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Ventnor Educational Community Complex Chief Education Officer ‘CARMINE C. BONANNI, JR. 400 N. Lafayette Avenue (609) 487-7918 ‘Ventnor City, New Jersey 08406 Business Administrator/Board Secretary Fax (609) 822-0150 JANN L. COHEN, CPA Website (609) 487-7917 VECCNJLORG April, 2011 RE: Stephanie Wroniuk ‘To Whom This May Concer: | write this leter of recommendation for administrator candidate Stephanie Wroniuk with enthusiasm and pride. have served as Mrs, Wroniuk’s Superintendent of Schools forthe past nine years. Throughout those years I can say without reservation, that Mrs. Wroniuk is one of the finest and most child oriented teachers on my staff. Her devotion to the children and her ‘continual effort to provide the highest quality of education is noteworthy. Thave personally mentored Mrs. Wroniuk through the certification process for supervisory certification, Working with her over time, Thave noticed a dramatic rate of groveh inthe understanding of school administration and, most importantly, instructional leadership. She is clearly ready to take the next step into the administrative realm, Mrs. Wronink possesses all the kay characteristics of effective leadership - good communication skills, transparency, knowledge of curriculum and finance all blended with excellent people stills ~ skis so important to inspiring and geting people on board with programs and projects designated for implementation, Mis. ‘Wroniuk is a positive, can-do person who will do whatever it takes for whatever time it takes to carry out her professional responsibilities. Other diverse experiences that I would like to bring to your attention include Mis. Wroniuk’s teaching concentration and ‘professional development concentration in Reading and Language Arts and her level of knowledge in the areas of ESL and Special Education, Mrs. Wroniuk is also trained in Response to Intervention (RTI) and is knowledgeable with practices using various assessments in collecting and analyzing data for prescriptive teaching. Each of these elements is vitally important to any administrator in this age of accountability. Mrs. Wroniuk is highly respected by her colleagues and by the administration of this school for her ability to motivate and willingness to go above and beyond in all matters. She would be an asset to any district that calls upon her services for an adininistrative position, lease give serious consideration to the candidacy of this fine indivi

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