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I/A Series System

The MESH Control Network
System Planning and Sizing
December 15, 2004
Invensys, Foxboro, FoxCAE, FoxPanels, FoxView, and I/A Series are trademarks of Invensys plc, its
subsidiaries, and affiliates.
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright 2004 Invensys Systems, Inc.

All rights reserved


Before using the Invensys Systems, Inc. supplied software supported by this documentation, you
should read and understand the following information concerning copyrighted software.
1. The license provisions in the software license for your system govern your obligations
and usage rights to the software described in this documentation. If any portion of
those license provisions is violated, Invensys Systems, Inc. will no longer provide you
with support services and assumes no further responsibilities for your system or its
2. All software issued by Invensys Systems, Inc. and copies of the software that you are
specifically permitted to make, are protected in accordance with Federal copyright
laws. It is illegal to make copies of any software media provided to you by
Invensys Systems, Inc. for any purpose other than those purposes mentioned in the
software license.
Tables...................................................................................................................................... v

Preface................................................................................................................................... vii
Purpose ................................................................................................................................... vii
Who This Document Is For .................................................................................................... vii
What You Should Know ......................................................................................................... vii
Revision Information .............................................................................................................. vii
Reference Documents ............................................................................................................. vii
Glossary ................................................................................................................................. viii

1. Overview ........................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
Accessing Spreadsheets .............................................................................................................. 2
Accessing Spreadsheets from the Electronic Documentation CD-ROM ............................... 2

2. System Planning................................................................................................................ 3
Workstations ............................................................................................................................. 3
Virus Scanning ..................................................................................................................... 3
SMONS ............................................................................................................................... 4
OS Configurable Parameters ................................................................................................ 4
FoxView ............................................................................................................................... 6
Alarming .............................................................................................................................. 8
Historians ............................................................................................................................. 8
Printers ............................................................................................................................... 10
Application Object Services ................................................................................................ 10
Applications ....................................................................................................................... 11
Control ................................................................................................................................... 11
Alarming ............................................................................................................................ 12
Control Distribution .......................................................................................................... 12
Peer-to-Peer Relationships .................................................................................................. 13
OM Scan Load ................................................................................................................... 13
Control Processor Load Analysis ........................................................................................ 13
Block Processing Cycle ....................................................................................................... 14
Running with 100 ms and 50 ms Block Processing Cycle (BPC) ................................... 14
Phasing .......................................................................................................................... 14
I/O Points ............................................................................................................................... 14
Network .................................................................................................................................. 15

B0700AX Rev B Contents

3. System Sizing .................................................................................................................. 17

Workstations ........................................................................................................................... 17
Workstation Summary Worksheet ..................................................................................... 17
Control Processors .................................................................................................................. 20
Maximum Loading Table ................................................................................................... 20

Index .................................................................................................................................... 23

3-1. Workstation Specification ........................................................................................... 17
3-2. Workstation Summary Worksheet .............................................................................. 18
3-3. Alarm Manager Worksheet ......................................................................................... 18
3-4. Number Alarm Managers (Local and Remote) ............................................................ 19
3-5. FoxView Worksheet .................................................................................................... 19
3-6. AIM*Historian Worksheet .......................................................................................... 20
3-7. Loading Summary (% of BPC) ................................................................................... 21
3-8. Station Free Memory (Bytes) ...................................................................................... 21
3-9. Sink Peer-to-Peer Status .............................................................................................. 21
3-10. Resource Table ............................................................................................................ 21

B0700AX Rev B Tables


The purpose of this document is to provide system planning and sizing guidelines for I/A Series
Mesh control network systems for Release Version 8.0.

Who This Document Is For

This document is intended to be used by engineering, applications, plant management, and other
qualified and authorized personnel involved in the planning and sizing of their I/A Series Mesh
control network system. It is also suitable for Invensys personnel.

What You Should Know

Prior to using this document, you should be familiar with I/A Series process control principles
and strategies. Detailed information relating to the various I/A Series software and hardware ele-
ments is found in the reference documents listed below.
You should also be familiar with Microsoft Excel operating principles and procedures prior to
using spreadsheets.

Revision Information
This is the second release of this document.

Reference Documents
The following documents provide additional and related information.
Application Object Services Users Guide (B0400BZ)
Alarm and Display Manager Configurator (ADMC) (B0700AM)
Control Processor 70 (CP70) Integrated Control Software Concepts (B0700AG)
Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook
Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) Users Guide (B0700AR)
Field Device System Integrator (FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH)
FOUNDATION fieldbus Users Guide for the Redundant FBM228 Interface
FoxAPI Users Guide (B0193UD)
FoxView Software (B0700BD)
Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model P92*C Workstation (PW360)

B0700AX Rev B Preface

Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model P92*D Workstation (PW370)
I/A Series Information Suite AIM*Historian Users Guide (B0193YL)
Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX)
Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV)
Object Manager Calls (B0193BC)
System Administration Guide (Windows XP Operating System) (B0400HE)
The MESH Control Network Architecture Guide (B0700AZ)
V8.0.1 Operational Recommendations (B0700RH)
Workstation Alarm Management (B0700AT)
Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) Users Guide (B0700AN)
Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook


Expression Meaning
AMS Alarm Management System
AIM*API AIM* Product Line Application Programming Interface
AIM*Historian AIM*API application that collects I/A Objects.
AO API The Application Object API that is part of the OM and is used by AOS to
access (e.g., create, locate) AOs.
AO Objects The hierarchically named objects created and managed by either the Applica-
tion Object Services (AOS) or by the AO API on an OM station. They are
similar to CIO compounds, blocks, and parameters but provide increased
flexibility. You define the data parameters, attributes, and so forth.
API Application Programming Interface.
CIO Control & Input/Output.
CIO Objects The hierarchically named process control and input/output objects created
through the control configurator and managed by the control software. CIO
objects take the form compound:block.parm or compound.parm.
CP Control Processor. The control processor performs any mix of integrated
first-level automation functions such as continuous, sequential, or discreet
logic functions.
FCP270 Field Control Processor 270
FDSI Field Device System Integrator
I/A Objects The set of AO, CIO, and OM objects on I/A Series systems for which the
OM provides applications with OM Services.
I/A Series Intelligent Automation Series
I/O Input/Output

Preface B0700AX Rev B

Expression Meaning
IPC Inter-Process Communications: a proprietary, Foxboro communications
layer for applications.
IPC Connec- When two applications in different stations require a permanent connection
tion between them, an IPC connection is formed. The number of IPC connec-
tions is fixed based on station type except on workstations where it is an OS
configurable parameter. The OM uses one IPC connection for each station
to station change-driven data access regardless of how many applications
open lists on a station.
Nucleus Plus An embedded real-time operating system that is used on the FCP270 and
ZCP270 control stations
OM Object Manager: a proprietary, Foxboro OS extension that supports data
access to I/A objects.
OM API The Object Manager API that provides OM Services.
OM List An OM list is a set of points for which an application wants to receive
change-driven data access. These data point can consist of CIO objects, AO
objects, and OM objects that can reside locally or in remote stations. OM
lists can be opened by user applications using FoxAPI or by Foxboro applica-
tions using OM API. When an operator on a workstation brings up a new
display, the connected data points on this display are requested from the sta-
tion containing these points via an OM list. When the AIM*Historian asks
for data collection points, it also uses an OM list. When a CP block has peer-
to-peer block connections, it uses an OM list. While an OM list is open, it
exists in the station that has requested the data (sink side) and a subset of the
list exists in the station that contains remote data (source side).
OM Objects The flat named shared objects created and managed by OM Services, includ-
ing shared objects of the following types: variable, alias, process, device, let-
terbug, and socket.
OM Scanner An OM process that monitors the database of a station and sends data on an
exception basis (change-driven basis) to other stations that have requested the
data. Examples of stations that request change-driven data are CPs (for peer-
to-peer connections) and Workstations (for displays, historians and other
applications). Note that the OM scanner task always sends the change-driven
data to the OM server task of the station that requested the data via an OM
OM Server An OM process that services all OM message requests. This includes change-
driven data updates, get/set requests, object location requests, etc.
OM Services The object manager services used by applications for creating and deleting
the OM objects and locating and accessing the OM objects, the AO objects,
and the CIO objects.

B0700AX Rev B Preface

Expression Meaning
Peer-to-Peer The control block mechanism that uses OM lists to refresh its block inputs
Connection with data from a remote station. That data can be from CIO, OM or AO
objects. For most control strategies peer-to peer connections will be between
CIO objects. The block that requests data is referred to as the sink of the
block connection and the block that has the requested remote data is referred
to as the source of the block connection. A block connection is normally
local to another block that exists in the same CP. However, the full path
name defined for a block parameter may be to a CIO object that is in another
CP. This remote type of connection is referred to as a peer-to-peer block
SMDH System Management Display Handler (Graphical User Interface for Systems
Workstations Stations that connect to bulk storage devices and optimally to information
networks to allow bi-directional information flow. These processors perform
computation intensive functions as well as process file requests from tasks
within themselves or from other stations. They also interface to a CRT and
the input devices associated with it. These may be alphanumeric keyboards,
mice, trackballs, touchscreens, or up to two modular keyboards. Each proces-
sor manages the information on its CRT and exchanges data with other pro-
cessor modules.
ZCP270 Z-Format Control Processor 270

1. Overview
This chapter provides an introduction to the document and the subject of sizing and the sizing
spreadsheets and worksheets.

This document is the top level users guide for planning and sizing an I/A Series Mesh control net-
work. Lower level documents are referenced to provide detailed specific descriptions, suggestions,
and procedures for major areas such as Control, The Mesh control network, and I/O. System
planning is described with respect to the overall performance and sizing of your I/A Series system,
and does not take into consideration factors such as cost, environment, installation, and configu-
ration. These factors are described in sales guidelines, sales tools, and other user documents.
Spreadsheets and worksheets are provided to make a variety of sizing calculations for I/A Series
workstations and control stations. I/A Series sizing spreadsheets are Microsoft Excel applica-
tion software packages that execute on a Windows PC and provide automated calculations based
on user input. Worksheets are provided for manual calculations if spreadsheets are not available.
The spreadsheets and worksheets should be used before final system configuration to expedite the
configuration process and eliminate the need for reconfiguration. They can also be used to assist
in developing a process control strategy that allows for maximum usage of all stations while pro-
viding for expedient throughput for process control blocks.
Planning and sizing The Mesh control network for performance requires you to determine the
distribution of equipment and software to guarantee that the system responds well to user actions,
controls the process in real time, and meets published performance and sizing specifications for
control, alarming, AIM*Historian data collection, and so forth.
This document coupled with the lower level reference documents and the sizing spreadsheets and
worksheets will help you successfully plan and size your system by providing information and data
calculations that answer questions like those listed below:
How many control stations do I need to support the number and type of I/O points
in my system?
How do I distribute my control process load between control stations?
What is the estimated Field Bus Scan Load % for each control station?
What is the estimated Control Block Load % for each control station?
What is the estimated Sequence Block Load % for each control station?
What is the estimated Total Control Cycle Load % for each control station?
What is the estimated control station CPU Load % for each control station needed to
support my AIM*Historian application?
What is the estimated control station CPU Load % needed to support my FoxView
What is the estimated control station CPU Load % needed to support my worksta-
tion applications?

B0700AX Rev B 1. Overview

What is the estimated OM Scan Load % for each control station?

What is the estimated control station Idle Time needed to support sustained alarm
rates, alarm bursts, and alarm destinations?
What is the estimated memory consumption for each control station?
How many peer-to-peer connections can my system support?
Do each control stations sizing estimates exceed the recommended control station
CPU loading guidelines?
Do the default OS configurable parameter settings on my workstations satisfy the
number of connections I need between control stations and workstations?
What is the estimated workstation CPU Load % needed to support my AIM*Histo-
rian application?
What is the estimated workstation CPU Load % needed to support my FoxView
What is the estimated CPU Load % for my workstations and control stations if I
choose to use the default Aprint services for alarm notification?
Do each workstations sizing estimates exceed the recommended workstation CPU
loading guidelines?
What is my estimated network traffic flow and can my network configuration handle
the estimated sustained and peak traffic rates?

Accessing Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets can be accessed on the I/A Series Electronic Documentation CD-ROM, or they can
be ordered over the Internet in iastore. These spreadsheets can be run on any personal computer
that has Microsoft Excel software. You should use the Microsoft Office 97 or later version of
For personal computer hardware and software requirements, refer to documentation for the Excel
spreadsheet. Also, refer to the Excel documentation for general principles of operation.

Accessing Spreadsheets from the Electronic Documentation

To access the spreadsheets on the Foxboro Electronic Documentation CD:
1. Mount the CD on the CD-ROM drive.
2. Install the software.
3. Access the file for the spreadsheet desired.

2. System Planning
This section contains system recommendations and guidelines that you should follow to ensure
your I/A Series system does not exceed published I/A Series performance and sizing
The system planning phase will result in an I/A Series system that provides fast response to user
actions, provides real time control without overruns, handles sustained alarm rates and alarm
bursts, and supports customer applications and data access.
You should be familiar with the various sizing guidelines related to the configuration of a system
prior to system definition/configuration. The Mesh control network no longer requires that you
extensively plan network traffic rates, because the bandwidth usage will typically be less than 2%
on an I/A Series system. System planning, however, requires that you determine the following:
Workstation Loading
Control Station Loading
Distribution of I/O
OS Configurable Parameters.

The general workstation CPU loading guideline is that you should keep the sustained workstation
idle time to at least the recommended value of Reserved CPU Load (40%). Reserved CPU
Load % ensures that the workstation has a reserve performance capacity to support temporary
peak loads for virus scanning, alarm bursts, alarm recovery, historian data reduction, historian
archiving, large application startups, end of shift reports, file printing, file copies, and so forth.
Workstation planning requires you to consider the following:
Virus Scanning
System Monitor configuration
OS Configurable Parameters
FoxView displays
Application Object Services
Customer applications.

Virus Scanning
Virus scan protection is recommended regardless if you have any external network connections,
because the system must still protect against file transfers done from local devices such as 3.5-inch
diskette drives. The Mesh control network requires that you install McAfee Virus Protection
Software V7.1 or later.

B0700AX Rev B 2. System Planning

McAfee full virus protection software typically consumes a sustained CPU Load of <1% and a
peak CPU Load of 10%. McAfee virus protection software, however, contains a file exclusion
protection option that allows you to eliminate virus checking for selected files. Enabling the file
exclusion protection feature can considerably reduce peak load usage and is recommended for all
Because the sustained CPU Load % for virus protection is extremely low and the workstation has
a Reserved CPU Load of 40% that can handle temporary peak loads, the workstation summary
sizing worksheet does not require a separate line entry for virus scanning; virus scan loading is
absorbed in the line entry for Reserved CPU Load %.

System Monitor (SMON) is used to monitor the health of The Mesh control network. SMON
guidelines and recommendations are:
30 SMONS maximum per system
64 stations (includes switches) maximum per SMON
Cross monitoring of workstations.

OS Configurable Parameters
Workstations support OS configurable parameters that enable you to fine tune OS extension
resources for a particular application. These OS configurable parameters consist mainly of Object
Manager shared memory resources. They include:
Number of OM lists for change-driven data access
Number of I/A objects that can be imported to minimize system broadcast messages
Number of OM objects which also supports the number of Application Objects.
Default values have been set for a typical workstation that supports the recommended guidelines
for workstation applications such as FoxView, Alarm Manager, AIM*Historian, and so forth. In
general, you do not need to modify the default settings. The OS configurable parameter usage can
be viewed using the /usr/local/show_params utility.
Below is the table of OS configurable parameters with default and maximum values followed by a
brief description of each parameter and typical I/A Series Mesh usage:

OS Parameter Name Default Value Max Value

OM_NUM_OBJECTS 4000 4000

2. System Planning B0700AX Rev B

Maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by the workstation.
Total number of OM objects that can be created by applications. The number of OM
objects is also used to support the number of Application Objects because they share
OM memory space.
You can use the /opt/fox/bin/tools/som utility to view the OM objects created.
Each FoxView creates 60 OM objects.
Each Alarm Manager Subsystem creates 10 OM objects.
Total number of station connections used by OM Server for change-driven lists. The
number of connections determines how many stations can source data for workstation
displays, AIM*Historian, and user applications.

You can use the /opt/fox/bin/tools/som utility to view OM station connections.
Total number of entries used to save station addresses for I/A objects to minimize
message broadcasts.
You can use the /opt/fox/bin/tools/som utility to view imported I/A object names (for
example, compounds).
Total number of workstation OM lists that can be opened for change-driven data
Each FoxView opens one list per 1-75 display points.
Each AIM*Historian opens (via FoxAPI) one list per 1-255 points sampled.
Each user application opens (via FoxAPI) one list per 1-255 points requested for
change-driven access.
You can use the /opt/fox/bin/tools/som utility to view local OM lists.
Total number of remote OM lists that source data (for example, remote shared vari-
ables) for corresponding local OM lists (for example, FoxView displays) opened on
other workstations.
You can use the /opt/fox/bin/tools/som utility to view remote OM lists on
You can use the /opt/fox/bin/tools/rsom utility to view remote OM lists on control
Maximum number of workstation software processes that register for IPC connected
Typically less than 20 I/A Series processes register for IPC connected services.

B0700AX Rev B 2. System Planning

You can use the /opt/fox/bin/tools/sipc utility to view processes registered for IPC
connected services.
Maximum number of workstation software processes that register for IPC connec-
tionless services.
Typically less than 50 I/A Series processes register for IPC connectionless services.
You can use the /opt/fox/bin/tools/sipc utility to view processes registered for IPC
connectionless services.

In general, FoxView displays affect I/A Series control network systems as follows:
Each FoxView display causes a workstation CPU Load % for updating display points.
Each FoxView display consumes one workstation OM Server connection for every
station that sources display points.
Each FoxView display consumes the following workstation OS configurable
Each FoxView display causes a control station OM Scan Load % based on the num-
ber of display points the control station scans each second and the number of scanner
update messages sent each second.
Each FoxView display causes a control station to consume one OM Scanner connec-
tion for display points it sources.
FoxView display updates are based on the scan rate and the fast scan option configured when
building a display using FoxDraw. The display configurable scan rate (which has a default of 1 s)
applies to all stations sourcing display data and determines how often the source stations scan the
display points and send value changes to the workstation. The fast scan option applies only to
control stations with a BPC of 100 ms or faster that are configured by SysDef for OM fast scan.
The display fast scan option, coupled with a control station configured for OM fast scan, will
cause the control station to scan display points and send value changes to the workstation every
100 ms.
The display default scan rate (1 second) coupled with the display default NO fast scan option
guarantees that changes to data sourced by I/A Series stations appear on a display 1 to 2 seconds
after the value has changed.

It is recommended that you use the FoxView display fast scan option only if you
have control stations running at 100 ms BPC or faster and require a maximum dis-
play screen update rate of 1.0 seconds rather than the default update rate of 1-2 sec-
onds. The fast scan option increases the OM Scan Load on the control station by
ten times.

2. System Planning B0700AX Rev B

A workstation can support 1 to 16 FoxViews and each workstation worksheet calculates a CPU
Load % based on a 200-point display with all display points changing value every scan cycle.
When building FoxView displays, you should consider the following system impacts:
Displays consume workstation OM Server connections equal to the number of sta-
tions that source the display points. If the number of stations sourcing display points
exceeds the number of OM Server connections, the display will not connect to all
source stations and update all the points. The number of OM Server connections is an
OS configurable parameter (OM_NUM_CONNECTIONS) and can be increased to
correct this condition. The OM multiplexes station connections for all OM lists on a
single workstation. The default value (200) should not require you to make any
Displays use one local OM list for each of 1 to 75 display points. The number of OM
local lists is an OS configurable parameter (OM_NUM_LOCAL_OPEN_LISTS).
The default value (100) should not require you to make any modifications.
Displays should contain 200 points maximum to ensure an initial call-up time of less
than 2 seconds.
Displays using the fast scan option increase (by ten times) the control station OM
Scan Load % on OM fast scan control stations for scanning display points it sources.
The source control station scans display points every 100 ms rather than every 1
Displays using the fast scan option increase (by 2.7 times) the workstation CPU Load
% for processing display updates. It causes the OM Server on the workstation to pro-
cess OM Scanner update messages from the control source station at ten times the
default rate. It also causes more FoxView updates to the workstation display.
Displays consume a control station OM Scan Load of 0.07% for each scanner update
message it sends for updating display points it sources. The maximum number of
points per scanner update message is 100.
Displays consume a control station OM Scan Load of 3% per 1,000 points/second
changing every scan cycle.
A 200-point display with the default configuration scan rate (1 second) that has all the
display points sourced by a single control station causes a control station OM Scan
Load % of <1%.
A 200-point display with the default configuration consumes a workstation CPU
Load of 3.0%.
A 200-point display with the display fast scan option that has all display points
sourced by a single OM fast scan control station causes a control station OM Scan
Load % of 8.1%.
A 200-point display with the fast scan option configured consumes a workstation
CPU Load of 8.0%.
If you are configuring displays with the fast scan option, you must consider the num-
ber of FoxView displays that can simultaneously access data from the same control
station. This factor is covered in the OM Scan Loading section of the Control Station

B0700AX Rev B 2. System Planning

The Mesh control network requires that you configure alarm destinations for control station
alarms. APRINT services on each control station sends control process alarm messages to the
Alarm Management Subsystem (AMS) for configured alarm destinations such as workstations,
printers, and AIM*Historian workstations. It sends multiple alarm messages (1 per destination)
for each process alarm occurrence.
When planning alarm handling for your system, you should consider the following:
What is the expected sustained alarm rate (alarms/second) for each controller?
Sustained alarm rate = 5% of the control loops, where the number of control loops =
(blocks per second)/5.
Example: 5000 blocks per second = 1000 control loops.
Sustained alarm rate = 1000 * 5% = 50 alarms per second.
How many alarm destinations do I need for each controller?
How many alarm messages per second do I require for each controller? Alarm mes-
sages per second = sustained alarm rate * alarm destinations
How heavily loaded are my controllers; how much Idle Time is needed to support the
number of alarm messages?
Aprint increases the control station alarming load significantly for each alarm destina-
tion configured. The alarming CPU Load % doubles for 2 destinations, triples for 3,
and so on.
Aprint services on a control station consumes 0.1% Idle Time for each alarm message
generated. For example, the Idle Time needed for 100 alarm messages per second =
100 *0.1% = 10%.
The Alarm Management Services (AMS) on a workstation consumes 2.5% CPU Load
for every 100 alarm messages per second processed.
The AMS base load on a workstation also depends on the number of Alarm Managers
and the refresh rate of each Alarm Manager.

In general, AIM*Historian affects The Mesh control network as follows:
AIM*Historian consumes workstation CPU Load % based on data collection rates,
data reduction, and data archiving.
AIM*Historian consumes workstation Disk Load Time % and physical disk space
based on Real-Time Point (RTP) file sizes.
AIM*Historian consumes control station CPU Load % for OM scanning of data col-
lection points sourced by the control station.
AIM*Historian consumes the following workstation OS configurable parameters:
AIM*Historian consumes one workstation OM Server connection for every station
that sources collection points.

2. System Planning B0700AX Rev B

AIM*Historian causes a control station to consume one OM Scanner connection for

collection points it sources.
The data collection rate determines how much data will be collected in a particular time frame
and is controlled by the following:
Delta specifies the minimum change of a data collection point relative to the previ-
ous collected value. A delta is assigned to each data collection point and should be the
controlling variable for the data collection rate.
Collection Frequency specifies how often the data collection points are scanned for
changes on the stations (for example, control stations) that source the data. AIM*His-
torian supports a slow and fast frequency option. By default, the fast frequency is in
effect, and in most implementations there is little need to switch to the slow fre-
quency. In many cases, making the collection frequency the controlling variable can
be used as a convenient alternative to fine-tuning the individual deltas of data collec-
tion points.
Max Time Between Samples guarantees that a value is placed in the database at least
at the specified interval regardless if the value has changed more than the delta since
the last collection. This parameter can be considered to have the opposite functional-
ity as the Collection Frequency.
Data collection points are combined and collected into RTP files. A new RTP file is started when-
ever the active one becomes full or when the specified Real-Time Retention Time parameter
(RTTIME) has expired. The finished files are eventually repacked, which shrinks their sizes to
about one-third without compression, and by an additional 40% to 60% when compression is
on. Data retrieval is less efficient from a large number of small files when compared to a small
number of large files; however, if the RTP files are too large, performance problems can occur
because RTP files may not comfortably fit into physical memory. Disk activity increases and sys-
tem performance may degrade.
A workstation can support multiple AIM*Historian instances, each capable of collecting 8,000
collection points. When using AIM*Historian software, you should consider the following system
AIM*Historian software consumes an average workstation CPU Load of 2% for data
collections that change at a rate of 1,000 points/second.
AIM*Historian software consumes a workstation CPU Load of 1% for every 1,000
data collection points reduced at a rate 15 minutes.
AIM*Historian software consumes a workstation CPU Load of 5% for every 5,000
data collection points archived at the default rate.
AIM*Historian software consumes workstation OM Server connections based on the
number of stations that source the data collection points. If the number of stations
sourcing the data collection points exceeds the number of OM Server connections,
not all the data will be collected. The number of OM Server connections is an OS
configurable parameter (OM_NUM_CONNECTIONS) and can be increased to
correct this condition. The default value (200) should not require you to make any
modifications. The OM multiplexes station connections for all OM lists on a single

B0700AX Rev B 2. System Planning

AIM*Historian software uses 1 local OM list for each of 1 to 255 data collection
points. The number of OM local lists is an OS configurable parameter
(OM_NUM_LOCAL_OPEN_LISTS) and can be increased if necessary.
AIM*Historian software consumes control station OM Scan Loading of 3% per
1,000 collection points/second changing every scan cycle.
AIM*Historian software consumes a control station OM Scanner connection for each
control station that sources data collection points
The ARCHSIZE parameter controls the size of the RTP files and experience shows
that a good compromise is to configure ARCHSIZE to a value that results in about
one RTP file per day, or very few RTP files per day.
The largest recommended RTP size is estimated to be 1/8 of the physical memory
size. For example, if your computer has 512 MB of RAM, ARCHSIZE should not be
configured greater than 64 MB.
A good value for RTTIME is usually 86,400 seconds (1 day).
Refer to I/A Series Information Suite AIM*Historian Users Guide (B0193YL) for information
regarding the AIM*Historian configuration parameters that you may need to configure based on
your system requirements and constraints. The AIM*Historian Excel spreadsheet HistSize.xls can
be used to estimate the Historian Configuration Parameters.

The workstation sizing spreadsheet entry Reserved CPU Load % has been set to 40% to include
handling printer operations such as system messages and alarm messages. When deciding which
workstations should host local printers, consider the following:
Local printers consume approximately 10% CPU Load for printing alarms.
All alarm printers should be operated in the HSD (High Speed Draft) mode. This
allows the best system performance when printing alarms and documents.
Printing reports has about the same CPU Load % effect as printing alarms when the
alarm rate is 30 alarms/minute or 10% load.

Application Object Services

Application Object Services (AOS) provides hierarchical application objects that are similar to
control objects but are under the control of the user application. When using AOS, consider the
AOS is not a small application. Its size is approximately 25 MB.
AOS uses Object Manager shared memory. Run calcAppSize to determine the correct
size of the OS configurable parameter OM_NUM_OBJECTS.
The workstation CPU Load % is low and optimized, buffered AOA accesses using the
AO API are greater than 10,000 per second on a workstation.
Refer to Application Object Services Users Guide (B0400BZ) for detailed information regarding

2. System Planning B0700AX Rev B

It is the responsibility of the user to determine the system impact of customer application pack-
ages or third-party applications installed on The Mesh control network. Consider the following
when installing application packages on the workstation:
The general workstation CPU Loading guideline is that you should keep the Reserved
Overhead % to at least 40%. This ensures enough reserve capacity to support peak
loads for process upsets, large application startups, end of shift reports, printing, file
copies, and so forth.
Customer applications that access I/A Series data need to estimate the workstation
CPU Load % based on FoxAPI performance guidelines.
Third-party applications specifications for minimal system requirements (for exam-
ple, RAM size) may affect I/A Series applications like AIM*Historian.
The number of application software packages.
The size of user-developed applications and programs.
The frequency of application executions.
Simultaneous application executions.
Minimizing system broadcasts and multicasts.
You can determine the effect an application has on the workstation by using the Windows Perfor-
mance Meter (Programs > Administrator Tools > Performance). The Windows Performance
Meter provides metrics for the system, processor, processes, memory, physical disk, and so forth.
Depending on the number and types of applications being run at the same time, increasing the
workstation memory may improve system performance. Increased memory usually reduces the
amount of paging and swapping to the physical hard disk.

This section presents an overview of the system planning and sizing guidelines required for you to
adequately plan your control strategy on The Mesh control network. Refer to Field Control Proces-
sor 270 (FCP270) Users Guide (B0700AR) and Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) Users
Guide (B0700AN) for detailed specifications regarding the FCP270 and ZCP270 control stations
In general, you must determine the number of control locations desired and properly size each
control station. The key performance measures associated with sizing a control station are:
Making sure the control station has enough execution time to read and write the I/O.
Making sure the control station has enough execution time to execute the installed
function blocks.
Making sure the control station has enough memory to hold the control database and
sequence code.
Making sure the control station has enough Idle Time to send alarm messages to all
configured alarm destinations.
Making sure the control station has enough execution time to scan all data points it
sources for FoxView displays, AIM*Historian, Peer-to-Peer connections, and worksta-
tion application packages.

B0700AX Rev B 2. System Planning

Making sure the control station has enough OM Scanner connections for data it
sources for FoxView displays, AIM*Historian, Peer-to-Peer connections, and worksta-
tion application packages.
Making sure the control station can support the number of scanner update messages it
sends based on the number of OM Scanner connections and the OM scan rate. Each
scanner update message takes an OM Scan Load of 0.07%. The OM scanner update
messages are per list with a maximum of 100 scan points per message. An application
that opens a list of 225 points can require 3 update messages per scan cycle if the list
points change every scan cycle. A control station scanning at the fast scan option rate
of 100 ms sends ten times the number of scanner update messages it would send if it
scanned at 1 second.
Making sure the control station has enough OM Server connections for peer-to-peer
sink data.
Refer to FCP270 Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook (B0700AV) and ZCP270 Sizing Guide-
lines and Excel Workbook (B0700AW) for detailed operations on sizing the FCP270 and ZCP270
control stations respectively.

Alarms and status messages are generated by an Alarm block or by alarm options in selected
blocks. Consider the following:
Number of points with alarm indication
Priority of alarms
Criticality of alarms within each compound
Devices and applications to be notified of process alarms
Use of the compound alarm inhibit parameter
Frequency of alarms.
The frequency of spontaneous alarms impacts the devices configured to be notified of alarms,
communication traffic on the network, and operator responsiveness. Alarming strategies include:
Providing a significant delta to eliminate nuisance alarming caused by the process
drifting in and out of alarm when it is near a high or low limit
Using the compound alarm inhibit function to eliminate alarms on a priority level

Control Distribution
Distribution of the various control schemes among the process control hardware, control proces-
sors and Fieldbus Modules, require you to consider the following:
CP storage memory required
CP compound or block throughput
Interprocess communication (IPC) connections
Peer-to-peer relationships
FBMs supported per CP.

2. System Planning B0700AX Rev B

Peer-to-Peer Relationships
Peer-to-peer connections between stations are established when a compound:block.parameter in a
source (supplier of data) station is connected to a compound:block.parameter in a sink (receiver
of data) station. An IPC connection is formed in each station. Multiple peer-to-peer connections
between two stations result in only one IPC connection for each station.
Peer-to-peer supports the following:
7500 sink points
100 OM Scanner connections for source points
30 OM Server connections for sink points.

OM Scan Load
The OM Scan Load % is based on the following:
The number of data points scanned/second: 3% per 1000 points scanned/second.
The number of scanner update messages sent each second for OM list updates: 0.07%
per message/second.

The examples below assume all points being scanned change every scan cycle by more
than the specified delta, and thus require scan update messages.

Example #1 (Application lists 25 lists, each 200 points at 1 second)

OM Scan Load = 5,000 points/second (15.0%) + 50 messages/second (3.5%) = 18.5%

A 200-point display is 3 lists (75, 75, 50) = 3 update messages.

Example #2 (FoxView Displays 10 200-point displays at 1 second)

OM Scan Load = 2,000 points/second (6.0%) + 30 messages/second (2.1%) = 8.1%

Example #3 (FoxView Displays 6 200-point displays at fast scan rate)

OM Scan Load = 12,000 points/second (36.0%) + 180 messages/second (12.6%) = 48.6%

Example #4 (FoxView Displays 100 10-point displays at 1 second scan rate)

OM Scan Load = 1,000 points/second (3.0%) + 100 messages/second (7.0%) = 10.0%

Example #5 (FoxView Displays 100 10-point displays at fast scan rate)

OM Scan Load = 10,000 points/second (30.0%) + 1,000 messages/second (70.0%) = 100.0%

Example #6 (Peer-to-Peer 20 150-point lists at 0.5 seconds)

OM Scan Load = 6,000 points/second (18.0%) + 80 messages/second (5.6%) = 23.6%

Control Processor Load Analysis

The estimated number of CPs required is based on:

B0700AX Rev B 2. System Planning

Number of FBMs required (both remote and local)

Number and type of control loops consisting of compounds of related blocks which
perform a single control scheme
Scan rate per block and compound
CP storage memory capacity
CP throughput based on scan rates and block value point counts
Need for fault-tolerant CPs for critical processes
IPC connections available per CP (supporting various application requests for values)
Peer-to-peer connections (affecting CP storage memory and IPC connections).

Block Processing Cycle

Running with 100 ms and 50 ms Block Processing Cycle (BPC)
It is important to consider the number of blocks to be scanned within a compound and the num-
ber of compounds to be scanned per control station. Control station processing throughput per
second is dependent upon control station type; however, some control blocks count as more than
one block and FBM equipment control blocks (ECBs) must be factored in as well. An ECB is a
software block created for FBM data storage and is scanned at the fastest scan rate assigned to any
control block connected to any point on the FBM.
Careful planning is necessary to prevent control blocks or compounds from being unable to pro-
cess within a single scan cycle.


Be careful when phasing! Putting blocks at different phases in the same control loop
introduces deadtime into that loop that can severely degrade control.

Phasing of blocks, which is the staggering of scan periods, should be used to prevent block proces-
sor overload. Refer to Control Processor 70 (CP70) Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0700AG) before attempting to phase a station.

I/O Points
The control station user guides and control station spreadsheets provide recommendations and
sizing guidelines for the following I/O:
Legacy (100 and 200 Series) FBMs
FOUNDATION fieldbus (FF)

2. System Planning B0700AX Rev B

Normally, understanding the details of the network traffic flow is an important part of planning
and implementing a mesh network. A reasonable qualitative analysis of traffic profiles can be
obtained without performing a rigorous quantitative analysis. To achieve this, a reasonable esti-
mate must be made. Normally, the designer needs to know:
What the traffic characteristics are (traffic volume and rates)?

Device throughput
What devices are talking to each other (the traffic flows across the network)?
The physical and logical location of all these devices
What the traffic volumes are by device type and/or technology?
peak and average sustained load
packet/frame size
What is the network percent capacity used?
How much of the bandwidth is being used?
Is there any evidence of network congestion?
number of packet discards
error rates
traffic overhead.
If you do not adequately understand these traffic flows, you can end up with a slow or non-work-
ing network. Answering these basic questions and performing some planning allows for a nice
load balanced redundant system.
The following I/A Series functionality contributes to the network traffic rate:
FoxView display updates
AIM*Historian data collection
Alarming messages to Alarm Managers, Printers, and Historians
Application Packages change-driven data access and get/set operations.
However, the network traffic rates for The Mesh control network is not a gating issue because typ-
ical traffic rate calculations for the above I/A Series functionality typically yield a network band-
width utilization of <2%. Traffic rates need to be considered only in the case of third-party
applications or user applications that generate high packet rates.
Workstation to workstation operations, such as copying extremely large files, can result in a tem-
porary high bandwidth usage up to 50% of the network. These types of operations also need to be
Refer to The MESH Control Network Architecture Guide (B0700AZ) for configuring The Mesh.

B0700AX Rev B 2. System Planning

3. System Sizing
The following sections present sizing information for workstations, control stations, and I/O
points. All data values presented in tables and worksheets have been rounded to one decimal

Below is the initial Workstation Specification table for the V8.0 I/A Series Mesh control network.
The performance and sizing metrics are based on these workstation specifications and thus the
workstation worksheet CPU factor is 1.0.

Table 3-1. Workstation Specification

Description Value
System Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002
Computer Pentium 4 CPU 2.20 GHz
512 MB of RAM
Hard Disk Drives XP (C:) 7.80 GB
IA (D:) 26.1 GB
Workstation CPU Factor 1.0

Workstation Summary Worksheet

This section contains a workstation summary worksheet that totals the CPU Load % for the
workstation based on the detailed worksheets that follow (for example, FoxView, AIM*Histo-
rian). The CPU Load % may not exceed 100%; otherwise, you must eliminate selected applica-
tions or transfer them to another workstation.
First, calculate the CPU Load % for each of the detailed worksheets that follow and then enter
their corresponding values into the summary worksheet below. Entries for Base CPU Load and
Reserved CPU Load are fixed values and are already entered in the Workstation Summary Work-
sheet. The Total CPU Load % is multiplied by the Workstation Factor to normalize the worksta-
tion CPU Load % based on the current workstation specifications (RAM, CPU, and so forth)
versus the workstation specifications used for the initial performance metrics.

B0700AX Rev B 3. System Sizing

Table 3-2. Workstation Summary Worksheet

Description Value (%)

1) Base I/A Series CPU Load 2.0
2) Reserved CPU Load 40.0
3) Alarm Manager
4) FoxView
5) AIM*Historian
6) Application Object Services
7) Customer Application Packages
8) Third-Party Applications

9) Relative Total CPU Load % (sum of items 1-8 above)

10) Actual Total CPU Load % = Relative CPU Load
(item 9 above) * Workstation CPU Factor

Table 3-3. Alarm Manager Worksheet

Description Value (%)

1) Number of alarm messages per second from Aprint
Services for all CPs
Example: 200 alarms/second
2) Workstation CPU load = 2.5% for every 100 alarms/
second (from item number 1 above)
Example: 2.5% * (200/100) = 5.0%
3) Base load for Number Alarm Managers (use Number
Alarm Managers table below)
4) CPU Load for Matching and Filtering (per Alarm Manager)
CPU Load % = 0.2% * (Number of Matches/Filters) *
(Number of Alarm Managers)
Example: 5 matches for 3 Alarm Managers
CPU Load = 0.2% * 5 * 3 = 3.0%

5) Total CPU Load % = sum of items 2, 3, and 4 above

The Sustained Alarm Rate measures the time to process the alarm message traffic
and is independent of the AST refresh rate.

3. System Sizing B0700AX Rev B

Table 3-4. Number Alarm Managers (Local and Remote)

# Alarm AST Refresh CPU Load % CPU Load % CPU Load % CPU Load %
Managers Rate 1K Database 5K Database 10K Database 32K Database
1 3.0 seconds 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4
5 3.0 seconds 0.2 0.2 0.4 1.0
10 3.0 seconds 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.7
15 3.0 seconds 0.2 0.7 1.0 2.2
20 3.0 seconds 0.2 0.7 1.0 3.0
25 3.0 seconds 0.2 0.8 1.5 3.5

1. The Number Alarm Managers table measures the time to process alarm changes and is
dependent on the AST refresh rate and independent of the sustained alarm rate, as
long as at least one alarm changes per refresh cycle.
2. CPU load is linear based on AST refresh rate. CPU Load formula is based on refresh
rate in table entry lookup. CPU Load % = (AST 3.0 second table entry) * (default
refresh rate/actual refresh rate)
Example: 1 AM at default 3.0 second refresh rate for 32K database = 0.4 * 1 = 0.4%.
Example: 25 AMs at 0.5 second refresh rate for 32K database = 3.5 * 6 = 21%.

Table 3-5. FoxView Worksheet

Description Value (%)

1) Number of FoxViews using only displays with default
configuration values at 3.0% per FoxView
2) Number of FoxViews using any displays with Fast Scan
Option at 8.0% per FoxView

3) Total CPU Load % = sum of items 1 and 2 above

Total CPU Load % is sum of FoxView loads.

B0700AX Rev B 3. System Sizing

Table 3-6. AIM*Historian Worksheet

Description Value (%)

1) CPU Load for data collection change rate
(2% per 1000 points/second)
2) CPU Load for data reduction
(1% per 1000 points, rate 15 minutes)
3) CPU Load for data archiving
(5% per 5000 points at a default rate)

4) Total CPU Load % = item number 1.

Note: Items 2 and 3 are encapsulated in the
workstation reserve CPU load of 40%.

1. Compute configured data collection rate.
1000 points at 0.5 seconds = 2000 points/second
1000 points at 1.0 seconds = 1000 points/second
1000 points at 10.0 seconds = 100 points/second
Configured data collection change rate = 3100 points/second.
2. Calculate data collection change rate ( the points changing).
= (configured data collection rate) * (% of points changing)
= (3100 points/second) * (0.5)
= 1550 points/second.
3. Calculate CPU Load for data collection change rate.
CPU Load = (data collection change rate / 1000) * CPU Load for
= (1550/1000) * 2.0
= 1.5 * 2 = 3%.

Control Processors
Maximum Loading Table
Invensys Foxboro does not recommend exceeding any of the following maximums (in any phase
where applicable). The control station is considered to be fully loaded with respect to that param-
eter when this upper limit is reached. This ensures that adequate time remains for functions that
are above and beyond the routine processing load such as checkpointing, alarm message handling,
display call-up, and so forth.

3. System Sizing B0700AX Rev B

Table 3-7. Loading Summary (% of BPC)

Station Block Field FCP270 ZCP270

Maximum % for Fieldbus Scan 60.0 60.0
Maximum % for Control Blocks 70.0 70.0
Maximum % for Sequence Blocks 70.0 70.0
Maximum % for Control Blocks + Sequence Blocks 70.0 70.0
Maximum % for Total Control Cycle 90.0 90.0
Maximum % for OM Scan Load 36.0 36.0
(Maximum value for scanning 12,000 points/second)
Minimum % for Station Idle Time 10.0 10.0
(Note: May need to be increased based on sustained alarm rates
and alarm destinations.)

Notes on Station Block display:

1. You can check the Control Loading for the last 10 block processing cycles (BPCs) by
selecting Control Loading which also displays the number of control overruns.
2. You can check the OM Scanner Loading for the last 12 BPC cycles by selecting OM
Scanner Loading which also displays the number of scanner overruns.

Table 3-8. Station Free Memory (Bytes)

Station Block Field FCP270 ZCP270

Largest Seg 64K 64K
Total Free 350,000 350,000

Table 3-9. Sink Peer-to-Peer Status

Station Block Field FCP270 ZCP270

Total sink points 7500 7500
OM sink connections 30 30
OM source connections 100 100

Table 3-10. Resource Table

Blocks User OM Initialized IPC

Hardware Per Block Database Scanner OM Station Connec-
Resources Second Names Size Capacity Lists Memory tions
FCP270 10,000 4000 2600KB 12,000 50 3200KB 51
ZCP270 10,000 4000 2600KB 12,000 50 3200KB 51

B0700AX Rev B 3. System Sizing

OM Scanner Points is the capacity of the OM scanner database. The control station CPU
Load is 3% for a change rate of 1000 points/second. A change rate of the entire OM scan-
ner database is 12,000 points/second and yields an OM Scan Load of 36%.

AIM*Historian software viii, 8
CPU load 8, 9
disk load time 8
OM scan loading 10
OM scanner connections 9, 10
OM server connections 8
RTP file size (ARCHSIZE) 10
worksheet 20
workstation summary worksheet 18
Alarm Manager software 8, 18
worksheet 18
Alarming in control stations 12
Alarming software 8
AMS. See also Alarm Manager software
AOS software 10
CPU load 10
number of objects 10
workstation summary worksheet 18
Application Object Services. See also AOS
CPU load 11
performance meter 11
planning 11
third-party 15
third-party and customer 11
workstation summary worksheet 18

Block processing cycle (BPC) 14

Control distribution 12
Control stations viii
alarming 12
estimating number of control stations required 13
execution time 11
load analysis 13

B0700AX Rev B Index

maximum loading table 20

memory 11
OM scan load 12
OM scanner connections 12
OM server connections 12
planning 11
CP. See also Control stations
CPU load
AIM*Historian 8, 9
AOS 10
applications 11
displays 7
FoxView 6
printers 10
reserved 3
virus scanning software 4
worksheet calculations 17
workstation summary worksheet 18
workstations 17

Disk load time
AIM*Historian software 8
CPU load 7
Distribution of control 12
Documents for reference vii

Fast scan option 6
Foundation fieldbus 14
legacy 14
Modbus 14
Profibus 14
FCP270 viii
FDSI viii, 14
Field device system integrator. See also FDSI
Foundation fieldbus FBMs 14
FoxView software 6
CPU load 6
display guidelines and resource usage 7
OM scan load 6
scan rates 6
worksheet 19
workstation summary worksheet 18

Index B0700AX Rev B

High speed draft mode 10
Historian software 8

I/O points 14
Inter-process communications. See also IPC
IPC ix
connected services 5
connectionless services 6
IPC connections ix, 13, 14

Legacy FBMs 14
control stations 11, 13, 20
workstation 3
Loading summary (% of BPC) worksheet 21

Maximum loading table 20
McAfee virus scanning software 3
Memory 21
Mesh. See also The Mesh control network
Modbus FBMs 14

bandwidth utilization 15
planning 15
traffic flow 15
Number of Alarm Managers worksheet 19

Object Manager. See also OM
OM ix
API ix
List ix
lists 4
number of connections 5, 7
number of entries 5
number of objects 5, 10

B0700AX Rev B Index

number of open lists 5, 7, 10

number of processes that register for IPC 5
number of processes that register for IPC connectionless 6
number of remote lists 5
objects ix
OS configurable parameters 4
scanner ix
server ix
server connections 5
services ix
OM scan load 2, 13
AIM*Historian software 10
control stations 12
application lists 13
FoxView displays 13
peer-to-peer 13
FoxView software 6, 7
OM scanner connections
AIM*Historian software 9, 10
control stations 12
FoxView software 6
OM server connections
AIM*Historian software 8, 9
control stations 12
FoxView software 6, 7
AIM*Historian software 8, 9
FoxView software 6, 7
AIM*Historian software 8, 10
FoxView software 6, 7
AOS 10
FoxView software 6
OS configurable parameters 4
default and maximum values 4

Peer-to-peer connections x, 12, 14
increasing 11
planning and sizing The Mesh control network 1
Phasing 14
Planning 3
AIM*Historian software 8
alarming software 8

Index B0700AX Rev B

AOS 10
applications 11
BPC 14
control distribution 12
control stations 11
FoxView software 6
I/O points 14
OM scan load 13
OS configurable parameters 4
phasing 14
printers 10
System Monitor (SMON) 4
The Mesh control network 15
workstations 3
planning 10
reserved CPU load 10
Profibus FBMs 14

increasing 11
Reference documents vii
Reserved CPU load 3
Resource table worksheet 21

Scan rates
default 6
fast scan option 6
show_params 4
Sink peer-to-peer status worksheet 21
control stations 20
workstations 17
som 5
Specifications 17
from electronic documentation CD-ROM 2
Station block display 21
Station free memory worksheet 21
Summary worksheet 17
System Management Display Handler. See also SMDH
System monitor (SMON) 4
System planning 3
requirements 3

B0700AX Rev B Index

System sizing 17

The Mesh control network 1, 15
configuration and references 15
planning and sizing for performance 1
workstation specifications 17
Third-party applications 15
workstation summary worksheet 18

Virus scanning 3

Windows operating system 1, 17
Windows performance meter 11
AIM*Historian 20
Alarm Manger 18
FoxView 19
Loading Summary (% of BPC) 21
Number of Alarm Managers 19
Resource Table 21
Sink Peer-to-Peer Status 21
Station Memory Free 21
Workstation Summary 17
Workstations x
CPU factor 17
planning 3
sizing 17
specifications 17
summary worksheet 17

ZCP270 x

33 Commercial Street
Foxboro, Massachusetts 02035-2099
United States of America
Inside U.S.: 1-866-746-6477
Outside U.S.: 1-508-549-2424 or contact your local Foxboro representative.
Facsimile: 1-508-549-4999
Printed in U.S.A. 1204

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