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Visual & Performing Arts Lesson Plan: Music

Grade Level- 3rd
Brief description of lesson/concept- Students pull out a sheet of paper as the teacher
puts on music in the background. It could be a song from the soundtrack of Jaws or it
may be mostly nature noises with soft instruments playing. The students will then
begin to write a story for what they are hearing. They will be given ten to fifteen
minutes to finish their creative writing assignments. Then they will pair up and read
their stories aloud. Students will then discuss with their partners some similarities
they had in their stories. Then, as a group they will share out and we will discuss
how the song made them feel and how that affected their writing.
Music Content Standards Addressed- Listen to, Analyze, Describe Music 1.5 Describe
the way in which sound is produced on various instruments. Derive Meaning 4.3
Describe how specific musical elements communicate particular ideas or moods in
Objectives of Lesson- Students will understand how elements of music effect mood
and feelings one gets from songs.
Adaptations for two different types of students- Offer to play the song again for
students who may like to hear it a second time to enhance their writing and make
sure they understand it. Call on students who are not participating voluntarily in the
group discussion since it is being used as the assessment.
Lesson Assessment- Students will be assessed by their contributions to the group
conversation, showing a valid understanding of how different elements of music add
to mood and make you feel.

Grade Level- 4th
Brief description of lesson/concept- Eight glasses of water will be filled with varying
amounts of water, ranging from fully filled (1/1) to only 1/8 filled. Students will be
asked if they think the glasses will make the same noise when tapped with a spoon.
They will then be asked which will make the highest and lowest noises. Students
will then get into groups of four and take turns tapping the glasses to hear the
different sounds they make. Students will then create a sequence using the fractions
on the cups and play their newly created song. When finished, students will add
their fractions together to discover what number they equal when summed.

Music Content Standards Addressed- Compose, Arrange, and Improvise 2.3

Compose and improvise simple rhythmic and melodic patterns on classroom
Objectives of Lesson- Students will understand why different sounds are produced
from each glass and what pitch is.
Adaptations for two different types of students- Allow students who struggle with
math and/or fractions to use fraction cubes as a learning tool to help them
understand fractions better through a tactile sense.
Lesson Assessment- My lesson assessment will ask close-ended questions that I will
ask the groups. I will ask what pitch is. I will ask why the glasses made different
sounds. Then, I will ask again which was the lowest and which was the highest, and
if their hypothesis was correct.

Grade Level- 6th
Brief description of lesson/concept- Students will learn about different instruments
in an orchestra. They then listen to an orchestral piece and take each instrument to
represent a species in the ecosystem. Students discuss what will happen if too many
species are removed or added to the ecosystem, as well as what will happen if
instruments are taken away or added to the orchestra. Students will then discuss in
groups, the negative or positive effects of these changes and how these two
examples overlap with similarities.
Music Content Standards Addressed- Connections and Applications 5.1 Describe
how knowledge of music connects to learning in other subject areas.
Objectives of Lesson- Students understand an orchestra and the different
instruments played in it, as well as understanding what happens when two few or
too many instruments are used and why there is a balance.
Adaptations for two different types of students- Provide online orchestra resources
for students to learn more or to help them better understand what an orchestra is.
Allowing visual learners to watch videos of orchestras playing.
Lesson Assessment- Students will write a summary paragraph answering questions
that will be turned in to look for comprehension. The paragraph will be based on
What happens when too few or too many instruments are added to the orchestra
and species are added to the ecosystem? Name three instruments used in an
orchestra and the groups they belong to.

Social Studies:
Grade Level- 4th
Brief description of lesson/concept- This lesson delves into the history of Latin
music. I will begin by asking if anyone already knows anything about Latin music. I
will discuss the origin of the maracas within Latin music. Students will be split into
groups to do more extensive research on the origins of maracas. They must find at
least three different sources and write a summary on maracas. Once completed,
students then will get to create their own maracas and see what music they can
make with their group. I will also play Latin music in the background as students
create their instruments.
Music Content Standards Addressed- Diversity of Music 3.2 Identify music from
diverse cultures and time periods. 3.3 Sing and play music from diverse cultures and
time periods.
Objectives of Lesson- Students will be able to research and find sources, as well as
understand the history of maracas.
Adaptations for two different types of students- If students would like to use a
family member as a source, if they are Latin-American, they may, if there is some
insight to be offered. Allow periods where students will have extra time to work on
Lesson Assessment- I will create a rubric for the written paper scoring students on
how many sources they have, content and information, and creativity.

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