Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Problem 3.1 3.1 (@) For the hollow shaft and loading shown, determine the maximum shearing stress. (0) Determine the diameter ofa sold shaft for wich the maximum shearing sires inthe loading show isthe same a in prt a = $4, (4X16) = 0.8 in Coe dda = (424) = 1.2 in, Je F(qt-e')= E(L2' - o8)= 2.6138 in’ T= 1800 bift = 21600 Sb-in @ To: te ~ Creoo) (1.2) _ 2.6138 F497 psi Tout =F. 92 ksi —-< Te ate ie Wot. Fs ee Fer ace 20) = a) CF LMS in d= 2c = 2.23 in d= 2.23 in, T= 19.413 ky v= Tes 20 t wat -7/2t - 9fQNOGAY = oO a e Te Tay = Looc4 5 d= 2e = (a\i.coe+) de> 2.01 jn. Problem 3.9 3.9 Knowing that each of the shafls AB, BC, and CD consist of solid circular rods, determin (othe satin which the maximum shearing stress ocur, 8) the agate sess. 1000 Bin Shaft AB: T= 800 fb-in B o> RA = O4 in, 007 -in PPO Yon es Te = : Tog ® SE) = 7957 jst ee Shaft BC! T= -200+2400 = 1600 Jh-in trad = OS in Cae ® (2Vileoo) i oT (O53 ShaFt CD? T 3-800 + 2400 41000 = 2600 fb-in AN(ag00) _ Tow? Teen = 7663 pst Answers= (a) She BC (b) 8,55 ksi = 3.10 Knowing that a 0.40-in.- 4O.B mm ROPMIETARY MATERIAL © 1ssThe ior Cane At wr Nope sai ire. pc esrb ny fr DY eh ot an per te pba, oo bona he ee eto aches 2 ‘Shatn pemady Heel ronnie couse pun, jose et igh Mana yout ung wi psn. Problem 3.13 3.13 Under normal operating condition, the electric motor exerts a torque of 2.8 KN mon shaft AB. Knowing that each shaft is soli, determine the maximum shearing stress in (a) shaft AB, (6) shaft BC, (c) shaft CD. Ty LAR Te=O9EN am To =O54N-n (a) ShaPt AB! The= 2.8 kN-m = 2.8x/07 Nem, Segal? 28mm = 0,028 m Yer TE. 2T , (alesxtor) g tae * te8 = “WV (o.02a) ~ 8!-20%10% Pa, a> 81.2 MPa (b) Sheff BC! Tee 7 14 Wet = L4XIG Nem, cebol= 24mm = 0.024 m eH 4% JO? G tae Fe = DOH) © guy mnot te Tac? 4.5 HPQ, (CY Shaft CD! Teg = O.SkNem = 0.5% Nem, czbede Umm 0.024 m 2T _ a\(0.5%10°) _ Too= Fea = TSoaeye T2803 10° Pa Tn = 23.0MPa Problem 3.14 3.14 In order to reduce the total mass ofthe assembly of Prob 3.13, a new design is being considered in which the diameter of shat BC willbe smaller. Determine the smallest ante of shaft BC for which the maximum vale ofthe sheasing stress inthe assembly wl not be increased See the selvtion te Problem 3.13 for Figure and for maximum sheawing stresses in shafts AB, BC, anc CD. The Pangest Shearing pecurs in shat AB. Its magnitude is B/.2 MR. Adjuct tle biameter of shat BO co Het its maximum sheaving stress is 842 MPa. Tac® 81.2410° Pa Tae 2 1-470" Nem tes Te = 2E Tr Tee a= Re = AY mm <= Problem 3.1 3.18 ‘The solid shaft shown is formed of a brass for which the allowable shearing roblem 3.15 stress $5 MPa, Neglecting the effect of stress concentrations, determine smallest diameters dys and dye for which the allowable shearing stress isnot exceeded. "Dane 2 SS MPR 3 SSu 10° PH ~ Te. 2r =k Tue Pt cer | Or Shedt AB? Tha = 1200-400 = 800 Nem o= (OED = acorn = 21.0 m TESS *10e minimum Ape = Ze, Ty = 12008. Te =400N-m = 42.0 mm 25 reine Ta? E (90 «to*Xo.015)* = 477 Nem Shaft BCP C= fda ™ E(SOY= AT mm = O.ORT m Tome= GO MPa = COxio® Pa = Exc - EGov \O.oasys = 1473 Nem The aDleurable torque for Ha extiva shaft is tle smabler AF Tig anol Tee T= Tie = 477 Nem 0 "ROPRIETARY MATERIAL, 0201 The Mct-l Coops nels st Nop fis Mana ay be ye pod ‘do mob ry mesa, pores peamisin oe publ, yon the Med aston eared ‘cao permine y Mee Hl orto cores peprton. Io sre state! ring ie a You se wg wit pete Problem 3.19 ‘3.19 The allowable shearing stress is 100 MPa in the 36-mm-diameter steel rod AB ‘and 60 MPa in the 40-mm-iameter rod BC. Neglecting the effect of stress ‘concentrations, determine the largest torque that can be applied at 4. ter TE, T+Eet Tee tuct Shaft AB? Tay = 100 MPa = 100x/0% Pa. C= kde = 26SC) = 1B my = AOIBm Taz F loowio*O.018)8 = 916 N-m ShoPh BCL Tm = COMPA = GOxIO® Fa f= Heh.= £Y0) = ZO mm = 0,020 m Tez Elcomiot\o.ogey = \ 754 Nem The allowable torque is He smaller of Thy ed Tae T= 54 Nem =e Problem 3.20 320 The allowable shearing stress is 100 MPa inthe steel rod AB and 6O MPa inthe ‘brass rod BC. Knowing that a torque of magnitude T— 900 N - m is applied at 4 and neglecting the effect of stress concentrations, determine the required diameter of (a)rod ‘AB, (0) rod. BC. fa: Steel Te tet BH, THE B Brass Shdt ABt Tay = 100 MPa = 100 «10% Fa. a" /@vcee) 8 occ Ce teonary 7 I7BTHITm = 17 8A me Der 20 = 35.8 mm we Sheft BE! i= GOMPa= Coulot % Co af eee) BAIT 21 2G mn de> 2E= 424mm —e PROPRIETARY MATERIAT. © 2005 The MeCiow it Compares, Ie. Alig served, No put oft Maybe dpe epiodced cert nany fare by ay ens itl he erwin prin of te cer fre beyond hid bone ec ‘toss poied by Metra lo individual our prepraion, you nea ude ng his Man, jou aig wot perme Problem 3.21 3.21 Two solid steel shafts are connected by the gears shown. A torque of ‘magnitude 7800 N- mis applied to shaft 4B, knowing thatthe allowable shearing suressis SO MPa and considering only tresses due to twisting, determine the required diameter of) shaft AB, (6) shaft CD. The = TF 900 Nem n 24 io Teo = The * EB Goo) = 2700 Wem @ Shot AB? T= SOMPas SOxI0% Pa tr Tes ot T Te*? 9) F 22ST hm = 22.55 mm diez 267 4S. mm Gd Shaft CD + Tome = 50 MPa 3f@KRIOY Hi He Tones 7 B2LS2*IO my = B2SZ mm dg 2E* CEO mm = Problem 3.22 3.22 Shaft CD is made from a 66-m-diameter rod and is connected to the 48-mam- diame shat 4B as sown, Consding on tse dato wining an ong thio allowable shearing ss 8 6D MPa cach dle eget nga ‘Tat can be spl Tne = GO MPa. = COx10* Pa Shaft AB C= tohe= 24mm = 0.024 m et 3 Tae FE = Ete T = EGoxJ0*)(0.021)' = 203 Nem T° We Shah CD? oc 4 cba ® 23mm = 0,033 m LX nel : a eer = 3337 New ee pan = Te Te = Zao (3387) N24 Nem The Sfowabse torque is the smabfer of the two cobevbeted valves. T= 1129 Mem = NQkNe en Problem 3.23 3.23. torque of magnitude T= 8 kip-in. is applied at Das shown, Knowing that the diameter of shaft of shaft 4B is 2.25 in, and that the diameter of shaft CDs 1.75 in, determine the maximum shearing stress in (@)shast AB, (8) shaft CD. Teo = 8 hips in Te = te = HG): 20kip- in he = a be "Te pe (a) Shaft ABE c= dd = 1125 in . Te. 2 Tue? > eS ~ Dae, : e Tones UTES T® 7 814 Mei (2) Tony = 8.44 si | (bh) Shedt CD: c=td, = 0.875 in, toy 7 BE = AMD : = 7.60 ksi (0) Tong = 7.60 ksi yes * (ems Problem 3.24 3.24 A.torque of magnitude T= 8 kip- in. is applied at D as shown. Knowing that the allowable shearing stress s 7.5 ksi in each shaft determine the required diameter of (@) shaft AB, (6) shaft CD. Teo 8 Kip-in t BT Tone TS bei ee 3/QX Gey UnGsd : tb) Shett cd? c= AUB so s799 1» ( Shaft AB> = 11924 in, deot REF 1 7SRin, 15.03 mm agg RE = 30.1 mm (b) Shaft FGH = s[GCSey _ a a TTl7snioey ~ 10-84 410 mn = 10.84mm Goa = IO = RIT mn, Problem 3.26 3.26 Under normal operating conditions a motor exerts a torque of magnitude Tat F. The shafts are made ofa stel for which the allowable shearing stressis 85 MPa and. have diameters deny " 2 mm and dy = 20:mm. Knowing that r= 150 mm and ra = 100 mmm, determine the largest allowable value of Jy Tomy = 85 MPe = 8S %[0% Pa Shaft FE: = 4d=lOmm= 0.010 m Te the > Pte = T(s5vj0*)(0,010)° = 133.5 Nem” ShaPt DE? c= doles lnm = 0.01 m Te = Z Tees E(ssr108)(0.0) = 177.7 vem Be = AZ = 118.5 Wem By steties T 192. The largest alowehle valve of Te is the smaller df the two coferdated vetoes. Te? 13,5 Nem ed . y es (GCS) - 07208 in. TES) dee = ZE= 1442 in, Shaft fa Tr = Be) 3.128 kip-in aS, = ‘20 F 1,233 in << Problem 3.28 4.28 The two solid shafts are connected by gears as shown and are made of a steel {or which the allowable shearing stress is 7000 psi. Knowing the diameters ofthe 1wo shafts are, respectively, dy. ™ 1.6, and dyy™ 1.25 in. determine the largest torque T- that ean be applied at C. Lome = 1000 pai = 7.0 ksi Shaft BO? dee = 1.6 in. ertd= O08 im TE 2 ke a = Pte = E(rol(o.a)* = 5.63 kip-in Shaft EF! dep = 1.25 in, Dt @ cota 0.625 in. Te 7 Ete = Elo) (o.ges = 2,684 kip- in By ctedice Tes BT = gh lacen) = 4,80 kipein Moweble valve of Te is the smaller, = 4.30 kipin PROPRIETARY MATERIAL ©2006 The MiG Companies Al sg reened Nop otis Mena may Be ployed peed tcl he pr itn persia he par crn beyond he nod cata acer sd ‘asses pres by tir Hl fr ve cous pepaton yon ies tet rng hora ye ng io pen Problem 3.29 3.29 (a) For a given allowable stress, determine the ratio Ti of the maximum. allowable torque 7 and the weight per unit length w fr the hollow shaft shown. (8) Denoting by (Zi) the value of this ratio computed fora solid shaft ofthe same radius ‘em express the rato Tiw for tho hollow sft in terms of (Zi) and ee. w= weight peruwt fength pg. = specific wecykt We bofal weight. Le dena 2 aga = pgA = pt (0,*- 67) Tos Sy _ Gach ty a wietee ete” xy act 2 2 (Ze oe : (holler she) Cy=0 for solid shatt (FE) = Sl Coste shad) ee (),= (FL (i+ &) < 3.30 While the exact distribution ofthe shearing stress:s in hollow eylinder shaft isa own in Fig. (1), yximate value may be obtained for ty by assuming the sitesses to be uniformly distributed over the area 4 of the eross section, as show ia Fig. 2), and then further assuming that all the elementary shearing forces act a distance from O equal to the mean radius ry ~ ‘A{e, + ¢3) of the cross section. This approximate vale ist) = 1/4r9, where T's the applied torque. Determine the ratio “ea(T of the true value ofthe maximum shearing stress and is approximate value ty for values of ey, respectively equal to 1.00, 0.95, 0.75, 0.50, ane 0, EE Hd Te Fov a hollow shaPti Tuy = Loe = Hosen = 7 CATES e Jay ACE +C)?) vai eee Teee eae Tete By deFintion T= go rene ividmeg Loe = O26Ca+G) _ tt (ale) Dividing w Gra FTy (e7ey — ole 0.95 |o.1s | os | 0.0 Tong (Te 1.025 | 1.120 | 1.2001 he a Problem 3.31 3:31 For the aluminum sat shown (G27 GPa), determine (a) the torque T what ‘causes an angle of twist of 4°, (6) the angle of twist caused by the same torque T in 2 sold pind haf ofthe sme length end cross seton sea. Th 7 = ie 6m L @ p= Q= HP > CF813«107 vad, Le 125m G > 27 GPa = 2710" Pa T > Eleg-c") = £0,018" 0,012") = 132,524 4107 an! (27 10 (132,324 10" N64, 813x103) 5 ye ARTs tes SR ONG Big asm 25 = 199.539 New T= 194.5 New Ub) Metching areas As 707 = 7 (¢)- 6?) cs ore = fo.0g*= 0.02 = 0.013416 m = Elo.orsase® = 50.894 107 im" (95.539) (1.25) te 2 oe . Testor Vg. BaaRTE A) 7 ANSTO ved ge iodo" =e Problem 3.32 '332(@) For the sold steel shaft shown (= 11.2» 10 pi), determine the angle of twist at, (2) Solve part (a), assuming that the steel shat is hollow with ¢[.2-in= cuter diameter and a 0,8-in.-inner diameter. ta) c=4d=0.6in, Je Fe*= F(0.6)"= 0.208575 in® L=Gft> 72m. Ts Zhipin = 2000 Abin __ faeces -s ip, SG Trani a aes SIS) SEANS THI wad p= 362° ot Lain We) Ge ad, = 0.6 in. ¢, tte, = 0.4 in, = Bet 04) = B(o.64 0.4") = 0168368 in" Th (2200) (72) . = t 78.703 paoh O> Gt * Tiastilossesy = 7° gz 4sle =a PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2005 The MeGre#ilCompain, Is AD igi reseed. No pa hs Wins maybe pie epee ‘rater ny Sr oy eas, ito he pie wen pis the pleber ra fen h nmn chrton aersns ‘besa erin by bs Hi frteirinchnl coure pepsin, Ion area ade! rng is Mul you ring wh ps, Problem 3.33 3.33 Determine the largest allowable diameter ofa 10-R-long steel rod (G = 11.2 10° psi) ifthe rod is to be twisted through 30° without exceeding a shearing siress of 2 ks L = l0ft © [20 im. pr Sot+ 30E = 207 = 0.52360 pad = hie = 12 «10% pat -Ih 7. awe .Te, Gee , See tk Seaioa teinorouni teenie TE een c* Ge (awie®) (20) Uae TooeaaCo) 7 ORNS im d= 2e= 0.4m, Problem 3.34 3.34 The ship at A has just started to drill for ol on the ocean flor st depth of 1500 m. Knowing thatthe top of the 200-mm-diameter siel drill pipe (G = 77.2 GPa) rotates through two complete rovolutons before the dil bit at B starts to ‘operate, determine the maximum shearing stress caused inthe pipe by torsion. y- Se Te Qe Rrev = Zam rad = 12.566 vest Te . GJge , GEC & EA = 100 mm = 01100 m GG 772G6GPa = T7218 te (72.2 10*\U2. S66 M0100) cy Fu jos % 1500 t= CLT MP me PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2006 The acaw-ill Conant In. Alig etre. No art ofthis Mann my edad epedad xebited ey Tr er ey ara, ont pre Wile penne ptr, wed ey te ei een ake ‘Snr puted by MoCo Mfr sine cote pepsin, youre ude xing hs Mana You vig wala em, Problem 3.35, pee 4.35 The torques showaffe exerted on pulleys 4, B, and C. Knowing that both shafts are solid and made of brass (G'=39 GPa), determine the angle of wis between (@)A and B, (0) and C. CQ) Angle Piwist between A and B 400N-m Tha = YOO Wem, Lge 2m Cate = 0.0m G+ 39x/ol Spe B01 79.52 710" mt Qn Th - —(us0dlt.ay le We GE” Taxi \(79.sax1o7) = O.1S#T72 ved D Pam = 8.87°D (be) Angle of twist between A and C Tec = BOO N-m bat 18m, er gd =0.020m, G = 37x/0'fe he Fe* = $(0.020)"= 251.327 107 mo! 7 e028) : ane = Gay iot\(asl. a27x1o7F) = O- NETRA D Pure = Patsst Poot -1SHITZ= O.MENZ= 0.0078EO rad D y= O-450°D Problem 3.36 3.36. The electric motor exerts a 500 Nm torque onthe aluminum shaft ABCD ‘wheats rotating ata constant speed. Kaowing that G~ 27 GPa and tha the torques exerted on pulleys Band C areas shown, determine the angle twist between 2) 2 and C@)B and. @) Angle Stwist between B ant C Tee = 200 Nem, bye bm Crtd = 0.02m, G*27x/07 TL (R012) Gaz Bets 367.9710" m Gac™ EF TIO ATION = BIST VIO rad Pare= 1.384 W) Angde Pwist betwee B anc D. Ter = S00 Nem, Lep =O.9m, Ceted= 0.024m, C= 27*10" Pa Lz Fet = Elo.oa)'= 521.183 %10"" m* Qe? (S00 (0.9) aa 10” (R7#[04 CSAN.1S3 »1O*) ~ Pei = Pate * Pet = W.ISTHIO% 31980%10° = 56.137¥16 rad Pan = 3.22" — 200m 31.480 «10 rut Problem 3.37 3.37 The aluminum rod AB (G = 27 GPa) is bonded to the brass rod BD (G= 39. bots GPa), Knowing that portion CD of the brass rods hollow and has an nner diameter ‘of 40:mm determine the angle of twist at 4 y= e00N_» Rod AB: G= 27*10" Pa, L= 0.400 m cen T= $00 Nem crdd = 0.08 m Peet T= Ret = Fors)’ 164.246 x10? wm 4 TL. (wo)(o.400) . seisPeud soni Pua BEF CRrHIO IEE. B4ExIOT) TB MIS rd Part BC? Gx S4¥l0" Pa Le O.87Sm, C= Za = O.C3Om T= 800+ 1600 = 2400 Nem, T= Fob = F(o.0soy'= 1.27234 10% m" Quer Th = —(aNooy(0.375) "E* GI (9x 1070. 2723410" Part CD* C= £dl = 0.020 wm Cy ta, = O.080m , L= 0.250m T= Elec") £0,030" o.020") = 1.02102 10% = 1B 137¥ 10 yak Pem™ Bx * Relea cat td ang elgg eg cialtaglt = 105.080 K10% weet %- 6.02" 0 Problem 3.38 < 3.38. Solve Prob, 3.37, assuming that portion BD is a soid 60-mm-diameter rod of length 625 mm. 3.37 The aluminum rod AB (G= 27 GPa) is bonded 10 the brass rod BD (G=39 Ts" 1600. GPa), Knowing that portion CD ofthe brass rod is hollow and has an inner diameter 96 yap of 40 mmm determine the ange of twist at 4 1, = 60m Rod AB: G = 27x 107 Fa, L = 0.400m @ T = 800N-m czdd> Ole m a sect T= Ect = Rloorey'= 164.396 x10 7m* [=< op cules (g00V(o.400) "GT * G7 10% et. 8% ¥10) = 7). 875107 wed Rod BOD: Gs 34x10" Pa, Le 0,375 19.250 = O.625m, cxtal= 0.030m Tr 800 +1600 = 2400 Num Te Bet = E(O.030)"= 1.27734 «10 m* en TL ___(a4ooyo. 625) o> GE ~ TeaviF YU. 972 OD Ange PtustetA = wt Po = 102.104 x10 red = 585° et = 20,2294 15" rad Problem 3.39 3.39 Two solid shafts are comnected by gears as shown. Knowing that G= 77.2 Ghaforcech shat, determine tne angle trough which end 4 rotates when 7, = 1200 Calestition &F tovques. Cimeonfevendtiol contact Farce betveen qears B and C Tes _ Tee Fest Tar Tra= 1200 Nem ato = oom Fo (i200) = $600 W ae Ts Twist in shat CD: c=tad= 0.030m, Lam, = 772x10% Pa T= Bet = Elo.osey = 1.27234 x10" mt aut (3600V(1.2) Pie GE Giant VO RBTRIOT) 7 BABI AIO ve Rotetion ante at C Pe= Ryo > 48981%15" yak Civeumferential diaphace met at contact points oP gears Banc S> Mee > Va Pa Retetion angle of B Se ze 2 BEE (ya.98110°) = 131.442*10 rack Twist in shat AB: c= hol = 0.021 m, Lom, G= 772x107 T= Bet = Elo.on)t = 305-44 «lor? mt = TL, (reo } (4.6) et eye Phin exch anos \aceaa wo) ree eee: Rotation angle ot A a> Pat Pua = U3. 454% 10° rad Pa = 12.22° <= FROPRIFTARY MATERIAL © 306 The Mi Cagiva No ptf ti Maa ranted any form or 29 eas, ito ho lr Ween ph bls fed ego the ied dt ‘She ert by row rid opp Ifyou ares Buset ssn hs Mam you sre Problem 3.40 3.40 Solve Prob, 3.39, assuming thatthe diameter of each shaf is 54 mm. 3.39 Two sofid shafts are connected by gears as shown. Knowing thet @= 77.2 (GPa for cach sha, determine the angle through which end d rotates when T,~ 1200 Cabewlation of torques CivcumPeventia? contact Poree between gears Bad c ~ Te , Te : ae ei NN Tae = 1200 New Aas Teo = BE (1200) = 3600 Nem Twist in shat CDt ec rtd+O.027m, Le k2m, 6 77.2%/0"Pa T= Fet = Elo.oa7)’ ~ 324.794 10-7 mt Veto * TL ~__@60e)U.2) os ie GT 77.21 V8S4.78 x10) Rotation angle at © 2 = Puy = 67.083 %(0* rad Ciecomteratiad displacenet at contact perstt F geavs Band C S= R= Me% Ritation amde at B der Ee + GP (67. 028n10°)= 201. 10%15 yaad Twist iw shePt AB! C= dele 0.022m, Le lGm, 6772x107 Pa T= 239.74%J077 m Pam = qk. (2001.6) Me GT” TAO VG 34.19 10 67.033 «10° vad = 29,792 %107 rad Rotation ante tA — Ph= Pat Pye = 230.89 x10 nd Pa = 13.23" <8 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ©2106 The McCitn-ll Compares In Alsi eserve Nope thi Man my be lee repodond abt i any fora or yay mens ia pe Srten erin of Pus, se ej thine eben tashcs ad Shieakes pied creel for et nal couse repays se stent ang th Moa you ee uso vo ata. 4.41 Acoder F wed to sezord in digital fom the rotation of shaft is connected Problem 3.41 tothe shaf by means ofthe gear train shown, which consists of four gears an three sold steel sats each of diameter d. Two ofthe gears hve a radius rand the otber ‘oa radius 2 Ifthe rotation ofthe coder Fis prevented, determin in terms of 7 1G, and nthe angle though which end A rotates. Tre = Ts Problem 3.42 3.42. For the gear train described in Prob. 341, determine the angle through which end A rotates when 7 = $ 1b in, = 2.4 in, d= 1/16 in, G= 11.2 * 10 pai, and =2 41 Acer Fused to recor in gt form the rotanon of ha, is connected fe to the sha by means ofthe gear tin shown, which consis of four gears and thre See soDution te PROBLEM solid steel shafts each of diameter d. Two of the gears have a radius r and the other BHI For deveDop ment oF two radius mr Ithe rotation ofthe coder Fis prevented, determine in terms of 7, eqvetion For Da 1G. J, and nthe angle through which end A rotates, a= EF te Dota? Ts 5 tb-in A= RHin 5 C=Hd= Hin, C= M2lO%psi a=, T= Bet = E(k) = 1 4e208 10% int fea) oo os tee Ta MRTOTES +R tie) F198, x10 me a 538° = 3.43 Two shafts, cach of 7/8 in. diameter are connected by the gears shown, Problem 3.43, Knowing that G = 11.2 *10° psi and thet the shaft at Fis fixed, determine the angle through which end A rotates when a 1.2 kip» in, torque is applied at. Cofeudation of tovquesy Civcomferentiad contact force between geart Band &, Fea e eT, The™ 1.2 kipsin = 1200 Lovin 12 in Tart Rliz00) = 1600 Phin Sv * Lt 5 Twist in shePt FE. : Ce Le iim, Gedo = Zing = M2 ]0%ps; I= Bet = Z(Z)t = 57.548x)07 int qa te (690 9C12) Fee EO) 29.789 x10 rad GI © («10 N57. S48 rI8") Rotation af E, Pe = Pejp = 2UIBEWOS ned Tangetid cdisphacemest at gear circle $= Vee = \ePe fy 6 3). -2 Rotation at B far Fe + pg B17BIV10") = 34. 1B>15* vad Twist tn shaft BA, Le B46 = 14 in T= 57,548> 10% int ek (00 C4) 26,065 ¥1657 vad Pate = 6s (2% 10® (57. S48x 107) Rotation at A, n= Pat Pare = CF. 723«10* rad Qe BIT! =< [PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 206 Tae McG Company, ie. Allvpts ace, Nop hs Maral ny be gape reprasiond ste any fom by ny za won te rr wee ean of pire wed bepené ted been ole sod ‘Seats pied by Mra eth nil cue preprtn, yuu ste wg ee eal youn anager “£44 Solve Prob. 3.43, assuming that after a design change the radius of pea Bis Problem 3.44 6 in. and the radius of gear Eis 4.5 in, e 3.43. Two shafts, each of 7/8 in. diameter are connected by the gears shown. ‘Knowing thet G 11.2 »10* psi and tet the shaft at is fixed, detormine the angle Calcofation oP torques. through Which end 4 rotates when a 1.2 kip ia, torque is applied at 4 Civeumfesential contact force between gears B owt E, > Te. Te fee Ye ve The? 2 kip-in = 1200 Db-in Tar 48 (i200) = 100 thin Twist in shePt FE oO Leigin, cxdde Bin, Gah amlotps Som Je Bete E(Z)' = 57.548%)0°° in? ~ Tk . _ @eoyiay i - Rn = SF > GEIST STETTOF) ~ NO TSC *IO™ ved Rotution af E, De > Depp = V6TSE IO wud Tangential displacenet oA gene tele DS ele = as Rotation at Be 7 O47 AE UicasexsP) = 121567108 wd Turst in shePt BA, L= 846 = Win, SF = 57.542x10" in! pane U200YCi4) = «joe Ine EH > Ge Rao® 57-54 Cee Rotedion of AL (> Dg+ Pay = 38-632+ 10" raed Qa BRP = PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2006 The Msn Connie Ie Alga ened No pat oti Mao gy de dayed reac {cei may fry yess het ier sten persion te pbs, ofa tear ea te eho an int pe by Mee I fire sours pepaeon yon ar» suse wing cs Maal you tig to em son Problem 3.45 3.45 The design specifications of a 6-f-long solid circular transmission shaft require thatthe angle of twist ofthe sha not exeed 0 when a torque of 60 Spb 2gpled. Determine he required dante of he sa knowing et the sats made oft el wih nobler ates of 12 Stl and eroding of 102 “Wea T= 6O Kip-in = GO¥IO! Irin Qs OS? = 8,7266 x10" vad = GP = 72 in, T= IAS kei = 12S ¥10% psi & = IA J0% psi J=ket Based on angle Ptuet. = EE - 2Tb, = [REL _"[@veoxlo oa) = z oe wEQ ~ | Sexe = 12. 308:in c- Is. 2T Based om shearing stres Geese Use Parmer value. = 2.803 in. d=2e-4.6lin. Te» STL, ee - cfg aR eee _= 18,06 x07 mw Based on shearing stress tee il : ag sieeey agate | eet NGT Se Ves aes Sore = \Vitaomesy 7 ITY HIO™m Use danger valve C= 1BO6XIT%m = [8:06 mm al = Rev FE./nm LY MATERIAL © 2006 The McGraw Compa I, All ighs serve. Noa of ths Manley be ip eae ry ot by yes, wt th pir sien pease oe uber, ra byoo th ein each st ‘eso pant by McGraw rot ns oun pcprn Eye ease eng ha Mana you eng wshoscreen : 3.47 The design ofthe geac-and-shaft system shown requires that see! shafts ofthe Pomen t sans dame Seosed fos ab and CDW her eget ra 9 and thatthe angle @, trough which end D of sha CD rotates not exceed S. Knowing that G= 112 © 10° psi, determine the required diameter ofthe shafts. Tee = 5 Vip-in = 510% fbvin Tha = BTeee BOS wl0%) = 12.510" Sein For design based on stress use the Barger Valve oP torque. T= 12,Sm1o% dhin = kei = TxI0° per = 2 40 el & Fi Mes dea . AES _ ; e /Se= = 0.8842 in, Design based on vetation angle yo 2° = 34.907 ¥10% md shat AB! p= Pan = AE | Luge SFE IB in, Gewst S= Vee = tse @ Be qe = Teale. CUTS 10°)G8) $62.5 w1o* SM GT Le GF Ee: She CO Pie 7 Rt Lest 2PE = Hin. ~ Bxteryas) , Woxiot Pore * ET nee Sat Retohion at D Po = Pet Pore = SERS = 24,407%10° Go = FiGet= BASIC, = 19,.5520410° Jbein GI = $Ge" . [GF _ /@\04.ss20%10 _ co fae “~oarGra=resy = 10267 Use the Hanger valve 0267 in. A= 2¢=205in Pan 12.784 x10" vet Tangent aP displacemert at gear circle Rotation af C o> Ba, C= dig 1.00 in. a SUA MR 4 ; Te (12-784 le 7 81.973 «10 rad Twist in shePt CD? Le Aft = 24 in, I> Bet = Elorsyt = e Th, ee Gn | 3 Poe EF > UhaxbVenazer) = U-SS7e" wd c= tdy> 0.75 in, O.49701 in? = P= Qt Poy, * 53.540>10 ra Qe 3072 =e PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2006 The MeCraw-Hl Cnn. Al te No art hie Mieal maybe pine, reprodicet outa ny frm oy sy mens, with poe won peta epi, aed yo ts lined deebsnon thts sad ‘ctr eis by MC Hl rth mul soa spin youre sae wag in Kamiah Jor se as ee 3.49 The sold eylindrial rod BC is attached to the rigid lever AB and tothe fixed acura support al C. ‘The vertical fres P applied a causes small displacement at point ‘A. Shovr thatthe corresponding maximum searing sexs n the rod is “4 ft, = "21a ‘where dis the diameter of th rod dnd G its modulus of iii. a A = : Lever AB toms throogh Qo ange to position A'G as eee Age a Shown in the auwfiary Figure. Vertical displacement is A= a sine from which @ = avesin & The mogtim um shearing stress in pod BC is i - GER. ede . Gd ak Ln = GY * GL = GIP = $F apcsind For smath A arcom he & Cney = SOA = aL oO PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ©2006 Toe McC Conpasc lot All igh ested, Nop ofthis Mana may be payed pode rsd Co or yay nee, wits rr we rasa pbs, ed beyond thie ation abe nd ‘hte porn Metra x be mcd ou pepratn, seu cate ane i Man yousrewsng i whol poms, Problem 3.50 3.50 and 3,31 The solid eylindrical rod AC of ength L= 24 in atached wo the | rigid lever AB of length a = 16 in, and to the support at C. specifications require that the displacement of 4 not exceed 1 in. when @ 100-Ib foree P is spplied ‘tA. For the material indicated determine the required dismeter of the rod 450 Steel: tg V2 ksi, G= 11.2 « 10° pi At the allowable tet angle sing> A= 2-o,0ca5 P= 3.5838" = 0.06254 rar T= Pa cos = (00 (16) cos 3.5888° = 1596.9 Jb in Based on twist = Fe = BTL ote STL = BNis16.9(24) ae mCi ari Noosa) = S4-B8RHO in C= 0.48% Based on stress 1 > Te = aL at (¢= 12.000 psi) ch = 2US48eD) T(izogoy = 84-718 x10 in® C= 0.4892 sin Use Jaren velue for clesign C= 0.4892 in, d= Re= 0.978 in, mt Problem 3.51 3.80 and 3.51 The solid cylindrical rod BC of length L = 24 in. is attached to the rigid lever 4B of length a = 16 in. and to the support at C. Design specifications ‘require that the displacement of 4 not exceed 1 in, when a 100-Ib force P is applied at, For the material indicated determine the required diameter of the rod. 351 Aluminum: ag 9 ki. G "3.9 * 10° psi At the allowable twst angle sing» A= b= 0.0605 Q = 3.5838" = 0.06254) pad. T= Pa cos@ = (100 )(is\eos 3.5983" = 1596.7 fbn Based om twist gs Fes 27h 2 oY #2 (2)0896.7) (24) i yy c's 3F(.4 x10" (0.062591) = 100,03%*lo~ in Based on stress = Te 2 OT Cs Basen = 112988107 int Use Paryer vadue for design CF O.SER4 in, (ZF 4.000 psi) CF 0.4834 vin, C= O.S5624m, deer tas, me Problem 3.52 3.52 A torque of magnitude 7 =35 kip - in. is applied at end 4 of the composite shaf shown. Knowing that the modulus of rigiity is 11.2 * 10 psi forthe see and 3.9% 10" psifor the aluminum, determine (a) the maximum shearing stress inthe tech core, (6) the maximum shearing sres in the ehuminum jacket, (c) the angle of twist aA Le 8H = %in. Ts 35x10" Ml-in Steef coves Ccdd= If in, = LIAS in. St Bets 2sier wt hm, GT, = (Wao V2.s16 = 28.180 *10" Ib-in Stee Torque cavried by Stef care T= SEP denim jet Alominum jacket? C=, = 11@Sin, Gebel = b Sin. U,= Bcd oh )s EC.s' bias") = 5,430 in® Grd, = (2.4108 )(5.4360) = 21, 201x 10% Bh in Trorque carnied by abominun jacket Ty = Eke Totel tore THT = GF+ Gaye @ He 3sxlo® U7 GEG a, 7 B.gowe 4 ai dormjoe © 708-78 *10 vad /in CY Mewimum stress in steef cove CGN = Go® =(iiaetotllii2s 108. 78 x10") = B4gxiot pe Ty 8.93 esl ty ©) Mestimom stress in afominum jacket Ee GK G62 = (8.91108 )( 15 VT08. 7810) = 45 *10% pst Tag = 44 esi ea] © Angde P twist = LE = (96)(708.78*10") = 68.008 ¥10* vad @= 390° “= PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2696 The McOr-Hll Compas Ins, Ah etd No pat ofthis Mal maybe played epee (rset yf yey ee, win pir wre pelson fpr, ose bod th Hel cite teachers and ‘Roses ors yeti or ain ou prepara, Hoan ence sng te Man soo arising tht een, Problem 3.53 3.53 The composite shat sho be twisted by applying a torque T at end A. ‘Knowing thet the modulus of rigidity is 11.2 x 10° pl forthe steel and 3.9» 10° psi ‘or the aluminum, determine the largest angle through which end A can be rotated if the following allowable stresses are not be exceeded fj $500 psi and Canina = Ls BP = 96 in, ions bees Heer eae Gen? fe = GE for cach material an} Ste? cove! ys 8S00 psi oe a Core tal = gin = LIZ in, a RS TESy = 874.60 x10 vad fin Mominum jacket? Ty = 6500 psi Come = Ag = 1S in. Be. tee FLAN lo"! wd Jin Smefler valve of BH governs Bee = 674.60%(0"* val Lin Milo Ade anghe of tuistt Pye L BH = 96)(674.c0r10") = 6476610 peal eee = 3.71" PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2006 The MeGiow-Hl Companies Ie. Alsi nated. No put of hia Mal my be pee eptodad urban om ry any mens, howe pr wre esi pe eed bj te Em eto aes ok ‘his pie ny tea rhe dtl ourepeparston, yuan sing he Manes jou se sig i hoursemee = 3.54 The composite shaft shown consists of a S-mm-thick brass jacket (Giga, = 39 GPa) bonded to a 40-mm-diameter steel core (Gaga = 77.2 GPa). Knowing thatthe Problem 3.54 aN Sas abeced 1 a 600N= more determin (oth maximum shearing sess in the brass jacket, (0) the maximum shearing stress in the stel core, (c) the angle of, twist ofB relative to 4. 2a Bras jake Le 2m Sted cere? 2 Ed= 20 mm = 0.020» ET (o.020)" = asi.s3xio" m™ sta ‘oe 3, Ee G5, = 7.24107) 25 1.331") = 19.4025 x10" New Torque carried by steed cre T= NZ Brass jacket’ tad, = 20 mm = 0-020 m Cy = RORS = BT mm = O.O25m I= Flet- et GT, = (39 «108362. 265 107) = 14. 1223 J0% Nem* Torqve carried by brass jacket Ta? &J, 2 Total torque TT 2 (6g,4 IIE (6.025"- 0.020") = 362.265 xJ0" m* ‘aia ai fa 600 aH Ss C7 Gee Gah * a deisstes Passo 7 FBT NO ved /m (0) Menimum shearing stress in brass jacket Tou GV 2 Gy of = (84104) (0.02917. 894x107) F [T4S10" Pe Trae? 1704S MPa. () Manimun shearing stress in ste? cove om ® CV ng > Gy CF = (17-24107V(0-020 (17-844 v1?) = 27,6 x10% Pa Toteeg = 27.6 MPa ©) Anghe of twist ge LE = (aNin. 294410) = 35,788 ¥10 "red p+ 205° =a ROPRIETARY MATERIAL, 620857 cr Comps. eer, No ‘Pirie ay fos cr yon sens what to peor writen ero oe pb, ose pe oy Sere petmed y Mew ho nel cn parson. you tea stode sng hi Mi you a sing who en. 355 Forthe composite suf of Prob 354, the allowable shearing stressin the brass Problem 3.55 ‘acketis20 MPa and 45 MPain th steel core, Determine a) the largest orque which an be applied tothe shat, (8) the corresponding angle of tt. ofB relative to 4 3.54 The composite shaft showm consists ofa S-mm-thick brass jacket (Gyo = 39 (GPa) bonded to a 40-mm-diameter stel core (Guy = 77.2 GPa). Knowing tht the shaft is subjected to a 600N- m torque, determine (a) the maximum shearing stress ‘inthe brass jacket, (b) the maxiraum shearing stress in the steel core, (c) the angle of twist of B relative 104, T= CM Cle 2 Be Te, Ch mahencal L Some Ti = CEB For cach material Brass jacket? Ty= 20-106 Pa, C, = 2mm 0.020 me, C,= 204.5 = 25 m's O.025m ax itt an 1 ac Lo” GTM }(o.0a5) ~ Ke Elat-0') = F(o.0ast o,o10") = 262. 265m? me? 20. S310" vad /m Steel cove > Tyr 45x 10% Pa, 6 = 0,020 m 29S HIS taal Sm + 251,83 «JO m* Smelter valve oP 22 guerns Be «20,518 x10 vod /m Tongue cartiad by brass sfeeve The GL fe. (34 109)(362. 265% 107) (20.513 x10) = 289.8 Nem Torque carvieel by steef core Tye GB = (r7ant0Wasi.330 107 90.513 x15") = 398.0 Wem @) AtPucble toqve T= T4+T = 687.8 Nem Tes 683 Norn Paw VGH) 9 = 63, 214 x10 & brive BP coupling disk aoe IH lo? = 222 044n10" Qe 4 63.214x10% Da Pat 4.9078 x10 wah Ths * (222,044 «10*\(4.9078»t07) = 1.0897 x10" Nem Tee = (63.214 10°VC4.9078» 1S *)= 310.24 Mem @) Reactions at supports Th > The 7 1090 Nem <0 To= Tees SIO Nem —o Mazimom shearing stress in AB Tog = US. (069719 (0.025) yogic Pe Tye HY The S15.243 x1O-7 €) Monimom shearing stress in BC = Tt . @lo.2¥)(0.019) _ ioe a Ton* 5% gy tixio? 7 28-8 %/0° Pa Tac™ 28.8 MPa

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