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Evaluation of the Association of Early Elevated Lactate With

Outcomes in Children With Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock
Noelle Gorgis, MD,* Jeannette M. Asselin, PhD, Cynthia Fontana, BS, R. Scott Heidersbach, MD,
Heidi R. Flori, MD, and Shan L. Ward, MD||

and researches alike are, therefore, still searching for a reliable

Objective: The aim of the study was to assess the association of initial biomarker of early sepsis that can assist in distinguishing those
lactate (L0) with mortality in children with severe sepsis. with sepsis from those entering a shock-like state.
Methods: This prospective cohort study included 74 patients younger In the adult literature, initial lactate is a strong predictor of
than 18 years with severe sepsis admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit mortality in septic patients,1013 trauma patients1416 and hetero-
(PICU) of a tertiary, academic children's hospital with lactate measured geneous intensive care unit (ICU) populations,17,18 and as a result,
within 3 hours of meeting severe sepsis or septic shock. The primary out- it has been incorporated into the International Surviving Sepsis
come was in-hospital mortality. The secondary outcomes included PICU Campaign's care bundles.19 In addition, New York State law now
and hospital length of stay. requires evaluating for lactic acidemia in all septic patients (Sepsis
Results: Although overall mortality was 10.5% (n = 18), patients with L0 Regulations: Guidance document 405.4 (a)4). The association
measured (n = 72) had a higher mortality (16% vs 6%, P = 0.03) and higher with elevated lactate and mortality in pediatric patients is, how-
median PRISM-III risk of mortality scores (P = 0.02) than those who did ever, more controversial, and the findings are inconsistent. Al-
not. Median L0 was no different between nonsurvivors and survivors though some studies have found no correlation between lactate
(3.6 mmol/L [interquartile range, 2.09.0] in nonsurvivors vs 2.3 mmol/L and in-hospital mortality in patients admitted to the pediatric
[interquartile range, 1.43.5] in survivors, P = 0.11). However, L0 was in- ICU (PICU),20 others found elevated lactate to be an early predic-
dependently associated with PRISM-III score (coefficient, 1.12; 95% con- tor of death in children with sepsis and septic shock.21,22 Timing
fidence interval, 0.41.8; P = 0.003) with an increase in mean PRISM-III of lactate level studied is, however, variable and often drawn up
score of 1.12 U for every 1 mmol/L increase in L0, with L0 accounting for to 6 to 12 hours after onset of illness or initiation of resuscitation.
12% of the variability in PRISM-III scores between patients. There was no The aim of this study is to evaluate the association between
association between L0 and PICU or hospital length of stay. early lactate (drawn within 3 hours of severe sepsis/shock onset)
Conclusions: Although our single center study did not demonstrate that and relevant clinical outcomes in pediatric patients with severe
an elevated early lactate is associated with mortality in pediatric severe sepsis and septic shock using internationally accepted definitions.
sepsis, L0 did correlate strongly with PRISM-III, the most robust measure We hypothesize that higher lactate levels checked within 3 hours
of mortality risk in pediatrics. Therefore, early lactate measurement may be of meeting severe sepsis criteria will be associated with higher
important as an early biomarker of disease severity. These data should be in-hospital mortality and longer PICU and hospitals stays. Appre-
validated in a larger, multicenter, prospective study. ciating such an association with a readily available and efficient
Key Words: sepsis, septic shock, lactate, in-hospital mortality, test will enhance our ability to recognize, treat, and improve out-
intensive care unit comes in these critically ill children.
(Pediatr Emer Care 2017;00: 0000)
S epsis is a common and often deadly global healthcare prob-
lem, and despite advances in vaccination, antibiotics, and in-
tensive care practices, severe sepsis remains one of the leading
Design, Setting, and Patients
This was an a priori subgroup analysis of a larger, observa-
causes of morbidity and mortality in adult and pediatric patients
tional cohort of prospectively identified patients admitted to a large,
worldwide. It continues to impose a significant burden on the in-
tertiary care PICU between August 2011 and July 2015. The pa-
dividual, the family, and the larger society, requiring lengthy and
tients were admitted either from our emergency department or
costly hospitalizations and impacting overall quality of life.15 Al-
transferred from surrounding community hospitals. We included
though it has been shown that early recognition and intervention
all patients between the ages of 0 and 18 years who met the criteria
reduce the rate of sepsis-related mortality,69 the initial presenta-
for severe sepsis or septic shock and had a lactate drawn within
tion of sepsis is often subtle, particularly in children. Clinicians
3 hours of meeting these criteria. Although our hospital has a
protocolized sepsis assessment tool and clinical practice guideline
for management of severe sepsis and septic shock, lactate mea-
From the *Department of Pediatrics, Neonatal-Pediatric Research Group, Di-
vision of Pediatric Critical Care, UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland,
surement is not required and is measured at the discretion of the
Oakland, CA; Division of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, University of clinical team.
Michigan, C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI; and ||Division of Pe- We classified severe sepsis and septic shock on the basis of
diatric Critical Care, UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital San Francisco, San the modified criteria by Goldstein et al.23 Sepsis was defined as
Francisco, CA.
Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
the presence of 2 or more age-specific systemic inflammatory re-
Reprints: Shan Ward, MD, 550 16th St, 5th Floor, Box 0106, San Francisco, CA sponse syndrome criteria in the setting of a suspected infection.
94143 (email: Severe sepsis was defined as sepsis with eithercardiovascular or-
Supported by National Institutes of Health grants 5T32HD049303-08 (S.L.W.), gan dysfunction,1 acute respiratory distress syndrome,2 or dys-
Charlotte Coleman Frey Fellowship Fund (S.L.W.), and Department of
Defense TATRC W81XWH (J.M.A., C.F., R.S.H., H.R.F.).
function in 2 or more organ systems3 as outlined by Goldstein
Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. et al.23 Those with cardiovascular dysfunction requiring vasoactive
ISSN: 0749-5161 medications were deemed to have septic shock. The modification

Pediatric Emergency Care Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2017 1

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Gorgis et al Pediatric Emergency Care Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2017

made to the criteria by Goldstein et al23 was that definitions could Analyses for Those With Early Lactate
be met regardless of any previous fluid resuscitation. Measurements
Children transferred from outside hospitals, who met se- Table 1 displays the baseline characteristics of the 74 patients
vere sepsis criteria before admission to our PICU and whose included in the study. The median L0 was 2.5 mmol/L (IQR,
first lactate was from the referring hospital, were only included 1.54.4), with the highest L0 being 17.3 mmol/L. Nineteen
if the normal lactate ranges from that hospital were similar to (26%) of the lactate measurements were from an arterial source,
our laboratory's normal values. 48 (65%) from a venous source, and 6 (8%) from a capillary
source. Median lactate measurements were significantly different
Measurements and Data Collection between the following 3 sources: venous, 2.9 mmol/L (IQR,
T0 was defined as the earliest time at which severe sepsis or 1.85.2); capillary, 2.3 mmol/L (IQR, 1.55.2); and arterial,
septic shock could be recognized in a patient. L0 was defined as 1.6 mmol/L (IQR, 1.02.7; P = 0.03). There was no association
the first lactate drawn within 3 hours of meeting T0. Lactates in- between L0 and age, day 1 PELOD, previous comorbidity, vaso-
cluded were drawn from arterial, venous, or capillary blood sam- active use, or mechanical ventilator use. There was, however, a
ples and measured in millimole per liter. Additional information significant, positive correlation between L0 and PRISM-III score
collected included age, sex, previous comorbidity, PRISM-III (, 0.33; P < 0.01; Fig. 1). In unadjusted analysis, higher values of
score (a pediatric risk of mortality score),24 day 1 PELOD (score L0 were associated with higher PRISM-III scores, with an in-
of organ dysfunction),25 need for vasoactive drugs, and need for crease in mean PRISM-III score of 1.12 U for every 1-mmol/L in-
mechanical ventilation. crease in L0 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.41.8; P = 0.003)
with L0 accounting for 12% of the variability in PRISM-III scores
Outcomes Measures and Statistical Analysis between patients.
Baseline characteristics of the subjects who did and did not
have a lactate level within 3 hours of meeting severe sepsis criteria Analyses for Primary Outcome
were compared using 2 comparison for categorical variables and
Wilcoxon rank sum test for nonnormally distributed continuous Mortality
variables. The primary outcome was in-hospital mortality, with Of the 74 patients with an L0, 12 (16%) died. Table 2
secondary outcomes being ICU and hospital length of stay (LOS). compares the characteristics of the survivors versus non-
In unadjusted analyses, we compared L0 in survivors and survivors. The median L0 in the nonsurvivors (3.6 mmol/L;
nonsurvivors and evaluated for any correlation between L0 and IQR, 2.09.0) was not significantly different from that in
both ICU and hospital LOS. For in-hospital mortality as the out- the survivors (2.3 mmol/L; IQR, 1.43.5; P = 0.11). Notably,
come, associations with categorical variables and mortality were those who died were younger, had higher median PRISM-III
analyzed by 2 test. Nonnormally distributed continuous data scores, higher median day 1 PELOD scores, and required me-
are reported as median and interquartile range (IQR) and were chanical ventilation more often. There was no difference in pro-
compared by Wilcoxon rank sum test. For correlations between portion who died on the basis of whether they were transferred
continuous variables and ICU and hospital LOS, the Spearman from another hospital or admitted directly from our emergency
rank correlation test was used. Multivariate logistic regression department nor did mortality differ by whether they received some
was performed to evaluate the association between L0 and the volume resuscitation and/or antibiotics before or after their first
odds of death with adjustments made for age, previous comorbid- lactate measurement. In multivariate logistic regression assessing
ity, PRISM-III score, need for vasoactive medication, and blood for independent association with L0, with adjustment for age,
source (arterial vs capillary vs venous). For multivariate analysis previous comorbidity, PRISM-III, and need for vasoactive med-
of the secondary outcomes, ICU and hospital LOS, these variables ications, only PRISM-III remained statistically significantly
were log transformed. The linear regression analysis was then ad-
justed for PRISM-III score, the need for vasoactive medication,
and blood source (arterial vs capillary vs venous) to evaluate the TABLE 1. Baseline Characteristics of 74 Patients With a Lactate
association between L0 and LOS. A P value of less than 0.05 Drawn Within 3 hours of Meeting Severe Sepsis or Septic
Shock Criteria
was accepted to be statistically significant in all analyses. Analy-
ses were performed using STATA statistical software, Version
Characteristic n = 74
13.1 (StataCorp, College Station, Tex).
Age, median (IQR), y 6.1 (1.73.9)
Sex, male, n (%) 35 (47)
RESULTS Previous comorbidity, n (%) 36 (49)
Oncologic/immunocompromised, n (%) 11 (14.9)
Analyses for the Entire Cohort Initial lactate, median (IQR), mmol/L 2.5 (1.54.4)
For the nearly 3-year period, 172 patients admitted to the PRISM-III, median (IQR) 9 (314)
PICU met criteria for severe sepsis or septic shock. The in- Day 1 PELOD, median (IQR) 11 (1020)
hospital mortality of these 172 patients was 11% (n = 18). Seventy Vasoactive use, n (%) 38 (51)
four (43%) of these patients had a lactate measured within 3 hours Mechanical ventilation, n (%) 36 (49)
of meeting severe sepsis criteria (L0) and were therefore included
Shock, n (%) 3 (4)
in the study. When comparing with those without an early lactate
measurement, those with L0 had a significantly higher median Mortality, n (%) 12 (16)
PRISM-III score (9, IQR, 314 vs 6, IQR, 211; P = 0.02) and PICU LOS, median (IQR), d 4 (212)
higher mortality (16% vs 6%, P = 0.03). There were no differ- Hospital LOS, median (IQR), d 10 (522)
ences in age, sex, previous comorbidity, need for vasoactive PELOD indicates pediatric logistic organ dysfunction score; PRISM-III,
medication, or mechanical ventilator use between those with pediatric risk of mortality score-III; LOS, length of stay.
and without an early lactate check.

2 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Pediatric Emergency Care Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2017 Association of Initial Lactate With Mortality

TABLE 3. Multivariate Logistic Regression Demonstrating the

Adjusted OR of In-hospital Mortality

Variable Adjusted OR (95% CI) P

Initial lactate, mmol/L* 1.06 (0.841.36) 0.6
PRISM-III* 1.12 (1.001.26) 0.05
Vasoactive use 1.95 (0.313.4) 0.5
Previous comorbidity 0.94 (0.184.80) 0.9
Age, y* 0.87 (0.941.03) 0.1
Lactate source 0.3
Arterial Reference
Capillary 1.0
Venous 0.4 (0.072.3)
*The adjusted OR noted represents the odds of mortality for any 1-unit
increase in the variable of interest.
FIGURE 1. Scatter plot of lactate levels measured at time of severe
sepsis or septic shock diagnosis (L0) and PRISM-III score. Initial
lactate levels correlated with PRISM-III score, a severity of illness
score well validated for mortality prediction in pediatric critical was not associated with higher in-hospital mortality or longer ICU
illness (, 0.33; P < 0.01). and hospital stays. We did, however, find that early, initial lactate
levels significantly correlate with PRISM-III, a well-validated se-
associated with in-hospital mortality, with the odds of in- verity of illness score collected over the first 24 hours of hospital
hospital mortality increasing by 12% for every 1-point increase admission and used for prognostic purposes. In fact, an early ele-
in PRISM-III score (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 1.12; 95% CI, vated lactate accounted for 12% of the variability in PRISM-III
1.01.26; P = 0.05; Table 3). scores within the cohort, even though it is not a variable used to
calculate the score.
More than 75,000 children in the United States develop se-
Analyses for Secondary Clinical Outcomes vere sepsis per year with mortality rates of 10% to 20%,13 with
The median PICU LOS was 4 days (IQR, 212). Neither L0, worse outcomes reported in less developed countries. Failure to
age, sex, PRISM-III, day 1 PELOD, nor vasoactive use was signif- recognize and treat shock has been identified as a cause of pre-
icantly associated with PICU LOS. The presence of previous co- ventable morbidity in children.6,7 Times of transfer from the emer-
morbidity and the need for invasive mechanical ventilation were gency department to the PICU or between hospitals are critical
the only variables associated with a longer PICU LOS on both hours where invasive monitoring is unavailable and lapses in care
univariate and multivariate analyses. The median hospital LOS may occur, particularly if severity of illness is difficult to assess.
was 10 days (IQR, 522). Neither L0, age, sex, vasoactive need, Because rapid identification of the children at highest risk is crit-
PRISM-III, nor day 1 PELOD was significantly associated with ical to improving care in pediatric sepsis, recent studies have con-
hospital LOS. Similar to ICU LOS, children who reported a prior verged to highlight the need for objective measures with which to
comorbidity or required mechanical ventilation during their ill- diagnose pediatric sepsis and monitor progression of disease.
ness had a longer hospital LOS. Because preventable morbidity and mortality from sepsis are
frequently due to failure to recognize and aggressively treat shock,
DISCUSSION a physiologic measure that reflects perfusion and metabolic im-
In this cohort of children prospectively diagnosed with se- pairments may be valuable for the diagnosis and prognosis of sep-
vere sepsis or septic shock presenting to the PICU of a large aca- sis. Lactate, a by-product of glucose metabolism, is formed by the
demic referral hospital, we found that an early, initial lactate level reduction of pyruvate during periods of anaerobic metabolism.26

TABLE 2. Comparison of Characteristics Between Nonsurvivors and Survivors

Characteristic Nonsurvivors (n = 12) Survivors (n = 62) P

Age, median (IQR), y 2.0 (0.95.7) 7.3 (1.914.7) 0.05*
Sex, male, n (%) 7 (58) 28 (45) 0.4
Previous comorbidity, n (%) 5 (42) 31 (50) 0.6
Oncologic/immunocompromised, n (%) 1 (8) 10 (16) 0.49
Initial lactate, median (IQR), mmol/L 3.6 (2.09.0) 2.3 (1.43.5) 0.11*
Vasoactive use, n (%) 9 (75) 29 (47) 0.07
Mechanical ventilation, n (%) 10 (83) 26 (42) <0.01
PRISM-III, median (IQR) 19 (13.530.5) 8 (312) <0.001*
Day 1 PELOD, median (IQR) 21.5 (1126.5) 11 (1013) <0.001*
*Wilcoxon rank sum test.
or Fisher exact test.

2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 3

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Gorgis et al Pediatric Emergency Care Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2017

In states of decreased oxygen delivery or impaired oxygen use, prognostication, prediction, and validation by both early and se-
anaerobic metabolism leads to hyperlactatemia, making lactate rially elevated lactate, as well as lactate-guided clinical manage-
levels a potentially objective, inexpensive, and minimally invasive ment, is needed.
measure that clinicians may use in real time to diagnose and assess Although our study offers new insight into the value of lac-
states of shock. tate as a potential prognostic marker for pediatric severe sepsis, it
Although there is a plethora of adult literature presenting an does have some limitations. First, this analysis was an a priori
association between increased early lactate concentration and poor identified subanalysis of a larger, prospective pediatric severe
outcome in septic patients,1013 lactate is not routinely evaluated sepsis/shock study. As such, the n for this analysis was inherently
in pediatric patients. As a result, studies in children with sepsis predetermined for the larger study rather than this subanalysis.
evaluating the association of elevated lactate levels and poor clin- Nonetheless, our study remains one of the largest studies of lactate
ical outcomes are challenging and the scant data available are in- in a prospectively identified cohort of pediatric severe sepsis/shock
conclusive. Duke et al21 evaluated the association of serial lactate patients to date. Along similar lines, given the relatively low
measurements in 31 pediatric patients admitted to an Australian mortality for pediatric sepsis, in general, studies powered to de-
PICU with the diagnosis of severe sepsis and septic shock. They tect differences in mortality require inherently large sample
found a positive association between mortality and elevated lac- sizes, oft requiring multicenter participation. Indeed, our study
tate levels drawn at 12 and 24 hours after PICU admission but supports consideration for other primary outcomes aside from
no association with earlier lactate levels, such as those collected mortality in this population, such as new and progressive
upon admission to the PICU. Elevated lactate levels correlated multiorgan dysfunction syndrome, long-term morbidity, or im-
with a greater degree of organ dysfunction and worse survival pact on quality of life. In addition, our study only evaluated the
much sooner than other potential variables, including heart rate, association of early elevated lactate and outcomes in patients
mean arterial pressure, arterial pH, and base deficit; however, this admitted to the PICU, excluding those admitted to other areas
association was only noted after 12 hours of ICU admission and of the hospital. Although this study focuses on patients of
not when using lactate levels drawn at sepsis diagnosis. Kim greatest concern, further studies are needed before conclusions
et al22 evaluated lactate levels upon admission to the PICU of can be generalized to all patients diagnosed with shock while in
65 children with septic shock and found that lactate was signifi- the emergency department.
cantly higher at PICU admission in the nonsurvivors compared Another limitation was the absence of a current protocolized
with the survivors. Although these studies reveal that elevated approach to lactate measurement in our institution. This meant
lactate may be associated with worse clinical outcomes, delay that many patients who either did not have any lactate collected
in measurement of lactate until arrival to the PICU or later al- or did not have one collected within 3 hours of meeting severe sep-
lows for confounding by a variety of therapeutic strategies includ- sis criteria were excluded. Although the decision to exclude these
ing fluid resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, and vasoactive patients decreased our sample size and may have led to directional
medication use. bias, it minimized the effect of confounding variables on out-
To our knowledge, this is the first study to specifically eval- comes and allowed for a more accurate analysis of the association
uate the association of outcome and early lactate levels drawn in of early elevated lactate on outcomes. Finally, the significant dif-
relation to time zero in pediatric patients with severe sepsis and ference between lactates drawn from arterial, venous, and capil-
septic shock. Patients were included only if a lactate level was col- lary blood sources proved to be another limitation. The decision
lected within 3 hours of meeting criteria. This 3-hour time interval to include lactates drawn from all vessel sources was made a priori
was chosen for the 2 reasons; firstly, because it is the time frame for several reasons. First, the blood source may represent a form of
recommended in the Surviving Sepsis Campaign care bundle,19 selection bias with the sicker patients more likely to have arterial
and secondly, to minimize the effects of resuscitation and other measurements. Secondly, Surviving Sepsis Campaign does not
therapeutic strategies on lactate values. We believe that this early specify a particular vessel from which to obtain a lactate in their
lactate measurement and the resultant reduction of influence by guidelines, and this reflects the current clinical practice. Further-
a variety of therapies strengthen our study to appropriately answer more, previous research has shown that lactate levels drawn from
the question of association of elevated lactate with in-hospital all 3 blood sources closely correlate.27,28 Notably, when evaluat-
mortality in pediatric severe sepsis and septic shock. Conducting ing those with arterial lactate levels, the correlation between L0
this study at a large, urban, tertiary, referral hospital provided a and PRISM-III remains significant (, 0.7; P < 0.01). Further
very generalizable patient population and further strengthens the multicenter pediatric sepsis studies should consider simultaneous
quality of this work. measurement across at least 2 different sources.
Although our study did not find an association between ini-
tial lactate and clinical outcomes, there was a significant associa-
tion between initial lactate and PRISM-III score. This score is well
validated in pediatric critical illness with high PRISM-III scores CONCLUSIONS
being significantly correlated with increased mortality risk. Lactate, though not routinely checked in pediatric patients,
Calculating a PRISM-III score, however, is expensive, time- may be an early biomarker of disease severity in pediatric severe
consuming, and cannot be calculated until 12 to 24 hours of ad- sepsis. As such, early measurement may provide improved and ef-
mission, rendering it ineffective for immediate clinical use and ficient risk stratification and an opportunity for timelier targeting
more valuable for research endeavors. In addition, PRISM-III of specific therapy. Our study did not find any association with
has not been evaluated for its prognostic ability in disease specific early elevated lactate and in-hospital mortality, a finding likely im-
states, such as sepsis or septic shock. A lactate level checked as peded by a small sample size. Taken together, however, these data
soon as systemic inflammatory response syndrome or sepsis is a suggest that early lactate measurement should be included as a
concern, in contrast, is rapid, inexpensive, and requires little skill. biomarker of severe sepsis mortality risk in any forthcoming
A statistically significant correlation between lactate levels and multicenter, pediatric severe sepsis studies and evaluated for
these scores indicates the potential for lactate as a prognostic var- its prognostic value in these large studies. If included in such
iable measured in the first few hours of critical illness that may biomarker studies, a protocolized approach to measuring lactate
enhance efficient and appropriate patient care. Further study of levels is warranted.

4 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pediatric Emergency Care Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2017 Association of Initial Lactate With Mortality

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