

7.3 Counter Description

7.3.1 C373596932
Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number for SCC UE

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of downlink RBs scheduled for SCC CA UEs in a cell.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules SCC CA UEs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules SCC CA UEs, this counter is incremented by the number of
allocated RBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 7 Statistics of CA

7.3.2 C373596933
Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Number for SCC UE

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of downlink TBs scheduled for SCC UEs in a cell. Each
TB is scheduled, this counter is incremented by one.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules SCC CA UEs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules SCC CA UEs, this counter is incremented by the number of
scheduled TBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


7.3.3 C373596934
Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size for SCC UE

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the downlink TBSize scheduled for SCC UEs in a cell.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules SCC CA UEs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules SCC CA UEs, this counter is incremented by the scheduled

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


7.3.4 C373596951
Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number for PCC UE

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of RBs occupied by PCC UEs in a cell.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules PCC UEs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules PCC UEs, this counter is incremented by the number of
allocated RBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 7 Statistics of CA


7.3.5 C373596952
Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Number for PCC UE

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of TBs scheduled by PCC CA UEs in a cell. It is
incremented by one when a TB is scheduled.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules PCC UEs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules PCC UEs, this counter is incremented by the number of
scheduled TBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


7.3.6 C373596953
Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size for PCC UE

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the Tbsize scheduled by PCC UEs in a cell.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules PCC UEs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules PCC UEs, this counter is incremented by the scheduled

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


7.3.7 C373596956
Counter Name
PRB Number of PDSCH(DTCH) Borrowed from Scell

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PDSCH (DTCH) PRBs that are invoked from the
Scell, excluding PADING. The calculation formula is: ((Logical Channel 3 excluding the
length of PADING packet ++ Logical Channel 10 excluding the length of PADING
packet)/TBSize) * RBNUM.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PDSCH (DTCH) PRBs that are invoked from the
Scell, excluding PADING. The calculation formula is: ((Logical Channel 3 excluding the
length of PADING packet ++ Logical Channel 10 excluding the length of PADING
packet)/TBSize) * RBNUM.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 7 Statistics of CA

Update Description
This counter counts the number of PDSCH (DTCH) PRBs that are invoked from the
Scell, excluding PADING. The calculation formula is: ((Logical Channel 3 excluding the
length of PADING packet ++ Logical Channel 10 excluding the length of PADING
packet)/TBSize) * RBNUM. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


7.3.8 C373596957
Counter Name
PRB Number of PDSCH Borrowed from Scell

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the accumulated number of RBs that are invoked from other Scells
by the UE that takes the current cell as the Pcell. The CMAC collects the statistic per TTI
and reports the values of per 5 seconds.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the accumulated number of RBs that are invoked from other Scells
by the UE that takes the current cell as the Pcell. The CMAC collects the statistic per TTI
and reports the values of per 5 seconds.

Update Description
This counter counts the accumulated number of RBs that are invoked from other Scells
by the UE that takes the current cell as the Pcell. The CMAC collects the statistic per TTI
and reports the values of per 5 seconds. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
1 ms


7.3.9 C373596958
Counter Name
Active Scell Number

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the CMAC delivers the carrier to activate the
MAC CE. If one MAC CE activates multiple secondary carriers, each secondary carrier will
be counted.

Triggering Point
During the period that the CMAC collects and reports the granularity time, this counter
counts the number of times that the CMAC delivers the carrier to activate the MAC CE
and the number of times that on the schedule module, carrier is scheduled to activate the
MAC CE. If one MAC CE activates multiple secondary carriers, the times of execution are
recorded as multiple times.

Update Description
During the statistical period, this counter counts the number of times that the CMAC
delivers the carrier to activate the MAC CE and the number of times that on the schedule
module, carrier is scheduled to activate the MAC CE. If one MAC CE activates multiple
secondary carriers, each secondary carrier will be counted. This counter counts the
number of times during the statistical period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 7 Statistics of CA


7.3.10 C373596959
Counter Name
Active Scell Success Number

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the carrier activates the ACK corresponding
to the MAC CE, including the newly transmitted ACK and successfully retransmitted ACK.

Triggering Point
During the period that the CMAC collects and reports the granularity time, this counter
counts the number of times that the carrier activates the ACK corresponding to the MAC
CE, including the newly transmitted ACK and successfully retransmitted ACK.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the carrier activates ACK messages
corresponding to the MAC CE, including the newly transmitted ACK messages and
successfully retransmitted ACK messages.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


7.3.11 C373596960
Counter Name
Deactive Scell Number


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the CMAC delivers the carrier to deactivate
the MAC CE. If one MAC CE deactivates multiple secondary carriers, each secondary
carrier will be counted.

Triggering Point
During the period that the CMAC collects and reports the granularity time, this counter
counts the number of times that the CMAC delivers the carrier to activate the MAC CE
and the number of times that on the schedule module, carrier is scheduled to activate the
MAC CE. If one MAC CE deactivates multiple secondary carriers, the times of execution
are recorded as multiple times.

Update Description
During the statistical period, this counter counts the number of times that the CMAC
delivers the carrier to deactivate the MAC CE and the number of times that on the
schedule module, carrier is scheduled to deactivate the MAC CE. If one MAC CE
deactivates multiple secondary carriers, each secondary carrier will be counted. This
counter counts the number of times during the statistical period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


7.3.12 C373596961
Counter Name
Deactive Scell Success Number

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 7 Statistics of CA

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the carrier deactivates the ACK
corresponding to the MAC CE, including the newly transmitted ACK and successfully
retransmitted ACK.

Triggering Point
During the period that the CMAC collects and reports the granularity time, this counter
counts the number of times that the carrier deactivates the ACK corresponding to the MAC
CE, including the newly transmitted ACK and successfully retransmitted ACK.

Update Description
During the statistical period, this counter counts the number of times that the carrier
deactivates ACK messages corresponding to the MAC CE, including the newly transmitted
ACK messages and successfully retransmitted ACK messages.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


7.3.13 C373384367
Counter Name
Average User Number of Scell

Short Name

Counter Description
After RNLC configures a secondary carrier for a UE successfully, the number of the users
of the secondary carrier is incremented by one. After a secondary carrier is deleted
successfully, the number of the users of the secondary carrier is decremented by one.
The OAM system performs sampling every two seconds. This counter reports the average
value of all sampling values within a statistics period (15 minutes).


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
After RNLC configures a secondary carrier for a UE successfully, the number of the users
of the secondary carrier is incremented by one. After a secondary carrier is deleted
successfully, the number of the users of the secondary carrier is decremented by one.
The OAM system performs sampling every two seconds. This counter reports the average
value of all sampling values within a statistics period (15 minutes).

Update Description
After RNLC configures a secondary carrier for a UE successfully, the number of the users
of the secondary carrier is incremented by one. After a secondary carrier is deleted
successfully, the number of the users of the secondary carrier is decremented by one.
The OAM system performs sampling every two seconds. This counter reports the average
value of all sampling values within a statistics period (15 minutes).

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


7.3.14 C373384368
Counter Name
Average Active User Number of Pcell

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average number of UEs that have activated Scells in the local cell
when the local cell is taken as Pcell.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of UEs in the current cell that are activated by Scells if the
current cell works as the Pcell.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 7 Statistics of CA

Update Description
This counter counts the average number of UEs that have activated Scells in the local cell
when the local cell is taken as Pcell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


7.3.15 C373384369
Counter Name
Average Active User Number of Scell

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average number of UEs activated in the local cell when the local
cell is taken as Scell.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of CA UEs that are activated in the current cell if the current
cell works as the Scell.

Update Description
This counter counts the average number of UEs activated in the local cell when the local
cell is taken as Scell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


7.3.16 C373343812
Counter Name
DL High PDCP Throughput of CA User

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink PDCP SDU static load data of the users
activated by CA, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PDCP SDU payload data of the downlink CA activated
users, excluding packet loss at the air interface. This counter counts the total data of the
downlink primary and secondary carriers and reports to the primary carrier. This counter
is the result of quantity of total data/1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink PDCP SDU static load data of the users
activated by CA, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


7.3.17 C373343813
Counter Name
DL Low PDCP Throughput of CA User


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 7 Statistics of CA

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink PDCP SDU static load data of the users
activated by CA, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PDCP SDU payload data of the downlink CA activated
users, excluding packet loss at the air interface. This counter counts the total data of the
downlink primary and secondary carriers and reports to the primary carrier. This counter
is the result of quantity of total data%1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink PDCP SDU static load data of the users
activated by CA, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


7.3.18 C373343814
Counter Name
DL PDCP Time of CA User

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for the users activated by downlink CA.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for the users activated by downlink CA.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for the users activated by downlink CA.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


7.3.19 C373597001
Counter Name
Number of Implicit Deactive Scell due to Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times if the Scell is deactivated because the implicit
deactivation timer overtimes.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the Scell is deactivated because the implicit
deactivation timer overtimes.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the Scell is deactivated because the implicit
deactivation timer overtimes.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 7 Statistics of CA

Sampling Period
Event triggered


7.3.20 C373597002
Counter Name
Number of Deactive Scell No due to Deactive Macce(Exclude Implicit Deactive Scell)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times if the Scell is deactivated without delivering the
deactivated MACCE (excluding the implicit deactivation scenarios).

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the Scell is deactivated without delivering the
deactivated MACCE (excluding the implicit deactivation scenarios).

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the Scell is deactivated without delivering the
deactivated MACCE (excluding the implicit deactivation scenarios).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

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SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8
Statistics of COMP
Table of Contents
Flow Charts and Sampling Points...............................................................................8-1
Counter List................................................................................................................8-1
Counter Description....................................................................................................8-4

8.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points

No chart.

8.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373596935 DL Scheduled Number for COMP Cooperation

2 C373596936 DL Scheduled RB Number for COMP Cooperation

3 C373596937 UL Scheduled Number for COMP Cooperation

4 C373596938 UL Scheduled RB Number for COMP Cooperation

5 C373343815 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=1

6 C373343816 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=1

7 C373343817 DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=1

8 C373343818 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=2

9 C373343819 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=2

10 C373343820 DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=2

11 C373343821 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=3

12 C373343822 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=3

13 C373343823 DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=3

14 C373343824 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=4

15 C373343825 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=4

16 C373343826 DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=4

17 C373343827 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=5

18 C373343828 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


19 C373343829 DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=5

20 C373343830 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=6

21 C373343831 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=6

22 C373343832 DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=6

23 C373343833 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=7

24 C373343834 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=7

25 C373343835 DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=7

26 C373343836 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=8

27 C373343837 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=8

28 C373343838 DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=8

29 C373343839 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=9

30 C373343840 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=9

31 C373343841 DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=9

32 C373343842 UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=1

33 C373343843 UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=1

34 C373343844 UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=1

35 C373343845 UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=2

36 C373343846 UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=2

37 C373343847 UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=2

38 C373343848 UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=3

39 C373343849 UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=3

40 C373343850 UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=3

41 C373343851 UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=4

42 C373343852 UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=4

43 C373343853 UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=4

44 C373343854 UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=5

45 C373343855 UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=5

46 C373343856 UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=5

47 C373343857 UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=6

48 C373343858 UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=6

49 C373343859 UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=6

50 C373343860 UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=7


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

NO. Counter Counter Name


51 C373343861 UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=7

52 C373343862 UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=7

53 C373343863 UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=8

54 C373343864 UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=8

55 C373343865 UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=8

56 C373343866 UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=9

57 C373343867 UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=9

58 C373343868 UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=9

59 C373384370 Uplink COMP User Number

60 C373384371 Downlink COMP User Number

61 C373596962 Initiate Coordination Number for User of Satisfy Uplink Comp Threshold

62 C373596963 Initiate Coordination RB Number for User of Satisfy Uplink Comp Threshold

63 C373596964 Cooperate Number for User of Satisfy Uplink Comp Threshold

64 C373596965 Cooperate RB Number for User of Satisfy Uplink Comp Threshold

65 C373596966 Initiate Coordination Number for User of Satisfy Downlink Comp Threshold

66 C373596967 Initiate Coordination RB Number for User of Satisfy Downlink Comp


67 C373596968 CooperateNumber for User of Satisfy Downlink Comp Threshold

68 C373596969 Cooperate RB Number for User of Satisfy Downlink Comp Threshold

69 C373596970 DL CS Scheduled Number

70 C373343869 DL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP

71 C373343870 DL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP

72 C373343871 DL Aggregated Time of COMP

73 C373343872 UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP

74 C373343873 UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP

75 C373343874 UL Aggregated Time of COMP

76 C373384374 Uplink COMP Average User Number

77 C373384375 Downlink COMP Average User Number

78 C373596989 PRB Number Used for DL Traffic of COMP

79 C373596990 PRB Number Used for UL Traffic of COMP


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

8.3 Counter Description

8.3.1 C373596935
Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number for COMP Cooperation

Short Name

Counter Description
In COMP mode, this counter counts the number of times that users are scheduled in
downlink through COMP in a cell. This counter is based on UEs, and is incremented
by one when a UE is scheduled in downlink through COMP.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users in downlink through COMP, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users in downlink through COMP, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.2 C373596936
Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number for COMP Cooperation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Counter Description
In COMP mode, this counter counts the number of downlink COMP UE RBs in a cell, which
used for cooperation with other cells.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users in downlink through COMP, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users in downlink through COMP, this counter is incremented
by the number of cooperated RBs .

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.3 C373596937
Counter Name
UL Scheduled Number for COMP Cooperation

Short Name

Counter Description
In COMP mode, this counter counts the number of times that users are scheduled in uplink
through COMP in a cell. This counter is based on UEs, and is incremented by one when
a UE is scheduled in uplink through COMP.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users in uplink through COMP, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users in uplink through COMP, this counter is incremented
by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.4 C373596938
Counter Name
UL Scheduled RB Number for COMP Cooperation

Short Name

Counter Description
In COMP mode, this counter counts the number of uplink COMP UE RBs in a cell, which
used for cooperation with other cells.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users in uplink through COMP, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users in uplink through COMP, this counter is incremented
by the number of cooperated RBs .

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

8.3.5 C373343815
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.6 C373343816
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=1

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.7 C373343817
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI1 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI1 services of COMP users.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI1 services of COMP users within a statistics period
(15 minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.8 C373343818
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.9 C373343819
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

8.3.10 C373343820
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI2 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI2 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI2 services of COMP users within a statistics period
(15 minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.11 C373343821
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=3

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.12 C373343822
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.13 C373343823
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI3 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI3 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI3 services of COMP users within a statistics period
(15 minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.14 C373343824
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP


8.3.15 C373343825
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.16 C373343826
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI4 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI4 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI4 services of COMP users within a statistics period
(15 minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.17 C373343827
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.18 C373343828
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.19 C373343829
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI5 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI5 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI5 services of COMP users within a statistics period
(15 minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.20 C373343830
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

8.3.21 C373343831
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.22 C373343832
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=6

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI6 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI6 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI6 services of COMP users within a statistics period
(15 minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.23 C373343833
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.24 C373343834
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.25 C373343835
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI7 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI7 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI7 services of COMP users within a statistics period
(15 minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

8.3.26 C373343836
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.27 C373343837
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=8

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.28 C373343838
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI8 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI8 services of COMP users.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI8 services of COMP users within a statistics period
(15 minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.29 C373343839
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu of COMP user,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.30 C373343840
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu of COMP user,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP
users, not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15
minutes). The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value
is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

8.3.31 C373343841
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI9 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI9 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for downlink QCI9 services of COMP users within a statistics period
(15 minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.32 C373343842
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=1

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI1 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI1 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI1 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.33 C373343843
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI1 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI1 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI1 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.34 C373343844
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI1 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI1 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI1 services of COMP users within a statistics period (15
minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.35 C373343845
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI2 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI2 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI2 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

8.3.36 C373343846
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI2 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI2 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI2 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.37 C373343847
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=2

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI2 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI2 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI2 services of COMP users within a statistics period (15
minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.38 C373343848
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI3 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI3 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI3 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.39 C373343849
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI3 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI3 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI3 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.40 C373343850
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI3 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI3 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI3 services of COMP users within a statistics period (15
minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.41 C373343851
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI4 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI4 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI4 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.42 C373343852
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI4 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI4 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI4 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.43 C373343853
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI4 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI4 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI4 services of COMP users within a statistics period (15
minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.44 C373343854
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI5 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI5 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI5 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

8.3.45 C373343855
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI5 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI5 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI5 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.46 C373343856
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=5

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI5 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI5 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI5 services of COMP users within a statistics period (15
minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.47 C373343857
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI6 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI6 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI6 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.48 C373343858
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI6 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI6 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI6 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.49 C373343859
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI6 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI6 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI6 services of COMP users within a statistics period (15
minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.50 C373343860
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=7


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI7 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI7 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI7 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.51 C373343861
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI7 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI7 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI7 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.52 C373343862
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI7 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI7 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI7 services of COMP users within a statistics period (15
minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.53 C373343863
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI8 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI8 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI8 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

8.3.54 C373343864
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI8 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI8 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI8 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.55 C373343865
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=8

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI8 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI8 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI8 services of COMP users within a statistics period (15
minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.56 C373343866
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP user,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI9 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI9 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount / 1000000.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI9 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount / 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.57 C373343867
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP user,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI9 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI9 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users.
The counter value is equal to the total data amount % 1000000.

Update Description
This counter counts the amount of uplink QCI9 PDCP SDU static-load data of COMP users,
not including packets discarded on the air interface, within a statistics period (15 minutes).
The data amount within the statistics period is accumulated. The counter value is equal to
the total data amount % 1000000.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.58 C373343868
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time of COMP User,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI9 services of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI9 services of COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the duration from the eNodeB Buffer being non-empty to the eNodeB
Buffer being empty for uplink QCI9 services of COMP users within a statistics period (15
minutes). The counter accumulates the recorded duration within the statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


8.3.59 C373384370
Counter Name
Uplink COMP User Number


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of users that the uplink satisfies the CoMP A3 event
threshold. The interval of sampling is 1 second. The CMAC reports the average value
of every second.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of users that the uplink satisfies the CoMP A3 event
threshold. The interval of sampling is 1 second. The CMAC reports the average value
of every second.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of users that the uplink satisfies the CoMP A3 event
threshold. The interval of sampling is 1 second. This counter accumulates values if the
CMAC reports the average value of each second.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


8.3.60 C373384371
Counter Name
Downlink COMP User Number

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of users that the downlink satisfies the CoMP A3 event
threshold. The interval of sampling is 1 second. The CMAC reports the average value of
every second.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of users that the downlink satisfies the CoMP A3 event
threshold. The interval of sampling is 1 second. The CMAC reports the average value of
every second.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of users that the downlink satisfies the CoMP A3 event
threshold and does not satisfy GBR/PBR. The interval of sampling is 1 second. This
counter accumulates values if the CMAC reports the average value of each second.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


8.3.61 C373596962
Counter Name
Initiate Coordination Number for User of Satisfy Uplink Comp Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that UEs in the local cell request for neighbor
cell cooperation.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of UEs in the local cell requesting for neighbor
cell cooperation within a reporting granularity. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. This counter
accumulates the number of requests within a statistics period no matter whether the
requests succeed or fail.

Update Description
This counter reports the number of times of UEs in the local cell requesting for neighbor
cell cooperation within a statistics period. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. This counter


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

accumulates the number of requests within a statistics period no matter whether the
requests succeed or fail.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


8.3.62 C373596963
Counter Name
Initiate Coordination RB Number for User of Satisfy Uplink Comp Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
When the COMP function is enabled, this counter accumulates the number of RBs that
COMP users in the local cell request neighbor cells within a statistics period. This counter
counts the number of RBs that UEs in the local cell request for neighbor cell cooperation.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of RBs that UEs in the local cell request for neighbor cell
cooperation within a reporting granularity. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. When the COMP
function is enabled, this counter accumulates the number of RBs that COMP users in the
local cell request neighbor cells within a statistics period.

Update Description
This counter reports the number of RBs that UEs in the local cell request for neighbor cell
cooperation within a statistics period. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. When the COMP
function is enabled, this counter accumulates the number of RBs that COMP users in the
local cell request neighbor cells within a statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Sampling Period
1 ms


8.3.63 C373596964
Counter Name
Cooperate Number for User of Satisfy Uplink Comp Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is incremented by one when the local cell receives a neighbor-cell COMP-user
request message. In multi-cell joint balance cases, all users involved in joint balance must
be counted. This counter counts the total number of times that the local cell receives the
neighbor cell cooperation request.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of neighbor cell cooperation requests received by the
local cell within a reporting granularity. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. This counter is
incremented by one when the local cell receives a neighbor-cell COMP-user request
message. In multi-cell joint balance cases, all users involved in joint balance must be

Update Description
This counter counts the number of neighbor cell cooperation requests received by the local
cell within a statistics period. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. This counter is incremented by
one when the local cell receives a neighbor-cell COMP-user request message. In multi-cell
joint balance cases, all users involved in joint balance must be counted, and this counter
accumulates the numbers within a statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


8.3.64 C373596965
Counter Name
Cooperate RB Number for User of Satisfy Uplink Comp Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
When the COMP function is enabled, this counter counts the number of RBs used for
cooperating with COMP users in other cells. In multi-cell joint balance cases, all RBs
involved in joint balance must be counted. This counter counts the number of RBs for
neighbor cell cooperation requests received by the local cell.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of RBs of neighbor cell cooperation requests received
by the local cell within a reporting granularity. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. When the
COMP function is enabled, this counter counts the number of RBs used for cooperating
with COMP users in other cells. In multi-cell joint balance cases, all RBs involved in joint
balance must be counted.

Update Description
This counter reports the number of RBs of neighbor cell cooperation requests received by
the local cell within a statistics period. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. When the COMP
function is enabled, this counter counts the number of RBs used for cooperating with
COMP users in other cells. In multi-cell joint balance cases, all RBs involved in joint
balance must be counted, and this counter accumulates the numbers within a statistics

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

8.3.65 C373596966
Counter Name
Initiate Coordination Number for User of Satisfy Downlink Comp Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that UEs in the local cell request for neighbor
cell cooperation.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of UEs in the local cell requesting for neighbor
cell cooperation within a reporting granularity. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. This counter
accumulates the number of requests within a statistics period no matter whether the
requests succeed or fail.

Update Description
This counter reports the number of times of UEs in the local cell requesting for neighbor
cell cooperation within a statistics period. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. This counter
accumulates the number of requests within a statistics period no matter whether the
requests succeed or fail.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


8.3.66 C373596967
Counter Name
Initiate Coordination RB Number for User of Satisfy Downlink Comp Threshold

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the COMP function is enabled, this counter accumulates the number of RBs that
COMP users in the local cell request neighbor cells within a statistics period. This counter
counts the number of RBs that UEs in the local cell request for neighbor cell cooperation.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of RBs that UEs in the local cell request for neighbor cell
cooperation within a reporting granularity. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. When the COMP
function is enabled, this counter accumulates the number of RBs that COMP users in the
local cell request neighbor cells within a statistics period.

Update Description
This counter reports the number of RBs that UEs in the local cell request for neighbor cell
cooperation within a statistics period. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. When the COMP
function is enabled, this counter accumulates the number of RBs that COMP users in the
local cell request neighbor cells within a statistics period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


8.3.67 C373596968
Counter Name
CooperateNumber for User of Satisfy Downlink Comp Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is accumulated by one when the cell receives the COMP user request from
a neighbor cell. If there are N user requests on the same RB resource, this counter is
accumulated by N. This counter counts the total number of times that the cell receives the
neighbor-cell cooperation requests.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of neighbor cell cooperation requests received by the
local cell within a reporting granularity. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. This counter is
incremented by one when the local cell receives a neighbor-cell COMP-user request
message. If there are N user requests on the same RB, the counter is incremented by N.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of neighbor cell cooperation requests received by the local
cell within a statistics period. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. This counter is incremented
by one when the local cell receives a neighbor-cell COMP-user request message. If there
are N user requests on the same RB, the counter is incremented by N. This counter
accumulates the recorded numbers within the period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


8.3.68 C373596969
Counter Name
Cooperate RB Number for User of Satisfy Downlink Comp Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
When the COMP function is enabled, this counter counts the number of RBs used for
cooperating with COMP users in other cells. The number of RBs provided for cooperation
is accumulated. If different COMP users request for the same RB resource, this counter
is only accumulated by one. This counter counts the number of RBs for neighbor cell
cooperation requests received by the local cell.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of RBs of neighbor cell cooperation requests received by
the local cell within a reporting granularity. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. When the COMP
function is enabled, this counter counts the number of RBs used for cooperating with


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

COMP users in other cells. The number of RBs provided for cooperation is accumulated.
If different COMP users request for the same RB, the counter is only incremented by one.

Update Description
This counter reports the number of RBs of neighbor cell cooperation requests received by
the local cell within a statistics period. It is CMAC-TTI-level statistics. When the COMP
function is enabled, this counter counts the number of RBs used for cooperating with
COMP users in other cells. The number of RBs provided for cooperation is accumulated.
If different COMP users request for the same RB, the counter is only incremented by one.
This counter accumulates the recorded numbers within the period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


8.3.69 C373596970
Counter Name
DL CS Scheduled Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When the COMP function is enabled, this counter counts the CS cooperation types
requested by COMP users. This counter counts the total number of CS shcedulings.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of CS schedulings within a reporting granularity. It is
CMAC-TTI-level statistics. When the COMP function is enabled, this counter counts the
CS cooperation types requested by COMP users.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of CS schedulings within a statistics period. It is
CMAC-TTI-level statistics. When the COMP function is enabled, this counter counts the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

CS cooperation types requested by COMP users. This counter accumulates the recorded
numbers within the period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


8.3.70 C373343869
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of the downlink PDCP SDU payload data of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of the downlink PDCP SDU payload data of COMP users,
excluding packet loss at the air interface. This counter is the result of quantity of total

Update Description
This counter counts the number of the downlink PDCP SDU payload data of COMP users,
excluding packet loss at the air interface. This counter is the result of quantity of total

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


8.3.71 C373343870
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of the downlink PDCP SDU payload data of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of the downlink PDCP SDU payload data of COMP users,
excluding packet loss at the air interface. This counter is the result of quantity of total

Update Description
This counter counts the number of the downlink PDCP SDU payload data of COMP users,
excluding packet loss at the air interface. This counter is the result of quantity of total

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


8.3.72 C373343871
Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time of COMP

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Counter Description
This counter counts the time of the downlink service of COMP users from when eNodeB
Buffer is not null to when Buffer is null.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the time of the downlink service of COMP users from when eNodeB
Buffer is not null to when Buffer is null.

Update Description
This counter counts the time of the downlink service of COMP users from when eNodeB
Buffer is not null to when Buffer is null.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


8.3.73 C373343872
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High Uu of COMP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of the uplink PDCP SDU payload data of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of the uplink PDCP SDU payload data of COMP users,
excluding packet loss at the air interface. This counter is the result of quantity of total


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter counts the number of the uplink PDCP SDU payload data of COMP users,
excluding packet loss at the air interface. This counter is the result of quantity of total

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


8.3.74 C373343873
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low Uu of COMP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of the uplink PDCP SDU payload data of COMP users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of the uplink PDCP SDU payload data of COMP users,
excluding packet loss at the air interface. This counter is the result of quantity of total

Update Description
This counter counts the number of the uplink PDCP SDU payload data of COMP users,
excluding packet loss at the air interface. This counter is the result of quantity of total

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP


8.3.75 C373343874
Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time of COMP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the time of the uplink service of COMP users from when eNodeB
Buffer is not null to when Buffer is null.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the time of the uplink service of COMP users from when eNodeB
Buffer is not null to when Buffer is null.

Update Description
This counter counts the time of the uplink service of COMP users from when eNodeB
Buffer is not null to when Buffer is null.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


8.3.76 C373384374
Counter Name
Uplink COMP Average User Number

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the average number of the uplink COMP users.

Triggering Point
CMAC collects the number of the uplink COMP users and reports the average value of
each second every five seconds.

Update Description
The CMAC collects the number of the uplink COMP users and reports the average value
of each second every five seconds.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


8.3.77 C373384375
Counter Name
Downlink COMP Average User Number

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average number of the downlink COMP users.

Triggering Point
CMAC collects the number of the downlink COMP users and reports the average value of
each second every five seconds.

Update Description
The CMAC collects the number of the downlink COMP users and reports the average value
of each second every five seconds.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 Statistics of COMP

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


8.3.78 C373596989
Counter Name
PRB Number Used for DL Traffic of COMP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PRBs occupied by the COMP downlink service if the
downlink scheduler of the eNodeB schedules TBs.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PRBs occupied by the COMP downlink service if the
downlink scheduler of the eNodeB schedules TBs.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of PRBs occupied by the COMP downlink service if the
downlink scheduler of the eNodeB schedules TBs. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

8.3.79 C373596990
Counter Name
PRB Number Used for UL Traffic of COMP

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PRBs that are occupied by the COMP uplink service.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PRBs that are occupied by the COMP uplink service.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of PRBs occupied by the COMP uplink service. This
counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 9
Statistics of Energy Saving
Table of Contents
Flow Charts and Sampling Points...............................................................................9-1
Counter List................................................................................................................9-1
Counter Description....................................................................................................9-3

9.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points

No chart.

9.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373475011 Number of Energy Saving Cell Load satisfy Energy Saving intra RAT

2 C373475012 Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Request intra RAT

3 C373475013 Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Success intra RAT

4 C373475014 Number of Energy Saving Cell Receive Start up Carrier Notify intra RAT

5 C373475015 Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Request intra RAT

6 C373475016 Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Success intra RAT

7 C373475017 Number of Energy Saving Cell Load satisfy Energy Saving between LTE

8 C373475018 Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Request between LTE

9 C373475019 Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Success between LTE

10 C373475020 Number of Energy Saving Cell Receive Start up Carrier Notify between

11 C373475021 Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Request between LTE and

12 C373475022 Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Success between LTE and

13 C373475023 Number of Energy Saving Cell Load satisfy Energy Saving between LTE
and CDMA


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


14 C373475024 Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Request between LTE
and CDMA

15 C373475025 Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Success between LTE
and CDMA

16 C373475026 Number of Energy Saving Cell Receive Start up Carrier Notify between

17 C373475027 Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Request between LTE and

18 C373475028 Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Success between LTE and

19 C373475029 Number of Energy Saving Cell Load satisfy Energy Saving between LTE
and GSM

20 C373475030 Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Request between LTE
and GSM

21 C373475031 Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Success between LTE
and GSM

22 C373475032 Number of Energy Saving Cell Receive Start up Carrier Notify between

23 C373475033 Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Request between LTE and

24 C373475034 Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Success between LTE and

25 C373475035 Number of Basic Coverage Cell Provide Compensation intra RAT

26 C373475036 Number of Basic Coverage Cell Start up Carrier Request intra RAT

27 C373475037 Number of Basic Cell Start up Carrier Success intra RAT

28 C373475038 Number of Cell Shut Down Channel Request

29 C373475039 Number of Cell Shut Down Channel Success

30 C373475040 Number of Cell Start up Channel Request

31 C373475041 Number of Cell Start up Channel Success

32 C373475042 Number of Cell Receive antenna fault Notify to start up channel

33 C373475043 Number of Cell Receive Erab Resource lack Notify to start up channel


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 9 Statistics of Energy Saving

9.3 Counter Description

9.3.1 C373475011
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Load satisfy Energy Saving intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that intra-system energy-saving cell load meets
the energy-saving condition.

Triggering Point
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.2 C373475012
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Request intra RAT

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the intra-system energy-saving cell starts
carrier shutdown.

Triggering Point
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, and the cell requests
carrier shutdown, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, and the cell requests
carrier shutdown, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.3 C373475013
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Success intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the intra-system energy-saving cell
successfully shuts down carriers.

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier shutdown success response, this counter
is updated.

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier shutdown success response, this counter
is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 9 Statistics of Energy Saving

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.4 C373475014
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Receive Start up Carrier Notify intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the intra-system energy-saving cell receives
a carrier startup notification from a basic coverage cell.

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup request from a compensation cell,
this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup request from a compensation cell,
this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

9.3.5 C373475015
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Request intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the intra-system energy-saving cell sends a
carrier startup request.

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell sends a carrier startup request, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell sends a carrier startup request, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.6 C373475016
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Success intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the intra-system energy-saving cell
successfully starts up carriers.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 9 Statistics of Energy Saving

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup success response, this counter is

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup success response, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.7 C373475017
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Load satisfy Energy Saving between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that inter-system (LTE and UTRAN)
energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition.

Triggering Point
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.8 C373475018
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Request between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and UTRAN)
energy-saving cell starts carrier shutdown.

Triggering Point
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, and the cell requests
carrier shutdown, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, and the cell requests
carrier shutdown, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.9 C373475019
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Success between LTE and UTRAN


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 9 Statistics of Energy Saving

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and UTRAN)
energy-saving cell successfully shuts down carriers.

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier shutdown success response, this counter
is updated.

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier shutdown success response, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.10 C373475020
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Receive Start up Carrier Notify between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and UTRAN)
energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup notification from a basic coverage cell.

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup request from a compensation cell,
this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup request from a compensation cell,
this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.11 C373475021
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Request between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and UTRAN)
energy-saving cell sends a carrier startup request.

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell sends a carrier startup request, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell sends a carrier startup request, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 9 Statistics of Energy Saving

9.3.12 C373475022
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Success between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and UTRAN)
energy-saving cell successfully starts up carriers.

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup success response, this counter is

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup success response, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.13 C373475023
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Load satisfy Energy Saving between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that inter-system (LTE and CDMA) energy-saving
cell load meets the energy-saving condition.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.14 C373475024
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Request between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and CDMA)
energy-saving cell starts carrier shutdown.

Triggering Point
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, and the cell requests
carrier shutdown, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, and the cell requests
carrier shutdown, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 9 Statistics of Energy Saving

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.15 C373475025
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Success between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and CDMA)
energy-saving cell successfully shuts down carriers.

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier shutdown success response, this counter
is updated.

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier shutdown success response, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.16 C373475026
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Receive Start up Carrier Notify between LTE and CDMA


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and CDMA)
energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup notification from a basic coverage cell.

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup request from a compensation cell,
this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup request from a compensation cell,
this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.17 C373475027
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Request between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and CDMA)
energy-saving cell sends a carrier startup request.

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell sends a carrier startup request, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 9 Statistics of Energy Saving

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell sends a carrier startup request, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.18 C373475028
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Success between LTE and CDMA

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and CDMA)
energy-saving cell successfully starts up carriers.

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup success response, this counter is

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup success response, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


9.3.19 C373475029
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Load satisfy Energy Saving between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that inter-system (LTE and GSM) energy-saving
cell load meets the energy-saving condition.

Triggering Point
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.20 C373475030
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Request between LTE and GSM

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 9 Statistics of Energy Saving

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and GSM)
energy-saving cell starts carrier shutdown.

Triggering Point
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, and the cell requests
carrier shutdown, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When energy-saving cell load meets the energy-saving condition, and the cell requests
carrier shutdown, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.21 C373475031
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Shut Down Carrier Success between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and GSM)
energy-saving cell successfully shuts down carriers.

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier shutdown success response, this counter
is updated.

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier shutdown success response, this counter
is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.22 C373475032
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Receive Start up Carrier Notify between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and GSM)
energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup notification from a basic coverage cell.

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup request from a compensation cell,
this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup request from a compensation cell,
this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 9 Statistics of Energy Saving

9.3.23 C373475033
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Request between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and GSM)
energy-saving cell sends a carrier startup request.

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell sends a carrier startup request, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell sends a carrier startup request, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.24 C373475034
Counter Name
Number of Energy Saving Cell Start up Carrier Success between LTE and GSM

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-system (LTE and GSM)
energy-saving cell successfully starts up carriers.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup success response, this counter is

Update Description
When the energy-saving cell receives a carrier startup success response, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.25 C373475035
Counter Name
Number of Basic Coverage Cell Provide Compensation intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the intra-system basic coverage cell provides

Triggering Point
When the basic coverage cell, after receiving an X2 update message indicating that an
energy-saving cell is shut down, provides compensation, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the basic coverage cell, after receiving an X2 update message indicating that an
energy-saving cell is shut down, provides compensation, this counter is incremented by

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 9 Statistics of Energy Saving

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.26 C373475036
Counter Name
Number of Basic Coverage Cell Start up Carrier Request intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the intra-system basic coverage cell sends
a carrier startup request to an energy-saving cell.

Triggering Point
When the basic coverage cell sends a carrier startup request to an energy-saving cell, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the basic coverage cell sends a carrier startup request to an energy-saving cell, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.27 C373475037
Counter Name
Number of Basic Cell Start up Carrier Success intra RAT


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the intra-system basic coverage cell starts
up carriers.

Triggering Point
When the basic coverage cell receives an X2 update message indicating that an
energy-saving cell has successfully started up carriers, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the basic coverage cell receives an X2 update message indicating that an
energy-saving cell has successfully started up carriers, this counter is incremented by

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.28 C373475038
Counter Name
Number of Cell Shut Down Channel Request

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell sends a channel shutdown request.

Triggering Point
When the channel shutdown condition is met and the cell sends a channel shutdown
request, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 9 Statistics of Energy Saving

Update Description
When the channel shutdown condition is met and the cell sends a channel shutdown
request, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.29 C373475039
Counter Name
Number of Cell Shut Down Channel Success

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell successfully shuts down channels.

Triggering Point
When a response indicating successful channel shutdown is received, this counter is

Update Description
When a response indicating successful channel shutdown is received, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

9.3.30 C373475040
Counter Name
Number of Cell Start up Channel Request

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell sends a channel startup request.

Triggering Point
When the cell sends a channel startup request, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the cell sends a channel startup request, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.31 C373475041
Counter Name
Number of Cell Start up Channel Success

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell successfully starts up channels.

Triggering Point
When a response indicating successful channel startup is received, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 9 Statistics of Energy Saving

Update Description
When a response indicating successful channel startup is received, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


9.3.32 C373475042
Counter Name
Number of Cell Receive antenna fault Notify to start up channel

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell sends a channel startup request due
to antenna faults.

Triggering Point
When the cell receives a message indicating antenna faults and sends a channel startup
request, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the cell receives a message indicating antenna faults and sends a channel startup
request, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


9.3.33 C373475043
Counter Name
Number of Cell Receive Erab Resource lack Notify to start up channel

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell sends a channel startup request due
to insufficient service resources.

Triggering Point
When the cell receives a message indicating insufficient service resources and sends a
channel startup request, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the cell receives a message indicating insufficient service resources and sends a
channel startup request, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 10
Statistics of MLB
Table of Contents
Flow Charts and Sampling Points.............................................................................10-1
Counter List..............................................................................................................10-1
Counter Description..................................................................................................10-2

10.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points

No chart.

10.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373475054 Number of Cell Load Satisfy Qoffset Parameter Optimization intra RAT

2 C373475055 Number of Active Resume Qoffset Parameter intra RAT

3 C373475056 Number of Resume Timer Timeout to Resume Qoffset Parameter intra RAT

4 C373475057 Number of Cell Load Satisfy ThreshXHigh Optimization intra RAT

5 C373475058 Number of Active Resume ThreshXHigh Parameter intra RAT

6 C373475059 Number of Resume Timer Timeout to Resume ThreshXHigh Parameter

intra RAT

7 C373475060 Number of Cell Load Satisfy ThreshXLow Optimization intra RAT

8 C373475061 Number of Active Resume ThreshXLow Parameter intra RAT

9 C373475062 Number of Resume Timer Timeout to Resume ThreshXLow Parameter intra


10 C373475063 Number of Cell Load Satisfy Ofn Parameter Optimization between LTE and

11 C373475064 Number of Active Resume Ofn Parameter between LTE and UTRAN

12 C373475065 Number of Resume Timer Timeout to Resume Ofn Parameter between LTE

13 C373475066 Number of Cell Load Satisfy ThreshXHigh Parameter Optimization between



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


14 C373475067 Number of Active Resume ThreshXHigh Parameter between LTE and


15 C373475068 Number of Resume Timer Timeout to Resume ThreshXHigh Parameter

between LTE and UTRAN

16 C373475069 Number of Cell Load Satisfy ThreshXLow Parameter Optimization between


17 C373475070 Number of Active Resume ThreshXLow Parameter between LTE and


18 C373475071 Number of Resume Timer Timeout to Resume ThreshXLow Parameter

between LTE and UTRAN

19 C373723031 Number of Cell Load Satisfy TLB Optimization

20 C373723032 Number of Serve Cell Initiate TLB Parameter Negotiation

21 C373723033 Number of Serve Cell TLB Parameter Negotiation Success

22 C373723034 Number of Serve Cell Active Resume TLB Parameter

23 C373723035 Number of Serve Cell Resume TLB Parameter due to Timeout

24 C373723036 Number of Serve Cell Receive Resume TLB Parameter Request from
Neighbor Cell

10.3 Counter Description

10.3.1 C373475054
Counter Name
Number of Cell Load Satisfy Qoffset Parameter Optimization intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that Qoffset optimization is started for intra-system
cells in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When cell load meets the condition and Qoffset optimization is started, this counter is


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 10 Statistics of MLB

Update Description
When cell load meets the condition and Qoffset optimization is started, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.2 C373475055
Counter Name
Number of Active Resume Qoffset Parameter intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that Qoffset is recovered for intra-system cells in
a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When cell load meets the Qoffset recovery condition, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When cell load meets the Qoffset recovery condition, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

10.3.3 C373475056
Counter Name
Number of Resume Timer Timeout to Resume Qoffset Parameter intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that Qoffset is recovered due to timer expiry for
intra-system cells in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When the Qoffset optimization timer expires, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the Qoffset optimization timer expires, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.4 C373475057
Counter Name
Number of Cell Load Satisfy ThreshXHigh Optimization intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that ThreshXHigh optimization is started for
intra-system cells in a statistical period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 10 Statistics of MLB

Triggering Point
When cell load meets the condition and ThreshXHigh optimization is started, this counter
is updated.

Update Description
When cell load meets the condition and ThreshXHigh optimization is started, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.5 C373475058
Counter Name
Number of Active Resume ThreshXHigh Parameter intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that ThreshXHigh is recovered for intra-system
cells in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When cell load meets the ThreshXHigh recovery condition, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When cell load meets the ThreshXHigh recovery condition, this counter is incremented by

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.6 C373475059
Counter Name
Number of Resume Timer Timeout to Resume ThreshXHigh Parameter intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that ThreshXHigh is recovered due to timer expiry
for intra-system cells in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When the ThreshXHigh optimization timer expires, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the ThreshXHigh optimization timer expires, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.7 C373475060
Counter Name
Number of Cell Load Satisfy ThreshXLow Optimization intra RAT


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 10 Statistics of MLB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that ThreshXLow optimization is started for
intra-system cells in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When cell load meets the condition and ThreshXLow optimization is started, this counter
is updated.

Update Description
When cell load meets the condition and ThreshXLow optimization is started, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.8 C373475061
Counter Name
Number of Active Resume ThreshXLow Parameter intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that ThreshXLow is recovered for intra-system
cells in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When cell load meets the ThreshXLow recovery condition, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When cell load meets the ThreshXLow recovery condition, this counter is incremented by

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.9 C373475062
Counter Name
Number of Resume Timer Timeout to Resume ThreshXLow Parameter intra RAT

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that ThreshXLow is recovered due to timer expiry
for intra-system cells in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When the ThreshXLow optimization timer expires, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the ThreshXLow optimization timer expires, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 10 Statistics of MLB

10.3.10 C373475063
Counter Name
Number of Cell Load Satisfy Ofn Parameter Optimization between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that Ofn optimization is started for inter-system
cells (LTE and UTRAN) in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When cell load meets the condition and Ofn optimization is started, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When cell load meets the condition and Ofn optimization is started, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.11 C373475064
Counter Name
Number of Active Resume Ofn Parameter between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that Ofn is recovered for inter-system cells (LTE
and UTRAN) in a statistical period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When cell load meets the Ofn recovery condition, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When cell load meets the Ofn recovery condition, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.12 C373475065
Counter Name
Number of Resume Timer Timeout to Resume Ofn Parameter between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that Ofn is recovered due to timer expiry for
inter-system cells (LTE and UTRAN) in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When the Ofn optimization timer expires, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the Ofn optimization timer expires, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 10 Statistics of MLB


10.3.13 C373475066
Counter Name
Number of Cell Load Satisfy ThreshXHigh Parameter Optimization between LTE and

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that ThreshXHigh optimization is started for
inter-system cells (LTE and UTRAN) in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When cell load meets the condition and ThreshXHigh optimization is started, this counter
is updated.

Update Description
When cell load meets the condition and ThreshXHigh optimization is started, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.14 C373475067
Counter Name
Number of Active Resume ThreshXHigh Parameter between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that ThreshXHigh is recovered for inter-system
cells (LTE and UTRAN) in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When cell load meets the ThreshXHigh recovery condition, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When cell load meets the ThreshXHigh recovery condition, this counter is incremented by

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.15 C373475068
Counter Name
Number of Resume Timer Timeout to Resume ThreshXHigh Parameter between LTE and

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that ThreshXHigh is recovered due to timer expiry
for inter-system cells (LTE and UTRAN) in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When the ThreshXHigh optimization timer expires, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the ThreshXHigh optimization timer expires, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 10 Statistics of MLB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.16 C373475069
Counter Name
Number of Cell Load Satisfy ThreshXLow Parameter Optimization between LTE and

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that ThreshXLow optimization is started for
inter-system cells (LTE and UTRAN) in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When cell load meets the condition and ThreshXLow optimization is started, this counter
is updated.

Update Description
When cell load meets the condition and ThreshXLow optimization is started, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

10.3.17 C373475070
Counter Name
Number of Active Resume ThreshXLow Parameter between LTE and UTRAN

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that ThreshXLow is recovered for inter-system
cells (LTE and UTRAN) in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
When cell load meets the ThreshXLow recovery condition, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When cell load meets the ThreshXLow recovery condition, this counter is incremented by

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.18 C373475071
Counter Name
Number of Resume Timer Timeout to Resume ThreshXLow Parameter between LTE and

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that ThreshXLow is recovered due to timer expiry
for inter-system cells (LTE and UTRAN) in a statistical period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 10 Statistics of MLB

Triggering Point
When the ThreshXLow optimization timer expires, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the ThreshXLow optimization timer expires, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.19 C373723031
Counter Name
Number of Cell Load Satisfy TLB Optimization

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of the load of server cell and neighor cell fulfill
the condition of TLB parameter optimization.

Triggering Point
When the serve cell load satisfy TLB optimization.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the serve cell load satisfy TLB optimization.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


10.3.20 C373723032
Counter Name
Number of Serve Cell Initiate TLB Parameter Negotiation

Short Name

Counter Description
when the load of server cell and neighor cell fulfill the condition of TLB parameter
optimization The counter is used to count the number of the server cell send the
negotiation request of parameter modification.

Triggering Point
When the serve cell initiate TLB parameter negotiation.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the serve cell initiate TLB parameter negotiation.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.21 C373723033
Counter Name
Number of Serve Cell TLB Parameter Negotiation Success

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 10 Statistics of MLB

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of the server cell receive the success negotiation
response of parameter modification.

Triggering Point
When the serve cell receive TLB parameter negotiation success.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the serve cell receive TLB parameter negotiation

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.22 C373723034
Counter Name
Number of Serve Cell Active Resume TLB Parameter

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is used to count the number of the load of server cell and neighor cell fulfill
the condition of TLB parameter resuming.

Triggering Point
When the serve cell active resume TLB parameter .

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the serve cell active resume TLB parameter .

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.23 C373723035
Counter Name
Number of Serve Cell Resume TLB Parameter due to Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of requests from neighbor cells to recover TLB parameters.

Triggering Point
When the serving cell starts TLB parameter recovery, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the serving cell starts TLB parameter recovery, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


10.3.24 C373723036
Counter Name
Number of Serve Cell Receive Resume TLB Parameter Request from Neighbor Cell

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 10 Statistics of MLB

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that TLB parameters are recovered due to timer

Triggering Point
When the TLB parameter recovery timer of the serving cell expires, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the TLB parameter recovery timer of the serving cell expires, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

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SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 11
Statistics of SH
Table of Contents
Flow Charts and Sampling Points.............................................................................11-1
Counter List..............................................................................................................11-1
Counter Description..................................................................................................11-2

11.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points

No chart.

11.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373475090 Number of Detected as Interference Fault Cell

2 C373475091 Number of Interference Fault Cell Recovery

3 C373475094 Number of Detected as Performance Fault Cell

4 C373475095 Number of Performance Fault Cell Initiate Recover Operation

5 C373475096 Number of Cell not Satisfy Performance Fault after Recover Operation

6 C373475097 Number of Performance Fault Cell Initiate Compensate Operation

7 C373475098 Number of Receive OMC Fallback Notify After Recover Operation

8 C373475099 Number of Recovery Timer Timeout to Fallback Recover Operation

9 C373475084 Number of Cell Enters into Sleep State

10 C373475085 Number of Sleep Cell Triggers Restoration

11 C373475086 Number of Sleep Cell Restoration Successfully

12 C373475087 Number of Sleep Cell Enters to Compensation State

13 C373475088 Number of Sleep Cell Manual Restoration after Compensation

14 C373475089 Number of Sleep Cell Auto Restoration after Compensation Timeout


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

11.3 Counter Description

11.3.1 C373475090
Counter Name
Number of Detected as Interference Fault Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that a cell is detected as an interference fault cell.

Triggering Point
When a cell is detected as an interference fault cell, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When a cell is detected as an interference fault cell, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


11.3.2 C373475091
Counter Name
Number of Interference Fault Cell Recovery

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that an interference fault cell recovers.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 11 Statistics of SH

Triggering Point
When an interference fault cell recovers, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When an interference fault cell recovers, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


11.3.3 C373475094
Counter Name
Number of Detected as Performance Fault Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that a cell is detected a performance downgrading

Triggering Point
When a cell is detected as a performance downgrading cell, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When a cell is detected as a performance downgrading cell, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


11.3.4 C373475095
Counter Name
Number of Performance Fault Cell Initiate Recover Operation

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that a performance downgrading cell tries

Triggering Point
When a performance downgrading cell tries recovery, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When a performance downgrading cell tries recovery, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


11.3.5 C373475096
Counter Name
Number of Cell not Satisfy Performance Fault after Recover Operation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 11 Statistics of SH

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that a performance downgrading cell successfully

Triggering Point
When a performance downgrading cell successfully recovers, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When a performance downgrading cell successfully recovers, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


11.3.6 C373475097
Counter Name
Number of Performance Fault Cell Initiate Compensate Operation

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that a performance downgrading cell initiates
compensation operation.

Triggering Point
When a performance downgrading cell initiates compensation operation, this counter is

Update Description
When a performance downgrading cell initiates compensation operation, this counter is
incremented by one.


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


11.3.7 C373475098
Counter Name
Number of Receive OMC Fallback Notify After Recover Operation

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that a performance downgrading cell, after
initiating compensation, performs recovery operation.

Triggering Point
When a cell that initiates manually triggered compensation performs recovery operation,
this counter is updated.

Update Description
When a cell that initiates manually triggered compensation performs recovery operation,
this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 11 Statistics of SH

11.3.8 C373475099
Counter Name
Number of Recovery Timer Timeout to Fallback Recover Operation

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that a performance downgrading cell, after
initiating compensation, performs recovery operation due to timer expiry.

Triggering Point
When a cell, after initiating compensation, performs recovery operation due to timer expiry,
this counter is updated.

Update Description
When a cell, after initiating compensation, performs recovery operation due to timer expiry,
this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


11.3.9 C373475084
Counter Name
Number of Cell Enters into Sleep State

Short Name

Counter Description
The cell is determined to be in sleep state. In this case, the cell exits service state, and
UEs cannot get any service in the cell. If a cell has no alarm except the sleep cell alarm,


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

it indicates that the cell exits service state. After the sleep cell self-restoration function is
enabled, this counter counts the number of times that a cell enters sleep state through a
periodic check.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one when the periodic check determines that the cell is in
sleep state.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one when the periodic check determines that the cell is in
sleep state.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


11.3.10 C373475085
Counter Name
Number of Sleep Cell Triggers Restoration

Short Name

Counter Description
After a cell enters sleep state, restoration measures applicable to the cell will be taken to
restore the cell to normal. The restoration measures include deleting and establishing cells,
resetting the BBU, and resetting the BPL. This counter counts the number of measures

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one when it is determined that the cell is in sleep state and
restoration measures are taken.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 11 Statistics of SH

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one when it is determined that the cell is in sleep state and
restoration measures are taken.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


11.3.11 C373475086
Counter Name
Number of Sleep Cell Restoration Successfully

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that a cell in sleep state is manually restored after
restoration measures are taken.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one when a cell in sleep state becomes normal after
restoration measures are taken.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one when a cell in sleep state becomes normal after
restoration measures are taken.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


11.3.12 C373475087
Counter Name
Number of Sleep Cell Enters to Compensation State

Short Name

Counter Description
If a cell in sleep state is not restored to be normal through compensation measures, it enters
compensation state. In this case, compensation measures will be taken to solve network
problems caused by the cell's exiting service state through modifying the configurations of
neighbor cells or neighbor NEs. This counter indicates the number of times that the cell
enters compensation state.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one when a cell in sleep state fails to become normal after
restoration measures are taken and enters compensation state.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one when a cell in sleep state fails to become normal after
restoration measures are taken and enters compensation state.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


11.3.13 C373475088
Counter Name
Number of Sleep Cell Manual Restoration after Compensation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 11 Statistics of SH

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter indicates the number of times that a cell in sleep state is manually restored
after compensation measures are taken.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one when a cell in sleep state is manually restored after
compensation measures are taken.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one when a cell in sleep state is manually restored after
compensation measures are taken.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


11.3.14 C373475089
Counter Name
Number of Sleep Cell Auto Restoration after Compensation Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter indicates the number of times of a cell in sleep state being automatically
restored through compensation measures after the non-manual restoration timer expires.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one when a cell in sleep state is automatically restored
through compensation measures after the non-manual restoration timer expires.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
After compensation measures are taken for a cell in sleep state, a non-manual restoration
timer is started. This counter is incremented by one when the cell is restored after the
non-manual restoration timer expires.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 12
Statistics of Cell Congestion
Table of Contents
Cell Congestion........................................................................................................12-1

12.1 Cell Congestion

12.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

12.1.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373404450 Number of Successful Triggered Cell DL Congestion

2 C373404451 Number of Triggered Cell DL Congestion Failure

3 C373404452 Number of Cell DL Load Balance Occurred

4 C373404453 Number of Cell DL Load Control Occurred

5 C373404454 Number of Cell UL Load Control Occurred

6 C373404455 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough RRC Resource in ENB

7 C373404456 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough E-RAB Resource

8 C373404457 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough DL PRB Resource

9 C373404458 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough UL PRB Resource

10 C373404459 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough Transport Resource

11 C373404460 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Shut Down or Reset Cell

12 C373404461 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough DL Power

13 C373404462 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to PHY Resource Allocated Failure

14 C373404463 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Other Reason

15 C373404464 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Probability Refuse

16 C373404465 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough PRB Resource in Load
Balance inter Manufacturer

17 C373404466 Number of Successful Triggered Cell UL Congestion


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


18 C373404467 Number of Triggered Cell UL Congestion Failure

19 C373404468 Number of Cell UL Load Balance Occurred

20 C373404469 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough CPU Resource

21 C373404470 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to PCI Modification

22 C373404471 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Energy Saving

23 C373404472 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Self Healing

24 C373404473 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to License Prohibit Expanding the QCI

25 C373404474 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to License Prohibit VoIP

26 C373404475 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to License Restrict the Radio Bearer

27 C373404480 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to VoIP MOS

28 C373404502 Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Target PLMN selected Failure

12.1.3 Counter Description C373404450

Counter Name
Number of Successful Triggered Cell DL Congestion

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Switch for Congestion Control" ,the eNodeB triggers the DL
congestion control process after detecting cell congestion, then the DL resource admitts
successful, it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs DL congestion,and then admit DL resource successful.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB admitts DL traffic successful after DL
congestion control.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 12 Statistics of Cell Congestion

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404451

Counter Name
Number of Triggered Cell DL Congestion Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Switch for Congestion Control" ,the eNodeB triggers the DL
congestion control process after detecting cell congestion, then the DL resource admitts
failed, it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs DL congestion,and then admission DL resource failed.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB admitts DL traffic failed after DL
congestion control.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373404452

Counter Name
Number of Cell DL Load Balance Occurred

Short Name
ENB.DLLoad Balance

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Management Switch of Load Balancing Algorithm",the
eNodeB measures the DL load of the serve cell and the neighbor cell, when the eNodeB
judges the cell needs to trigger DL load banlance process,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB triggers the DL load banlance.

Update Description
This counter counts when the eNodeB determines that load balance is required.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404453

Counter Name
Number of Cell DL Load Control Occurred

Short Name
ENB.DlLoad Balance

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Management Switch of Load Control Algorithm",when the
eNodeB judges the cell needs to trigger DL load control process,it is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 12 Statistics of Cell Congestion

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB triggers the DL load control.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the cell triggers DL load control.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404454

Counter Name
Number of Cell UL Load Control Occurred

Short Name
ENB.UlLoad Balance

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Management Switch of Load Control Algorithm",when the
eNodeB judges the cell needs to trigger UL load control process,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB triggers the UL load control.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the cell triggers UL load control.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373404455

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough RRC Resource in ENB

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB reject the new UE when the current user number is equal to the threshold of
user number in a cell,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reject the new UE due to not enough RRC resource.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reject the new UE due to not enough
RRC resource.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404456

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough E-RAB Resource

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 12 Statistics of Cell Congestion

Counter Description
The eNodeB reject the new E-RAB when the current active E-RAB number is equal to the
threshold of active E-RAB number in a cell,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reject the new E-RAB due to not enough E-RAB resource.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the the eNodeB reject the new E-RAB due to not
enough E-RAB resource.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404457

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough DL PRB Resource

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB reject the new E-RAB when the current DL PRB usage is higher than the
threshold,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reject the new E-RAB due to not enough DL PRB resource.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reject the new E-RAB due to not enough
DL PRB resource.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404458

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough UL PRB Resource

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB reject the new E-RAB when the current UL PRB usage is higher than the
threshold,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reject the new E-RAB due to not enough UL PRB resource.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reject the new E-RAB due to not enough
UL PRB resource.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 12 Statistics of Cell Congestion C373404459

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough Transport Resource

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB reject the new E-RAB when the transport resource is not enough,it is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reject the new E-RAB due to not enough transport resource.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reject the new E-RAB due to not enough
transport resource.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404460

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Shut Down or Reset Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB reject the new UE due to cell block,it is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reject the new UE due to cell block.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reject the new UE due to cell block.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404461

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough DL Power

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB reject the new E-RAB when the DL power resource is not enough,it is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reject the new E-RAB due to not enough DL power resource.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reject the new E-RAB due to not enough
DL power resource.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 12 Statistics of Cell Congestion

times C373404462

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to PHY Resource Allocated Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB reject the new UE or new E-RAB when the PHY resource allocated failure,it
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reject the new UE or new E-RAB due to PHY resource allocated failure.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reject the new UE or new E-RAB due
to PHY resource allocated failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404463

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The eNodeB reject the new UE or new E-RAB due to other reason,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reject the new UE or new E-RAB due to other reason.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reject the new UE or new E-RAB due
to other reason.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404464

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Probability Refuse

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB reject the new UE when the probability refuse,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reject the new UE due to probability refuse.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reject the new UE due to probability

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 12 Statistics of Cell Congestion

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404465

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough PRB Resource in Load Balance inter

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB reject the new E-RAB when the PRB resource in load banlance inter
manufacturer resource is not enough,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reject the new E-RAB due to not enough PRB resource in load banlance
inter manufacturer resource.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reject the new E-RAB due to not enough
PRB resource in load banlance inter manufacturer resource.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404466

Counter Name
Number of Successful Triggered Cell UL Congestion


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Switch for Congestion Control" ,the eNodeB triggers the UL
congestion control process after detecting cell congestion, then the UL resource admitts
successful, it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs UL congestion,and then admit UL resource successful.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB admitts UL traffic successful after UL
congestion control.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404467

Counter Name
Number of Triggered Cell UL Congestion Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Switch for Congestion Control" ,the eNodeB triggers the UL
congestion control process after detecting cell congestion, then the UL resource admitts
failed, it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs UL congestion,and then admission UL resource failed.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 12 Statistics of Cell Congestion

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB admitts UL traffic failed after UL
congestion control.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404468

Counter Name
Number of Cell UL Load Balance Occurred

Short Name
ENB.ULLoad Balance

Counter Description
In the condition of opening "Load Management Switch of Load Balancing Algorithm",the
eNodeB measures the UL load of the serve cell and the neighbor cell, when the eNodeB
judges the cell needs to trigger UL load banlance process,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB triggers the UL load banlance.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the cell triggers UL load banlance.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373404469

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Not Enough CPU Resource

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB reject the new UE or new E-RAB when the current CPU usage of CC board
is greater than the threshold of CPU usage,it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB reject the new UE or new E-RAB due to not enough CPU resource.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB reject the new UE or new E-RAB due
to not enough CPU resource.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404470

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to PCI Modification

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to PCI modification, this counter
is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 12 Statistics of Cell Congestion

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs due to PCI modification during an admission procedure,
this counter is updated.

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to PCI modification, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404471

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Energy Saving

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to energy saving, this counter is

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs due to energy saving during an admission procedure, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to energy saving, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404472

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Self Healing

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to self healing, this counter is

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs due to self healing during an admission procedure, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to self healing, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404473

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to License Prohibit Expanding the QCI


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 12 Statistics of Cell Congestion

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because expanding QCI is prohibited
by the license, this counter is updated.

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs during an admission procedure because expanding QCI is
prohibited by the license, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because expanding QCI is prohibited
by the license, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404474

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to License Prohibit VoIP

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because VoIP is prohibited by the
license, this counter is updated.

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs during an admission procedure because VoIP is prohibited
by the license, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because VoIP is prohibited by the
license, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404475

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to License Restrict the Radio Bearer

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because single-UE service bearer is
prohibited by the license, this counter is updated.

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs during an admission procedure because single-UE service
bearer is prohibited by the license, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because single-UE service bearer is
prohibited by the license, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 12 Statistics of Cell Congestion

times C373404480

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to VoIP MOS

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new service fails to be established in the cell due to the admission restriction to
the VoIP MOS, this counter is incremented.

Triggering Point
When an admission failure occurs due to the admission restriction to the VoIP MOS during
the eNodeB admission procedure, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When an admission failure occurs due to the admission restriction to the VoIP MOS, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404502

Counter Name
Number of Cell Admission Failure due to Target PLMN selected Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter is incremented by one if the access fails because the eNodeB fails in selecting
the target service PLMN when the RRC connection re-establishes SRB access in the
network sharing scenario.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the access fails because the eNodeB fails in selecting
the target service PLMN.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the access fails because the eNodeB fails in selecting
the target service PLMN.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 13
Statistics of Service Time
Table of Contents
Cell Service Time .....................................................................................................13-1

13.1 Cell Service Time

13.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

13.1.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373230700 Cell Service Time

2 C373230701 Cell Unavailable Time due to Cell Block

3 C373230702 Cell Unavailable Time due to S1 Link Breakdown

4 C373230703 Cell Unavailable Time due to BBU Abnormal

5 C373230704 Cell Unavailable Time due to RRU Abnormal

6 C373230705 Cell Unavailable Time due to Cell Config Or Check

7 C373940410 Sum Cell Service Time of eNB

13.1.3 Counter Description C373230700

Counter Name
Cell Service Time

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB successfully setup a cell, record the start time; When the eNodeB delete
a cell due to some reasons, record the end time.The cell service time is equal to the interval
from the start time to the end time.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB reports the collecting service time of cell at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the cell service time at measurement period.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

s C373230701

Counter Name
Cell Unavailable Time due to Cell Block

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the CellBlockCommand from the OMC, record the start time;
When the eNodeB receives the CellUnblockCommand from the OMC, record the end time.
The the cell unavailable time due to cell block time is equal to the interval from the start
time to the end time.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB reports the collecting unavailable time of cell due to cell block at sampling


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 13 Statistics of Service Time

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the cell unavailable time due to cell block at per
measurement period.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

s C373230702

Counter Name
Cell Unavailable Time due to S1 Link Breakdown

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB detects S1 link fault, record the start time; When the eNodeB detects
S1 link normal, record the end time.
The the cell unavailable time due to s1 link fault is equal to the interval from the start time
to the end time.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB reports the collecting unavailable time of cell due to S1 link fault at sampling

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the cell unavailable time due to S1 link fault at per
measurement period.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

s C373230703

Counter Name
Cell Unavailable Time due to BBU Abnormal

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB detects BBU abnormal, record the start time; When the eNodeB detects
BBU normal, record the end time.
The the cell unavailable time due to BBU abnormal is equal to the interval from the start
time to the end time.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB reports the collecting unavailable time of cell due to BBU abnormal at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the cell unavailable time due to BBU abnormal at per
measurement period.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

s C373230704

Counter Name
Cell Unavailable Time due to RRU Abnormal


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 13 Statistics of Service Time

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB detects RRU abnormal, record the start time; When the eNodeB detects
RRU normal, record the end time.
The the cell unavailable time due to RRU abnormal is equal to the interval from the start
time to the end time.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB reports the collecting unavailable time of cell due to RRU abnormal at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the cell unavailable time due to RRU abnormal at per
measurement period.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

s C373230705

Counter Name
Cell Unavailable Time due to Cell Config Or Check

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB start to config a cell, record the start time; When the eNodeB
successfully config a cell , record the end time.

The the cell unavailable time due to cell configuration is equal to the interval from the start
time to the end time.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
The eNodeB reports the collecting unavailable time of cell due to cell configuration at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the cell unavailable time due to cell configuration at per
measurement period.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

s C373940410

Counter Name
Sum Cell Service Time of eNB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the sum of in-service duration of all the cells in an eNodeB, and is
used for calculating the eNodeB crash ratio.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the sum of in-service duration of all the cells in an eNodeB.

Update Description
This counter is updated to the sum of in-service duration of all the cells in an eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 13 Statistics of Service Time



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

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SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 14
Statistics of Redirection
Table of Contents
LTE-UTRAN Redirection ..........................................................................................14-1
LTE-CDMA Redirection ............................................................................................14-7
LTE-GSM Redirection.............................................................................................14-14
LTE-Other System Redirection ...............................................................................14-20

14.1 LTE-UTRAN Redirection

14.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 14-1 LTE-UTRAN Redirection

l Sampling Point 1: The EUTRAN sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message
to the UE.

14.1.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373576607 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to UTRAN(CSFB)

2 C373576608 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to UTRAN(Due to A2 event)

3 C373576609 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to UTRAN(Due to Shut Down or

Reset Cell)

4 C373576610 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to UTRAN(Due to B2 event)

5 C373576611 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to UTRAN(Due to Energy Saving)

6 C373576612 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to UTRAN(Due to Self Healing)

7 C373576613 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to UTRAN(S1 Status)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

14.1.3 Counter Description C373576607

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to UTRAN(CSFB)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to UTRAN for CSFB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for CSFB
reason in which the UTRAN redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for CSFB reason in which the UTRAN redirection information is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576608

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to UTRAN(Due to A2 event)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 14 Statistics of Redirection

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to UTRAN for A2 event

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for A2 event in
which the UTRAN redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for A2 event in which the UTRAN redirection information is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576609

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to UTRAN(Due to Shut Down or Reset Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to UTRAN for cell block

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for block cell
reason in which the UTRAN redirection information is included.

Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for block cell reason in which the UTRAN redirection information is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576610

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to UTRAN(Due to B2 event)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to UTRAN for B2 event

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for B2 event in
which the UTRAN redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for B2 event in which the UTRAN redirection information is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 14 Statistics of Redirection

times C373576611

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to UTRAN(Due to Energy Saving)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to UTRAN for energy
saving reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for energy
saving in which the UTRAN redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for energy saving in which the UTRAN redirection information is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576612

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to UTRAN(Due to Self Healing)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to UTRAN for self
healing reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for self healing
reason in which the UTRAN redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for self healing reason in which the UTRAN redirection information is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576613

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to UTRAN(S1 Status)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to UTRAN for S1 link
disconnection reason.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 14 Statistics of Redirection

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for S1 link
disconnection reason in which the UTRAN redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for S1 link disconnection reason in which the UTRAN redirection
information is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


14.2 LTE-CDMA Redirection

14.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 14-2 LTE-CDMA Redirection

l Sampling Point 1: The EUTRAN sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message
to the UE.

14.2.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373576614 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to CDMA2000(CSFB)

2 C373576615 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to CDMA2000(Due to A2 event)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


3 C373576616 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to CDMA2000(Due to Shut

Down or Reset Cell)

4 C373576617 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to CDMA2000(Due to B2 event)

5 C373576618 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to CDMA2000(Due to Energy


6 C373576619 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to CDMA2000(Due to Self


7 C373576620 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to CDMA2000(S1 Status)

14.2.3 Counter Description C373576614

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to CDMA2000(CSFB)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to CDMA2000 for
CSFB reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for CSFB
reason in which the CDMA2000 redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for CSFB reason in which the CDMA2000 redirection information is

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 14 Statistics of Redirection

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576615

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to CDMA2000(Due to A2 event)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to CDMA2000 for A2
event reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for A2 event in
which the CDMA2000 redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for A2 event in which the CDMA2000 redirection information is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373576616

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to CDMA2000(Due to Shut Down or Reset Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to CDMA2000 for cell
block reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for block cell
reason in which the CDMA2000 redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for block cell reason in which the CDMA2000 redirection information
is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576617

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to CDMA2000(Due to B2 event)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 14 Statistics of Redirection

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to CDMA2000 for B2
event reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for B2 event in
which the CDMA2000 redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for B2 event in which the CDMA2000 redirection information is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576618

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to CDMA2000(Due to Energy Saving)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to CDMA2000 for
energy saving reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for energy
saving in which the CDMA2000 redirection information is included.

Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for energy saving in which the CDMA2000 redirection information is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576619

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to CDMA2000(Due to Self Healing)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to CDMA2000 for self
healing reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for self healing
reason in which the CDMA2000 redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for self healing reason in which the CDMA2000 redirection information
is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 14 Statistics of Redirection

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576620

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to CDMA2000(S1 Status)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to CDMA2000 for S1
link disconnection reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for S1 link
disconnection reason in which the CDMA2000 redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for S1 link disconnection reason in which the CDMA2000 redirection
information is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

14.3 LTE-GSM Redirection

14.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 14-3 LTE-GSM Redirection

l Sampling Point 1: The EUTRAN sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message
to the UE.

14.3.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373576600 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to GSM(CSFB)

2 C373576601 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to GSM(Due to A2 event)

3 C373576602 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to GSM(Due to Shut Down or

Reset Cell)

4 C373576603 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to GSM(Due to B2 event)

5 C373576604 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to GSM(Due to Energy Saving)

6 C373576605 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to GSM(Due to Self Healing)

7 C373576606 Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to GSM(S1 Status)

14.3.3 Counter Description C373576600

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to GSM(CSFB)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 14 Statistics of Redirection

Counter Description
The counter provides the the number of Redirection requests from LTE to GSM for CSFB

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for CSFB
reason in which the GSM redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for CSFB reason in which the GSM redirection information is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576601

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to GSM(Due to A2 event)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to GSM for A2 event

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for A2 event in
which the GSM redirection information is included.

Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for A2 event in which the GSM redirection information is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576602

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to GSM(Due to Shut Down or Reset Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to GSM for cell block

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for block cell
reason in which the GSM redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for block cell reason in which the GSM redirection information is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 14 Statistics of Redirection

times C373576603

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to GSM(Due to B2 event)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to GSM for B2 event

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for B2 event in
which the GSM redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for B2 event in which the GSM redirection information is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576604

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to GSM(Due to Energy Saving)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to GSM for saving
energy reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for saving
energy in which the GSM redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for saving energy in which the GSM redirection information is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576605

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to GSM(Due to Self Healing)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to GSM for self healing

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for self healing
reason in which the GSM redirection information is included.

Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 14 Statistics of Redirection

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for self healing reason in which the GSM redirection information is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576606

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests from LTE to GSM(S1 Status)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of Redirection requests from LTE to GSM for S1 link
disconnection reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for S1 link
disconnection reason in which the GSM redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for S1 link disconnection reason in which the GSM redirection
information is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered


14.4 LTE-Other System Redirection

14.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 14-4 LTE-Other System Redirection

l Sampling Point 1: The EUTRAN sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message
to the UE.

14.4.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373576631 Number of Redirection Requests intra RAT(Due to A2 event)

2 C373576632 Number of Redirection Requests intra RAT(Due to Shut Down or Reset Cell)

3 C373576633 Number of Redirection Requests intra RAT(Due to PCI Modification)

4 C373576634 Number of Redirection Requests intra RAT(Due to Energy Saving)

5 C373576635 Number of Redirection Requests intra RAT(Due to Self Healing)

6 C373576636 Number of Redirection Requests intra RAT(Due to inter-Frequence


7 C373576637 Number of Redirection Requests intra RAT(Due to S1 Status)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 14 Statistics of Redirection

14.4.3 Counter Description C373576631

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests intra RAT(Due to A2 event)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of redirection requests intra RAT for A2 event reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for A2 event in
which the intra RAT redirection information is included.

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for A2 event in which the intra RAT redirection information is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576632

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests intra RAT(Due to Shut Down or Reset Cell)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of redirection requests intra RAT for shut down or reset
cell reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for shut down
or reset cell reason in which the intra RAT redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for shut down or reset cell reason in which the intra RAT redirection
information is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576633

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests intra RAT(Due to PCI Modification)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of redirection requests intra RAT for PCI modification

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for PCI
modification reason in which the intra RAT redirection information is included.

Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 14 Statistics of Redirection

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for PCI modification reason in which the intra RAT redirection
information is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576634

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests intra RAT(Due to Energy Saving)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of redirection requests intra RAT for energy saving

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for energy
saving reason in which the intra RAT redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for energy saving reason in which the intra RAT redirection information
is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576635

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests intra RAT(Due to Self Healing)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of redirection requests intra RAT for self healing reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for self healing
reason in which the intra RAT redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for self healing reason in which the intra RAT redirection information
is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576636

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests intra RAT(Due to inter-Frequence Handover)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 14 Statistics of Redirection

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of redirection requests intra RAT for inter-frequence
handover reason.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for
inter-frequence handover reason in which the intra RAT redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for inter-frequence handover reason in which the intra RAT redirection
information is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373576637

Counter Name
Number of Redirection Requests intra RAT(Due to S1 Status)

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of redirection requests intra RAT for S1 link disconnection


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease message to the UE for S1 link
disconnection reason in which the intra RAT redirection information is included.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE for S1 link disconnection reason in which the intra RAT redirection
information is included.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15
Statistics of Handover
Table of Contents
Intra-Rat Intra-Freq Handover on Cell.......................................................................15-2
Intra-Rat Inter-Freq Handover on Cell.....................................................................15-59
Inter-Rat Handover on Cell ................................................................................... 15-114
Handover per Handover Cause on Cell ................................................................15-181
Intra-Rat Intra-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation.................................................15-238
Intra-Rat Inter-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation.................................................15-293
Inter-Rat Handover on EUtranRelation .................................................................15-347
SRVCC Handover ................................................................................................15-406
RSRP and RSRQ When HO is Triggered .............................................................15-435
Handover Time.....................................................................................................15-478
Handover Cancel .................................................................................................15-486
DRX Handover .....................................................................................................15-503
GAP Handover .....................................................................................................15-510
Blind Handover.....................................................................................................15-514
RN .......................................................................................................................15-523


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

15.1 Intra-Rat Intra-Freq Handover on Cell

15.1.1 Intra-eNB Intra-Freq Handover on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-1 Intra-eNB Handover

l Sampling Point 1: The eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from UE.
l Sampling Point 2: The eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message
to UE.
l Sampling Point 3: The handover execution process.
l Sampling Point 4: The eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete messge from UE indicating
handover successfully.
l Sampling Point 5: The eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 6: The eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
intra-eNB handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373250900 Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation

2 C373250901 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB

intra-freq Handover Preparation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


3 C373250902 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Dest Preparation Failure

4 C373250903 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Other Reason

5 C373250940 Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation

6 C373250941 Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Resource Allocation Fail

7 C373250942 Number of Re-estblishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB

intra-freq Handover Preparation

8 C373250943 Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Other Reason

9 C373250980 Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution

10 C373250981 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB

intra-freq Handover Execution

11 C373250982 Number of Re-estblishment to Target Cell When Outgoing intra-eNB

intra-freq Handover Execution

12 C373250983 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due

to Other Cause

13 C373250984 Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution

14 C373250985 Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due

to RRC ReconfigComplete Timeout

15 C373250986 Number of Re-estblishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB

intra-freq Handover Execution

16 C373250987 Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due

to Other Cause

17 C373250988 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to User Inactivity

18 C373250989 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to

Waiting Reconfiguration Complete timeout Counter Description C373250900

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, if the Handover
Type IE indicates that the handover is an inter-RAT handover from EUTRAN to UTRAN and
is a blind handover, this counter counts the number of handover requests from EUTRAN

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, this counter is
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, if the Handover
Type IE indicates that the handover is an inter-RAT handover from EUTRAN to UTRAN
and is a blind handover, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373250901

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq
Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB receive a HandoverCommand message from the MME, and this
handover is a blind handover, this counter counts the number of outgoing handovers from


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a HandoverCommand message from the MME, this
counter is updated.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a HandoverCommand message from the MME, and
this handover is a blind handover, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373250902

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Dest
Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB receive a UEContextRelease message from the MME, indicating
the handover is successfully executed, and this handover is a blind handover, this counter
counts the number of outgoing handovers from EUTRAN to UTRAN.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease message from the MME,
indicating the handover is successfully executed, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease message from the MME,
indicating the handover is successfully executed, and this handover is a blind handover,
this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373250903

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, if the Handover
Type IE indicates that the handover is an inter-RAT handover from EUTRAN to GSM and
is a blind handover, this counter counts the number of handover requests from EUTRAN
to GSM.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, this counter is

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, if the Handover
Type IE indicates that the handover is an inter-RAT handover from EUTRAN to GSM and
is a blind handover, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373250940

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB receive a HandoverCommand message from the MME, and this
handover is a blind handover, this counter counts the number of outgoing handovers from

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a HandoverCommand message from the MME, this
counter is updated.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a HandoverCommand message from the MME, and
this handover is a blind handover, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373250941

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Resource
Allocation Fail

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB receive a UEContextRelease message from the MME, indicating
the handover is successfully executed, and this handover is a blind handover, this counter
counts the number of outgoing handovers from EUTRAN to GSM.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease message from the MME,
indicating the handover is successfully executed, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease message from the MME,
indicating the handover is successfully executed, and this handover is a blind handover,
this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373250942

Counter Name
Number of Re-estblishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
For an inter-eNodeB S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a Handover
Command message (3GPP TS36.413) from the MME, this counter is updated.

For an inter-eNodeB X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a Handover Request
Acknowledge message (3GPP TS36.423) from the target eNodeB, this counter is updated.
For an intra-eNodeB handover, when the source eNodeB sends the UE an
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

This counter counts the number of times that load-balancing-based outgoing handover
preparation from LTE FDD to LTE TDD or from LTE TDD to LTE FDD is successful in the
above cases.

Triggering Point
For an inter-eNodeB S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a Handover
Command message (3GPP TS36.413) from the MME, this counter is updated.
For an inter-eNodeB X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a Handover Request
Acknowledge message (3GPP TS36.423) from the target eNodeB, this counter is updated.
For an intra-eNodeB handover, when the source eNodeB sends the UE an
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
For an inter-eNodeB S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a Handover
Command message (3GPP TS36.413) from the MME, this counter is updated.
For an inter-eNodeB X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a Handover Request
Acknowledge message (3GPP TS36.423) from the target eNodeB, this counter is updated.
For an intra-eNodeB handover, when the source eNodeB sends the UE an
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, this counter is updated.
When a load-balancing-based inter-standard intra-system handover occurs in the above
cases, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373250943

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
During a UE handover procedure, when the source cell receives a Handover Preparation
Failures message or the handover timer expires that results in handover failure, this
counter counts the number of times that load-balancing-based outgoing handover
preparation from LTE FDD to LTE TDD or from LTE TDD to LTE FDD fails.

Triggering Point
During a UE handover procedure, when the source cell receives a Handover Preparation
Failures message or the handover timer expires that results in handover failure, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
During a UE handover procedure, when the source cell receives a Handover Preparation
Failures message or the handover timer expires that results in handover failure, and
a load-balancing-based inter-standard intra-system handover occurs, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373250980

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
During a UE handover procedure, when the source cell receives a UEContextRelease
message, this counter counts the number of times that load-balancing-based outgoing
handover preparation from LTE FDD to LTE TDD or from LTE TDD to LTE FDD is


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
During a UE handover procedure, when the source cell receives a UEContextRelease
message, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
During a UE handover procedure, when the source cell receives a UEContextRelease
message, and a load-balancing-based inter-standard intra-system handover occurs, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373250981

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq
Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by energy
saving, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by energy
saving, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373250982

Counter Name
Number of Re-estblishment to Target Cell When Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by energy saving, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by energy saving, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373250983

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
For a blind handover triggered by the eNodeB:
If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, no triggering message is defined, and this
counter is updated when the eNodeB starts the handover.
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB sends the target eNodeB a
Handover Request message, this counter is updated.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover
Required message, this counter is updated.
This counter calculates intra-system handovers only.

Triggering Point
For a blind handover triggered by the eNodeB:
If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, no triggering message is defined, and this
counter is updated when the eNodeB starts the handover.
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB sends the target eNodeB a
Handover Request message, this counter is updated.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover
Required message, this counter is updated.
This counter calculates intra-system handovers only.

Update Description
For a blind handover triggered by the eNodeB:
If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, no triggering message is defined, and this
counter is incremented by one when the eNodeB starts the handover.
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB sends the target eNodeB a
Handover Request message, this counter is incremented by one.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover
Required message, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373250984

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
For a blind handover executed by the eNodeB:
If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, When the eNodeB sends the UE an
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message with mobilityControlInfo, this counter is
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a
HandoverRequestAck message from the target eNodeB , this counter is updated.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a
HandoverCommand message from the MME, this counter is updated.
This counter calculates intra-system handovers only.

Triggering Point
For a blind handover executed by the eNodeB:
If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, when the eNodeB sends the UE an
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message with mobilityControlInfo, this counter is
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a
HandoverRequestAck message from the target eNodeB , this counter is updated.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a
HandoverCommand message from the MME, this counter is updated.
This counter calculates intra-system handovers only.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
For a blind handover executed by the eNodeB:


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, When the eNodeB sends the UE an

RRCConnectionReconfiguration message with mobilityControlInfo, this counter is
incremented by one.
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a
HandoverRequestAck message from the target eNodeB , this counter is incremented
by one.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a
HandoverCommand message from the MME, this counter is incremented by one.
This counter calculates intra-system handovers only.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373250985

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
ReconfigComplete Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
For a blind handover executed by the eNodeB:
If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, when the eNodeB receives an
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE, this counter is updated.
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease
message from the target eNodeB , this counter is updated.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease
message from the MME, this counter is updated.
This counter calculates intra-system handovers only.

Triggering Point
For a blind handover executed by the eNodeB:


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, when the eNodeB receives an

RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE, this counter is updated.
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease
message from the target eNodeB , this counter is updated.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease
message from the MME, this counter is updated.
This counter calculates intra-system handovers only.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
For a blind handover executed by the eNodeB:
If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, when the eNodeB receives an
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE, this counter is
incremented by one.
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease
message from the target eNodeB , this counter is incremented by one.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease
message from the MME, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373250986

Counter Name
Number of Re-estblishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by self
healing, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by self
healing, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373250987

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by self healing, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by self healing, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373250988

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by cell
shutdown or cell reset, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by cell
shutdown or cell reset, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373250989

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Waiting
Reconfiguration Complete timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by cell shutdown or cell reset, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by cell shutdown or cell reset, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

15.1.2 Inter-eNB X2 Intra-Freq Handover on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-2 X2 Handover(1)

l Sampling Point 1: The source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest message to the
target eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 2: The target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from
the source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 3: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message from the target eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 4: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message to the source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 5: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for
HandoverRequestAcknowledge message.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

l Sampling Point 6: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreprationFailure

message from the target eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 7: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverPreprationFailure message
to the source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 8: The source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to UE.
l Sampling Point 9: The target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE.
l Sampling Point 10: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 11: The target eNodeB sends the PathSwitchRequest message to
l Sampling Point 12: The target eNodeB receives the PathSwitchAck message from
l Sampling Point 13: The target eNodeB receives the PathSwitchFailure message from
l Sampling Point 14: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for PathSwitchAck message.
l Sampling Point 15: The target eNodeB sends the UEContextRelease message to the
source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 16: The source eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease message
from the target the eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 17: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for UEContextRelease

Figure 15-3 X2 Handover(2)

l Sampling Point 20: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
inter-eNB X2 handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373261200 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover


2 C373261201 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to HO Request Ack Timeout

3 C373261202 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Dest Preparation Failure

4 C373261203 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

5 C373261204 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

6 C373261240 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover


7 C373261241 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Resource Allocation Fail

8 C373261242 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Source Cancle HO

9 C373261243 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

10 C373261280 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover


11 C373261281 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution

12 C373261282 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to UE Context Release Timeout

13 C373261283 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

14 C373261284 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover


15 C373261285 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

16 C373261286 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Path Switch Failure

17 C373261287 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


18 C373261288 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

19 C373261289 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to User Inactivity

20 C373261290 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

21 C373261291 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

X2) intra-freq Handover Execution

22 C373261292 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Request Counter Description C373261200

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to PCI modification, this counter
is updated.

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs due to PCI modification during an admission procedure,
this counter is updated.

Sampling Point 8

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to PCI modification, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261201

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to HO
Request Ack Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to energy saving, this counter is

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs due to energy saving during an admission procedure, this
counter is updated.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to energy saving, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261202

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Dest
Preparation Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to self healing, this counter is

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs due to self healing during an admission procedure, this
counter is updated.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to self healing, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261203

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because expanding QCI is prohibited
by the license, this counter is updated.

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs during an admission procedure because expanding QCI is
prohibited by the license, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because expanding QCI is prohibited
by the license, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261204

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2)
intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because VoIP is prohibited by the
license, this counter is updated.

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs during an admission procedure because VoIP is prohibited
by the license, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because VoIP is prohibited by the
license, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373261240

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because single-UE service bearer is
prohibited by the license, this counter is updated.

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs during an admission procedure because single-UE service
bearer is prohibited by the license, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because single-UE service bearer is
prohibited by the license, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261241

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Resource Allocation Fail

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target has no enough resource
then sends the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message to the source eNodeB
indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends Handover Preparation failure message to the source
eNodeB due to admission failures.
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends Handover Preparation
failure message to the source eNodeB due to admission failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261242

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Source Cancle HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the HANDOVER
CANCEL message from the source eNodeB indicating handover failure.Each the
HANDOVER CANCEL message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives Handover Cancel message from the source eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives Handover Cancel
message from the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261243

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target occur other failures then sends
the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message to the source eNodeB indicating the
handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373261280

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from the target
eNodeB to the source eNodeB, it indicates a successful handover over the X2. Each UE
CONTEXT RELEASE message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release message from the target
Sampling Point 16

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release message from the target eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261281

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2)
intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message by the source eNodeB
from the UE during handover, the HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the source
eNodeB to the target eNodeB. Each this RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE.
Sampling Point 20

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261282

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to UE
Context Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from the target eNodeB
to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring the message expires.Then the source trigger
UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the UEContextRelease message expires
Sampling Point 17


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
UEContextRelease message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261283

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from the target eNodeB
to the source eNodeB,the other reason occurs.Then the source trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373261284

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from the target eNodeB
to the source eNodeB, indicating a successful IRAT handover. Each UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE message to the source
Sampling Point 15

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message to the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261285

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
Reconfig Complete Timeout

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST
ACKNOWLEDGE from target eNB to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires.The target trigger local
UE entity release.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires.
Sampling Point 10

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
Complete message expires.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261286

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Path
Switch Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of PATH SWITCH REQUEST message from target eNB to the
MME,the target receives the PATH SWITCH REQUEST FAILURE message from the
MME indicating handover failure.The target trigger UE release. Each the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the PathSwitchRequestFailure message or the timer of
waiting for the PathSwitchACK message expires
Sampling Point 13, Sampling Point 14

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
PathSwitchRequestFailure message or the timer of waiting for the PathSwitchACK
message expires.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261287

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE from
target eNB to the source eNodeB,the target occur other failures then trigger UE release
indicating handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261288

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB receives
the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE. The HANDOVER
CANCEL message is sent to by the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the Handover Cancel message from the source eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the Handover Cancel
message from the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373261289

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB detects the
user inactive. The HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the source eNodeB to the
target eNodeB. Each the condition is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in source eNodeB during handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in
source eNodeB during handover preparation

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261290

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq
Handover Preparation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to
the target eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the source eNodeB indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE during handover preparation.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE during handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261291

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq
Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE
from target eNodeB to the source eNodeB,the target receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE indicating the handover

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE during handover execution


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE during handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373261292

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Request

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE from
source eNB to the target eNodeB,it indicates the attempt of an outgoing inter-eNB
handover preparation.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest
message to the target eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


15.1.3 Inter-eNB S1 Intra-Freq Handover on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-4 S1 Handover(1)

l Sampling Point 1: The source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the
l Sampling Point 2: The target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from
the MME.
l Sampling Point 3: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverCommand message
from the MME.
l Sampling Point 4: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message to MME.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

l Sampling Point 5: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for HandoverCommand

l Sampling Point 6: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreprationFailure mes-
sage from the MME.
l Sampling Point 7: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverFailure message to the
l Sampling Point 8: The source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to UE.
l Sampling Point 10: The target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE.
l Sampling Point 11: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 12: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the
l Sampling Point 13: The source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 14: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for
UEContextReleaseCommand message.

Figure 15-5 S1 Handover(2)

l Sampling Point 15: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
inter-eNB S1 handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373271500 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


2 C373271501 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to HO Command Timeout

3 C373271502 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Dest Preparation Failure

4 C373271503 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

5 C373271504 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

6 C373271540 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover


7 C373271541 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Resource Allocation Fail

8 C373271542 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Source Cancel HO

9 C373271543 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

10 C373271580 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover


11 C373271581 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution

12 C373271582 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to UE Context Release Timeout

13 C373271583 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

14 C373271584 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover


15 C373271585 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

16 C373271586 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

17 C373271587 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

18 C373271588 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to User Inactivity

19 C373271589 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


20 C373271590 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

S1) intra-freq Handover Execution

21 C373271591 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Request Counter Description C373271500

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering
the handover over the S1 from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB,it
indicates the successful preparation of an outgoing inter-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373271501

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to HO
Command Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the timer of monitoring the HandoverCommand message expires. Then the source
sends the HandoverCancel message to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the HandoverCommand message expires
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
HandoverCommand message expires.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271502

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Dest
Preparation Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source receives the HandoverPreparationFailures message from the MME. It
indicates the handover has failed.Each HandoverPreparationFailures message received
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the Handover Preparation failure message from the
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the Handover
Preparation failure message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271503

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source occurs other failures. Then the source send HandoverCancel message
to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271504

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1)
intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source eNodeB receives the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
REQUEST message from the UE. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
REQUEST message from the UE during handover preparation.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the RRC
CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT REQUEST message from the UE during handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373271540

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNB,the
target sends the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message to the MME
indicating the successful preparation of resources.Each HANDOVER REQUEST
ACKNOWLEDGE message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck message to the MME.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271541

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Resource Allocation Fail

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNB to
request the preparation of resources,the target has no enough resource then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends Handover failure message to the MME due to admission
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends Handover failure message
to the MME due to admission failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271542

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNB
to request the preparation of resources,the target occur other failures then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME before .


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271543

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNB
to request the preparation of resources,the target occur other failures then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373271580

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from
the MME to the source eNodeB, it indicates a successful handover over the S1. Each UE
CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release message from the MME.
Sampling Point 13

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271581

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1)
intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message by the source eNodeB
from the UE during handover, the HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the source
eNodeB to MME. Each this RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message received
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE.
Sampling Point 15

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271582

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to UE
Context Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring the message expires.Then the source
trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the UEContextRelease message expires
Sampling Point 14


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
UEContextRelease message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271583

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the other reason occurs.Then the source trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373271584

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from source
eNB to the MME, indicating a successful IRAT handover. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message to
Sampling Point 12

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271585

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
Reconfig Complete Timeout

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to
the MME,the timer of monitoring RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
expires.The target trigger local UE entity release.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires
Sampling Point 11

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271586

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message indicating
handover failure.The target trigger UE release. Each the UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271587

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target occur other failures then trigger UE release indicating handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373271588

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNB to the target eNB, the source eNodeB detects the user
inactive. The HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the eNodeB to the MME. Each
the condition is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in source eNodeB during handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in
source eNodeB during handover preparation.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271589

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq
Handover Preparation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the
target eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271590

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq
Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the
UE indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373271591

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Request

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the S1AP message HANDOVER REQUIRED from the source eNodeB to
the MME, indicating the attempt of an outgoing inter-eNB handover preparation.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

15.2 Intra-Rat Inter-Freq Handover on Cell

15.2.1 Intra-eNB Inter-Freq Handover on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-6 Intra-eNB Handover

l Sampling Point 1: The eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from UE.
l Sampling Point 2: The eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message
to UE.
l Sampling Point 3: The handover execution process.
l Sampling Point 4: The eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete messge from UE indicating
handover successfully.
l Sampling Point 5: The eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 6: The eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
intra-eNB handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373281800 Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation

2 C373281801 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB

inter-freq Handover Preparation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


3 C373281802 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Dest Preparation Failure

4 C373281803 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Other Reason

5 C373281840 Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation

6 C373281841 Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Resource Allocation Fail

7 C373281842 Number of Re-establishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB

inter-freq Handover Preparation

8 C373281843 Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Other Reason

9 C373281880 Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution

10 C373281881 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB

inter-freq Handover Execution

11 C373281882 Number of Re-establishment to Target Cell When Outgoing intra-eNB

inter-freq Handover Execution

12 C373281883 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due

to Other Cause

13 C373281884 Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution

14 C373281885 Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to

RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

15 C373281886 Number of Re-establishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB

inter-freq Handover Execution

16 C373281887 Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due

to Other Cause

17 C373281888 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to User Inactivity

18 C373281889 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to

Waiting Reconfiguration Complete Timeout Counter Description C373281800

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover,it indicates the successful preparation of an outgoing intra-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373281801

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq
Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
The source cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE during the preparation of resources in target cell. The source
reports handover preparation failure.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in source cell
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in source cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373281802

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Dest
Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
Because the target cell in eNB has no enough the resources, the source cell reports
handover preparation failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures in target cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures
in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373281803

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
Because the source cell in eNB occurs other failure during handover preparation, it reports
handover preparation failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason in source cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures
due to other reason in source cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373281840

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB has an successful preparation of resources indicating a successful
incoming intra-eNB handover.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from
UE in target cell
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373281841

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Resource
Allocation Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB has an preparation failures of resources indicating a incoming
intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs the admission failures in target cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs the admission failures in target


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373281842

Counter Name
Number of Re-establishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE during handover preparation indicating a incoming intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in target cell
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373281843

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB occurs other failures during handover preparation indicating an
incoming intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason in target cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures
due to other reason in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373281880

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the UE
to the target cell in eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message transimtted is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from
the UE in target cell
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE in target cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373281881

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq
Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
The source cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE during handover execution indicating a outgoing intra-eNB
handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in source cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in source cell


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373281882

Counter Name
Number of Re-establishment to Target Cell When Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The target cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE during handover execution, the source report handover failure
indicating a outgoing intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in target cell
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373281883

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
The source cell in eNB occurs other failures during handover execution indicating an
incoming intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason in source cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover execution failures
due to other reason in source cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373281884

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the UE
to the target cell in eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message transimtted is added to the counter
in target cell.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from
the UE in target cell
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE in target cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373281885

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to RRC Reconfig
Complete Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After successful the preparation of resources in target cell,the timer of monitoring
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires during handover
execution.The target trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB's timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message expires in target cell.

Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires in target cell.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373281886

Counter Name
Number of Re-establishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The target cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE during handover execution, the target report handover failure
indicating a incoming intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in target cell.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in target cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373281887

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB occurs other failures during handover execution indicating an
incoming intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason in target cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover execution failures
due to other reason in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373281888

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover, the source cell detects the user inactive then trigger UE release.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
The eNodeB detects that the UE's state is "inactive" in source cell during handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state is "user inactive" in source cell during
handover preparation.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373281889

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Waiting
Reconfiguration Complete Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After successful the preparation of resources in target cell during handover execution,the
timer of monitoring RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires.The target
trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB's timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message expires in target cell.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires in target cell.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


15.2.2 Inter-eNB X2 Inter-Freq Handover on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-7 X2 Handover(1)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

l Sampling Point 1: The source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest message to the
target eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 2: The target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from
the source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 3: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message from the target eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 4: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message to the source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 5: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for
HandoverRequestAcknowledge message.
l Sampling Point 6: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreprationFailure
message from the target eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 7: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverPreprationFailure message
to the source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 8: The source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to UE.
l Sampling Point 9: The target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE.
l Sampling Point 10: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 11: The target eNodeB sends the PathSwitchRequest message to
l Sampling Point 12: The target eNodeB receives the PathSwitchAck message from
l Sampling Point 13: The target eNodeB receives the PathSwitchFailure message from
l Sampling Point 14: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for PathSwitchAck message.
l Sampling Point 15: The target eNodeB sends the UEContextRelease message to the
source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 16: The source eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease message
from the target the eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 17: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for UEContextRelease


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Figure 15-8 X2 Handover(2)

l Sampling Point 20: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
inter-eNB X2 handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373292100 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover


2 C373292101 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to HO Request Ack Timeout

3 C373292102 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Dest Preparation Failure

4 C373292103 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

5 C373292104 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

6 C373292140 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover


7 C373292141 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Resource Allocation Fail

8 C373292142 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Source Cancel HO

9 C373292143 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

10 C373292180 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


11 C373292181 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution

12 C373292182 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to UE Context Release Timeout

13 C373292183 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

14 C373292184 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover


15 C373292185 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to RRC Reconfig Timeout

16 C373292186 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Path Switch Failure

17 C373292187 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

18 C373292188 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

19 C373292189 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to User Inactivity

20 C373292190 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

21 C373292191 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

X2) inter-freq Handover Execution

22 C373292192 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Request Counter Description C373292100

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering
the handover over the X2 from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB,it
indicates the successful preparation of an outgoing inter-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292101

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to HO
Request Ack Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequst message from the source eNodeB to the
target eNodeB, the timer of monitoring the HandoverRequestAck message expires. Then
the source sends the HandoverCancel message to the target eNodeB. It indicates the
handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the HandoverRequestAck message expires
Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
HandoverRequestAck message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292102

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Dest
Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequest message from the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB, the source receives the HandoverPreparationFailure message from the target
eNodeB. It indicates the handover has failed.Each HandoverPreparationFailure message
received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the Handover Preparation failure message from the
target eNodeB.

Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the Handover
Preparation failure message from the target eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292103

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequest message from the source eNodeB to the
target eNodeB, the source occurs other failures. Then the source send HandoverCancel
message to the target eNodeB. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292104

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2)
inter-freq Handover Preparation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequest message from the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB, the source eNodeB receives the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
REQUEST message from the UE. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
REQUEST message from the UE during handover preparation.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the RRC
CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT REQUEST message from the UE during handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292140

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB,the target sends the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message to the
source eNodeB indicating the successful preparation of resources.Each HANDOVER
REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck message to the source eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck
message to the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292141

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Resource Allocation Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target has no enough resource
then sends the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message to the source eNodeB
indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends Handover Preparation failure message to the source
eNodeB due to admission failures.
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends Handover Preparation
failure message to the source eNodeB due to admission failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292142

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the HANDOVER
CANCEL message from the source eNodeB indicating handover failure.Each the
HANDOVER CANCEL message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives Handover Cancel message from the source eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives Handover Cancel
message from the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292143

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target occur other failures then sends
the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message to the source eNodeB indicating the
handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292180

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from the target
eNodeB to the source eNodeB, it indicates a successful handover over the X2. Each UE
CONTEXT RELEASE message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release message from the target


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Point 16

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release message from the target eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292181

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2)
inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message by the source eNodeB
from the UE during handover, the HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the source
eNodeB to the target eNodeB. Each this RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE.
Sampling Point 20

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292182

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to UE
Context Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from the target eNodeB
to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring the message expires.Then the source trigger
UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the UEContextRelease message expires
Sampling Point 17

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
UEContextRelease message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292183

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from the target eNodeB
to the source eNodeB,the other reason occurs.Then the source trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292184

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from target eNodeB
to the source eNodeB, indicating a successful IRAT handover. Each UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE message to the source
Sampling Point 15


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message to the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292185

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
Reconfig Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST
ACKNOWLEDGE from target eNB to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires.The target trigger local
UE entity release.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete expires

Sampling Point 10

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration Complete message expires.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292186

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Path
Switch Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of PATH SWITCH REQUEST message from target eNB to the
MME,the target receives the PATH SWITCH REQUEST FAILURE message from the
MME indicating handover failure.The target trigger UE release. Each the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the PathSwitchRequestFailure message or the timer of
waiting for the PathSwitchACK message expires
Sampling Point 13, Sampling Point 14

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
PathSwitchRequestFailure message or the timer of waiting for the PathSwitchACK
message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373292187

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE from
target eNB to the source eNodeB,the target occur other failures then trigger UE release
indicating handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292188

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB receives


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE. The HANDOVER

CANCEL message is sent to by the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives Handover Cancel message from the source eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives Handover Cancel
message from the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292189

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB detects the
user inactive. The HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the source eNodeB to the
target eNodeB. Each the condition is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB detects that the UE's state is "inactive" in source eNodeB during handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in
source eNodeB during handover preparation.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292190

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq
Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to
the target eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the source eNodeB indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373292191

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq
Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST
ACKNOWLEDGE from target eNB to the source eNodeB,the target receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE indicating the handover

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373292192

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Request

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE from
source eNB to the target eNodeB,it indicates the attempt of an outgoing inter-eNB
handover preparation.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest
message to the target eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

15.2.3 Inter-eNB S1 Inter-Freq Handover on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-9 S1 Handover(1)

l Sampling Point 1: The source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the
l Sampling Point 2: The target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from
the MME.
l Sampling Point 3: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverCommand message
from the MME.
l Sampling Point 4: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message to MME.
l Sampling Point 5: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for HandoverCommand
l Sampling Point 6: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreprationFailure
message from the MME.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

l Sampling Point 7: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverFailure message to the
l Sampling Point 8: The source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to UE.
l Sampling Point 10: The target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE.
l Sampling Point 11: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 12: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the
l Sampling Point 13: The source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 14: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for
UEContextReleaseCommand message.

Figure 15-10 S1 Handover(2)

l Sampling Point 15: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
inter-eNB S1 handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373302400 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover


2 C373302401 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to HO Command Timeout

3 C373302402 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Dest Preparation Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


4 C373302403 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

5 C373302404 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

6 C373302440 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover


7 C373302441 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Resource Allocation Fail

8 C373302442 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Source Cancel HO

9 C373302443 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

10 C373302480 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover


11 C373302481 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution

12 C373302482 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to UE Context Release Timeout

13 C373302483 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

14 C373302484 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover


15 C373302485 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

16 C373302486 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

17 C373302487 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

18 C373302488 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to User Inactivity

19 C373302489 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

20 C373302490 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

S1) inter-freq Handover Execution

21 C373302491 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference Counter Description C373302400

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering
the handover over the S1 from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB,it
indicates the successful preparation of an outgoing inter-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302401

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to HO
Command Timeout

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the timer of monitoring the HandoverCommand message expires. Then the source
sends the HandoverCancel message to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the HandoverCommand message expires
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
HandoverCommand message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302402

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Dest
Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source occurs other failures. Then the source send HandoverCancel message
to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the Handover Preparation failure message from the

Sampling Point 7


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the Handover
Preparation failure message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302403

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source occurs other failures. Then the source send HandoverCancel message
to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373302404

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1)
inter-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source eNodeB receives the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
REQUEST message from the UE. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
REQUEST message from the UE during handover preparation.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the RRC
CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT REQUEST message from the UE during handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302440

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB,the
target sends the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message to the MME
indicating the successful preparation of resources.Each HANDOVER REQUEST
ACKNOWLEDGE message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck message to the MME.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302441

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Resource Allocation Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB to
request the preparation of resources,the target has no enough resource then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends Handover failure message to the MME due to admission
Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends Handover failure message
to the MME due to admission failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302442

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message from the MME indicating handover failure.Each the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373302443

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target occur other failures then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302480

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from
the MME to the source eNodeB, it indicates a successful handover over the S1. Each UE
CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release message from the MME.
Sampling Point 13

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302481

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1)
inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message by the source eNodeB
from the UE during handover, the HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the source
eNodeB to MME. Each this RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message received
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE.
Sampling Point 15


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302482

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to UE
Context Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring the message expires.Then the source
trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the UEContextRelease message expires
Sampling Point 14

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
UEContextRelease message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373302483

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the other reason occurs.Then the source trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302484

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Transmission of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from source
eNB to the MME, indicating a successful IRAT handover. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message to
Sampling Point 12

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302485

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
Reconfig Complete Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to
the MME,the timer of monitoring RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
expires.The target trigger local UE entity release.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires
Sampling Point 11


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302486

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message indicating
handover failure.The target trigger UE release. Each the UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373302487

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target occur other failures then trigger UE release indicating handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302488

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB detects the
user inactive. The HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the eNodeB to the MME.
Each the condition is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in source eNodeB during handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in
source eNodeB during handover preparation.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302489

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq
Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the
target eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373302490

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq
Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the
UE indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373302491

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Request

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,it indicates the attempt of an outgoing inter-eNB handover preparation.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

15.3 Inter-Rat Handover on Cell

15.3.1 LTE-UMTS Handover on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-11 Inter-RAT Handover


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

l Sampling Point 1: The source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the
l Sampling Point 2: The target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from
the MME.
l Sampling Point 3: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverCommand message
from the MME.
l Sampling Point 4: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message to MME.
l Sampling Point 5: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for HandoverCommand
l Sampling Point 6: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreprationFailure
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 7: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverFailure message to the
l Sampling Point 8: The source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

l Sampling Point 10: The target eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE.
l Sampling Point 11: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 12: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the
l Sampling Point 13: The source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 14: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for
UEContextReleaseCommand message.

Figure 15-12 S1 Handover(2)

l Sampling Point 15: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
inter-eNB S1 handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373312700 Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover


2 C373312701 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Resource Allocation Fail

3 C373312702 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

4 C373312703 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Other Reason

5 C373312704 Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


6 C373312705 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

7 C373312706 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

8 C373312707 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

9 C373312708 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover


10 C373312709 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure

due to HO Command Timeout

11 C373312710 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Dst Preparation Failure

12 C373312711 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Other Reason

13 C373312712 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover


14 C373312713 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Execution

15 C373312714 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Execution Failure

due to UE Context Release Timeout

16 C373312715 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

17 C373312716 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure

due to User Inactivity

18 C373312730 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation


19 C373312731 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

20 C373312732 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation


21 C373312733 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure Counter Description C373312700

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB,the
target sends the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message to the MME
indicating the successful preparation of resources.Each HANDOVER REQUEST
ACKNOWLEDGE message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck message to the MME.

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312701

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to
Resource Allocation Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB to
request the preparation of resources,the target has no enough resource then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverFailure message to the MME due to
admission failures.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the HandoverFailure
message to the MME due to admission failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312702

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message from the MME indicating handover failure.Each the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312703

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target occur other failures then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373312704

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from source
eNB to the MME, indicating a successful IRAT handover. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message from
Sampling Point 12

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE COMMAND message from UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312705

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
Reconfig Complete Timeout

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to
the MME,the timer of monitoring RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
expires.The target trigger local UE entity release.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires
Sampling Point 11

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312706

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to Source
Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message indicating
handover failure.The target trigger UE release. Each the UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312707

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target occur other failures then trigger UE release indicating handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373312708

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the eNodeB to the UTRAN,it indicates the successful preparation of
an outgoing inter-eNB handover. Each RRCConnectionReconfiguration message
transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312709

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure due to HO
Command Timeout

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the timer of monitoring the HandoverCommand message expires. Then the source
send HandoverCancel message to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the HandoverCommand message expires
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
HandoverCommand message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312710

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure due to Dst
Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source receives the HandoverPreparationfailure message from the MME. It
indicates the handover has failed.Each HandoverPreparationfailure message received is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the Handover Preparation failure message from the
Sampling Point 7


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the Handover
Preparation failure message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312711

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source occurs other failures. Then the source send HandoverCancel message
to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373312712

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from
the MME to the source eNodeB, it indicates a successful IRAT handover(LTE->UTRAN).
Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release message from the MME.
Sampling Point 13

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312713

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN)
Handover Execution

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message by the source eNodeB
from the UE during handover, the HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the source
eNodeB to MME. Each this RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message received
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312714

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Execution Failure due to UE
Context Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring the message expires.Then the source
trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the UEContextRelease message expires

Sampling Point 14


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
UEContextRelease message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312715

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the other reason occurs.Then the source trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373312716

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB detects the
user inactive. The HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the eNodeB to the MME.
Each the condition is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB detects that the UE's state is "inactive" in source eNodeB during handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in
source eNodeB during handover preparation.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312730

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Attemps

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
Transmission of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or the
HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message from the serving eNB to the
UE indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover from EUTRAN to UTRAN. Each
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest
message transmitted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from the MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest
message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312731

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target sends the HANDOVER FAILURE
message to the MME indicating the handover failures.Each HANDOVER FAILURE
message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the Handoverfailure message to the MME or timer's


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the Handoverfailure
message to the MME or timer's timeout.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312732

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Attemps

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, it request the preparation of resources at the target. Each HandoverRequired
message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373312733

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
1 After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the eNodeB receives the HandoverPreparationfailure message from the MME. Each
HandoverPreparationfailure message is added to the counter.
2 After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the timer of monitoring HandoverCommand message expires indicating handover


Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreparationfailure message from the
MME or timer's timeout.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
HandoverPreparationfailure message form the MME or timer's timeout.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

15.3.2 LTE-CDMA Handover on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-13 Inter-RAT Handover


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

l Sampling Point 1: The source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the
l Sampling Point 2: The target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from
the MME.
l Sampling Point 3: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverCommand message
from the MME.
l Sampling Point 4: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message to MME.
l Sampling Point 5: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for HandoverCommand
l Sampling Point 6: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreprationFailure
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 7: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverFailure message to the
l Sampling Point 8: The source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

l Sampling Point 10: The target eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE.
l Sampling Point 11: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 12: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the
l Sampling Point 13: The source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 14: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for
UEContextReleaseCommand message.

Figure 15-14 S1 Handover(2)

l Sampling Point 15: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
inter-eNB S1 handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373323000 Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover


2 C373323001 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Resource Allocation Fail

3 C373323002 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

4 C373323003 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Other Reason

5 C373323004 Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


6 C373323005 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

7 C373323006 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

8 C373323007 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

9 C373323008 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover


10 C373323009 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation

Failure due to HO Command Timeout

11 C373323010 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation

Failure due to Dst Preparation Failure

12 C373323011 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

13 C373323012 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover


14 C373323013 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD)Handover Execution

15 C373323014 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Execution

Failure due to UE Context Release Timeout

16 C373323015 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Execution

Failure due to Other Cause

17 C373323016 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation

Failure due to User Inactivity

18 C373323032 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA) Handover Preparation Attemps

19 C373323033 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA) Handover Preparation Failure

20 C373323034 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover


21 C373323035 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation

Failure due to HO Command Timeout

22 C373323036 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation

Failure due to Dst Preparation Failure

23 C373323037 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

24 C373323038 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


25 C373323039 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT)Handover Execution

26 C373323040 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Execution

Failure due to UE Context Release Timeout

27 C373323041 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Execution

Failure due to Other Cause

28 C373323042 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation

Failure due to User Inactivity Counter Description C373323000

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, if the Handover
Type IE indicates that the handover is an inter-RAT handover from EUTRAN to GSM and
is a blind handover, this counter counts the number of handover requests from EUTRAN
to GSM.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, this counter is

Sampling Point 4

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, if the Handover
Type IE indicates that the handover is an inter-RAT handover from EUTRAN to GSM and
is a blind handover, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323001

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to
Resource Allocation Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB receive a HandoverCommand message from the MME, and this
handover is a blind handover, this counter counts the number of outgoing handovers from

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a HandoverCommand message from the MME, this
counter is updated.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a HandoverCommand message from the MME, and
this handover is a blind handover, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373323002

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to Source
Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB receive a UEContextRelease message from the MME, indicating
the handover is successfully executed, and this handover is a blind handover, this counter
counts the number of outgoing handovers from EUTRAN to GSM.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease message from the MME,
indicating the handover is successfully executed, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease message from the MME,
indicating the handover is successfully executed, and this handover is a blind handover,
this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323003

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
For an inter-eNodeB S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a Handover
Command message (3GPP TS36.413) from the MME, this counter is updated.
For an inter-eNodeB X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a Handover Request
Acknowledge message (3GPP TS36.423) from the target eNodeB, this counter is updated.
For an intra-eNodeB handover, when the source eNodeB sends the UE an
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, this counter is updated.
This counter counts the number of times that load-balancing-based outgoing handover
preparation from LTE FDD to LTE TDD or from LTE TDD to LTE FDD is successful in the
above cases.

Triggering Point
For an inter-eNodeB S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a Handover
Command message (3GPP TS36.413) from the MME, this counter is updated.
For an inter-eNodeB X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a Handover Request
Acknowledge message (3GPP TS36.423) from the target eNodeB, this counter is updated.
For an intra-eNodeB handover, when the source eNodeB sends the UE an
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, this counter is updated.

Update Description
For an inter-eNodeB S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a Handover
Command message (3GPP TS36.413) from the MME, this counter is updated.
For an inter-eNodeB X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a Handover Request
Acknowledge message (3GPP TS36.423) from the target eNodeB, this counter is updated.

For an intra-eNodeB handover, when the source eNodeB sends the UE an

RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, this counter is updated.
When a load-balancing-based inter-standard intra-system handover occurs in the above
cases, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373323004

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
During a UE handover procedure, when the source cell receives a Handover Preparation
Failures message or the handover timer expires that results in handover failure, this
counter counts the number of times that load-balancing-based outgoing handover
preparation from LTE FDD to LTE TDD or from LTE TDD to LTE FDD fails.

Triggering Point
During a UE handover procedure, when the source cell receives a Handover Preparation
Failures message or the handover timer expires that results in handover failure, this
counter is updated.

Sampling Point 12

Update Description
During a UE handover procedure, when the source cell receives a Handover Preparation
Failures message or the handover timer expires that results in handover failure, and
a load-balancing-based inter-standard intra-system handover occurs, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323005

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
Reconfig Complete Timeout


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
During a UE handover procedure, when the source cell receives a UEContextRelease
message, this counter counts the number of times that load-balancing-based outgoing
handover preparation from LTE FDD to LTE TDD or from LTE TDD to LTE FDD is

Triggering Point
During a UE handover procedure, when the source cell receives a UEContextRelease
message, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 11

Update Description
During a UE handover procedure, when the source cell receives a UEContextRelease
message, and a load-balancing-based inter-standard intra-system handover occurs, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323006

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to Source
Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by energy
saving, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by energy
saving, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323007

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by energy saving, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by energy saving, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323008

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the preparation for handover succeeds when
the UE hands over from LTE to eHRPD.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is HRPD and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is HRPD and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373323009

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation Failure due
to HO Command Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that waiting for handover response overtimes
when the UE hands over from LTE to eHRPD.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB waits for a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is HRPD and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success overtime.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
When the source eNodeB waits for a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is HRPD and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success overtime.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323010

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation Failure due
to Dst Preparation Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the UE fails in receiving the handover
response when the UE hands over from LTE to eHRPD.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is HRPD and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Failure.
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is HRPD and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323011

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation Failure due
to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by self
healing, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by self
healing, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323012

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by self healing, this counter is updated.
Sampling Point 13

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by self healing, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373323013

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA
eHRPD)Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
To collect the statistic of UE handover from LTE to eHRPD, this counter counts the number
of times that the source eNodeB receives the connection establishment request from the
RRC after the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the
UE, indicating the UE hands over to the HRPD-system cell.

Triggering Point
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating the UE hands over to the HRPD-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the source eNodeB receives the connection establishment request from the RRC.

Update Description
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating that the UE hands over to the HRPD-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the source eNodeB receives the connection establishment request from the RRC.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323014

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Execution Failure due to
UE Context Release Timeout


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
To collect the statistic of UE handover from LTE to eHRPD, this counter counts the
number of times that timer that waits for the Ue Context Release message from the MME
overtimes after the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to
the UE, indicating the UE hands over to the HRPD-system cell.

Triggering Point
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating the UE hands over to the HRPD-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the timer that waits for the Ue Context Release message from the MME overtimes.
Sampling Point 14

Update Description
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating that the UE hands over to the HRPD-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the timer that waits for the Ue Context Release message from the MME overtimes.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323015

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Execution Failure due to
Other Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to PCI modification, this counter
is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs due to PCI modification during an admission procedure,
this counter is updated.

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to PCI modification, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323016

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation Failure due
to User Inactivity

Short Name

Counter Description
To collect the statistic of UE handover from LTE to eHRPD, before the source eNodeB
receives the DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message from the MME, of which
the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is HRPD and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO
Status HO Success, the eNodeB starts the processing of User inactivity, indicating that the
preparation for inter-system packet domain handover out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 HRPD).
The preparation for inter-system packet domain handover out fails (EPS->CDMA2000
HRPD) because of User inactivity.

Triggering Point
Before the source eNodeB receives the DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING
message from the MME, of which the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is HRPD and
the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status HO Success, the eNodeB starts the processing
of User inactivity, indicating that the preparation for inter-system packet domain handover
out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 HRPD). The preparation for inter-system packet domain
handover out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 HRPD) because of User inactivity.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
Before the source eNodeB receives the DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING
message from the MME, of which the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is HRPD and
the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status HO Success, the eNodeB starts the processing
of User inactivity, indicating that the preparation for inter-system packet domain handover
out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 HRPD). This counter is incremented by one if the preparation
for inter-system packet domain handover out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 HRPD) because of
User inactivity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323032

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA) Handover Preparation Attemps

Short Name

Counter Description
To collect the statistic of UE handover from LTE to eHRPD, this counter counts the number
of times that the source eNodeB sends an UPLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
to the MME and the value of the CDMA2000 HO Required Indication cell is TRUE.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends an UPLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING to the MME,
this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Required Indication
is TRUE.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends an UPLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING to the MME,
this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Required Indication
is TRUE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323033

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA) Handover Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
To collect the statistic of UE handover from LTE to eHRPD, this counter counts the number
of times that the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING
message sent from the MME and the value of the CDMA2000 HO Status cell is HO Failure.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 HO
Status is HO Failure.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 HO
Status is HO Failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373323034

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is
1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success if the source eNodeB
receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message sent from the MME.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is 1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is 1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323035

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation Failure due to
HO Command Timeout

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is
1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success overtime if the source
eNodeB waits for a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message sent from the

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB waits for a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is 1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success overtime.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB waits for a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is 1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success overtime.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323036

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation Failure due to
Dst Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is
1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Failure if the source eNodeB
receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message sent from the MME.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is 1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Failure.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is 1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323037

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the source eNodeB fails in 1xRTT handover
preparation caused by other reasons except that the timer waiting for handover response
overtimes, or the preparation fails at the target side.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if a failure occurs due to other reasons when the source
eNodeB is preparing for the handover.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if a failure occurs due to other reasons when the source
eNodeB is preparing for the handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323038

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message sent from the MME, indicating that the handover is successful.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message sent from the MME, indicating that the handover is successful.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message sent from the MME, indicating that the handover is successful.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373323039

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA
1xRTT)Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the source eNodeB receives the
connection establishment request from the RRC after the source eNodeB sends a
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE, indicating the UE hands over to the
1xRTT-system cell.

Triggering Point
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating the UE hands over to the 1xRTT-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the source eNodeB receives the connection establishment request from the RRC.

Update Description
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating that the UE hands over to the 1xRTT-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the source eNodeB receives the connection establishment request from the RRC.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323040

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Execution Failure due to
UE Context Release Timeout

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the timer that waits for the Ue Context
Release message from the MME overtimes after the source eNodeB sends a
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE, indicating the UE hands over to the
1xRTT-system cell.

Triggering Point
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating the UE hands over to the 1xRTT-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the timer that waits for the Ue Context Release message from the MME overtimes.

Update Description
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating that the UE hands over to the 1xRTT-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the timer that waits for the Ue Context Release message from the MME overtimes.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323041

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Execution Failure due to
Other Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the source eNodeB fails in the process of
handover caused by other reasons except that the link is re-established, the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message overtimes, and the user is not activated.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if a failure occurs due to other reasons when the source
eNodeB is performing the handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if a failure occurs due to other reasons when the source
eNodeB is performing the handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373323042

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation Failure due to
User Inactivity

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the preparation for inter-system packet
domain handover out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 1xRTT) because of User inactivity. The
source eNodeB receives the DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message from
the MME, of which the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is 1xRTT and the cell value
of CDMA2000 HO Status HO Success, the eNodeB starts the processing of User
inactivity, indicating that the preparation for inter-system packet domain handover out fails
(EPS->CDMA2000 1xRTT).

Triggering Point
Before the source eNodeB receives the DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING
message from the MME, of which the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is 1xRTT and
the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status HO Success, the eNodeB starts the processing
of User inactivity, indicating that the preparation for inter-system packet domain handover
out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 1xRTT). The preparation for inter-system packet domain
handover out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 1xRTT) because of User inactivity.

Update Description
Before the source eNodeB receives the DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING
message from the MME, of which the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is 1xRTT and


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status HO Success, the eNodeB starts the processing
of User inactivity, indicating that the preparation for inter-system packet domain handover
out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 1xRTT). This counter is incremented by one if the preparation
for inter-system packet domain handover out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 1xRTT) because of
User inactivity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

15.3.3 LTE-GSM Handover on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-15 Inter-RAT Handover


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

l Sampling Point 1: The source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the
l Sampling Point 2: The target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from
the MME.
l Sampling Point 3: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverCommand message
from the MME.
l Sampling Point 4: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message to MME.
l Sampling Point 5: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for HandoverCommand
l Sampling Point 6: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreprationFailure
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 7: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverFailure message to the
l Sampling Point 8: The source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

l Sampling Point 10: The target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfiguration-

Complete message from UE.
l Sampling Point 11: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 12: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the
l Sampling Point 13: The source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 14: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for
UEContextReleaseCommand message.

Figure 15-16 S1 Handover(2)

l Sampling Point 15: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
inter-eNB S1 handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373333300 Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(GSM->LTE) Handover


2 C373333301 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM-->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Resource Allocation Fail

3 C373333302 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM-->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

4 C373333303 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM-->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Other Reason

5 C373333304 Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(GSM-->LTE) Handover Execution


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


6 C373333305 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM-->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

7 C373333306 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM-->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to Path Source Cancel HO

8 C373333307 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM-->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

9 C373333308 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover


10 C373333309 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure

due to HO Command Timeout

11 C373333310 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Destination Preparation Failure

12 C373333311 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Other Reason

13 C373333312 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Execution

14 C373333313 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-RAT(LTE->GSM)Handover Execution

15 C373333314 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Execution Failure

due to UE Context Release Timeout

16 C373333315 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

17 C373333316 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure

due to User Inactivity Counter Description C373333300

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(GSM->LTE) Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to self healing, this counter is


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs due to self healing during an admission procedure, this
counter is updated.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB due to self healing, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333301

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM>LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to
Resource Allocation Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because expanding QCI is prohibited
by the license, this counter is updated.

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs during an admission procedure because expanding QCI is
prohibited by the license, this counter is updated.

Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because expanding QCI is prohibited
by the license, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333302

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM>LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to Source
Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because VoIP is prohibited by the
license, this counter is updated.

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs during an admission procedure because VoIP is prohibited
by the license, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because VoIP is prohibited by the
license, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373333303

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM>LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because single-UE service bearer is
prohibited by the license, this counter is updated.

Triggering Point
When admission failure occurs during an admission procedure because single-UE service
bearer is prohibited by the license, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When a new user fails to be admitted by the eNodeB because single-UE service bearer is
prohibited by the license, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333304

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(GSM>LTE) Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from source
eNB to the MME, indicating a successful IRAT handover. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message received is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND to MME.
Sampling Point 12

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333305

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM>LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
Reconfig Complete Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to
the MME,the timer of monitoring RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
expires.The target trigger local UE entity release.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires

Sampling Point 11

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333306

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM>LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to Path
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message indicating
handover failure.The target trigger UE release. Each the UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373333307

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM>LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target occur other failures then trigger UE release indicating handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333308

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the eNodeB to the GSM,it indicates the successful preparation of
an outgoing inter-eNB handover. Each RRCConnectionReconfiguration message
transimtted is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333309

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure due to HO
Command Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the timer of monitoring the HandoverCommand message expires. Then the source
send HandoverCancel message to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the HandoverCommand message expires
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
HandoverCommand message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333310

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure due to
Destination Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source receives the HandoverPreparationfailure message from the MME. It
indicates the handover has failed.Each HandoverPreparationfailure message received is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the Handover Preparation failure message from the
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the Handover
Preparation failure message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373333311

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source occurs other failures. Then the source send HandoverCancel message
to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333312

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from
the MME to the source eNodeB, it indicates a successful IRAT handover(LTE->UTRAN).
Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message received is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release message from the MME.
Sampling Point 13

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333313

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing
inter-RAT(LTE->GSM)Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message by the source eNodeB
from the UE during handover, the HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the source
eNodeB to MME. Each this RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message received
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333314

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Execution Failure due to UE Context
Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring the message expires.Then the source
trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the UEContextRelease message expires
Sampling Point 14

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
UEContextRelease message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373333315

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the other reason occurs.Then the source trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333316

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB detects the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

user inactive. The HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the eNodeB to the MME.
Each the condition is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB detects that the UE's state is "inactive" in source eNodeB during handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in
source eNodeB during handover preparation.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333330

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Attemps

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or the
HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message from the serving eNB to the
UE indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover from EUTRAN to UTRAN. Each
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest
message transmitted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from the MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest
message from the MME.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333331

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target sends the HANDOVER FAILURE
message to the MME indicating the handover failures.Each HANDOVER FAILURE
message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the Handoverfailure message to the MME or timer's

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the Handoverfailure
message to the MME or timer's timeout.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373333332

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM->LTE) Handover Preparation Attemps

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, it request the preparation of resources at the target. Each HandoverRequired
message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333333

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
1 After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the eNodeB receives the HandoverPreparationfailure message from the MME. Each
HandoverPreparationfailure message is added to the counter.


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Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

2 After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the timer of monitoring HandoverCommand message expires indicating handover

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreparationfailure message from the
MME or timer's timeout.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
HandoverPreparationfailure message form the MME or timer's timeout.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


15.4 Handover per Handover Cause on Cell

15.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

15.4.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373485100 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Preparation

based Covering

2 C373485101 Number of Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure

based Covering

3 C373485102 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Execution

based Covering

4 C373485103 Number of Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Execution Failure based



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


5 C373485104 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Preparation

based Covering

6 C373485105 Number of Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure

based Covering

7 C373485106 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Execution

based Covering

8 C373485107 Number of Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Execution Failure based


9 C373485108 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Preparation

based on Load Balance

10 C373485109 Number of Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure based

on Load Balance

11 C373485110 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Execution

based on Load Balance

12 C373485111 Number of Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Execution Failure based

on Load Balance

13 C373485112 Number of Outgoing X2 Handover Preparation Attemps based on Load


14 C373485113 Number of Successful Outgoing X2 Handover Preparation based on Load


15 C373485114 Number of Outgoing X2 Handover Preparation Failure based on Load


16 C373485115 Number of Successful Outgoing X2 Handover based on Load Balance

17 C373485116 Number of Outgoing X2 Handover Execution Failure based on Load Balance

18 C373485117 Number of Outgoing X2 Handover Cancels based on Load Balance

19 C373485118 Number of Incoming X2 Handover Preparation Attemps based on Load


20 C373485119 Number of Successful Incoming X2 Handover Preparation based on Load


21 C373485120 Number of Incoming X2 Handover Preparation Failure based on Load


22 C373485121 Number of Successful Incoming X2 Handover based on Load Balance

23 C373485122 Number of Incoming X2 Handover Cancels based on Load Balance

24 C373485123 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Preparation

based on Load Balance


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


25 C373485124 Number of Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure based

on Load Balance

26 C373485125 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Execution

based on Load Balance

27 C373485126 Number of Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Execution Failure based

on Load Balance

28 C373485133 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(CSFB)

29 C373485135 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Trigged by PCI Modify)

30 C373485136 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Trigged by Service


31 C373485137 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Based on Coverage


32 C373485138 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Trigged by Overload


33 C373485139 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Based on Mobile


34 C373485140 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Based on Energy


35 C373485141 Number of Outgoing HO Success(CSFB)

36 C373485143 Number of Outgoing HO Success(Trigged by PCI Modify)

37 C373485144 Number of Outgoing HO Success(Trigged by Service Handovers)

38 C373485145 Number of Outgoing HO Success(Based on Coverage Measurement)

39 C373485146 Number of Outgoing HO Success(Trigged by Overload Balance)

40 C373485147 Number of Outgoing HO Success(Based on Mobile Speed)

41 C373485148 Number of Outgoing HO Success(Based on Energy Saving)

42 C373485196 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Based on Self Healing)

43 C373485197 Number of Outgoing HO Success(Based on Self Healing)

44 C373485198 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Based on Shut Down or

Reset Cell)

45 C373485199 Number of Outgoing HO Success(Based on Shut Down or Reset Cell)

46 C373404500 Number of Cell Reselection based on Load Balance

47 C373404501 Number of Cell Reselection based on SPID

48 C373733200 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps

49 C373733201 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on Covering


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


50 C373733202 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on Load Balance

51 C373733203 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on Energy Saving

52 C373733204 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on Mobile Speed

53 C373733205 Number of Successful Outgoing Handover Preparation

54 C373733206 Number of Outgoing Handover Execution Attemps

55 C373733207 Number of Successful Outgoing Handover Execution

56 C373733208 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on Traffic

57 C373733209 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on CSFB

58 C373733210 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on PCI


59 C373733211 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on Self Healing

60 C373733212 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on Shutting

Down Cell

61 C373733300 UL Unbalance Degree before HO between Serving Cell and Neighbor Cell

62 C373733301 DL Unbalance Degree before HO between Serving Cell and Neighbor Cell

63 C373733302 UL Unbalance Degree Estimate after HO between Serving Cell and

Neighbor Cell

64 C373733303 DL Unbalance Degree Estimate after HO between Serving Cell and

Neighbor Cell

65 C374017118 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(based VoLTE Quality)

66 C374017119 Number of Outgoing HO Success(based VoLTE Quality)

15.4.3 Counter Description C373404500

Counter Name
Number of Cell Reselection based on Load Balance

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
After obtaining cell reselection information triggered by load balancing from the
RRM, the RNLC sends the UE a RRCConnectionRelease message (containing the
idleModeMobilityControlInfo IE).

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that load-balancing-based cell reselection is
performed when the RNLC, after obtaining cell reselection information triggered by load
balancing from the RRM, sends the UE a RRCConnectionRelease message (containing
the idleModeMobilityControlInfo IE).

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one when the RNLC, after obtaining cell reselection
information triggered by SPID from the RRM, sends the UE a RRCConnectionRelease
message (containing the idleModeMobilityControlInfo IE).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373404501

Counter Name
Number of Cell Reselection based on SPID

Short Name

Counter Description
After obtaining cell reselection information triggered by SPID from the RRM,
the RNLC sends the UE a RRCConnectionRelease message (containing the
idleModeMobilityControlInfo IE).

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that SPID-triggered cell reselection is performed
when the RNLC, after obtaining cell reselection information triggered by load balancing


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

from the RRM, sends the UE a RRCConnectionRelease message (containing the

idleModeMobilityControlInfo IE).

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one when the RNLC, after obtaining cell
reselection information triggered by load balancing from the RRM, sends the UE a
RRCConnectionRelease message (containing the idleModeMobilityControlInfo IE).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485100

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Preparation based Covering

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover,it indicates the successful preparation of an outgoing inter-eNB handover.
If the handover cause is coverage and the handover type is intra-freq, each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover preparation completes. The
sampling point changes with the handover type. For details, refer

to the descriptions of Sampling Point of intra-eNB handover, X2

interface handover, and S1 interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover preparation completes.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485101

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure based Covering

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message by The eNodeB or timeout
etc. it indicates the handover preparation failure. If the handover cause is coverage and
the handover type is intra-freq, the failure is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover preparation fails. The sampling point
changes with the handover type. For details, refer to the descriptions
of Sampling Point of intra-eNB handover, X2 interface handover, and
S1 interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover preparation fails.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373485102

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Execution based Covering

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE message sent from the target cell
to the source cell or the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the MME to the
source eNodeB, it indicates a successful handover.If the handover cause is coverage and
the handover type is intra-freq, the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover completes. The sampling point
changes with the handover type. For details, refer to the descriptions
of Sampling Point of intra-eNB handover, X2 interface handover, and
S1 interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover execution completes.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485103

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Execution Failure based Covering

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
Not receipt of the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message by The eNodeB or
timeout etc. it indicates the handover execution failure. If the handover cause is coverage
and the handover type is intra-freq, the failure is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover fails. The sampling point changes
with the handover type. For details, refer to the descriptions of
Sampling Point of intra-eNB handover, X2 interface handover, and S1
interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover execution fails.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485104

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Preparation based Covering

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover,it indicates the successful preparation of an outgoing inter-eNB handover.
If the handover cause is coverage and the handover type is inter-freq, each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover preparation completes. The


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

sampling point changes with the handover type. For details, refer
to the descriptions of Sampling Point of intra-eNB handover, X2
interface handover, and S1 interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover preparation completes.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485105

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure based Covering

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message by the eNodeB or timeout
etc. it indicates the handover preparation failure. If the handover cause is coverage and
the handover type is inter-freq, the failure is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover preparation fails. The sampling point
changes with the handover type. For details, refer to the descriptions

of Sampling Point of intra-eNB handover, X2 interface handover, and

S1 interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover preparation fails.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485106

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Execution based Covering

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE message sent from the target cell
to the source cell or the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the MME to the
source eNodeB, it indicates a successful handover based on the coverage.If the handover
cause is coverage and the handover type is inter-freq, the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover completes. The sampling point
changes with the handover type. For details, refer to the descriptions
of Sampling Point of intra-eNB handover, X2 interface handover, and
S1 interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover execution completes.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373485107

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Execution Failure based Covering

Short Name

Counter Description
Not receipt of the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message by the eNodeB or
timeout etc. it indicates the handover execution failure. If the handover cause is coverage
and the handover type is inter-freq, the failure is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover fails. The sampling point changes
with the handover type. For details, refer to the descriptions of
Sampling Point of intra-eNB handover, X2 interface handover, and S1
interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover execution fails

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485108

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Preparation based on Load


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name
HO.InterFreqOutPrepSucc.Load Balance

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover,it indicates the successful preparation of an outgoing inter-eNB handover.
If the handover cause is LoadBalance and the handover type is inter-freq, each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover preparation completes. The
sampling point changes with the handover type. For details, refer
to the descriptions of Sampling Point of intra-eNB handover, X2
interface handover, and S1 interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover preparation completes.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485109

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure based on Load

Short Name
HO.InterFreqOutPrepFail.Load Balance

Counter Description
Receipt of the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message by the eNodeB or timeout
etc. it indicates the handover preparation failure. If the handover cause is LoadBalance
and the handover type is inter-freq, the failure is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover preparation fails. The sampling point
changes with the handover type. For details, refer to the descriptions
of Sampling Point of intra-eNB handover, X2 interface handover, and
S1 interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover preparation fails.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485110

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Execution based on Load

Short Name
HO.InterFreqOutExecuSucc.Load Balance

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE message sent from the target cell
to the source cell or the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the MME to the
source eNodeB, it indicates a successful handover.If the handover cause is LoadBalance
and the handover type is inter-freq, the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover completes. The sampling point

changes with the handover type. For details, refer to the descriptions

of Sampling Point of intra-eNB handover, X2 interface handover, and

S1 interface handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover execution completes.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485111

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-Cell inter-freq Handover Execution Failure based on Load

Short Name
HO.InterFreqOutExecuFail.Load Balance

Counter Description
Not receipt of the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message by the eNodeB
or timeout etc. it indicates the handover execution failure. If the handover cause is
LoadBalance and the handover type is inter-freq, the failure is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover fails. The sampling point changes
with the handover type. For details, refer to the descriptions of

Sampling Point of intra-eNB handover, X2 interface handover, and S1

interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover execution fails.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485112

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing X2 Handover Preparation Attemps based on Load Balance

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the numberof attempted outgoing handovers preparation for
loadbalance via X2 interface.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest
message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is LoadBalance.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485113

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing X2 Handover Preparation based on Load Balance


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of successful outgoing handovers preparation for
loadbalance via X2 interface.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HandoverRequestAcknowledge message from the
target eNodeB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
HandoverRequestAcknowledge message from the target eNodeB and the handover
cause is LoadBalance.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485114

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing X2 Handover Preparation Failure based on Load Balance

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of outgoing handovers preparation failures for
loadbalance via X2 interface.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreparationfailure message from the
target eNodeB,the timer waitting for the HandoverPreparationfailure message expires or
other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
HandoverPreparationfailure message from the target eNodeB,the timer waitting for the
HandoverPreparationfailure message expires or other reason and the handover cause
is LoadBalance.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485115

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing X2 Handover based on Load Balance

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of successful outgoing handovers execution for
loadbalance via X2 interface.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease message from the target

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease
message from the target eNodeB and the handover cause is LoadBalance.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485116

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing X2 Handover Execution Failure based on Load Balance

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of outgoing handovers execution failures for loadbalance
via X2 interface.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB's timer waitting for the UEContextRelease message expires or the
eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishment message after sending the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB's timer waitting
for the UEContextRelease message expires or the eNodeB receives
the RRCConnectionReestablishment message after sending the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message and the handover cause is LoadBalance.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373485117

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing X2 Handover Cancels based on Load Balance

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of outgoing handover cancel for loadbalance via X2

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverCancel message to the target eNodeB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverCancel
message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is LoadBalance.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485118

Counter Name
Number of Incoming X2 Handover Preparation Attemps based on Load Balance

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of attempted incoming handovers preparation for
loadbalance via X2 interface.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from the source

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest
message from the source eNodeB and the handover cause is LoadBalance.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485119

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming X2 Handover Preparation based on Load Balance

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of successful incoming handovers preparation for
loadbalance via X2 interface.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge message to the
source eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverRequestAcknowledge message to the source eNodeB and the handover cause
is LoadBalance.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485120

Counter Name
Number of Incoming X2 Handover Preparation Failure based on Load Balance

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of incoming handovers preparation failures for
loadbalance via X2 interface.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverPreprationFailure message to the source

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverPreprationFailure message to the source eNodeB and the handover cause
is LoadBalance.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485121

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming X2 Handover based on Load Balance


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Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of successful incoming handovers execution for
loadbalance via X2 interface.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the UEContextRelease message to the source eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the UEContextRelease
message to the source eNodeB and the handover cause is LoadBalance.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485122

Counter Name
Number of Incoming X2 Handover Cancels based on Load Balance

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of incoming handover cancel for loadbalance via X2

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the HandoverCancel message from the source eNodeB.


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the HandoverCancel
message from the source eNodeB and the handover cause is LoadBalance.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485123

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Preparation based on Load

Short Name
HO.InTraFreqOutPrepSucc.Load Balance

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover,it indicates the successful preparation of an outgoing inter-cell handover.
If the handover cause is load balance and the handover type is intra-freq, each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover preparation completes. The
sampling point changes with the handover type. For details, refer
to the descriptions of Sampling Point of intra-eNodeB handover, X2
interface handover, and S1 interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover preparation completes.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485124

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure based on Load

Short Name
HO.InTraFreqOutPrepFail.Load Balance

Counter Description
Receipt of the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message by the eNodeB or timeout
etc. it indicates the handover preparation failure. If the handover cause is load balance
and the handover type is intra-freq, the failure is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover preparation fails. The sampling point
changes with the handover type. For details, refer to the descriptions
of Sampling Point of intra-eNodeB handover, X2 interface handover, and
S1 interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover preparation fails.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373485125

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Execution based on Load

Short Name
HO.InTraFreqOutExecuSucc.Load Balance

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE message sent from the target cell
to the source cell or the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the MME to the
source eNodeB, it indicates a successful handover.If the handover cause is load balance
and the handover type is intra-freq, the message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover completes. The sampling point
changes with the handover type. For details, refer to the descriptions

of Sampling Point of intra-eNodeB handover, X2 interface handover, and

S1 interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover execution completes.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485126

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-Cell intra-freq Handover Execution Failure based on Load


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name
HO.InTraFreqOutExecuFail.Load Balance

Counter Description
Not receipt of the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message by the eNodeB or
timeout etc. it indicates the handover execution failure. If the handover cause is load
balance and the handover type is intra-freq, the failure is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover fails. The sampling point changes
with the handover type. For details, refer to the descriptions of
Sampling Point of intra-eNodeB handover, X2 interface handover, and S1
interface handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover execution fails.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485133

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(CSFB)

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or the
HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message from the serving eNB to the UE
indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover from EUTRAN to UTRAN or to GERAN or
to CDMA2000 and the handover cause is CSFB. Each MobilityFromEUTRACommand


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

message or HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message transmitted is added

to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME and the
handover cause is CSFB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME and the handover cause is CSFB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485135

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Trigged by PCI Modify)

Short Name

Counter Description
1 Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE triggering
the intra-eNB handover and the handover cause is PCI modification. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.
2 Transmission of the X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST from the source eNodeB to
the target eNodeB , indicating the attempt of an outgoing inter-eNB handover preparation
or on transmission of S1AP message HANDOVER REQUIRED to the MME.The handover
cause is PCI modification.

3 Transmission of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or the

HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message from the serving eNB to the
UE indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover from EUTRAN to UTRAN or
to GERAN or to CDMA2000 and the handover cause is PCI modification. Each


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Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest

message transmitted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends
the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is PCI

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and
the handover cause is PCI modification.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485136

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Trigged by Service Handovers)

Short Name

Counter Description
1 Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE triggering the
intra-eNB handover. Each RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added
to the counter.
2 Transmission of the X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST from the source eNB to the
target eNB , indicating the attempt of an outgoing inter-eNB handover preparation or on
transmission of S1AP message HANDOVER REQUIRED to the MME.
3 Transmission of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or the
HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message from the serving eNB to the
UE indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover from EUTRAN to UTRAN or


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

to GERAN or to CDMA2000. Each MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or

HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message transmitted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends
the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is service.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and
the handover cause is service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485137

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Based on Coverage Measurement)

Short Name

Counter Description
1 Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
triggering the intra-eNB handover and the handover cause is coverage. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.
2 Transmission of the X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST from the source eNodeB to
the target eNodeB , indicating the attempt of an outgoing inter-eNB handover preparation
or on transmission of S1AP message HANDOVER REQUIRED to the MME.The handover
cause is coverage.
3 Transmission of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or the
HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message from the serving eNB to the UE
indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover from EUTRAN to UTRAN or to GERAN or
to CDMA2000 and the handover cause is coverage. Each MobilityFromEUTRACommand


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

message or HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message transmitted is added

to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends the
HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is coverage.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and
the handover cause is coverage.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485138

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Trigged by Overload balance)

Short Name

Counter Description
1 Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
triggering the intra-eNB handover and the handover cause is LoadBalance. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.
2 Transmission of the X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST from the source eNodeB to
the target eNodeB , indicating the attempt of an outgoing inter-eNB handover preparation
or on transmission of S1AP message HANDOVER REQUIRED to the MME.The handover
cause is LoadBalance.
3 Transmission of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or the
HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message from the serving eNB to the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

UE indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover from EUTRAN to UTRAN

or to GERAN or to CDMA2000 and the handover cause is LoadBalance. Each
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest
message transmitted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends the
HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is LoadBalance.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends
the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is mobility

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485139

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Based on Mobile Speed)

Short Name

Counter Description
1 Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
triggering the intra-eNB handover and the handover cause is mobility speed. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

2 Transmission of the X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST from the source eNodeB to
the target eNodeB , indicating the attempt of an outgoing inter-eNB handover preparation
or on transmission of S1AP message HANDOVER REQUIRED to the MME.The handover
cause is mobility speed.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

3 Transmission of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or the

HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message from the serving eNB to the
UE indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover from EUTRAN to UTRAN or
to GERAN or to CDMA2000 and the handover cause is mobility speed. Each
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest
message transmitted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends
the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is mobility

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and
the handover cause is mobility speed.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485140

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Based on Energy Saving)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by energy
saving, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by energy
saving, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485141

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing HO Success(CSFB)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by energy saving, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by energy saving, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485143

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing HO Success(Trigged by PCI Modify)

Short Name

Counter Description
1 Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
triggering the intra-eNB handover and the handover cause is mobility speed. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.
2 Transmission of the X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST from the source eNodeB to
the target eNodeB , indicating the attempt of an outgoing inter-eNB handover preparation
or on transmission of S1AP message HANDOVER REQUIRED to the MME.

3 Transmission of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or the

HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message from the serving eNB to the
UE indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover from EUTRAN to UTRAN or
to GERAN or to CDMA2000 and the handover cause is PCI modificatioon. Each
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest
message transmitted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends
the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is PCI

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and
the handover cause is PCI modification.


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485144

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing HO Success(Trigged by Service Handovers)

Short Name

Counter Description
1 Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the UE
to the target (=source) eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message transimtted is added to the counter.
2 Receipt at the source eNB of UE CONTEXT RELEASE over the X2 from the target eNB
following a successful handover. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE message received is
added to the counter.
3 Receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the MME
to the source eNB, indicating a successful IRAT handover. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from
the MME or receives the UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB and the
handover cause is service.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or receives the UEContextRelease
message from the target eNodeB and the handover cause is service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485145

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing HO Success(Based on Coverage Measurement)

Short Name

Counter Description
1 Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the UE
to the target (=source) eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB handover. The
handover cause is coverage. Each RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
transimtted is added to the counter.

2 Receipt at the source eNodeB of UE CONTEXT RELEASE over the X2 from the target
eNodeB following a successful handover.The handover cause is coverage. Each UE
CONTEXT RELEASE message received is added to the counter.
3 Receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the MME
to the source eNodeB, indicating a successful IRAT handover. The handover cause is
coverage. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message received is added to the

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from
the MME or receives the UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB and the
handover cause is coverage.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or receives the UEContextRelease
message from the target eNodeB and the handover cause is coverage.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485146

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing HO Success(Trigged by Overload Balance)

Short Name

Counter Description
1 Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the
UE to the target (=source) eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB handover.
The handover cause is LoadBalance. Each RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message transimtted is added to the counter.

2 Receipt at the source eNodeB of UE CONTEXT RELEASE over the X2 from the target
eNodeB following a successful handover.The handover cause is LoadBalance. Each UE
CONTEXT RELEASE message received is added to the counter.
3 Receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the MME
to the source eNodeB, indicating a successful IRAT handover. The handover cause is
LoadBalance. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message received is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from
the MME or receives the UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB and the
handover cause is LoadBalance.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverCancel to the MME or target eNodeB due
to other reason.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485147

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing HO Success(Based on Mobile Speed)

Short Name

Counter Description
1 Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the
UE to the target (=source) eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB handover.
The handover cause is mobility speed. Each RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message transimtted is added to the counter.

2 Receipt at the source eNodeB of UE CONTEXT RELEASE over the X2 from the target
eNodeB following a successful handover.The handover cause is mobility speed. Each UE
CONTEXT RELEASE message received is added to the counter.
3 Receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the MME
to the source eNodeB, indicating a successful IRAT handover. The handover cause is
mobility speed. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message received is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from
the MME or receives the UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB and the
handover cause is mobility speed.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or receives the UEContextRelease
message from the target eNodeB and the handover cause is mobility speed.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485148

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing HO Success(Based on Energy Saving)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by energy saving, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by energy saving, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485196

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Based on Self Healing)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by self
healing, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by self
healing, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485197

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing HO Success(Based on Self Healing)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by self healing, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by self healing, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485198

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(Based on Shut Down or Reset Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by cell
shutdown or cell reset, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by cell
shutdown or cell reset, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373485199

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing HO Success(Based on Shut Down or Reset Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by cell shutdown or cell reset, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME or receives a UEContextRelease message from the target eNodeB, and this
handover is triggered by cell shutdown or cell reset, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373733200

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter is includes the X2 handover and S1 handover.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends
the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373733201

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on Covering

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is includes the X2 handover and S1 handover.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends the
HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is coverage.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and
the handover cause is coverage.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373733202

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on Load Balance

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is includes the X2 handover and S1 handover.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends the
HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is load balance.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and
the handover cause is load balance.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373733203

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on Energy Saving

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is includes the X2 handover and S1 handover.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends
the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is CSFB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and
the handover cause is CSFB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373733204

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on Mobile Speed

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is includes the X2 handover and S1 handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends
the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is mobile

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and
the handover cause is mobile speed.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373733205

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is includes the X2 handover and S1 handover.

Triggering Point
When the souce eNodeB recieves the HandoverCommand message from the MME or
receives the HandoverRequestAcknowledge message from the target eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the souce eNodeB recieves the HandoverCommand
message from the MME or receives the HandoverRequestAcknowledge message from the
target eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373733206

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Execution Attemps

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is includes the intra-eNB handover, X2 handover and S1 handover.

Triggering Point
When the souce eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
in which includes IE mobilityControlInformation.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the souce eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE in which includes IE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373733207

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is includes the intra-eNB handover, X2 handover and S1 handover.

Triggering Point
When the souce eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease message from the target
eNodeB or receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME or receives
the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete in intra-eNB handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the souce eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease
message from the target eNodeB or receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message
from the MME or receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete in intra-eNB

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373733208

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on Traffic

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter is includes the X2 handover and S1 handover.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends
the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is traffic.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and
the handover cause is traffic.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373733209

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on CSFB

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is includes the X2 handover and S1 handover.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends
the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is CSFB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and
the handover cause is CSFB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373733210

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on PCI Modification

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is includes the X2 handover and S1 handover.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends
the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is PCI

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and
the handover cause is PCI modification.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373733211

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on Self Healing

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is includes the X2 handover and S1 handover.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends the
HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is self healing.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and
the handover cause is self healing.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373733212

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps based on Shutting Down Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter is includes the X2 handover and S1 handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME or sends
the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and the handover cause is shutting
down cell.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME or sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB and
the handover cause is shutting down cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373733300

Counter Name
UL Unbalance Degree before HO between Serving Cell and Neighbor Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
unbalance_degree_UL_before_HO_i = ABSOLUTE(max(ULT_s, ucUlPRBLBExeThrdZ)
max(ULT_i, ucUlPRBLBExeThrdZ))

ULT_s indicates UL PRB usage of serving cell, ULT_i indicates UL PRB usage of neighbor
cell i, ucUlPRBLBExeThrdZ indicates UL execute threshold of radio resouce for load

Triggering Point
When the period for load balancing is arraving, and the serving cell need to execute load


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated when the period for load balancing is arraving, and the serving cell
need to execute load balancing.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

percent C373733301

Counter Name
DL Unbalance Degree before HO between Serving Cell and Neighbor Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
unbalance_degree_DL_before_HO_i = ABSOLUTE(max(DLT_s, ucDlPRBLBExeThrdZ)
max(DLT_i, ucDlPRBLBExeThrdZ))
DLT_s indicates DL PRB usage of serving cell, DLT_i indicates DL PRB usage of neighbor
cell i, ucDlPRBLBExeThrdZ indicates DL execute threshold of radio resouce for load

Triggering Point
When the period for load balancing is arraving, and the serving cell need to execute load

Update Description
The counter is updated when the period for load balancing is arraving, and the serving cell
need to execute load balancing.

Counter Type
Current value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

percent C373733302

Counter Name
UL Unbalance Degree Estimate after HO between Serving Cell and Neighbor Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
unbalance_degree_UL_after_HO_i = ABSOLUTE(max(ULT_s_after,
ucUlPRBLBExeThrdZ) max(ULT_i_after, ucUlPRBLBExeThrdZ))
ULT_s_after indicates estimated UL PRB usage of serving cell after HO, ULT_i_after
indicates estimated UL PRB usage of neighbor cell i after HO, ucUlPRBLBExeThrdZ
indicates UL execute threshold of radio resouce for load balancing.

Triggering Point
When the period for load balancing is arraving, and the serving cell need to execute load

Update Description
The counter is updated when the period for load balancing is arraving, and the serving cell
need to execute load balancing.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373733303

Counter Name
DL Unbalance Degree Estimate after HO between Serving Cell and Neighbor Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
unbalance_degree_DL_after_HO_i = ABSOLUTE(max(DLT_s_after,
ucDlPRBLBExeThrdZ) max(DLT_i_after, ucDlPRBLBExeThrdZ))
DLT_s_after indicates estimated DL PRB usage of serving cell after HO, DLT_i_after
indicates estimated DL PRB usage of neighbor cell i after HO, ucDlPRBLBExeThrdZ
indicates DL execute threshold of radio resouce for load balancing.

Triggering Point
When the period for load balancing is arraving, and the serving cell need to execute load

Update Description
The counter is updated when the period for load balancing is arraving, and the serving cell
need to execute load balancing.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

percent C374017118

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Attemps(based VoLTE Quality)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-frequency handover request or the
SRVCC handover preparation request is triggered based on the voice quality.

Triggering Point
Triggered by voice quality, the eNodeB sends a handover request to the MME or the target
eNodeB. This counter counts the number of times of the handover requests triggered by
"Based On the Voice Quality".
This counter is incremented by one if the inter-frequency outgoing handover request is
trigged based on the voice quality or the SRVCC request message is sent.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the inter-frequency outgoing handover request is
triggered based on the voice quality or the SRVCC request message is sent.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374017119

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing HO Success(based VoLTE Quality)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the inter-frequency handover or SRVCC
handover triggered based on the voice quality succeeds.

Triggering Point
Triggered by voice quality, the eNodeB sends a handover request to the MME or the target
eNodeB. This counter counts the number of times that the completed handover triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

by "Based On the Voice Quality" if the eNodeB receives the UE Context Release Command
messaged from the MME or the target eNodeB.

Update Description
Triggered by voice quality, the eNodeB sends a handover request to the MME or the
target eNodeB. This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release Command messaged from the MME or the target eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


15.5 Intra-Rat Intra-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation

15.5.1 Intra-eNB Intra-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 15-17 Intra-eNB Handover

l Sampling Point 1: The eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from UE.
l Sampling Point 2: The eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message
to UE.
l Sampling Point 3: The handover execution process.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

l Sampling Point 4: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete messge from UE indicating
handover successfully.
l Sampling Point 5: The eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 6: The eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRe-
quest message from UE during intra-eNB handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373600000 Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation

2 C373600001 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB

intra-freq Handover Preparation

3 C373600002 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Dest Preparation Failure

4 C373600003 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Other Reason

5 C373600040 Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation

6 C373600041 Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Resource Allocation Fail

7 C373600042 Number of Re-estblishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB

intra-freq Handover Preparation

8 C373600043 Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Other Reason

9 C373600080 Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution

10 C373600081 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB

intra-freq Handover Execution

11 C373600082 Number of Re-estblishment to Target Cell When Outgoing intra-eNB

intra-freq Handover Execution

12 C373600083 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due

to Other Cause

13 C373600084 Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution

14 C373600085 Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to

RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

15 C373600086 Number of Re-estblishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB

intra-freq Handover Execution


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


16 C373600087 Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due

to Other Cause

17 C373600088 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to User Inactivity

18 C373600089 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to

Waiting Reconfiguration Complete timeout Counter Description C373600000

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover,it indicates the successful preparation of an outgoing intra-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373600001

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq
Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
The source cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE during the preparation of resources in target cell. The source
reports handover preparation failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in source cell
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in source cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373600002

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Dest
Preparation Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Because the target cell in eNB has no enough the resources, the source cell reports
handover preparation failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures in target cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures
in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373600003

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
Because the source cell in eNB occurs other failure during handover preparation , it reports
handover preparation failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason in source cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures
due to other reason in source cell


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373600040

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB has an successful preparation of resources indicating a successful
incoming intra-eNB handover.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from
UE in target cell
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373600041

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Resource
Allocation Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB has an preparation failures of resources indicating a incoming
intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs the admission failures in target cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs the admission failures in target

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373600042

Counter Name
Number of Re-estblishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE during handover preparation indicating a incoming intra-eNB handover failure.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in target cell
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373600043

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB occurs other failures during handover preparation indicating an
incoming intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason in target cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures
due to other reason in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373600080

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the UE
to the target cell in eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell receives the UeContexRelease message from the target cell
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell receives the UeContexRelease
message from the target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373600081

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq
Handover Execution


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The source cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE during handover execution indicating a outgoing intra-eNB
handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in source cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in source cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373600082

Counter Name
Number of Re-estblishment to Target Cell When Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The target cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE during handover execution, the source report handover failure
indicating a outgoing intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in target cell


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373600083

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
The source cell in eNB occurs other failures during handover execution indicating an
incoming intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason in source cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover execution failures
due to other reason in source cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373600084

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the UE
to the target cell in eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message transimtted is added to the counter
in target cell.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from
the UE in target cell
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE in target cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373600085

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to RRC Reconfig
Complete Timeout


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
After successful the preparation of resources in target cell,the timer of monitoring
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires during handover
execution.The target trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB's timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message expires in target cell.

Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires in target cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373600086

Counter Name
Number of Re-estblishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The target cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE during handover execution, the target report handover failure
indicating a incoming intra-eNB handover failure.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in target cell.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in target cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373600087

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB occurs other failures during handover execution indicating an
incoming intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason in target cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover execution failures
due to other reason in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373600088

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover, the source cell detects the user inactive then trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in source eNodeB during handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in
source eNodeB during handover preparation.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373600089

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Waiting
Reconfiguration Complete timeout


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
After successful the preparation of resources in target cell during handover execution,the
timer of monitoring RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires.The target
trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB's timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message expires in target cell.

Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires in target cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

15.5.2 Inter-eNB X2 Intra-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-18 X2 Handover(1)

l Sampling Point 1: The source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest message to the
target eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 2: The target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from
the source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 3: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message from the target eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 4: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message to the source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 5: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for
HandoverRequestAcknowledge message.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

l Sampling Point 6: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreprationFailure

message from the target eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 7: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverPreprationFailure message
to the source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 8: The source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to UE.
l Sampling Point 9: The target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE.
l Sampling Point 10: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 11: The target eNodeB sends the PathSwitchRequest message to
l Sampling Point 12: The target eNodeB receives the PathSwitchAck message from
l Sampling Point 13: The target eNodeB receives the PathSwitchFailure message from
l Sampling Point 14: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for PathSwitchAck message.
l Sampling Point 15: The target eNodeB sends the UEContextRelease message to the
source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 16: The source eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease message
from the target the eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 17: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for UEContextRelease

Figure 15-19 X2 Handover(2)

l Sampling Point 20: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
inter-eNB X2 handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373610300 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover


2 C373610301 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to HO Request ACK Timeout

3 C373610302 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Dest Preparation Failure

4 C373610303 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

5 C373610304 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

6 C373610340 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover


7 C373610341 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Resource Allocation Fail

8 C373610342 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Source Cancle HO

9 C373610343 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

10 C373610380 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover


11 C373610381 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution

12 C373610382 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to UE Context Release Timeout

13 C373610383 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

14 C373610384 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover


15 C373610385 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

16 C373610386 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Path Switch Failure

17 C373610387 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


18 C373610388 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

19 C373610389 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to User Inactivity

20 C373610390 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

21 C373610391 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

X2) intra-freq Handover Execution

22 C373610392 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Request Counter Description C373610300

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering
the handover over the X2 from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB,it
indicates the successful preparation of an outgoing inter-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610301

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to HO
Request ACK Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequst message from the source eNodeB to the MME,
the timer of monitoring the HandoverRequestAck message expires. Then the source
sends the HandoverCancel message to the target eNodeB. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the HandoverRequestAck message expires
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
HandoverRequestAck message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610302

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Dest
Preparation Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequest message from the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB, the source receives the HandoverPreparationFailure message from the target
eNodeB. It indicates the handover has failed.Each HandoverPreparationFailure message
received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the Handover Preparation failure message from the
target eNodeB.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the Handover
Preparation failure message from the target eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610303

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequest message from the source eNodeB to the
target eNodeB, the source occurs other failures. Then the source send HandoverCancel
message to the target eNodeB. It indicates the handover fails.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610304

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2)
intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequest message from the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB, the source eNodeB receives the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
REQUEST message from the UE. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
REQUEST message from the UE during handover preparation.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the RRC
CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT REQUEST message from the UE during handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610340

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB,the target sends the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message to the
source eNodeB indicating the successful preparation of resources.Each HANDOVER
REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck message to the source eNodeB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends Handover Request Ack
message to the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610341

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Resource Allocation Fail


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target has no enough resource
then sends the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message to the source eNodeB
indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends Handover Preparation failure message to the source
eNodeB due to admission failures.
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends Handover Preparation
failure message to the source eNodeB due to admission failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610342

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Source Cancle HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the HANDOVER
CANCEL message from the source eNodeB indicating handover failure.Each the
HANDOVER CANCEL message is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives Handover Cancel message from the source eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives Handover Cancel
message from the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610343

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target occur other failures then sends
the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message to the source eNodeB indicating the
handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610380

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from the target
eNodeB to the source eNodeB, it indicates a successful handover over the X2. Each UE
CONTEXT RELEASE message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release message from the detination
Sampling Point 16

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release message from the detination eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610381

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2)
intra-freq Handover Execution


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message by the source eNodeB
from the UE during handover, the HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the source
eNodeB to the target eNodeB. Each this RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE.
Sampling Point 20

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610382

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to UE
Context Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from the target eNodeB
to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring the message expires.Then the source trigger
UE release.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the UEContextRelease message expires
Sampling Point 17

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
UEContextRelease message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610383

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from the target eNodeB
to the source eNodeB,the other reason occurs.Then the source trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610384

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from source eNB to the
target eNodeB, indicating a successful IRAT handover. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE
message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE message to the source
Sampling Point 15

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message to the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610385

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
Reconfig Complete Timeout


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE
from target eNB to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires.The target trigger local UE
entity release.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
Complete message expires
Sampling Point 10

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration Complete message expires.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610386

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Path
Switch Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of PATH SWITCH REQUEST message from target eNB to the
MME,the target receives the PATH SWITCH REQUEST FAILURE message from the
MME indicating handover failure.The target trigger UE release. Each the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the PathSwitchRequestFailure message or the timer of
waiting for the PathSwitchACK message expires
Sampling Point 13, Sampling Point 14

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
PathSwitchRequestFailure message or the timer of waiting for the PathSwitchACK
message expires.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610387

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE from
target eNB to the source eNodeB,the target occur other failures then trigger UE release
indicating handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610388

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB receives
the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE. The HANDOVER
CANCEL message is sent to by the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives Handover Cancel message from the source eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives Handover Cancel
message from the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373610389

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB detects the
user inactive. The HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the eNodeB to the MME.
Each the condition is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB detects that the UE's state is "inactive" during handover preparation

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in
source eNodeB during handover preparation

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610390

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq
Handover Preparation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to
the target eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the source eNodeB indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610391

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq
Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST
ACKNOWLEDGE from target eNB to the source eNodeB,the target receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE indicating the handover

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373610392

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) intra-freq Handover Preparation Request

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE from
source eNB to the target eNodeB,it indicates the attempt of an outgoing inter-eNB
handover preparation.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest
message to the target eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


15.5.3 Inter-eNB S1 Intra-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-20 S1 Handover(1)

l Sampling Point 1: The source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the
l Sampling Point 2: The target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from
the MME.
l Sampling Point 3: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverCommand message
from the MME.
l Sampling Point 4: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message to MME.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

l Sampling Point 5: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for HandoverCommand

l Sampling Point 6: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreprationFailure
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 7: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverFailure message to the
l Sampling Point 8: The source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to UE.
l Sampling Point 10: The target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE.
l Sampling Point 11: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 12: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the
l Sampling Point 13: The source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 14: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for
UEContextReleaseCommand message.

Figure 15-21 S1 Handover(2)

l Sampling Point 15: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
inter-eNB S1 handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373620600 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


2 C373620601 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to HO Command Timeout

3 C373620602 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Dest Preparation Failure

4 C373620603 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

5 C373620604 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

6 C373620640 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover


7 C373620641 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Resource Allocation Fail

8 C373620642 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Source Cancel HO

9 C373620643 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

10 C373620680 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover


11 C373620681 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution

12 C373620682 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to UE Context Release Timeout

13 C373620683 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

14 C373620684 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover


15 C373620685 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

16 C373620686 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

17 C373620687 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

18 C373620688 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to User Inactivity

19 C373620689 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


20 C373620690 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

S1) intra-freq Handover Execution

21 C373620691 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Request Counter Description C373620600

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering
the handover over the S1 from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB,it
indicates the successful preparation of an outgoing inter-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373620601

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to HO
Command Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the timer of monitoring the HandoverCommand message expires. Then the source
sends the HandoverCancel message to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the HandoverCommand message expires
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
HandoverCommand message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620602

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Dest
Preparation Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source receives the HandoverPreparationFailures message from the MME. It
indicates the handover has failed.Each HandoverPreparationFailures message received
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the Handover Preparation failure message from the
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the Handover
Preparation failure message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620603

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source occurs other failures. Then the source send HandoverCancel message
to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620604

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1)
intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source eNodeB receives the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
REQUEST message from the UE. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
REQUEST message from the UE during handover preparation.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the RRC
CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT REQUEST message from the UE during handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373620640

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB,the
target sends the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message to the MME
indicating the successful preparation of resources.Each HANDOVER REQUEST
ACKNOWLEDGE message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck message to the MME.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620641

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Resource Allocation Fail

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB to
request the preparation of resources,the target has no enough resource then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends Handover failure message to the MME due to admission
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends Handover failure message
to the MME due to admission failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620642

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message from the MME indicating handover failure.Each the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620643

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target occur other failures then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373620680

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from
the MME to the source eNodeB, it indicates a successful handover over the S1. Each UE
CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release message from the MME.
Sampling Point 13

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620681

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1)
intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message by the source eNodeB
from the UE during handover, the HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the source
eNodeB to MME. Each this RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message received
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE.
Sampling Point 15

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620682

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to UE
Context Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring the message expires.Then the source
trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the UEContextReleaseCommand message


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Point 14

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
UEContextReleaseCommand message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620683

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the other reason occurs.Then the source trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373620684

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from source
eNB to the MME, indicating a successful IRAT handover. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
from UE
Sampling Point 12

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620685

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
Reconfig Complete Timeout

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to
the MME,the timer of monitoring RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
expires.The target trigger local UE entity release.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires
Sampling Point 11

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620686

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message indicating
handover failure.The target trigger UE release. Each the UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620687

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target occur other failures then trigger UE release indicating handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373620688

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB detects the
user inactive. The HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the eNodeB to the MME.
Each the condition is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in source eNodeB during handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in
source eNodeB during handover preparation.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620689

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq
Handover Preparation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the
target eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620690

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq
Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the
UE indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373620691

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) intra-freq Handover Preparation Request

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,it indicates the attempt of an outgoing inter-eNB handover preparation.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

15.6 Intra-Rat Inter-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation

15.6.1 Intra-eNB Inter-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-22 Intra-eNB Handover

l Sampling Point 1: The eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from UE.
l Sampling Point 2: The eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message
to UE.
l Sampling Point 3: The handover execution process.
l Sampling Point 4: The eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete messge from UE indicating
handover successfully.
l Sampling Point 5: The eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 6: The eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
intra-eNB handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373630900 Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation

2 C373630901 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB

inter-freq Handover Preparation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


3 C373630902 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Dest Preparation Failure

4 C373630903 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Other Reason

5 C373630940 Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation

6 C373630941 Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Resource Allocation Fail

7 C373630942 Number of Re-establishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB

inter-freq Handover Preparation

8 C373630943 Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to Other Reason

9 C373630980 Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution

10 C373630981 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB

inter-freq Handover Execution

11 C373630982 Number of Re-establishment to Target Cell When Outgoing intra-eNB

inter-freq Handover Execution

12 C373630983 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due

to Other Cause

13 C373630984 Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution

14 C373630985 Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to

RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

15 C373630986 Number of Re-establishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB

inter-freq Handover Execution

16 C373630987 Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due

to Other Cause

17 C373630988 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due

to User Inactivity

18 C373630989 Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to

Waiting Reconfiguration Complete Timeout Counter Description C373630900

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover,it indicates the successful preparation of an outgoing intra-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630901

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq
Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
The source cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE during the preparation of resources in target cell. The source
reports handover preparation failure.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in source cell
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in source cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630902

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Dest
Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
Because the target cell in eNB has no enough the resources, the source cell reports
handover preparation failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures in target cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures
in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630903

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
Because the source cell in eNB occurs other failure during handover preparation , it reports
handover preparation failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason in source cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures
due to other reason in source cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630940

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB has an successful preparation of resources indicating a successful
incoming intra-eNB handover.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from
UE in target cell
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630941

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Resource
Allocation Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB has an preparation failures of resources indicating a incoming
intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs the admission failures in target cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs the admission failures in target


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630942

Counter Name
Number of Re-establishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE during handover preparation indicating a incoming intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in target cell
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373630943

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB occurs other failures during handover preparation indicating an
incoming intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason in target cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures
due to other reason in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630980

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the UE
to the target cell in eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message transimtted is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the source cell receives the UeContexRelease message from the target cell
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell receives the UeContexRelease
message from the target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630981

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq
Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
The source cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE during handover execution indicating a outgoing intra-eNB
handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in source cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in source cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630982

Counter Name
Number of Re-establishment to Target Cell When Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The target cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE during handover execution, the source report handover failure
indicating a outgoing intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in target cell
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630983

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other Cause


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The source cell in eNB occurs other failures during handover execution indicating an
incoming intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason in source cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover execution failures
due to other reason in source cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630984

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the UE
to the target cell in eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message transimtted is added to the counter
in target cell.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from
the UE in target cell.
Sampling Point 4


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE in target cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630985

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to RRC Reconfig
Complete Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After successful the preparation of resources in target cell,the timer of monitoring
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires during handover
execution.The target trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB's timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message expires in target cell.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires in target cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373630986

Counter Name
Number of Re-establishment to Target Cell When Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The target cell in eNB has received the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE during handover execution, the target report handover failure
indicating a incoming intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from
UE in target cell.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE in target cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630987

Counter Name
Number of Incoming intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other Cause

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The targe cell in eNB occurs other failures during handover execution indicating an
incoming intra-eNB handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason in target cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB occurs handover execution failures
due to other reason in target cell

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630988

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover, the source cell detects the user inactive then trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in source eNodeB during handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in
source eNodeB during handover preparation.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373630989

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-eNB inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Waiting
Reconfiguration Complete Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After successful the preparation of resources in target cell during handover execution,the
timer of monitoring RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires.The target
trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB's timer of waiting for the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message expires in target cell.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires in target cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

15.6.2 Inter-eNB X2 Inter-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-23 X2 Handover(1)

l Sampling Point 1: The source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest message to the
target eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 2: The target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from
the source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 3: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message from the target eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 4: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message to the source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 5: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for
HandoverRequestAcknowledge message.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

l Sampling Point 6: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreprationFailure

message from the target eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 7: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverPreprationFailure message
to the source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 8: The source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to UE.
l Sampling Point 9: The target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE.
l Sampling Point 10: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 11: The target eNodeB sends the PathSwitchRequest message to
l Sampling Point 12: The target eNodeB receives the PathSwitchAck message from
l Sampling Point 13: The target eNodeB receives the PathSwitchFailure message from
l Sampling Point 14: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for PathSwitchAck message.
l Sampling Point 15: The target eNodeB sends the UEContextRelease message to the
source eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 16: The source eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease message
from the target the eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 17: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for UEContextRelease

Figure 15-24 X2 Handover(2)

l Sampling Point 20: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
inter-eNB X2 handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373641200 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover


2 C373641201 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to HO Request ACK Timeout

3 C373641202 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Dest Preparation Failure

4 C373641203 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

5 C373641204 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

6 C373641240 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover


7 C373641241 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Resource Allocation Fail

8 C373641242 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Source Cancel HO

9 C373641243 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

10 C373641280 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover


11 C373641281 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution

12 C373641282 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to UE Context Release Timeout

13 C373641283 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

14 C373641284 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover


15 C373641285 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

16 C373641286 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Path Switch Failure

17 C373641287 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


18 C373641288 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

19 C373641289 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to User Inactivity

20 C373641290 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

21 C373641291 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

X2) inter-freq Handover Execution

22 C373641292 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Request Counter Description C373641200

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering
the handover over the X2 from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB,it
indicates the successful preparation of an outgoing inter-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641201

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to HO
Request ACK Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequst message from the source eNodeB to the MME,
the timer of monitoring the HandoverRequestAck message expires. Then the source
sends the HandoverCancel message to the target eNodeB. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the HandoverRequestAck message expires
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
HandoverRequestAck message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641202

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Dest
Preparation Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequest message from the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB, the source receives the HandoverPreparationFailure message from the target
eNodeB. It indicates the handover has failed.Each HandoverPreparationFailure message
received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the Handover Preparation failure message from the
target eNodeB.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the Handover
Preparation failure message from the target eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641203

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequest message from the source eNodeB to the
target eNodeB, the source occurs other failures. Then the source send HandoverCancel
message to the target eNodeB. It indicates the handover fails.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641204

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2)
inter-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequest message from the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB, the source eNodeB receives the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
REQUEST message from the UE. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
REQUEST message from the UE during handover preparation.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the RRC
CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT REQUEST message from the UE during handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641240

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB,the target sends the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message to the
source eNodeB indicating the successful preparation of resources.Each HANDOVER
REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends Handover Request Ack message to the source eNodeB.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends Handover Request Ack
message to the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641241

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Resource Allocation Fail


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target has no enough resource
then sends the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message to the source eNodeB
indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends Handover Preparation failure message to the source
eNodeB due to admission failures.
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends Handover Preparation
failure message to the source eNodeB due to admission failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641242

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the HANDOVER
CANCEL message from the source eNodeB indicating handover failure.Each the
HANDOVER CANCEL message is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives Handover Cancel message from the source eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives Handover Cancel
message from the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641243

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target occur other failures then sends
the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message to the source eNodeB indicating the
handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641280

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from the target
eNodeB to the source eNodeB, it indicates a successful handover over the X2. Each UE
CONTEXT RELEASE message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release message from the detination
Sampling Point 16

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release message from the detination eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641281

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2)
inter-freq Handover Execution


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message by the source eNodeB
from the UE during handover, the HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the source
eNodeB to the target eNodeB. Each this RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE.
Sampling Point 20

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641282

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to UE
Context Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from the target eNodeB
to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring the message expires.Then the source trigger
UE release.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the UEContextRelease message expires
Sampling Point 17

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
UEContextRelease message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641283

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from the target eNodeB
to the source eNodeB,the other reason occurs.Then the source trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641284

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a X2AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE sent from source eNB to the
target eNodeB, indicating a successful IRAT handover. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE
message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE message to the source
Sampling Point 15

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message to the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641285

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
Reconfig Complete Timeout


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST
ACKNOWLEDGE from target eNB to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires.The target trigger local
UE entity release.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires
Sampling Point 10

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration Complete message expires.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641286

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Path
Switch Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of PATH SWITCH REQUEST message from target eNB to the
MME,the target receives the PATH SWITCH REQUEST FAILURE message from the
MME indicating handover failure.The target trigger UE release. Each the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the PathSwitchRequestFailure message or the timer of
waiting for the PathSwitchACK message expires
Sampling Point 13, Sampling Point 14

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
PathSwitchRequestFailure message or the timer of waiting for the PathSwitchACK
message expires.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641287

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE from
target eNB to the source eNodeB,the target occur other failures then trigger UE release
indicating handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641288

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB receives
the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE. The HANDOVER
CANCEL message is sent to by the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives Handover Cancel message from the source eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives Handover Cancel
message from the source eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373641289

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB detects the
user inactive. The HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the eNodeB to the MME.
Each the condition is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in source eNodeB during handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in
source eNodeB during handover preparation.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641290

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq
Handover Preparation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the source eNodeB to
the target eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the source eNodeB indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641291

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq
Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST
ACKNOWLEDGE from target eNB to the source eNodeB,the target receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE indicating the handover

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373641292

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via X2) inter-freq Handover Preparation Request

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a X2AP message HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE from
source eNB to the target eNodeB,it indicates the attempt of an outgoing inter-eNB
handover preparation.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest
message to the target eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


15.6.3 Inter-eNB S1 Inter-Freq Handover on EUtranRelation Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-25 S1 Handover(1)

l Sampling Point 1: The source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the
l Sampling Point 2: The target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from
the MME.
l Sampling Point 3: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverCommand message
from the MME.
l Sampling Point 4: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message to MME.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

l Sampling Point 5: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for HandoverCommand

l Sampling Point 6: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreprationFailure
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 7: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverFailure message to the
l Sampling Point 8: The source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to UE.
l Sampling Point 10: The target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE.
l Sampling Point 11: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 12: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the
l Sampling Point 13: The source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 14: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for
UEContextReleaseCommand message.

Figure 15-26 S1 Handover(2)

l Sampling Point 15: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
inter-eNB S1 handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373651500 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


2 C373651501 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to HO Command Timeout

3 C373651502 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Dst Preparation Failure

4 C373651503 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

5 C373651504 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

6 C373651540 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover


7 C373651541 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Resource Allocation Fail

8 C373651542 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Source Cancel HO

9 C373651543 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

10 C373651580 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover


11 C373651581 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution

12 C373651582 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to UE Context Release Timeout

13 C373651583 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

14 C373651584 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover


15 C373651585 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

16 C373651586 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

17 C373651587 Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

18 C373651588 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Failure due to User Inactivity

19 C373651589 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


20 C373651590 Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via

S1) inter-freq Handover Execution

21 C373651591 Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Request Counter Description C373651500

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering
the handover over the S1 from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB,it
indicates the successful preparation of an outgoing inter-eNB handover. Each
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
Sampling Point 8

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373651501

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to HO
Command Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the timer of monitoring the HandoverCommand message expires. Then the source
sends the HandoverCancel message to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the HandoverCommand message expires
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
HandoverCommand message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651502

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to Dst
Preparation Failure

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source occurs other failures. Then the source send HandoverCancel message
to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the Handover Preparation failure message from the
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the Handover
Preparation failure message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651503

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source occurs other failures. Then the source send HandoverCancel message
to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651504

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1)
inter-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source eNodeB receives the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
REQUEST message from the UE. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRC CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT
REQUEST message from the UE during handover preparation.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the RRC
CONNECTION REESTABLISHMENT REQUEST message from the UE during handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373651540

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB,the
target sends the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message to the MME
indicating the successful preparation of resources.Each HANDOVER REQUEST
ACKNOWLEDGE message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck message to the MME.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651541

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Resource Allocation Fail

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB to
request the preparation of resources,the target has no enough resource then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends Handover failure message to the MME due to admission
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends Handover failure message
to the MME due to admission failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651542

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message from the MME indicating handover failure.Each the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651543

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target occur other failures then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373651580

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from
the MME to the source eNodeB, it indicates a successful handover over the S1. Each UE
CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release message from the MME.
Sampling Point 13

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651581

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1)
inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message by the source eNodeB
from the UE during handover, the HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the source
eNodeB to MME. Each this RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message received
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE.
Sampling Point 15

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651582

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to UE
Context Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring the message expires.Then the source
trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the UEContextRelease message expires
Sampling Point 14


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
UEContextRelease message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651583

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the other reason occurs.Then the source trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373651584

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from source
eNB to the MME, indicating a successful IRAT handover. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
from UE
Sampling Point 12

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651585

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
Reconfig Complete Timeout

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to
the MME,the timer of monitoring RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
expires.The target trigger local UE entity release.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires
Sampling Point 11

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651586

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message indicating
handover failure.The target trigger UE release. Each the UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651587

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target occur other failures then trigger UE release indicating handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373651588

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB detects the
user inactive. The HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the eNodeB to the MME.
Each the condition is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in source eNodeB during handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in
source eNodeB during handover preparation.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651589

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq
Handover Preparation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the
target eNodeB to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651590

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Target Cell When Incoming inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq
Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,the target receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the
UE indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
from the UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373651591

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-eNB(via S1) inter-freq Handover Preparation Request

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to the
MME,it indicates the attempt of an outgoing inter-eNB handover preparation.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

15.7 Inter-Rat Handover on EUtranRelation

15.7.1 LTE-UMTS Handover on EUtranRelation Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-27 Inter-RAT Handover


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

l Sampling Point 1: The source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the
l Sampling Point 2: The target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from
the MME.
l Sampling Point 3: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverCommand message
from the MME.
l Sampling Point 4: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message to MME.
l Sampling Point 5: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for HandoverCommand
l Sampling Point 6: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreprationFailure
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 7: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverFailure message to the
l Sampling Point 8: The source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

l Sampling Point 10: The target eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE.
l Sampling Point 11: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 12: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the
l Sampling Point 13: The source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 14: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for
UEContextReleaseCommand message.

Figure 15-28 S1 Handover(2)

l Sampling Point 15: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
inter-eNB S1 handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373661800 Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover


2 C373661801 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Resource Allocation Fail

3 C373661802 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

4 C373661803 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Other Reason

5 C373661804 Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


6 C373661805 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

7 C373661806 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

8 C373661807 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

9 C373661808 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover


10 C373661809 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure

due to HO Command Timeout

11 C373661810 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Dst Preparation Failure

12 C373661811 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Other Reason

13 C373661812 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover


14 C373661813 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN)Handover Execution

15 C373661814 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Execution Failure

due to UE Context Release Timeout

16 C373661815 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

17 C373661816 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure

due to User Inactivity Counter Description C373661800

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB,the
target sends the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message to the MME
indicating the successful preparation of resources.Each HANDOVER REQUEST
ACKNOWLEDGE message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck message to the MME.
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661801

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to
Resource Allocation Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB to
request the preparation of resources,the target has no enough resource then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends Handover failure message to the MME due to admission
Sampling Point 6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends Handover failure message
to the MME due to admission failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661802

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to
Source Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message from the MME indicating handover failure.Each the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373661803

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target occur other failures then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661804

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Execution

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Transmission of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from source
eNB to the MME, indicating a successful IRAT handover. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message to
Sampling Point 12

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the UE CONTEXT

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661805

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
Reconfig Complete Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from MME to source
eNodeB,the timer of monitoring RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
expires.The target trigger local UE entity release.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires
Sampling Point 11


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661806

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to Source
Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from MME to source
eNodeB,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message indicating
handover failure.The target trigger UE release. Each the UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives
UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373661807

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(UTRAN->LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from MME to source
eNodeB,the target occur other failures then trigger UE release indicating handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661808

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the eNodeB to the UTRAN,it indicates the successful preparation of
an outgoing inter-eNB handover. Each RRCConnectionReconfiguration message
transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661809

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure due to HO
Command Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the timer of monitoring the HandoverCommand message expires. Then the source
send HandoverCancel message to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the HandoverCommand message expires

Sampling Point 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
HandoverCommand message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661810

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure due to Dst
Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source receives the HandoverPreparationfailure message from the MME. It
indicates the handover has failed.Each HandoverPreparationfailure message received is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the Handover Preparation failure message from the

Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the Handover
Preparation failure message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661811

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source occurs other failures. Then the source send HandoverCancel message
to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661812

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Execution


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from
the MME to the source eNodeB, it indicates a successful IRAT handover(LTE->UTRAN).
Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release message from the MME.
Sampling Point 13

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661813

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing
inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN)Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message by the source eNodeB
from the UE during handover, the HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the source
eNodeB to MME. Each this RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message received
is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661814

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Execution Failure due to UE
Context Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring the message expires.Then the source
trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the UEContextRelease message expires
Sampling Point 14

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
UEContextRelease message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661815

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the other reason occurs.Then the source trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661816

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure due to User


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB detects the
user inactive. The HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the eNodeB to the MME.
Each the condition is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in source eNodeB during handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in
source eNodeB during handover preparation.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

15.7.2 LTE-CDMA Handover on EUtranRelation Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-29 Inter-RAT Handover


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

l Sampling Point 1: The source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the
l Sampling Point 2: The target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from
the MME.
l Sampling Point 3: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverCommand message
from the MME.
l Sampling Point 4: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message to MME.
l Sampling Point 5: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for HandoverCommand
l Sampling Point 6: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreprationFailure
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 7: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverFailure message to the
l Sampling Point 8: The source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

l Sampling Point 10: The target eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE.
l Sampling Point 11: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 12: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the
l Sampling Point 13: The source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 14: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for
UEContextReleaseCommand message.

Figure 15-30 S1 Handover(2)

l Sampling Point 15: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
inter-eNB S1 handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373672100 Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover


2 C373672101 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Resource Allocation Fail

3 C373672102 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

4 C373672103 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Other Reason

5 C373672104 Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


6 C373672105 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

7 C373672106 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

8 C373672107 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

9 C373672108 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover


10 C373672109 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation

Failure due to HO Command Timeout

11 C373672110 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation

Failure due to Dst Preparation Failure

12 C373672111 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

13 C373672112 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover


14 C373672113 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD)Handover Execution

15 C373672114 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Execution

Failure due to UE Context Release Timeout

16 C373672115 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Execution

Failure due to Other Cause

17 C373672116 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation

Failure due to User Inactivity

18 C373672117 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover


19 C373672118 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation

Failure due to HO Command Timeout

20 C373672119 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation

Failure due to Dst Preparation Failure

21 C373672120 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

22 C373672121 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover


23 C373672122 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT)Handover Execution


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


24 C373672123 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Execution

Failure due to UE Context Release Timeout

25 C373672124 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Execution

Failure due to Other Cause

26 C373672125 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation

Failure due to User Inactivity Counter Description C373672100

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB,the
target sends the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message to the MME
indicating the successful preparation of resources.Each HANDOVER REQUEST
ACKNOWLEDGE message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck message to the MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373672101

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to
Resource Allocation Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB to
request the preparation of resources,the target has no enough resource then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends Handover failure message to the MME due to admission

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends Handover failure message
to the MME due to admission failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672102

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to Source
Cancel HO

Short Name


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message from the MME indicating handover failure.Each the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672103

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target occur other failures then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672104

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from source
eNB to the MME, indicating a successful IRAT handover. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
from UE
Sampling Point 10

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373672105

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
Reconfig Complete Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNB to
the MME,the timer of monitoring RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
expires.The target trigger local UE entity release.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672106

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to Source
Cancel HO


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HandoverRequestAcknowledge from target
eNodeB to MME,the target eNodeB receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND
message indicating handover failure.The target trigger UE release. Each the UE
CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672107

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(CDMA->LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HandoverRequestAcknowledge from target
eNodeB to MME,the target occur other failures then trigger UE release indicating
handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672108

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the preparation for handover succeeds when
the UE hands over from LTE to eHRPD.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is HRPD and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success.
Sampling Point 12

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is HRPD and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373672109

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation Failure due
to HO Command Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that waiting for handover response overtimes
when the UE hands over from LTE to eHRPD.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB waits for a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is HRPD and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success overtime.
Sampling Point 11

Update Description
When the source eNodeB waits for a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is HRPD and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success overtime.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672110

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation Failure due
to Dst Preparation Failure


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the UE fails in receiving the handover
response when the UE hands over from LTE to eHRPD.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is HRPD and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Failure.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is HRPD and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672111

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation Failure due
to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the source eNodeB fails in handover
preparation caused by other reasons when the UE hands over from LTE to eHRPD.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if a failure occurs due to other reasons when the source
eNodeB is preparing for the handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if a failure occurs due to other reasons when the source
eNodeB is preparing for the handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672112

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message sent from the MME when the UE hands over from LTE to eHRPD,
indicating that the handover is successful.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message sent from the MME, indicating that the handover is successful.
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message sent from the MME, indicating that the handover is successful.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373672113

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA
eHRPD)Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
To collect the statistic of UE handover from LTE to eHRPD, this counter counts the number
of times that the source eNodeB receives the connection establishment request from the
RRC after the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the
UE, indicating the UE hands over to the HRPD-system cell.

Triggering Point
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating the UE hands over to the HRPD-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the source eNodeB receives the connection establishment request from the RRC.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating that the UE hands over to the HRPD-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the source eNodeB receives the connection establishment request from the RRC.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672114

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Execution Failure due to
UE Context Release Timeout


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
To collect the statistic of UE handover from LTE to eHRPD, this counter counts the
number of times that timer that waits for the Ue Context Release message from the MME
overtimes after the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to
the UE, indicating the UE hands over to the HRPD-system cell.

Triggering Point
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating the UE hands over to the HRPD-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the timer that waits for the Ue Context Release message from the MME overtimes.
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating that the UE hands over to the HRPD-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the timer that waits for the Ue Context Release message from the MME overtimes.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672115

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Execution Failure due to
Other Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the source eNodeB fails in handover caused
by other reasons when the UE hands over from LTE to eHRPD.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if a failure occurs due to other reasons when the source
eNodeB is performing the handover.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if a failure occurs due to other reasons when the source
eNodeB is performing the handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672116

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA eHRPD) Handover Preparation Failure due
to User Inactivity

Short Name

Counter Description
To collect the statistic of UE handover from LTE to eHRPD, before the source eNodeB
receives the DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message from the MME, of which
the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is HRPD and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO
Status HO Success, the eNodeB starts the processing of User inactivity, indicating that the
preparation for inter-system packet domain handover out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 HRPD).
The preparation for inter-system packet domain handover out fails (EPS->CDMA2000
HRPD) because of User inactivity.

Triggering Point
Before the source eNodeB receives the DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING
message from the MME, of which the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is HRPD and
the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status HO Success, the eNodeB starts the processing
of User inactivity, indicating that the preparation for inter-system packet domain handover
out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 HRPD). The preparation for inter-system packet domain
handover out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 HRPD) because of User inactivity.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Point 13

Update Description
Before the source eNodeB receives the DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING
message from the MME, of which the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is HRPD and
the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status HO Success, the eNodeB starts the processing
of User inactivity, indicating that the preparation for inter-system packet domain handover
out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 HRPD). This counter is incremented by one if the preparation
for inter-system packet domain handover out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 HRPD) because of
User inactivity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672117

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is
1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success if the source eNodeB
receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message sent from the MME.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is 1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is 1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success.


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672118

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation Failure due to
HO Command Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is
1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success overtime if the source
eNodeB waits for a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message sent from the

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB waits for a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is 1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success overtime.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB waits for a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is 1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Success overtime.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373672119

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation Failure due to
Dst Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is
1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Failure if the source eNodeB
receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message sent from the MME.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is 1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Failure.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message
sent from the MME, this counter is incremented by one if the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT
Type is 1xRTT and the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status is HO Failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672120

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the source eNodeB fails in 1xRTT handover
preparation caused by other reasons except that the timer waiting for handover response
overtimes, or the preparation fails at the target side.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if a failure occurs due to other reasons when the source
eNodeB is preparing for the handover.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if a failure occurs due to other reasons when the source
eNodeB is preparing for the handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672121

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message sent from the MME, indicating that the handover is successful.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message sent from the MME, indicating that the handover is successful.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the source eNodeB receives a UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message sent from the MME, indicating that the handover is successful.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672122

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA
1xRTT)Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the source eNodeB receives the
connection establishment request from the RRC after the source eNodeB sends a
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE, indicating the UE hands over to the
1xRTT-system cell.

Triggering Point
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating the UE hands over to the 1xRTT-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the source eNodeB receives the connection establishment request from the RRC.

Update Description
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating that the UE hands over to the 1xRTT-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the source eNodeB receives the connection establishment request from the RRC.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373672123

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Execution Failure due to
UE Context Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the timer that waits for the Ue Context
Release message from the MME overtimes after the source eNodeB sends a
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE, indicating the UE hands over to the
1xRTT-system cell.

Triggering Point
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating the UE hands over to the 1xRTT-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the timer that waits for the Ue Context Release message from the MME overtimes.

Update Description
After the source eNodeB sends a MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE,
indicating that the UE hands over to the 1xRTT-system cell, this counter is incremented by
one if the timer that waits for the Ue Context Release message from the MME overtimes.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672124

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Execution Failure due to
Other Cause

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the source eNodeB fails in the process of
handover caused by other reasons except that the link is re-established, the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE message overtimes, and the user is not activated.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if a failure occurs due to other reasons when the source
eNodeB is performing the handover.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if a failure occurs due to other reasons when the source
eNodeB is performing the handover.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373672125

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->CDMA 1xRTT) Handover Preparation Failure due to
User Inactivity

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the preparation for inter-system packet
domain handover out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 1xRTT) because of User inactivity. The
source eNodeB receives the DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING message from
the MME, of which the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is 1xRTT and the cell value
of CDMA2000 HO Status HO Success, the eNodeB starts the processing of User
inactivity, indicating that the preparation for inter-system packet domain handover out fails
(EPS->CDMA2000 1xRTT).


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
Before the source eNodeB receives the DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING
message from the MME, of which the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is 1xRTT and
the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status HO Success, the eNodeB starts the processing
of User inactivity, indicating that the preparation for inter-system packet domain handover
out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 1xRTT). The preparation for inter-system packet domain
handover out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 1xRTT) because of User inactivity.

Update Description
Before the source eNodeB receives the DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING
message from the MME, of which the cell value of CDMA2000 RAT Type is 1xRTT and
the cell value of CDMA2000 HO Status HO Success, the eNodeB starts the processing
of User inactivity, indicating that the preparation for inter-system packet domain handover
out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 1xRTT). This counter is incremented by one if the preparation
for inter-system packet domain handover out fails (EPS->CDMA2000 1xRTT) because of
User inactivity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

15.7.3 LTE-GSM Handover on EUtranRelation Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-31 Inter-RAT Handover


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

l Sampling Point 1: The source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the
l Sampling Point 2: The target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest message from
the MME.
l Sampling Point 3: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverCommand message
from the MME.
l Sampling Point 4: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge
message to MME.
l Sampling Point 5: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for HandoverCommand
l Sampling Point 6: The source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreprationFailure
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 7: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverFailure message to the
l Sampling Point 8: The source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

l Sampling Point 10: The target eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE.
l Sampling Point 11: The target eNodeB occurs timeout for
l Sampling Point 12: The target eNodeB sends the HandoverNotify message to the
l Sampling Point 13: The source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand
message from the MME.
l Sampling Point 14: The source eNodeB occurs timeout for
UEContextReleaseCommand message.

Figure 15-32 S1 Handover(2)

l Sampling Point 15: The eNodeB receives the

RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from UE during
inter-eNB S1 handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373682400 Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(GSM->LTE) Handover


2 C373682401 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM-->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Resource Allocation Fail

3 C373682402 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM-->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

4 C373682403 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM-->LTE) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Other Reason

5 C373682404 Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(GSM-->LTE) Handover Execution


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


6 C373682405 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM-->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to RRC Reconfig Complete Timeout

7 C373682406 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM-->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to Source Cancel HO

8 C373682407 Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM-->LTE) Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

9 C373682408 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover


10 C373682409 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure

due to HO Command Timeout

11 C373682410 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Dst Preparation Failure

12 C373682411 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure

due to Other Reason

13 C373682412 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Execution

14 C373682413 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-RAT(LTE->GSM)Handover Execution

15 C373682414 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Execution Failure

due to UE Context Release Timeout

16 C373682415 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Execution Failure

due to Other Cause

17 C373682416 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure

due to User Inactivity Counter Description C373682400

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(GSM->LTE) Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB,the
target sends the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message to the MME


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

indicating the successful preparation of resources.Each HANDOVER REQUEST

ACKNOWLEDGE message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck message to the MME.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAck
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682401

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM>LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to
Resource Allocation Fail

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB to
request the preparation of resources,the target has no enough resource then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends Handover failure message to the MME due to admission
Sampling Point 14

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends Handover failure message
to the MME due to admission failures.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682402

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM>LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to Source
Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE
COMMAND message from the MME indicating handover failure.Each the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373682403

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM>LTE) Handover Preparation Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After receipt of the HandoverRequest message sent by the MME to the target eNodeB
to request the preparation of resources,the target occur other failures then sends the
HANDOVER FAILURE message to the MME indicating the handover failures.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682404

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-RAT(GSM>LTE) Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from
source eNodeB to the MME, indicating a successful IRAT handover. Each UE CONTEXT
RELEASE COMMAND message received is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
from UE
Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682405

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM>LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to RRC
Reconfig Complete Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNodeB
to the MME,the timer of monitoring RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message
expires.The target trigger local UE entity release.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires

Sampling Point 6

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message expires


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682406

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM>LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to Source
Cancel HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNodeB
to the MME,the target receives the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message
indicating handover failure.The target trigger UE release. Each the UE CONTEXT
RELEASE COMMAND message is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the target eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message from MME

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373682407

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-RAT(GSM>LTE) Handover Execution Failure due to Other

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of a S1AP message HANDOVER COMMAND from source eNodeB to
the MME,the target occur other failures then trigger UE release indicating handover failure.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682408

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the eNodeB to the GSM,it indicates the successful preparation of an
outgoing inter-eNodeB handover. Each RRCConnectionReconfiguration message
transimtted is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE
Sampling Point 12

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682409

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure due to HO
Command Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the timer of monitoring the HandoverCommand message expires. Then the source
send HandoverCancel message to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the HandoverCommand message expires
Sampling Point 11

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
HandoverCommand message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682410

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure due to Dst
Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source receives the HandoverPreparationfailure message from the MME. It
indicates the handover has failed.Each HandoverPreparationfailure message received is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the Handover Preparation failure message from the

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the Handover
Preparation failure message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682411

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure due to Other


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
After transmission of the HandoverRequired message from the source eNodeB to the
MME, the source occurs other failures. Then the source send HandoverCancel message
to the MME. It indicates the handover fails.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover preparation
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682412

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from
the MME to the source eNodeB, it indicates a successful IRAT handover(LTE->UTRAN).
Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message received is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release message from the MME.
Sampling Point 3


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682413

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing
inter-RAT(LTE->GSM)Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message by the source eNodeB
from the UE during handover, the HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the source
eNodeB to MME. Each this RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message received
is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
message from the UE.

Sampling Point 5

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682414

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Execution Failure due to UE Context
Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the timer of monitoring the message expires.Then the source
trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the UEContextRelease message expires
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB's timer of waiting for the
UEContextRelease message expires

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682415

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Execution Failure due to Other


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
Before receipt of a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from the
MME to the source eNodeB,the other reason occurs.Then the source trigger UE release.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB occurs handover execution failures due to other reason

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB occurs handover execution
failures due to other reason

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682416

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Handover Preparation Failure due to User

Short Name

Counter Description
Before transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, the source eNodeB detects the
user inactive. The HANDOVER CANCEL message is sent to by the eNodeB to the MME.
Each the condition is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in source eNodeB during handover


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE's state detected by eNodeB is "user inactive" in
source eNodeB during handover preparation.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

15.8 SRVCC Handover

15.8.1 LTE-UTRAN SRVCC Handover Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-33 LTE-UTRAN SRVCC Handover Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373661817 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover

Preparation Request


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


2 C373661818 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover

Preparation Failure

3 C373661819 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover


4 C373661820 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Execution


5 C373312804 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover

Preparation Request(Cell)

6 C373312805 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover

Preparation Failure(Cell)

7 C373312806 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover


8 C373312807 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Execution


9 C373312808 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover

Preparation Failure due to HO Command Timeout

10 C373312809 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover

Preparation Failure due to Dst Preparation Failure

11 C373312810 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover

Preparation Failure due to Other Reason

12 C373312811 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover

Preparation Failure due to User Inactivity

13 C373312812 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Execution

14 C373312813 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Execution

Failure due to UE Context Release Timeout

15 C373312814 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Execution

Failure due to Other Cause Counter Description C373661817

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Preparation Request


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or the
HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message from the serving eNB to the UE
indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover for SRVCC from EUTRAN to UTRAN.
Each MobilityFromEUTRACommand message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message for SRVCC to the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661818

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message by The eNodeB or timeout
etc. it indicates the handover preparation failure. If the handover is SRVCC, the failure is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message
or the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest or occurs timeout indicating SRVCC
handover prepraration failures.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER
PREPARATION FAILURE message or the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest or
occurs timeout indicating SRVCC handover prepraration failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373661819

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from
the MME to the source eNodeB, it indicates a successful IRAT handover(LTE->UTRAN)
for SRVCC. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message received is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release Command message from the

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release command message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373661820

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Execution Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
Not receipt of the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message by The eNodeB or
timeout etc. it indicates the handover execution failure. If the handover cause is SRVCC
from LTE to UTRAN, the failure is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover fails for SRVCC from LTE to UTRAN.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover execution fails for SRVCC
from LTE to UTRAN.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312804

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Preparation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB sends the Handover Required
message to the MME when the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to
the UTRAN system.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter is incremented by one when the eNodeB sends the HANDOVER REQUIRED
message to the MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter is incremented by one when the eNodeB sends the HANDOVER REQUIRED
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312805

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Preparation Failure(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the UTRAN system,
after the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME, this counter counts
the number of handover failures occurred before the timer for the source eNodeB waiting
for the Handover Command message is timeout.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, the
eNodeB sends the HANDOVER REQUIRED message to the MME, and waits for the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

handover response message returned from the MME. If the handover fails due to the
message exchange process failure, this counter is incremented by one.
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, the
eNodeB sends the HANDOVER REQUIRED message to the MME, and waits for the
handover response message returned from the MME. If the handover fails due to the
message exchange process failure, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312806

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the UTRAN system,
the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME. After the source
eNodeB receives the Handover Command message from the MME, it sends the
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE. When the source eNodeB receives
the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME before the timer for
waiting for the context release command message is timeout, this counter counts the
number of handover successes.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter is incremented by one when the eNodeB receives the UE context release
message, which indicates handover completion, returned from the MME.
Sampling Point 11


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter is incremented by one when the eNodeB receives the UE context release
message, which indicates handover completion, returned from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312807

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Execution Failure(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the UTRAN system,
the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME. After the source
eNodeB receives the Handover Command message from the MME, it sends the
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE. This counter counts the number of
handover failures occurred before the timer for the source eNodeB waiting for the context
release command message is timeout.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, after
the RRC reconfiguration message is sent to the UE, the system waits for the UE context
release message, which indicates handover completion, returned from the MME. If the
handover fails due to the message exchange process failure, this counter is incremented
by one.
Sampling Point 10

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, after
the RRC reconfiguration message is sent to the UE, the system waits for the UE context
release message, which indicates handover completion, returned from the MME. If the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

handover fails due to the message exchange process failure, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312808

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Preparation Failure due
to HO Command Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the UTRAN system,
after the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME, this counter
counts the number of times that the timer for the source eNodeB waiting for the Handover
Command message is timeout.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter is incremented by one when the timer expires due to the source eNodeB waiting
for the Handover Command message.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter is incremented by one when the timer expires due to the source eNodeB waiting
for the Handover Command message.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312809

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Preparation Failure due
to Dst Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the UTRAN system,
after the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME, this counter counts
the number of Handover Preparation failures messages received from the MME before the
timer for the source eNodeB waiting for the Handover Command message is timeout.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system,
this counter is incremented by one when the source eNodeB receives the Handover
Preparation failures message from the MME.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system,
this counter is incremented by one when the source eNodeB receives the Handover
Preparation failures message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373312810

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Preparation Failure due
to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter counts the number of handover failures due to causes during handover preparation
except the above mentioned (receiving the handover preparation failure message from
the MME, the timer for waiting for the Handover Command message from the MME being

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter is incremented by one when the source eNodeB fails during handover preparation
due to causes except those mentioned above.
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter is incremented by one when the source eNodeB fails during handover preparation
due to causes except those mentioned above.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312811

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Preparation Failure due
to User Inactivity


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the UTRAN system,
after the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME, this counter counts
the number of times of starting the userinactive process before the timer for the source
eNodeB waiting for the Handover Command message is timeout.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, if
the source eNodeB starts the "User inactivity" process before receiving the Handover
Command message from the MME, it indicates failure in preparing for inter-system
group-domain outgoing handover (EPS->UTRAN). This counter counts the number of
preparation failures in inter-system group-domain outgoing handover (EPS->UTRAN)
due to "User inactivity".
During an LTE-UTRAN handover, this counter is incremented by one when the "User
inactivity" process is started before the handover response message is received from the
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, if
the source eNodeB starts "User inactivity" processing before receiving the Handover
Command message from the MME, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312812

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN)
SRVCC Handover Execution


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the UTRAN system,
after the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME, this counter counts
the number of times of starting the userinactive process before the timer for the source
eNodeB waiting for the Handover Command message is timeout.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter is incremented by one when the source eNodeB receives the RRC connection
reestablishment message.
Sampling Point 9

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter is incremented by one when the source eNodeB receives the RRC connection
reestablishment message.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312813

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Execution Failure due to
UE Context Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the UTRAN system,
the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME. After the source
eNodeB receives the Handover Command message from the MME, it sends the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE. This counter counts the number of

times that the timer for the source eNodeB waiting for the context release command
message is timeout.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter is incremented by one when the timer expires due to the source eNodeB waiting
for the UE Context Release message.
Sampling Point 12

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter is incremented by one when the timer expires due to source eNodeB waiting for
the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message returned from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312814

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) SRVCC Handover Execution Failure due to
Other Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter counts the number of handover failures during handover execution due to causes
except the above mentioned (reestablishing connection to the handover source side, the
timer for waiting for the context release command message from the MME is timeout).


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter is incremented by one when the source eNodeB fails during handover execution
due to causes except those mentioned above.
Sampling Point 13

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the UTRAN system, this
counter is incremented by one when the source eNodeB fails during handover execution
due to causes except those mentioned above.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

15.8.2 LTE-GSM SRVCC Handover Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-34 LTE-GSM SRVCC Handover Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373682417 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation


2 C373682418 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


3 C373682419 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover


4 C373682420 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Execution


5 C373333404 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation


6 C373333405 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation


7 C373333406 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover


8 C373333407 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Execution


9 C373333408 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation

Failure due to HO Command Timeout

10 C373333409 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation

Failure due to Dst Preparation Failure

11 C373333410 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation

Failure due to Other Reason

12 C373333411 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation

Failure due to User Inactivity

13 C373333412 Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing

inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Execution

14 C373333413 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Execution

Failure due to UE Context Release Timeout

15 C373333414 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Execution

Failure due to Other Cause Counter Description C373682417

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation Request

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
Transmission of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand message or the
HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message from the serving eNodeB to the UE
indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover for SRVCC from EGSM to GSM. Each
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message transimtted is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message for SRVCC to the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682418

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message by The eNodeB or timeout
etc. it indicates the handover preparation failure. If the handover is SRVCC, the failure is
added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message
or the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest or occurs timeout indicating SRVCC
handover prepraration failures.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the HANDOVER
PREPARATION FAILURE message or the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest or
occurs timeout indicating SRVCC handover prepraration failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373682419

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives a S1AP message UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND sent from
the MME to the source eNodeB, it indicates a successful IRAT handover(LTE->GSM) for
SRVCC. Each UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message received is added to the

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release Command message from the

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the UE Context
Release command message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373682420

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Execution Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
Not receipt of the RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message by The eNodeB or
timeout etc. it indicates the handover execution failure. If the handover cause is SRVCC
from LTE to GSM, the failure is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the source cell handover fails for SRVCC from LTE to GSM.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source cell handover execution fails for SRVCC
from LTE to GSM.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333404

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation Request(Cell)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB sends the Handover Required
message to the MME when the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to
the GSM system.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this counter
is incremented by one when the eNodeB sends the HANDOVER REQUIRED message to
the MME.
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this counter
is incremented by one when the eNodeB sends the HANDOVER REQUIRED message to
the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333405

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation Failure(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the GSM system, after
the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME, this counter counts the
number of handover failures occurred before the timer for the source eNodeB waiting for
the Handover Command message is timeout.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, the eNodeB
sends the HANDOVER REQUIRED message to the MME, and waits for the handover


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

response message returned from the MME. If the handover fails due to the message
exchange process failure, this counter is incremented by one.
Sampling Point 2

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, the eNodeB
sends the HANDOVER REQUIRED message to the MME, and waits for the handover
response message returned from the MME. If the handover fails due to the message
exchange process failure, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333406

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Execution(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the GSM system,
the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME. After the source
eNodeB receives the Handover Command message from the MME, it sends the
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE. When the source eNodeB receives
the UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME before the timer for
waiting for the context release command message is timeout, this counter counts the
number of handover successes.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this counter
is incremented by one when the eNodeB receives the UE context release message, which
indicates handover completion, returned from the MME.
Sampling Point 11


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this counter
is incremented by one when the eNodeB receives the UE context release message, which
indicates handover completion, returned from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333407

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Execution Failure(Cell)

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the GSM system,
the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME. After the source
eNodeB receives the Handover Command message from the MME, it sends the
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE. This counter counts the number of
handover failures occurred before the timer for the source eNodeB waiting for the context
release command message is timeout.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, after the RRC
reconfiguration message is sent to the UE, the system waits for the UE context release
message, which indicates handover completion, returned from the MME. If the handover
fails due to the message exchange process failure, this counter is incremented by one.
Sampling Point 10

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, after the RRC
reconfiguration message is sent to the UE, the system waits for the UE context release
message, which indicates handover completion, returned from the MME. If the handover
fails due to the message exchange process failure, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333408

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation Failure due to
HO Command Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the GSM system, after
the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME, this counter counts the
number of times that the timer for the source eNodeB waiting for the Handover Command
message is timeout.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this counter
is incremented by one when the timer expires due to the source eNodeB waiting for the
Handover Command message.
Sampling Point 5

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this counter is
incremented by one when the timer expires due to source eNodeB waiting for the Handover
Command message.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373333409

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation Failure due to
Dst Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the GSM system, after
the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME, this counter counts the
number of Handover Preparation failures messages received from the MME before the
timer for the source eNodeB waiting for the Handover Command message is timeout.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this counter is
incremented by one when the source eNodeB receives the Handover Preparation failures
message from the MME.
Sampling Point 6

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this counter is
incremented by one when the source eNodeB receives the Handover Preparation failures
message from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333410

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation Failure due to
Other Reason


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the GSM system, this
counter counts the number of handover failures due to causes during handover preparation
except the above mentioned (receiving the handover preparation failure message from
the MME, the timer for waiting for the Handover Command message from the MME being

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this counter
is incremented by one when the source eNodeB fails during handover preparation due to
causes except those mentioned above.
Sampling Point 7

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this counter
is incremented by one when the source eNodeB fails during handover preparation due to
causes except those mentioned above.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333411

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Preparation Failure due to
User Inactivity

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the GSM system, after
the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME, this counter counts the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

number of times of starting the userinactive process before the timer for the source eNodeB
waiting for the Handover Command message is timeout.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, if the source
eNodeB starts the "User inactivity" process before receiving the Handover Command
message from the MME, it indicates failure in preparing for inter-system group-domain
outgoing handover (EPS->GSM). This counter counts the number of preparation failures
in inter-system group-domain outgoing handover (EPS->GSM) due to "User inactivity".
During an LTE-GSM handover, this counter is incremented by one when the "User
inactivity" process is started before the handover response message is received from the
Sampling Point 3

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, if the source
eNodeB starts "User inactivity" processing before receiving the Handover Command
message from the MME, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333412

Counter Name
Number of Re-estabilshment to Source eNodeB When Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM)
SRVCC Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the GSM system, after
the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME, this counter counts the
number of times of starting the userinactive process before the timer for the source eNodeB
waiting for the Handover Command message is timeout.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this
counter is incremented by one when the source eNodeB receives the RRC connection
reestablishment message.
Sampling Point 9

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this
counter is incremented by one when the source eNodeB receives the RRC connection
reestablishment message.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333413

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Execution Failure due to
UE Context Release Timeout

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the GSM system,
the eNodeB sends the Handover Required message to the MME. After the source
eNodeB receives the Handover Command message from the MME, it sends the
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message to the UE. This counter counts the number of
times that the timer for the source eNodeB waiting for the context release command
message is timeout.

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this counter
is incremented by one when the timer expires due to the source eNodeB waiting for the
UE Context Release message.
Sampling Point 12


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this counter
is incremented by one when the timer expires due to source eNodeB waiting for the UE
CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message returned from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333414

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) SRVCC Handover Execution Failure due to
Other Cause

Short Name

Counter Description
When the UE implements the SRVCC flow from the LTE system to the GSM system, this
counter counts the number of handover failures during handover execution due to causes
except the above mentioned (reestablishing connection to the handover source side, the
timer for waiting for the context release command message from the MME is timeout).

Triggering Point
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this counter
is incremented by one when the source eNodeB fails during handover execution due to
causes except those mentioned above.
Sampling Point 13

Update Description
When the SRVCC handover occurs from the LTE system to the GSM system, this counter
is incremented by one when the source eNodeB fails during handover execution due to
causes except those mentioned above.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered


15.9 RSRP and RSRQ When HO is Triggered

15.9.1 RSRP and RSRQ of the Serving Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-35 RSRP and RSRQ of the Serving Cell

l Sampling Point 1: When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from
UE, eNodeB judges to trigger handover. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373743400 Maximum of RSRP Value of Serving Cell

2 C373743401 Minimum of RSRP Value of Serving Cell

3 C373743402 Average of RSRP Value of Serving Cell

4 C373743405 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -140 to -121 of Serving Cell

5 C373743406 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -120 to -116 of Serving Cell

6 C373743407 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -115 to -111 of Serving Cell

7 C373743408 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -110 to -106 of Serving Cell

8 C373743409 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -105 to -101 of Serving Cell

9 C373743410 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -100 to -96 of Serving Cell

10 C373743411 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -95 to -91 of Serving Cell

11 C373743412 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -90 to -86 of Serving Cell

12 C373743413 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -85 to -81 of Serving Cell

13 C373743414 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -80 to -76 of Serving Cell


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


14 C373743415 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -75 to -71 of Serving Cell

15 C373743416 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -70 to -61 of Serving Cell

16 C373743417 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -60 to -43 of Serving Cell

17 C373743500 Maximum of RSRQ Value of Serving Cell

18 C373743501 Minimum of RSRQ Value of Serving Cell

19 C373743502 Average of RSRQ Value of Serving Cell

20 C373743504 Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -20 to -18 of Serving Cell

21 C373743505 Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -17 to -15 of Serving Cell

22 C373743506 Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -14 to -12 of Serving Cell

23 C373743507 Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -11 to -9 of Serving Cell

24 C373743508 Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -8 to -6 of Serving Cell

25 C373743509 Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -5 to -3 of Serving Cell Counter Description C373743400

Counter Name
Maximum of RSRP Value of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the maximum of all collected value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current RSRP value is larger than
the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

dBm C373743401

Counter Name
Minimum of RSRP Value of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the minmium of all collected value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current RSRP value is smaller
than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373743402

Counter Name
Average of RSRP Value of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the average of all collected value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample RSRP value, and then dividing the
sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

dBm C373743405

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -140 to -121 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-140 to -121).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -140 and -121
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -140 and -121

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743406

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -120 to -116 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-120 to -116).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -120 and -116
Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -120 and -116

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743407

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -115 to -111 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-115 to -111).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -115 and -111
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -115 and -111

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743408

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -110 to -106 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-110 to -106).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -110 and -106
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -110 and -106

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373743409

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -105 to -101 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-105 to -101).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -105 and -101
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -105 and -101

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743410

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -100 to -96 of Serving Cell

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-100 to -96).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -100 and -96
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -100 and -96

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743411

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -95 to -91 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-95 to -91).


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -95 and -91
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -95 and -91.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743412

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -90 to -86 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-90 to -86).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -90 and -86
Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -90 and -86.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743413

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -85 to -81 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-85 to -81).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -85 and -81
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -85 and -81.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743414

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -80 to -76 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-80 to -76).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -80 and -76
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -80 and -76.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373743415

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -75 to -71 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-75 to -71).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -75 and -71
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -75 and -71.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743416

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -70 to -61 of Serving Cell

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-70 to -61).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -70 and -61
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -70 and -61.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743417

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -60 to -43 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-60 to -43).


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -60 and -43
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -60 and -43.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743500

Counter Name
Maximum of RSRQ Value of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the maximum of all collected value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current RSRQ value is larger than
the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

dB C373743501

Counter Name
Minimum of RSRQ Value of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the minmium of all collected value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current RSRQ value is smaller
than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373743502

Counter Name
Average of RSRQ Value of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the average of all collected value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample RSRQ value, and then dividing the
sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

dB C373743504

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -20 to -18 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the serving


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRQ value
(-20 to -18).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -20 and -18
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -20 and -18.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743505

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -17 to -15 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRQ value
(-17 to -15).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -17 and -15
Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -17 and -15.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743506

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -14 to -12 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRQ value
(-14 to -12).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -14 and -12
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -14 and -12.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743507

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -11 to -9 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRQ value
(-11 to -9).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -11 and -9
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -11 and -9.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373743508

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -8 to -6 of Serving Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRQ value (-8
to -6).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to triggerintra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -8 and -6
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -8 and -6.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743509

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -5 to -3 of Serving Cell

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the serving
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRQ value (-5
to -3).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of serving cell in the
message ranges between -5 and -3
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of serving
cell in the message ranges between -5 and -3.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


15.9.2 RSRP and RSRQ of the Neighboring Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 15-36 RSRP and RSRQ of the Neighboring Cell

l Sampling Point 1: When the eNodeB receives the MeasurementReport message from
UE, eNodeB judges to trigger handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373743418 Maximum of RSRP Value of Target Cell

2 C373743419 Minimum of RSRP Value of Target Cell

3 C373743420 Average of RSRP Value of Target Cell

4 C373743423 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -140 to -121 of Target Cell

5 C373743424 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -120 to -116 of Target Cell

6 C373743425 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -115 to -111 of Target Cell

7 C373743426 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -110 to -106 of Target Cell

8 C373743427 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -105 to -101 of Target Cell

9 C373743428 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -100 to -96 of Target Cell

10 C373743429 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -95 to -91 of Target Cell

11 C373743430 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -90 to -86 of Target Cell

12 C373743431 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -85 to -81 of Target Cell

13 C373743432 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -80 to -76 of Target Cell

14 C373743433 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -75 to -71 of Target Cell

15 C373743434 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -70 to -61 of Target Cell

16 C373743435 Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -60 to -43 of Target Cell

17 C373743510 Maximum of RSRQ Value of Target Cell

18 C373743511 Minimum of RSRQ Value of Target Cell

19 C373743512 Average of RSRQ Value of Target Cell

20 C373743514 Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -20 to -18 of Target Cell

21 C373743515 Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -17 to -15 of Target Cell

22 C373743516 Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -14 to -12 of Target Cell

23 C373743517 Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -11 to -9 of Target Cell

24 C373743518 Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -8 to -6 of Target Cell

25 C373743519 Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -5 to -3 of Target Cell Counter Description C373743418

Counter Name
Maximum of RSRP Value of Target Cell


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the maximum of all collected value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current RSRP value is larger than
the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

dBm C373743419

Counter Name
Minimum of RSRP Value of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the minmium of all collected value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current RSRP value is smaller
than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

dBm C373743420

Counter Name
Average of RSRP Value of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the average of all collected value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample RSRP value, and then dividing the
sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

dBm C373743423

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -140 to -121 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-140 to -121).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -140 and -121
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -140 and -121.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373743424

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -120 to -116 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-120 to -116).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -120 and -116
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -120 and -116.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743425

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -115 to -111 of Target Cell


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-115 to -111).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -115 and -111
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -115 and -111.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743426

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -110 to -106 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-110 to -106).


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -110 and -106
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -110 and -106.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743427

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -105 to -101 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-105 to -101).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -105 and -101
Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -105 and -101.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743428

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -100 to -96 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-100 to -96).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -100 and -96
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -100 and -96.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743429

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -95 to -91 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-95 to -91).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -95 and -91
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -95 and -91.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373743430

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -90 to -86 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-90 to -86).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -90 and -86
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -90 and -86.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743431

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -85 to -81 of Target Cell

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-85 to -81).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -85 and -81
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -85 and -81.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743432

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -80 to -76 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-80 to -76).


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -80 and -76
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -80 and -76.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743433

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -75 to -71 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-75 to -71).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -75 and -71
Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -75 and -71.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743434

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -70 to -61 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-70 to -61).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -70 and -61
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -70 and -61.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743435

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRP Value in the range of -60 to -43 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRP value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRP value
(-60 to -43).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -60 and -43
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRP value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -60 and -43.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373743510

Counter Name
Maximum of RSRQ Value of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the maximum of all collected value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current RSRQ value is larger than
the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

dB C373743511

Counter Name
Minimum of RSRQ Value of Target Cell

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the minmium of all collected value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current RSRQ value is smaller
than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

dB C373743512

Counter Name
Average of RSRQ Value of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the average of all collected value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE

Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample RSRQ value(dbm), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

dB C373743514

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -20 to -18 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRQ value
(-20 to -18).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -20 and -18

Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -20 and -18.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743515

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -17 to -15 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRQ value
(-17 to -15).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -17 and -15
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -17 and -15.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373743516

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -14 to -12 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRQ value
(-14 to -12).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -14 and -12
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -14 and -12.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743517

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -11 to -9 of Target Cell

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRQ value
(-11 to -9).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -11 and -9
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -11 and -9.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743518

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -8 to -6 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRQ value (-8
to -6).


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -8 and -6
Sampling Point 1

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -8 and -6.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373743519

Counter Name
Report Times of RSRQ Value in the range of -5 to -3 of Target Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, the RSRQ value of the quality of the neigbor
cell in the message is collected. The counter records the number of the RSRQ value (-5
to -3).

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB judges to trigger intra-RAT handover after receiving the
MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of neigbor cell in the
message ranges between -5 and -3
Sampling Point 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB triggers intra-RAT handover after
receiving the MeasurementReport message from the UE, and the RSRQ value of neigbor
cell in the message ranges between -5 and -3.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


15.10 Handover Time

15.10.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 15-37 Handover Time(1)

l Sampling Point 1: When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest message
to target eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 2: When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease
message to target eNodeB.

Figure 15-38 Handover Time(2)

l Sampling Point 3: When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message
to target eNodeB.
l Sampling Point 4: When the source eNodeB receives the
UEContextReleaseCommand message to target eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

15.10.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373485130 Sum Handover Camping Duration

2 C373485131 Number of Short Handover

3 C373485132 Number of UE Handover

4 C373546242 inter-RAT Handover Execute Sum Time(EPS-GERAN)

5 C373546243 inter-RAT Handover Execute Sum Time(EPS-UTRAN)

6 C373546244 intra-eNB Handover Execute Sum Time

7 C373546245 Handover Execute Sum Time Via X2

8 C373546246 Handover Execute Sum Time Via S1

9 C373546247 inter-RAT Handover Execute Sum Time

15.10.3 Counter Description C373485130

Counter Name
Sum Handover Camping Duration

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of intra-eNodeB, X2, S1, and inter-RAT handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by energy
saving, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover Required message or sends the
target eNodeB a Handover Request message, and this handover is triggered by energy
saving, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373485131

Counter Name
Number of Short Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The short handover indicates the handover whose resident time is excessively short, in
which the threshold configuration is available. This counter can be applied to measure the
condition of system "ping pang" handover.

Triggering Point
When a UE handover resident time is less than the configuration threshold

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a UE handover resident time is less than the
configuration threshold.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373485132

Counter Name
Number of UE Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission at the cell in target eNB of UE CONTEXT RELEASE over the X2 to the
source eNodeB following a successful handover, or if handover is performed via S1,
Transmission of UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND at the target eNodeB following a
successful handover.
Receipt at the source eNodeB of UE CONTEXT RELEASE over the X2 from the target
eNodeB following a successful handover, or if handover is performed via S1, receipt of UE
CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND at the source eNodeB following a successful handover.
The measurent also includes intra-eNB handover.

Triggering Point
When a UE successfully enter into the target cell from source cell via handover and again
successfully get out the cell.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when a UE successfully enter into the target cell from
source cell via handover and again successfully get out the cell.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373546242

Counter Name
inter-RAT Handover Execute Sum Time(EPS->GERAN)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter indicates the execution duration of inter-RAT 2G handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME an Handover Required message, handover
execution starts. When the source eNodeB receives an UEContextReleaseCommand
from the MME, handover execution ends. Handover execution duration refers to the
duration from the start time to the end time.
Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
This counter is updated to the sum of inter-RAT 2G handover execution duration of all the
sampling points in a reporting period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373546243

Counter Name
inter-RAT Handover Execute Sum Time(EPS->UTRAN)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter indicates the execution duration of inter-RAT 3G handovers.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME an Handover Required message, handover
execution starts. When the source eNodeB receives an UEContextReleaseCommand


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

from the MME, handover execution ends. Handover execution duration refers to the
duration from the start time to the end time.
Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
This counter is updated to the sum of inter-RAT 3G handover execution duration of all the
sampling points in a reporting period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373546244

Counter Name
intra-eNB Handover Execute Sum Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the sum time from the intra-eNB handover start to handover

Triggering Point
When eNodeB decides to initiate intra-eNodeB handover, record the start time; When
the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE
during handover, record the end time. The intra-eNB handover time is the interval from
the start time to the end time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by taking the sum of intra-eNB handover time among sampling


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373546245

Counter Name
Handover Execute Sum Time Via X2

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the sum time from the X2 handover start to handover complete.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB,
record the start time; When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease message
from the target eNodeB,record the end time. The X2 handover time is the interval from the
start time to the end time.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is updated by taking the sum of X2 handover time among sampling points.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373546246

Counter Name
Handover Execute Sum Time Via S1

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the sum time from the S1 handover start to handover complete.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME, record the
start time; When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message
from the MME,record the end time. The S1 handover time is the interval from the start
time to the end time.
Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is updated by taking the sum of S1 handover time among sampling points.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

ms C373546247

Counter Name
inter-RAT Handover Execute Sum Time

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the sum time from the inter-RAT handover start to handover

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME, record the
start time; When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message
from the MME,record the end time. The inter-RAT handover time is the interval from the
start time to the end time.
Sampling Point 3, Sampling Point 4

Update Description
The counter is updated by taking the sum of inter-RAT handover time among sampling

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


15.11 Handover Cancel

15.11.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 15-39 Handover Cancel


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

15.11.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373485159 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover

Preparation based on Load Balance

2 C373485160 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure

based on Load Balance

3 C373485161 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover

Execution based on Load Balance

4 C373485162 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Execution Failure

based on Load Balance

5 C373485163 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GERAN) Handover

Preparation based on Load Balance

6 C373485164 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GERAN) Handover Preparation Failure

based on Load Balance

7 C373485165 Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GERAN) Handover

Execution based on Load Balance

8 C373485166 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GERAN) Handover Execution Failure

based on Load Balance

9 C373485169 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Failure

10 C373485170 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Failure due to HO Command


11 C373485171 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Failure due to Dest Preparation


12 C373485172 Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Failure due to Other Reason

13 C373485173 Number of Incoming inter-eNB Handover Preparation Attemps

14 C373485174 Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB Handover Preparation

15 C373485175 Number of Incoming inter-eNB Handover Preparation Failure

16 C373485176 Number of Incoming inter-eNB Handover Preparation Failure due to

Resource Allocation Failure

17 C373485177 Number of Incoming inter-eNB Handover Preparation Failure due to Source

Cancel HO

18 C373485178 Number of Incoming inter-eNB Handover Preparation Failure due to Other


19 C373485179 Number of Outgoing X2 Handover Cancels

20 C373485180 Number of Outgoing S1 Handover Cancels


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

15.11.3 Counter Description C373485159

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation based on
Load Balance

Short Name
HO.L2UOutPrepSucc.Load Balance

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handover.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due
to handover preparation timeout.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due to handover preparation timeout.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485160

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Preparation Failure based on
Load Balance

Short Name
HO.L2UOutPrepFail.Load Balance


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handover.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due
to reestablishment.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due to reestablishment.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485161

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Execution based on
Load Balance

Short Name
HO.L2UOutExecuSucc.Load Balance

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handoverr.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due
to user inactive.

Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due to user inactive.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485162

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Handover Execution Failure based on Load

Short Name
HO.L2UOutExecuFail.Load Balance

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handoverr.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due
to radio link failures.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due to radio link failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373485163

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GERAN) Handover Preparation based
on Load Balance

Short Name
HO.L2GOutPrepSucc.Load Balance

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handoverr.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due
to other reason.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due to other reason.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485164

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GERAN) Handover Preparation Failure based on
Load Balance


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name
HO.L2GOutPrepFail.Load Balance

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handoverr.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due
to handover preparation timeout.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due to handover preparation timeout.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485165

Counter Name
Number of Successful Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GERAN) Handover Execution based on
Load Balance

Short Name
HO.L2GOutExecuSucc.Load Balance

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handoverr.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due
to reestablishment.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due to reestablishment.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485166

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GERAN) Handover Execution Failure based on Load

Short Name
HO.L2GOutExecuFail.Load Balance

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handoverr.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due
to user inactive.
Sampling Point 1, Sampling Point 2

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
HandoverCancelAcknowledge from the MME due to user inactive.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373485169

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handover and X2 handover.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreparationFailure from the MME or
target eNodeB, or receives RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest from the UE, or
timeout, which indicates that the outgoing handover preparation is failure.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
HandoverPreparationFailure from the MME or target eNodeB, or receives
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest from the UE, or timeout, which indicates that
the outgoing handover preparation is failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485170

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Failure due to HO Command Timeout


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handover and X2 handover.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverCancel to the MME or target eNodeB due
to handover response timeout.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverCancel to
the MME or target eNodeB due to handover response timeout.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485171

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Failure due to Dest Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handover and X2 handover.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives the HandoverPreparationFailure from the MME or
target eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB receives the
HandoverPreparationFailure from the MME or target eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485172

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing Handover Preparation Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handover and X2 handover.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverCancel to the MME or target eNodeB due
to other reason.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverCancel to
the MME or target eNodeB due to other reason.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373485173

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB Handover Preparation Attemps

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handover and X2 handover.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest from source eNodeB or the MME.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the HandoverRequest
from source eNodeB or the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485174

Counter Name
Number of Successful Incoming inter-eNB Handover Preparation

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handover and X2 handover.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverRequestAcknowledge to source eNodeB or
the MME.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverRequestAcknowledge to source eNodeB or the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485175

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB Handover Preparation Failure

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handover and X2 handover.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverPreparationFailure to source eNodeB or
HandoverFailure to the MME.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverPreparationFailure to source eNodeB or HandoverFailure to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485176

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB Handover Preparation Failure due to Resource Allocation

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handover and X2 handover.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverPreparationFailure to source eNodeB or
HandoverFailure to the MME due to admission failure.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverPreparationFailure to source eNodeB or HandoverFailure to the MME due to
admission failure.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485177

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB Handover Preparation Failure due to Source Cancel HO


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handover and X2 handover.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB receives the HandoverCancel from source eNodeB or
UEContextRelease from the MME.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB receives the HandoverCancel
from source eNodeB or UEContextRelease from the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485178

Counter Name
Number of Incoming inter-eNB Handover Preparation Failure due to Other Reason

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter includes the S1 handover and X2 handover.

Triggering Point
When the target eNodeB sends the HandoverPreparationFailure to source eNodeB or
HandoverFailure to the MME due to other reason.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the target eNodeB sends the
HandoverPreparationFailure to source eNodeB or HandoverFailure to the MME due to
other reason.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485179

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing X2 Handover Cancels

Short Name

Counter Description
1 After the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequest message to the target eNodeB,
the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message
or occurs the other failure(etc RLC error indication). Then the eNodeB sends the
HandoverCancel message to the target eNodeB.
2 After the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to the UE during handover, the source eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message. Then the eNodeB sends the
HandoverCancel message to the target eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverCancel message to the target eNodeB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverCancel
message to the target eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485180

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing S1 Handover Cancels

Short Name

Counter Description
1 After the source eNodeB sends the HandoverRequired message to the MME, the source
eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message or occurs the
other failure(etc RLC error indication). Then the eNodeB sends the HandoverCancel
message to the MME.
2 After the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message to the UE during handover, the source eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message. Then the eNodeB sends the
HandoverCancel message to the MME.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the HandoverCancel message to the MME

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the source eNodeB sends the HandoverCancel
message to the MME.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover


15.12 DRX Handover

15.12.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

15.12.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373485181 Attempted Outgoing intra-frequency Handovers with DRX

2 C373485182 Successful Outgoing intra-frequency Handovers with DRX

3 C373485183 Attempted Outgoing intra-frequency Handovers Non-DRX

4 C373485184 Successful Outgoing intra-frequency Handovers Non-DRX

5 C373485185 Attempted Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers with DRX

6 C373485186 Successful Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers with DRX

7 C373485187 Attempted Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers Non-DRX

8 C373485188 Successfu Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers Non-DRX

15.12.3 Counter Description C373485181

Counter Name
Attempted Outgoing intra-frequency Handovers with DRX

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover, indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover when DRX is used.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfigurationmessage to UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the opening of "DRX" and the Frequency of source
cell and target cell are same.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485182

Counter Name
Successful Outgoing intra-frequency Handovers with DRX

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the UE to
the target eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB handover when DRX is used,
or receipt at the source eNB of UE CONTEXT RELEASE over the X2 from the target eNB
following a successful handover when DRX is used, or if handover is performed via S1,
receipt of UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND at the source eNB following a successful
handover when DRX is used.

Triggering Point
1 When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message from UE in intra-eNB handover;
2 When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease message from the target
eNodeB in inter-eNB X2 handover;
3 When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME in inter-eNB S1 handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the closing of "DRX" and the Frequency of source
cell and target cell are same.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485183

Counter Name
Attempted Outgoing intra-frequency Handovers Non-DRX

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover, indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover when DRX is not used

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfigurationmessage to UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the closing of "DRX" and the Frequency of source
cell and target cell are same.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373485184

Counter Name
Successful Outgoing intra-frequency Handovers Non-DRX

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the UE
to the target eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB handover when DRX is not
used when DRX is not used, or receipt at the source eNB of UE CONTEXT RELEASE
over the X2 from the target eNB following a successful handover when DRX is not used,
or if handover is performed via S1, receipt of UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND at the
source eNB following a successful handoverwhen DRX is not used.

Triggering Point
1 When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message from UE in intra-eNB handover;
2 When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease message from the target
eNodeB in inter-eNB X2 handover;
3 When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME in inter-eNB S1 handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the opening of "DRX" and the Frequency of source
cell and target cell are same.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373485185

Counter Name
Attempted Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers with DRX

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover, indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover when DRX is used.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfigurationmessage to UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the opening of "DRX" and the Frequency of source
cell and target cell are not same.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485186

Counter Name
Successful Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers with DRX

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the UE to
the target eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB handover when DRX is used,
or receipt at the source eNB of UE CONTEXT RELEASE over the X2 from the target eNB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

following a successful handover when DRX is used, or if handover is performed via S1,
receipt of UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND at the source eNB following a successful
handover when DRX is used.

Triggering Point
1 When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message from UE in intra-eNB handover;
2 When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease message from the target
eNodeB in inter-eNB X2 handover;
3 When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME in inter-eNB S1 handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the closing of "DRX" and the Frequency of source
cell and target cell are not same.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485187

Counter Name
Attempted Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers Non-DRX

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to UE triggering the
handover, indicating the attempt of an outgoing handover when DRX is not used

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfigurationmessage to UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the closing of "DRX" and the Frequency of source
cell and target cell are not same.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485188

Counter Name
Successfu Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers Non-DRX

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the UE
to the target eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB handover when DRX is not
used when DRX is not used, or receipt at the source eNB of UE CONTEXT RELEASE
over the X2 from the target eNB following a successful handover when DRX is not used,
or if handover is performed via S1, receipt of UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND at the
source eNB following a successful handoverwhen DRX is not used.

Triggering Point
1 When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message from UE in intra-eNB handover;
2 When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease message from the target
eNodeB in inter-eNB X2 handover;
3 When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME in inter-eNB S1 handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the opening of "DRX" and the Frequency of source
cell and target cell are not same.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


15.13 GAP Handover

15.13.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

15.13.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373485189 Attempted Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers Gap-assisted


2 C373485190 Successful Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers Gap-assisted


3 C373485191 Attempted Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers Non Gap-assisted


4 C373485192 Successful Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers Non Gap-assisted


15.13.3 Counter Description C373485189

Counter Name
Attempted Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers Gap-assisted Measurement

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message by the eNB to UE
triggering the handover, indicating the attempt of an outgoing inter-frequency handover
when measurement gaps are used.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfigurationmessage to UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the opening of "GAP" and the Frequency of source
cell and target cell are not same.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485190

Counter Name
Successful Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers Gap-assisted Measurement

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the UE to
the target eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB inter-frequency handover when
measurement gaps are used, or receipt at the source eNB of UE CONTEXT RELEASE
over the X2 from the target eNB or following a successful inter-frequency handover when
measurement gaps are used, or if handover is performed via S1, receipt of UE CONTEXT
RELEASE COMMAND at the source eNB following a successful inter-frequency handover
when measurement gaps are used.

Triggering Point
1 When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message from UE in intra-eNB handover;


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

2 When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease message from the target
eNodeB in inter-eNB X2 handover;
3 When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME in inter-eNB S1 handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the closing of "GAP" and the Frequency of source
cell and target cell are not same.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485191

Counter Name
Attempted Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers Non Gap-assisted Measurement

Short Name

Counter Description
Transmission of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message by the eNB to UE
triggering the handover, indicating the attempt of an outgoing inter-frequency handover
when measurement gaps are not used

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfigurationmessage to UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the closing of "GAP" and the Frequency of source
cell and target cell are not same.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485192

Counter Name
Successful Outgoing inter-frequency Handovers Non Gap-assisted Measurement

Short Name

Counter Description
Receipt of a RRC message RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete sent from the UE
to the target eNB, indicating a successful outgoing intra-eNB inter-frequency handover
when measurement gaps are not used, or receipt at the source eNB of UE CONTEXT
RELEASE over the X2 from the target eNB following a successful inter-frequency
handover when measurement gaps are not used, or if handover is performed via S1,
receipt of UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND at the source eNB following a successful
inter-frequency handover when measurement gaps are not used.

Triggering Point
1 When the source eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
message from UE in intra-eNB handover;
2 When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextRelease message from the target
eNodeB in inter-eNB X2 handover;
3 When the source eNodeB receives the UEContextReleaseCommand message from the
MME in inter-eNB S1 handover.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the opening of "GAP" and the Frequency of source
cell and target cell are not same.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


15.14 Blind Handover

15.14.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

15.14.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373312801 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Blind Handover Preparation


2 C373312802 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Blind Handover Execution

3 C373312803 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Blind Handover Execution


4 C373333401 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Blind Handover Preparation


5 C373333402 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Blind Handover Execution

6 C373333403 Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Blind Handover Execution


7 C373485193 Number of Outgoing intra-RAT Blind Handover Preparation Attemps

8 C373485194 Number of Outgoing intra-RAT Blind Handover Execution

9 C373485195 Number of Outgoing intra-RAT Blind Handover Execution Success

15.14.3 Counter Description C373312801

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Blind Handover Preparation Attemps

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, if the Handover
Type IE indicates that the handover is an inter-RAT handover from EUTRAN to UTRAN and
is a blind handover, this counter counts the number of handover requests from EUTRAN

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, this counter is

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, if the Handover
Type IE indicates that the handover is an inter-RAT handover from EUTRAN to UTRAN
and is a blind handover, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312802

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Blind Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB receive a HandoverCommand message from the MME, and this
handover is a blind handover, this counter counts the number of outgoing handovers from

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a HandoverCommand message from the MME, this
counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a HandoverCommand message from the MME, and
this handover is a blind handover, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373312803

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->UTRAN) Blind Handover Execution Success

Short Name

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB receive a UEContextRelease message from the MME, indicating
the handover is successfully executed, and this handover is a blind handover, this counter
counts the number of outgoing handovers from EUTRAN to UTRAN.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease message from the MME,
indicating the handover is successfully executed, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease message from the MME,
indicating the handover is successfully executed, and this handover is a blind handover,
this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C373333401

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Blind Handover Preparation Attemps

Short Name

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, if the Handover
Type IE indicates that the handover is an inter-RAT handover from EUTRAN to GSM and
is a blind handover, this counter counts the number of handover requests from EUTRAN
to GSM.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, this counter is

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends the MME a HandoverRequired message, if the Handover
Type IE indicates that the handover is an inter-RAT handover from EUTRAN to GSM and
is a blind handover, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333402

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Blind Handover Execution


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB receive a HandoverCommand message from the MME, and this
handover is a blind handover, this counter counts the number of outgoing handovers from

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a HandoverCommand message from the MME, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a HandoverCommand message from the MME, and
this handover is a blind handover, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373333403

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing inter-RAT(LTE->GSM) Blind Handover Execution Success

Short Name

Counter Description
When the source eNodeB receive a UEContextRelease message from the MME, indicating
the handover is successfully executed, and this handover is a blind handover, this counter
counts the number of outgoing handovers from EUTRAN to GSM.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease message from the MME,
indicating the handover is successfully executed, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease message from the MME,
indicating the handover is successfully executed, and this handover is a blind handover,
this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485193

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-RAT Blind Handover Preparation Attemps

Short Name

Counter Description
For a blind handover triggered by the eNodeB:
If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, no triggering message is defined, and this
counter is updated when the eNodeB starts the handover.

If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB sends the target eNodeB a
Handover Request message, this counter is updated.

If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover
Required message, this counter is updated.
This counter calculates intra-system handovers only.

Triggering Point
For a blind handover triggered by the eNodeB:


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, no triggering message is defined, and this

counter is updated when the eNodeB starts the handover.
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB sends the target eNodeB a
Handover Request message, this counter is updated.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover
Required message, this counter is updated.
This counter calculates intra-system handovers only.

Update Description
For a blind handover triggered by the eNodeB:
If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, no triggering message is defined, and this
counter is incremented by one when the eNodeB starts the handover.
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB sends the target eNodeB a
Handover Request message, this counter is incremented by one.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB sends the MME a Handover
Required message, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373485194

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-RAT Blind Handover Execution

Short Name

Counter Description
For a blind handover executed by the eNodeB:
If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, When the eNodeB sends the UE an
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message with mobilityControlInfo, this counter is


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a

HandoverRequestAck message from the target eNodeB , this counter is updated.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a
HandoverCommand message from the MME, this counter is updated.
This counter calculates intra-system handovers only.

Triggering Point
For a blind handover executed by the eNodeB:
If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, when the eNodeB sends the UE an
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message with mobilityControlInfo, this counter is
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a
HandoverRequestAck message from the target eNodeB , this counter is updated.

If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a

HandoverCommand message from the MME, this counter is updated.
This counter calculates intra-system handovers only.

Update Description
For a blind handover executed by the eNodeB:

If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, When the eNodeB sends the UE an

RRCConnectionReconfiguration message with mobilityControlInfo, this counter is
incremented by one.
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a
HandoverRequestAck message from the target eNodeB , this counter is incremented
by one.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a
HandoverCommand message from the MME, this counter is incremented by one.

This counter calculates intra-system handovers only.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373485195

Counter Name
Number of Outgoing intra-RAT Blind Handover Execution Success

Short Name

Counter Description
For a blind handover executed by the eNodeB:
If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, when the eNodeB receives an
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE, this counter is updated.

If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease

message from the target eNodeB , this counter is updated.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease
message from the MME, this counter is updated.
This counter calculates intra-system handovers only.

Triggering Point
For a blind handover executed by the eNodeB:
If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, when the eNodeB receives an
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE, this counter is updated.
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease
message from the target eNodeB , this counter is updated.
If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease
message from the MME, this counter is updated.
This counter calculates intra-system handovers only.

Update Description
For a blind handover executed by the eNodeB:
If the handover is an intra-eNodeB handover, when the eNodeB receives an
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message from the UE, this counter is
incremented by one.
If the handover is an X2 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease
message from the target eNodeB , this counter is incremented by one.

If the handover is an S1 handover, when the source eNodeB receives a UEContextRelease

message from the MME, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


15.15 RN
15.15.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

15.15.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373200132 Number of RN Reconfiguration Request

2 C373200133 Number of Successful RN Reconfiguration

3 C373353962 RN UL QCI1 PDCP SDU Loss Number

4 C373353963 RN UL QCI2 PDCP SDU Loss Number

5 C373353964 RN UL QCI3 PDCP SDU Loss Number

6 C373353965 RN UL QCI4 PDCP SDU Loss Number

7 C373353966 RN UL QCI5 PDCP SDU Loss Number

8 C373353967 RN UL QCI6 PDCP SDU Loss Number

9 C373353968 RN UL QCI7 PDCP SDU Loss Number

10 C373353969 RN UL QCI8 PDCP SDU Loss Number

11 C373353970 RN UL QCI9 PDCP SDU Loss Number

12 C373353971 RN DL QCI1 PDCP SDU Loss Number

13 C373353972 RN DL QCI2 PDCP SDU Loss Number

14 C373353973 RN DL QCI3 PDCP SDU Loss Number

15 C373353974 RN DL QCI4 PDCP SDU Loss Number

16 C373353975 RN DL QCI5 PDCP SDU Loss Number

17 C373353976 RN DL QCI6 PDCP SDU Loss Number

18 C373353977 RN DL QCI7 PDCP SDU Loss Number


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


19 C373353978 RN DL QCI8 PDCP SDU Loss Number

20 C373353979 RN DL QCI9 PDCP SDU Loss Number

21 C373353980 RN DL QCI1 PDCP SDU Discard Number

22 C373353981 RN DL QCI2 PDCP SDU Discard Number

23 C373353982 RN DL QCI3 PDCP SDU Discard Number

24 C373353983 RN DL QCI4 PDCP SDU Discard Number

25 C373353984 RN DL QCI5 PDCP SDU Discard Number

26 C373353985 RN DL QCI6 PDCP SDU Discard Number

27 C373353986 RN DL QCI7 PDCP SDU Discard Number

28 C373353987 RN DL QCI8 PDCP SDU Discard Number

29 C373353988 RN DL QCI9 PDCP SDU Discard Number

30 C373353989 RN UL QCI1 PDCP SDU Number

31 C373353990 RN UL QCI2 PDCP SDU Number

32 C373353991 RN UL QCI3 PDCP SDU Number

33 C373353992 RN UL QCI4 PDCP SDU Number

34 C373353993 RN UL QCI5 PDCP SDU Number

35 C373353994 RN UL QCI6 PDCP SDU Number

36 C373353995 RN UL QCI7 PDCP SDU Number

37 C373353996 RN UL QCI8 PDCP SDU Number

38 C373353997 RN UL QCI9 PDCP SDU Number

39 C373353998 RN DL QCI1 PDCP SDU Number

40 C373353999 RN DL QCI2 PDCP SDU Number

41 C373354000 RN DL QCI3 PDCP SDU Number

42 C373354001 RN DL QCI4 PDCP SDU Number

43 C373354002 RN DL QCI5 PDCP SDU Number

44 C373354003 RN DL QCI6 PDCP SDU Number

45 C373354004 RN DL QCI7 PDCP SDU Number

46 C373354005 RN DL QCI8 PDCP SDU Number

47 C373354006 RN DL QCI9 PDCP SDU Number

48 C373354007 RN DL QCI1 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

49 C373354008 RN DL QCI2 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

50 C373354009 RN DL QCI3 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


51 C373354010 RN DL QCI4 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

52 C373354011 RN DL QCI5 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

53 C373354012 RN DL QCI6 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

54 C373354013 RN DL QCI7 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

55 C373354014 RN DL QCI8 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

56 C373354015 RN DL QCI9 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

57 C373354016 RN UL PDCP SDU Loss Number

58 C373354017 RN DL PDCP SDU Loss Number

59 C373354018 RN DL PDCP SDU Discard Number

60 C373354019 RN UL PDCP SDU Number

61 C373354020 RN DL PDCP SDU Number

62 C373354021 RN DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

63 C373364120 RN DL QCI1 PDCP SDU Delay

64 C373364121 RN DL QCI2 PDCP SDU Delay

65 C373364122 RN DL QCI3 PDCP SDU Delay

66 C373364123 RN DL QCI4 PDCP SDU Delay

67 C373364124 RN DL QCI5 PDCP SDU Delay

68 C373364125 RN DL QCI6 PDCP SDU Delay

69 C373364126 RN DL QCI7 PDCP SDU Delay

70 C373364127 RN DL QCI8 PDCP SDU Delay

71 C373364128 RN DL QCI9 PDCP SDU Delay

72 C373364129 RN DL PDCP SDU Delay

73 C373596908 RN QCI1 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

74 C373596909 RN QCI2 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

75 C373596910 RN QCI3 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

76 C373596911 RN QCI4 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

77 C373596912 RN QCI5 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

78 C373596913 RN QCI6 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

79 C373596914 RN QCI7 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

80 C373596915 RN QCI8 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

81 C373596916 RN QCI9 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

82 C373596917 RN QCI1 PRB Number used for DL Traffic


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


83 C373596918 RN QCI2 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

84 C373596919 RN QCI3 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

85 C373596920 RN QCI4 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

86 C373596921 RN QCI5 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

87 C373596922 RN QCI6 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

88 C373596923 RN QCI7 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

89 C373596924 RN QCI8 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

90 C373596925 RN QCI9 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

91 C373596926 RN PRB Number Used on Uplink Channel

92 C373596927 RN PRB Number Used on Downlink Channel

93 C374017100 Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover

Preparation Attemps(Trigged by PCI Modify)

94 C374017101 Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover

Preparation Attemps(Trigged by Service Handovers)

95 C374017102 Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover

Preparation Attemps(Based on Coverage Measurement)

96 C374017103 Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover

Preparation Attemps(Trigged by Overload balance)

97 C374017104 Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover

Preparation Attemps(Based on Mobile Speed)

98 C374017105 Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover

Preparation Attemps(Based on Energy Saving)

99 C374017106 Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover

Execution Attemps(Trigged by PCI Modify)

100 C374017107 Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover
Execution Attemps(Trigged by Service Handovers)

101 C374017108 Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover
Execution Attemps(Based on Coverage Measurement)

102 C374017109 Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover
Execution Attemps(Trigged by Overload balance)

103 C374017110 Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover
Execution Attemps(Based on Mobile Speed)

104 C374017111 Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover
Execution Attemps(Based on Energy Saving)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

NO. Counter Counter Name


105 C374017112 Number of Successful Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing
Handover Execution(Trigged by PCI Modify)

106 C374017113 Number of Successful Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing
Handover Execution(Trigged by Service Handovers)

107 C374017114 Number of Successful Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing
Handover Execution(Based on Coverage Measurement)

108 C374017115 Number of Successful Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing
Handover Execution(Trigged by Overload balance)

109 C374017116 Number of Successful Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing
Handover Execution(Based on Mobile Speed)

110 C374017117 Number of Successful Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing
Handover Execution(Based on Energy Saving)

15.15.3 Counter Description C373200132

Counter Name
Number of RN Reconfiguration Request

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of RNReconfiguration messages sent from the eNodeB
to RNs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends an RNReconfiguration message to an RN, this counter is

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends an RNReconfiguration message to an RN, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373200133

Counter Name
Number of Successful RN Reconfiguration

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of RNReconfigurationComplete messages that the
eNodeB received from RNs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives an RNReconfigurationComplete message from an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives an RNReconfigurationComplete message from an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373353962

Counter Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
In an eNodeB, the PDCP layer receives packets of an RN from the RLC layer, and
compares the packet serial number with an expected one, which equals the serial number
of the last successfully-received packet plus one. If the received serial number is greater
than the expected one, uplink packets are lost. The number of lost QCI1 PDCP packets
equals the received serial number minus the expected one.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI1 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI1 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is incremented by the number of lost QCI1 PDCP

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353963

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
In an eNodeB, the PDCP layer receives packets of an RN from the RLC layer, and
compares the packet serial number with an expected one, which equals the serial number
of the last successfully-received packet plus one. If the received serial number is greater


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

than the expected one, uplink packets are lost. The number of lost QCI2 PDCP packets
equals the received serial number minus the expected one.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI2 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI2 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is incremented by the number of lost QCI2 PDCP

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353964

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
In an eNodeB, the PDCP layer receives packets of an RN from the RLC layer, and
compares the packet serial number with an expected one, which equals the serial number
of the last successfully-received packet plus one. If the received serial number is greater
than the expected one, uplink packets are lost. The number of lost QCI3 PDCP packets
equals the received serial number minus the expected one.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI3 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI3 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is incremented by the number of lost QCI3 PDCP

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353965

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
In an eNodeB, the PDCP layer receives packets of an RN from the RLC layer, and
compares the packet serial number with an expected one, which equals the serial number
of the last successfully-received packet plus one. If the received serial number is greater
than the expected one, uplink packets are lost. The number of lost QCI4 PDCP packets
equals the received serial number minus the expected one.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI4 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI4 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is incremented by the number of lost QCI4 PDCP

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353966

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
In an eNodeB, the PDCP layer receives packets of an RN from the RLC layer, and
compares the packet serial number with an expected one, which equals the serial number
of the last successfully-received packet plus one. If the received serial number is greater
than the expected one, uplink packets are lost. The number of lost QCI5 PDCP packets
equals the received serial number minus the expected one.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI5 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI5 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is incremented by the number of lost QCI5 PDCP

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373353967

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
In an eNodeB, the PDCP layer receives packets of an RN from the RLC layer, and
compares the packet serial number with an expected one, which equals the serial number
of the last successfully-received packet plus one. If the received serial number is greater
than the expected one, uplink packets are lost. The number of lost QCI6 PDCP packets
equals the received serial number minus the expected one.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI6 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI6 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is incremented by the number of lost QCI6 PDCP

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353968

Counter Name

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
In an eNodeB, the PDCP layer receives packets of an RN from the RLC layer, and
compares the packet serial number with an expected one, which equals the serial number
of the last successfully-received packet plus one. If the received serial number is greater
than the expected one, uplink packets are lost. The number of lost QCI7 PDCP packets
equals the received serial number minus the expected one.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI7 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI7 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is incremented by the number of lost QCI7 PDCP

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353969

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
In an eNodeB, the PDCP layer receives packets of an RN from the RLC layer, and
compares the packet serial number with an expected one, which equals the serial number
of the last successfully-received packet plus one. If the received serial number is greater
than the expected one, uplink packets are lost. The number of lost QCI8 PDCP packets
equals the received serial number minus the expected one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI8 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI8 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is incremented by the number of lost QCI8 PDCP

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353970

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
In an eNodeB, the PDCP layer receives packets of an RN from the RLC layer, and
compares the packet serial number with an expected one, which equals the serial number
of the last successfully-received packet plus one. If the received serial number is greater
than the expected one, uplink packets are lost. The number of lost QCI9 PDCP packets
equals the received serial number minus the expected one.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI9 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink QCI9 PDCP SDUs
received from an RN, this counter is incremented by the number of lost QCI9 PDCP


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353971

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and at least one fragment of this SDU has been transmitted on
the air interface without acknowledgements, this counter counts the number of discarded

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI1 ERAB SDU RLC message of the RN in the downlink
buffer of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU of an RN, and some fragments or
all fragments of this SDU have been transmitted on the air interface without whole HARQ
acknowledgements, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

unit C373353972

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and at least one fragment of this SDU has been transmitted on
the air interface without acknowledgements, this counter counts the number of discarded

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI2 ERAB SDU RLC message of the RN in the downlink
buffer of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU of an RN, and some fragments or
all fragments of this SDU have been transmitted on the air interface without whole HARQ
acknowledgements, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353973

Counter Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and at least one fragment of this SDU has been transmitted on
the air interface without acknowledgements, this counter counts the number of discarded

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI3 ERAB SDU RLC message of the RN in the downlink
buffer of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU of an RN, and some fragments or
all fragments of this SDU have been transmitted on the air interface without whole HARQ
acknowledgements, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353974

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and at least one fragment of this SDU has been transmitted on


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

the air interface without acknowledgements, this counter counts the number of discarded

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI4 ERAB SDU RLC message of the RN in the downlink
buffer of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU of an RN, and some fragments or
all fragments of this SDU have been transmitted on the air interface without whole HARQ
acknowledgements, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353975

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and at least one fragment of this SDU has been transmitted on
the air interface without acknowledgements, this counter counts the number of discarded

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI5 ERAB SDU RLC message of the RN in the downlink
buffer of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU of an RN, and some fragments or
all fragments of this SDU have been transmitted on the air interface without whole HARQ
acknowledgements, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353976

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and at least one fragment of this SDU has been transmitted on
the air interface without acknowledgements, this counter counts the number of discarded

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI6 ERAB SDU RLC message of the RN in the downlink
buffer of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU of an RN, and some fragments or
all fragments of this SDU have been transmitted on the air interface without whole HARQ
acknowledgements, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353977

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and at least one fragment of this SDU has been transmitted on
the air interface without acknowledgements, this counter counts the number of discarded

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI7 ERAB SDU RLC message of the RN in the downlink
buffer of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU of an RN, and some fragments or
all fragments of this SDU have been transmitted on the air interface without whole HARQ
acknowledgements, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373353978

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and at least one fragment of this SDU has been transmitted on
the air interface without acknowledgements, this counter counts the number of discarded

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI8 ERAB SDU RLC message of the RN in the downlink
buffer of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU of an RN, and some fragments or
all fragments of this SDU have been transmitted on the air interface without whole HARQ
acknowledgements, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353979

Counter Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and at least one fragment of this SDU has been transmitted on
the air interface without acknowledgements, this counter counts the number of discarded

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI9 ERAB SDU RLC message of the RN in the downlink
buffer of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU of an RN, and some fragments or
all fragments of this SDU have been transmitted on the air interface without whole HARQ
acknowledgements, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353980

Counter Name
RN DL QCI1 PDCP SDU Discard Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and no fragment of this SDU is transmitted on the air interface,
this counter counts the number of discarded SDUs.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353981

Counter Name
RN DL QCI2 PDCP SDU Discard Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and no fragment of this SDU is transmitted on the air interface,
this counter counts the number of discarded SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353982

Counter Name
RN DL QCI3 PDCP SDU Discard Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and no fragment of this SDU is transmitted on the air interface,
this counter counts the number of discarded SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353983

Counter Name
RN DL QCI4 PDCP SDU Discard Number


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and no fragment of this SDU is transmitted on the air interface,
this counter counts the number of discarded SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353984

Counter Name
RN DL QCI5 PDCP SDU Discard Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and no fragment of this SDU is transmitted on the air interface,
this counter counts the number of discarded SDUs.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353985

Counter Name
RN DL QCI6 PDCP SDU Discard Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and no fragment of this SDU is transmitted on the air interface,
this counter counts the number of discarded SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353986

Counter Name
RN DL QCI7 PDCP SDU Discard Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and no fragment of this SDU is transmitted on the air interface,
this counter counts the number of discarded SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353987

Counter Name
RN DL QCI8 PDCP SDU Discard Number


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and no fragment of this SDU is transmitted on the air interface,
this counter counts the number of discarded SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353988

Counter Name
RN DL QCI9 PDCP SDU Discard Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer
expiry or buffer overflow, and no fragment of this SDU is transmitted on the air interface,
this counter counts the number of discarded SDUs.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of
this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353989

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB, after receiving and processing a QCI1 PDCP packet
of an RN, sends this SDU to the GTPU layer, this counter counts the number of SDUs sent
to the GTPU layer.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI1 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI1 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353990

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB, after receiving and processing a QCI2 PDCP packet
of an RN, sends this SDU to the GTPU layer, this counter counts the number of SDUs sent
to the GTPU layer.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI2 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI2 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353991

Counter Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB, after receiving and processing a QCI3 PDCP packet
of an RN, sends this SDU to the GTPU layer, this counter counts the number of SDUs sent
to the GTPU layer.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI3 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI3 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353992

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB, after receiving and processing a QCI4 PDCP packet
of an RN, sends this SDU to the GTPU layer, this counter counts the number of SDUs sent
to the GTPU layer.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI4 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI4 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353993

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB, after receiving and processing a QCI5 PDCP packet
of an RN, sends this SDU to the GTPU layer, this counter counts the number of SDUs sent
to the GTPU layer.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI5 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI5 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353994

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB, after receiving and processing a QCI6 PDCP packet
of an RN, sends this SDU to the GTPU layer, this counter counts the number of SDUs sent
to the GTPU layer.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI6 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI6 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353995

Counter Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB, after receiving and processing a QCI7 PDCP packet
of an RN, sends this SDU to the GTPU layer, this counter counts the number of SDUs sent
to the GTPU layer.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI7 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI7 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353996

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB, after receiving and processing a QCI8 PDCP packet
of an RN, sends this SDU to the GTPU layer, this counter counts the number of SDUs sent
to the GTPU layer.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI8 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI8 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353997

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB, after receiving and processing a QCI9 PDCP packet
of an RN, sends this SDU to the GTPU layer, this counter counts the number of SDUs sent
to the GTPU layer.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI9 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink QCI9 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353998

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the number of received SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353999

Counter Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the number of received SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354000

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the number of received SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354001

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the number of received SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373354002

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the number of received SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354003

Counter Name

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the number of received SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354004

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the number of received SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354005

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the number of received SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373354006

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the number of received SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354007

Counter Name
RN DL QCI1 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

Short Name

Counter Description
An eNodeB PDCP SDU is fragmented, cascaded, and multiplexed into a TB, and then is
transmitted to RNs through the air interface. If an RN successfully receives a TB, it returns


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

a HARQ acknowledgement. When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to

all the TBs multiplexing the fragments of a downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU from the RN, this
counter counts the number of acknowledged SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI1 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI1 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354008

Counter Name
RN DL QCI2 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

Short Name

Counter Description
An eNodeB PDCP SDU is fragmented, cascaded, and multiplexed into a TB, and then is
transmitted to RNs through the air interface. If an RN successfully receives a TB, it returns
a HARQ acknowledgement. When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to
all the TBs multiplexing the fragments of a downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU from the RN, this
counter counts the number of acknowledged SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI2 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI2 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354009

Counter Name
RN DL QCI3 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

Short Name

Counter Description
An eNodeB PDCP SDU is fragmented, cascaded, and multiplexed into a TB, and then is
transmitted to RNs through the air interface. If an RN successfully receives a TB, it returns
a HARQ acknowledgement. When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to
all the TBs multiplexing the fragments of a downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU from the RN, this
counter counts the number of acknowledged SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI3 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI3 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354010

Counter Name
RN DL QCI4 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

Short Name

Counter Description
An eNodeB PDCP SDU is fragmented, cascaded, and multiplexed into a TB, and then is
transmitted to RNs through the air interface. If an RN successfully receives a TB, it returns
a HARQ acknowledgement. When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to
all the TBs multiplexing the fragments of a downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU from the RN, this
counter counts the number of acknowledged SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer receives QCI4 DRB SDUs of the downlink RN, this counter counts
the number of times that the QCI4 DRBs receive the HARQ response message.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI4 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373354011

Counter Name
RN DL QCI5 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

Short Name

Counter Description
An eNodeB PDCP SDU is fragmented, cascaded, and multiplexed into a TB, and then is
transmitted to RNs through the air interface. If an RN successfully receives a TB, it returns
a HARQ acknowledgement. When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to
all the TBs multiplexing the fragments of a downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU from the RN, this
counter counts the number of acknowledged SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI5 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI5 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354012

Counter Name
RN DL QCI6 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
An eNodeB PDCP SDU is fragmented, cascaded, and multiplexed into a TB, and then is
transmitted to RNs through the air interface. If an RN successfully receives a TB, it returns
a HARQ acknowledgement. When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to
all the TBs multiplexing the fragments of a downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU from the RN, this
counter counts the number of acknowledged SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI6 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI6 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354013

Counter Name
RN DL QCI7 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

Short Name

Counter Description
An eNodeB PDCP SDU is fragmented, cascaded, and multiplexed into a TB, and then is
transmitted to RNs through the air interface. If an RN successfully receives a TB, it returns
a HARQ acknowledgement. When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to
all the TBs multiplexing the fragments of a downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU from the RN, this
counter counts the number of acknowledged SDUs.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI7 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI7 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354014

Counter Name
RN DL QCI8 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

Short Name

Counter Description
An eNodeB PDCP SDU is fragmented, cascaded, and multiplexed into a TB, and then is
transmitted to RNs through the air interface. If an RN successfully receives a TB, it returns
a HARQ acknowledgement. When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to
all the TBs multiplexing the fragments of a downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU from the RN, this
counter counts the number of acknowledged SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI8 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI8 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354015

Counter Name
RN DL QCI9 PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

Short Name

Counter Description
An eNodeB PDCP SDU is fragmented, cascaded, and multiplexed into a TB, and then is
transmitted to RNs through the air interface. If an RN successfully receives a TB, it returns
a HARQ acknowledgement. When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to
all the TBs multiplexing the fragments of a downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU from the RN, this
counter counts the number of acknowledged SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI9 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
QCI9 PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373354016

Counter Name
RN UL PDCP SDU Loss Number

Short Name

Counter Description
In an eNodeB, the PDCP layer receives packets of an RN from the RLC layer, and
compares the packet serial number with an expected one, which equals the serial number
of the last successfully-received packet plus one. If the received serial number is greater
than the expected one, uplink packets are lost. The number of lost PDCP packets equals
the received serial number minus the expected one.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink PDCP SDUs received
from an RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects discontinuous serial numbers of uplink PDCP SDUs received
from an RN, this counter is incremented by the number of lost PDCP packets.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354017

Counter Name
RN DL PDCP SDU Loss Number

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer expiry
or buffer overflow, and at least one fragment of this SDU has been transmitted on the air
interface without acknowledgements, this counter counts the number of discarded SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards a downlink PDCP SDU of an RN, and some fragments or all
fragments of this SDU have been transmitted on the air interface without whole HARQ
acknowledgements, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink PDCP SDU of an RN, and some fragments or all
fragments of this SDU have been transmitted on the air interface without whole HARQ
acknowledgements, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354018

Counter Name
RN DL PDCP SDU Discard Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink PDCP SDU of an RN due to discard timer expiry or
buffer overflow, and no fragment of this SDU is transmitted on the air interface, this counter
counts the number of discarded SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards a downlink PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of this SDU
is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
When the eNodeB discards a downlink PDCP SDU of an RN, and no fragment of this SDU
is transmitted on the air interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354019

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB, after receiving and processing a PDCP packet of
an RN, sends this SDU to the GTPU layer, this counter counts the number of SDUs sent
to the GTPU layer.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink PDCP SDU of an RN, this counter
is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB sends an uplink PDCP SDU of an RN, this counter
is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373354020

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the number of received SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354021

Counter Name
RN DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
An eNodeB PDCP SDU is fragmented, cascaded, and multiplexed into a TB, and then is
transmitted to RNs through the air interface. If an RN successfully receives a TB, it returns
a HARQ acknowledgement. When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all
the TBs multiplexing the fragments of a downlink PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter
counts the number of acknowledged SDUs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives HARQ acknowledgements to all the fragments of a downlink
PDCP SDU from the RN, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373364120

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the delay of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364121

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the delay of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI2 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

ms C373364122

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the delay of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI3 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364123

Counter Name

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the delay of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI4 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364124

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the delay of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI5 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364125

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the delay of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI6 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373364126

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the delay of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI7 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364127

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the delay of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI8 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364128

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the delay of downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI9 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364129

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink QCI1 PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter counts the delay of downlink PDCP SDU.

Triggering Point
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is updated.

Update Description
When the PDCP layer of the eNodeB receives a downlink PDCP SDU of an RN, this
counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373596908

Counter Name
RN QCI1 PRB Number used for UL Traffic


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink RN QCI1 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI1 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596909

Counter Name
RN QCI2 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink RN QCI2 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI2 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596910

Counter Name
RN QCI3 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink RN QCI3 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI3 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373596911

Counter Name
RN QCI4 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink RN QCI4 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI4 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596912

Counter Name
RN QCI5 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink RN QCI5 DRB services.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI5 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596913

Counter Name
RN QCI6 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink RN QCI6 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI6 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

unit C373596914

Counter Name
RN QCI7 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink RN QCI7 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI7 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596915

Counter Name
RN QCI8 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink RN QCI8 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI8 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596916

Counter Name
RN QCI9 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink RN QCI9 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI9 DRB uplink service.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596917

Counter Name
RN QCI1 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number
of PRBs occupied by downlink RN QCI1 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by
the number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI1 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373596918

Counter Name
RN QCI2 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number
of PRBs occupied by downlink RN QCI2 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by
the number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI2 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596919

Counter Name
RN QCI3 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number
of PRBs occupied by downlink RN QCI3 DRB services.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by
the number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI3 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596920

Counter Name
RN QCI4 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number
of PRBs occupied by downlink RN QCI4 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by
the number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI4 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373596921

Counter Name
RN QCI5 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number
of PRBs occupied by downlink RN QCI5 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by
the number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI5 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596922

Counter Name
RN QCI6 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number
of PRBs occupied by downlink RN QCI6 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by
the number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI6 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596923

Counter Name
RN QCI7 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number
of PRBs occupied by downlink RN QCI7 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by
the number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI7 DRB downlink service.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596924

Counter Name
RN QCI8 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number
of PRBs occupied by downlink RN QCI8 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by
the number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI8 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C373596925

Counter Name
RN QCI9 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter counts the number
of PRBs occupied by downlink RN QCI9 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules RN TBs, this counter is incremented by
the number of PRBs occupied by RN QCI9 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596926

Counter Name
RN PRB Number Used on Uplink Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PRBs on the uplink channels actually allocated to
RNs by the eNodeB uplink scheduler. The uplink channels contain PRACH, PUCCH, and
PUSCH. The total number of PRBs in a sampling period is reported.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler has data to be scheduled and allocates PRBs for RNs,
this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler has data to be scheduled and allocates PRBs for RNs,
this counter is incremented by the number of allocated PRBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596927

Counter Name
RN PRB Number Used on Downlink Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PRBs on the uplink channels actually allocated to RNs
by the eNodeB uplink scheduler. The uplink channels contain PBCH and PDSCH. The
total number of PRBs in a sampling period is reported.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler has data to be scheduled and allocates PRBs for
RNs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler has data to be scheduled and allocates PRBs for RNs,
this counter is incremented by the number of allocated PRBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374017100

Counter Name
Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover Preparation
Attemps(Trigged by PCI Modify)

Short Name

Counter Description
Triggered by PCI modification, the eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an
RN. This counter counts the number of HandoverRequired messages triggered by PCI
modification of cells.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN, and the
handover is triggered by PCI modification, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN, and the
handover is triggered by PCI modification, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374017101

Counter Name
Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover Preparation
Attemps(Trigged by Service Handovers)

Short Name

Counter Description
Triggered by traffic strategy, the eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an
RN. This counter counts the number of HandoverRequired messages triggered by traffic
strategy of cells.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN, and the
handover is triggered by traffic strategy, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN, and the
handover is triggered by traffic strategy, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374017102

Counter Name
Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover Preparation
Attemps(Based on Coverage Measurement)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Counter Description
Triggered by coverage, the eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN. This
counter counts the number of HandoverRequired messages triggered by coverage of cells.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN, and the
handover is triggered by coverage, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN, and the
handover is triggered by coverage, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374017103

Counter Name
Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover Preparation
Attemps(Trigged by Overload balance)

Short Name

Counter Description
Triggered by load balancing, the eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an
RN. This counter counts the number of HandoverRequired messages triggered by load
balancing of cells.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN, and the
handover is triggered by load balancing, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN, and the
handover is triggered by load balancing, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374017104

Counter Name
Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover Preparation
Attemps(Based on Mobile Speed)

Short Name

Counter Description
Triggered by move speed, the eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN.
This counter counts the number of HandoverRequired messages triggered by move speed
of cells.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN, and the
handover is triggered by move speed, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN, and the
handover is triggered by move speed, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

times C374017105

Counter Name
Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover Preparation
Attemps(Based on Energy Saving)

Short Name

Counter Description
Triggered by energy saving, the eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN.
This counter counts the number of HandoverRequired messages triggered by energy
saving of cells.

Triggering Point
When the source eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN, and the
handover is triggered by PCI energy saving, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the source eNodeB sends a HandoverRequired message to an RN, and the
handover is triggered by PCI energy saving, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374017106

Counter Name
Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover Execution
Attemps(Trigged by PCI Modify)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
Triggered by PCI modification, the eNodeB receives a HandoverRequestAck message
indicating handover preparation success from an RN and sends the UE a handover
command. This counter counts the number of handovers triggered by PCI modification
of cells.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB, after receiving a HandoverRequestAck message indicating handover
preparation success from an RN, sends the UE a handover command, and the handover
is triggered by PCI modification, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB, after receiving a HandoverRequestAck message indicating handover
preparation success from an RN, sends the UE a handover command, and the handover
is triggered by PCI modification, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374017107

Counter Name
Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover Execution
Attemps(Trigged by Service Handovers)

Short Name

Counter Description
Triggered by traffic strategy, the eNodeB receives a HandoverRequestAck message
indicating handover preparation success from an RN and sends the UE a handover


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

command. This counter counts the number of handovers triggered by traffic strategy of

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB, after receiving a HandoverRequestAck message indicating handover
preparation success from an RN, sends the UE a handover command, and the handover
is triggered by traffic strategy, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB, after receiving a HandoverRequestAck message indicating handover
preparation success from an RN, sends the UE a handover command, and the handover
is triggered by traffic strategy, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374017108

Counter Name
Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover Execution
Attemps(Based on Coverage Measurement)

Short Name

Counter Description
Triggered by coverage, the eNodeB receives a HandoverRequestAck message indicating
handover preparation success from an RN and sends the UE a handover command. This
counter counts the number of handovers triggered by coverage of cells.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB, after receiving a HandoverRequestAck message indicating handover
preparation success from an RN, sends the UE a handover command, and the handover
is triggered by coverage, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the eNodeB, after receiving a HandoverRequestAck message indicating handover
preparation success from an RN, sends the UE a handover command, and the handover
is triggered by coverage, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374017109

Counter Name
Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover Execution
Attemps(Trigged by Overload balance)

Short Name

Counter Description
Triggered by load balancing, the eNodeB receives a HandoverRequestAck message
indicating handover preparation success from an RN and sends the UE a handover
command. This counter counts the number of handovers triggered by load balancing of

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB, after receiving a HandoverRequestAck message indicating handover
preparation success from an RN, sends the UE a handover command, and the handover
is triggered by load balancing, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB, after receiving a HandoverRequestAck message indicating handover
preparation success from an RN, sends the UE a handover command, and the handover
is triggered by load balancing, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374017110

Counter Name
Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover Execution
Attemps(Based on Mobile Speed)

Short Name

Counter Description
Triggered by move speed, the eNodeB receives a HandoverRequestAck message
indicating handover preparation success from an RN and sends the UE a handover
command. This counter counts the number of handovers triggered by move speed of

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB, after receiving a HandoverRequestAck message indicating handover
preparation success from an RN, sends the UE a handover command, and the handover
is triggered by move speed, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB, after receiving a HandoverRequestAck message indicating handover
preparation success from an RN, sends the UE a handover command, and the handover
is triggered by move speed, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374017111

Counter Name
Number of Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover Execution
Attemps(Based on Energy Saving)

Short Name

Counter Description
Triggered by energy saving, the eNodeB receives a HandoverRequestAck message
indicating handover preparation success from an RN and sends the UE a handover
command. This counter counts the number of handovers triggered by energy saving of

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB, after receiving a HandoverRequestAck message indicating handover
preparation success from an RN, sends the UE a handover command, and the handover
is triggered by energy saving, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB, after receiving a HandoverRequestAck message indicating handover
preparation success from an RN, sends the UE a handover command, and the handover
is triggered by energy saving, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374017112

Counter Name
Number of Successful Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover
Execution(Trigged by PCI Modify)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Short Name

Counter Description
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN is triggered by PCI modification, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the
UN interface, this counter counts the number of successful handovers triggered by PCI
modification of cells.

Triggering Point
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN triggered by PCI modification, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN
interface, this counter is updated.

Update Description
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN triggered by PCI modification, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN
interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374017113

Counter Name
Number of Successful Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover
Execution(Trigged by Service Handovers)

Short Name

Counter Description
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN is triggered by traffic strategy, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

interface, this counter counts the number of successful handovers triggered by traffic
strategy of cells.

Triggering Point
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN triggered by traffic strategy, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN
interface, this counter is updated.

Update Description
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN triggered by traffic strategy, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN
interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374017114

Counter Name
Number of Successful Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover
Execution(Based on Coverage Measurement)

Short Name

Counter Description
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN is triggered by coverage, when the eNodeB receives
a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN interface,
this counter counts the number of successful handovers triggered by coverage of cells.

Triggering Point
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN triggered by coverage, when the eNodeB receives
a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN interface,
this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover

Update Description
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN triggered by coverage, when the eNodeB receives
a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN interface,
this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374017115

Counter Name
Number of Successful Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover
Execution(Trigged by Overload balance)

Short Name

Counter Description
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN is triggered by load balancing, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the
UN interface, this counter counts the number of successful handovers triggered by load
balancing of cells.

Triggering Point
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN triggered by load balancing, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN
interface, this counter is updated.

Update Description
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN triggered by load balancing, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN
interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C374017116

Counter Name
Number of Successful Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover
Execution(Based on Mobile Speed)

Short Name

Counter Description
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN is triggered by move speed, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN
interface, this counter counts the number of successful handovers triggered by move
speed of cells.

Triggering Point
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN triggered by move speed, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN
interface, this counter is updated.

Update Description
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN triggered by move speed, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN
interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 15 Statistics of Handover C374017117

Counter Name
Number of Successful Intra-eNB From DeNB Cell to RN Cell Outgoing Handover
Execution(Based on Energy Saving)

Short Name

Counter Description
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN is triggered by energy saving, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN
interface, this counter counts the number of successful handovers triggered by energy
saving of cells.

Triggering Point
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN triggered by energy saving, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN
interface, this counter is updated.

Update Description
For a handover from a DeNB to an RN triggered by energy saving, when the eNodeB
receives a UEContextRelease message indicating handover success reasons on the UN
interface, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

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SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16
Statistics of Traffic QoS
Table of Contents
Traffic Throughput on Cell ........................................................................................16-1
Traffic Delay on Cell .............................................................................................16-203
Loss Packet on Cell..............................................................................................16-226
User Number on Cell............................................................................................16-275
RLC PDU Number on Cell ....................................................................................16-323
SPS .....................................................................................................................16-324
Traffic Throughput on Cell(PLMN) ........................................................................16-340
Traffic Delay on Cell(PLMN) .................................................................................16-465
Loss Packet on Cell(PLMN)..................................................................................16-481
User Number on Cell(PLMN)................................................................................16-527

16.1 Traffic Throughput on Cell

16.1.1 PDCP SDU Bitrate Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373374200 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Control Plane

2 C373374201 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Control Plane

3 C373374202 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Control Plane

4 C373374203 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Control Plane

5 C373374204 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=1)

6 C373374205 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=2)

7 C373374206 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=3)

8 C373374207 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=4)

9 C373374208 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=5)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


10 C373374209 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=6)

11 C373374210 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=7)

12 C373374211 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=8)

13 C373374212 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=9)

14 C373374213 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=1)

15 C373374214 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=2)

16 C373374215 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=3)

17 C373374216 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=4)

18 C373374217 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=5)

19 C373374218 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=6)

20 C373374219 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=7)

21 C373374220 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=8)

22 C373374221 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=9)

23 C373374222 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=1)

24 C373374223 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=2)

25 C373374224 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=3)

26 C373374225 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=4)

27 C373374226 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=5)

28 C373374227 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=6)

29 C373374228 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=7)

30 C373374229 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=8)

31 C373374230 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=9)

32 C373374231 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=1)

33 C373374232 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=2)

34 C373374233 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=3)

35 C373374234 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=4)

36 C373374235 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=5)

37 C373374236 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=6)

38 C373374237 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=7)

39 C373374238 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=8)

40 C373374239 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=9)

41 C373374240 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Traffic Plane


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

NO. Counter Counter Name


42 C373374241 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Traffic Plane

43 C373374242 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Traffic Plane

44 C373374243 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Traffic Plane Counter Description C373374200

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Control Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the UL PDCP SDU volume of SRB that is sent by
PDCP layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the PDCP SDU of signal radio bear to the MME

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL SRB PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374201

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Control Plane


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the UL PDCP SDU volume of SRB that is sent by
PDCP layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the PDCP SDU of signal radio bear to the MME

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL PDCP SDU volume is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374202

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Control Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the DL PDCP SDU volume of SRB that is sent by
PDCP layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the PDCP SDU of signal radio bear from the MME.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL SRB PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374203

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Control Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the DL PDCP SDU volume of SRB that is sent by
PDCP layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the PDCP SDU of signal radio bear from the MME.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL SRB PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373374204

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI1 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI1 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374205

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI2 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI2 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374206

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI3 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI3 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374207

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI4 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI4 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374208

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=5)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI5 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI5 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374209

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI6 PDCP SDU to the SGW


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI6 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374210

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI7 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI7 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Kbps C373374211

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI8 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI8 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374212

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=9)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI9 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI9 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374213

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI1 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI1 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374214

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI2 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI2 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Kbps C373374215

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI3 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI3 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374216

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=4)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI4 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI4 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374217

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI5 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI5 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374218

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI6 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI6 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Kbps C373374219

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI7 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI7 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374220

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=8)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI8 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI8 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374221

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI9 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI9 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374222

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted.The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI1 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI1 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Kbps C373374223

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI2 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI2 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374224

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=3)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI3 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI3 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374225

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI4 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI4 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374226

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI5 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI5 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373374227

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI6 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI6 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374228

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI7 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI7 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374229

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI8 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI8 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374230

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI9 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI9 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374231

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=1)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI1 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI1 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374232

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI2 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI2 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374233

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI3 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI3 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Kbps C373374234

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI4 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI4 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374235

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=5)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI5 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI5 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374236

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI6 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI6 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374237

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI7 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI7 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373374238

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI8 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI8 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374239

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI9 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI9 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374240

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Traffic Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP layer
from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL PDCP SDU volume is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374241

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Traffic Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the PDCP SDU volume that is received by PDCP
layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs
that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL PDCP SDU volume is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374242

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Traffic Plane


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP layer
from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL PDCP SDU volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373374243

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Traffic Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the PDCP SDU volume that is received by PDCP
layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that
are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL PDCP SDU volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


16.1.2 PDCP SDU Shake Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373536000 QCI1 UL Total Packet Shake

2 C373536001 QCI2 UL Total Packet Shake

3 C373536002 QCI3 UL Total Packet Shake

4 C373536003 QCI4 UL Total Packet Shake

5 C373536004 QCI5 UL Total Packet Shake

6 C373536005 QCI6 UL Total Packet Shake

7 C373536006 QCI7 UL Total Packet Shake

8 C373536007 QCI8 UL Total Packet Shake

9 C373536008 QCI9 UL Total Packet Shake

10 C373536009 QCI1 DL Total Packet Shake

11 C373536010 QCI2 DL Total Packet Shake

12 C373536011 QCI3 DL Total Packet Shake

13 C373536012 QCI4 DL Total Packet Shake

14 C373536013 QCI5 DL Total Packet Shake

15 C373536014 QCI6 DL Total Packet Shake


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


16 C373536015 QCI7 DL Total Packet Shake

17 C373536016 QCI8 DL Total Packet Shake

18 C373536017 QCI9 DL Total Packet Shake

19 C373536018 QCI1 DL PDCP SDU Number for Shake in Range 1

20 C373536019 QCI1 DL PDCP SDU Number for Shake in Range 2

21 C373536020 QCI1 DL PDCP SDU Number for Shake in Range 3 Counter Description C373536000

Counter Name
QCI1 UL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of UL PDCP SDU(QCI=1) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI1 PDCP SDU to the SGW, get the UL delay of the SDU.
Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU delay.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI1 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373536001

Counter Name
QCI2 UL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of UL PDCP SDU(QCI=2) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI2 PDCP SDU to the SGW, get the UL delay of the SDU.
Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU delay.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI2 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536002

Counter Name
QCI3 UL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of UL PDCP SDU(QCI=3) the SDU shake =


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI3 PDCP SDU to the SGW, get the UL delay of the SDU.
Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU delay.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI3 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536003

Counter Name
QCI4 UL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of UL PDCP SDU(QCI=4) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI4 PDCP SDU to the SGW, get the UL delay of the SDU.
Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU delay.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI4 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536004

Counter Name
QCI5 UL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of UL PDCP SDU(QCI=5) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI5 PDCP SDU to the SGW, get the UL delay of the SDU.
Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU delay.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI5 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536005

Counter Name
QCI6 UL Total Packet Shake

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
accumulates shake of UL PDCP SDU(QCI=6) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI6 PDCP SDU to the SGW, get the UL delay of the SDU.
Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU delay.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI6 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536006

Counter Name
QCI7 UL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of UL PDCP SDU(QCI=7) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI7 PDCP SDU to the SGW, get the UL delay of the SDU.
Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU delay.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI7 PDCP SDU at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536007

Counter Name
QCI8 UL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of UL PDCP SDU(QCI=8) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI8 PDCP SDU to the SGW, get the UL delay of the SDU.
Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU delay.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI8 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536008

Counter Name
QCI9 UL Total Packet Shake


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of DL PDCP SDU(QCI=9) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI9 PDCP SDU to the SGW, get the UL delay of the SDU.
Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU delay.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI9 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536009

Counter Name
QCI1 DL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of DL PDCP SDU(QCI=1) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI1 PDCP SDU to the air interface, get the DL delay of the
SDU. Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI1 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536010

Counter Name
QCI2 DL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of DL PDCP SDU(QCI=2) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI2 PDCP SDU to the air interface, get the DL delay of the
SDU. Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI2 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

ms C373536011

Counter Name
QCI3 DL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of DL PDCP SDU(QCI=3) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI3 PDCP SDU to the air interface, get the DL delay of the
SDU. Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI3 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536012

Counter Name
QCI4 DL Total Packet Shake

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
accumulates shake of DL PDCP SDU(QCI=4) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI4 PDCP SDU to the air interface, get the DL delay of the
SDU. Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI4 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536013

Counter Name
QCI5 DL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of DL PDCP SDU(QCI=5) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI5 PDCP SDU to the air interface, get the DL delay of the
SDU. Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI5 PDCP SDU at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536014

Counter Name
QCI6 DL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of DL PDCP SDU(QCI=6) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI6 PDCP SDU to the air interface, get the DL delay of the
SDU. Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI6 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373536015

Counter Name
QCI7 DL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of DL PDCP SDU(QCI=7) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI7 PDCP SDU to the air interface, get the DL delay of the
SDU. Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI7 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536016

Counter Name
QCI8 DL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of DL PDCP SDU(QCI=8) the SDU shake =


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI8 PDCP SDU to the air interface, get the DL delay of the
SDU. Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI8 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536017

Counter Name
QCI9 DL Total Packet Shake

Short Name

Counter Description
accumulates shake of DL PDCP SDU(QCI=9) the SDU shake =

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a QCI9 PDCP SDU to the air interface, get the DL delay of the
SDU. Then caculate the arithmetical difference between the SDU delay and the last SDU

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the difference when the eNodeB caculate arithmetical
difference for UL QCI9 PDCP SDU at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373536018

Counter Name
QCI1 DL PDCP SDU Number for Shake in Range 1

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PDCP SDU packets that the downlink QCI=1 delay jitter
is specified by range 1.Range 1: less than 10 ms.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PDCP SDU packets that the downlink QCI1 delay jitter
is specified by range 1.

Update Description
This counter accumulates the number of PDCP SDU packets that the downlink QCI1 delay
jitter is specified by range 1 within a statistic period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373536019

Counter Name
QCI1 DL PDCP SDU Number for Shake in Range 2

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PDCP SDU packets that the downlink QCI=1 delay jitter
is specified by range 2.Range 2: greater than 10 ms and less than 20 ms.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PDCP SDU packets that the downlink QCI1 delay jitter
is specified by range 2.

Update Description
This counter accumulates the number of PDCP SDU packets that the downlink QCI1 delay
jitter is specified by range 2 within a statistic period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373536020

Counter Name
QCI1 DL PDCP SDU Number for Shake in Range 3

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PDCP SDU packets that the downlink QCI=1 delay jitter
is specified by range 3.Range 3: greater than or equal to 20 ms.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PDCP SDU packets that the downlink QCI1 delay jitter
is specified by range 3.

Update Description
This counter accumulates the number of PDCP SDU packets that the downlink QCI1 delay
jitter is specified by range 3 within a statistic period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


16.1.3 PDCP PDU Throughput Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 16-1 PDCP PDU Throughput Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373343600 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput

2 C373343601 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput

3 C373343602 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput

4 C373343603 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput

5 C373343604 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput

6 C373343605 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput

7 C373343606 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

8 C373343607 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

9 C373343608 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

10 C373343609 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

11 C373343610 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

12 C373343611 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

13 C373343612 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


14 C373343613 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

15 C373343614 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

16 C373343615 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

17 C373343616 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

18 C373343617 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

19 C373343618 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

20 C373343619 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

21 C373343620 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

22 C373343621 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

23 C373343622 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

24 C373343623 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

25 C373343624 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

26 C373343625 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

27 C373343626 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

28 C373343627 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

29 C373343628 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

30 C373343629 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

31 C373343630 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

32 C373343631 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

33 C373343632 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

34 C373343633 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

35 C373343634 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

36 C373343635 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

37 C373343636 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

38 C373343637 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

39 C373343638 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

40 C373343639 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

41 C373343640 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

42 C373343641 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

43 C373343642 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

44 C373343643 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

45 C373343644 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

NO. Counter Counter Name


46 C373343645 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

47 C373343646 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

48 C373343647 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

49 C373343648 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

50 C373343649 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

51 C373343650 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

52 C373343651 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

53 C373343652 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

54 C373343653 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

55 C373343654 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

56 C373343655 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

57 C373343656 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

58 C373343657 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

59 C373343658 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

60 C373343659 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9) Counter Description C373343600

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the PDCP PDU volume that includes the DRB's
and SRB's and is sent by PDCP layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL PDCP PDU volume is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343601

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the PDCP PDU volume that includes the DRB's
and SRB's and is sent by PDCP layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL PDCP PDU volume is
smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C373343602

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the PDCP PDU volume that includes the DRB's
and SRB's and is sent by PDCP layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the
current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL PDCP PDU volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343603

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the PDCP PDU volume that includes the DRB's and
SRB's and is received by PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL PDCP PDU volume is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343604

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the PDCP PDU volume that includes the DRB's and
SRB's and is received by PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL PDCP PDU volume is
smaller than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343605

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the PDCP PDU volume that includes the DRB's and
SRB's and is received by PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL PDCP PDU volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373343606

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI1 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI1 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343607

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI1 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI1 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343608

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI1 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI1 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Mbps C373343609

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI1 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI1 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343610

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI1 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI1 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343611

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI1 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI1 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343612

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI2 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI2 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343613

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI2 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI2 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343614

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI2 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI2 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343615

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI2 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI2 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373343616

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI2 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI2 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343617

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI2 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI2 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343618

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI3 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI3 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C373343619

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI3 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI3 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343620

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI3 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI3 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343621

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI3 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI3 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343622

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI3 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI3 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343623

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI3 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI3 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343624

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI4 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI4 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343625

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI4 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI4 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373343626

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI4 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI4 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343627

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI4 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI4 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343628

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI4 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI4 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Mbps C373343629

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI4 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI4 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343630

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI5 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI5 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343631

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI5 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI5 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343632

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI5 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI5 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343633

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI5 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI5 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343634

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI5 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI5 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343635

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI5 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI5 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373343636

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI6 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI6 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343637

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI6 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI6 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343638

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI6 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI6 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C373343639

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI6 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI6 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343640

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI6 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI6 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343641

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI6 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI6 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343642

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI7 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI7 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343643

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI7 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI7 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343644

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI7 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI7 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343645

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI7 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI7 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373343646

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI7 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI7 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343647

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI7 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI7 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343648

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI8 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI8 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Mbps C373343649

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI8 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI8 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343650

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI8 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI8 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343651

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI8 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI8 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343652

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI8 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI8 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343653

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI8 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI8 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343654

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI9 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI9 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343655

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI9 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI9 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373343656

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI9 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI9 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343657

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI9 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI9 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343658

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI9 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI9 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C373343659

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI9 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI9 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

16.1.4 RLC PDU Throughput Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 16-2 RLC PDU Throughput Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373343660 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput

2 C373343661 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput

3 C373343662 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput

4 C373343663 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput

5 C373343664 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput

6 C373343665 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput

7 C373343666 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

8 C373343667 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

9 C373343668 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

10 C373343669 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

11 C373343670 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

12 C373343671 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

13 C373343672 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

14 C373343673 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

15 C373343674 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

16 C373343675 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

17 C373343676 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

18 C373343677 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

19 C373343678 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

20 C373343679 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

21 C373343680 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

NO. Counter Counter Name


22 C373343681 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

23 C373343682 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

24 C373343683 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

25 C373343684 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

26 C373343685 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

27 C373343686 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

28 C373343687 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

29 C373343688 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

30 C373343689 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

31 C373343690 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

32 C373343691 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

33 C373343692 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

34 C373343693 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

35 C373343694 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

36 C373343695 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

37 C373343696 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

38 C373343697 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

39 C373343698 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

40 C373343699 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

41 C373343700 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

42 C373343701 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

43 C373343702 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

44 C373343703 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

45 C373343704 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

46 C373343705 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

47 C373343706 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

48 C373343707 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

49 C373343708 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

50 C373343709 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

51 C373343710 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

52 C373343711 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

53 C373343712 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


54 C373343713 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

55 C373343714 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

56 C373343715 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

57 C373343716 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

58 C373343717 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

59 C373343718 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

60 C373343719 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=9) Counter Description C373343660

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the RLC PDU volume that includes the DRB's
,SRB's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to the
current sampling time.The volume includes retransmission's PDU. The counter provides
the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL RLC PDU volume is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C373343661

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the RLC PDU volume that includes the DRB's
,SRB's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to the
current sampling time.The volume includes retransmission's PDU.The counter provides
the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL RLC PDU volume is
smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343662

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the RLC PDU volume that includes the DRB's
,SRB's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to the
current sampling time.The volume includes retransmission's PDU. The counter provides
the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL RLC PDU volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343663

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the RLC PDU volume that includes the DRB's
,SRB's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The volume includes retransmission's PDU. The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL RLC PDU volume is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343664

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the RLC PDU volume that includes the DRB's
,SRB's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The volume includes retransmission's PDU. The counter
provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL RLC PDU volume is
smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373343665

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the RLC PDU volume that includes the DRB's
,SRB's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The volume includes retransmission's PDU. The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL RLC PDU volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343666

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 RLC PDU volume that is sent by RLC
layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

volume includes retransmission's PDU. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI1 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI1 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343667

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI1 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI1 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343668

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI1 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI1 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343669

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI1 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI1 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343670

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI1 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI1 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343671

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI1 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI1 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C373343672

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI2 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI2 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343673

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI2 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI2 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343674

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI2 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI2 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343675

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI2 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI2 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373343676

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI2 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI2 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343677

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI2 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI2 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343678

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI3 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI3 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343679

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI3 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI3 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343680

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI3 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI3 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343681

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI3 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI3 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343682

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI3 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI3 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C373343683

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI3 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI3 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343684

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI4 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI4 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343685

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI4 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI4 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343686

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI4 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI4 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373343687

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI4 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI4 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343688

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI4 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI4 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343689

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI4 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI4 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343690

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI5 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI5 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343691

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI5 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI5 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343692

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI5 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI5 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343693

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI5 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI5 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C373343694

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI5 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI5 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343695

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI5 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI5 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343696

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI6 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI6 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343697

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI6 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI6 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373343698

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI6 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI6 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343699

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI6 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI6 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343700

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI6 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI6 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343701

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI6 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI6 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343702

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI7 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI7 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343703

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI7 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI7 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343704

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI7 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI7 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C373343705

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI7 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI7 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343706

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI7 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI7 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343707

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI7 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI7 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343708

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI8 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI8 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373343709

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI8 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI8 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343710

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI8 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI8 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343711

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI8 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI8 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343712

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI8 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI8 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343713

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI8 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI8 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343714

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI9 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI9 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343715

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI9 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI9 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C373343716

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time.The volume includes retransmission's PDU. The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI9 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI9 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343717

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI9 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI9 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343718

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI9 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI9 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373343719

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI9 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI9 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

16.1.5 PHY Throughput Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373343732 Maximum Cell DL PHY Throughput

2 C373343733 Minimum Cell DL PHY Throughput

3 C373343734 Average Cell DL PHY Throughput

4 C373343735 Maximum Cell UL PHY Throughput

5 C373343736 Minimum Cell UL PHY Throughput

6 C373343737 Average Cell UL PHY Throughput

7 C373343792 Maximum Cell DL PHY Throughput within The Threshold

8 C373343793 Average Cell DL PHY Throughput within The Threshold

9 C373343794 Maximum Cell UL PHY Throughput within The Threshold

10 C373343795 Average Cell UL PHY Throughput within The Threshold Counter Description C373343732

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PHY Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
Downlink PHY Traffic on the Sampling Point = the size of TBs. The counter takes the
maximum value of all sampling granularities in the statistical period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB physical layer sends data to the air

Update Description
The counter is updated to the sampling value if it is higher than


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

the current one.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373343733

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PHY Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
Downlink PHY Traffic on the Sampling Point = the size of TBs. That includes
retransmission TBs. The counter takes the minimum value of all sampling granularities
in the statistical period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB physical layer sends data to the air

Update Description
The counter is updated to the sampling value if it is lower than
the current one.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373343734

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PHY Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
Downlink PHY Traffic on the Sampling Point = the size of TBs.That includes retransmission
TBs.The counter takes the average value of all sampling granularities in the statistical

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB physical layer sends data to the air

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling physical layer volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373343735

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PHY Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink PHY Traffic on the Sampling Point = the size of TBs.That includes retransmission
TBs.The counter takes the maximum value of all sampling granularities in the statistical


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB physical layer receives data from the air

Update Description
The counter is updated to the sampling value if it is larger than the current one.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373343736

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PHY Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink PHY Traffic on the Sampling Point = the size of TBs. That includes retransmission
TBs.The counter takes the minimum value of all sampling granularities in the statistical

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB physical layer receives data from the air

Update Description
The counter is updated to the sampling value if it is lower than the current one.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Kbps C373343737

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PHY Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink PHY traffic on the sampling point = the size of TBs. That includes retransmission
TBs.The counter takes the average value of all sampling granularities in the statistical

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB physical layer receives data from the air

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling physical layer volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373343792

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PHY Throughput within The Threshold

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
Downlink PHY Traffic on the Sampling Point = the size of TBs. when threshold for RSRP
and SINR Statistics is satisfied. The counter takes the maximum value of all sampling
granularities in the statistical period.

Triggering Point
When there are downlink data to be sent on the PHY,and the threshold requirements for
RSRP and SINR must be satisfied.These threshold values can be set in OMC windows,
and the default threshold requirements are: RSRP > Threshold for RSRP
Statistics and SINR > Threshold for DL SINR Statistics.

Update Description
The counter is updated to the sampling value if it is larger than the current one.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373343793

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PHY Throughput within The Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
The average cell DL physical throughput is calculated by summing up transport block size
in sampling period, and the transport block is within threshold, but exclude retransmission
transport block.Users can set these threshold values, and the default threshold

requirements are: RSRP > Threshold for RSRP Statistics and DL SINR > Threshold for
DL SINR Statistics.The RSRP threshold is converted by Power Headroom reporting that
UE reports by means of period or event trigger.The DL SINR threshold is converted by
CQI reported by UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When there are downlink data to be sent on the PHY channelfrom the MAC layer, and the
threshold requirements for RSRP and DL SINR must be satisfied.

Update Description
The counter is updated per statistical period by calculating the average.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373343794

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PHY Throughput within The Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink PHY Traffic on the Sampling Point = the size of TBs.when threshold for RSRP
and SINR Statistics is satisfied. The counter takes the maximum value of all sampling
granularities in the statistical period.

Triggering Point
When the uplink PHY receives the data, and the threshold requirements for RSRP and
SINR must be satisfied. Users can set these threshold values, and the default threshold
requirements are: RSRP > Threshold for RSRP Statistics and SINR > Threshold for DL
SINR Statistics.

Update Description
The counter is updated to the sampling value if it is larger than the current one.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period

Kbps C373343795

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PHY Throughput within The Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
The average cell DL physical throughput is calculated by summing up transport block size
in sampling period, and the transport block is within threshold, but exclude retransmission
transport block. Users can set these threshold values, and the default threshold
requirements are: RSRP > Threshold for RSRP Statistics and DL SINR > Threshold for
DL SINR Statistics. The RSRP threshold is converted by Power Headroom reporting that
UE reports by means of period or event trigger.The DL SINR threshold is converted by
CQI reported by UE.

Triggering Point
When the uplink PHY receives the data, and the threshold
requirements for RSRP and DL SINR must be satisfied.

Update Description
The counter is updated per statistical period by calculating the average.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

16.1.6 MAC Aggregated Throughput Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373343726 Cell DL Aggregated Volume High

2 C373343727 Cell DL Aggregated Volume Low

3 C373343728 Cell UL Aggregated Volume High

4 C373343729 Cell UL Aggregated Volume Low

5 C373343730 Cell DL Aggregated Time

6 C373343731 Cell UL Aggregated Time

7 C373343800 Nack Data Volume High Bit of UL TB Block

8 C373343801 Nack Data Volume Low Bit of UL TB Block

9 C373343802 Nack Data Volume High Bit of DL TB Block

10 C373343803 Nack Data Volume Low Bit of DL TB Block Counter Description C373343726

Counter Name
Cell DL Aggregated Volume High

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part of TBs transmitted by eNodeB to UE on the downlink.The
total TBs = Cell DL Aggregated Volume High + Cell DL Aggregated Volume Low.When
the eNodeB get the successful DL TB HARQ feedback,the counter is collected. That is
excluded the retransmission TBs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler get positively acknowledged for the transmitted
transport block over the air


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is increased by the size of TB when the eNodeB downlink scheduler get
positively acknowledged for the transmitted transport block over the air

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343727

Counter Name
Cell DL Aggregated Volume Low

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part of TBs transmitted by eNodeB to UE on the
downlink.The total TBs = Cell DL Aggregated Volume High + Cell DL Aggregated Volume
Low.When the eNodeB get the successful DL TB HARQ feedback,the counter is collected.
That is excluded the retransmission TBs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler get positively acknowledged for the transmitted
transport block over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by the size of TB when the eNodeB downlink scheduler get
positively acknowledged for the transmitted transport block over the air

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Mbit C373343728

Counter Name
Cell UL Aggregated Volume High

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part of TBs transmitted by UE to eNodeB on the uplink.The
total TBs = Cell UL Aggregated Volume High + Cell UL Aggregated Volume Low.When
the eNodeB get the successful UL TB HARQ feedback,the counter is collected. That is
excluded the retransmission TBs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler get positively acknowledged for the transmitted
transport block by UE.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the size of TB when the eNodeB uplink scheduler get positively
acknowledged for the transmitted transport block by UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343729

Counter Name
Cell UL Aggregated Volume Low

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part of TBs transmitted by UE to eNodeB on the uplink.The
total TBs = Cell UL Aggregated Volume High + Cell UL Aggregated Volume Low.When
the eNodeB get the successful UL TB HARQ feedback,the counter is collected. That is
excluded the retransmission TBs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler get positively acknowledged for the transmitted
transport block by UE.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the size of TB when the eNodeB uplink scheduler get positively
acknowledged for the transmitted transport block by UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343730

Counter Name
Cell DL Aggregated Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the DL TTI which has data scheduling.When the eNodeB downlink
scheduler schedule the transport block, one TTI is added to the counter including the TTI
of retransmission TB.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedule the transport block.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedule the transport


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343731

Counter Name
Cell UL Aggregated Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the UL TTI which has data scheduling.When the eNodeB uplink
scheduler schedule the transport block, one TTI is added to the counter including the TTI
of retransmission TB.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedule the transport block.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedule the transport

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343800

Counter Name
Nack Data Volume High Bit of UL TB Block


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part of TBs transmitted by UE to eNodeB on the uplink.The total
TBs = Cell UL Volume High + Cell UL Volume Low.When the eNodeB get the UL TB HARQ
feedback failures,the counter is collected. That is excluded the retransmission TBs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler get negative acknowledged for the transmitted
transport block by UE.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the size of TB when the eNodeB uplink scheduler get negative
acknowledged for the transmitted transport block by UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343801

Counter Name
Nack Data Volume Low Bit of UL TB Block

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part of TBs transmitted by UE to eNodeB on the uplink.The
total TBs = Cell UL Volume High + Cell UL Volume Low.When the eNodeB get the UL TB
HARQ feedback failures,the counter is collected. That is excluded the retransmission TBs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler get negative acknowledged for the transmitted
transport block by UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is increased by the size of TB when the eNodeB uplink scheduler get negative
acknowledged for the transmitted transport block by UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343802

Counter Name
Nack Data Volume High Bit of DL TB Block

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part of TBs transmitted by eNodeB to UE on the downlink.The
total TBs = Cell DL Volume High + Cell DL Volume Low.When the eNodeB get the DL TB
HARQ feedback failures,the counter is collected. That is excluded the retransmission TBs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler get negative acknowledged for the transmitted
transport block over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by the size of TB when the eNodeB downlink scheduler get
negative acknowledged for the transmitted transport block over the air

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbit C373343803

Counter Name
Nack Data Volume Low Bit of DL TB Block

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part of TBs transmitted by eNodeB to UE on the
downlink.The total TBs = Cell DL Volume High + Cell DL Volume Low.When the eNodeB
get the DL TB HARQ feedback failures,the counter is collected. That is excluded the
retransmission TBs.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler get negative acknowledged for the transmitted
transport block over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by the size of TB when the eNodeB downlink scheduler get
negative acknowledged for the transmitted transport block over the air

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


16.1.7 IP Throughput Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Throughput of PDCP SDU bits in downlink for packet sizes or data bursts that are large
enough to require transmissions to be split across several TTIs, by excluding transmission
of the last piece of data in a data burst. Only data transmission time is considered, i.e.
when data transmission over Uu has begun but not yet finished. Each measurement is a


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

real value representing the throughput in kbits/s. The measurement is performed per QCI
per UE. For successful reception, the reference point is MAC upper SAP. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373343738 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=1

2 C373343739 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=1

3 C373343740 DL Aggregated Time,QCI=1

4 C373343741 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=2

5 C373343742 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=2

6 C373343743 DL Aggregated Time,QCI=2

7 C373343744 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=3

8 C373343745 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=3

9 C373343746 DL Aggregated Time,QCI=3

10 C373343747 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=4

11 C373343748 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=4

12 C373343749 DL Aggregated Time,QCI=4

13 C373343750 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=5

14 C373343751 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=5

15 C373343752 DL Aggregated Time,QCI=5

16 C373343753 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=6

17 C373343754 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=6

18 C373343755 DL Aggregated Time,QCI=6

19 C373343756 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=7

20 C373343757 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=7

21 C373343758 DL Aggregated Time,QCI=7

22 C373343759 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=8

23 C373343760 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=8

24 C373343761 DL Aggregated Time,QCI=8

25 C373343762 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=9

26 C373343763 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=9

27 C373343764 DL Aggregated Time,QCI=9

28 C373343765 UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=1


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Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

NO. Counter Counter Name


29 C373343766 UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=1

30 C373343767 UL Aggregated Time,QCI=1

31 C373343768 UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=2

32 C373343769 UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=2

33 C373343770 UL Aggregated Time,QCI=2

34 C373343771 UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=3

35 C373343772 UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=3

36 C373343773 UL Aggregated Time,QCI=3

37 C373343774 UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=4

38 C373343775 UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=4

39 C373343776 UL Aggregated Time,QCI=4

40 C373343777 UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=5

41 C373343778 UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=5

42 C373343779 UL Aggregated Time,QCI=5

43 C373343780 UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=6

44 C373343781 UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=6

45 C373343782 UL Aggregated Time,QCI=6

46 C373343783 UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=7

47 C373343784 UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=7

48 C373343785 UL Aggregated Time,QCI=7

49 C373343786 UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=8

50 C373343787 UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=8

51 C373343788 UL Aggregated Time,QCI=8

52 C373343789 UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=9

53 C373343790 UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=9

54 C373343791 UL Aggregated Time,QCI=9

55 C373343804 UL Aggregated Volume High

56 C373343805 UL Aggregated Volume Low

57 C373343806 DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu

58 C373343807 DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu

59 C373343808 DL Aggregated Volume High in RLC UM Mode through Uu

60 C373343809 DL Aggregated Volume Low in RLC UM Mode through Uu


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


61 C373343810 DL Aggregated Time

62 C373343811 UL Aggregated Time Counter Description C373343738

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI1 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the downlink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB get
the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have been
transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI1 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI1 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373343739

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI1 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to
UE on the downlink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB
get the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have
been transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI1 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI1 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373343740

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI1 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
downlink on the downlink at sampling period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When a QCI1 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the time of QCI1 PDCP SDU collected at sampling time.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343741

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI2 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the downlink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB get
the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have been
transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI2 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI2 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343742

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI2 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to
UE on the downlink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB
get the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have
been transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI2 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI2 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373343743

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time,QCI=2


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI2 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
downlink on the downlink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI2 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink

Update Description
When a QCI2 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343744

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI3 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the downlink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB get
the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have been
transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI3 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI3 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343745

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI3 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to
UE on the downlink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB
get the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have
been transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI3 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI3 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Kbit C373343746

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI3 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
downlink on the downlink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI3 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink

Update Description
When a QCI3 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343747

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI4 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the downlink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB get


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have been
transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI4 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI4 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343748

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI4 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to
UE on the downlink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB
get the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have
been transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI4 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI4 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373343749

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI4 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
downlink on the downlink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI4 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink

Update Description
When a QCI4 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343750

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI5 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the downlink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB get
the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have been
transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI5 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI5 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343751

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI5 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to
UE on the downlink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB
get the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have
been transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI5 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI5 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373343752

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI5 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
downlink on the downlink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI5 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink

Update Description
When a QCI5 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

ms C373343753

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI6 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the downlink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB get
the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have been
transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI6 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI6 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343754

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=6

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI6 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to
UE on the downlink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB
get the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have
been transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI6 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI6 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373343755

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI6 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
downlink on the downlink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI6 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink

Update Description
When a QCI6 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by 1.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343756

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI7 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the downlink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB get
the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have been
transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI7 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI7 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373343757

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI7 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to
UE on the downlink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB
get the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have
been transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI7 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI7 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373343758

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI7 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
downlink on the downlink at sampling period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
When a QCI7 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink

Update Description
When a QCI7 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343759

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI8 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the downlink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB get
the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have been
transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI8 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI8 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343760

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI8 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to
UE on the downlink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB
get the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have
been transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI8 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI8 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373343761

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time,QCI=8


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI8 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
downlink on the downlink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI8 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink

Update Description
When a QCI8 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343762

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI9 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the downlink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB get
the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have been
transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI9 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI9 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343763

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI9 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to
UE on the downlink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB
get the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have
been transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a QCI9 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the

Update Description
When all packets of a QCI9 PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Kbit C373343764

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI9 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
downlink on the downlink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI9 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink

Update Description
When a QCI9 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343765

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI1 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the uplink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When a QCI1 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI1 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343766

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI1 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB
to UE on the uplink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.

Triggering Point
When a QCI1 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI1 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Kbit C373343767

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI1 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
uplink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI1 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the time of QCI1 PDCP SDU collected at sampling time.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343768

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI2 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the uplink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When a QCI2 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI2 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343769

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI2 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB
to UE on the uplink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.

Triggering Point
When a QCI2 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI2 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Kbit C373343770

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI2 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
uplink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI2 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI2 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343771

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI3 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the uplink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When a QCI3 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI3 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343772

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI3 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB
to UE on the uplink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.

Triggering Point
When a QCI3 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI3 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Kbit C373343773

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI3 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
uplink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI3 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI3 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343774

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI4 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the uplink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When a QCI4 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI4 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343775

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI4 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB
to UE on the uplink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.

Triggering Point
When a QCI4 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI4 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Kbit C373343776

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI4 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
uplink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI4 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI4 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343777

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI5 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the uplink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When a QCI5 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI5 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343778

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI5 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB
to UE on the uplink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.

Triggering Point
When a QCI5 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI5 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Kbit C373343779

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI5 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
uplink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI5 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI5 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343780

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI6 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the uplink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When a QCI6 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI6 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343781

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI6 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB
to UE on the uplink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.

Triggering Point
When a QCI6 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI6 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Kbit C373343782

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI6 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
uplink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI6 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI6 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343783

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI7 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the uplink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When a QCI7 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI7 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343784

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI7 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB
to UE on the uplink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.

Triggering Point
When a QCI7 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI7 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Kbit C373343785

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI7 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
uplink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI7 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI7 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343786

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI8 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the uplink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When a QCI8 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI8 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343787

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI8 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB
to UE on the uplink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.

Triggering Point
When a QCI8 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI8 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Kbit C373343788

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI8 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
uplink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI8 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI8 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343789

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of QCI9 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the uplink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When a QCI9 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI9 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343790

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of QCI9 PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB
to UE on the uplink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.

Triggering Point
When a QCI9 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI9 PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Kbit C373343791

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the time of QCI9 traffic buffer from buffered data to empty on the
uplink at sampling period.

Triggering Point
When a QCI9 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink

Update Description
When a QCI9 PDCP SDU are scheduled by the eNodeB over air interface on the uplink,the
counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343804

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume High

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE on the
uplink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When a PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the counter
is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343805

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Volume Low

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the uplink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low.

Triggering Point
When a PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink

Update Description
When a PDCP SDU are received by PDCP layer from RLC layer on the uplink,the counter
is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Kbit C373343806

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High through Uu

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE on
the downlink.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB get the
successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have been
transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink

Update Description
When all packets of a PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343807

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low through Uu

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the downlink. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the eNodeB get
the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to TB have been
transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink

Update Description
When all packets of a PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the
downlink,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373343808

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume High in RLC UM Mode through Uu

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the part volume of PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE on the
downlink in RLC UM Mode.The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When the
eNodeB get the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related to
TB have been transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink
in RLC UM Mode


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
When all packets of a PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink
in RLC UM Mode,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Mbit C373343809

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Volume Low in RLC UM Mode through Uu

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the other part volume of PDCP SDU transmitted by eNodeB to UE
on the downlink in RLC UM Mode. The total volume = volume High + Volume Low. When
the eNodeB get the successful DL TB HARQ feedback and all frag of PDCP SDU related
to TB have been transmitted to the air interface successfully,the counter is collected.

Triggering Point
When all packets of a PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink
in RLC UM Mode

Update Description
When all packets of a PDCP SDU are sent by the eNodeB over air interface on the downlink
in RLC UM Mode,the counter is incremented by the bit-size of the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Kbit C373343810

Counter Name
DL Aggregated Time

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter accumulates the duration that the downlink PDCP buffer activated by each
E-RAB of each UE is not empty.

Triggering Point
This counter calculates the duration for the downlink eNodeB buffer to be empty since it
has data. The counter accumulates for multiple services.

Update Description
At each sampling point, this counter accumulates the downlink data transmission time
collected within a statistic period. The counter accumulates for multiple services.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373343811

Counter Name
UL Aggregated Time

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
This counter accumulates the duration that the uplink PDCP buffer activated by each
E-RAB of each UE is not empty. Whether the uplink PDCP buffer is empty depends on
the BSR report.

Triggering Point
This counter calculates the duration for the uplink eNodeB buffer to be empty since it has
data. The counter accumulates for multiple services.

Update Description
At each sampling point, this counter accumulates the uplink data transmission time
collected within a statistic period. The counter accumulates for multiple services.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


16.2 Traffic Delay on Cell

16.2.1 IP Latency on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 16-3 IP Latency Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373364109 DL QCI1 IP Packet Delay


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


2 C373364110 DL QCI2 IP Packet Delay

3 C373364111 DL QCI3 IP Packet Delay

4 C373364112 DL QCI4 IP Packet Delay

5 C373364113 DL QCI5 IP Packet Delay

6 C373364114 DL QCI6 IP Packet Delay

7 C373364115 DL QCI7 IP Packet Delay

8 C373364116 DL QCI8 IP Packet Delay

9 C373364117 DL QCI9 IP Packet Delay

10 C373364119 DL IP Packet Delay Counter Description C373364109

Counter Name
DL QCI1 IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI1 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI1 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI1 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364110

Counter Name
DL QCI2 IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI2 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI2 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI2 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364111

Counter Name
DL QCI3 IP Packet Delay


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI3 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI3 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI3 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364112

Counter Name
DL QCI4 IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI4 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI4 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI4 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364113

Counter Name
DL QCI5 IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI5 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI5 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI5 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

ms C373364114

Counter Name
DL QCI6 IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI6 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI6 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI6 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364115

Counter Name
DL QCI7 IP Packet Delay

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
When a QCI7 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI7 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI7 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364116

Counter Name
DL QCI8 IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI8 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.

IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI8 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI8 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364117

Counter Name
DL QCI9 IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI9 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI9 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI9 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

ms C373364119

Counter Name
DL IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When the
first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the PDCP SDU, and than records the end
time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


16.2.2 PDCP SDU DL Delay on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373364100 DL QCI1 PDCP SDU Delay

2 C373364101 DL QCI2 PDCP SDU Delay

3 C373364102 DL QCI3 PDCP SDU Delay

4 C373364103 DL QCI4 PDCP SDU Delay

5 C373364104 DL QCI5 PDCP SDU Delay

6 C373364105 DL QCI6 PDCP SDU Delay

7 C373364106 DL QCI7 PDCP SDU Delay

8 C373364107 DL QCI8 PDCP SDU Delay

9 C373364108 DL QCI9 PDCP SDU Delay

10 C373364118 DL PDCP SDU Delay

11 C373364130 QCI1 DL PDCP SDU Number for Delay in Range 1

12 C373364131 QCI1 DL PDCP SDU Number for Delay in Range 2

13 C373364132 QCI1 DL PDCP SDU Number for Delay in Range 3

14 C373364140 DL Radio VoIP Effective MOS Counter Description C373364100

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI1 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI1 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI1 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364101

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI2 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI2 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI2 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

ms C373364102

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI3 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI3 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI3 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364103

Counter Name

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
When a QCI4 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI4 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI4 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364104

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI5 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.

Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI5 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI5 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364105

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI6 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI6 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI6 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

ms C373364106

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI7 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI7 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI7 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364107

Counter Name

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When a QCI8 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI8 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI8 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364108

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI9 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.

Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI9 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI9 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C373364118

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When the
last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the PDCP SDU, and than records the end
time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

ms C373364130

Counter Name
QCI1 DL PDCP SDU Number for Delay in Range 1

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PDCP SDU packets that the PDCP layer successfully
receives HARQ acknowledgement to all the QCI1 SDU fragments within the delay specified
by range 1. Range 1: less than 80 ms.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PDCP SDU packets that the downlink QCI1 delay is
specified by range 1.

Update Description
This counter accumulates the number of PDCP SDUs that the downlink QCI1 delay is
specified by range 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373364131

Counter Name
QCI1 DL PDCP SDU Number for Delay in Range 2

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PDCP SDU packets that the PDCP layer successfully
receives HARQ acknowledgement to all the QCI1 SDU fragments within the delay specified
by range 2. Range 2: greater than 80 ms and less than 115 ms.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PDCP SDU packets that the downlink QCI1 delay is
within 2.

Update Description
This counter accumulates the number of PDCP SDUs that the downlink QCI1 delay is
specified by range 2.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373364132

Counter Name
QCI1 DL PDCP SDU Number for Delay in Range 3

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PDCP SDU packets that the PDCP layer successfully
receives HARQ acknowledgement to all the QCI1 SDU fragments within the delay specified
by range 3. Range 3: greater than 115 ms.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PDCP SDU packets that the downlink QCI1 delay is
specified by range 3.

Update Description
This counter accumulates the number of PDCP SDUs that the downlink QCI1 delay is
specified by range 3.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373364140

Counter Name
DL Radio VoIP Effective MOS

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter calculates the VoIP equivalent MOS value based on the downlink delay jitter.

Triggering Point
This counter calculates the VoIP equivalent MOS value based on the downlink delay jitter.

Update Description
This counter is updated to the latest equivalent MOS value.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min


16.2.3 Call Duration Before Drop on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373343796 Call Time before Drop,QCI=1

2 C373343797 Call Time before Drop,QCI=2

3 C373343798 Call Time before Drop,QCI=3

4 C373343799 Call Time before Drop,QCI=4 Counter Description C373343796

Counter Name
Call Time before Drop,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
After a data radio bearer with QCI = 1 is successfully setup, the eNodeB start to detect
the active session time of the bearer. When the bearer is initiated to release by eNodeB,
report the total session time of it. The counter provides the number of atcivity session time.

Triggering Point
When a data radio bearer with QCI = 1 is initiated to release by eNodeB

Update Description
When a data radio bearer with QCI = 1 is initiated to release by eNodeB,the counter is
increased by the in-session activity time for the bearer.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373343797

Counter Name
Call Time before Drop,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
After a data radio bearer with QCI = 2 is successfully setup, the eNodeB start to detect
the active session time of the bearer. When the bearer is initiated to release by eNodeB,
report the total session time of it.The counter provides the number of atcivity session time.

Triggering Point
When a data radio bearer with QCI = 2 is initiated to release by eNodeB

Update Description
When a data radio bearer with QCI = 2 is initiated to release by eNodeB,the counter is
increased by the in-session activity time for the bearer.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373343798

Counter Name
Call Time before Drop,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
After a data radio bearer with QCI = 3 is successfully setup, the eNodeB start to detect
the active session time of the bearer. When the bearer is initiated to release by eNodeB,
report the total session time of it. The counter provides the number of atcivity session time.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
When a data radio bearer with QCI = 3 is initiated to release by eNodeB

Update Description
When a data radio bearer with QCI = 3 is initiated to release by eNodeB,the counter is
increased by the in-session activity time for the bearer.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373343799

Counter Name
Call Time before Drop,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
After a data radio bearer with QCI = 4 is successfully setup, the eNodeB start to detect
the active session time of the bearer. When the bearer is initiated to release by eNodeB,
report the total session time of it. The counter provides the number of atcivity session time.

Triggering Point
When a data radio bearer with QCI = 4 is initiated to release by eNodeB

Update Description
When a data radio bearer with QCI = 4 is initiated to release by eNodeB,the counter is
increased by the in-session activity time for the bearer.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


16.3 Loss Packet on Cell

16.3.1 PDCP SDU Loss Packet on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373353900 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number,QCI=1

2 C373353901 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number,QCI=2

3 C373353902 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=3

4 C373353903 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=4

5 C373353904 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=5

6 C373353905 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=6

7 C373353906 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=7

8 C373353907 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=8

9 C373353908 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=9

10 C373353909 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=1

11 C373353910 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=2

12 C373353911 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=3

13 C373353912 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=4

14 C373353913 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=5

15 C373353914 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=6

16 C373353915 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=7

17 C373353916 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=8

18 C373353917 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=9

19 C373353956 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number

20 C373353957 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number

21 C373980454 Number of eNB DL Gtpu Packet Loss


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

NO. Counter Counter Name


22 C373980455 Number of eNB DL Gtpu Packet Out Of Order

23 C373980456 Number of eNB DL Gtpu Packet Total Counter Description C373353900

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI1 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI1 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI1 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373353901

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI2 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI2 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI2 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353902

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI3 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI3 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI3 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353903

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI4 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI4 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI4 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353904

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI5 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI5 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI5 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373353905

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI6 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI6 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI6 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353906

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI7 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI7 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI7 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353907

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI8 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI8 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI8 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353908

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI9 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI9 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI9 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373353909

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI1 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI1 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI1 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353910

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=2

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI2 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI2 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI2 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353911

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI3 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI3 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI3 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353912

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI4 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI4 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI4 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

unit C373353913

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI5 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI5 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI5 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353914

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=6

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI6 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI6 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI6 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353915

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI7 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI7 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI7 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353916

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI8 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI8 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI8 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373353917

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI9 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI9 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI9 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353956

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare the
received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received is
larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353957

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the SDU
or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air but
not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer of
the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the PDCP SDU in DL, for which
at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373980454

Counter Name
Number of eNB DL Gtpu Packet Loss

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of lost packets of the GTPU downlink in the statistic period.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives a downlink packet and detects
that the received downlink GTPU SN is not sequent.

Update Description
This counter starts counting if the eNodeB receives a downlink packet and detects that the
received downlink GTPU SN is not sequent. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373980455

Counter Name
Number of eNB DL Gtpu Packet Out Of Order

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of packets in disorder of the GTPU downlink in the statistic

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives a downlink packet and detects
that the received downlink GTPU SN is in disorder.

Update Description
This counter starts counting if the eNodeB receives a downlink packet and detects that the
received downlink GTPU SN is in disorder. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period

unit C373980456

Counter Name
Number of eNB DL Gtpu Packet Total

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of GTPU packets in the statistic period.

Triggering Point
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives a downlink packet.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter starts counting if the eNodeB receives a downlink packet. This counter
accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


16.3.2 PDCP SDU Discard Packet on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373353918 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=1

2 C373353919 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=2

3 C373353920 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=3

4 C373353921 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=4

5 C373353922 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=5

6 C373353923 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=6

7 C373353924 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=7

8 C373353925 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=8

9 C373353926 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=9

10 C373353958 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number Counter Description C373353918

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI1 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI1 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI1 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353919

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI2 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI2 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI2 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353920

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI3 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI3 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI3 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

unit C373353921

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI4 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI4 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI4 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353922

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=5

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI5 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI5 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI5 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353923

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI6 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI6 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI6 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353924

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI7 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI7 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI7 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373353925

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI8 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI8 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI8 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353926

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB will discard the QCI9 PDCP SDU and no part of which has been transmitted
over the air when "timer discard" timer of detecting the SDU expires or there is no DL buffer
for the SDU. The counter is used to count the number of the SDU.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI9 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI9 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353958

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the SDU
or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the counter
is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been transmitted
over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the PDCP SDU in DL, for which
no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min


16.3.3 PDCP SDU Total Number on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373353927 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=1

2 C373353928 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=2

3 C373353929 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=3

4 C373353930 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=4

5 C373353931 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=5

6 C373353932 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=6

7 C373353933 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=7

8 C373353934 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=8

9 C373353935 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=9

10 C373353936 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=1

11 C373353937 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=2

12 C373353938 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=3

13 C373353939 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=4

14 C373353940 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=5

15 C373353941 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=6

16 C373353942 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=7

17 C373353943 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=8

18 C373353944 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=9

19 C373353947 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=1

20 C373353948 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=2

21 C373353949 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=3


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

NO. Counter Counter Name


22 C373353950 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=4

23 C373353951 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=5

24 C373353952 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=6

25 C373353953 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=7

26 C373353954 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=8

27 C373353955 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=9

28 C373353959 UL PDCP SDU Number

29 C373353960 DL PDCP SDU Number

30 C373353961 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

31 C373354022 DL PDCP SDU Number in Control Plane

32 C373354023 UL PDCP SDU Number in Control Plane Counter Description C373353927

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI1 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI1 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI1 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353928

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI2 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI2 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI2 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353929

Counter Name

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI3 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI3 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI3 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353930

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI4 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI4 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI4 PDCP packet
in the uplink.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353931

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI5 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI5 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI5 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353932

Counter Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI6 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI6 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI6 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353933

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI7 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI7 PDCP packet in the uplink


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI7 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353934

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI8 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI8 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI8 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373353935

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI9 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI9 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI9 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353936

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI1 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI1 PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI1 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353937

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI2 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI2 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI2 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

unit C373353938

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI3 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI3 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI3 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353939

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI4 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI4 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI4 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353940

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI5 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI5 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI5 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

unit C373353941

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI6 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI6 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI6 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353942

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI7 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI7 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI7 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353943

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI8 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI8 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI8 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

unit C373353944

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI9 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI9 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI9 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353947

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI1 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI1 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353948

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI2 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI2 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353949

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI3 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI3 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353950

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=4

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI4 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI4 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353951

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI5 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI5 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353952

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI6 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI6 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353953

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=7


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI7 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI7 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353954

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI8 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI8 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353955

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI9 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI9 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373353959

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the PDCP packet in
the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353960

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the PDCP SDU from
the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373353961

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about PDCP SDU,for which all
parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373354022

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number in Control Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of the control plane PDCP SDUs that the eNodeB sends
through the Uu interface within a statistic period.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of downlink SRBs that reaches the PDCP layer.

Update Description
This counter accumulates the number of the control plane PDCP SDU packets that the
eNodeB sends through the Uu interface within a statistic period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373354023

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Number in Control Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of the control plane PDCP SDUs that the eNodeB
successfully receives through the Uu interface within a statistic period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of uplink SRBs that reaches the PDCP layer (including
the lost SDUs according to the SN).

Update Description
This counter accumulates the number of the control plane PDCP SDUs that the eNodeB
successfully receives through the Uu interface within a statistic period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


16.4 User Number on Cell

16.4.1 Active User Number on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373384300 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=1)

2 C373384301 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=2)

3 C373384302 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=3)

4 C373384303 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=4)

5 C373384304 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=5)

6 C373384305 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=6)

7 C373384306 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=7)

8 C373384307 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=8)

9 C373384308 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=9)

10 C373384309 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=1)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


11 C373384310 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=2)

12 C373384311 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=3)

13 C373384312 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=4)

14 C373384313 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=5)

15 C373384314 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=6)

16 C373384315 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=7)

17 C373384316 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=8)

18 C373384317 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=9)

19 C373384318 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=1)

20 C373384319 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=2)

21 C373384320 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=3)

22 C373384321 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=4)

23 C373384322 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=5)

24 C373384323 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=6)

25 C373384324 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=7)

26 C373384325 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=8)

27 C373384326 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=9)

28 C373384327 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=1)

29 C373384328 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=2)

30 C373384329 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=3)

31 C373384330 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=4)

32 C373384331 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=5)

33 C373384332 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=6)

34 C373384333 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=7)

35 C373384334 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=8)

36 C373384335 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=9)

37 C373384348 Maximum Active User Number on User Plane

38 C373384349 Average Active User Number on User Plane

39 C373384361 Average DL Active E-RAB Number

40 C373384362 Maximum DL Active E-RAB Number

41 C373384363 Average UL Active E-RAB Number

42 C373384364 Maximum UL Active E-RAB Number


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

NO. Counter Counter Name


43 C373384365 Maximum Number of RRC Connection User that have Data Transmission

44 C373384366 Mean Number of RRC Connection User that have Data Transmission

45 C373940411 Maximum Number of RRC Connection User that have Data Transmission

46 C373940412 Mean Number of RRC Connection User that have Data Transmission (eNB)

47 C373384372 Average UL Active User Number

48 C373384373 Average DL Active User Number Counter Description C373384300

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 1 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI1 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI1 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373384301

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 2 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI2 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI2 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384302

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=3)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 3 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI3 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI3 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384303

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 4 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI4 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI4 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384304

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 5 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI5 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI5 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373384305

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 6 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI6 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI6 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384306

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 7 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI7 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI7 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384307

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 8 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI8 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI8 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384308

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 9 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI9 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI9 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384309

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=1)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 1 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI1 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI1 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384310

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 2 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI2 DRB at
sampling time.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI2 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384311

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 3 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI3 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI3 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373384312

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 4 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI4 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI4 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384313

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=5)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 5 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI5 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI5 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384314

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 6 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI6 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI6 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384315

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 7 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI7 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI7 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373384316

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 8 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI8 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI8 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384317

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 9 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI9 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI9 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384318

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 1 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI1 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI1 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384319

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 2 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI2 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI2 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384320

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=3)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 3 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI3 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI3 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384321

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 4 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI4 DRB at
sampling time.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI4 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384322

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 5 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI5 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI5 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373384323

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 6 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI6 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI6 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384324

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=7)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 7 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI7 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI7 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384325

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 8 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI8 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI8 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384326

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 9 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI9 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI9 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373384327

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 1 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI1 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI1 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384328

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 2 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI2 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI2 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384329

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 3 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI3 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI3 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384330

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 4 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI4 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI4 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384331

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=5)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 5 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI5 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI5 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384332

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 6 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI6 DRB at
sampling time.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI6 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384333

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 7 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI7 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI7 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373384334

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 8 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI8 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI8 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384335

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=9)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 9 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI9 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI9 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384348

Counter Name
Maximum Active User Number on User Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol layers for
Data Radio Bearer of traffic class at sampling time. The counter provides the maximum
value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in buffer at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current actives UEs is larger than
the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384349

Counter Name
Average Active User Number on User Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol layers
for Data Radio Bearer of traffic class at sampling time.The counter provides the average
value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in buffer at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample active UEs, and then dividing the
sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384361

Counter Name
Average DL Active E-RAB Number


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of E-RABs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP
protocol layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of E-RABs which has data in DL buffer for DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL active E-RABs, and then dividing
the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384362

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active E-RAB Number

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of E-RABs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP
protocol layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of E-RABs which has data in DL buffer for DRB at
sampling time.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL actives E-RABs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384363

Counter Name
Average UL Active E-RAB Number

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of E-RABs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP
protocol layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of E-RABs which has data in UL buffer for DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL active E-RABs, and then dividing
the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

unit C373384364

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active E-RAB Number

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of E-RABs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP
protocol layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of E-RABs which has data in UL buffer for DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL actives E-RABs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384365

Counter Name
Maximum Number of RRC Connection User that have Data Transmission

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol layers for
Data Radio Bearer of traffic class at sampling time. The counter provides the maximum
value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in buffer at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UEs that have data
transmission is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
500 ms

unit C373384366

Counter Name
Mean Number of RRC Connection User that have Data Transmission

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol layers
for Data Radio Bearer of traffic class at sampling time.The counter provides the average
value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in buffer at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UEs that have data transmission,
and then dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
500 ms

unit C373940411

Counter Name
Maximum Number of RRC Connection User that have Data Transmission (eNB)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol layers for
Data Radio Bearer of traffic class at sampling time. The counter provides the maximum
value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in buffer at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UEs that have data
transmission is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
500 ms

unit C373940412

Counter Name
Mean Number of RRC Connection User that have Data Transmission (eNB)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol layers
for Data Radio Bearer of traffic class at sampling time.The counter provides the average
value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in buffer at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UEs that have data transmission,
and then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
500 ms

unit C373384372

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of users that have data in the downlink buffer area of the
user plane in 100 ms. The data collected in 15 minutes is the average value of all collected
data in 100 ms.

Triggering Point
This counter is reported by the RNLU. This counter counts the number of valid data of
RNLU ERAB uplink buffer during sampling time. The sampling time is 100 ms. This counter
counts the average value of all sampling points during the statistical period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
This counter is reported by the RNLU. This counter counts the number of valid data of
RNLU ERAB uplink buffer during sampling time. The sampling time is 100 ms. This counter
counts the average value of all sampling points during the statistical period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384373

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of users that have data in the uplink buffer area of the user
plane in 100 ms. The data collected in 15 minutes is the average value of all collected data
in 100 ms.

Triggering Point
This counter is reported by the RNLU. This counter counts the number of valid data of
RNLU ERAB downlink buffer during sampling time. The sampling time is 100 ms. This
counter counts the average value of all sampling points during the statistical period.

Update Description
This counter is reported by the RNLU. This counter counts the number of valid data of
RNLU ERAB downlink buffer during sampling time. The sampling time is 100 ms. This
counter counts the average value of all sampling points during the statistical period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


16.4.2 Active State Number on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373384336 Maximum Active State User Number

2 C373384337 Minimum Active State User Number

3 C373384338 Average Active State User Number Counter Description C373384336

Counter Name
Maximum Number of UE that can be simultaneously

Short Name

Counter Description
The active state indicates the user is always active if the short DRX is configured to UE.
And if the long DRX is configured to UE, the user is active when having traffic and DRX
high level.Otherwise the user is inactive.The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB sheduler collects the number of UEs which is "active state" at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current active state UEs is larger
than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373384337

Counter Name
Minimum Number of UE that can be simultaneously

Short Name

Counter Description
The active state indicates the user is always active if the short DRX is configured to UE.
And if the long DRX is configured to UE, the user is active when having traffic and DRX
high level.Otherwise the user is inactive.The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB sheduler collects the number of UEs which is "active state" at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current active state UEs is smaller
than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period
100 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373384338

Counter Name
Average Number of UE that can be simultaneously

Short Name

Counter Description
The active state indicates the user is always active if the short DRX is configured to UE.
And if the long DRX is configured to UE, the user is active when having traffic and DRX high
level.Otherwise the user is inactive.The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB sheduler collects the number of UEs which is "active state" at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample active state UEs, and then dividing
the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms


16.4.3 Category User Number Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373384343 Cat1 Average User Number


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

NO. Counter Counter Name


2 C373384344 Cat2 Average User Number

3 C373384345 Cat3 Average User Number

4 C373384346 Cat4 Average User Number

5 C373384347 Cat5 Average User Number

6 C373384352 Maximum User Number With CA Capability

7 C373384353 Cat6 Average User Number

8 C373384354 Cat7 Average User Number

9 C373384355 Cat8 Average User Number

10 C373384356 Maximum User Number of Enabled CA Counter Description C373384343

Counter Name
Cat1 Average User Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives the UECapibilityInformation message from UE, it gets the category
of the UE. The number of cat1 user is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME.
When eNodeB releases the UE Context triggered by MME or eNodeB, the number is
decremented by 1.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs with category = 1 at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UEs with category = 1, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

unit C373384344

Counter Name
Cat2 Average User Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives the UECapibilityInformation message from UE, it gets the category
of the UE. The number of cat2 user is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME.
When eNodeB releases the Ue Context triggered by MME or eNodeB, the number is
decremented by 1.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs with category = 2 at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UEs with category = 2, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

unit C373384345

Counter Name
Cat3 Average User Number


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives the UECapibilityInformation message from UE, it gets the category
of the UE. The number of cat3 user is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME.
When eNodeB releases the UE Context triggered by MME or eNodeB, the number is
decremented by 1.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs with category = 3 at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UEs with category = 3, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

unit C373384346

Counter Name
Cat4 Average User Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives the UECapibilityInformation message from UE, it gets the category
of the UE. The number of cat4 user is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME.

When eNodeB releases the Ue Context triggered by MME or eNodeB, the number is
decremented by 1.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs with category = 4 at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UEs with category = 4, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

unit C373384347

Counter Name
Cat5 Average User Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives the UECapibilityInformation message from UE, it gets the category
of the UE. The number of cat5 user is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME.
When eNodeB releases the Ue Context triggered by MME or eNodeB, the number is
decremented by 1.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs with category = 5 at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UEs with category = 5, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period

unit C373384352

Counter Name
Maximum User Number With CA Capability

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB sends an Initial Context Setup Response message to the MME
and the UE has the CA capability, this counter is incremented. When the target
eNodeB, after receiving a HandoverRequest message from the MME, sends the MME
a HandoverRequestAck message and the UE has the CA capability, this counter is
incremented. When the UE context is released and the UE has the CA capability, this
counter is decremented. The OAM takes a sample every two seconds. This counter
counts the maximum value of all the sampling values in a statistical period (15 minutes).

Triggering Point
At each sampling time, the eNodeB collects the number of users whose terminals have
the CA capability.

Update Description
In each sampling period, this counter is updated to the maximum number of users whose
terminals have the CA capability.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373384353

Counter Name
Cat6 Average User Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives the UECapibilityInformation message from UE, it gets the category
of the UE. The number of cat6 user is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME.
When eNodeB releases the Ue Context triggered by MME or eNodeB, the number is
decremented by 1.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs with category = 6 at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UEs with category = 6, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

unit C373384354

Counter Name
Cat7 Average User Number

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives the UECapibilityInformation message from UE, it gets the category
of the UE. The number of cat7 user is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME.
When eNodeB releases the Ue Context triggered by MME or eNodeB, the number is
decremented by 1.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs with category = 7 at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UEs with category = 7, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

unit C373384355

Counter Name
Cat8 Average User Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When eNodeB receives the UECapibilityInformation message from UE, it gets the category
of the UE. The number of cat8 user is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB sends the
InitialContextSetupResponse message to MME.

When eNodeB releases the Ue Context triggered by MME or eNodeB, the number is
decremented by 1.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs with category = 8 at sampling time.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UEs with category = 8, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

unit C373384356

Counter Name
Maximum User Number of Enabled CA

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter is incremented when the eNodeB sends a reconfiguration message to enable
the CA user. It is also incremented when the target eNodeB sends a handover request
acknowledgment to the MME after receiving a handover request from the MME and the
UE has CA capability. This counter is decremented when the UE sends a reconfiguration
message to disable the CA user. It is also decremented when the UE release the context
and the UE has CA capability. The OAM sampling period is 2 s.The maximum value of this
counter is obtained from the maximum value of all sampling points within a statistic period
(15 minutes).

Triggering Point
At each sampling time, the eNodeB collects the number of users whose terminals has the
CA capability.

Update Description
In each sampling period, this counter is updated to the maximum number of users whose
terminals have the CA capability.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period


16.5 RLC PDU Number on Cell

16.5.1 RLC PDU Retransmission Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373454816 Number of RLC PDU Retransmission

2 C373454817 Number of RLC PDU Transmission Counter Description C373454816

Counter Name
Number of RLC PDU Retransmission

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of RLC PDUs retransmited by eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When the RLC layer retransmit a RLC PDU to MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the RLC layer retransmit a RLC PDU to MAC layer.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373454817

Counter Name
Number of RLC PDU Transmission

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of RLC PDUs transmited by eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When the RLC layer transmit a RLC PDU to MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the RLC layer transmit a RLC PDU to MAC layer.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


16.6 SPS
16.6.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

16.6.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373424676 Number of UL SPS Activation Request

2 C373424677 Number of UL SPS Activation Completed

3 C373424678 Number of UL SPS Reacivation Request

4 C373424679 Number of UL SPS Reactivation Completed

5 C373424680 Number of UL SPS Deacivation Request

6 C373424681 Number of UL SPS Deactivation Completed

7 C373424682 Number of DL SPS Activation Request

8 C373424683 Number of DL SPS Activation Completed

9 C373424684 Number of DL SPS Reacivation Request

10 C373424685 Number of DL SPS Reactivation Completed

11 C373424686 Number of DL SPS Deacivation Request

12 C373424687 Number of DL SPS Deactivation Completed

13 C373596900 Number of UL QCI1 Initial TBs

14 C373596901 Error Number of UL QCI1 Initial TBs

15 C373596902 Number of DL QCI1 Initial TBs

16 C373596903 Error Number of DL QCI1 Initial TBs

17 C373596904 Sum Number of UL QCI1 Initial Subframe Level CCE Used

18 C373596905 Number of UL QCI1 Scheduled Subframe

19 C373596906 Sum Number of DL QCI1 Initial Subframe Level CCE Used

20 C373596907 Number of DL QCI1 Scheduled Subframe

21 C373596999 Total Number of UL Init TBs for SPS

22 C373597000 Total Number of DL Init TBs for SPS

16.6.3 Counter Description C373424676

Counter Name
Number of UL SPS Activation Request


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of UL SPS activation request.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UL SPS activation request.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB sends the UL SPS activation request.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373424677

Counter Name
Number of UL SPS Activation Completed

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of UL SPS activation completed.

Triggering Point
When the UL SPS activation completed.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the UL SPS activation completed.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373424678

Counter Name
Number of UL SPS Reactivation Request

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of UL SPS reacivation request.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UL SPS reactivation request.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB sends the UL SPS reactivation request.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373424679

Counter Name
Number of UL SPS Reactivation Completed

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of UL SPS reactivation completed.

Triggering Point
When the UL SPS reactivation completed.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the UL SPS reactivation completed.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373424680

Counter Name
Number of UL SPS Deactivation Request

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of UL SPS deacivation request.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the UL SPS deactivation request.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB sends the UL SPS deactivation request.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

times C373424681

Counter Name
Number of UL SPS Deactivation Completed

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of UL SPS deactivation completed.

Triggering Point
When the UL SPS deactivation completed.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the UL SPS deactivation completed.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373424682

Counter Name
Number of DL SPS Activation Request

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of DL SPS activation request.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the DL SPS activation request.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB sends the DL SPS activation request.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373424683

Counter Name
Number of DL SPS Activation Completed

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of DL SPS activation completed.

Triggering Point
When the DL SPS activation completed.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the DL SPS activation completed.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373424684

Counter Name
Number of DL SPS Reactivation Request

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of DL SPS reacivation request.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the DL SPS reactivation request.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB sends the DL SPS reactivation request.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373424685

Counter Name
Number of DL SPS Reactivation Completed

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of DL SPS reactivation completed.

Triggering Point
When the DL SPS reactivation completed.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the DL SPS reactivation completed.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373424686

Counter Name
Number of DL SPS Deactivation Request

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of DL SPS deacivation request.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the DL SPS deactivation request.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB sends the DL SPS deactivation request.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373424687

Counter Name
Number of DL SPS Deactivation Completed

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of DL SPS deactivation completed.

Triggering Point
When the DL SPS deactivation completed.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the DL SPS deactivation completed.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373596900

Counter Name
Number of UL QCI1 Initial TBs

Short Name

Counter Description
When UE sends datas containing the QCI1 traffic,statistic the initial total scheduling times

Triggering Point
When UE sends datas containing the QCI1 traffic


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE sends datas containing the QCI1 traffic

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596901

Counter Name
Error Number of UL QCI1 Initial TBs

Short Name

Counter Description
When UE sends datas containing the QCI1 traffic,and the eNodeB's feedback is
NACK,statistic the initial NACK number

Triggering Point
When UE sends datas containing the QCI1 traffic, and the eNodeB's feedback is NACK

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when UE sends datas containing the QCI1 traffic, and
the eNodeB's feedback is NACK

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C373596902

Counter Name
Number of DL QCI1 Initial TBs

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB sends datas containing the QCI1 traffic, statistic the initial total
scheduling times

Triggering Point
When the eNodeBs sends datas containing the QCI1 traffic

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends datas containing the QCI1 traffic

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596903

Counter Name
Error Number of DL QCI1 Initial TBs

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB sends datas containing the QCI1 traffic,and the UE's feedback is NACK,
statistic the initial NACK number


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeBs sends datas containing the QCI1 traffic, and the UE's feedback is

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends datas containing the QCI1 traffic,
and the UE's feedback is NACK

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596904

Counter Name
Sum Number of UL QCI1 Initial Subframe Level CCE Used

Short Name

Counter Description
When a TTI includes scheduling the UE QCI1 traffic,it needs to count SumCCE and
n.The initial SumCCE value is 0,SumCCE=SumCCE+AveCCE .AveCCE equal to the
total number of CCE actually occupied by TTI scheduling UE contains QCI1 traffic/the
total number of UE contains QCI1 traffic.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB scheduled UL QCI1 traffic

Update Description
The counter is incremented by AveCCE When the eNodeB scheduled UL QCI1 traffic

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596905

Counter Name
Number of UL QCI1 Scheduled Subframe

Short Name

Counter Description
When a TTI includes scheduling the QCI1 traffic,it needs to count SumCCE and n. The
statistical number n, the initial value is 0, when a TTI scheduling QCI1, n++.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB scheduled UL QCI1 traffic

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB scheduled UL QCI1 traffic

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596906

Counter Name
Sum Number of DL QCI1 Initial Subframe Level CCE Used

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When a TTI includes scheduling the UE QCI1 traffic,it needs to count SumCCE and n.The
initial SumCCE value is 0, SumCCE=SumCCE+AveCCE .AveCCE equal to the total
number of CCE actually occupied by TTI scheduling UE contains QCI1 traffic/the total
number of UE contains QCI1 traffic.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB scheduled DL QCI1 traffic

Update Description
The counter is incremented by AveCCE When the eNodeB scheduled DL QCI1 traffic

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596907

Counter Name
Number of DL QCI1 Scheduled Subframe

Short Name

Counter Description
When a TTI includes scheduling the QCI1 traffic,it needs to count SumCCE and n. The
statistical number n, the initial value is 0, when a TTI scheduling QCI1, n++.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB scheduled DL QCI1 traffic

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB scheduled DL QCI1 traffic


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596999

Counter Name
Total Number of UL Init TBs for SPS

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of QCI1 initial TBs that are scheduled by the CMAC uplink

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of QCI1 initial TBs that are scheduled by the CMAC uplink

Update Description
This counter counts the number of QCI1 initial TBs that are scheduled by the CMAC uplink
SPS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373597000

Counter Name
Total Number of DL Init TBs for SPS

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of QCI1 initial TBs that are scheduled by the CMAC
downlink SPS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of QCI1 initial TBs that are scheduled by the CMAC
downlink SPS.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of QCI1 initial TBs that are scheduled by the CMAC
downlink SPS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


16.7 Traffic Throughput on Cell(PLMN)

16.7.1 PDCP SDU Bitrate Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C374574200 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Control Plane

2 C374574201 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Control Plane

3 C374574202 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Control Plane

4 C374574203 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Control Plane

5 C374574204 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=1)

6 C374574205 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=2)

7 C374574206 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=3)

8 C374574207 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=4)

9 C374574208 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=5)

10 C374574209 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=6)

11 C374574210 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=7)

12 C374574211 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=8)

13 C374574212 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=9)

14 C374574213 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=1)

15 C374574214 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=2)

16 C374574215 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=3)

17 C374574216 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=4)

18 C374574217 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=5)

19 C374574218 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=6)

20 C374574219 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=7)

21 C374574220 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=8)

22 C374574221 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=9)

23 C374574222 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=1)

24 C374574223 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=2)

25 C374574224 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=3)

26 C374574225 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=4)

27 C374574226 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=5)

28 C374574227 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=6)

29 C374574228 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=7)

30 C374574229 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=8)

31 C374574230 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=9)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


32 C374574231 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=1)

33 C374574232 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=2)

34 C374574233 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=3)

35 C374574234 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=4)

36 C374574235 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=5)

37 C374574236 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=6)

38 C374574237 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=7)

39 C374574238 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=8)

40 C374574239 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=9)

41 C374574240 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Traffic Plane

42 C374574241 Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Traffic Plane

43 C374574242 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Traffic Plane

44 C374574243 Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Traffic Plane Counter Description C374574200

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Control Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the UL PDCP SDU volume of SRB that is sent by
PDCP layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the PDCP SDU of signal radio bear to the MME

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL SRB PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574201

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Control Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the UL PDCP SDU volume of SRB that is sent by
PDCP layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the PDCP SDU of signal radio bear to the MME

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL PDCP SDU volume is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574202

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Control Plane


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the DL PDCP SDU volume of SRB that is sent by
PDCP layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the PDCP SDU of signal radio bear from the MME.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL SRB PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574203

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Control Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the DL PDCP SDU volume of SRB that is sent by
PDCP layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the PDCP SDU of signal radio bear from the MME.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL SRB PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574204

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI1 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI1 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Kbps C374574205

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI2 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI2 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574206

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=3)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI3 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI3 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574207

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI4 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI4 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574208

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI5 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI5 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C374574209

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI6 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI6 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574210

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI7 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI7 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574211

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI8 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI8 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574212

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI9 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI9 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574213

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=1)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI1 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI1 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574214

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI2 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI2 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574215

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI3 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI3 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574216

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI4 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI4 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574217

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=5)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI5 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI5 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574218

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI6 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI6 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574219

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI7 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI7 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574220

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI8 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI8 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574221

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=9)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have
been deducted. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI9 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI9 PDCP SDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574222

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted.The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI1 PDCP SDU to the SGW


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI1 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574223

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI2 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI2 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Kbps C374574224

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI3 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI3 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574225

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=4)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI4 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI4 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574226

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI5 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI5 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574227

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI6 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI6 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C374574228

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI7 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI7 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574229

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI8 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI8 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574230

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL (QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI9 PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI9 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574231

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI1 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI1 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574232

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=2)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI2 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI2 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574233

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI3 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI3 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574234

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI4 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI4 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Kbps C374574235

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI5 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI5 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574236

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=6)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI6 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI6 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574237

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI7 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI7 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574238

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI8 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI8 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C374574239

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL (QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP SDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP
SDUs that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the QCI9 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI9 PDCP SDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574240

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Traffic Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP layer
from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL PDCP SDU volume is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574241

Counter Name
Maximum Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Traffic Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the PDCP SDU volume that is received by PDCP
layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs
that are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been
deducted.The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL PDCP SDU volume is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574242

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The UL in Traffic Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the PDCP SDU volume that is sent by PDCP layer
from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that are
forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the PDCP SDU to the SGW

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL PDCP SDU volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C374574243

Counter Name
Average Bitrate of PDCP SDU in The DL in Traffic Plane


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the PDCP SDU volume that is received by PDCP
layer in DL from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. PDCP SDUs that
are forwarded over the X2/S1 to another eNodeB during handover have been deducted.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL PDCP SDU volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


16.7.2 PDCP PDU Throughput Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 16-4 PDCP PDU Throughput


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C374543600 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput

2 C374543601 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput

3 C374543602 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput

4 C374543603 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput

5 C374543604 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput

6 C374543605 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput

7 C374543606 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

8 C374543607 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

9 C374543608 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

10 C374543609 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

11 C374543610 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

12 C374543611 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

13 C374543612 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

14 C374543613 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

15 C374543614 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

16 C374543615 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

17 C374543616 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

18 C374543617 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

19 C374543618 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

20 C374543619 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

21 C374543620 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

22 C374543621 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

23 C374543622 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

24 C374543623 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

25 C374543624 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

26 C374543625 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

27 C374543626 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

28 C374543627 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

29 C374543628 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

30 C374543629 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

31 C374543630 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


32 C374543631 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

33 C374543632 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

34 C374543633 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

35 C374543634 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

36 C374543635 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

37 C374543636 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

38 C374543637 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

39 C374543638 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

40 C374543639 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

41 C374543640 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

42 C374543641 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

43 C374543642 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

44 C374543643 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

45 C374543644 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

46 C374543645 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

47 C374543646 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

48 C374543647 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

49 C374543648 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

50 C374543649 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

51 C374543650 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

52 C374543651 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

53 C374543652 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

54 C374543653 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

55 C374543654 Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

56 C374543655 Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

57 C374543656 Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

58 C374543657 Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

59 C374543658 Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

60 C374543659 Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS Counter Description C374543600

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the PDCP PDU volume that includes the DRB's
and SRB's and is sent by PDCP layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL PDCP PDU volume is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543601

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the PDCP PDU volume that includes the DRB's
and SRB's and is sent by PDCP layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL PDCP PDU volume is
smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543602

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the PDCP PDU volume that includes the DRB's
and SRB's and is sent by PDCP layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the
current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL PDCP PDU volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543603

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the PDCP PDU volume that includes the DRB's and
SRB's and is received by PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL PDCP PDU volume is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543604

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the PDCP PDU volume that includes the DRB's and
SRB's and is received by PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL PDCP PDU volume is
smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543605

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the PDCP PDU volume that includes the DRB's and
SRB's and is received by PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL PDCP PDU volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543606

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI1 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI1 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374543607

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI1 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI1 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543608

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI1 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI1 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543609

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI1 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI1 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Mbps C374543610

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI1 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI1 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543611

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI1 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI1 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543612

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI2 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI2 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543613

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI2 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI2 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543614

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI2 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI2 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543615

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI2 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI2 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543616

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI2 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI2 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C374543617

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI2 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI2 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543618

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI3 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI3 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543619

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI3 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI3 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C374543620

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI3 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI3 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543621

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI3 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI3 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543622

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI3 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI3 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543623

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI3 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI3 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543624

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI4 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI4 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543625

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI4 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI4 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543626

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI4 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI4 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374543627

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI4 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI4 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543628

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI4 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI4 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543629

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI4 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI4 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Mbps C374543630

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI5 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI5 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543631

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI5 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI5 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543632

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI5 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI5 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543633

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI5 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI5 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543634

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI5 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI5 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543635

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI5 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI5 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543636

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI6 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI6 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C374543637

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI6 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI6 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543638

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI6 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI6 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543639

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI6 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI6 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C374543640

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI6 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI6 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543641

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI6 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI6 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543642

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI7 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI7 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543643

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI7 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI7 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543644

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI7 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI7 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543645

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI7 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI7 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543646

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI7 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI7 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374543647

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI7 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI7 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543648

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI8 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI8 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543649

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI8 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI8 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Mbps C374543650

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI8 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI8 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543651

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI8 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI8 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543652

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI8 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI8 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543653

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI8 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI8 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543654

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI9 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI9 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543655

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI9 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI9 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543656

Counter Name
Average Cell DL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP PDU volume that is sent by PDCP
layer to RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI9 DRB PDU to the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI9 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C374543657

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI9 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI9 PDCP PDU
volume is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543658

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI9 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI9 PDCP PDU
volume is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543659

Counter Name
Average Cell UL PDCP Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 PDCP PDU volume that is received by
PDCP layer from RLC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI9 DRB PDU from the eNodeB RLC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI9 PDCP PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS


16.7.3 RLC PDU Throughput Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 16-5 RLC PDU Throughput Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C374543660 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput

2 C374543661 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput

3 C374543662 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput

4 C374543663 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput

5 C374543664 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput

6 C374543665 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput

7 C374543666 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

8 C374543667 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

9 C374543668 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

10 C374543669 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

11 C374543670 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

12 C374543671 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

13 C374543672 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

14 C374543673 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

15 C374543674 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

16 C374543675 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

17 C374543676 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

18 C374543677 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


19 C374543678 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

20 C374543679 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

21 C374543680 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

22 C374543681 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

23 C374543682 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

24 C374543683 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

25 C374543684 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

26 C374543685 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

27 C374543686 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

28 C374543687 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

29 C374543688 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

30 C374543689 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

31 C374543690 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

32 C374543691 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

33 C374543692 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

34 C374543693 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

35 C374543694 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

36 C374543695 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

37 C374543696 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

38 C374543697 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

39 C374543698 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

40 C374543699 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

41 C374543700 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

42 C374543701 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

43 C374543702 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

44 C374543703 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

45 C374543704 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

46 C374543705 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

47 C374543706 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

48 C374543707 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

49 C374543708 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

50 C374543709 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

NO. Counter Counter Name


51 C374543710 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

52 C374543711 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

53 C374543712 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

54 C374543713 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

55 C374543714 Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

56 C374543715 Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

57 C374543716 Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

58 C374543717 Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

59 C374543718 Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

60 C374543719 Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=9) Counter Description C374543660

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the RLC PDU volume that includes the DRB's
,SRB's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to the
current sampling time.The volume includes retransmission's PDU. The counter provides
the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL RLC PDU volume is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543661

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the RLC PDU volume that includes the DRB's
,SRB's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to the
current sampling time.The volume includes retransmission's PDU.The counter provides
the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL RLC PDU volume is
smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543662

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the RLC PDU volume that includes the DRB's
,SRB's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to the
current sampling time.The volume includes retransmission's PDU. The counter provides
the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL RLC PDU volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543663

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the RLC PDU volume that includes the DRB's
,SRB's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The volume includes retransmission's PDU. The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL RLC PDU volume is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543664

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the RLC PDU volume that includes the DRB's
,SRB's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The volume includes retransmission's PDU. The counter
provides the minimum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL RLC PDU volume is
smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C374543665

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the RLC PDU volume that includes the DRB's
,SRB's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The volume includes retransmission's PDU. The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL RLC PDU volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543666

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 RLC PDU volume that is sent by RLC
layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The
volume includes retransmission's PDU. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI1 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI1 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543667

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI1 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI1 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543668

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI1 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI1 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374543669

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI1 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI1 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543670

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI1 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI1 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543671

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI1 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI1 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI1 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543672

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI2 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI2 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543673

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI2 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI2 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543674

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI2 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI2 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543675

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI2 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI2 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C374543676

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI2 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI2 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543677

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=2)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI2 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI2 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI2 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543678

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI3 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI3 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543679

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI3 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI3 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374543680

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI3 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI3 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543681

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI3 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI3 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543682

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI3 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI3 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543683

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI3 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI3 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI3 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543684

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI4 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI4 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543685

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI4 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI4 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543686

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI4 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI4 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C374543687

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI4 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI4 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543688

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI4 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI4 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543689

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI4 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI4 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI4 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543690

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI5 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI5 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374543691

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI5 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI5 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543692

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI5 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI5 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543693

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI5 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI5 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543694

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI5 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI5 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543695

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=5)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI5 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI5 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI5 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543696

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI6 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI6 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543697

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI6 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI6 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C374543698

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI6 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI6 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543699

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI6 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI6 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543700

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI6 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI6 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543701

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI6 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI6 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI6 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374543702

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI7 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI7 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543703

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI7 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI7 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543704

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI7 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI7 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543705

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI7 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI7 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543706

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI7 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI7 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543707

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI7 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI7 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI7 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543708

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI8 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI8 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Mbps C374543709

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI8 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI8 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543710

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI8 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI8 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543711

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI8 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI8 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543712

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI8 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI8 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374543713

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI8 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI8 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI8 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543714

Counter Name
Maximum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI9 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI9 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543715

Counter Name
Minimum Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time to
the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the measurement

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI9 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI9 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543716

Counter Name
Average Cell DL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is sent by RLC layer to MAC layer from the previous sampling time
to the current sampling time.The volume includes retransmission's PDU. The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer sends the QCI9 DRB PDU to the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI9 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543717

Counter Name
Maximum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI9 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI9 RLC PDU volume
is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543718

Counter Name
Minimum Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI9 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI9 RLC PDU volume
is smaller than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period

Mbps C374543719

Counter Name
Average Cell UL RLC Throughput(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the QCI9 RLC PDU volume that includes the
retransmission's and is received by RLC layer from MAC layer from the previous sampling
time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB RLC layer receives the QCI9 DRB PDU from the eNodeB MAC layer

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI9 RLC PDU volume, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS


16.8 Traffic Delay on Cell(PLMN)

16.8.1 IP Latency on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points

Figure 16-6 IP Latency Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C374564109 DL QCI1 IP Packet Delay

2 C374564110 DL QCI2 IP Packet Delay

3 C374564111 DL QCI3 IP Packet Delay

4 C374564112 DL QCI4 IP Packet Delay

5 C374564113 DL QCI5 IP Packet Delay

6 C374564114 DL QCI6 IP Packet Delay

7 C374564115 DL QCI7 IP Packet Delay

8 C374564116 DL QCI8 IP Packet Delay

9 C374564117 DL QCI9 IP Packet Delay

10 C374564119 DL IP Packet Delay Counter Description C374564109

Counter Name
DL QCI1 IP Packet Delay


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI1 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI1 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI1 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564110

Counter Name
DL QCI2 IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI2 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI2 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI2 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564111

Counter Name
DL QCI3 IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI3 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI3 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI3 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

ms C374564112

Counter Name
DL QCI4 IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI4 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI4 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI4 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564113

Counter Name
DL QCI5 IP Packet Delay

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
When a QCI5 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI5 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI5 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564114

Counter Name
DL QCI6 IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI6 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.

IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI6 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI6 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564115

Counter Name
DL QCI7 IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI7 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI7 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI7 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

ms C374564116

Counter Name
DL QCI8 IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI8 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI8 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI8 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564117

Counter Name
DL QCI9 IP Packet Delay

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When a QCI9 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When
the first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.
IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI9 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
QCI9 PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564119

Counter Name
DL IP Packet Delay

Short Name

Counter Description
When a PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer, it is the start point in time.When the
first piece of PDCP SDU was was sent to air interface,it is the end point in time.

IP Latency in DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the PDCP SDU, and than records the end
time at sending the first part of the PDCP SDU over the air.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB sends the first part of the
PDCP SDU over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


16.8.2 PDCP SDU DL Delay on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C374564100 DL QCI1 PDCP SDU Delay

2 C374564101 DL QCI2 PDCP SDU Delay

3 C374564102 DL QCI3 PDCP SDU Delay

4 C374564103 DL QCI4 PDCP SDU Delay

5 C374564104 DL QCI5 PDCP SDU Delay

6 C374564105 DL QCI6 PDCP SDU Delay

7 C374564106 DL QCI7 PDCP SDU Delay

8 C374564107 DL QCI8 PDCP SDU Delay

9 C374564108 DL QCI9 PDCP SDU Delay

10 C374564118 DL PDCP SDU Delay Counter Description C374564100

Counter Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI1 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI1 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI1 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564101

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI2 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.

Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI2 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI2 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564102

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI3 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI3 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI3 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564103

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI4 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI4 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI4 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564104

Counter Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI5 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI5 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI5 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564105

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI6 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.

Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI6 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI6 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564106

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI7 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI7 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI7 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564107

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI8 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI8 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI8 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564108

Counter Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When a QCI9 PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When
the last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.
Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the QCI9 PDCP SDU, and than records
the end time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the QCI9 PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

ms C374564118

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When a PDCP SDU arrives the eNodeB PDCP layer,it is the start point in time.When the
last piece of PDCP SDU was received by the UE according to received HARQ feedback
information,it is the end point in time.

Packet Delay in the DL is equal to the inteval from the start to the end.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
The eNodeB records the start time at receiving the PDCP SDU, and than records the end
time at getting the all positive HARQ acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the sample value when the eNodeB gets the all positive HARQ
acknowledgment for the PDCP SDU.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


16.9 Loss Packet on Cell(PLMN)

16.9.1 PDCP SDU Loss Packet on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C374553900 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number,QCI=1

2 C374553901 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number,QCI=2

3 C374553902 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=3

4 C374553903 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=4

5 C374553904 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=5

6 C374553905 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=6

7 C374553906 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=7

8 C374553907 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=8

9 C374553908 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=9

10 C374553909 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


11 C374553910 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=2

12 C374553911 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=3

13 C374553912 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=4

14 C374553913 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=5

15 C374553914 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=6

16 C374553915 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=7

17 C374553916 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=8

18 C374553917 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=9

19 C374553956 UL PDCP SDU Loss Number

20 C374553957 DL PDCP SDU Loss Number Counter Description C374553900

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI1 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI1 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI1 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553901

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI2 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI2 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI2 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553902

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=3


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI3 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI3 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI3 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553903

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI4 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI4 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI4 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553904

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI5 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI5 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI5 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553905

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI6 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI6 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI6 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553906

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=7


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI7 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI7 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI7 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553907

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI8 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI8 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI8 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553908

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI9 PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare
the received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received
is larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the QCI9 PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the QCI9 UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553909

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI1 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI1 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI1 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553910

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=2


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI2 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI2 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI2 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553911

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI3 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI3 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI3 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553912

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI4 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI4 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI4 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553913

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI5 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI5 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI5 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C374553914

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI6 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI6 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI6 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553915

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=7

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI7 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI7 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI7 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553916

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI8 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI8 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI8 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553917

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number ,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI9 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air
but not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the QCI9 ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer
of the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI9 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C374553956

Counter Name
UL PDCP SDU Loss Number

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the PDCP PDU from the RLC layer, compare the
received PDU sequence number with the expected sequence number. If the received is
larger than the expected, it is considered that there is packet loss in UL. The number of
the lost SDU is the difference between the received sequence number and the expected
sequence number.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity in UL.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the number of missing UL PDCP sequence numbers when
the eNodeB detects the UL PDCP SDU sequece number discontinuity.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553957

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Loss Number

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the SDU
or not DL buffer for the SDU. If at least a part of it has been transmitted over the air but
not positively acknowledged, the counter is counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts when the ERAB SDU RLC message in the downlink buffer of
the eNodeB (PDCP, RLC, DMAC) is discarded due to that the number of times of
retransmission reaches the maximum value. Part of or all of the SDU is transmitted at the
air interface but is not acknowledged. This counter does not count for the RN part.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the PDCP SDU in DL, for which
at least a part has been transmitted over the air but not positively acknowledged.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


16.9.2 PDCP SDU Discard Packet on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C374553918 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=1

2 C374553919 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=2

3 C374553920 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=3

4 C374553921 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=4

5 C374553922 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=5

6 C374553923 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


7 C374553924 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=7

8 C374553925 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=8

9 C374553926 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=9

10 C374553958 DL PDCP SDU Discard Number Counter Description C374553918

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI1 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI1 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI1 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C374553919

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=2

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI2 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI2 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI2 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553920

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI3 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI3 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI3 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553921

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI4 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI4 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI4 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553922

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=5

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI5 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI5 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI5 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553923

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=6


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI6 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI6 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI6 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553924

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI7 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI7 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI7 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553925

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the QCI8 PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the
SDU or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the
counter is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI8 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI8 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C374553926

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number ,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
the eNodeB will discard the QCI9 PDCP SDU and no part of which has been transmitted
over the air when "timer discard" timer of detecting the SDU expires or there is no DL buffer
for the SDU. The counter is used to count the number of the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the QCI9 PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been
transmitted over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the QCI9 PDCP SDU in DL, for
which no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553958

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Discard Number

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
the eNodeB discards the PDCP SDU when timeout of "timer discard" detecting the SDU
or not DL buffer for the SDU. If no part of it has been transmitted over the air, the counter
is counted.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB discards the PDCP SDU in DL, for which no part has been transmitted
over the air

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB discards the PDCP SDU in DL, for which
no part has been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


16.9.3 PDCP SDU Total Number on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C374553927 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=1

2 C374553928 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=2

3 C374553929 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=3

4 C374553930 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=4

5 C374553931 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=5

6 C374553932 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=6

7 C374553933 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=7

8 C374553934 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=8


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


9 C374553935 UL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=9

10 C374553936 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=1

11 C374553937 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=2

12 C374553938 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=3

13 C374553939 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=4

14 C374553940 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=5

15 C374553941 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=6

16 C374553942 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=7

17 C374553943 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=8

18 C374553944 DL PDCP SDU Number ,QCI=9

19 C374553947 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=1

20 C374553948 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=2

21 C374553949 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=3

22 C374553950 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=4

23 C374553951 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=5

24 C374553952 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=6

25 C374553953 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=7

26 C374553954 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=8

27 C374553955 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=9

28 C374553959 UL PDCP SDU Number

29 C374553960 DL PDCP SDU Number

30 C374553961 DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds Counter Description C374553927

Counter Name

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI1 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI1 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI1 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553928

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI2 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI2 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI2 PDCP packet
in the uplink.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553929

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI3 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI3 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI3 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553930

Counter Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI4 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI4 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI4 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553931

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI5 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI5 PDCP packet in the uplink


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI5 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553932

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI6 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI6 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI6 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS C374553933

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI7 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI7 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI7 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553934

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI8 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI8 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI8 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553935

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the QCI9 PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI9 PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the QCI9 PDCP packet
in the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

unit C374553936

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI1 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI1 PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI1 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553937

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI2 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI2 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI2 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553938

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI3 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI3 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI3 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

unit C374553939

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI4 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI4 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI4 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553940

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI5 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI5 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI5 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553941

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI6 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI6 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI6 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

unit C374553942

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI7 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI7 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI7 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553943

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI8 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI8 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI8 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553944

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI9 PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI9 PDCP SDU

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the QCI9 PDCP
SDU from the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

unit C374553947

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI1 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI1 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553948

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=2

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI2 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI2 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553949

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=3

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI3 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI3 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553950

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=4

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI4 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI4 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553951

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI5 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI5 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553952

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=6

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI6 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI6 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553953

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=7

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI7 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI7 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374553954

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=8

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI8 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI8 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553955

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds ,QCI=9

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about QCI9 PDCP SDU,for which
all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
QCI9 PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553959

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
After the PDCP layer receives the PDCP PDU from RLC layer,the PDU is disposed
successfully and than becomes PDCP SDU. The counter is used to count the number of
the SDU.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the PDCP packet in the uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer sends the PDCP packet in
the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553960

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the PDCP SDU from the SGW or the other
eNodeB.the counter is used to count.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the PDCP SDU.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB PDCP layer receives the PDCP SDU from
the SGW or the other eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374553961

Counter Name
DL PDCP SDU Number Which HARQ Successfully Responds

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of PDCP SDU when the last piece was received by the
UE according to received HARQ feedback information.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about PDCP SDU,for which all
parts have been transmitted over the air.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB got the all positive acknowledgment about
PDCP SDU,for which all parts have been transmitted over the air.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


16.10 User Number on Cell(PLMN)

16.10.1 Active User Number on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C374584300 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=1)

2 C374584301 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=2)

3 C374584302 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=3)

4 C374584303 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=4)

5 C374584304 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=5)

6 C374584305 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=6)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


7 C374584306 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=7)

8 C374584307 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=8)

9 C374584308 Average UL Active User Number(QCI=9)

10 C374584309 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=1)

11 C374584310 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=2)

12 C374584311 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=3)

13 C374584312 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=4)

14 C374584313 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=5)

15 C374584314 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=6)

16 C374584315 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=7)

17 C374584316 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=8)

18 C374584317 Average DL Active User Number(QCI=9)

19 C374584318 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=1)

20 C374584319 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=2)

21 C374584320 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=3)

22 C374584321 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=4)

23 C374584322 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=5)

24 C374584323 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=6)

25 C374584324 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=7)

26 C374584325 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=8)

27 C374584326 Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=9)

28 C374584327 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=1)

29 C374584328 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=2)

30 C374584329 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=3)

31 C374584330 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=4)

32 C374584331 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=5)

33 C374584332 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=6)

34 C374584333 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=7)

35 C374584334 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=8)

36 C374584335 Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=9)

37 C374584348 Maximum Active User Number on User Plane

38 C374584349 Average Active User Number on User Plane


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS Counter Description C374584300

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 1 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI1 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI1 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584301

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=2)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 2 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI2 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI2 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584302

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 3 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI3 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI3 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584303

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 4 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI4 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI4 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374584304

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 5 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI5 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI5 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584305

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 6 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI6 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI6 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584306

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 7 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI7 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI7 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584307

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 8 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI8 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI8 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584308

Counter Name
Average UL Active User Number(QCI=9)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 9 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI9 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample UL QCI9 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584309

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 1 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI1 DRB at
sampling time.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI1 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584310

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 2 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI2 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI2 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

unit C374584311

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 3 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI3 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI3 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584312

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=4)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 4 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI4 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI4 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584313

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 5 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI5 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI5 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584314

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 6 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI6 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI6 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374584315

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 7 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI7 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI7 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584316

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 8 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI8 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI8 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584317

Counter Name
Average DL Active User Number(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 9 at sampling time.The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI9 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL QCI9 active UEs, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584318

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 1 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI1 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI1 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584319

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=2)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 2 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI2 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI2 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584320

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 3 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI3 DRB at
sampling time.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI3 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584321

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=4)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 4 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI4 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI4 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

unit C374584322

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 5 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI5 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI5 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584323

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=6)

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 6 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI6 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI6 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584324

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 7 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI7 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI7 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584325

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=8)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 8 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI8 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI8 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374584326

Counter Name
Maximum UL Active User Number(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the UL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 9 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in UL buffer for QCI9 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current UL QCI9 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584327

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=1)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 1 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI1 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI1 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584328

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=2)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 2 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI2 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI2 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584329

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=3)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 3 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI3 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI3 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584330

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=4)


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 4 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI4 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI4 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584331

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=5)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 5 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI5 DRB at
sampling time.


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI5 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584332

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=6)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 6 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI6 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI6 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

unit C374584333

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=7)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 7 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI7 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI7 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584334

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=8)

Short Name


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 8 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI8 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI8 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584335

Counter Name
Maximum DL Active User Number(QCI=9)

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data for the DL in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol
layers for a Data Radio Bearer of traffic class with QCI = 9 at sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in DL buffer for QCI9 DRB at
sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL QCI9 actives UEs is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584348

Counter Name
Maximum Active User Number on User Plane

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol layers for
Data Radio Bearer of traffic class at sampling time. The counter provides the maximum
value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in buffer at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current actives UEs is larger than
the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584349

Counter Name
Average Active User Number on User Plane


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
Number of UEs for which there is buffered data in MAC, RLC or PDCP protocol layers
for Data Radio Bearer of traffic class at sampling time.The counter provides the average
value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the number of UEs which has data in buffer at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample active UEs, and then dividing the
sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms


16.10.2 Active State Number on Cell Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart. Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C374584336 Maximum Number of UE that can be simultaneously

2 C374584337 Minimum Number of UE that can be simultaneously

3 C374584338 Average Number of UE that can be simultaneously


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS Counter Description C374584336

Counter Name
Maximum Number of UE that can be simultaneously

Short Name

Counter Description
The active state indicates the user is always active if the short DRX is configured to UE.
And if the long DRX is configured to UE, the user is active when having traffic and DRX
high level.Otherwise the user is inactive.The counter provides the maximum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB sheduler collects the number of UEs which is "active state" at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current active state UEs is larger
than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584337

Counter Name
Minimum Number of UE that can be simultaneously

Short Name

Counter Description
The active state indicates the user is always active if the short DRX is configured to UE.
And if the long DRX is configured to UE, the user is active when having traffic and DRX


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

high level.Otherwise the user is inactive.The counter provides the minimum value in the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB sheduler collects the number of UEs which is "active state" at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current active state UEs is smaller
than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C374584338

Counter Name
Average Number of UE that can be simultaneously

Short Name

Counter Description
The active state indicates the user is always active if the short DRX is configured to UE.
And if the long DRX is configured to UE, the user is active when having traffic and DRX high
level.Otherwise the user is inactive.The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB sheduler collects the number of UEs which is "active state" at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample active state UEs, and then dividing
the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


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Chapter 16 Statistics of Traffic QoS

Sampling Period
100 ms



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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

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SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17
Statistics of Radio Resources
Table of Contents
DL Transmit Power...................................................................................................17-2
Received Signal Strength Indication .........................................................................17-7
Power Headroom ...................................................................................................17-12
PRB Usage ............................................................................................................17-21
SINR ......................................................................................................................17-65
BLER .....................................................................................................................17-92
Scheduled User Number ...................................................................................... 17-111
CQI ...................................................................................................................... 17-114
Modulation Scheme..............................................................................................17-206
MIMO Usage ........................................................................................................17-231
CCE Aggregation .................................................................................................17-246
TA ........................................................................................................................17-253
Msg0/Msg2/Msg3/Msg4 .......................................................................................17-274
NI .........................................................................................................................17-278
TTI Bundling.........................................................................................................17-476
Satisfaction ..........................................................................................................17-483


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

17.1 DL Transmit Power

17.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 17-1 DL Transmit Power

l Sampling point 1: Record the actual power of PDSCH within Type A and Type B
symbols, and then choose the larger one as the sample value.
Type A: OFDM symbols without RS
Type B: OFDM symbols with RS

17.1.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373414550 Maximum DL Transmit Power Per Cell

2 C373414551 Minimal DL Transmit Power Per Cell

3 C373414552 Average DL Transmit Power Per Cell

4 C373414591 Maximum Cell Transmit Power

5 C373414592 Average Cell Transmit Power


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

NO. Counter Counter Name


6 C373597003 Number of Power Overload for PDCCH

17.1.3 Counter Description C373414550

Counter Name
Maximum DL Transmit Power Per Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the DL power at per sampling time.The counter take the maximum
of DL power among sampling points.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB collects the power of TypeA and TypeB At sampling time, and then
selects the larger between TypeA and TypeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL power is larger than
the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

mw C373414551

Counter Name
Minimal DL Transmit Power Per Cell


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the DL power at per sampling time.The counter take the minimum of
DL power among sampling points.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB collects the power of TypeA and TypeB At sampling time, and then
selects the larger between TypeA and TypeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current DL power is smaller than
the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

mw C373414552

Counter Name
Average DL Transmit Power Per Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collects the DL power at per sampling time.The counter take the average of
DL power among sampling points.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB collects the power of TypeA and TypeB At sampling time, and then
select the larger between TypeA and TypeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample DL power, and then dividing the
sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

mw C373414591

Counter Name
Maximum Cell Transmit Power

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the maximum sampling value of the RRU transmit power of a cell. The
sampling period can be configured by the operator.

Triggering Point
This counter collects the transmit power of a cell at each sampling time.

Update Description
At each sampling time, this counter is updated to the maximum sampling value of the
downlink transmit power.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373414592

Counter Name
Average Cell Transmit Power

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average value of the RRU transmit power samples of a cell. The
sampling period can be configured by the operator.

Triggering Point
This counter collects the transmit power of a cell at each sampling time.

Update Description
In each measurement period, this counter is updated to the average value of all the
downlink transmit power samples.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

W C373597003

Counter Name
Number of Power Overload for PDCCH

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of power overload for PDCCH.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the power is overloaded on the PDCCH, this counter is incremented by one.

Update Description
When the power is overloaded on the PDCCH, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


17.2 Received Signal Strength Indication

17.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

17.2.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373910000 Maximum RSSI

2 C373910001 Minimum RSSI

3 C373910002 Average RSSI

4 C373414593 Maximum Cell RSSI

5 C373414594 Minimum Cell RSSI

6 C373414595 Average Cell RSSI

17.2.3 Counter Description C373910000

Counter Name
Maximum RSSI


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB RRU samples the received power once at each sampling point. After the
report period expires, it reports the maximum receiving power value of the report period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB RRU collects the received power at sampling time

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current RSSI is larger than the
prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

dBm C373910001

Counter Name
Minimum RSSI

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB RRU samples the receiving power once at each sampling point. After the
report period expires, it reports the minimum receiving power value of the report period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB RRU collects the received power at sampling time


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current RSSI is smaller than the
prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period
10 s

dBm C373910002

Counter Name
Average RSSI

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB RRU samples the receiving power once at each sampling point. After the
report period expires, it reports the average receiving power value of the report period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB RRU collects the received power at sampling time

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample RSSI, and then dividing the sum
by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373414593

Counter Name
Maximum Cell RSSI

Short Name

Counter Description
The RRU notifies the OAM of the received power at each sampling time. The OAM
matches the cell information according to the frequency carrier and uses the maximum
value as the value of this sampling. The maximum received power is the maximum value
of all sampling points in the interval of report time.

Triggering Point
The RRU notifies the OAM of the received power at each sampling time. The OAM
matches the cell information according to the frequency carrier and uses the maximum
value as the value of this sampling. The maximum received power is the maximum value
of all sampling points in the interval of report time.

Update Description
The RRU notifies the OAM of the received power at each sampling time. The OAM
matches the cell information according to the frequency carrier and uses the maximum
value as the value of this sampling. The maximum received power is the maximum value
of all sampling points in the interval of report time.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

dBm C373414594

Counter Name
Minimum Cell RSSI


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Short Name

Counter Description
The RRU notifies the OAM of the received power at each sampling time. The OAM
matches the cell information according to the frequency carrier and uses the minimum
value as the value of this sampling. The minimum received power is the minimum value
of all sampling points in the interval of report time.

Triggering Point
The RRU notifies the OAM of the received power at each sampling time. The OAM
matches the cell information according to the frequency carrier and uses the minimum
value as the value of this sampling. The minimum received power is the minimum value
of all sampling points in the interval of report time.

Update Description
The RRU notifies the OAM of the received power at each sampling time. The OAM
matches the cell information according to the frequency carrier and uses the minimum
value as the value of this sampling. The minimum received power is the minimum value
of all sampling points in the interval of report time.

Counter Type
Minimum value

Sampling Period
10 s

dBm C373414595

Counter Name
Average Cell RSSI

Short Name

Counter Description
The RRU collects the received power at each sampling time. The RRU notifies the OAM
of the received power. The OAM matches the cell information according to the frequency


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

carrier and reports the statistic. The average received power is the average value of all
sampling points in the interval of report time.

Triggering Point
The RRU collects the received power at each sampling time. The RRU notifies the OAM
of the received power. The OAM matches the cell information according to the frequency
carrier and reports the statistic. The average received power is the average value of all
sampling points in the interval of report time.

Update Description
The RRU collects the received power at each sampling time. The RRU notifies the OAM
of the received power. The OAM matches the cell information according to the frequency
carrier and reports the statistic. The average received power is the average value of all
sampling points in the interval of report time.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s


17.3 Power Headroom

17.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
The Power Headroom reported by UE indicates the difference between UE transmit power
and maximum UE transmit power. The following section provide the distribution of power

17.3.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C374047400 Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of -23 to -11

2 C374047401 Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of -10 to -6

3 C374047402 Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of -5 to -1

4 C374047403 Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of 0 to 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

NO. Counter Counter Name


5 C374047404 Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of 6 to 10

6 C374047405 Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of 11 to 15

7 C374047406 Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of 16 to 20

8 C374047407 Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of 21 to 25

9 C374047408 Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of 26 to 40

10 C374047409 Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE lower than -23

11 C374047410 Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE equal to 40

17.3.3 Counter Description C374047400

Counter Name
Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of -23 to -11

Short Name

Counter Description
The Power Headroom reported by UE indicates the difference between UE transmit power
and maximum UE transmit power. The counter shows the number of Power Headroom
whithin the range of -23 to -11.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom and the PHR value
is whithin the range of -23 to -11,the counter is increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C374047401

Counter Name
Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of -10 to -6

Short Name

Counter Description
The Power Headroom reported by UE indicates the difference between UE transmit power
and maximum UE transmit power. The counter shows the number of Power Headroom
whithin the range of -10 to -6.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom and the PHR value
is whithin the range of -10 to -6,the counter is increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374047402

Counter Name
Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of -5 to -1

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
The Power Headroom reported by UE indicates the difference between UE transmit power
and maximum UE transmit power. The counter shows the number of Power Headroom
whithin the range of -5 to -1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom and the PHR value
is whithin the range of -5 to -1,the counter is increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374047403

Counter Name
Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of 0 to 5

Short Name

Counter Description
The Power Headroom reported by UE indicates the difference between UE transmit power
and maximum UE transmit power. The counter shows the number of Power Headroom
whithin the range of 0 to 5.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom and the PHR value
is whithin the range of 0 to 5,the counter is increased by 1.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374047404

Counter Name
Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of 6 to 10

Short Name

Counter Description
The Power Headroom reported by UE indicates the difference between UE transmit power
and maximum UE transmit power. The counter shows the number of Power Headroom
whithin the range of 6 to 10.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom and the PHR value
is whithin the range of 6 to 10,the counter is increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C374047405

Counter Name
Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of 11 to 15

Short Name

Counter Description
The Power Headroom reported by UE indicates the difference between UE transmit power
and maximum UE transmit power. The counter shows the number of Power Headroom
whithin the range of 11 to 15.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom and the PHR value
is whithin the range of 11 to 15,the counter is increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374047406

Counter Name
Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of 16 to 20

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The Power Headroom reported by UE indicates the difference between UE transmit power
and maximum UE transmit power. The counter shows the number of Power Headroom
whithin the range of 16 to 20.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom and the PHR value
is whithin the range of 16 to 20,the counter is increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374047407

Counter Name
Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of 21 to 25

Short Name

Counter Description
The Power Headroom reported by UE indicates the difference between UE transmit power
and maximum UE transmit power. The counter shows the number of Power Headroom
whithin the range of 21 to 25.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom and the PHR value
is whithin the range of 21 to 25,the counter is increased by 1.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374047408

Counter Name
Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE in the range of 26 to 40

Short Name

Counter Description
The Power Headroom reported by UE indicates the difference between UE transmit power
and maximum UE transmit power. The counter shows the number of Power Headroom
whithin the range of 26 to 40.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom and the PHR value
is whithin the range of 26 to 40,the counter is increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374047409

Counter Name
Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE lower than -23

Short Name

Counter Description
The Power Headroom reported by UE indicates the difference between UE transmit power
and maximum UE transmit power. The counter shows the number of Power Headroom
lower than -23.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom and the PHR value
is lower than -23,the counter is increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374047410

Counter Name
Number of Power Headroom Reported by UE equal to 40

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
The Power Headroom reported by UE indicates the difference between UE transmit power
and maximum UE transmit power. The counter shows the number of Power Headroom
higher than 40.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the TB including MACCE Power Headroom and the PHR value
is higher than 40,the counter is increased by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


17.4 PRB Usage

17.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

17.4.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373424600 PRB Number Used on PUSCH Channel

2 C373424601 PRB Number Available on PUSCH Channel

3 C373424602 PRB Number Used on PDSCH Channel

4 C373424603 PRB Number Available on PDSCH Channel

5 C373424604 CCE Number Used on PDCCH Channel

6 C373424605 CCE Number Available on PDCCH Channel

7 C373424606 Peak PRB Usage for PUSCH

8 C373424607 Peak PRB Usage for PDSCH


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


9 C373424608 PRB Number Used on Uplink Channel

10 C373424609 PRB Number Available on Uplink Channel

11 C373424610 PRB Number Used on Downlink Channel

12 C373424611 PRB Number Available on Downlink Channel

13 C373424630 UL Peak PRB Usage

14 C373424631 DL Peak PRB Usage

15 C373424632 UL PRBs full assigned Time

16 C373424633 DL PRBs full assigned Time

17 C373424634 UL RACH RBs

18 C373424635 UL DCCH RBs

19 C373424636 UL DTCH RBs

20 C373424637 DL PCCH RBs

21 C373424638 DL BCCH RBs

22 C373424639 DL DCCH RBs

23 C373424640 DL DTCH RBs

24 C373424641 PRB Number Used on PUSCH Channel within The Threshold

25 C373424642 PRB Number Used on PDSCH Channel within The Threshold

26 C373424654 QCI1 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

27 C373424655 QCI2 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

28 C373424656 QCI3 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

29 C373424657 QCI4 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

30 C373424658 QCI5 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

31 C373424659 QCI6 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

32 C373424660 QCI7 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

33 C373424661 QCI8 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

34 C373424662 QCI9 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

35 C373424663 QCI1 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

36 C373424664 QCI2 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

37 C373424665 QCI3 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

38 C373424666 QCI4 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

39 C373424667 QCI5 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

40 C373424668 QCI6 PRB Number used for DL Traffic


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

NO. Counter Counter Name


41 C373424669 QCI7 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

42 C373424670 QCI8 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

43 C373424671 QCI9 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

44 C373424697 TTI Number of PUSCH

45 C373424698 TTI Number of PDSCH

46 C373444750 Number of Successful Access Using Group A Preamble

47 C373444751 Number of Successful Access Using Group B Preamble

48 C373444752 Number of Successful Access Using Dedicated Preamble

49 C373444753 Number of Failed Access Using Dedicated Preamble

50 C373596954 UL PRB Usage of LB Cell

51 C373596955 DL PRB Usage of LB Cell

52 C374624608 PRB Number Used on Uplink Channel(PLMN)

53 C374624609 PRB Number Available on Uplink Channel(PLMN)

54 C374624610 PRB Number Used on Downlink Channel(PLMN)

55 C374624611 PRB Number Available on Downlink Channel(PLMN)

56 C373596954 UL PRB Usage of LB Cell

57 C373596955 DL PRB Usage of LB Cell

58 C373444798 Number of Available Preamble

17.4.3 Counter Description C373424600

Counter Name
PRB Number Used on PUSCH Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for PUSCH on the uplink.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When eNodeB uplink scheduler schedule TB and assign the PRB in PUSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the assigned PRB number for PUSCH at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424601

Counter Name
PRB Number Available on PUSCH Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
It is PRB number that eNodeB allocates for PUSCH channel, is equal to the PRB number
for system bandwidth minus the PRB number for PUCCH.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collect the available PRB number for PUSCH at sampling point.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the available PRB number for PUSCH at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

unit C373424602

Counter Name
PRB Number Used on PDSCH Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for PDSCH on the downlink.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB downlink scheduler schedule TB and assign the PRB in PDSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the PRB number used for PDSCH
channel at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424603

Counter Name
PRB Number Available on PDSCH Channel

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
It is PRB number that eNodeB allocates for PDSCH channel, is equal to the PRB number
for system bandwidth on the downlink.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collect the available PRB number for PDSCH at sampling point.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the available PRB number for PDSCH at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424604

Counter Name
CCE Number Used on PDCCH Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter counts the number of CCEs that the eNodeB allocates to the PDCCH. It
includes DCI0, DCI1, DCI1A, and DCI2. The number of used CCEs = The number of
allocated DCIs (including the uplink DCI0 and the downlink DCI) * The number of CCE
that one DCI occupies

Triggering Point
The eNodeB calculates the number of CCEs that each DCI uses in each

Update Description
The counter is updated by adding the previous value and the number
of measured CCEs in each TTI.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424605

Counter Name
CCE Number Available on PDCCH Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB uplink scheduler calculates the number of available CCEs on the basis of the
CFI and system bandwidth reported by the UE.The number of avaiable CCEs on PDCCH
= (The number of available
REGs - The number of REGs occupied by PHICH - The number of REGs occupied by

Triggering Point
The eNodeB calculates the number of CCEs that each DCI uses in each

Update Description
The counter is updated by adding the previous value and the number
of CCEs when the CFI is received from the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373424606

Counter Name
Peak PRB Usage for PUSCH

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB caculates the PRB usage about uplink channel.Detailed Definitions:
the number of PRB for transport block / the total number of available PRB for PUSCH.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB caculates the PRB usage about PUSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current when the current PUSCH PRB usage is larger
than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

percent C373424607

Counter Name
Peak PRB Usage for PDSCH

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
The eNodeB caculates the PRB usage about uplink channel.Detailed Definitions:
the number of PRB for transport block / the total number of available PRB for PDSCH.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB caculates the PRB usage about PDSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current when the current PDSCH PRB usage is larger
than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

percent C373424608

Counter Name
PRB Number Used on Uplink Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for uplink channel. The channel
includes PRACH,PUCCH and PUSCH.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB uplink scheduler schedule the TB for uplink

Update Description
The counter is increased by the PRB number used for uplink
channel at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424609

Counter Name
PRB Number Available on Uplink Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
It is PRB number that eNodeB allocates for uplink channel, is equal to the PRB number
for system banwidth.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB uplink scheduler assign PRB for uplink channel.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the PRB number allocated for
uplink channel at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373424610

Counter Name
PRB Number Used on Downlink Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for downlink channel.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB downlink scheduler schedule TB and assign the PRB in downlink channel.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the PRB number used for PDSCH
channel at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424611

Counter Name
PRB Number Available on Downlink Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
It is PRB number that eNodeB allocates for downlink channel, is equal to the PRB number
for system banwidth on the downlink.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When eNodeB downlink scheduler assign PRB for the PDSCH

Update Description
The counter is increased by the available PRB number in
PDSCH channel at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424630

Counter Name
UL Peak PRB Usage

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB caculates the PRB usage about uplink channel.
Detailed Definitions:
the number of PRB for transport block / the total number of available PRB for PUSCH.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB caculates the PRB usage about uplink channel.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current when the current UL PRB usage is larger than the
prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
1 ms

percent C373424631

Counter Name
DL Peak PRB Usage

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB caculates the PRB usage about downlink channel.
Detailed Definitions:
the number of PRB for transport block / the total number of available PRB for PDSCH.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB caculates the PRB usage about downlink channel.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current when the current DL PRB usage is larger than the
prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

percent C373424632

Counter Name
UL PRBs full assigned Time


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of TTIs in which all the available uplink PRBs are occupied.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler performs scheduling, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler performs scheduling, if all the current available uplink
PRBs are occupied, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

ms C373424633

Counter Name
DL PRBs full assigned Time

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of TTIs in which all the available downlink PRBs are

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler performs scheduling, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler performs scheduling, if all the current available
downlink PRBs are occupied, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

ms C373424634

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for RACH on the uplink.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the Msg1 from the UE

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives the Msg1 from the UE,the counter is increased by the PRB
number allocated for it.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424635

Counter Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for DCCH on the uplink.

Triggering Point
When the SRB data is scheduled by eNodeB uplink scheduler.

Update Description
When the SRB data is scheduled by eNodeB uplink scheduler,the counter is increased by
the PRB number allocated for it.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424636

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for DTCH on the uplink.

Triggering Point
When the traffic data is scheduled by eNodeB uplink scheduler.

Update Description
When the traffic data is scheduled by eNodeB uplink scheduler,the counter is increased
by the PRB number allocated for it.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424637

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for PCCH on the downlink.

Triggering Point
When the paging message is scheduled by eNodeB downlink scheduler.

Update Description
When the paging message is scheduled by eNodeB downlink scheduler,the counter is
increased by the PRB number allocated for it.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424638

Counter Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for BCCH on the downlink.

Triggering Point
When the broadcast message is scheduled by eNodeB downlink scheduler.

Update Description
When the broadcast message is scheduled by eNodeB downlink scheduler,the counter is
increased by the PRB number allocated for it.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424639

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for DCCH on the downlink.

Triggering Point
When the SRB data is scheduled by eNodeB downlink scheduler.

Update Description
When the SRB data is scheduled by eNodeB downlink scheduler,the counter is increased
by the PRB number allocated for it.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424640

Counter Name

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for DTCH on the downlink.

Triggering Point
When the traffic data is scheduled by eNodeB downlink scheduler.

Update Description
When the traffic data is scheduled by eNodeB downlink scheduler,the counter is increased
by the PRB number allocated for it.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424641

Counter Name
PRB Number Used on PUSCH Channel within The Threshold


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter displays the allocated RB number when eNB sends DCI0 or MSG 2 at the
sample moment and the reserved RB number during non-adaptive retransmission or SPS

Triggering Point
When there are uplink PRB used for the PUSCH, and the
threshold requirements for RSRP and SINR must be satisfied.
Users can set these threshold values, and the default threshold
requirements are: RSRP > Threshold for RSRP Statistics and
SINR > Threshold for DL SINR Statistics.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the new data during UL data

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424642

Counter Name
PRB Number Used on PDSCH Channel within The Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter statics the sum number of PRB used for PDSCH channel within the
threshold,but but exclude retransmission PRB number.The counter displays the allocated


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

PRB number when eNB sends DCI1/1A/2/2A at the sample moment and the reserved
PRB number during non-adaptive retransmission or SPS scheduling.Users can set these
threshold values, and the default threshold requirements are: RSRP > Threshold for
RSRP Statistics and DL SINR > Threshold for DL SINR Statistics.The RSRP threshold
is converted by Power Headroom reporting that UE reports by means of period or event
trigger.The DL SINR threshold is converted by CQI reported by UE.

Triggering Point
When there are downlink PRB used for the PDSCH, and
the threshold requirements for RSRP and DL SINR must be


Update Description
The counter is updated when a new measurement value is

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424654

Counter Name
QCI1 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink QCI1 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI1 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424655

Counter Name
QCI2 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink QCI2 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI2 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373424656

Counter Name
QCI3 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink QCI3 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI3 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424657

Counter Name
QCI4 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink QCI4 DRB services.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI4 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424658

Counter Name
QCI5 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink QCI5 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI5 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

unit C373424659

Counter Name
QCI6 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink QCI6 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI6 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424660

Counter Name
QCI7 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink QCI7 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI7 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424661

Counter Name
QCI8 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink QCI8 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI8 DRB uplink service.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424662

Counter Name
QCI9 PRB Number used for UL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by uplink QCI9 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI9 DRB uplink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373424663

Counter Name
QCI1 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by downlink QCI1 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI1 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424664

Counter Name
QCI2 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by downlink QCI2 DRB services.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI2 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424665

Counter Name
QCI3 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by downlink QCI3 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI3 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373424666

Counter Name
QCI4 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by downlink QCI4 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI4 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424667

Counter Name
QCI5 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by downlink QCI5 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI5 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424668

Counter Name
QCI6 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by downlink QCI6 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI6 DRB downlink service.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424669

Counter Name
QCI7 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by downlink QCI7 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI7 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373424670

Counter Name
QCI8 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by downlink QCI8 DRB services.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI8 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424671

Counter Name
QCI9 PRB Number used for DL Traffic

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter counts the number of
PRBs occupied by downlink QCI9 DRB services.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler schedules TBs, this counter is incremented by the
number of PRBs occupied by QCI9 DRB downlink service.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373424697

Counter Name
TTI Number of PUSCH

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of available TTIs of the PUSCH.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the total number of TTIs of the PUSCH.

Update Description
This counter is incremented when the number of available TTIs of the PUSCH changes.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

unit C373424698

Counter Name
TTI Number of PDSCH

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of available TTIs of the PDSCH, including the special
TTIs that can transmit services.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the total number of TTIs of the PDSCH, including the special TTIs that
can transmit services.

Update Description
This counter is incremented when the number of available TTIs of the PDSCH changes,
including the special TTIs that can transmit services.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373444750

Counter Name
Number of Successful Access Using Group A Preamble

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The eNodeB uplink scheduler detects the Preamble in each TTI and the counter counts
the number of successful detections.Group A Preamble is the Preamble whose value is
lower than sizeOfRA-PreamblesGroupA.

Triggering Point
The MAC calculates the number of Preambles reported after the PHY
detection in each TTI.

Update Description
The counter is updated by adding the previous value and the number
of measured Preambles in each TTI.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373444751

Counter Name
Number of Successful Access Using Group B Preamble

Short Name

Counter Description
The CMAC uplink scheduler detects the Preamble in each TTI and the counter counts the
number of successful detections.Group B Preamble is the Preamble whose value is lower
than numberOfRA-Preambles and higher than or equal to

Triggering Point
The MAC calculates the number of Preambles reported after the PHY
detection in each TTI.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
The counter is updated by adding the previous value and the number
of measured Preambles in each TTI.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373444752

Counter Name
Number of Successful Access Using Dedicated Preamble

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB uplink scheduler detects the Preamble in each TTI and the counter counts
the number of successful detections.Dedicated Preamble is the Preamble whose value is
higher than or equal to numberOfRA-Preambles.

Triggering Point
The MAC calculates the number of Preambles reported after the PHY
detection in each TTI.

Update Description
The counter is updated by adding the previous value and the number
of measured Preambles in each TTI.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373444753

Counter Name
Number of Failed Access Using Dedicated Preamble

Short Name
Number of failed access using dedicated preamble

Counter Description
The eNodeB receives Msg1 and detects a dedicated Preamble, but the UeIndex
corresponding to the PreambleID is not the one of this cell. This counter counts the
number of access failures with error dedicated Preambles.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects a dedicated Preamble and checks it to find that the PreambleID
is not the one of this cell, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects a dedicated Preamble and checks it to find that the PreambleID
is not the one of this cell, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373596954

Counter Name
UL PRB Usage of LB Cell

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the total uplink PRB usage. The sampling period is one TTI, and the
usage is calculated per second based on the formula. The calculation result and that of
the previous second are calculated in accordance with a formula with a smooth factor.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the total uplink PRB usage. The sampling period is one TTI, and the
usage is calculated per second based on the formula. The calculation result and that of
the previous second are calculated in accordance with a formula with a smooth factor.

Update Description
This counter counts the total uplink PRB usage. The sampling period is one TTI, and the
usage is calculated per second based on the formula. The calculation result and that of the
previous second are calculated in accordance with a formula with a smooth factor. This
counter reports the updated usage calculated in the current period.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

percent C373596955

Counter Name
DL PRB Usage of LB Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total downlink PRB usage. The sampling period is one TTI, and
the usage is calculated per second based on the formula. The calculation result and that
of the previous second are calculated in accordance with a formula with a smooth factor.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
This counter counts the total downlink PRB usage. The sampling period is one TTI, and
the usage is calculated per second based on the formula. The calculation result and that
of the previous second are calculated in accordance with a formula with a smooth factor.

Update Description
This counter counts the total downlink PRB usage. The sampling period is one TTI, and
the usage is calculated per second based on the formula. The calculation result and that
of the previous second are calculated in accordance with a formula with a smooth factor.
This counter reports the updated usage calculated in the current period.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

percent C374624608

Counter Name
PRB Number Used on Uplink Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for uplink channel. The channel
includes PRACH,PUCCH and PUSCH.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB uplink scheduler schedule the TB for uplink


Update Description
The counter is increased by the PRB number used for uplink

channel at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374624609

Counter Name
PRB Number Available on Uplink Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
It is PRB number that eNodeB allocates for uplink channel, is equal to the PRB number
for system banwidth.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB uplink scheduler assign PRB for uplink channel.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the PRB number allocated for
uplink channel at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374624610

Counter Name
PRB Number Used on Downlink Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for downlink channel.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB downlink scheduler schedule TB and assign the PRB in downlink channel.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the PRB number used for PDSCH
channel at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374624611

Counter Name
PRB Number Available on Downlink Channel

Short Name

Counter Description
It is PRB number that eNodeB allocates for downlink channel, is equal to the PRB number
for system banwidth on the downlink.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When eNodeB downlink scheduler assign PRB for the PDSCH

Update Description
The counter is increased by the available PRB number in
PDSCH channel at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596954

Counter Name
UL PRB Usage of LB Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total uplink PRB usage. The sampling period is one TTI, and the
usage is calculated per second based on the formula. The calculation result and that of
the previous second are calculated in accordance with a formula with a smooth factor.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the total uplink PRB usage. The sampling period is one TTI, and the
usage is calculated per second based on the formula. The calculation result and that of
the previous second are calculated in accordance with a formula with a smooth factor.

Update Description
This counter counts the total uplink PRB usage. The sampling period is one TTI, and the
usage is calculated per second based on the formula. The calculation result and that of the
previous second are calculated in accordance with a formula with a smooth factor. This
counter reports the updated usage calculated in the current period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

percent C373596955

Counter Name
DL PRB Usage of LB Cell

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total downlink PRB usage. The sampling period is one TTI, and
the usage is calculated per second based on the formula. The calculation result and that
of the previous second are calculated in accordance with a formula with a smooth factor.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the total downlink PRB usage. The sampling period is one TTI, and
the usage is calculated per second based on the formula. The calculation result and that
of the previous second are calculated in accordance with a formula with a smooth factor.

Update Description
This counter counts the total downlink PRB usage. The sampling period is one TTI, and
the usage is calculated per second based on the formula. The calculation result and that
of the previous second are calculated in accordance with a formula with a smooth factor.
This counter reports the updated usage calculated in the current period.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

percent C373444798

Counter Name
Number of Available Preamble

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of available Preambles in a certain time in the cell.

Triggering Point
Calculation method: (1000ms/preamble period (ms) * 64 * 5. Each period has 64 available
Preambles. This counter reports once every five seconds.

Update Description
Calculation method: (1000ms/preamble period (ms) * 64 * 5. Each period has 64 available
Preambles. This counter reports once every five seconds.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


17.5 SINR
17.5.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

17.5.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373444754 Average UL SINR(Linear Value)

2 C373444760 Average UL SINR(DB Value)

3 C373444763 Number of PUCCH SINR less than or equal to -15 dB

4 C373444764 Number of PUCCH SINR in the range of -15 to -12 dB

5 C373444765 Number of PUCCH SINR in the range of -12 to -9 dB

6 C373444766 Number of PUCCH SINR in the range of -9 to -6 dB

7 C373444767 Number of PUCCH SINR in the range of -6 to -3 dB

8 C373444768 Number of PUCCH SINR in the range of -3 to 0 dB

9 C373444769 Number of PUCCH SINR in the range of 0 to 3 dB

10 C373444770 Number of PUCCH SINR more than 3 dB

11 C373444771 Number of PUSCH SINR less than or equal to -5 dB

12 C373444772 Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of -5 to -2 dB

13 C373444773 Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of -2 to 2 dB

14 C373444774 Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 2 to 6 dB

15 C373444775 Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 6 to 10 dB

16 C373444776 Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 10 to 14 dB

17 C373444777 Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 14 to 17 dB

18 C373444778 Number of PUSCH SINR more than 17 dB

19 C373444779 UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR less than or equal to -5 dB

20 C373444780 UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of -5 to -2 dB

21 C373444781 UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of -2 to 2 dB

22 C373444782 UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 2 to 6 dB

23 C373444783 UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 6 to 10 dB

24 C373444784 UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 10 to 14 dB

25 C373444785 UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 14 to 17 dB

26 C373444786 UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR more than 17 dB

27 C373444787 UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR less than or equal to -5 dB

28 C373444788 UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR in the range of -5 to -2 dB

29 C373444789 UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR in the range of -2 to 2 dB

30 C373444790 UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR in the range of 2 to 6 dB

31 C373444791 UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR in the range of 6 to 10 dB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

NO. Counter Counter Name


32 C373444792 UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR in the range of 10 to 14 dB

33 C373444793 UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR in the range of 14 to 17 dB

34 C373444794 UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR more than 17 dB

17.5.3 Counter Description C373444754

Counter Name
Average UL SINR(Linear Value)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUCCH SINR falls in Range 1. Range 1: SINR <= -15.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373444760

Counter Name
Average UL SINR(DB Value)

Short Name

Counter Description
Because the report of this counter is not implemented, -10 is reported by default. For the
SINR value, refer to the counter of Average SINA (linear value).
This counter counts the average value of SINR measured on the actually used RB (the
average value for the RB).

Triggering Point
Because the report of this counter is not implemented, the value of -10 is reported by
default. For the SINR value, refer to the counter of Average SINA (linear value).
This counter counts the SINA value of the occupied RB if the uplink PHY of the eNodeB
receives the uplink data.

Update Description
This counter value is updated to the arithmetic average value of all measured SINR values
during each measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

dB C373444763

Counter Name
Number of PUCCH SINR less than or equal to -15 dB

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUCCH SINR falls in Range 1. Range 1: SINR <= -15.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373444764

Counter Name
Number of PUCCH SINR in the range of -15 to -12 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUCCH SINR falls in Range 2. Range 2: -15 < SINR <= -12.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373444765

Counter Name
Number of PUCCH SINR in the range of -12 to -9 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUCCH SINR falls in Range 3. Range 3: -12 < SINR <= -9.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373444766

Counter Name
Number of PUCCH SINR in the range of -9 to -6 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUCCH SINR falls in Range 4. Range 4: -9 < SINR <= -6.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373444767

Counter Name
Number of PUCCH SINR in the range of -6 to -3 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUCCH SINR falls in Range 5. Range 5: -6 < SINR <= -3.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373444768

Counter Name
Number of PUCCH SINR in the range of -3 to 0 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUCCH SINR falls in Range 6. Range 6: -3 < SINR <= 0.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373444769

Counter Name
Number of PUCCH SINR in the range of 0 to 3 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUCCH SINR falls in Range 7. Range 7: 0 < SINR <= 3.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373444770

Counter Name
Number of PUCCH SINR more than 3 dB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUCCH SINR falls in Range 8. Range 8: SINR > 3.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUCCH SINR falls in the specific
range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373444771

Counter Name
Number of PUSCH SINR less than or equal to -5 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB falls in Range 1. Range 1: SINR <= -5.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373444772

Counter Name
Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of -5 to -2 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB falls in Range 2. Range 2: -5 < SINR <= -2.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373444773

Counter Name
Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of -2 to 2 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB falls in Range 3. Range 3: -2 < SINR <= 2.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373444774

Counter Name
Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 2 to 6 dB

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB falls in Range 4. Range 4: 2 < SINR <= 6.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373444775

Counter Name
Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 6 to 10 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB falls in Range 5. Range 5: 6 < SINR <= 10.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373444776

Counter Name
Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 10 to 14 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB falls in Range 6. Range 6: 10 < SINR <= 14.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373444777

Counter Name
Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 14 to 17 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB falls in Range 7. Range 7: 14 < SINR <= 17.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373444778

Counter Name
Number of PUSCH SINR more than 17 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that uplink services are scheduled when the
PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB falls in Range 8. Range 8: SINR > 17.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373444779

Counter Name
UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR less than or equal to -5 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number allocated RBs when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in Range 1. Range 1: SINR <= -5.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the number of allocated RBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373444780

Counter Name
UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of -5 to -2 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number allocated RBs when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in Range 2. Range 2: -5 < SINR <= -2.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the number of allocated RBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373444781

Counter Name
UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of -2 to 2 dB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number allocated RBs when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in Range 3. Range 3: -2 < SINR <= 2.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the number of allocated RBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373444782

Counter Name
UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 2 to 6 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number allocated RBs when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in Range 4. Range 4: 2 < SINR <= 6.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the number of allocated RBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373444783

Counter Name
UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 6 to 10 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number allocated RBs when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in Range 5. Range 5: 6 < SINR <= 10.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the number of allocated RBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373444784

Counter Name
UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 10 to 14 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number allocated RBs when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in Range 6. Range 2: 10 < SINR <= 14.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the number of allocated RBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373444785

Counter Name
UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR in the range of 14 to 17 dB

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the number allocated RBs when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in Range 7. Range 2: 14 < SINR <= 17.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the number of allocated RBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373444786

Counter Name
UL Scheduled RB Number of PUSCH SINR more than 17 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number allocated RBs when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in Range 8. Range 8: SINR > 17.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the number of allocated RBs.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373444787

Counter Name
UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR less than or equal to -5 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the sum of scheduled TBSize when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one
RB falls in Range 1. Range 1: SINR <= -5.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the scheduled TBSize.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373444788

Counter Name
UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR in the range of -5 to -2 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the sum of scheduled TBSize when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one
RB falls in Range 2. Range 2: -5 < SINR <= -2.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the scheduled TBSize.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373444789

Counter Name
UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR in the range of -2 to 2 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the sum of scheduled TBSize when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one
RB falls in Range 3. Range 3: -2 < SINR <= 2.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the scheduled TBSize.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373444790

Counter Name
UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR in the range of 2 to 6 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the sum of scheduled TBSize when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one
RB falls in Range 4. Range 4: 2 < SINR <= 6.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the scheduled TBSize.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373444791

Counter Name
UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR in the range of 6 to 10 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the sum of scheduled TBSize when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one
RB falls in Range 5. Range 2: 6 < SINR <= 10.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the scheduled TBSize.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373444792

Counter Name
UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR in the range of 10 to 14 dB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the sum of scheduled TBSize when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one
RB falls in Range 6. Range 6: 10 < SINR <= 14.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the scheduled TBSize.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373444793

Counter Name
UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR in the range of 14 to 17 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the sum of scheduled TBSize when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one
RB falls in Range 7. Range 7: 14 < SINR <= 17.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the scheduled TBSize.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373444794

Counter Name
UL Scheduled TB Size of PUSCH SINR more than 17 dB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the sum of scheduled TBSize when the PUSCH SINR mapped to one
RB falls in Range 8. Range 8: SINR > 17.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules uplink services and the PUSCH SINR mapped to one RB
falls in the specific range, this counter is incremented by the scheduled TBSize.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


17.6 BLER
17.6.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 17-2 BLER

17.6.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373454800 Error Number of DL TBs

2 C373454801 Total Number of DL TBs

3 C373454802 Error Number of UL TBs

4 C373454803 Total Number of UL TBs

5 C373454804 Error Number of DL Init TBs

6 C373454805 Total Number of DL Init TBs

7 C373454806 Error Number of UL Init TBs

8 C373454807 Total Number of UL Init TBs

9 C373454808 Total Packets of UL TB Once Retransmission

10 C373454809 Total Packets of DL TB Once Retransmission

11 C373454810 Total Packets of UL TB Twice Retransmission

12 C373454811 Total Packets of DL TB Twice Retransmission

13 C373454812 Total Packets of UL TB Three Times Retransmission

14 C373454813 Total Packets of DL TB Three Times Retransmission

15 C373454814 Total Number of UL TB Remained Error Packets

16 C373454815 Total Number of DL TB Remained Error Packets


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

NO. Counter Counter Name


17 C373454818 Total Number of DL TBs that include RRC Release Msg

18 C373454819 Error Number of DL TBs that include RRC Release Msg

19 C373454820 Total Number of DL TBs that include RRC Reconfig Msg in HO

20 C373454821 Error Number of DL TBs that include RRC Reconfig Msg in HO

21 C373454837 Number of DL TBs with RI=1

22 C373454838 Number of DL TBs with RI=2

23 C373596991 Total Number of UL QCI1 TBs

24 C373596995 Total Number of DL QCI1 TBs

17.6.3 Counter Description C373454800

Counter Name
Error Number of DL TBs

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB send a transport block to the UE, it will receive HARQ feedback
information from the UE. If the HARQ feedback is NACK or DTX, it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB receives a NACK or DTX indicating a faulty receiption of TB by UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB receives a NACK or DTX HARQ feedback.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373454801

Counter Name
Total Number of DL TBs

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB send a transport block to the UE, it will receive HARQ feedback
information from the UE. No matter the HARQ feedback is ACK,NACK or DTX, it is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB schedules a TB for DL data.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB schedules one TB for DL data.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454802

Counter Name
Error Number of UL TBs

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
After the eNodeB received a transport block from the UE, it will reply HARQ feedback
information to the UE. If the HARQ feedback is NACK or DTX, it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB receives a NACK or DTX indicating a faulty receiption of TB by UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB detectes a CRC
error TB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454803

Counter Name
Total Number of UL TBs

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB received a transport block from the UE, it will reply HARQ feedback
information to the UE. No matter the HARQ feedback is ACK,NACK or DTX, it is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB schedules a TB for UL data.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB schedules one TB
for UL data.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454804

Counter Name
Error Number of DL Init TBs

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB first send a transport block to the UE, it will receive HARQ feedback
information about the TB from the UE. If the HARQ feedback is NACK or DTX, it is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB receives a NACK or DTX indicating a faulty receiption of TB by UE and the
TB is transmitted

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB receives a NACK
or DTX of init TB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373454805

Counter Name
Total Number of DL Init TBs

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB first send a transport block to the UE, it will receive HARQ feedback
information from the UE. No matter the HARQ feedback is ACK,NACK or DTX, it is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB schedules a TB for DL data.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB schedules one init
TB for DL data.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454806

Counter Name
Error Number of UL Init TBs

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB first received a transport block from the UE, it will reply HARQ feedback
information to the UE. If the HARQ feedback is NACK or DTX, it is added to the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When eNodeB receives a NACK or DTX indicating a faulty receiption of TB by UE.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB detectes a CRC
error init TB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454807

Counter Name
Total Number of UL Init TBs

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB first received a transport block from the UE, it will reply HARQ feedback
information to the UE. No matter the HARQ feedback is ACK,NACK or DTX, it is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB schedules a TB for UL data.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB schedules one init
TB for UL data.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454808

Counter Name
Total Packets of UL TB Once Retransmission

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of TB that eNB schedules one first retransmittion TB for
UL data.

Triggering Point
When eNB schedules one first retransmittion
TB for UL data.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB schedules one first retransmittion
TB for UL data.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454809

Counter Name
Total Packets of DL TB Once Retransmission


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of TB that eNB schedules one first retransmittion TB for
DL data.

Triggering Point
When eNB schedules one first retransmittion
TB for DL data.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB schedules one first retransmittion
TB for DL data.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454810

Counter Name
Total Packets of UL TB Twice Retransmission

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of TB that eNB schedules one second retransmittion TB
for UL data.

Triggering Point
When eNB schedules one second retransmittion
TB for UL data.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB schedules one second retransmittion
TB for UL data.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454811

Counter Name
Total Packets of DL TB Twice Retransmission

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of TB that eNB schedules one second retransmittion TB
for DL data.

Triggering Point
When eNB schedules one second retransmittion
TB for DL data.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB schedules one second retransmittion

TB for DL data.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373454812

Counter Name
Total Packets of UL TB Three Times Retransmission

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of TB that eNB schedules one third retransmittion TB for
UL data.

Triggering Point
When eNB schedules one third retransmittion
TB for UL data.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB schedules one third retransmittion
TB for UL data.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454813

Counter Name
Total Packets of DL TB Three Times Retransmission

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of TB that eNB schedules one third retransmition TB for
DL data.

Triggering Point
When eNB schedules one third retransmittion
TB for DL data.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB schedules one third retransmittion
TB for DL data.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454814

Counter Name
Total Number of UL TB Remained Error Packets

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of TB that eNB discards the TB for UL data.

Triggering Point
When eNB discards the
TB for UL data.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB discards the
TB for UL data.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454815

Counter Name
Total Number of DL TB Remained Error Packets

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of TB that eNB discards the TB for DL data.

Triggering Point
When eNB discards the
TB for DL data.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB discards the
TB for DL data.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373454818

Counter Name
Total Number of DL TBs that include RRC Release Msg

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB sends a transmission block including the RRCConnectionRelease
message to the UE, it will receive HARQ feedback information from the UE. No matter
the HARQ feedback is ACK,NACK or DTX, it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB schedules a TB for DL data and the RRCConnectionRelease message is
included in the TB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNodeB schedules a TB for DL data and the
RRCConnectionRelease message is included in the TB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454819

Counter Name
Error Number of DL TBs that include RRC Release Msg

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
After the eNodeB received a transport block including the RRCConnectionRelease
message from the UE, it will reply HARQ feedback information to the UE. If the HARQ
feedback is NACK or DTX, it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB receives a NACK or DTX indicating a faulty receiption of TB by UE and the
RRCConnectionRelease message is included in the TB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNodeB receives a NACK or DTX indicating a faulty
receiption of TB by UE and the RRCConnectionRelease message is included in the TB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454820

Counter Name
Total Number of DL TBs that include RRC Reconfig Msg in HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB sends a transmission block including the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message for handover to the UE, it will receive HARQ
feedback information from the UE. No matter the HARQ feedback is ACK,NACK or
DTX, it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB schedules a TB for DL data and the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message for handover is included in the TB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNodeB schedules a TB for DL data and the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message for handover is included in the TB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454821

Counter Name
Error Number of DL TBs that include RRC Reconfig Msg in HO

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB received a transport block including the RRCConnectionReconfiguration
message for handover from the UE, it will reply HARQ feedback information to the UE. If
the HARQ feedback is NACK or DTX, it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB receives a NACK or DTX indicating a faulty receiption of TB by UE and the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message for handover is included in the TB

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNodeB receives a NACK or DTX indicating a faulty
receiption of TB by UE and the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message for handover is
included in the TB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373454837

Counter Name
Number of DL TBs with RI=1

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of downlink RANK1 TBs transmitted by the cell, including
retransmitted TBs. When the eNodeB schedules downlink TBs, this counter is updated.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules downlink TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of downlink RANK1 TBs transmitted by the cell, including
retransmitted TBs. When the eNodeB schedules downlink TBs, this counter is incremented
by the number of corresponding TBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454838

Counter Name
Number of DL TBs with RI=2

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of downlink RANK2 TBs transmitted by the cell, including
retransmitted TBs. When the eNodeB schedules downlink TBs, this counter is updated.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules downlink TBs, this counter is updated.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of downlink RANK2 TBs transmitted by the cell, including
retransmitted TBs. When the eNodeB schedules downlink TBs, this counter is incremented
by the number of corresponding TBs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596991

Counter Name
Total Number of UL QCI1 TBs

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of QCI1 TBs that are scheduled by the CMAC uplink
scheduler. DTX is not counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of QCI1 TBs that are scheduled by the CMAC uplink
scheduler. DTX is not counted.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of QCI1 TBs that are scheduled by the CMAC uplink
scheduler. DTX is not counted. This counter accumulates the values.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373596995

Counter Name
Total Number of DL QCI1 TBs

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of QCI1 TBs that are scheduled by the CMAC downlink
scheduler. DTX is not counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of QCI1 TBs that are scheduled by the CMAC downlink
scheduler. DTX is not counted.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of QCI1 TBs that are scheduled by the CMAC downlink
scheduler. DTX is not counted. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

17.7 Scheduled User Number

17.7.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
The Scheduled User per TTI reflects the processing capability of eNodeB scheduler.
This sector provides the scheduled user number on downlink and uplink.

17.7.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373384339 Maximum DL User Number Scheduled Per TTI

2 C373384341 Maximum UL User Number Scheduled Per TTI

3 C373384350 Total Number of UL Scheduled User

4 C373384351 Total Number of DL Scheduled User

17.7.3 Counter Description C373384339

Counter Name
Maximum DL User Number Scheduled Per TTI

Short Name

Counter Description
The value is obtained by sampling at a 1ms interval, the number of scheduled user on the
downlink and then taking the maximum.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB DL sheduler collects the number of sheduled UEs in DL per TTI.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current active state UEs is larger
than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373384341

Counter Name
Maximum UL User Number Scheduled Per TTI

Short Name

Counter Description
The value is obtained by sampling at a 1ms interval, the number of scheduled user on the
uplink and then taking the maximum

Triggering Point
The eNodeB UL sheduler collects the number of sheduled UEs in UL per TTI.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current active state UEs is larger
than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373384350

Counter Name
Total Number of UL Scheduled User


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Short Name

Counter Description
The value is obtained by sampling at a 1ms interval, the total number of UL scheduled
user on the uplink and then taking the sum.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB UL sheduler collects the total number of sheduled UEs in UL.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample active state UEs.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373384351

Counter Name
Total Number of DL Scheduled User

Short Name

Counter Description
The value is obtained by sampling at a 1ms interval, the total number of DL scheduled
user on the downlink and then taking the sum.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB DL sheduler collects the total number of sheduled UEs in DL.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample active state UEs.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


17.8 CQI
17.8.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
CQI reporting is very fundamental in LTE AMR algorithm. CQI classes reported by UE are
CQI 0-15. The section offers the statics per CQI.
A subband is a set of k contiguous PRBs where k is a function of system bandwidth. Note
the last subband in set S may have fewer than k contiguous PRBs depending on NRBDL. The
number of subbands for system bandwidth given by NRBDL is defined by N=[NRBDL/k].The
subbands shall be indexed in the order of increasing frequency and non-increasing sizes
starting at the lowest frequency.

System Bandwidth Subband Size k(RBs)


67 NA

810 2

1126 2

2763 3

64110 4

17.8.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373434700 Number of CQI0 Be Used

2 C373434701 Number of CQI1 Be Used

3 C373434702 Number of CQI2 Be Used

4 C373434703 Number of CQI3 Be Used

5 C373434704 Number of CQI4 Be Used


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

NO. Counter Counter Name


6 C373434705 Number of CQI5 Be Used

7 C373434706 Number of CQI6 Be Used

8 C373434707 Number of CQI7 Be Used

9 C373434708 Number of CQI8 Be Used

10 C373434709 Number of CQI9 Be Used

11 C373434710 Number of CQI10 Be Used

12 C373434711 Number of CQI11 Be Used

13 C373434712 Number of CQI12 Be Used

14 C373434713 Number of CQI13 Be Used

15 C373434714 Number of CQI14 Be Used

16 C373434715 Number of CQI15 Be Used

17 C373434716 Average CQI of Suband 0

18 C373434717 Average CQI of Suband 1

19 C373434718 Average CQI of Suband 2

20 C373434719 Average CQI of Suband 3

21 C373434720 Average CQI of Suband 4

22 C373434721 Average CQI of Suband 5

23 C373434722 Average CQI of Suband 6

24 C373434723 Average CQI of Suband 7

25 C373434724 Average CQI of Suband 8

26 C373434725 Average CQI of Suband 9

27 C373434726 Average CQI of Suband 10

28 C373434727 Average CQI of Suband 11

29 C373434728 Average CQI of Suband 12

30 C373434729 Average CQI of Suband 13

31 C373434730 Average CQI of Suband 14

32 C373434731 Average CQI of Suband 15

33 C373434732 Average CQI of Suband 16

34 C373434733 Average CQI of Suband 17

35 C373434734 Average CQI of Suband 18

36 C373434735 Average CQI of Suband 19

37 C373434736 Average CQI of Suband 20


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


38 C373434737 Average CQI of Suband 21

39 C373434738 Average CQI of Suband 22

40 C373434739 Average CQI of Suband 23

41 C373434740 Average CQI of Suband 24

42 C374027200 Number of RANK2 CQI0 Be Used

43 C374027201 Number of RANK2 CQI1 Be Used

44 C374027202 Number of RANK2 CQI2 Be Used

45 C374027203 Number of RANK2 CQI3 Be Used

46 C374027204 Number of RANK2 CQI4 Be Used

47 C374027205 Number of RANK2 CQI5 Be Used

48 C374027206 Number of RANK2 CQI6 Be Used

49 C374027207 Number of RANK2 CQI7 Be Used

50 C374027208 Number of RANK2 CQI8 Be Used

51 C374027209 Number of RANK2 CQI9 Be Used

52 C374027210 Number of RANK2 CQI10 Be Used

53 C374027211 Number of RANK2 CQI11 Be Used

54 C374027212 Number of RANK2 CQI12 Be Used

55 C374027213 Number of RANK2 CQI13 Be Used

56 C374027214 Number of RANK2 CQI14 Be Used

57 C374027215 Number of RANK2 CQI15 Be Used

58 C374027216 DL Scheduled Number of CQI0

59 C374027217 DL Scheduled Number of CQI1

60 C374027218 DL Scheduled Number of CQI2

61 C374027219 DL Scheduled Number of CQI3

62 C374027220 DL Scheduled Number of CQI4

63 C374027221 DL Scheduled Number of CQI5

64 C374027222 DL Scheduled Number of CQI6

65 C374027223 DL Scheduled Number of CQI7

66 C374027224 DL Scheduled Number of CQI8

67 C374027225 DL Scheduled Number of CQI9

68 C374027226 DL Scheduled Number of CQI10

69 C374027227 DL Scheduled Number of CQI11


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

NO. Counter Counter Name


70 C374027228 DL Scheduled Number of CQI12

71 C374027229 DL Scheduled Number of CQI13

72 C374027230 DL Scheduled Number of CQI14

73 C374027231 DL Scheduled Number of CQI15

74 C374027232 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI0

75 C374027233 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI1

76 C374027234 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI2

77 C374027235 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI3

78 C374027236 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI4

79 C374027237 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI5

80 C374027238 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI6

81 C374027239 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI7

82 C374027240 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI8

83 C374027241 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI9

84 C374027242 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI10

85 C374027243 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI11

86 C374027244 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI12

87 C374027245 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI13

88 C374027246 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI14

89 C374027247 DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI15

90 C374027248 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI0

91 C374027249 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI1

92 C374027250 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI2

93 C374027251 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI3

94 C374027252 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI4

95 C374027253 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI5

96 C374027254 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI6

97 C374027255 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI7

98 C374027256 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI8

99 C374027257 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI9

100 C374027258 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI10

101 C374027259 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI11


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


102 C374027260 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI12

103 C374027261 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI13

104 C374027262 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI14

105 C374027263 DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI15

106 C373566537 DL Scheduled Number of CQI0 for CEU

107 C373566538 DL Scheduled Number of CQI1 for CEU

108 C373566539 DL Scheduled Number of CQI2 for CEU

109 C373566540 DL Scheduled Number of CQI3 for CEU

110 C373566541 DL Scheduled Number of CQI4 for CEU

111 C373566542 DL Scheduled Number of CQI5 for CEU

112 C373566543 DL Scheduled Number of CQI6 for CEU

113 C373566544 DL Scheduled Number of CQI7 for CEU

114 C373566545 DL Scheduled Number of CQI8 for CEU

115 C373566546 DL Scheduled Number of CQI9 for CEU

116 C373566547 DL Scheduled Number of CQI10 for CEU

117 C373566548 DL Scheduled Number of CQI11 for CEU

118 C373566549 DL Scheduled Number of CQI12 for CEU

119 C373566550 DL Scheduled Number of CQI13 for CEU

120 C373566551 DL Scheduled Number of CQI14 for CEU

121 C373566552 DL Scheduled Number of CQI15 for CEU

17.8.3 Counter Description C373434700

Counter Name
Number of CQI0 Be Used

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI0
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI0 report
from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported through
the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the Pcell.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 0 (CQI = 0).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373434701

Counter Name
Number of CQI1 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI1
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI1 report
from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported through
the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the Pcell.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 1 (CQI = 1).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373434702

Counter Name
Number of CQI2 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI2
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI2 report
from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported through
the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the Pcell.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 2 (CQI = 2).


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373434703

Counter Name
Number of CQI3 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI3
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI3 report
from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported through
the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the Pcell.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 3 (CQI = 3).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373434704

Counter Name
Number of CQI4 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI4
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI4 report
from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported through
the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the Pcell.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 4 (CQI = 4).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373434705

Counter Name
Number of CQI5 Be Used

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI5
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI5 report
from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported through
the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the Pcell.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 5 (CQI = 5).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373434706

Counter Name
Number of CQI6 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI6
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI6 report
from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported through
the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the Pcell.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 6 (CQI = 6).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373434707

Counter Name
Number of CQI7 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI7
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI7 report
from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported through
the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the Pcell.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 7 (CQI = 7).


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373434708

Counter Name
Number of CQI8 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI8
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI8 report
from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported through
the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the Pcell.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 8 (CQI = 8).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373434709

Counter Name
Number of CQI9 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI9
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI9 report
from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported through
the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the Pcell.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 9 (CQI = 9).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373434710

Counter Name
Number of CQI10 Be Used

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI10
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI10
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 10 (CQI = 10).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373434711

Counter Name
Number of CQI11 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI11
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI11
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 11 (CQI = 11).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373434712

Counter Name
Number of CQI12 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI12
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI12
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 12 (CQI = 12).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373434713

Counter Name
Number of CQI13 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI13
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI13
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 13 (CQI = 13).

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373434714

Counter Name
Number of CQI14 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI14
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI14
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 14 (CQI = 14).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373434715

Counter Name
Number of CQI15 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives the bandwidth CQI15
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives a bandwidth CQI15
report from the UE. In the carrier aggregation scenario, if the CQI of SCell is reported
through the PUCCH through the PCell, the CQI is counted for the Scell instead of the

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB receives the feedback from the UE that
the value of CQI is 15 (CQI = 15).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373434716

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 0

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 0.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 0.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 0 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement granularity period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434717

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 1

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 1.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 1.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 1 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434718

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 2

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 2.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 2.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 2 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434719

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 3

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 3.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 3.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 3 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434720

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 4

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 4.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 4.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 4 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434721

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 5

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 5.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 5.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 5 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434722

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 6

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 6.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 6.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 6 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434723

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 7

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 7.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 7.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 7 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434724

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 8

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 8.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 8.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 8 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434725

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 9

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 9.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 9.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 9 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434726

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 10

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 10.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 10.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 10 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434727

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 11

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 11.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 11.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 11 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434728

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 12

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 12.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 12.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 12 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434729

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 13

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 13.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 13.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 13 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434730

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 14

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 14.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 14.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 14 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434731

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 15

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 15.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 15.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 15 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434732

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 16

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 16.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 16.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 16 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434733

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 17

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 17.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 17.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 17 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434734

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 18

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 18.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 18.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 18 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434735

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 19

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 19.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 19.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 19 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434736

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 20

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 20.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 20.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 20 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434737

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 21

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 21.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 21.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 21 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434738

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 22

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 22.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 22.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 22 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434739

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 23

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 23.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 23.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 23 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C373434740

Counter Name
Average CQI of Suband 24

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the average value of CQI reported by UE for sub-band 24.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the CQI value from the UE feedback in sub-band 24.

Update Description
The counter is obtained by computing the average value of the sub-band 24 CQI reported
by UEs within the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

N/A C374027200

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI0 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI0 (RI = 2) from the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI0 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI0 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027201

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI1 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI1 (RI = 2) from the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI1 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI1 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027202

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI2 Be Used

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI2 (RI = 2) from the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI2 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI2 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027203

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI3 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI3 (RI = 2) from the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI3 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI3 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027204

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI4 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI4 (RI = 2) from the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI4 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI4 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027205

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI5 Be Used

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI5 (RI = 2) from the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI5 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI5 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027206

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI6 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI6 (RI = 2) from the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI6 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI6 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027207

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI7 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI7 (RI = 2) from the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI7 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI7 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027208

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI8 Be Used

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI8 (RI = 2) from the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI8 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI8 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027209

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI9 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI9 (RI = 2) from the

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI9 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI9 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027210

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI10 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI10 (RI = 2) from
the UE.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI10 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI10 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027211

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI11 Be Used


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI11 (RI = 2) from
the UE.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI11 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI11 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027212

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI12 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI12 (RI = 2) from
the UE.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI12 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI12 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027213

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI13 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI13 (RI = 2) from
the UE.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI13 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI13 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374027214

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI14 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI14 (RI = 2) from
the UE.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI14 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI14 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027215

Counter Name
Number of RANK2 CQI15 Be Used

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB receives CQI15 (RI = 2) from
the UE.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives CQI15 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives CQI15 (RI = 2) from the UE, this counter is incremented by

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027216

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI0

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI0. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI0, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI0, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C374027217

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI1

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI1. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI1, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI1, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374027218

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI2

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI2. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI2, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI2, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374027219

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI3

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI3. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI3, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI3, this counter is incremented
by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374027220

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI4

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI4 The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI4, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI4, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C374027221

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI5

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI5. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI5, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI5, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374027222

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI6

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI6. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI6, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI6, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374027223

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI7

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI7. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI7, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI7, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

times C374027224

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI8

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI8. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI8, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI8, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374027225

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI9

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI9. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI9, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI9, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374027226

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI10

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI10. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI10, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI10, this counter is incremented
by one.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374027227

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI11

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI11. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI11, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI11, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374027228

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI12

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI12. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI12, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI12, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374027229

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI13

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI13. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI13, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI3, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374027230

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI14

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI14. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI14, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI14, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C374027231

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI15

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of times that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI15. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI = 1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI15, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI15, this counter is incremented
by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C374027232

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI0

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI0. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI0, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI0, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027233

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI1

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI1. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI1, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI1, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027234

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI2

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI2. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI2, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI2, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C374027235

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI3

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI3. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI3, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI3, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027236

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI4

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI4. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI4, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI4, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027237

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI5

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI5. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI5, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI5, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

unit C374027238

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI6

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI6. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI6, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI6, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027239

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI7

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI7. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI7, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI7, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027240

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI8

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI8. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI8, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI8, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027241

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI9

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI9. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI9, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI9, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374027242

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI10

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI10. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI10, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI10, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027243

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI11

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI11. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI11, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI11, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027244

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI12

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI12. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI12, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI12, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C374027245

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI13

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI13. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI13, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI13, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027246

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI14

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI14. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI14, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI14, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027247

Counter Name
DL Scheduled RB Number of CQI15

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total number of RBs that the eNodeB schedules users by using
CQI15. The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI15, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI15, this counter is incremented
to the number of RBs allocated to users.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C374027248

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI0

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI0.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI0, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI0, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C374027249

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI1

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI1.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI1, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI1, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C374027250

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI2

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI2.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI2, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI2, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C374027251

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI3

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI3.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI3, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI3, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Kbit C374027252

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI4

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI4.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI4, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI4, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C374027253

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI5

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI5.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI5, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI5, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C374027254

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI6

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI6.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI6, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI6, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C374027255

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI7

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI7.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI7, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI7, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C374027256

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI8

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI8.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI8, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI8, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C374027257

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI9

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI9.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI9, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI9, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C374027258

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI10

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI10.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI10, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI10, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Kbit C374027259

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI11

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI11.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI11, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI11, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C374027260

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI12

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI12.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI12, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI12, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C374027261

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI13

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI13.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI13, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI13, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C374027262

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI14

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI14.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI14, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI14, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C374027263

Counter Name
DL Scheduled TB Size of CQI15

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total TB size that the eNodeB schedules users by using CQI15.
The CQIs (RI != 1) are mapped to CQIs (RI=1) by the algorithm

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI15, this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB schedules users by using downlink CQI15, this counter is incremented
to the scheduled data volume.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbit C373566537

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI0 for CEU

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI0 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI0 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI0 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373566538

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI1 for CEU

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI1 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI1 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI1 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373566539

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI2 for CEU

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI2 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI2 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI2 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373566540

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI3 for CEU

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI3 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI3 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI3 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373566541

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI4 for CEU

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI4 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI4 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI4 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373566542

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI5 for CEU

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI5 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI5 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI5 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373566543

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI6 for CEU

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI6 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI6 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI6 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373566544

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI7 for CEU

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI7 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI7 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI7 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373566545

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI8 for CEU

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI8 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI8 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI8 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373566546

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI9 for CEU

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI9 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI9 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI9 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373566547

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI10 for CEU

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI10 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI10 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI10 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373566548

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI11 for CEU

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI11 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI11 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI11 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373566549

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI12 for CEU

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI12 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI12 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI12 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373566550

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI13 for CEU

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI13 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI13 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI13 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373566551

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI14 for CEU

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI14 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI14 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI14 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373566552

Counter Name
DL Scheduled Number of CQI15 for CEU

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI15 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI15 scheduling edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter counts the number of times that the eNodeB uses CQI15 to schedule edge
users. Only the initial transmission is counted. The value is got by reverse looking up the
CQI of the relevant scheduling MCS. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


17.9 Modulation Scheme

17.9.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Modulation Scheme: QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM. The dispatched transmission blocks
under different modulation schemes are calculated on downlink and uplink traffic channels.

17.9.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373454825 Number of UL Init TBs with QPSK Modulation

2 C373454826 Number of UL Init TBs with 16QAM Modulation

3 C373454827 Number of UL Init TBs with 64QAM Modulation

4 C373454828 Number of Successful Transported UL Init TBs with QPSK Modulation

5 C373454829 Number of Successful Transported UL Init TBs with 16QAM Modulation

6 C373454830 Number of Successful Transported UL Init TBs with 64QAM Modulation

7 C373454831 Number of DL Init TBs with QPSK Modulation

8 C373454832 Number of DL Init TBs with 16QAM Modulation

9 C373454833 Number of DL Init TBs with 64QAM Modulation

10 C373454834 Number of Successful Transported DL Init TBs with QPSK Modulation

11 C373454835 Number of Successful Transported DL Init TBs with 16QAM Modulation

12 C373454836 Number of Successful Transported DL Init TBs with 64QAM Modulation

13 C373515500 Number of DL TBs with QPSK Modulation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

NO. Counter Counter Name


14 C373515501 Number of DL TBs with 16QAM Modulation

15 C373515502 Number of DL TBs with 64QAM Modulation

16 C373515503 Number of UL TBs with QPSK Modulation

17 C373515504 Number of UL TBs with 16QAM Modulation

18 C373515505 Number of UL TBs with 64QAM Modulation

19 C373515622 Mean Number of UL TM1 Mode Users

20 C373515623 Mean Number of UL TM2 Mode Users(Signal Port)

21 C373515624 Mean Number of UL TM2 Mode Users(Multiple Port)

22 C373515625 Number of RB Obtained by UL TM1 Mode

23 C373515626 Number of RB Obtained by UL TM2 Mode(Signal Port)

24 C373515627 Number of RB Obtained by UL TM2 Mode(Multiple Port)

25 C373596992 Number of UL Init QCI1 TBs with QPSK Modulation

26 C373596993 Number of UL Init QCI1 TBs with 16QAM Modulation

27 C373596994 Number of UL Init QCI1 TBs with 64QAM Modulation

28 C373596996 Number of DL Init QCI1 TBs with QPSK Modulation

29 C373596997 Number of DL Init QCI1 TBs with 16QAM Modulation

30 C373596998 Number of DL Init QCI1 TBs with 64QAM Modulation

17.9.3 Counter Description C373454825

Counter Name
Number of UL Init TBs with QPSK Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of init transport blocks based on QPSK modulation
schedule on the uplink.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a init transport block based on QPSK modulation schedule
on the uplink.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a init transport block based
on QPSK modulation schedule on the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454826

Counter Name
Number of UL Init TBs with 16QAM Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of init transport blocks based on 16QAM modulation
schedule on the uplink.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a init transport block based on 16QAM modulation schedule
on the uplink.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a init transport block based
on 16QAM modulation schedule on the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454827

Counter Name
Number of UL Init TBs with 64QAM Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of init transport blocks based on 64QAM modulation
schedule on the uplink.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a init transport block based on 64QAM modulation schedule
on the uplink.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a init transport block based
on 64QAM modulation schedule on the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454828

Counter Name
Number of Successful Transported UL Init TBs with QPSK Modulation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler feeds HARQ ACK back for the initial TB to the UE,
this counter counts the number of initial QPSK TBs successfully received by the cell.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler feeds HARQ ACK back for the initial TB to the UE,
this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler feeds HARQ ACK back for the initial TB to the UE and
QPSK is used, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454829

Counter Name
Number of Successful Transported UL Init TBs with 16QAM Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler feeds HARQ ACK back for the initial TB to the UE,
this counter counts the number of initial 16QAM TBs successfully received by the cell.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler feeds HARQ ACK back for the initial TB to the UE,
this counter is updated.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler feeds HARQ ACK back for the initial TB to the UE and
16QAM is used, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454830

Counter Name
Number of Successful Transported UL Init TBs with 64QAM Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler feeds HARQ ACK back for the initial TB to the UE,
this counter counts the number of initial 64QAM TBs successfully received by the cell.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler feeds HARQ ACK back for the initial TB to the UE,
this counter is updated.

Update Description
When the eNodeB uplink scheduler feeds HARQ ACK back for the initial TB to the UE and
64QAM is used, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373454831

Counter Name
Number of DL Init TBs with QPSK Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of init transport blocks based on QPSK modulation
schedule on the downlink.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a init transport block based on QPSK modulation schedule
on the downlink.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a init transport block based
on QPSK modulation schedule on the downlink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454832

Counter Name
Number of DL Init TBs with 16QAM Modulation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of init transport blocks based on 16QAM modulation
schedule on the downlink.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a init transport block based on 16QAM modulation schedule
on the downlink.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a init transport block based
on 16QAM modulation schedule on the downlink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454833

Counter Name
Number of DL Init TBs with 64QAM Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of init transport blocks based on 64QAM modulation
schedule on the downlink.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a init transport block based on 64QAM modulation schedule
on the downlink.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a init transport block based
on 64QAM modulation schedule on the downlink.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454834

Counter Name
Number of Successful Transported DL Init TBs with QPSK Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler receives HARQ ACK for the initial TB from the UE,
this counter is updated, this counter counts the number of initial QPSK TBs successfully
sent by the cell.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler receives HARQ ACK for the initial TB from the UE,
this counter is updated

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler receives HARQ ACK for the initial TB from the UE
and QPSK is used, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373454835

Counter Name
Number of Successful Transported DL Init TBs with 16QAM Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler receives HARQ ACK for the initial TB from the UE,
this counter is updated, this counter counts the number of initial 16QAM TBs successfully
sent by the cell.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler receives HARQ ACK for the initial TB from the UE,
this counter is updated

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler receives HARQ ACK for the initial TB from the UE
and 16QAM is used, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373454836

Counter Name
Number of Successful Transported DL Init TBs with 64QAM Modulation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler receives HARQ ACK for the initial TB from the UE,
this counter is updated, this counter counts the number of initial 64QAM TBs successfully
sent by the cell.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler receives HARQ ACK for the initial TB from the UE,
this counter is updated

Update Description
When the eNodeB downlink scheduler receives HARQ ACK for the initial TB from the UE
and 64QAM is used, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515500

Counter Name
Number of DL TBs with QPSK Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on QPSK modulation schedule
on the downlink.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on QPSK
modulation schedule on the downlink.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

a transport block based on QPSK modulation schedule on the


Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515501

Counter Name
Number of DL TBs with 16QAM Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on 16QAM modulation
schedule on the downlink.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on 16QAM
modulation schedule on the downlink.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule
a transport block based on 16QAM modulation schedule on

the downlink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

unit C373515502

Counter Name
Number of DL TBs with 64QAM Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on 64QAM modulation
schedule on the downlink.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on 64QAM
modulation schedule on the downlink.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule

a transport block based on 64QAM modulation schedule on

the downlink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515503

Counter Name
Number of UL TBs with QPSK Modulation


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on QPSK modulation schedule
on the uplink.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on QPSK
modulation schedule on the uplink.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule
a transport block based on QPSK modulation schedule on the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515504

Counter Name
Number of UL TBs with 16QAM Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on 16QAM modulation
schedule on the uplink.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on 16QAM


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

modulation schedule on the uplink.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule
a transport block based on 16QAM modulation schedule on
the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515505

Counter Name
Number of UL TBs with 64QAM Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on 64QAM modulation
schedule on the uplink.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on 64QAM
modulation schedule on the uplink.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule
a transport block based on 64QAM modulation schedule on
the uplink.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515622

Counter Name
Mean Number of UL TM1 Mode Users

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average number of UEs that use TM1 on the PUSCH in the cell
during the measurement period.
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number of
UEs that use TM1 on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and reports the result
every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of UEs that use TM1
on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement periods (5s) every 15 minutes.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the average number of UEs that use TM1 on the PUSCH in the cell
during the measurement period (15 minutes).
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number of
UEs that use TM1 on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and reports the result
every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of UEs that use TM1
on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement periods (5s) every 15 minutes.

Update Description
This counter counts the average number of UEs that use TM1 on the PUSCH in the cell
during the measurement period.
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number of
UEs that use TM1 on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and reports the result
every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of UEs that use TM1
on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement periods (5s) every 15 minutes. This
counter reports the update.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373515623

Counter Name
Mean Number of UL TM2 Mode Users(Signal Port)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average number of UEs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH
in the cell during the measurement period (15min).
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number of
UEs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and reports
the result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of UEs that
use TM2 single port on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement periods (5s)
every 15 minutes.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the average number of UEs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH
in the cell during the measurement period (15min).
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number of
UEs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and reports
the result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of UEs that
use TM2 single port on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement periods (5s)
every 15 minutes.

Update Description
This counter counts the average number of UEs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH
in the cell during the measurement period (15min).

In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number of
UEs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and reports
the result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of UEs that
use TM2 single port on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement periods (5s)
every 15 minutes. This counter reports the update.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373515624

Counter Name
Mean Number of UL TM2 Mode Users(Multiple Port)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average number of UEs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH
in the cell during the measurement period (15min).
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number of
UEs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and reports
the result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of UEs that
use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement periods (5s)
every 15 minutes.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the average number of UEs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH
in the cell during the measurement period (15min).
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number of
UEs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and reports
the result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of UEs that
use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement periods (5s)
every 15 minutes.

Update Description
This counter counts the average number of UEs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH
in the cell during the measurement period (15min).
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number of
UEs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and reports
the result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of UEs that


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement periods (5s)
every 15 minutes. This counter reports the update.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373515626

Counter Name
Number of RB Obtained by UL TM2 Mode(Signal Port)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PRBs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH in the
cell during the measurement period (15min).
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number
of PRBs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and
reports the result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of
PRBs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement
periods (5s) every 15 minutes.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PRBs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH in the
cell during the measurement period (15min).
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number
of PRBs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and
reports the result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of
PRBs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement
periods (5s) every 15 minutes.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of PRBs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH in the
cell during the measurement period (15min).


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number
of PRBs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and
reports the result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of
PRBs that use TM2 single port on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement
periods (5s) every 15 minutes. This counter reports the update.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373515627

Counter Name
Number of RB Obtained by UL TM2 Mode(Multiple Port)

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PRBs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH in the
cell during the measurement period (15min).
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number
of PRBs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and
reports the result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number
of PRBs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement
periods (5s) every 15 minutes.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PRBs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH in the
cell during the measurement period (15min).
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number
of PRBs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and
reports the result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number
of PRBs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement
periods (5s) every 15 minutes.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter counts the number of PRBs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH in the
cell during the measurement period (15min).
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number
of PRBs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and
reports the result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number
of PRBs that use TM2 dual ports on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement
periods (5s) every 15 minutes. This counter reports the update.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373596992

Counter Name
Number of UL Init QCI1 TBs with QPSK Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted
in the uplink QPSK mode in the cell. This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB
schedules the uplink initial TB. DTX is not counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted
in the uplink QPSK mode in the cell. This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB
schedules the uplink initial TB. DTX is not counted.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted in
the uplink QPSK mode in the cell. This counter counts if the eNodeB schedules the uplink
initial TB. DTX is not counted. This counter accumulates the values.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373596993

Counter Name
Number of UL Init QCI1 TBs with 16QAM Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted
in the uplink 16QAM mode in the cell. This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB
schedules the uplink initial TB. DTX is not counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted
in the uplink 16QAM mode in the cell. This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB
schedules the uplink initial TB. DTX is not counted.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted
in the uplink 16QAM mode in the cell. This counter counts if the eNodeB schedules the
uplink initial TB. DTX is not counted. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373596994

Counter Name
Number of UL Init QCI1 TBs with 64QAM Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted
in the uplink 64QAM mode in the cell. This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB
schedules the uplink initial TB. DTX is not counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted
in the uplink 64QAM mode in the cell. This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB
schedules the uplink initial TB. DTX is not counted.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted
in the uplink 64QAM mode in the cell. This counter counts if the eNodeB schedules the
uplink initial TB. DTX is not counted. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373596996

Counter Name
Number of DL Init QCI1 TBs with QPSK Modulation

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted
in the downlink QPSK mode in the cell. This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB
schedules the downlink initial TB. DTX is not counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted
in the downlink QPSK mode in the cell. This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB
schedules the downlink initial TB. DTX is not counted.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted
in the downlink QPSK mode in the cell. This counter counts if the eNodeB schedules the
downlink initial TB. DTX is not counted. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373596997

Counter Name
Number of DL Init QCI1 TBs with 16QAM Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted in
the downlink 16QAM mode in the cell. This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB
schedules the downlink initial TB. DTX is not counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted in
the downlink 16QAM mode in the cell. This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB
schedules the downlink initial TB. DTX is not counted.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted in
the downlink 16QAM mode in the cell. This counter counts if the eNodeB schedules the
downlink initial TB. DTX is not counted. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373596998

Counter Name
Number of DL Init QCI1 TBs with 64QAM Modulation

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted in
the downlink 16QAM mode in the cell. This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB
schedules the downlink initial TB. DTX is not counted.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted in
the downlink 16QAM mode in the cell. This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB
schedules the downlink initial TB. DTX is not counted.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of initial QCI TBs (Transport Block) that are transmitted in
the downlink 16QAM mode in the cell. This counter counts if the eNodeB schedules the
downlink initial TB. DTX is not counted. This counter accumulates the values.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
1 ms


17.10 MIMO Usage

17.10.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
The dispatched transmission blocks under different MIMOs are calculated on downlink
PDSCH channel.

17.10.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373515506 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM1 Mode

2 C373515507 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM2 Mode

3 C373515508 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM3 Mode

4 C373515509 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM4 Mode

5 C373515510 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM5 Mode

6 C373515511 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM6 Mode

7 C373515512 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM7 Mode

8 C373515591 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM3 RI=1 Mode

9 C373515592 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM3 RI=2 Mode

10 C373515593 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM4 RI=1 and Tx-Div Mode

11 C373515594 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM4 RI=1 and SM Mode

12 C373515595 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM4 RI=2 Mode

13 C373515596 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM6 RI=1 and Tx-Div Mode

14 C373515597 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM6 RI=1 and SM Mode

15 C373515598 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM8 Mode

16 C373515601 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM8 RI=1 Mode

17 C373515602 Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM8 RI=2 Mode

18 C373515628 Mean Number of MU-MIMO User

19 C373515629 Number of RB Obtained by MU-MIMO Mode


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

17.10.3 Counter Description C373515506

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM1 Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM1 MIMO mode in PDSCH

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM1

MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a
transport block based on TM1 MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515507

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM2 Mode

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM2 MIMO mode in PDSCH

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM2
MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a
transport block based on TM2 MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515508

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM3 Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM3 MIMO mode in PDSCH

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM3
MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

transport block based on TM3 MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515509

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM4 Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM4 MIMO mode in PDSCH

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM4
MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a
transport block based on TM4 MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373515510

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM5 Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM5 MIMO mode in PDSCH

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM5
MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a
transport block based on TM5 MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515511

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM6 Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM6 MIMO mode in PDSCH


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM6
MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a
transport block based on TM6 MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515512

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM7 Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM7 MIMO mode in PDSCH

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM7
MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a
transport block based on TM7 MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515591

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM3 RI=1 Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM3 RI=1 mode in PDSCH

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM3
RI=1 mode in PDSCH channel..

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a
transport block based on TM3 RI=1 mode in PDSCH channel.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515592

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM3 RI=2 Mode


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM3 RI=2 mode in PDSCH

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM3
RI=2 mode in PDSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a
transport block based on TM3 RI=2 mode in PDSCH channel.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515593

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM4 RI=1 and Tx-Div Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM4 RI=1 Tx-DIV mode in
PDSCH channel.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM4
RI=1 Tx-DIV mode in PDSCH channel.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule
a transport block based on TM4 RI=1 Tx-DIV mode in PDSCH

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515594

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM4 RI=1 and SM Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM4 RI=1 SM mode in
PDSCH channel.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM4
RI=1 SM mode in PDSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule
a transport block based on TM4 RI=1 SM mode in PDSCH


Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515595

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM4 RI=2 Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM4 RI=2 mode in PDSCH

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM4
RI=2 mode in PDSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a
transport block based on TM4 RI=2 mode in PDSCH channel.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515596

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM6 RI=1 and Tx-Div Mode


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM6 RI=1 mode in PDSCH

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM6
RI=1 mode in PDSCH channel.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a
transport block based on TM6 RI=1 mode in PDSCH channel.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515597

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM6 RI=1 and SM Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM6 RI=1 SM mode in
PDSCH channel.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM6
RI=1 mode in PDSCH channeWhen the eNodeB schedule


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

a transport block based on TM6 RI=1 SM mode in PDSCH


Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule
a transport block based on TM6 RI=1 SM mode in PDSCH

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515598

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM8 Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM8 MIMO mode in PDSCH

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM8 MIMO mode in PDSCH

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on
TM8 MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515601

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM8 RI=1 Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM8 RI=1 MIMO mode in
PDSCH channel.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM8 RI=1 MIMO mode in PDSCH

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on
TM8 RI=1 MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515602

Counter Name
Scheduled Number of PDSCH with TM8 RI=2 Mode


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of transport blocks based on TM8 RI=2 MIMO mode in
PDSCH channel.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on TM8 RI=2 MIMO mode in PDSCH

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 When the eNodeB schedule a transport block based on
TM8 RI=2 MIMO mode in PDSCH channel.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373515628

Counter Name
Mean Number of MU-MIMO User

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average number of UEs that use MU-MIMO on the PUSCH in the
cell during the measurement period.
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number of
UEs that use MU-MIMO on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and reports the
result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of UEs that use
MU-MIMO on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement periods (5s) every 15


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
This counter counts the average number of UEs that use MU-MIMO on the PUSCH in the
cell during the measurement period.
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number of
UEs that use MU-MIMO on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and reports the
result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of UEs that use
MU-MIMO on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement periods (5s) every 15

Update Description
This counter counts the average number of UEs that use MU-MIMO on the PUSCH in the
cell during the measurement period.
In the implementation of the eNodeB, the scheduling module accumulates the number of
UEs that use MU-MIMO on the PUSCH after each TTI scheduling finishes and reports the
result every five seconds. The PM module calculates the average number of UEs that use
MU-MIMO on the PUSCH in the cell reported in all measurement periods (5s) every 15
minutes. This counter reports the update.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373515629

Counter Name
Number of RB Obtained by MU-MIMO Mode

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of PRBs that use MU-MIMO on PUSCH in the cell within
a statistics period (15 minutes).
This counter accumulates the number of PRBs that use MU-MIMO on PUSCH after the
scheduling module completes a TTI scheduling, and the accumulating result is reported


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

every five seconds. Every 15 minutes, the PM module calculates the number of PRBs that
use MU-MIMO on PUSCH in the cell based on the data reported every five seconds.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of PRBs that use MU-MIMO on PUSCH in the cell within
a statistics period (15 minutes).
This counter accumulates the number of PRBs that use MU-MIMO on PUSCH after the
scheduling module completes a TTI scheduling, and the accumulating result is reported
every five seconds. Every 15 minutes, the PM module calculates the number of PRBs that
use MU-MIMO on PUSCH in the cell based on the data reported every five seconds.

Update Description
This counter counts the number of PRBs that use MU-MIMO on PUSCH in the cell within
a statistics period (15 minutes).
This counter accumulates the number of PRBs that use MU-MIMO on PUSCH after the
scheduling module completes a TTI scheduling, and the accumulating result is reported
every five seconds. Every 15 minutes, the PM module calculates the number of PRBs that
use MU-MIMO on PUSCH in the cell based on the data reported every five seconds, and
the counter then reports the latest data.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


17.11 CCE Aggregation

17.11.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
The CCE aggregation level is a search space that the UE monitor. The aggregation levels
defining the search spaces are listed in Table 17-1.

Table 17-1 CCE Aggregation Level

Search space

Type Aggregation level Size [in CCEs]


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

UE-specific 1 6

2 12

4 8

8 16

Common 4 16

8 16

17.11.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373424643 Number of CCE Aggregation Level 1

2 C373424644 Number of CCE Aggregation Level 2

3 C373424645 Number of CCE Aggregation Level 4

4 C373424646 Number of CCE Aggregation Level 8

5 C373424672 DTX Number of CCE Aggregation Level 1

6 C373424673 DTX Number of CCE Aggregation Level 2

7 C373424674 DTX Number of CCE Aggregation Level 4

8 C373424675 DTX Number of CCE Aggregation Level 8

17.11.3 Counter Description C373424643

Counter Name
Number of CCE Aggregation Level 1

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of CCE aggregation level 1 for PDCCH.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE aggregation level 1 for PDCCH


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE
aggregation level 1 for PDCCH.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373424644

Counter Name
Number of CCE Aggregation Level 2

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of CCE aggregation level 2 for PDCCH.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE aggregation level 2 for PDCCH.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE
aggregation level 2 for PDCCH.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373424645

Counter Name
Number of CCE Aggregation Level 4

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of CCE aggregation level 4 for PDCCH.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE aggregation level 4 for PDCCH.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE
aggregation level 4 for PDCCH.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373424646

Counter Name
Number of CCE Aggregation Level 8

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of CCE aggregation level 8 for PDCCH.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE aggregation level 8 for PDCCH.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE
aggregation level 8 for PDCCH.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373424672

Counter Name
DTX Number of CCE Aggregation Level 1

Short Name

Counter Description
For a DCI sent by the eNodeB, if the UE does not reply with ACK or NACK, or does not
send uplink data, it means that DTX is detected. This counter counts the number of times
that DTX is detected when CCE aggregation level 1 is used. This counter includes the
number of times that CCE aggregation level 1 is used by uplink DCI0 and downlink DCI,
but does not include that of SIB.

Triggering Point
For a DCI sent by the eNodeB, if the UE does not reply with ACK or NACK, or does not
send uplink data, this counter is updated.

Update Description
For a DCI sent by the eNodeB, if the UE does not reply with ACK or NACK, or does not
send uplink data, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


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Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373424673

Counter Name
DTX Number of CCE Aggregation Level 2

Short Name

Counter Description
For a DCI sent by the eNodeB, if the UE does not reply with ACK or NACK, or does not
send uplink data, it means that DTX is detected. This counter counts the number of times
that DTX is detected when CCE aggregation level 2 is used. This counter includes the
number of times that CCE aggregation level 2 is used by uplink DCI0 and downlink DCI,
but does not include that of SIB.

Triggering Point
For a DCI sent by the eNodeB, if the UE does not reply with ACK or NACK, or does not
send uplink data, this counter is updated.

Update Description
For a DCI sent by the eNodeB, if the UE does not reply with ACK or NACK, or does not
send uplink data, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373424674

Counter Name
DTX Number of CCE Aggregation Level 4

Short Name

Counter Description
For a DCI sent by the eNodeB, if the UE does not reply with ACK or NACK, or does not
send uplink data, it means that DTX is detected. This counter counts the number of times
that DTX is detected when CCE aggregation level 4 is used. This counter includes the
number of times that CCE aggregation level 4 is used by uplink DCI0 and downlink DCI,
but does not include that of SIB.

Triggering Point
For a DCI sent by the eNodeB, if the UE does not reply with ACK or NACK, or does not
send uplink data, this counter is updated.

Update Description
For a DCI sent by the eNodeB, if the UE does not reply with ACK or NACK, or does not
send uplink data, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373424675

Counter Name
DTX Number of CCE Aggregation Level 8

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
For a DCI sent by the eNodeB, if the UE does not reply with ACK or NACK, or does not
send uplink data, it means that DTX is detected. This counter counts the number of times
that DTX is detected when CCE aggregation level 8 is used. This counter includes the
number of times that CCE aggregation level 8 is used by uplink DCI0 and downlink DCI,
but does not include that of SIB.

Triggering Point
For a DCI sent by the eNodeB, if the UE does not reply with ACK or NACK, or does not
send uplink data, this counter is updated.

Update Description
For a DCI sent by the eNodeB, if the UE does not reply with ACK or NACK, or does not
send uplink data, this counter is incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


17.12 TA
17.12.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Upon reception of a timing advance command, the UE shall adjust its uplink transmission
timing for PUCCH/PUSCH/SRS. The timing advance command indicates the change of
the uplink timing relative to the current uplink timing as multiples of 16Ts.

In case of random access response, 11-bit timing advance command [8], TA, indicates NTA
values by index values ofTA = 0, 1, 2, ..., 1282, where an amount of the time alignment is
given by NTA = TA x 16.

17.12.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373556400 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 0 to 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


2 C373556401 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 1 to 3

3 C373556402 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 3 to 5

4 C373556403 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 5 to 7

5 C373556404 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 7 to 9

6 C373556405 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 9 to 11

7 C373556406 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 11 to 13

8 C373556407 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 13 to 20

9 C373556408 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 20 to 27

10 C373556409 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 27 to 34

11 C373556410 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 34 to 40

12 C373556411 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 40 to 50

13 C373556412 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 50 to 81

14 C373556413 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 81 to 129

15 C373556414 Maximum of TA Value

16 C373556415 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 129 to 179

17 C373556416 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 179 to 256

18 C373556417 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 256 to 384

19 C373556418 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 384 to 512

20 C373556419 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 512 to 640

21 C373556420 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 640 to 769

22 C373556421 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 769 to 897

23 C373556422 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 897 to 1025

24 C373556423 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 1025 to 1153

25 C373556424 Report Times of TA Value in the range of 1153 to 1282

17.12.3 Counter Description C373556400

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 0 to 1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message
to the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [0.1). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message
to the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [0,1). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK. To remove
Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [0,1).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556401

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 1 to 3

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message
to the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [1.3). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message
to the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [1.3). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [1.3).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556402

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 3 to 5

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message
to the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [3.5). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message
to the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [3.5). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [3.5).


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556403

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 5 to 7

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message
to the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [5.7). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message
to the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [5.7). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [5.7).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373556404

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 7 to 9

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message
to the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [7.9). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message
to the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [7.9). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [7.9).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556405

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 9 to 11

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message
to the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [9.11). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message
to the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [9.11). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [9.11).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556406

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 11 to 13

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [11.13). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [11.13). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [11.13).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556407

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 13 to 20

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [13.20). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [13.20). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [13.20).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

times C373556408

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 20 to 27

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [20.27). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [20.27). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [20.27).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556409

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 27 to 34


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [27.34). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [27.34). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [27.34).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556410

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 34 to 40

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [34.40). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [34.40). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [34.40).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556411

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 40 to 50

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [40.50). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [40.50). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [40.50).


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556412

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 50 to 81

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [50.81). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [50.81). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [50.81).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373556413

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 81 to 129

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [81,129). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [81,129). The unit of TA value is
16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [81,129).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556414

Counter Name
Maximum of TA Value

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
If the eNodeB sends message2 to the UE, this message contains the time advanced value
(TA). This counter counts the maximum TA value that is sent to the UE in the measurement

Triggering Point
The CMAC reports the maximum TA value of Msg2.

Update Description
The counter value is updated to the current value if the current TA value is larger than the
previous one.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
15 min

16Ts C373556415

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 129 to 179

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [129,179). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [129,179). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [129,179).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556416

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 179 to 256

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [179,256). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [179,256). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [179,256).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373556417

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 256 to 384

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [256,384). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [256,384). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [256,384).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556418

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 384 to 512


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [384,512). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [384,512). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [384,512).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556419

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 512 to 640

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [512,640). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [512,640). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [512,640).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556420

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 640 to 769

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [640,769). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [640,769). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [640,769).


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556421

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 769 to 897

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [769,897). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [769,897). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [769,897).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373556422

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 897 to 1025

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [897.1025). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [897.1025). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [897.1025).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556423

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 1025 to 1153

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [1025.1153). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [1025.1153). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [1025.1153).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373556424

Counter Name
Report Times of TA Value in the range of 1153 to 1282

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [1153.1282). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. This TA value indicates the distance between the UE to the base station.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of that the eNodeB sends the MSG2 message to
the UE. In this MSG2 message, the range of TA value is [1153.1282). The unit of TA value
is 16Ts. To remove Msg1 virtual check, the result is reported after Msg3 is OK.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
This counter is incremented by one if the eNodeB sends Message2 to the UE and the
absolute range of TA value is [1153.1282).

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


17.13 Msg0/Msg2/Msg3/Msg4
17.13.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

17.13.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373444755 Number of Successful Msg3 Checked by ENB

2 C373444756 Number of Lossed Msg3 Checked by ENB

3 C373444759 Number of Sended Msg2 by ENB

4 C373444795 Number of Msg0 Scheduled by ENB

5 C373444796 Number of Successful Msg4 Checked by ENB

6 C373444797 Number of Failure Msg4 Checked by ENB

17.13.3 Counter Description C373444755

Counter Name
Number of Successful Msg3 Checked by ENB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of successful msg3 checked by eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB checks the msg3 successfully.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB checks the msg3 successfully.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373444756

Counter Name
Number of Lossed Msg3 Checked by ENB

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of lossed msg3 checked by eNodeB.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB checks the msg3 unsuccessfully.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB checks the msg3 unsuccessfully.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373444759

Counter Name
Number of Sended Msg2 by ENB

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of the message2 transmitted by eNodeB to UE.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the messag2 to the UE

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the messag2 to the UE.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373444795

Counter Name
Number of Msg0 Scheduled by ENB

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times of CMAC msg0 scheduling.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times of CMAC msg0 scheduling.

Update Description
This counter accumulates the number of times of CMAC msg0 scheduling.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373444796

Counter Name
Number of Successful Msg4 Checked by ENB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that CMAC Msg4 receives the ACK message.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that CMAC Msg4 receives the ACK message.

Update Description
This counter accumulates the number of times that CMAC Msg4 receives the ACK

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373444797

Counter Name
Number of Failure Msg4 Checked by ENB

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of times that CMAC Msg4 receives the NACK message.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of times that CMAC Msg4 receives the NACK message.

Update Description
This counter accumulates the number of times that CMAC Msg4 receives the NACK

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


17.14 NI
17.14.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

17.14.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373586700 RB0 Maximum NI

2 C373586701 RB1 Maximum NI

3 C373586702 RB2 Maximum NI

4 C373586703 RB3 Maximum NI

5 C373586704 RB4 Maximum NI

6 C373586705 RB5 Maximum NI

7 C373586706 RB6 Maximum NI

8 C373586707 RB7 Maximum NI

9 C373586708 RB8 Maximum NI

10 C373586709 RB9 Maximum NI

11 C373586710 RB10 Maximum NI

12 C373586711 RB11 Maximum NI

13 C373586712 RB12 Maximum NI

14 C373586713 RB13 Maximum NI

15 C373586714 RB14 Maximum NI

16 C373586715 RB15 Maximum NI

17 C373586716 RB16 Maximum NI

18 C373586717 RB17 Maximum NI

19 C373586718 RB18 Maximum NI

20 C373586719 RB19 Maximum NI

21 C373586720 RB20 Maximum NI

22 C373586721 RB21 Maximum NI

23 C373586722 RB22 Maximum NI

24 C373586723 RB23 Maximum NI

25 C373586724 RB24 Maximum NI

26 C373586725 RB25 Maximum NI

27 C373586726 RB26 Maximum NI

28 C373586727 RB27 Maximum NI

29 C373586728 RB28 Maximum NI

30 C373586729 RB29 Maximum NI

31 C373586730 RB30 Maximum NI


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


32 C373586731 RB31 Maximum NI

33 C373586732 RB32 Maximum NI

34 C373586733 RB33 Maximum NI

35 C373586734 RB34 Maximum NI

36 C373586735 RB35 Maximum NI

37 C373586736 RB36 Maximum NI

38 C373586737 RB37 Maximum NI

39 C373586738 RB38 Maximum NI

40 C373586739 RB39 Maximum NI

41 C373586740 RB40 Maximum NI

42 C373586741 RB41 Maximum NI

43 C373586742 RB42 Maximum NI

44 C373586743 RB43 Maximum NI

45 C373586744 RB44 Maximum NI

46 C373586745 RB45 Maximum NI

47 C373586746 RB46 Maximum NI

48 C373586747 RB47 Maximum NI

49 C373586748 RB48 Maximum NI

50 C373586749 RB49 Maximum NI

51 C373586750 RB50 Maximum NI

52 C373586751 RB51 Maximum NI

53 C373586752 RB52 Maximum NI

54 C373586753 RB53 Maximum NI

55 C373586754 RB54 Maximum NI

56 C373586755 RB55 Maximum NI

57 C373586756 RB56 Maximum NI

58 C373586757 RB57 Maximum NI

59 C373586758 RB58 Maximum NI

60 C373586759 RB59 Maximum NI

61 C373586760 RB60 Maximum NI

62 C373586761 RB61 Maximum NI

63 C373586762 RB62 Maximum NI


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

NO. Counter Counter Name


64 C373586763 RB63 Maximum NI

65 C373586764 RB64 Maximum NI

66 C373586765 RB65 Maximum NI

67 C373586766 RB66 Maximum NI

68 C373586767 RB67 Maximum NI

69 C373586768 RB68 Maximum NI

70 C373586769 RB69 Maximum NI

71 C373586770 RB70 Maximum NI

72 C373586771 RB71 Maximum NI

73 C373586772 RB72 Maximum NI

74 C373586773 RB73 Maximum NI

75 C373586774 RB74 Maximum NI

76 C373586775 RB75 Maximum NI

77 C373586776 RB76 Maximum NI

78 C373586777 RB77 Maximum NI

79 C373586778 RB78 Maximum NI

80 C373586779 RB79 Maximum NI

81 C373586780 RB80 Maximum NI

82 C373586781 RB81 Maximum NI

83 C373586782 RB82 Maximum NI

84 C373586783 RB83 Maximum NI

85 C373586784 RB84 Maximum NI

86 C373586785 RB85 Maximum NI

87 C373586786 RB86 Maximum NI

88 C373586787 RB87 Maximum NI

89 C373586788 RB88 Maximum NI

90 C373586789 RB89 Maximum NI

91 C373586790 RB90 Maximum NI

92 C373586791 RB91 Maximum NI

93 C373586792 RB92 Maximum NI

94 C373586793 RB93 Maximum NI

95 C373586794 RB94 Maximum NI


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


96 C373586795 RB95 Maximum NI

97 C373586796 RB96 Maximum NI

98 C373586797 RB97 Maximum NI

99 C373586798 RB98 Maximum NI

100 C373586799 RB99 Maximum NI

101 C373586800 RB0 Average NI

102 C373586801 RB1 Average NI

103 C373586802 RB2 Average NI

104 C373586803 RB3 Average NI

105 C373586804 RB4 Average NI

106 C373586805 RB5 Average NI

107 C373586806 RB6 Average NI

108 C373586807 RB7 Average NI

109 C373586808 RB8 Average NI

110 C373586809 RB9 Average NI

111 C373586810 RB10 Average NI

112 C373586811 RB11 Average NI

113 C373586812 RB12 Average NI

114 C373586813 RB13 Average NI

115 C373586814 RB14 Average NI

116 C373586815 RB15 Average NI

117 C373586816 RB16 Average NI

118 C373586817 RB17 Average NI

119 C373586818 RB18 Average NI

120 C373586819 RB19 Average NI

121 C373586820 RB20 Average NI

122 C373586821 RB21 Average NI

123 C373586822 RB22 Average NI

124 C373586823 RB23 Average NI

125 C373586824 RB24 Average NI

126 C373586825 RB25 Average NI

127 C373586826 RB26 Average NI


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

NO. Counter Counter Name


128 C373586827 RB27 Average NI

129 C373586828 RB28 Average NI

130 C373586829 RB29 Average NI

131 C373586830 RB30 Average NI

132 C373586831 RB31 Average NI

133 C373586832 RB32 Average NI

134 C373586833 RB33 Average NI

135 C373586834 RB34 Average NI

136 C373586835 RB35 Average NI

137 C373586836 RB36 Average NI

138 C373586837 RB37 Average NI

139 C373586838 RB38 Average NI

140 C373586839 RB39 Average NI

141 C373586840 RB40 Average NI

142 C373586841 RB41 Average NI

143 C373586842 RB42 Average NI

144 C373586843 RB43 Average NI

145 C373586844 RB44 Average NI

146 C373586845 RB45 Average NI

147 C373586846 RB46 Average NI

148 C373586847 RB47 Average NI

149 C373586848 RB48 Average NI

150 C373586849 RB49 Average NI

151 C373586850 RB50 Average NI

152 C373586851 RB51 Average NI

153 C373586852 RB52 Average NI

154 C373586853 RB53 Average NI

155 C373586854 RB54 Average NI

156 C373586855 RB55 Average NI

157 C373586856 RB56 Average NI

158 C373586857 RB57 Average NI

159 C373586858 RB58 Average NI


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


160 C373586859 RB59 Average NI

161 C373586860 RB60 Average NI

162 C373586861 RB61 Average NI

163 C373586862 RB62 Average NI

164 C373586863 RB63 Average NI

165 C373586864 RB64 Average NI

166 C373586865 RB65 Average NI

167 C373586866 RB66 Average NI

168 C373586867 RB67 Average NI

169 C373586868 RB68 Average NI

170 C373586869 RB69 Average NI

171 C373586870 RB70 Average NI

172 C373586871 RB71 Average NI

173 C373586872 RB72 Average NI

174 C373586873 RB73 Average NI

175 C373586874 RB74 Average NI

176 C373586875 RB75 Average NI

177 C373586876 RB76 Average NI

178 C373586877 RB77 Average NI

179 C373586878 RB78 Average NI

180 C373586879 RB79 Average NI

181 C373586880 RB80 Average NI

182 C373586881 RB81 Average NI

183 C373586882 RB82 Average NI

184 C373586883 RB83 Average NI

185 C373586884 RB84 Average NI

186 C373586885 RB85 Average NI

187 C373586886 RB86 Average NI

188 C373586887 RB87 Average NI

189 C373586888 RB88 Average NI

190 C373586889 RB89 Average NI

191 C373586890 RB90 Average NI


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

NO. Counter Counter Name


192 C373586891 RB91 Average NI

193 C373586892 RB92 Average NI

194 C373586893 RB93 Average NI

195 C373586894 RB94 Average NI

196 C373586895 RB95 Average NI

197 C373586896 RB96 Average NI

198 C373586897 RB97 Average NI

199 C373586898 RB98 Average NI

200 C373586899 RB99 Average NI

201 C373414596 Maximum NI of Carrier

202 C373414597 Average NI of Carrier

203 C373414598 PRACH Max NI

204 C373414599 PRACH Average NI

17.14.3 Counter Description C373586700

Counter Name
RB0 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586701

Counter Name
RB1 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586702

Counter Name
RB2 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586703

Counter Name
RB3 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586704

Counter Name
RB4 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

dBm C373586705

Counter Name
RB5 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586706

Counter Name
RB6 Maximum NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586707

Counter Name
RB7 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586708

Counter Name
RB8 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373586709

Counter Name
RB9 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586710

Counter Name
RB10 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586711

Counter Name
RB11 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

dBm C373586712

Counter Name
RB12 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586713

Counter Name
RB13 Maximum NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586714

Counter Name
RB14 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586715

Counter Name
RB15 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586716

Counter Name
RB16 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586717

Counter Name
RB17 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586718

Counter Name
RB18 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

dBm C373586719

Counter Name
RB19 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586720

Counter Name
RB20 Maximum NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586721

Counter Name
RB21 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586722

Counter Name
RB22 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373586723

Counter Name
RB23 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586724

Counter Name
RB24 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586725

Counter Name
RB25 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

dBm C373586726

Counter Name
RB26 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586727

Counter Name
RB27 Maximum NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586728

Counter Name
RB28 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586729

Counter Name
RB29 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586730

Counter Name
RB30 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586731

Counter Name
RB31 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586732

Counter Name
RB32 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

dBm C373586733

Counter Name
RB33 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586734

Counter Name
RB34 Maximum NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586735

Counter Name
RB35 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586736

Counter Name
RB36 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373586737

Counter Name
RB37 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586738

Counter Name
RB38 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586739

Counter Name
RB39 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

dBm C373586740

Counter Name
RB40 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586741

Counter Name
RB41 Maximum NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586742

Counter Name
RB42 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586743

Counter Name
RB43 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586744

Counter Name
RB44 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586745

Counter Name
RB45 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586746

Counter Name
RB46 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

dBm C373586747

Counter Name
RB47 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586748

Counter Name
RB48 Maximum NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586749

Counter Name
RB49 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586750

Counter Name
RB50 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373586751

Counter Name
RB51 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586752

Counter Name
RB52 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586753

Counter Name
RB53 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

dBm C373586754

Counter Name
RB54 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586755

Counter Name
RB55 Maximum NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586756

Counter Name
RB56 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586757

Counter Name
RB57 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586758

Counter Name
RB58 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586759

Counter Name
RB59 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586760

Counter Name
RB60 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

dBm C373586761

Counter Name
RB61 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586762

Counter Name
RB62 Maximum NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586763

Counter Name
RB63 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586764

Counter Name
RB64 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373586765

Counter Name
RB65 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586766

Counter Name
RB66 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586767

Counter Name
RB67 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

dBm C373586768

Counter Name
RB68 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586769

Counter Name
RB69 Maximum NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586770

Counter Name
RB70 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586771

Counter Name
RB71 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586772

Counter Name
RB72 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586773

Counter Name
RB73 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586774

Counter Name
RB74 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

dBm C373586775

Counter Name
RB75 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586776

Counter Name
RB76 Maximum NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586777

Counter Name
RB77 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586778

Counter Name
RB78 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373586779

Counter Name
RB79 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586780

Counter Name
RB80 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586781

Counter Name
RB81 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

dBm C373586782

Counter Name
RB82 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586783

Counter Name
RB83 Maximum NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586784

Counter Name
RB84 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586785

Counter Name
RB85 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586786

Counter Name
RB86 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586787

Counter Name
RB87 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586788

Counter Name
RB88 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

dBm C373586789

Counter Name
RB89 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586790

Counter Name
RB90 Maximum NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586791

Counter Name
RB91 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586792

Counter Name
RB92 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373586793

Counter Name
RB93 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586794

Counter Name
RB94 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586795

Counter Name
RB95 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

dBm C373586796

Counter Name
RB96 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586797

Counter Name
RB97 Maximum NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586798

Counter Name
RB98 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586799

Counter Name
RB99 Maximum NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99). Take the maximum NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) is
larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586800

Counter Name
RB0 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586801

Counter Name
RB1 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586802

Counter Name
RB2 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

dBm C373586803

Counter Name
RB3 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586804

Counter Name
RB4 Average NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586805

Counter Name
RB5 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586806

Counter Name
RB6 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373586807

Counter Name
RB7 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586808

Counter Name
RB8 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586809

Counter Name
RB9 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

dBm C373586810

Counter Name
RB10 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586811

Counter Name
RB11 Average NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586812

Counter Name
RB12 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586813

Counter Name
RB13 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586814

Counter Name
RB14 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586815

Counter Name
RB15 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586816

Counter Name
RB16 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

dBm C373586817

Counter Name
RB17 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586818

Counter Name
RB18 Average NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586819

Counter Name
RB19 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586820

Counter Name
RB20 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373586821

Counter Name
RB21 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586822

Counter Name
RB22 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586823

Counter Name
RB23 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

dBm C373586824

Counter Name
RB24 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586825

Counter Name
RB25 Average NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586826

Counter Name
RB26 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586827

Counter Name
RB27 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586828

Counter Name
RB28 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586829

Counter Name
RB29 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586830

Counter Name
RB30 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

dBm C373586831

Counter Name
RB31 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586832

Counter Name
RB32 Average NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586833

Counter Name
RB33 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586834

Counter Name
RB34 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373586835

Counter Name
RB35 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586836

Counter Name
RB36 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586837

Counter Name
RB37 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

dBm C373586838

Counter Name
RB38 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586839

Counter Name
RB39 Average NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586840

Counter Name
RB40 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586841

Counter Name
RB41 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586842

Counter Name
RB42 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586843

Counter Name
RB43 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586844

Counter Name
RB44 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

dBm C373586845

Counter Name
RB45 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586846

Counter Name
RB46 Average NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586847

Counter Name
RB47 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586848

Counter Name
RB48 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373586849

Counter Name
RB49 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586850

Counter Name
RB50 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586851

Counter Name
RB51 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

dBm C373586852

Counter Name
RB52 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586853

Counter Name
RB53 Average NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586854

Counter Name
RB54 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586855

Counter Name
RB55 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586856

Counter Name
RB56 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586857

Counter Name
RB57 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586858

Counter Name
RB58 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

dBm C373586859

Counter Name
RB59 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586860

Counter Name
RB60 Average NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586861

Counter Name
RB61 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586862

Counter Name
RB62 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373586863

Counter Name
RB63 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586864

Counter Name
RB64 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586865

Counter Name
RB65 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

dBm C373586866

Counter Name
RB66 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586867

Counter Name
RB67 Average NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586868

Counter Name
RB68 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586869

Counter Name
RB69 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586870

Counter Name
RB70 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586871

Counter Name
RB71 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586872

Counter Name
RB72 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

dBm C373586873

Counter Name
RB73 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586874

Counter Name
RB74 Average NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586875

Counter Name
RB75 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586876

Counter Name
RB76 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373586877

Counter Name
RB77 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586878

Counter Name
RB78 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586879

Counter Name
RB79 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

dBm C373586880

Counter Name
RB80 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586881

Counter Name
RB81 Average NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586882

Counter Name
RB82 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586883

Counter Name
RB83 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586884

Counter Name
RB84 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586885

Counter Name
RB85 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586886

Counter Name
RB86 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

dBm C373586887

Counter Name
RB87 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586888

Counter Name
RB88 Average NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586889

Counter Name
RB89 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586890

Counter Name
RB90 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373586891

Counter Name
RB91 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586892

Counter Name
RB92 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586893

Counter Name
RB93 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

dBm C373586894

Counter Name
RB94 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586895

Counter Name
RB95 Average NI

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586896

Counter Name
RB96 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586897

Counter Name
RB97 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373586898

Counter Name
RB98 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373586899

Counter Name
RB99 Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE, PHY detect the NI of
RBx(x=0,1,,99).Take the average NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99) as the sampling value.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the UL data from the UE.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling NI of RBx(x=0,1,,99), and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373414596

Counter Name
Maximum NI of Carrier

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the maximum noise interference value of each RB in the cell during
the measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the maximum noise interference value of each RB in the cell during
the measurement period.

Update Description
This counter counts the maximum noise interference value of each RB in the cell and
reports the maximum value during the measurement period.

Counter Type
Maximum value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373414597

Counter Name
Average NI of Carrier

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average noise interference value of each RB in the cell during the
measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the average noise interference value of each RB in the cell during the
measurement period.

Update Description
This counter counts the average noise interference value of each RB in the cell and reports
the average value during the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373414598

Counter Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the maximum noise interference value of the PRACH in the cell during
the measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the maximum noise interference value of the PRACH in the cell during
the measurement period.

Update Description
This counter counts the maximum noise interference value of the PRACH in the cell and
reports the maximum value during the measurement period.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
1 ms

dBm C373414599

Counter Name
PRACH Average NI

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the average noise interference value of the PRACH in the cell during
the measurement period.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the average noise interference value of the PRACH in the cell during
the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
This counter counts the average noise interference value of the PRACH in the cell and
reports the average value during the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
1 ms


17.15 ICIC
17.15.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

17.15.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373566450 Average Number of Cell Edge Users

2 C373566451 Average Throughput of DL PHY on Edge Area

3 C373566452 Average Throughput of UL PHY on Edge Area

4 C373566453 PRB Number of PDSCH for Cell Edge Users

5 C373566454 PRB Number of PUSCH for Cell Edge Users

6 C373566455 Number of CCE Aggregation Level 1 on Edge Area

7 C373566456 Number of CCE Aggregation Level 2 on Edge Area

8 C373566457 Number of CCE Aggregation Level 4 on Edge Area

9 C373566458 Number of CCE Aggregation Level 8 on Edge Area

10 C373566459 Number of DL TBs on Edge Area

11 C373566460 Error Number of DL TBs on Edge Area

12 C373566461 Number of UL TBs on Edge Area

13 C373566462 Error Number of UL TBs on Edge Area

14 C373566463 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 0 to 5


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


15 C373566464 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 6 to 10

16 C373566465 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 11 to 15

17 C373566466 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 16 to 20

18 C373566467 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 21 to 25

19 C373566468 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 26 to 30

20 C373566469 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 31 to 35

21 C373566470 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 36 to 40

22 C373566471 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 41 to 45

23 C373566472 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 46 to 50

24 C373566473 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 51 to 55

25 C373566474 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 56 to 60

26 C373566475 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 61 to 65

27 C373566476 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 66 to 70

28 C373566477 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 71 to 75

29 C373566478 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 76 to 80

30 C373566479 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 81 to 85

31 C373566480 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 86 to 90

32 C373566481 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 91 to 95

33 C373566482 Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 96 to 100

34 C373566483 Percentage of HII in the range of 0 to 5

35 C373566484 Percentage of HII in the range of 6 to 10

36 C373566485 Percentage of HII in the range of 11 to 15

37 C373566486 Percentage of HII in the range of 16 to 20

38 C373566487 Percentage of HII in the range of 21 to 25

39 C373566488 Percentage of HII in the range of 26 to 30

40 C373566489 Percentage of HII in the range of 31 to 35

41 C373566490 Percentage of HII in the range of 36 to 40

42 C373566491 Percentage of HII in the range of 41 to 45

43 C373566492 Percentage of HII in the range of 46 to 50

44 C373566493 Percentage of HII in the range of 51 to 55

45 C373566494 Percentage of HII in the range of 56 to 60

46 C373566495 Percentage of HII in the range of 61 to 65


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

NO. Counter Counter Name


47 C373566496 Percentage of HII in the range of 66 to 70

48 C373566497 Percentage of HII in the range of 71 to 75

49 C373566498 Percentage of HII in the range of 76 to 80

50 C373566499 Percentage of HII in the range of 81 to 85

51 C373566500 Percentage of HII in the range of 86 to 90

52 C373566501 Percentage of HII in the range of 91 to 95

53 C373566502 Percentage of HII in the range of 96 to 100

54 C373566503 NI exceeds a threshold Time

55 C373566534 Average Active User Number of Heavy Load Cell Edge

56 C373566535 UL Average Throughput of Heavy Load Cell Edge

57 C373566536 DL Average Throughput of Heavy Load Cell Edge

17.15.3 Counter Description C373566450

Counter Name
Average Number of Cell Edge Users

Short Name

Counter Description
The active state indicates the user is always active if the short DRX is configured to UE.
And if the long DRX is configured to UE, the user is active when having traffic and DRX high
level.Otherwise the user is inactive.The counter provides the average value of all sampling
point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB sheduler collects the number of UEs which is "active state" at sampling time
in cell edge.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample active state UEs, and then dividing
the sum by the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
100 ms

unit C373566451

Counter Name
Average Throughput of DL PHY on Edge Area

Short Name

Counter Description
Downlink PHY Traffic on the Sampling Point = the size of TBs.That includes retransmission
TBs.The counter takes the average value of all sampling granularities in the statistical

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB physical layer sends data to the air in cell edge.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling physical layer volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373566452

Counter Name
Average Throughput of UL PHY on Edge Area

Short Name

Counter Description
Uplink PHY traffic on the sampling point = the size of TBs. That includes retransmission
TBs.The counter takes the average value of all sampling granularities in the statistical

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB physical layer receives data from the air in cell edge.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sampling physical layer volume, and then
dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Kbps C373566453

Counter Name
PRB Number of PDSCH for Cell Edge Users

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for PDSCH on the downlink in cell


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When eNodeB downlink scheduler schedule TB and assign the PRB in PDSCH channe in
cell edge..

Update Description
The counter is increased by the PRB number used for PDSCH
channel at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373566454

Counter Name
PRB Number of PUSCH for Cell Edge Users

Short Name

Counter Description
It is all available PRBs that eNodeB have assigned for PUSCH on the uplink in cell edge..

Triggering Point
When eNodeB uplink scheduler schedule TB and assign the PRB in PUSCH channel in
cell edge.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the assigned PRB number for PUSCH at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

unit C373566455

Counter Name
Number of CCE Aggregation Level 1 on Edge Area

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of CCE aggregation level 1 for PDCCH in cell edge.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE aggregation level 1 for PDCCH in cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE
aggregation level 1 for PDCCH in cell edge.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566456

Counter Name
Number of CCE Aggregation Level 2 on Edge Area

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of CCE aggregation level 2 for PDCCH in cell edge.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE aggregation level 2 for PDCCH in cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE
aggregation level 2 for PDCCH in cell edge.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566457

Counter Name
Number of CCE Aggregation Level 4 on Edge Area

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of CCE aggregation level 4 for PDCCH in cell edge.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE aggregation level 4 for PDCCH in cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE
aggregation level 4 for PDCCH in cell edge.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566458

Counter Name
Number of CCE Aggregation Level 8 on Edge Area

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of CCE aggregation level 8 for PDCCH in cell edge.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE aggregation level 8 for PDCCH in cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB DL scheduler allocates the CCE
aggregation level 8 for PDCCH in cell edge.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373566459

Counter Name
Number of DL TBs on Edge Area

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB send a transport block to the UE, it will receive HARQ feedback
information from the UE. If the HARQ feedback is NACK or DTX in cell edge, it is added
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB receives a NACK or DTX indicating a faulty receiption of TB by UE in cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB receives a NACK or DTX HARQ feedback in
cell edge.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373566460

Counter Name
Error Number of DL TBs on Edge Area

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
After the eNodeB send a transport block to the UE, it will receive HARQ feedback
information from the UE. No matter the HARQ feedback is ACK,NACK or DTX in cell
edge, it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB schedules a TB for DL data in cell edge.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB schedules one TB for DL data in cell edge.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373566461

Counter Name
Number of UL TBs on Edge Area

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB received a transport block from the UE, it will reply HARQ feedback
information to the UE. If the HARQ feedback is NACK or DTX in cell edge, it is added to
the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB receives a NACK or DTX indicating a faulty receiption of TB by UE in cell

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB detectes a CRC
error TB in cell edge.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373566462

Counter Name
Error Number of UL TBs on Edge Area

Short Name

Counter Description
After the eNodeB received a transport block from the UE, it will reply HARQ feedback
information to the UE. No matter the HARQ feedback is ACK,NACK or DTX in cell edge,
it is added to the counter.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB schedules a TB for UL data in cell edge.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when eNB schedules one TB
for UL data in cell edge.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373566463

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 0 to 5

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (0% to 5%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 0% to 5%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566464

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 6 to 10

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (6% to 10%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 6% to 10%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566465

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 11 to 15

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (11% to 15%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 11% to 15%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566466

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 16 to 20

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (16% to 20%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 16% to 20%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373566467

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 21 to 25

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (21% to 25%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 21% to 25%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566468

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 26 to 30

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (26% to 30%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 26% to 30%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566469

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 31 to 35

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (31% to 35%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 31% to 35%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566470

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 36 to 40

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (36% to 40%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 36% to 40%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

times C373566471

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 41 to 45

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (41% to 45%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 41% to 45%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566472

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 46 to 50

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (46% to 50%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 46% to 50%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566473

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 51 to 55

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (51% to 55%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 51% to 55%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566474

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 56 to 60

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (56% to 60%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 56% to 60%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373566475

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 61 to 65

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (61% to 65%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 61% to 65%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566476

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 66 to 70

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (66% to 70%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 66% to 70%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566477

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 71 to 75

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (71% to 75%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 71% to 75%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566478

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 76 to 80

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (76% to 80%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 76% to 80%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

times C373566479

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 81 to 85

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (81% to 85%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 81% to 85%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566480

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 86 to 90

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (86% to 90%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 86% to 90%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566481

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 91 to 95

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (91% to 95%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 91% to 95%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566482

Counter Name
Percentage of RNTP beyond the Threshold in the range of 96 to 100

Short Name

Counter Description
If the Relative Narrowband Tx Power (RNTP) IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION
message, it indicates, per PRB, whether downlink transmission power is lower than the
value indicated by the RNTP Threshold IE. The counter provides the number of the RNTP
percentage (96% to 100%) that exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of RNTP bitmap is in range of 96% to 100%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373566483

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 0 to 5

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (0% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 0% to 5%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566484

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 6 to 10


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (6% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 6% to 10%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566485

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 11 to 15

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (11% to


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 11% to 15%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566486

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 16 to 20

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (16% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 16% to 20%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566487

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 21 to 25

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (21% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 21% to 25%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373566488

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 26 to 30

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (26% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 26% to 30%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566489

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 31 to 35

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (31% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 31% to 35%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566490

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 36 to 40

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (36% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 36% to 40%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566491

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 41 to 45

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (41% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 41% to 45%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

times C373566492

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 46 to 50

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (46% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 46% to 50%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566493

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 51 to 55


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (51% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 51% to 55%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566494

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 56 to 60

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (56% to


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 56% to 60%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566495

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 61 to 65

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (61% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 61% to 65%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566496

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 66 to 70

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (66% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 66% to 70%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373566497

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 71 to 75

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (71% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 71% to 75%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566498

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 76 to 80

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (76% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 76% to 80%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566499

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 81 to 85

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (81% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 81% to 85%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566500

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 86 to 90

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (86% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 86% to 90%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

times C373566501

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 91 to 95

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (91% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 91% to 95%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566502

Counter Name
Percentage of HII in the range of 96 to 100


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Short Name

Counter Description
If the UL High Interference Indication IE is received in the LOAD INFORMATION message,
it indicates, per PRB, the occurrence of high interference sensitivity, as seen from the
sending eNB. The receiving eNB should try to avoid scheduling cell edge UEs in its cells
for the concerned PRBs. The counter provides the number of the HII percentage (96% to

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the LOAD INFORMATION message to other eNodeBs

Update Description
When the being 1 percentage of HII bitmap is in range of 96% to 100%, the counter is
incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373566503

Counter Name
NI exceeds a threshold Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB collet the NI of all RBs at sampling time and get the average NI about all RB.
If the average NI is larger the threshold,the counter is incremented by the sampling period.

Triggering Point
When the NI of RBs detected by eNodeB exceed the threshold


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
When the NI of RBs detected by eNodeB exceed the threshold, the counter is incremented
by the sampling period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

ms C373566534

Counter Name
Average Active User Number of Heavy Load Cell Edge

Short Name

Counter Description
When the cell edge user quantity in Active state is equal to or greater than 50% of total
active user quantity in a cell, this cell is called a heavy-load cell. This counter counts the
number of cell edge users in Active state of a heavy-load cell.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of cell edge users in Active state of a heavy-load cell.

Update Description
This counter counts the average value of all the samples in a statistical period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373566535

Counter Name
UL Average Throughput of Heavy Load Cell Edge

Short Name

Counter Description
When the cell edge user quantity in Active state is equal to or greater than 50% of total
active user quantity in a cell, this cell is called a heavy-load cell. This counter counts the
uplink cell edge throughput of a heavy-load cell.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the uplink cell edge throughput of a heavy-load cell.

Update Description
This counter counts the average value of all the samples in a statistical period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min

Kbps C373566536

Counter Name
DL Average Throughput of Heavy Load Cell Edge

Short Name

Counter Description
When the cell edge user quantity in Active state is equal to or greater than 50% of total
active user quantity in a cell, this cell is called a heavy-load cell. This counter counts the
downlink cell edge throughput of a heavy-load cell.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
This counter counts the downlink cell edge throughput of a heavy-load cell.

Update Description
This counter counts the average value of all the samples in a statistical period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
15 min


17.16 TTI Bundling

17.16.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

17.16.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373424688 Number of TTI Bundling Activation Request

2 C373424689 Number of TTI Bundling Activation Completed

3 C373424690 Number of TTI Bundling Deactivation Request

4 C373424691 Number of TTI Bundling Deactivation Completed

5 C373424692 Data Volume of Scheduled UE within the Threshold

6 C373424693 Number of Scheduled UE within the Threshold

7 C373424694 Number of TTI Bundling Scheduled UE within the Threshold

8 C373424695 Error Number of TB within the Threshold

9 C373424696 Total Number of TB within the Threshold


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Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

17.16.3 Counter Description C373424688

Counter Name
Number of TTI Bundling Activation Request

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of TTI bundling activation requests.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message due to activate
the TTI bundling.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message due to activate the TTI bundling.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373424689

Counter Name
Number of TTI Bundling Activation Completed

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of completed TTI bundling activations.


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message for
TTI bundling activation completing.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message for TTI bundling activation

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373424690

Counter Name
Number of TTI Bundling Deactivation Request

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of TTI bundling deactivation requests.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message due to deactivate
the TTI bundling.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB sends the
RRCConnectionReconfiguration message due to deactivate the TTI bundling.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


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Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373424691

Counter Name
Number of TTI Bundling Deactivation Completed

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the number of completed TTI bundling deactivations.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message for
TTI bundling deactivation completing.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB receives the
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message for TTI bundling deactivation

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373424692

Counter Name
Data Volume of Scheduled UE within the Threshold


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the total volume of the scheduled UE within the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a UE within the threshold.

Update Description
The counter is increased by the size of data volume when the eNodeB schedule a UE
within the threshold.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

Kbit C373424693

Counter Name
Number of Scheduled UE within the Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the scheduled number of the UE within the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a UE within the threshold.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB schedule a UE within the threshold.


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Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373424694

Counter Name
Number of TTI Bundling Scheduled UE within the Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the TTI bundling scheduled number of the UE within the threshold.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB schedule a UE within the threshold in TTI bundling mode.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when the eNodeB schedule a UE within the threshold in TTI
bundling mode.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

times C373424695

Counter Name
Error Number of TB within the Threshold


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the error number of the transport block within the threshold.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB receives a NACK or DTX indicating a faulty receiption of TB by UE within
the threshold.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when eNodeB receives a NACK or DTX indicating a faulty
receiption of TB by UE within the threshold.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms

unit C373424696

Counter Name
Total Number of TB within the Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
The counter provides the total number of the transport block within the threshold.

Triggering Point
When eNodeB schedules a TB for DL data within the threshold.

Update Description
The counter is increased by 1 when eNodeB schedules a TB for DL data within the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
1 ms


17.17 Satisfaction
17.17.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

17.17.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373596939 Numerator of DL GBR Satisfaction for Edge User

2 C373596940 Denominator of DL GBR Satisfaction for Edge User

3 C373596941 Numerator of DL PBR Satisfaction for Edge User

4 C373596942 Denominator of DL PBR Satisfaction for Edge User

5 C373596943 Numerator of DL QCI1 GBR Satisfaction

6 C373596944 Denominator of DL QCI1 GBR Satisfaction

7 C373596945 Numerator of DL QCI2 GBR Satisfaction

8 C373596946 Denominator of DL QCI2 GBR Satisfaction

9 C373596947 Numerator of DL QCI3 GBR Satisfaction

10 C373596948 Denominator of DL QCI3 GBR Satisfaction

11 C373596949 Numerator of DL QCI4 GBR Satisfaction

12 C373596950 Denominator of DL QCI4 GBR Satisfaction


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

17.17.3 Counter Description C373596939

Counter Name
Numerator of DL GBR Satisfaction for Edge User

Short Name

Counter Description
The GBR satisfaction of an LCH is a ratio of the actual transmission rate (correctly received)
to the configured GBR when the LCH is established. For an LCH, if the ratio of the actual
transmission rate to the configured GBR is higher than a threshold, the LCH satisfies the
GBR requirement. Otherwise, the LCH does not satisfy the GBR requirement. This counter
counts the number of LCHs that satisfy the GBR requirement, and is the numerator used
for calculating the GBR satisfaction of cell edge users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of LCHs that satisfy the GBR requirement, and is the
numerator used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of cell edge users.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by the number of LCHs that satisfy the GBR requirement.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596940

Counter Name
Denominator of DL GBR Satisfaction for Edge User


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of LCHs of all the cell edge users that require GBR, and
is the denominator used for calculation the GBR satisfaction of cell edge users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of LCHs of all the cell edge users that require GBR, and
is the denominator used for calculation the GBR satisfaction of cell edge users.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by the number of LCHs of all the cell edge users that require

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596941

Counter Name
Numerator of DL PBR Satisfaction for Edge User

Short Name

Counter Description
The PBR satisfaction of an LCH is a ratio of the actual transmission rate (correctly received)
to the configured PBR when the LCH is established. For an LCH, if the ratio of the actual
transmission rate to the configured GBR is higher than a threshold, the LCH satisfies the
PBR requirement. Otherwise, the LCH does not satisfy the PBR requirement. This counter
counts the number of LCHs that satisfy the PBR requirement, and is the numerator used
for calculating the PBR satisfaction of cell edge users.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of LCHs that satisfy the GBR requirement, and is the
numerator used for calculating the PBR satisfaction of cell edge users.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by the number of LCHs that satisfy the PBR requirement.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596942

Counter Name
Denominator of DL PBR Satisfaction for Edge User

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of LCHs of all the cell edge users that require PBR, and
is the denominator used for calculation the PBR satisfaction of cell edge users.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of LCHs of all the cell edge users that require PBR, and
is the denominator used for calculation the PBR satisfaction of cell edge users.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by the number of LCHs of all the cell edge users that require

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596943

Counter Name
Numerator of DL QCI1 GBR Satisfaction

Short Name

Counter Description
For Kn (a number) LCHs when QCI = n, the GBR satisfaction is calculated for each LCH. If
SatfyQCIn (a number) LCHs satisfy the GBR requirement, GbrSfyQCIn (GBR satisfaction
of QCIn LCHs) = SatfyQCIn/Kn. This counter counts the number of QCI1 LCHs that satisfy
the GBR requirement, and is the numerator used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of QCI1 LCHs that satisfy the GBR requirement, and is
the numerator used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of QCI1 LCHs.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by the number of QCI1 LCHs that satisfy the GBR requirement.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373596944

Counter Name
Denominator of DL QCI1 GBR Satisfaction

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of QCI1 LCHs that require GBR, and is the denominator
used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of QCI1 LCHs.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of QCI1 LCHs that require GBR, and is the denominator
used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of QCI1 LCHs.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by the number of QCI1 LCHs that require GBR.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596945

Counter Name
Numerator of DL QCI2 GBR Satisfaction

Short Name

Counter Description
For Kn (a number) LCHs when QCI = n, the GBR satisfaction is calculated for each LCH. If
SatfyQCIn (a number) LCHs satisfy the GBR requirement, GbrSfyQCIn (GBR satisfaction
of QCIn LCHs) = SatfyQCIn/Kn. This counter counts the number of QCI2 LCHs that satisfy


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

the GBR requirement, and is the numerator used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of QCI2 LCHs that satisfy the GBR requirement, and is
the numerator used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of QCI2 LCHs.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by the number of QCI2 LCHs that satisfy the GBR requirement.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596946

Counter Name
Denominator of DL QCI2 GBR Satisfaction

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of QCI2 LCHs that require GBR, and is the denominator
used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of QCI2 LCHs.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of QCI2 LCHs that require GBR, and is the denominator
used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of QCI2 LCHs.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by the number of QCI2 LCHs that require GBR.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596947

Counter Name
Numerator of DL QCI3 GBR Satisfaction

Short Name

Counter Description
For Kn (a number) LCHs when QCI = n, the GBR satisfaction is calculated for each LCH. If
SatfyQCIn (a number) LCHs satisfy the GBR requirement, GbrSfyQCIn (GBR satisfaction
of QCIn LCHs) = SatfyQCIn/Kn. This counter counts the number of QCI3 LCHs that satisfy
the GBR requirement, and is the numerator used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of QCI3 LCHs that satisfy the GBR requirement, and is
the numerator used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of QCI3 LCHs.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by the number of QCI3 LCHs that satisfy the GBR requirement.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources C373596948

Counter Name
Denominator of DL QCI3 GBR Satisfaction

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of QCI3 LCHs that require GBR, and is the denominator
used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of QCI3 LCHs.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of QCI3 LCHs that require GBR, and is the denominator
used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of QCI3 LCHs.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by the number of QCI3 LCHs that require GBR.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596949

Counter Name
Numerator of DL QCI4 GBR Satisfaction

Short Name

Counter Description
For Kn (a number) LCHs when QCI = n, the GBR satisfaction is calculated for each LCH. If
SatfyQCIn (a number) LCHs satisfy the GBR requirement, GbrSfyQCIn (GBR satisfaction
of QCIn LCHs) = SatfyQCIn/Kn. This counter counts the number of QCI4 LCHs that satisfy


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

the GBR requirement, and is the numerator used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of QCI4 LCHs that satisfy the GBR requirement, and is
the numerator used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of QCI4 LCHs.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by the number of QCI4 LCHs that satisfy the GBR requirement.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373596950

Counter Name
Denominator of DL QCI4 GBR Satisfaction

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of QCI4 LCHs that require GBR, and is the denominator
used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of QCI4 LCHs.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the number of QCI4 LCHs that require GBR, and is the denominator
used for calculating the GBR satisfaction of QCI4 LCHs.

Update Description
This counter is incremented by the number of QCI4 LCHs that require GBR.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 17 Statistics of Radio Resources

Sampling Period
15 min



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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

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Chapter 18
Statistics of Paging
Table of Contents

18.1 Paging
18.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
Figure 18-1 Paging

l Sampling Point 1: When the eNodeB receives the Paging message from the MME.

18.1.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373394400 Number of Paging Records Received by the eNodeB

2 C373394401 Number of Paging Records Discarded at the eNodeB

3 C373394402 Number of Paging Records Congested at the eNodeB

4 C373394403 Number of Paging Records Send from eNodeB

5 C373394404 Paging Channel Capacity

18.1.3 Counter Description C373394400

Counter Name
Number of Paging Records Received by the eNodeB


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name
PAG. TotalNbr

Counter Description
Reception of a S1AP PAGING message from MME,the eNodeB can be queued. When
each paging occasion reach, the paging will be transmitted. The repeat paging is included
to the counter.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the paging message from the MME.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB receives the paging message from the

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373394401

Counter Name
Number of Paging Records Discarded at the eNodeB

Short Name
PAG. DiscardedNbr

Counter Description
Reception of a S1AP PAGING message from MME,the eNodeB can be queued. When
each paging occasion reach, the paging will be transmitted. If the paging is discarded by
eNodeB at paging occasions,the counter records.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the paging message failures


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 18 Statistics of Paging

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the eNodeB sends the paging message failures.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373394402

Counter Name
Number of Paging Records Congested at the eNodeB

Short Name
PAG. CongestedNbr

Counter Description
Reception of a S1AP PAGING message from MME,the eNodeB can be queued. When
each paging occasion reach, the paging will be transmitted. If the paging is congested by
eNodeB at paging occasions,the counter records.

Triggering Point
When the paging records that are congested at the eNodeB for paging occasions.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the paging record congested for paging occasions.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373394403

Counter Name
Number of Paging Records Send from eNodeB

Short Name
PAG. SendNbr

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of paging messages sent on the air interface, this counter
is updated.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a paging message on the air interface.

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends a paging message on the air interface, this counter is
incremented by one.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

unit C373394404

Counter Name
Paging Channel Capacity

Short Name
PAG. CapNbr

Counter Description
Based on the paging channel capacity table, the theoretical air interface paging channel
capacity in a cell equals the number of paging sub-frames times 16, where 16 is the


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 18 Statistics of Paging

maximum paging number in each paging sub-frame specified by 3GPP and the number of
paging sub-frames = nB x 0.1 x total number of sub-frames in a statistical period.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the theoretical air interface paging channel capacity in a cell.

Update Description
This counter is updated to the latest theoretical air interface paging channel capacity in a
cell when being reported.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

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Chapter 19
Statistics of Transport
Table of Contents
Throughput on IP Pair ..............................................................................................19-1
Vlan Throughput on IP Pair ......................................................................................19-8
Dscp Throughput on IP Pair ................................................................................... 19-11
Total Throughput on eNodeB..................................................................................19-15
SCTP Link..............................................................................................................19-39
OAM Link ...............................................................................................................19-45

19.1 Throughput on IP Pair

19.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

19.1.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373840000 IP Pair Sending Maximum Throughput

2 C373840001 IP Pair Receiving Maximum Throughput

3 C373840002 IP Pair Sending Average Throughput

4 C373840003 IP Pair Receiving Average Throughput

5 C373840004 IP Pair Sending GTPU Average Throughput

6 C373840005 IP Pair Receiving GTPU Average Throughput

7 C373840006 IP Pair Sending GTPU Time

8 C373840007 IP Pair Receiving GTPU Time


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

19.1.3 Counter Description C373840000

Counter Name
IP Pair Sending Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport volume to assigning IP Pair on the
uplink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter provides
the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the data is transmitted on the transmission layer IP pairs of eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current throughput of ip pair
transmitted by transport layer is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373840001

Counter Name
IP Pair Receiving Maximum Throughput

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport volume to assigning IP Pair on the
downlink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the data is received on the transmission layer IP pairs of the

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current received throughput in ip
pair is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373840002

Counter Name
IP Pair Sending Average Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport volume to assigning IP Pair on the
uplink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter provides
the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the data is transmitted on the transmission layer IP pairs of

the eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample transmitted throughput in ip pair,
and then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373840003

Counter Name
IP Pair Receiving Average Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport volume to assigning IP Pair on the
downlink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the data is received on the transmission layer IP pairs of the

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample received throughput in ip pair, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Mbps C373840004

Counter Name
IP Pair Sending GTPU Average Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the GTPU volume to assigning IP Pair on the uplink
that includes the IP header.The counter provides the average value of all sampling point
in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the data is transmitted on the transmission layer IP pairs of
the eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample transmitted throughput in ip pair,
and then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

Kbps C373840005

Counter Name
IP Pair Receiving GTPU Average Throughput

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the GTPU volume to assigning IP Pair on the
downlink that includes the IP header.The counter provides the average value of all
sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the data is received on the transmission layer IP pairs of the

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample received throughput in ip pair, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

Kbps C373840006

Counter Name
IP Pair Sending GTPU Time

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total time of sending GTPU data on uplink between a pair of IP

Triggering Point
This counter counts the total time of sending GTPU data on uplink between a pair of IP


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Update Description
This counter counts the total time of sending GTPU data on uplink between a pair of IP

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period

s C373840007

Counter Name
IP Pair Receiving GTPU Time

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter counts the total time of receiving GTPU data on downlink between a pair of
IP addresses.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the total time of receiving GTPU data on uplink between a pair of IP

Update Description
This counter counts the total time of receiving GTPU data on downlink between a pair of
IP addresses.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference


19.2 Vlan Throughput on IP Pair

19.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

19.2.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373900000 IP Pair Vlan Sending Maximum Throughput

2 C373900001 IP Pair Vlan Receiving Maximum Throughput

3 C373900002 IP Pair Vlan Sending Average Throughput

4 C373900003 IP Pair Vlan Receiving Average Throughput

19.2.3 Counter Description C373900000

Counter Name
IP Pair Vlan Sending Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the UL transport volume to assigning Vlan on IP
Pair from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter provides
the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the data is transmitted on the current VLAN of the transmission

layer IP pairs of the eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current throughput of ip pair
transmitted by transport layer is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373900001

Counter Name
IP Pair Vlan Receiving Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the DL transport volume to assigning Vlan on IP
Pairfrom the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter provides
the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the data is received on the current VLAN of the transmission
layer IP pairs of the eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the the current received throughput
in ip pair is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Mbps C373900002

Counter Name
IP Pair Vlan Sending Average Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the UL transport volume to assigning Vlan on IP
Pair from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter provides
the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the data is transmitted on the current VLAN of the transmission
layer IP pairs of the eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample transmitted throughput in ip pair,
and then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373900003

Counter Name
IP Pair Vlan Receiving Average Throughput

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the DL transport volume to assigning Vlan on IP Pair
on the downlink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the data is received on the current VLAN of the transmission
layer IP pairs of the eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample received throughput in ip pair, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s


19.3 Dscp Throughput on IP Pair

19.3.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

19.3.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373850000 Dscp Sending Maximum Throughput

2 C373850001 Dscp Receiving Maximum Throughput

3 C373850002 Dscp Sending Average Throughput

4 C373850003 Dscp Receiving Average Throughput


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

19.3.3 Counter Description C373850000

Counter Name
Dscp Sending Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the UL transport volume to assigning DSCP on IP
Pair from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter provides
the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the data is transmitted on the current DSCP of the transmission
layer IP pairs of the eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the current throughput of ip pair
transmitted by transport layer is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373850001

Counter Name
Dscp Receiving Maximum Throughput

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the DL transport volume to assigning DSCP on IP
Pairfrom the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter provides
the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the data is received on the current DSCP of the transmission
layer IP pairs of the eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the current value when the the current received throughput
in ip pair is larger than the prior at sampling point.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373850002

Counter Name
Dscp Sending Average Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the UL transport volume to assigning DSCP on IP
Pair from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter provides
the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the data is transmitted on the current DSCP of the transmission

layer IP pairs of the eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample transmitted throughput in ip pair,
and then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373850003

Counter Name
Dscp Receiving Average Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time,the eNodeB collects the DL transport volume to assigning DSCP on IP
Pair on the downlink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the data is received on the current DSCP of the transmission
layer IP pairs of the eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by accumulating all the sample received throughput in ip pair, and
then dividing the sum by the measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources


19.4 Total Throughput on eNodeB

19.4.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
No chart.

19.4.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373930000 Control Plane Sending S1 Average Throughput

2 C373930001 Control Plane Receiving S1 AverageThroughput

3 C373930002 Control Plane Sending X2 Average Throughput

4 C373930003 Control Plane Receiving X2 Average Throughput

5 C373930004 Control Plane Sending OAM Average Throughput

6 C373930005 Control Plane Receiving OAM Average Throughput

7 C373930006 Control Plane Sending S1 Maximum Throughput

8 C373930007 Control Plane Receiving S1 Maximum Throughput

9 C373930008 Control Plane Sending X2 Maximum Throughput

10 C373930009 Control Plane Receiving X2 Maximum Throughput

11 C373930010 Control Plane Sending OAM Maximum Throughput

12 C373930011 Control Plane Receiving OAM Maximum Throughput

13 C373930012 User Plane Sending S1 Average Throughput

14 C373930013 User Plane Receiving S1 Average Throughput

15 C373930014 User Plane Sending X2 Average Throughput

16 C373930015 User Plane Receiving X2 Average Throughput

17 C373930016 User Plane Sending Other Average Throughput

18 C373930017 User Plane Receiving Other Average Throughput

19 C373930018 User Plane Sending S1 Maximum Throughput

20 C373930019 User Plane Receiving S1 Maximum Throughput

21 C373930020 User Plane Sending X2 Maximum Throughput

22 C373930021 User Plane Receiving X2 Maximum Throughput

23 C373930022 User Plane Sending Other Maximum Throughput


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

NO. Counter Counter Name


24 C373930023 User Plane Receiving Other Maximum Throughput

25 C373930024 Maximum UL Total Throughput on Transport Layer

26 C373930025 Maximum DL Total Throughput on Transport Layer

27 C373930026 DL Transport Bandwidth

28 C373930027 UL Transport Bandwidth

29 C373930028 Mean Allocated Uplink Transport Bandwidth

30 C373930029 Maximum Allocated Uplink Transport Bandwidth

31 C373930030 Mean Allocated Downlink Transport Bandwidth

32 C373930031 Maximum Allocated Downlink Transport Bandwidth

19.4.3 Counter Description C373930000

Counter Name
Control Plane Sending S1 Average Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport UL volume sent to the MME on SCTP
link from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter provides
the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the signaling message in sctp link to the MME.

Update Description
The counter is updated by calculating the average value of all of samling point in
measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930001

Counter Name
Control Plane Receiving S1 AverageThroughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport DL volume received from the MME
on SCTP link from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the signaling in sctp link from the MME.

Update Description
The counter is updated by calculating the average value of all of samling point in
measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930002

Counter Name
Control Plane Sending X2 Average Throughput


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport UL volume sent to the target eNodeB
on SCTP link from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the signaling in sctp link to another eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by calculating the average value of all of samling point in
measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930003

Counter Name
Control Plane Receiving X2 Average Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport DL volume received from the target
eNodeB on SCTP link from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the signaling in sctp link from another eNodeB.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Update Description
The counter is updated by calculating the average value of all of samling point in
measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930004

Counter Name
Control Plane Sending OAM Average Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport volume sent to the OMC from the
previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average
value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the message to the OMC.

Update Description
The counter is updated by calculating the average value of all of samling point in
measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Mbps C373930005

Counter Name
Control Plane Receiving OAM Average Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport volume received from the OMC on
SCTP link from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the message from the OMC.

Update Description
The counter is updated by calculating the average value of all of samling point in
measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930006

Counter Name
Control Plane Sending S1 Maximum Throughput

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport UL volume sent to the MME on SCTP
link from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The counter provides the
maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the signaling message in sctp link to the MME.

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the the current value when it is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930007

Counter Name
Control Plane Receiving S1 Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport DL volume received from the MME
on SCTP link from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the signaling in sctp link from the MME.

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the the current value when it is larger than the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930008

Counter Name
Control Plane Sending X2 Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport UL volume sent to the target eNodeB
on SCTP link from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the signaling in sctp link to another eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the the current value when it is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources C373930009

Counter Name
Control Plane Receiving X2 Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport DL volume received from the target
eNodeB on the downlink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the signaling in sctp link from another eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the the current value when it is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930010

Counter Name
Control Plane Sending OAM Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport volume sent to the OMC from the
previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The counter provides the maximum
value in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends the message to the OMC.

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the the current value when it is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930011

Counter Name
Control Plane Receiving OAM Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport volume received from the OMC on
the downlink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives the message from the OMC.

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the the current value when it is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Mbps C373930012

Counter Name
User Plane Sending S1 Average Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport traffic volume sent to the SGW on the
uplink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter provides
the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When there are user plane data transmitted from The eNodeB to the SGW.

Update Description
The counter is updated by calculating the average value of all of samling point in
measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930013

Counter Name
User Plane Receiving S1 Average Throughput

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport traffic volume received from the SGW
on the downlink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter
provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When The eNodeB receives the user plane data from the SGW.

Update Description
The counter is updated by calculating the average value of all of samling point in
measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930014

Counter Name
User Plane Sending X2 Average Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport traffic volume sent to the target
eNodeB on the uplink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When there are user plane data transmitted from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by calculating the average value of all of samling point in
measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930015

Counter Name
User Plane Receiving X2 Average Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport traffic volume received from the target
eNodeB on the downlink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.
The counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When The eNodeB receives the data from another eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is updated by calculating the average value of all of samling point in
measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373930016

Counter Name
User Plane Sending Other Average Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport other volume from the previous
sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the average value of all
sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends other data, which are not included in the S1/X2/OAM data.

Update Description
The counter is updated by calculating the average value of all of samling point in
measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930017

Counter Name
User Plane Receiving Other Average Throughput

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport other volume received on the downlink
from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time. The counter provides the
average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives other data, which are not included in the S1/X2/OAM data.

Update Description
The counter is updated by calculating the average value of all of samling point in
measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930018

Counter Name
User Plane Sending S1 Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport volume sent to the SGW on the uplink
from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The counter provides the
maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When there are user plane data transmitted from The eNodeB to the SGW.

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the the current value when it is larger than the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930019

Counter Name
User Plane Receiving S1 Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport volume received from the SGW on
the downlink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The counter
provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When The eNodeB receives the user plane data from the SGW.

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the the current value when it is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources C373930020

Counter Name
User Plane Sending X2 Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport traffic volume sent to the target
eNodeB on the uplink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When there are user plane data transmitted from The eNodeB to The eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the the current value when it is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930021

Counter Name
User Plane Receiving X2 Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport traffic volume received from the target
eNodeB on the downlink from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Triggering Point
When The eNodeB receives the data from another eNodeB.

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the the current value when it is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930022

Counter Name
User Plane Sending Other Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport other volume sent from the previous
sampling time to the current sampling time.The counter provides the maximum value in
the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends other data, which are not included in the S1/X2/OAM data.

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the the current value when it is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Mbps C373930023

Counter Name
User Plane Receiving Other Maximum Throughput

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport other volume received on the downlink
from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The counter provides the
maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives other data, which are not included in the S1/X2/OAM data.

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the the current value when it is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930024

Counter Name
Maximum UL Total Throughput on Transport Layer

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport volume sent on the uplink from the
previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The counter provides the maximum
value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When The eNodeB receives the user plane data from the SGW

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the the current value when it is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930025

Counter Name
Maximum DL Total Throughput on Transport Layer

Short Name

Counter Description
At sampling time, the eNodeB collects the transport volume received on the downlink
from the previous sampling time to the current sampling time.The counter provides the
maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When there are user plane data transmitted from The eNodeB to
the SGW.

Update Description
The counter is replaced by the the current value when it is larger than the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930026

Counter Name
DL Transport Bandwidth

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter indicates the configured Ethernet downlink transmission bandwidth.

Triggering Point
This counter indicates the configured Ethernet downlink transmission bandwidth.

Update Description
This counter is updated to the latest Ethernet downlink transmission bandwidth.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930027

Counter Name
UL Transport Bandwidth


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter indicates the configured Ethernet uplink transmission bandwidth.

Triggering Point
This counter indicates the configured Ethernet uplink transmission bandwidth.

Update Description
This counter is updated to the latest Ethernet uplink transmission bandwidth.

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
10 s

Mbps C373930028

Counter Name
Mean Allocated Uplink Transport Bandwidth

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter calculates the average value of allocated uplink transmission bandwidths at
all sampling points within the statistics period.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the allocated transmission bandwidth on uplink. The sampling period
is five seconds. This counter calculates the average value of all sampling values within 15


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Update Description
This counter counts the allocated transmission bandwidth on uplink. The sampling period
is five seconds. This counter calculates the average value of all sampling values within 15
minutes and reports the latest value.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

Mbps C373930029

Counter Name
Maximum Allocated Uplink Transport Bandwidth

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter calculates the maximum value of allocated uplink transmission bandwidths
at all sampling points within the statistics period.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the allocated transmission bandwidth on uplink. The sampling period
is five seconds. This counter gets the maximum value of all sampling values within 15

Update Description
This counter counts the allocated transmission bandwidth on uplink. The sampling period
is five seconds. This counter gets the maximum value of all sampling values within 15
minutes and reports the latest value.

Counter Type
Maximum value


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Sampling Period

Mbps C373930030

Counter Name
Mean Allocated Downlink Transport Bandwidth

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter calculates the average value of allocated downlink transmission bandwidths
at all sampling points within the statistics period.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the allocated transmission bandwidth on downlink. The sampling
period is five seconds. This counter calculates the average value of all sampling values
within 15 minutes.

Update Description
This counter counts the allocated transmission bandwidth on downlink. The sampling
period is five seconds. This counter calculates the average value of all sampling values
within 15 minutes and reports the latest value.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources C373930031

Counter Name
Maximum Allocated Downlink Transport Bandwidth

Short Name

Counter Description
This counter calculates the maximum value of allocated downlink transmission bandwidths
at all sampling points within the statistics period.

Triggering Point
This counter counts the allocated transmission bandwidth on downlink. The sampling
period is five seconds. This counter gets the maximum value of all sampling values within
15 minutes.

Update Description
This counter counts the allocated transmission bandwidth on downlink. The sampling
period is five seconds. This counter gets the maximum value of all sampling values within
15 minutes and reports the latest value.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period


19.5 SCTP Link

19.5.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
The SCTP link refers to the link between eNodeB and MME or eNodeB and eNodeB. The
statistics of the link includes the disconnection times and service time. The link fault is
reflected by SCTP disconnection times and the normal service time is reflected by the
available time of SCTP link.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

19.5.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name
1 C373920000 Disconnection Times Per SCTP Link

2 C373920001 Sctp Link Service Time

3 C373920002 Sctp Link Sending Data

4 C373920003 Sctp Link Receiving Data

5 C373920004 Sctp Link ReSending Data

6 C373920005 Sctp Link Congestion Duration

7 C373920006 Sctp Link Congestion Times

19.5.3 Counter Description C373920000

Counter Name
Disconnection Times Per SCTP Link

Short Name

Counter Description
The peirod heartbeat message will be send in the SCTP link.If the heartbeat is detected
abnormally, the eNodeB will report the link fault and statics the disconnection.

Triggering Point
When the SCTP link is detected breakdown.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the SCTP link is detected breakdown.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

times C373920001

Counter Name
Sctp Link Service Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The sampling rule of SCTP link service time is as follows:
When the eNodeB successfully setup the SCTP link, record the start time; When the
eNodeB detect the SCTP link abnormal, record the end time.The SCTP link service time
is equal to the interval from the start time to the end time.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the SCTP link service time at sampling time according to

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the SCTP link service time at sampling point.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

s C373920002

Counter Name
Sctp Link Sending Data

Short Name


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The eNodeB transport layer sends the data chunk,but exclude retransmission data chunk.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB sends a message to the MME or another eNodeB on sctp link

Update Description
When the eNodeB sends a message to the MME or another eNodeB on sctp link,the
counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373920003

Counter Name
Sctp Link Receiving Data

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB transport layer receives the data chunk.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB receives a message from the MME or another eNodeB on sctp link

Update Description
When the eNodeB receives a message from the MME or another eNodeB on sctp link,the
counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373920004

Counter Name
Sctp Link ReSending Data

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB transport layer again send the data chunk,refering in particular to
retransmission data chunk.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB again sends a DataChunk

Update Description
When the eNodeB again sends a message to the MME or another eNodeB on sctp link,the
counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

times C373920005

Counter Name
Sctp Link Congestion Duration


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB transport layer detect the SCTP link congestion time.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB accumulate the SCTP link congestion time during measurement period.

Update Description
The eNodeB accumulate the SCTP link congestion time during measurement period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min

s C373920006

Counter Name
Sctp Link Congestion Times

Short Name

Counter Description
The eNodeB transport layer detect the SCTP link congestion.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB detects the sctp link congestion

Update Description
When the eNodeB detects the sctp link congestion,the counter is incremented by 1.

Counter Type
Accumulated value


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 19 Statistics of Transport Resources

Sampling Period
15 min


19.6 OAM Link

19.6.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
The OAM link refers to the link between eNodeB and OAM. The statistics of the link
includes the disconnection times and service time. The link fault is reflected by OAM
disconnection times and the normal service time is reflected by the available time of OAM

19.6.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373950430 Disconnection Times Per OAM Link

2 C373950431 OAM Link Service Time

19.6.3 Counter Description C373950430

Counter Name
Disconnection Times Per OAM Link

Short Name

Counter Description
The peirod heartbeat message will be send in the link between eNodeB and OMC. If
the heartbeat is detected abnormally, the eNodeB will report the link fault and statics the

Triggering Point
When the link between the eNodeB and the OMC is detected breakdown by eNodeB.


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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Update Description
The counter is incremented by 1 when the link between the eNodeB and the OMC is
detected breakdown by eNodeB.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
Event triggered

times C373950431

Counter Name
OAM Link Service Time

Short Name

Counter Description
The OAM link refer to the link from the eNodeB to the OMC.

Triggering Point
When the eNodeB successfully setup the OAM link, record the start time; When the
eNodeB detect the OAM link abnormal, record the end time.The OAM link service time is
equal to the interval from the start time to the end time.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by the OAM link service time at per measurement period.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 20
Statistics of System
Table of Contents
CPU Resources .......................................................................................................20-1
Memory Resources ..................................................................................................20-4

20.1 CPU Resources

20.1.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
The statistic of CPU Utilization of the eNodeB CC board includes peak CPU utilization rate,
average CPU utilization rate and duration when CPU load is higher than threshold.

20.1.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373940400 Peak CPU Utilization Rate of ENB CC Board

2 C373940401 Average CPU Utilization Rate of ENB CC Board

3 C373940402 Duration When CPU Load Is Higher Than Threshold

20.1.3 Counter Description C373940400

Counter Name
Peak CPU Utilization Rate of ENB CC Board

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
The CPU utilization rate refers to the ratio of the time of main cpu running and the total
time. The eNodeB collects the cpu usage at per sampling time. The counter provides the
maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the cpu usage at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the new value when the CPU
utilization rate in a sampling point is larger than the counter.

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

percent C373940401

Counter Name
Average CPU Utilization Rate of ENB CC Board

Short Name

Counter Description
The CPU utilization rate refers to the ratio of the time of main cpu running and the total
time. The eNodeB collects the cpu usage at per sampling time. The counter provides the
average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
The eNodeB collects the cpu usage at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the mean of CPU
utilization rate in measurement period.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 20 Statistics of System Resources

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period

percent C373940402

Counter Name
Duration When CPU Load Is Higher Than Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
The CPU utilization rate refers to the ratio of the time of main cpu running and the total
time. The eNodeB collects the cpu usage at per sampling time and compare it with the
threshold. If it is higher than the threshold, the counter is incremented by the sampling

Triggering Point
When the CPU load is higher than the threshold at sampling time.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by time when the CPU load is higher.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period



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ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

20.2 Memory Resources

20.2.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points
The statistic of memory utilization of the eNodeB CC board includes peak memory
utilization rate, average memory utilization rate, duration when memory load is higher
than threshold.

20.2.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373940403 Peak Memory Utilization Rate of ENB CC Board

2 C373940404 Average Memory Utilization Rate of ENB CC Board

3 C373940405 Duration When Memory Load Is Higher Than Threshold

20.2.3 Counter Description C373940403

Counter Name
Peak Memory Utilization Rate of ENB CC Board

Short Name

Counter Description
The memory utilization rate refers to the ratio of the number of used memory and the total
number of memory. The eNodeB collects the memory usage at per sampling time. The
counter provides the maximum value in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the memory of eNodeB CC board runs.

Update Description
The counter is replaced with the new value when the memory utilization rate in a sampling
point is larger than the counter.


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 20 Statistics of System Resources

Counter Type
Maximum value

Sampling Period

percent C373940404

Counter Name
Average Memory Utilization Rate of ENB CC Board

Short Name

Counter Description
The memory utilization rate refers to the ratio of the number of used memory and the total
number of memory. The eNodeB collects the memory usage at per sampling time. The
counter provides the average value of all sampling point in the measurement period.

Triggering Point
When the memory of eNodeB CC board runs.

Update Description
The counter is updated by the mean of memory
utilization rate in measurement period.

Counter Type
Average value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference C373940405

Counter Name
Duration When Memory Load Is Higher Than Threshold

Short Name

Counter Description
The memory utilization rate refers to the ratio of the number of used memory and the total
number of memory. The eNodeB collects the memory usage at per sampling time and
compare it with the threshold. If it is higher than the threshold, the counter is incremented
by the sampling period.

Triggering Point
When the memory load is higher than the threshold.

Update Description
The counter is incremented by time when the memory load is higher threshold.

Counter Type
Accumulated value

Sampling Period



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 21
Statistics of Super Busy
eNodeB and Super Idle
Table of Contents
Flow Charts and Sampling Points.............................................................................21-1
Counter List..............................................................................................................21-1
Counter Description..................................................................................................21-1

21.1 Flow Charts and Sampling Points

No chart.

21.2 Counter List

NO. Counter Counter Name

1 C373940413 Super Busy eNodeB

2 C373940414 Super Idle eNodeB

21.3 Counter Description

21.3.1 C373940413
Counter Name
Super Busy eNodeB

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of super busy eNodeBs in the measurement period. A
super busy eNodeB indicates an eNodeB that has more than one super busy cell. This
counter accumulates the number of super busy eNodeBs in the whole network.
Super busy cell: The uplink PRB average usage 70% or the downlink PRB average
usage 70%, and the allowed usage of users 70%

Triggering Point
The OAM collects the eNodeB status every 15 minutes. For a super busy eNodeB, the
value is 1. Otherwise, the value is 0. A super busy eNodeB indicates an eNodeB that
has more than one super busy cell. This counter accumulates the number of super busy
eNodeBs in the whole network.
Super busy cell: The uplink PRB average usage 70% or the downlink PRB average
usage 70%, and the allowed usage of users 70%

Update Description
The OAM collects the eNodeB status every 15 minutes. For a super busy eNodeB, the
value is 1. Otherwise, the value is 0. A super busy eNodeB indicates an eNodeB that
has more than one super busy cells. This counter accumulates the number of super busy
eNodeBs in the whole network.
Super busy cell: The uplink PRB average usage 70% or the downlink PRB average
usage 70%, and the allowed usage of users 70%

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min


21.3.2 C373940414
Counter Name
Super Idle eNodeB

Short Name


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 21 Statistics of Super Busy eNodeB and Super Idle eNodeB

Counter Description
This counter counts the number of super idle eNodeBs in the measurement period. A
super idle eNodeB indicates an eNodeB of which all cells are super idle. This counter
accumulates the number of super idle eNodeBs in the whole network.
Super idle cell: The uplink PRB average usage 5% or the downlink PRB average usage
5%, and the allowed usage of users 5%

Triggering Point
The OAM collects the eNodeB status every 15 minutes. For a super idle eNodeB, the
value is 1. Otherwise, the value is 0. A super idle eNodeB indicates an eNodeB of which
all cells are super idle. This counter accumulates the number of super idle eNodeBs in the
whole network.
Super idle cell: The uplink PRB average usage 5% or the downlink PRB average usage
5%, and the allowed usage of users 5%

Update Description
The OAM collects the eNodeB status every 15 minutes. For a super idle eNodeB, the
value is 1. Otherwise, the value is 0. A super idle eNodeB indicates an eNodeB of which
all cells are super idle. This counter accumulates the number of super idle eNodeBs in the
whole network.
Super idle cell: The uplink PRB average usage 5% or the downlink PRB average usage
5%, and the allowed usage of users 5%

Counter Type
Current value

Sampling Period
15 min



SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

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SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Figure 1-1 RRC Connection Establishment............................................................... 1-1
Figure 1-2 RRC Connection Re-Establishment ....................................................... 1-28
Figure 1-3 RRC Connection again Re-Establishment.............................................. 1-29
Figure 1-4 RRC Connection Re-configuration ......................................................... 1-55
Figure 1-5 RRC Connection Release ...................................................................... 1-62
Figure 1-6 RRC Connection Number ...................................................................... 1-81
Figure 1-7 RRC Connection Setup Time ................................................................. 1-92
Figure 1-8 RRC Connection Setup to Reconfiguration Time.................................... 1-92
Figure 2-1 Initial E-RAB Setup .................................................................................. 2-2
Figure 2-2 Additional E-RAB Setup ......................................................................... 2-82
Figure 2-3 E-RAB Modification.............................................................................. 2-161
Figure 2-4 E-RAB Release.................................................................................... 2-231
Figure 2-5 E-RAB Setup Time(1) .......................................................................... 2-547
Figure 2-6 E-RAB Setup Time(2) .......................................................................... 2-548
Figure 3-1 UE Context Setup .................................................................................... 3-2
Figure 3-2 UE Context Modification......................................................................... 3-16
Figure 3-3 UE Context Release .............................................................................. 3-22
Figure 3-4 Security Mode........................................................................................ 3-51
Figure 4-1 UE-associated Logical S1-connection ...................................................... 4-1
Figure 4-2 S1 Error Indication ................................................................................... 4-3
Figure 4-3 S1 Setup.................................................................................................. 4-7
Figure 14-1 LTE-UTRAN Redirection ...................................................................... 14-1
Figure 14-2 LTE-CDMA Redirection........................................................................ 14-7
Figure 14-3 LTE-GSM Redirection ........................................................................ 14-14
Figure 14-4 LTE-Other System Redirection........................................................... 14-20
Figure 15-1 Intra-eNB Handover ............................................................................. 15-2
Figure 15-2 X2 Handover(1) ................................................................................. 15-20
Figure 15-3 X2 Handover(2) ................................................................................. 15-21
Figure 15-4 S1 Handover(1) ................................................................................. 15-40
Figure 15-5 S1 Handover(2) ................................................................................. 15-41
Figure 15-6 Intra-eNB Handover ........................................................................... 15-59
Figure 15-7 X2 Handover(1) ................................................................................. 15-74

SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniBTS Performance Counter Reference

Figure 15-8 X2 Handover(2) ................................................................................. 15-76

Figure 15-9 S1 Handover(1) ................................................................................. 15-95
Figure 15-10 S1 Handover(2) ............................................................................... 15-96
Figure 15-11 Inter-RAT Handover ....................................................................... 15-114
Figure 15-12 S1 Handover(2) ............................................................................. 15-116
Figure 15-13 Inter-RAT Handover ....................................................................... 15-134
Figure 15-14 S1 Handover(2) ............................................................................. 15-136
Figure 15-15 Inter-RAT Handover ....................................................................... 15-162
Figure 15-16 S1 Handover(2) ............................................................................. 15-164
Figure 15-17 Intra-eNB Handover ....................................................................... 15-238
Figure 15-18 X2 Handover(1) ............................................................................. 15-254
Figure 15-19 X2 Handover(2) ............................................................................. 15-255
Figure 15-20 S1 Handover(1) ............................................................................. 15-274
Figure 15-21 S1 Handover(2) ............................................................................. 15-275
Figure 15-22 Intra-eNB Handover ....................................................................... 15-293
Figure 15-23 X2 Handover(1) ............................................................................. 15-308
Figure 15-24 X2 Handover(2) ............................................................................. 15-309
Figure 15-25 S1 Handover(1) ............................................................................. 15-328
Figure 15-26 S1 Handover(2) ............................................................................. 15-329
Figure 15-27 Inter-RAT Handover ....................................................................... 15-347
Figure 15-28 S1 Handover(2) ............................................................................. 15-349
Figure 15-29 Inter-RAT Handover ....................................................................... 15-364
Figure 15-30 S1 Handover(2) ............................................................................. 15-366
Figure 15-31 Inter-RAT Handover ....................................................................... 15-389
Figure 15-32 S1 Handover(2) ............................................................................. 15-391
Figure 15-33 LTE-UTRAN SRVCC Handover ..................................................... 15-406
Figure 15-34 LTE-GSM SRVCC Handover.......................................................... 15-421
Figure 15-35 RSRP and RSRQ of the Serving Cell ............................................. 15-435
Figure 15-36 RSRP and RSRQ of the Neighboring Cell ...................................... 15-456
Figure 15-37 Handover Time(1) .......................................................................... 15-478
Figure 15-38 Handover Time(2) .......................................................................... 15-478
Figure 15-39 Handover Cancel ........................................................................... 15-486
Figure 16-1 PDCP PDU Throughput ..................................................................... 16-51
Figure 16-2 RLC PDU Throughput ........................................................................ 16-96
Figure 16-3 IP Latency........................................................................................ 16-203


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential


Figure 16-4 PDCP PDU Throughput ................................................................... 16-374

Figure 16-5 RLC PDU Throughput ...................................................................... 16-419
Figure 16-6 IP Latency........................................................................................ 16-465
Figure 17-1 DL Transmit Power .............................................................................. 17-2
Figure 17-2 BLER ................................................................................................. 17-92
Figure 18-1 Paging ................................................................................................. 18-1


SJ-20141105104450-014|2014-12-26(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

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