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Is the final consequence of a sequence of actions or events expressed qualitatively or
quantitatively, possible results include in this SRS document like advantages, disadvantages
, gain, injury, loss, values and victory. There may be a range of possible outcomes associated
with an event depending on the point of view, historical distance or relevance. Reaching no
result can mean that actions are inefficient, ineffective, meaningless or flawed.

4.1 Evaluation of Current System

First of all the payment system in this place is being calculated whether it was Daily, Monthly or
Hourly from two ways the two ways is: Membership User or Non-membership User.
The Membership User can buy 100, 200, 400, or 600 hours and its divided into individually or
grouping and each of them have price different than other.
The Non-membership User is paying per time.

My evaluation in this current system are dividing into the Advantages and the Disadvantages,
I will start from the Advantage place.
First I liked the style of division the place into three Rooms: Quicken Space, Shield Rooms, and
Three Rooms and the benefit of the partition is to able the users and clients to find relaxing and
the ability to studying, teaching or anything else, for example if there was a large number of
clients want to find a large place to spend his needs so he will choose from one of the three
partitions that I talked about it before.
Secondly the other advantage is also the products that are selling in this place itll help the
clients instead of getting out to buy them I saw it one of one of relaxing and helping methods,
The types of products that are selling there is: Notebooks, Galleries, Salads and etc.
Third thing the employees who are working there still studying in the universities and the
advantage here is if one of them having lectures , sections or quizzes in his/her faculty another
employee will cover instead of him/her in his place until he come back its very flexible .
Fourthly like I said the payment system in this place is being calculated whether it was Daily,
Monthly or Hourly from two ways the two ways is: Membership User or Non-membership User
I saw the advantage in this point positioned in that the individually have a price and the grouping have
the same price of the individually in addition to a discount on it and the Non-membership User the client is
paying like I said per time 5 L.E. in the first hour and 10 L.E. in the second hour till 6 hours and
from here the client start to pay 30 L.E. from 6 hours to 8 hours and 35 L.E. from 8 hours to 12
hours. I saw this prices is suitable for everyone.
Fifthly and Finally The owner want to reward the clients and users that spend a lot of hours
every day and continuously To feel the prestige and appreciation of the place that his spend his
time in it and I appreciate that point in my point of view.

4.2 Problems of Current System

In the first point I said my evaluation in this current system are dividing into the Advantages and
the Disadvantages, and I stopped in the Advantages part only , So in this second point Ill talk
about the Disadvantages part that had become a problems.
I saw the main problem is positioned in the style of treating with the documentation they use
just papers , paper for booking in Membership User, and another in Non-membership User, and
the biggest problem is the roster of the place like dates, employees shifts, clients and the
problem here is if the roster had been stolen or had been lost the place will be destroyed at the
same time and while talking to the owner in our team visit to the place she told us that she take
photos of this roster from time to other for the sake of losing. In any Company, Pharmacy, or
Library this treating is so important and paper dealing is became an old style this is not

4.3 Suggested Solutions

In this third partition Ill display the solutions of the problems which I talked about before in the
previous partition and all the solutions will be just in my point of view and also the point of view
of my team.
1- We can make a Page or Account for each single deal is happening in the place like

Account or Page for Membership User register in it the time of arriving and the time of
leaving then subtract from the number of his bought hours
Account or Page also for Non-membership User register in it the started time and the
ended time
In each Page or Account for users will also write in them :
Telephone Number.
His ID.
The number of hours which he had bought.
The rest of the number of hours which he had bought.

2- Account or Page for The Products and written in it :

Number of Products.
How many of them had been sold.
How much money the owner of this Products will take.
The percentage for the owner of the place.
3- Page for The price of the booked rooms and the Available sale :
100 L.E. per hour for large room.
40 L.E. per hour for small room.

4- Page or Account For Booking and the needed data :

Telephone Number.
The name of Entity or Student Activity. (If it exists)
The materials and the needed things like :
Numbers of tables.
Number of chairs.
The number of Individuals.

5- Page or Account for Expense and Incomes which will be calculated in every work shift
and its including all things that had been bought and in front of each thing the number
of pounds L.E.

6- In this place should be a Fingerprint Machine for the employees and in its software
we determine the check in time and check out time and this Machine will prevent from
losing the data of the employees and also will help at salary time because its calculating
monthly all records of workdays and holidays to know the performance of them and
some security too

Finally All the suggested solution will be under the control of the place owner and office admin
but the office admin cannot access to this data or modify it just print reports only one who can
make access to this and will be the controller just the owner.

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