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PART A (15 marks)

1. D
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. D
11. (Indonesia lags more than five years behind its neighbours, including Thailand and
China,) (in fuel quality standards.) . As long as you mention about the fuel quality is
still bad, still caused pollution, you will get 2 marks.
12. (It is mandating that the auto sector improve emission standards on new vehicles to
meet European levels starting in 2017.)
(In Jakarta, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Council collects data
from eight monitoring stations) across the city (to measure air quality minute by

PART B (15 marks)

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. B
10. D
11. Depression might be an onset of other illness, a consequence of that illness or a symptom
caused by that illness and depending on the individual, depression along with other
illnesses and internal or external factors, theses different factors interact differently.
12. Three suggestions (accept any three) :
1. Break the daily routine: try something new
2. Exercise regularly
3. Eat healthily
4. Identify/ create strong support group
5. Interact with other people
6. Invest time in doing things that interests you

PART C (10 marks)

1. good news
2. Congratulations
3. on your wedding / on getting married
4. on getting married / on your wedding
5. excellent (well done is not accepted)


1. Though it has many opponents, Instagram is in fact a useful program helping people
develop their creativity and learn about culture.

2. a) first-hand workshop, direct lessons on photography

b) mobility
c) a great platform for visual marketing
d) Instagram can be used totally ineptly can also be accepted

3. a) billions of boring and similar pictures (any TWO can be accepted)

b) people posting bad pictures just to get likes
c) obsession with selfies that lead to psychological disorder
d) the amount of people with bad taste in photography can be depressing

4. (no specific sequence, all three answers can be either at a, b and c)

a) possible concession toward opposing argument
b) opening with a strong statement
c) provide explanation / examples

5. restate thesis statement / summarize all main points

PART A (20 marks)
Based on examiners discretions.
4 marks per question :

2 marks content
o 1 mark student express their understanding of the question
o 1 mark supporting details
2 marks language
o 2 marks if there is almost/no grammatical mistakes at all
o 1 mark if there are few grammatical mistakes
PART B : ESSAY RUBRIC (30 marks)
13-15 10-12 7-9 4-6 1-3 MARKS

Addressed all questions Addressed all questions Address the questions, but left Addressed the questions, Did not address some of the
completely and effectively. completely out some details. but provided few details questions
Develop and organize ideas Ideas and details are The ideas and details are The ideas are somewhat A lot of the writing does not
effectively. presented in logical order. mostly presented in logical organized, but seems connect to the main idea
CONTENT Ideas and details are The writing is focused, clear order unfinished. The writing has little or no /15
(I) presented in logical order. and specific. The writing is generally Sometimes it is not clear focus and relevance on the
The writing is focused, clear Interesting, well-stated main focused on the topic and how the details are used topic.
and specific. ideas/topic sentences purpose connect to the main idea Use few key words
Interesting, well-stated main Good main ideas or topic The writing is related to
ideas/topic sentences sentences the topic but lack focus
Use some key words
9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2 MARKS

Hardly or no grammatical Less grammatical errors. Few grammatical errors. Some grammatical errors. There are many errors in
errors. Uses appropriate and varied Uses appropriate and varied Meaning is occasionally spelling, punctuation, and
Uses appropriate and varied vocabulary well vocabulary satisfactorily. clear. capitalization.
LANGUAGE vocabulary effectively. Meaning is well understood. Meaning is understood most of Some fragmented Many grammatical errors, /10
(II) Meaning is well understood. Less sentence error; variety the time. sentences Limited use of appropriate.
No sentence error; variety in in length and type Mostly complete sentences; and varied vocabulary
length and type some variety in length and Meaning is vague or
type incomprehensible.
Many fragmented sentences
5 4 3 2 1 MARKS
The organization of essay The essay can be easily Good paragraphing Less paragraphing and No paragraphing or no
can be seen clearly and followed. organization of the essay organization to the essay
easily followed.
ORGANISAT Basic transitions are used in Some ideas are not
Some organization of the essay
ION Effective transitions are each paragraph; a structured grouped into appropriate /5
is difficult to follow, due to
used; a professional format format is used. paragraphs
(III) inadequate transitions and/or
is used
rambling format.

I + II + III /30

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