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Electron Configurations

Write long-hand electron configurations for the following:

1. chloride ion

2. Iridium

3. Germanium

4. Antimony

Write noble gas electron configurations for the following:

5. Gadolinium

6. Mercury

7. Seaborgium

Draw orbital diagrams for the following:

8. Iron 9. Chlorine

10. Which of the following has 3 unpaired electrons? Se, P, Sn, Cl

11. Identify the following elements.

a. 1s22s22p63s23p4 ______________ d. [Xe] 6s24f145d6 ________________

b. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s1 ______ e. [Rn] 7s25f11 _____________

c. [Kr] 5s24d105p3 __________________

12. Which one of the following is not isoelectronic with the other three?
F, Ne, Na+, Mg+

13. identify the following electron configurations as ground state (GS), excited state
(ES), or impossible (I). If the configuration is valid, identify the atom.

a. 2s1_____________________ d. [Ne] 3s33p23d1 _____________________

b. [Ar] 4s23d6 _______________ e. 1s22s22p63s33p5 _____________________

c. [Rn] 7s35f8 _______________ f. __ _ __ ___ ___________

1s 2s 2p

14. For the following electron configurations choose 3 possible elements (or ions) they
may represent:

2 2 6
1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p
2 6 2 10 6 _________________________________________________

[Kr] 5s 4d 5p
10 6 _________________________________________________

Use the information given in the box below when answering questions 15-17:

(a) [Ar] (d) 1s22s22p63s23px23py1

(b) 1s22s22p63s1 (e) 1s22s22p63s23px13py13pz1
(c) 1s22s22p63p1

15. Which electron configuration best describes the ground state of Cl ? _____

16. Which electron configuration is possible for the ground state of phosphorous? _____

17. Which electron configuration describes an excited magnesium ion? _____

18. Which sublevel is filled last? 3d, 4s, 4p, 4d, 5s

19. In a single atom, what is the maximum # of electrons that can be at n = 4? _____

20. How many d electrons are there in an atom of molybdenum? _______

20. Is the following electron configuration consistent with Hunds rule? _____

Identify the element ______

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