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Inspectoratul Scolar al Municipiului Bucuresti

OLIMPIADA CREATIVITATII 2010- Etapa pe scoala clasa a VII-a varianta 2

I. (25 points) Read the sentences below and decide which variant A, B, C or D best fits each
space. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

A. Why do so many amusing incidents occur (1)_____train journeys? I remember the day when a
ticket inspector entered the compartment (2) _____six or eight commuters (3)_____ sitting.
Everyone quickly found their ticket- (4)_____ the man sitting next to me. His (5)_____dived
urgently into his pockets, and then he began to search through his briefcase. (6)_____else could
see exactly where his ticket (7)_____-he was gripping it between his teeth.
The ticket inspector calmly dealt with (8)_____ the other passengers. Then, equally calmly, he
drew the ticket from (9)_____the mans teeth, examined it (10)_____a frown and popped it back
Once the inspector had (11) _____the compartment, most of the passengers settled down and
carried on reading (12)_____morning papers. As for the passenger whod had his ticket in his
mouth, he popped it (13) _____ his pocket, looking very relieved.
He was generally quite a friendly person, so to make (14)_____I said to him, You must have felt
foolish- searching in all your pockets (15)_____it was in your mouth.
Foolish? he whispered. Not at all- I was chewing the date off.

1. A during B in C while D at
2. A as B where C while D which
3. A was B sat C were D are
4. A excepting B except C but D apart
5. A hand B search C look D companion
6. A Everyone B All C People D Others
7. A placed B lay C were D was
8. A there B waiting C all D else
9. A between B through C out D in
10. A giving B with C making D producing
11. A departed B left C gone D quitted
12. A his B their C some D through
13. A back B into C down D within
14. A chat B talk C friends D conversation
15. A and B as C when D because

B. Brussels is the main city in Belgium, and it is the home of the European Union. It has a
reputation for (16) _____ a little boring, but this is unfair. (17) ____, it is a modern, lively city with
some of the (18) _____ restaurants in Europe. Every evening its bars cater (19) _____ visitors and
locals who come to (20) _____ the wonderful variety of different beers. Dont forget to visit the
Grand Place. There arent many market squares (21) _____ this one in Europe. If you (22) _____
some free time you can visit Bruges, (23) _____ is only a short train ride (24) _____. Bruges is a
medieval town with canals and beautiful old houses. It is really (25) _____ visiting.

16. A. be B. being C. to be D. been

17. A. Personally B. As well C. However D. In fact
18. A. delicious B. good C. best D. better
19. A. with B. for C. at D. of
20. A. attempt B. experiment C. prove D. try
21. A. beautiful than B. as beautiful as C. as beautiful D. so beautiful than
22. A. have B. will have C. are having D. to have
23. A. whose B. who C. which D. that
24. A. journey B. far C. distant D. away
25. A. worth B. value C. good D. recommend

Olimpiada Creativitatii, etapa pe scoala

Clasa a VII-a, varianta 2 -1-
Inspectoratul Scolar al Municipiului Bucuresti
OLIMPIADA CREATIVITATII 2010- Etapa pe scoala clasa a VII-a varianta 2

II. (25 points) Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense and voice. Place the time adverbs
in the right position. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

Eddie was in the garden of his new house. He _____ (1-plant) some flowers. His mother and father
_____ (2-be) inside _____ (3-unpack) their things. Eddie _____ (4-sigh), Why did we have to
move? he _____(5-think) to himself. All his old friends _____(6-be) miles away and he _____ (7-
know) no one here. He _____ (8-feel) lonely and _____ (9-miss) his friends. Just then, a blue car
_____(10-pull up) in the drive next to theirs. A man and a boy about Eddies age _____ (11-get
out) of the car. It _____ (12-be) the same boy Eddie _____ (13-see) earlier that morning, leaving
for school. He _____(14-wonder) what his name_____ (15-be). To Eddies surprise, the boy _____
(16-walk) over to him and _____ (17-say): Hi! My names Matt. Welcome to our neighbourhood.
Whats your name? Eddie _____ (18-tell) him his name and, for the first time in two weeks, he
knew everything _____ (19-be) ok. My mum _____ (20-just/make) a chocolate cake. Would you
like to come over and have some? Matt _____ (21.ask) him. Yes, please. Id like that very much
Eddie _____ (22-say) and _____ (23-smile). It _____ (24-seem) that Eddie _____ (25-find) a new

III). (50 points) Write a story based on the following two images. Give your story an
appropriate title and write no more than 120 words.

Pay attention to the following :

the image is just a starting point for your story (you don't need long descriptions);
use the dialogue only if it is relevant for your characters or events;
you should use this plan :

Introduction (paragraph 1 - set the scene)

Main body (paragraph(s) 2/3 - develop the story)
Conclusion (paragraph 4 - end the story)



Olimpiada Creativitatii, etapa pe scoala

Clasa a VII-a, varianta 2 -2-

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