Jake Schleicher Pofessional Learning Plan

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Section 1: AITSL My goals for Actions to develop my capability: Indicators of

Graduate Standard this aspect: success:

What will
see if your
goal is
Short Term Goals (that can be achieved within this semester)
Standard 2: Know By the end of Approach mentor teacher, teachers from Able to plan
the content and how Semester 2, I other classes and my peers and observe full days of
to teach it. will have their methods and tips for planning teaching using
begun using lessons in the DWP format. DWPs that
2.3: Use curriculum, daily work include
assessment and pads to plan Search the web for different DWP objectives,
reporting knowledge my lessons, as examples and guidelines. assessments
to design learning opposed to and
sequences and extensive and Ask mentor teacher for photocopies of differentiation
lesson plans. time previous DWPs for observation purposes. strategies.
singular Far greater
lesson plans. time-efficiency
when planning
lessons for my
prac class.

Standard 5: Assess, By the end of Consult mentor teacher for advice and I will be able to
provide feedback my third year examples of how and when to provide give effective
and report on practicum, I feedback to students for maximum benefit and
student learning will have appropriate
compiled and Compare feedback strategies with my feedback to
5.2 Demonstrate an utilised various peers and take note of ways to improve students to
understanding of the strategies for my own methods ensure they
purpose of providing providing gain as much
timely and timely and Observe student responses to my as they can
appropriate appropriate feedback methods and make necessary from the
feedback to students feedback to alterations learning
about their learning. students experience

I will be able to
strategies and
ideas for
feedback to
Standard 5 By the end of Ask to sit in and observe the moderation I will be able to
my third year process as the teachers in my year group actively take
practicum, I complete it, while taking notes. part in and
5.3 Demonstrate will be able to contribute to
understanding of discuss the Ask mentor teacher for her thoughts, the
assessment process of preferred strategies and different assessment
moderation and its assessment experiences regarding assessment moderation
application to moderation, moderation. process with
support consistent including why teachers from
and comparable it is important Utilise web based resources such as the other classes.
judgements of and some Victorian Curriculum and Assessment
student learning. different Authoritys Insight Assessment page for I will be able to
strategies or tips and guidelines for moderating explain the
methods that assessments. reasons and
can be used. (http://www.insight.vic.edu.au/assessment- different
in-practice/moderation) strategies for
Long Term Goals (those that can are more likely to be achieved beyond this semester)
By the end of Consult mentor teacher, other teachers I will be able to
Standard 5 my degree, I and university tutors on their preferred complete the
will be capable methods of record keeping. reporting
5.5 Demonstrate of completing process in an
understanding of a an end of Ask mentor teacher for advice on time- effective and
range of strategies semester management when completing reports as timely fashion
for reporting to reporting this seems to be one of the more difficult
students and process based aspects.
parents/carers and on records of
the purpose of student Trial different strategies for record-keeping
keeping accurate performance and judge which works best for me.
and reliable records that I have
of student kept over the
achievement. semester.

Standard 5: Assess, By the end of Ask mentor teachers, peers and university I will be able to
provide feedback my degree, I tutors for their advice on when and how to discuss,
and report on will be capable implement different kinds of assessment. explain and
student learning of implement a
implementing Continually evaluate the assessments I various array of
5.1 Demonstrate long-term implement in the classroom in order to different
understanding of teaching learn from my own strengths and assessment
assessment programs that weaknesses and improve my assessment types and
strategies, including effectively methods going forward. strategies in
informal and formal, utilise the classroom.
diagnostic, formative diagnostic,
and summative formative and I will be able to
approaches to summative thread my
assess student assessments preferred
learning. in order to assessment
best maximise strategies into
student a multi-week
learning teaching
AITSL Standards Justification

Standard 5 of the AITSL Graduate Standards provides key focus points for early-career teachers with
regards to assessing, providing feedback to and reporting on student learning. This is a vital part of
the AITSL Graduate Standards, as effective teaching not only involves imparting information,
instruction and understandings to students, but also involves assessing and evaluating the students
understanding of this information (Hattie & Timperley, 2007).

I chose to include Standard 5.2 in my short term goals as I am eager to develop a greater
understanding of what it means to provide timely and appropriate feedback to students, different
methods and theories that exist for doing so, and the effect that such feedback can have on student
development. I included this in my short term goals as I plan to familiarise myself with strategies and
tips for giving timely and effective feedback during my upcoming third-year practicum.

Standard 5.5 of the AITSL Graduate Standards was included in my long term goals as reporting to
parents is a concept that at this point in my development as a pre-service teacher I still find quite
daunting. It is a long term goal as I will not have the opportunity to undergo the reporting process
until further down the track in my teaching career.

Section 2: BrITE My goals for Actions to develop my capability: Indicators of

Resilience Factors this aspect: success:
What will
see if your
goal is
Short Term Goals (that can be achieved within this semester)
Wellbeing: Ensure that I Make sure I have packed my lunch and I will have
am eating recess the night before so I am not rushed increased
Healthy Living adequate in the morning. focus and
amounts of energy in the
food at the Aim for foods that I can eat whilst setting classroom as I
appropriate up for my next class if possible e.g. apple, will not be
time whilst on protein bar, can of tuna. sacrificing
my prac. meals for work

My mood and
overall health
will be
maintained at a
healthy level
due to my
proper eating.

Wellbeing: Get at least 7 Ensure I begin my planning for future I will have
hours of sleep lessons as soon as I get home from much greater
Adequate sleep per night, as school or training so I am not required to energy and
this has been stay up for hours. clarity of
an issue for thought as I will
me in previous Look into measures to shorten my be well rested.
pracs. planning methods to allow for more sleep
time. I will not feel
myself tiring
Avoid looking at my phone when I go to towards the
bed and try to go straight to sleep. end of the
school day.

Taking Initiative Improve my Take notes on my interactions with the I will be able to
own teaching mentor teacher and other teachers in the utilise the
methods and school to remember any potentially helpful experience and
awareness by teaching tips or strategies. knowledge of
Observing a
observing the my colleagues
Colleague. instructional Engage in regular conversation with to add more
techniques mentor and other teachers regarding their strings to my
and personal preferred instructional methods, behaviour bow as a
stories of my management techniques, and personal teacher with
mentor experiences. regards to
teacher. instruction,

Long Term Goals (those that can are more likely to be achieved beyond this semester)
Wellbeing By the end of Separate my tasks into important and I will have all
my first full urgent, important but not urgent and my necessary
Time management year as a not important and not urgent and act work and
teacher, I hope upon them accordingly. planning done
to have a within a
reliable time Devise a concrete method for keeping reasonable
management track of my tasks e.g.: sticky notes, a amount of time
system in whiteboard. and will have
place that time left over
allows me to Ensure that I complete as much work as for my own
complete my possible while at school and take minimal personal
desired work work home with me after school and on interests and
while still weekends. activities.
having time for
my personal
life and

Relationships By the end of Use attentive body language and active The
my first full listening skills when communicating with relationships I
Building year as a parents. hold with the
relationships with teacher, I hope parents of my
parents to have Make myself readily available via e-mail students will
established and phone to parents that may have reflect the open
strong queries. and
communicative communicative
relationships Consult the KidsMatter program for environment
with the guidance and resources if I am having that I have
parents of all trouble connecting with the parents of created and the
my students some of my students. amount of self-
availability I
provide to

BRITE Modules Justification

The BRITE modules are a vital tool for pre-service and current teachers alike. They allow educators to
consider the impact that their attitudes, habits and social values have on their teaching methods and
the way they carry themselves as education professionals, and provides them with tools and tips for
making necessary adjustments.

One of the BRITE modules that I personally found most beneficial was the Wellbeing module, which
included aspects such as time management, sleeping patterns, proper diet and stress. Some of these
aspects have been an issue for me in the past when I have been under the pressure of practicum-
related and assignment deadlines, as I would often sacrifice sleep and proper diet for the sake of
more working time. I included two of these aspects in my short-term goals as for my upcoming
practicum I would like to become a lot better at managing diet and sleeping patterns whilst under a
heavy workload, which will hopefully pave the way for me to create new systems and habits for
myself that result in more adequate time management and decreased stress levels (hence the
inclusion of time management in my long term goals).

I included building relationships with parents in my long-term goals as I believe this is actually a
strength of mine. I formed this long-term goal for myself because I plan to utilise my well-developed
interpersonal and communication skills to create a friendly and open environment where I am able
to collaborate with the parents/carers of students in order to achieve the best possible educational
outcomes and most enjoyable learning experiences.

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